Category: Just Incestuous Stories

My new pervert family
By: Date: 2024.07.03. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

It was working out quite well. I had hired Niki for
one of my staff positions a couple months before. She
was a little light on experience but made up for that
with maturity and attitude. Since I couldn’t get my
boss to pay market wages, I was quite happy to have

Niki was divorced and trying to build …

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By: Date: 2024.06.17. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

Henry is not put off easily. He demands my passion no matter how much he
mourns Laurie fucked last month.

Frustration as blank walls fitted together in a maze show his thrashing. I
ask him everyday how it feels to be taken and left aroused without climax.
That question suits Henry. He wants to know how it feels to fuck …

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A Peek into the Future (Mf oral anal)
By: Date: 2024.06.07. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Still Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Her eyes flashed open. It was light. For more than a few seconds she was
disorientated. Then it washed over her like a wave. She shivered. Could
feel his warmth. When she couldn’t find him with her feet, she turned to look
for him. The sleeping bag was empty. A shock of fear spread through her like…

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A torrent of sticky cum exploded into my throat
By: Date: 2024.05.24. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , ,

Friday. All I could manage was a quick goodbye to daddy for fear my
tension would betray me. I drove only a few miles to the local
shopping mall and waited in the parking lot for 20 minutes. I stared
at the digital clock on the dash the whole time. Each change of the
glowing minute digit brought a new …

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Fucking Katie my sister-in-law
By: Date: 2024.03.20. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

I never in a million years thought what happened last weekend
would happen. I traveled with my family to my sister-in-law’s
house to see her new digs. Katie is 26 years old, 5’7″, 125 lbs,
long blond hair, brown eyes with lips that go on for miles. She
looks like a softer Britney Spears.

Anyways, I was unpacking the minivan …

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Sammy and a Mother’s Plans
By: Date: 2024.03.17. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

By now customary, Sammy awoke with his member in Kate’s mouth. He
stretched languidly, feeling her pleasing tongue but unlike the first
time, not yet ready to climax. Daylight streamed in the windows. Fully
clothed in her maid’s uniform, she bent over the side of the bed,
studying him from the corner of her eye.

The pleasure ended as she …

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Stepsister Seduction
By: Date: 2024.03.05. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Kelly was still slowly stroking Tim’s dick, looking at the alarm clock and saw it was almost 11:30. Her eyes widened realizing she couldn’t do anything else tonight She quickly turned to look at the kids. “I need to get to bed so I can get up for work,” she exclaimed, letting go of Tim’s, semi-hard, dick, and rolled off …

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Voluptuous aunt and the college student having a great sex
By: Date: 2024.02.21. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

A horny male college student goes to live with his lonely, widowed
and voluptuous aunt. The sexual tension builds slowly.

In the year 196x I was a shy but oversexed 18 year-old college freshman,

and I had just moved into my Aunt Betty’s compact single family house in

Southern California. Actually, she isn’t my aunt exactly, but my fatherÕs

younger …

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Middle-Aged mom to my Cum Sponge
By: Date: 2024.02.14. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , ,

“Keith, darling. Do you think your mother is a slut?” Karen asked.
The boy grinned down at his middle-aged mom , his stiff prick half
crammed up her big ass.
“Dunno, Mom. Do most Sons get to fuck their Mothers up the butt?”
“Noooooo…. No, Keith. And I guess most other Mommies don’t suck
off their Son’s big boners, either. …

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Three girls, a pond and a warm, sunny day. What else could happen?
By: Date: 2024.02.06. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , ,

The husband goes into a funk, relieved only when the couple’s old troop asks him to drive the bus for its last camping trip. But the trip takes a surprising turn when some of the former scouts seduce him in his tent as he’s waiting for the scouts’ mothers to show up. After two passionate bouts, he falls asleep.

Despite …

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