After June got mad at me I didn’t see her for about two years although I
fanaticized about her a lot. Then one day I answered my phone and who
should be calling but June!! She told me that she had just gotten a new
computer and that she needed some help getting it set up and mastering
the word …
Tag: oral
I’d just finished my dinner and returned to my truck. It had
been a long day with over 1000 miles of driving, and I was
looking forward to some
time alone in the cab with my porn. But just when I was starting
to settle down I heard a knock on the door.
There was a 18yo girl at the …
Read More →“God, your dad is so hot.” Nikki sighed in the dark and I giggled. “It
isn’t funny.”
“You always say that.” I shimmied my shoulders a little, getting more
We were sharing my bed, like we’d done a gazillion times before and it
was really just made for one person. Nikki and I were small anyway
though and besides …
Things went from bad to intolerable when corporate decided to combine
two big offices into one small building. A fucking strip-mall
storefront no less. Could you get any tackier than that?
Diane ran the whole show now. And it was driving her mad. The place
was pure chaos. Her employees hated her and why not? She was the boss
from …
A dozen candles gave a warm, soft light to her
bedroom. A gentle breeze blew in through the open
window, billowing the sheer curtains and making the
flames flicker. Naked, she stood in front of the
window and drew the curtains open wide. She leaned
against the windowsill, relishing the feel of the cool
night air caressing her naked flesh. …
I was on my period, the first day when I saw Roxanne. She was older
than my 20 years, old enough to be my mother perhaps? But truthfully
that doesn’t really matter. I find older women much more attractive
than girls my own age and Roxanne was certainly no exception.
We were in the locker room of a small health …
Read More →I almost slipped on the bottom rung of the ladder climbing off the
roof. It had taken me almost two hours in the sweltering summer sun to
get the new satelite dish properly secured and aligned. Why this
customer needed to have the POS system installed today was beyond me,
the store wasn’t even scheduled to open for another three …
Sasha wandered home through the park, it was late and the sun was almost
setting, it had been four weeks since she and Troy had met behind the bike
shed and they had met secretly at least once every second day since then.
Troy was so gentle with her, they had made love quite a few times now and
their …
Maureen was helping to tell Sherry’s story when I ate her pussy, so I
figured that Maureen could keep on doing that, telling their shared
story, while she was getting her pussy eaten.
If she could tell Sherry’s story and hers, and Sherry had pretty much
told most of her own side, then …
“Sherry, how about you do it …
Read More →Monday:
Jeff said, “Thanks for coming over. I think I’m doing something
wrong. Can you help me?”
“Sure,” Carol replied, “What’s going on?”
“When I try to import a new document into the system, I’m getting
this weird error message. I’m not sure what it means.”
“Let’s take a look. Oh, I see what that is. You aren’t doing anything…
Read More → She was sitting in the sand, looking out toward the end of the jetty. The
waves were huge, frothing up as they swept down the breakwater. The beach was
crowded with people, busy walking and running up and down the beach and it was
only five-thirty. She had just finished her three laps of the beach and was
perspiring freely. …
The approach shot was long, straight and hard. Hitting a golf ball takes very
little physical effort but a lot of concentration. The ball grabbed hard and
really sucked back. Dave MacDonald was left with a four-foot birdie putt here on
the eighteenth hole to shoot 69 and set up a possible victory in the first
tournament of the year …
As I lay in bed after my first orgasm ever, plus especially since it
was my friend next to me on the bed. I was speechless for one of the
few times in my life. I had no clue what to say. “Thanks for the
orgasm”, somehow that just didn’t seem fitting. As it turned out I
didn’t have to …
Suck me, Alisha!!! Deep-throat me!!! Eat my cream!!!!” I hollered, and, her sweet pussy spasmed.
The following story is true. Names might be changed,…but,…this
did happen to me when I was 19.
I was out of school, but, I had heard there was a gal in senior
class who had a reputation for being “fast and loose.” She also got…
My name is Amie, and I’d like to say I’m your average all-American teen, but I’m not. At you might say I’m sexy as hell, with a body that will make anyone get wet. I have spectacular breasts, and I love to walk with my chest pushed out, like I’m clearing the way as I walk for everyone to stand …
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