Tag: ass

It was such a great pleasure to slowly sink my cock into Linda’s tight ass
By: Date: 2024.02.02. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

After repairing grammatical and lexical and logical faults in the text
and e-mailing the file path to the proofreader, I pushed back in my
chair, and surveyed the print above my desk, a modern rendering of the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, done in what I thought, approvingly, as
a “Frank Frazetta” style.

Linda, our web developer, paused in the …

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Auntie in the middle
By: Date: 2023.10.13. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

It was nearly three in the morning when Linda Hawkins woke up, her fingers urgently brushing her hot cunt. Her lush tits rose and fell rapidly with excitement. She pricked up her ears. No sound from the living room, where her nephew slept on the sofa. And complete silence from the bedroom next door, where Linda’s fifteen-year-old niece slept.
The …

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She knew that it was time for some ass-fucking
By: Date: 2023.10.12. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

It was a Saturday night again, and time for Annette to babysit for the Longs. She carefully prepared herself for the wonderfully pleasurable night to come. She knew that it was time for some ass-fucking.
Hearing the horn, she went out the door to meet Mr. Long in his car. They exchanged warm greetings, each thinking of their last meeting.…

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Susan gets spanked for bouncing checks
By: Date: 2023.09.24. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , ,

Susan was prettier than usual that morning. Her
neatly-brushed silky blond hair just brushed her shoul-
ders with a slight wave. My downstairs neighbor had
dressed for comfort in running shorts, a tube top and
sandals. Her clothing hugged her lush figure tightly,
just as I wished I could.

She seemed preoccupied, however, as we shared
our customary cup of …

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Fuck my ass, Billy !
By: Date: 2022.09.22. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

It was Saturday morning, and I was just getting home from
spending the night at a friends. My parents were out of town for
the three day holiday, and I was supposed to stay at Tim’s the
whole weekend, but I decided against it Tim’s girlfriend showed
up and decided she wanted to go out, alone.
I threw my gym …

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