Tag: sexstories

A Birthday Wish Come True 2.
By: Date: 2022.11.28. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

“I’d have thought they would be well into it now.”

“Oh, yeah – they’ve been working on it for over a year now,
but the number of programs they’ve got running is enormous!
They don’t so much need skilled programmers to deduce how to
solve their problems, they just need people who know Cobol and
can make the changes they’ve …

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The Light in Motherąs Window
By: Date: 2022.11.10. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

We were horny young guys just past the cusp of puberty. It was summer
holidays and we were allowed to stay out far past the falling of darkness.
It was the late forties and kids were safe in the streets, even in a
working class neighborhood like ours.
Women on our street all stayed home keeping house and raising their…

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