Tag: fatty

Voluptuous aunt and the college student having a great sex
By: Date: 2024.02.21. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

A horny male college student goes to live with his lonely, widowed
and voluptuous aunt. The sexual tension builds slowly.

In the year 196x I was a shy but oversexed 18 year-old college freshman,

and I had just moved into my Aunt Betty’s compact single family house in

Southern California. Actually, she isn’t my aunt exactly, but my fatherÕs

younger …

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It was such a great pleasure to slowly sink my cock into Linda’s tight ass
By: Date: 2024.02.02. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

After repairing grammatical and lexical and logical faults in the text
and e-mailing the file path to the proofreader, I pushed back in my
chair, and surveyed the print above my desk, a modern rendering of the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, done in what I thought, approvingly, as
a “Frank Frazetta” style.

Linda, our web developer, paused in the …

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