Tag: MF

A Moment in Vietnam
By: Date: 2022.08.10. Categories: Just Asian Fantasies Tags: , , ,

I’m not sure how this started but the incident sticks
in my mind because of the gecko–you know, that little
lizard in Asian countries… Well, there I was, knees
on either side of her buttocks, hands spreading her ass
to get a better look at my cock, which was completely
embedded balls-deep and unmoving in Jui’s anus.

I was simply …

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Old Acquaintances
By: Date: 2021.10.20. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

I always hated shopping for clothes. I always seemed
to come back with something I didn’t want. Perhaps
this was because I went about it as fast as I could,
which was a direct result of hating shopping so much.
But here I was in a men’s clothing store looking
through a rack of pants for my size, which they …

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Wendy’s blacked
By: Date: 2021.10.06. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

My name is Wendy and I was born and raised in a medium-
sized town in southern West Virginia and still live
there today. I’m 38 years old and have a 13 year-old
daughter. I’ve never been married. I work in the EMS
field and due partly to that I’m fairly active and in
pretty good shape. I’m tall, 5′ …

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Ageless Love
By: Date: 2021.06.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Marietta Marie Sloan, paused, as she watched young
Nathan Campbell make his way through the parking lot of
the super market. She unhooked her safety belt and
disembarked to follow the tall young man.

Marietta couldn’t believe his close resemblance to her
beloved Johan, he was nearly an exact physical double,
his hair being a shade or two darker, was …

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An alien encounter creates a most interesting companion
By: Date: 2021.05.27. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,


The phone jangled unceremoniously as dawn’s glow
enveloped the flickering remains of the star studded
heavens. It was Uncle Harvey, and he needed someone to
watch over his remote acreage while he was in the
hospital. Harvey was older than history, refusing to
succumb to the trials of life and the advancements of
modern technology, spending the greater …

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Kat the a swinging housewife
By: Date: 2021.05.23. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , ,

INTERVIEWER: Tell us some background information
about you, what you do for a living, where you grew
up, if you are married or single, your interests,
hobbies, etc.

I am a dancer, and a student at UCLA. By
definition, I am also a slut, and happy to be one.
I have been married to a wonderful guy for 3 years…

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My fetish had killed a highly promising relationship
By: Date: 2021.05.15. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

My fetish had killed a highly promising relationship.
There was no escaping that conclusion. Sherri never
returned my calls. The day when I was going to toss all
of my pictures and videos loomed larger on the horizon,
and finally, I swore that I would just learn to ignore
it. After all, most of the smokers I had seen recently…

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A woman’s stalker seduced
By: Date: 2021.05.12. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

This is not a story about a normal Friday. I am a
practical woman, world-wise, aware but not alarmed that
I am single and approaching my mid-thirties. Marriage
will probably happen for me one day. Children may or
not. These aren’t concerns that drive my life.

I’m sexually confident and secure with my own body, but
don’t I offer myself …

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