Tag: anal

Aritficially Enhanced Life Form – The Analbot
By: Date: 2024.07.23. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

Dr Zeta Hallsmith was a relatively ordinary looking woman; her dark hair
seemed permanently pulled back harshly and knotted at the nape of her neck
and she wore thick-rimmed glasses that accentuated her pointed face and thin
lips. She had never had the inclination for the finer comforts of other
women; her life was her work, which unfortunately left little …

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Learning My Safeword (M+/f, BDSM, humor)
By: Date: 2024.06.28. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

The Y2K Bug and the surrounding hullabaloo is remembered by people in
different ways. For me it simply puts a date, New Year’s Eve 2000,
which would mark a transitional point from quiet, ordinary “normal”
person with “unusual” secret desires to the beginning of the road to
the person I am today.

I’m going to skip over the first six …

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Sex and Taxes
By: Date: 2024.05.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

Some guys would have let Anne slide, but I knew Joe wouldn’t. As I calculated
their household expenses in preparation of their tax return, it became obvious
why Joe hadn’t been able to get his beloved Panhead chopper back on the road.

“Anne, what’s this $327 Visa charge from August?”

She frowned, then examined the reciept I handed to her. …

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My husband will love to find out what it feels like in your rear
By: Date: 2024.05.07. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , ,

“You heard about Nancy Jenson, didn’t you?” I was out raking our front
yard and our neighbor Diane was talking to me. I hadn’t known she was
acquainted with Nancy Jenson and briefly wondered whether she was
talking about the one that I knew.

“You know Nancy?” I finally asked.

“Yes. You heard that she and her husband are separating, …

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Kinky College – Surprise Anal Sex Week
By: Date: 2024.02.11. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

“Ugh! Surprise Anal Sex Week is so annoying!” Betty said as she adjusted her eyeliner in the bathroom mirror. Her brown hair curled just slightly at her smooth bare shoulders and her hourglass figure was completely visible thanks to her bikini top and denim shorts.

“I know, right? I mean, just how many times am I going to get a …

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It was such a great pleasure to slowly sink my cock into Linda’s tight ass
By: Date: 2024.02.02. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

After repairing grammatical and lexical and logical faults in the text
and e-mailing the file path to the proofreader, I pushed back in my
chair, and surveyed the print above my desk, a modern rendering of the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, done in what I thought, approvingly, as
a “Frank Frazetta” style.

Linda, our web developer, paused in the …

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Sue’s Wild Family 2.
By: Date: 2024.01.04. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

An all-girl sixty-nine.” Linda didn’t have to speak to give her answer. She was drooling with
lesbian lust. Sue bobbed up on all fours and crawled to her naked mother. But before
they curled into sucking position, they couldn’t resist kissing. It was
no ordinary mother-daughter kiss. Their tongues lanced down one
another’s throats while their tits pressed together. Then, …

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Dinner with Callie (very rom, MF, anal)
By: Date: 2023.12.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

It was a quiet Friday evening at the Evans’ house.
The boys had gone to Greg’s parent’s house for
dinner and to go to see the Christmas lights. That
left Greg and Callie alone until late that night,
unless, of course, the boys convinced their
grandparents to let them spend the night. The
chances of that were good. Callie had …

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A SexGame Where Everyone Wins
By: Date: 2023.12.25. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

“And how do we play this game of yours?” I asked.

“It’s pretty simple.” Sasha replied, “It’s kind of like
the basketball game ‘HORSE’ except it’s different moves
on your partner. So, when one couple does a move, the
other couple has to mimic it to the best of their
ability, and then it’s their turn to make a new …

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