Tag: Blowjob

Bride to Be (MF, cheat, oral)
By: Date: 2024.07.05. Categories: Just Wife Stories,Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Alicia and Kim made their way from the crowded dance floor to the bar of the
local nightclub, they ordered two of the biggest cocktails on the menu and
laughed together as they sipped the creamy mixture. It was Alicia’s last
night as a single girl, tomorrow was the big wedding she and her fiancé had
been planning for the …

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Porn Shop Orgy by David Lavenham
By: Date: 2024.07.03. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , ,

There was quite a crowd gathering now. I could see the manager of the store
looking nervous. He was enjoying the show along with everyone else, and I
guess it was good for his business, but what we were doing in his porn shop
could get him in trouble.

I turned my attention back to Kate. She was on all …

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Learning My Safeword (M+/f, BDSM, humor)
By: Date: 2024.06.28. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

The Y2K Bug and the surrounding hullabaloo is remembered by people in
different ways. For me it simply puts a date, New Year’s Eve 2000,
which would mark a transitional point from quiet, ordinary “normal”
person with “unusual” secret desires to the beginning of the road to
the person I am today.

I’m going to skip over the first six …

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Think Of It – by J Shelbourne
By: Date: 2024.06.20. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , ,

His name was Liam and he had a gift.

Think of it as a kind of telepathy, or empathy. It wasn’t;
there was nothing psychic about it–the actual explanation
had to do with pheromones and smell and vomeronasal
cavities and suchlike–but what you need to know is that
he knew when women were horny.

Sometimes he couldn’t resist acting on …

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Best SexFriends (MF) by Memory’s Grace
By: Date: 2024.06.17. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

1. Air Conditioner





One more time.


One more time.


“Yeah…yeah, you like that.”




One more time.


She takes another swing.


It’s not really that I like


being fucked up the ass.

Not really.




One more time.


It’s just that that’s all we do.

“Yeah, …

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A British school lad bravely accepts his caning
By: Date: 2024.05.31. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

They had known each other since the beginning of time. They even had the
picture of them together in the hospital nursery. They celebrated their
common birthday together every year. This year was hard for he was in
boarding school. He snuck out and met her in town. As was their tradition
since they were four, they went to the …

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Puppy’s Tale (FM, femdom, mast)
By: Date: 2024.05.21. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , ,

“Why are you following me?”

My voice caught; I was much too nervous to answer. I wanted, needed to
ask her out, but I felt too shy. I first saw her standing on the bus.
Couldn’t miss her actually. I was seated and, the bus being crowded, she
had to stand. She stood with her back to me, her backside …

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Another true story of satisfying my nympho fiances sexual needs
By: Date: 2024.02.22. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , ,

I thought for a couple of days about Nadia’s fantasies trying to decide which one to make happen for her. I wanted to keep it as much of a surprise for her as I could. I was enjoying the thoughts of watching my fiancé live out her nympho dirty fantasies. Then I decided when I looked at the calendar. I …

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My Mom’s Boyfriend fucked me hard
By: Date: 2024.02.20. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker
screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved
toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen
my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii.

My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming
doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a
full fledged …

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Sherry had her suck me off all the time
By: Date: 2024.02.18. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , ,

My wife, Sherry, is generally quiet and proper. But even so, she absolutely loves sex with me, though in a sweet, affectionate way. She actually can’t seem to get enough. But there have been a few times that she has *really* surprised me. The first time was before we were married. We had been living together a few weeks and …

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