Sexuality is so much a part of the human condition that it is almost the same as saying to be human is to be sexual. Animals are regulated by seasons and physiological changes which apparently act as stimulus triggers. A bitch in heat, for example, will accept almost any male dog that seeks to confer his favors on her. But …
Read More →Retirement often got boring for Max. There was only
so much he could do maintaining his rental properties,
and his old friends on the Street were busy working
most of the time. He needed to either start a new
business or find a distraction. In only a week’s time
Max called Shannon for some distraction. He wondered
about Nina, but …
“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Paul gave his wife one last
opportunity to change her mind. “I don’t have to do this if you’re at
all uncomfortable.”
“Oh Paul, you’re so sweet!” Sallie stood on tiptoe to hug her husband.
“But this is the perfect solution to our … issues. I’m going to be
eating caviar and drinking …
“Hello?” I answered my celphone after checking the number, making
sure it wasn’t Rodney. I was kind of avoiding him.
“Kylie? Hi, it’s Brandon,” a soft male voice said and I felt my
tummy tighten. “From the other night?”
“Yeah,” I smiled and looked down as I sat just outside the Student
Union, relaxing between classes on bit of shady …
Buffy Summers was wrestling with a demon.
That in itself was not terribly unusual. She was a Slayer, the Chosen
One, the latest in a long line of warriors born into the world to battle
evil. Fighting demons was something she had been trained to do.
But nothing in her training could have prepared her for the
challenge she now …
He hasn’t yet told me what to expect. All he said just now when he called
was that he was tired of me asking for more and that we’d just have to see
how much I really wanted… or could take.
His instructions were to prepare a warm two quart enema, hang the bag on
the back of the door …
After June got mad at me I didn’t see her for about two years although I
fanaticized about her a lot. Then one day I answered my phone and who
should be calling but June!! She told me that she had just gotten a new
computer and that she needed some help getting it set up and mastering
the word …
She needed confidence. Everyone said so. Even her mother.
Alone with him she was incredible. Passionate, beautiful, sexual in the
deepest meaning of the word. In public her heart beat a little harder. Her
lips felt dry. The feeling that others were always looking never left her.
And they were.
Tall and gorgeous she attracted the attention of both men …
The turbulent storm was raging outside, just as it had been almost all
day. The humidity and the pounding of the rain were making me sleepy
and tired. Just plain old groggy. I decided to retire to my bedroom for a
nap until the showers had ended. I was too weary to continue working
on the business project that was …
Her master was gone for a week. He had left Sunday with
strict instructions that she was not to touch herself sexually, or
make herself cum while he was gone. It was only Tuesday, and already
her body was missing him. She sighed. It was going to be a long
She stepped out of a hot bath, and carefully …
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After college I had to do four years in the Army to pay back my ROTC
scholarship. I was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned as a
platoon leader in an infantry company. I had married Michelle while in
college and I managed to get a small married-officer quarters on the base
where I was stationed. Things were pretty tough …
The phone rang as she unlocked the door. She knew it was him, even
before she answered it. This was the time of night he always called.
Grabbing the phone, she answered with a breathy “hello.”
“I love your voice when it’s like that,” he said, and she smiled, sinking
into the soft chair by the phone. “Did I catch …
Shawnie and Eddie had been living together for a long time.
Naturally neither of them knew much about the other except for the
fact that they loved eachother to death. One morning, Eddie had to
get up early and go to work. he got up, kissed Shawnie on the lips and
fixed a quick bite to eat and left without …
It was cold. She could hear the crunching of broken glass beneath her
feet as she shuffled about uneasily in the doorway. There was a radio
playing in a building a few doors down, towards the main road. She hoped
that whoever it was that was listening to the music wouldn’t be able to
overhear her. It felt like she’d …
You walk in the front door and hang up your coat. After closing the
door, you hear the music coming from my bedroom. Oh, god, she’s
playing that song again. You walk down the hallway towards my room,
thinking you’ll talk me into dinner or something. You are tired and just
don’t want to listen to this stuff.
As you …
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