Tag: porn

Dawn and Yvett Part One : revenge, humilation,spanking,dog
By: Date: 2024.10.18. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

Yvett had Dawn on the ground,doubled over and crying, she was
completely beaten. Yvett still mad took advantage of this and grabbed
some duct tape and taped Dawn’s wrists together and then her ankles.
Then, Yvett worked Dawn’s shorts and panties down to her knees. Yvett
smiled sadistically as she looked at her enemy’s helpless naked ass.
She looked around …

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Ben and the Beach House
By: Date: 2024.09.10. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , ,

[The set-up: Ben and his friends have rented a beach house on Long
Island for a week. His sister Jessica, whom he had told “should stop
by” surprises him by actually showing up from her home in Philadelphia.
This scene takes place after the first night’s party.]

Ben woke up. There was someone else in bed with him. Someone female,…

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The Fistslut
By: Date: 2024.09.07. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , ,

My Most Nasty Master, you lead me by a leash attached to the ring
you have pierced through my clit. My arms are bound behind me,
the cuffs placed just above my elbows and cinched tight. I walk
unsteadily on my widespread knees, dragging the bar shackled
between my ankles as the chain remains taut between the ring on
the …

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The Sex Monster’s Eye – Pulp Story
By: Date: 2024.08.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

It had been a good take this year; the little vampire tossed the
crumbled blanket aside and emptied the overstuffed plastic grocery bag
onto his bed. A cascade of tiny colors and shapes, with browns and
oranges speckled throughout.

Separating the booty into piles, he rasped a violent cough and wiped
his nose along a patch of forearm exposed through …

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Consequences (M/F, cheat, flash, caution,hawk tuah)
By: Date: 2024.07.03. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , ,

When the door burst open, Frank was hanging onto the doorframe one eye
swollen shut. Angela didn’t know what to think. She got up to rush to him but
he said, “Don’t! Just sit back down, I don’t want you touching me!” Angela’s
heart started pounding in her breast, and she thought, ‘he can’t know’. But
that look in his …

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Learning My Safeword (M+/f, BDSM, humor)
By: Date: 2024.06.28. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

The Y2K Bug and the surrounding hullabaloo is remembered by people in
different ways. For me it simply puts a date, New Year’s Eve 2000,
which would mark a transitional point from quiet, ordinary “normal”
person with “unusual” secret desires to the beginning of the road to
the person I am today.

I’m going to skip over the first six …

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Extreme Sex Tea-Party
By: Date: 2024.06.05. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

Mouse invited Alice to a Tea-Party with her friends Henry and
Howard. “It’ll be great fun!” she said. “They’re both mad you know!”
Their house was fairly ordinary, but when she knocked on the door
there was no answer. The name on the plaque quite clearly read Henry
and Howard, and the door was open so she walked in.

She …

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Slut Wife Pleases Her Wimpy-Dicked Hubby’s Young Boss
By: Date: 2024.06.02. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , ,

The sexy 37-year-old South Indian porn actress let the
young stud, her husband’s 28-year-old boss
pull off the saree she wore, tied low, an inch or so above
her sweet pussy, to reveal her large milkpots and her
excited, swollen nipples.

Lying face up on the young stud’s office desk, she said,
“Oh! Yes!!! Boss… Please fuck me with your …

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Carol’s small noises of pleasure mixed with Jeff’s deep groans
By: Date: 2024.05.09. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,


Jeff said, “Thanks for coming over. I think I’m doing something
wrong. Can you help me?”

“Sure,” Carol replied, “What’s going on?”

“When I try to import a new document into the system, I’m getting
this weird error message. I’m not sure what it means.”

“Let’s take a look. Oh, I see what that is. You aren’t doing anything…

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Persephone in Winter
By: Date: 2024.03.14. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

“She does love you. Perhaps too much.”

Simon’s voice still carried the same self-confidence that Steven
remembered from the only other time he had heard it. His thumb hovered
over the “End” button, an instant away from silencing him. Instead, he
pulled the car to the side of the road, unable to look away from
Elyse’s name staring back at …

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Hooked on the Ceiling
By: Date: 2024.03.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

The marionette set-up with Ginger was hot.

Six spring-retractable lines came down from the ceiling and attached
to her wrists, ankles, a collar and pelvic harness. Ginger moved
around the bed a bit stiffly to pretend she was being controlled by
the strings. I piled some pillows up at the head of the bed and leaned
back, naked, into them. …

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