Ageless Love
By: Date: 2021.06.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Marietta Marie Sloan, paused, as she watched young
Nathan Campbell make his way through the parking lot of
the super market. She unhooked her safety belt and
disembarked to follow the tall young man.

Marietta couldn’t believe his close resemblance to her
beloved Johan, he was nearly an exact physical double,
his hair being a shade or two darker, was the only
discernable difference she could see.

Her heart now heavy as the memories of Johan took
center stage in her mind. It was a mystery to her, that
after all these years; the loyalty of her stubborn
heart would wound itself again in the flames of love.
Evidence she supposed, to the unbreakable bond of true
love, but God, what a cumbersome burden to bear alone
for the rest of ones life.

She took a pushcart and followed Nathan through the
store, careful to blend in as best she could and avoid
notoriety. He was handsome, she observed, and highly
organized for a male. She watched his movements,
selections, and mannerisms for some time and at last
determined to meet him.

He turned down an aisle and Marietta went off in the
other direction circling her mark like someone in an
old spy movie, she found the whole process
exhilarating. She saw him immediately as she turned
into his aisle, her eyes never leaving him again. As
she approached, she caught his glance, he smiled and
her heart did a summersault right there in the lane.
She remembered that smile from long ago, on the face of
her beloved Johan.

Nathan had somehow become instantly aware of her
presence when she entered the aisle; he had watched her
approach and noted something familiar about her that he
couldn’t place. She was a thin, conservatively dressed
woman, very dignified in her physical presentation, and
very handsome despite her age, which he guessed to be
early sixties.

“Sir, would you be able to direct me to the spice aisle
I’m new here and in unfamiliar surroundings?” she
pleasantly asked.

“The instant her voice found him, Nathan went still
inside and he was no longer in the aisle of his
favorite store. His head filled with the picture of
this woman at a much younger age. Her arms embracing
him passionately, her lips pressed to his, their
arousal feeding the mutual love they obviously shared.”

“Sir are feeling well?” he heard her ask.

He was back now, but shaken, Nathan had never
experienced anything like that before and it was a bit
unnerving. He looked into her eyes and felt an
unexplainable stirring in his heart. There was a
genuine look of concern in the mysterious set of those
deep, smoking, gray eyes before him.

“I’m very sorry madam, please forgive my hesitation but
something of a rather peculiar nature just occurred.
Yes I would be very happy to show you.” Without even
noticing that he had, Nathan slipped her arm through
his and led her to the next aisle over and directly to
the display of spices.

Their was a smile on Marietta’s face as he led her, her
heart was light inside for she was young once more with
her Johan at her side again. She picked out a small jar
of marjoram, which she really didn’t need and then
turned back to him.

“Young man, thank you, you’re very kind. I would like
to invite you over for tea I make a rather heady cup of
spiced citrus I think you might enjoy,” she said
smiling at him.

Under normal circumstances Nathan wouldn’t dream of
accepting an invitation like this, but he somehow felt
strangely compelled to accept this one.

“Madam, I think I might find that delightful, by the
way my name is Nathan Campbell,” he responded. “Are you
from this area?” he continued.

“No, I live in a small town by the name of Iowa Falls,
about thirty minutes north of here,” she replied. “It’s
a beautiful town, with high red stone bluffs that
border the river as it goes.” She told him.

“It sounds very romantic,” he said smiling.

“Why don’t you drive up next Saturday and I’ll take you
to lunch at the “Princess Caf�” its one of our local
land marks, and one of the better eateries in town.

“I’ll accept if you give me your name,” he replied

“Oh my, I’m so sorry, my name is Marietta Sloan, and
I’m very forgetful sometimes, please forgive me,” she
said blushing, as her clear sparkling eyes, danced away
attempting to hide her embarrassment.

Something made Nathan take her hand then, and bowing
kiss her knuckle; even though she was a remarkably
attractive woman at her age that was not enough in
itself to explain his strong attraction to her, it was
enjoyable, but something he couldn’t explain.

“I would be delighted to spend next Saturday in your
little town dear Miss Sloan and I’m looking forward to
our engagement at the “Princess Caf�,” he told her

Marietta carefully drew out directions and provided him
with her address and phone number as well. As she
placed the paper in his hand she lingered there briefly
and they both felt a faint stirring of primal passion.
Marietta smiled as her young man walked off leaving her
behind, she was happy again at last.

That night Nathan lay reading a novel a glass of sweet
red wine at the night table by his side. He had been
unable to lose the events of day surrounding his
meeting with Miss Sloan. What had surprised him the
most was the stirring he felt in his member, as her
hand had touched his. She was a beautiful and very well
built woman to be sure, but he was twenty-five, less
than half her age, he was sure.

Oh well he thought, it would all find its place. He
would enjoy the trip to Iowa Falls, and if all went
well, at least make a friend in the process and if
nothing else were gained by it, that in itself would
make the trip worth its effort.

Fatigue covered him like a dark gray cloud swallowing
his mind in sleep, as his eyes fluttered shut and he
drifted away. He was restless that night, tossing and
turning, just unable to get comfortable.

He felt a gentle hand on his forehead as someone called
his name, and then trailing fingertips soothing to his
temples and from there they trailed down the side of
his cheek.

He opened his eyes and she stood there motionless, a
black and silver choker about her neck. Her hair was
pulled high and gracefully piled at the back of her
head with curling ringlets cascading down all about her

Marietta’s smoke colored stockings ran up her toned
thighs, almost touching a scant triangle of sheer
fabric that almost covered her vulva, which revealed
itself as full, and well rounded, through the scant
fabric. Her smile was seductively radiant, as she
hooked her thumbs under the elastic at the sides of her

Then looking again in his direction she slowly slid
them down her soft creamy thighs; she paused, as her
mound came into view to tease his vision with the soft
warm shadows of her delicate junction. His mind reeled,
as his spirit panted within, and his body became racked
by a fevered hunger for her.

She gracefully raised her black high heels out of the
sexy garment one at a time, then stood smiling,
splendid in form. So enamored was he with her perfect
physical form, that the whole of his being became one
hot, radiant ember. His flaring emotions sparked the
unbidden fires of arousal now beginning to burn in his
racing blood, with an acutely intense presence.

There was softness in the dark sparkle of her eyes as
she lowered her mouth to kiss him. Her tongue entered
his mouth and took command of his will, stirring the
mysteries of his heart with its soft, skilled,
manipulations there. His hands laboriously caressed her
body, encouraging her exploitation of his hungry mouth.
Where every movement of her tongue, brought a sharp
sensation of pleasure that teased the sensitive
underside of his raging cock.

She licked the side of his face on her way to his neck
like a feline cleaning her cub, as his fingers seduced
the heated dampness of her swollen cunt. She licked and
suckled his flesh like some desperate feeding vampire,
driving him to extremes of sensation that rocked his
mind and body. He could smell the scent of her mating
fluids now; the rich, spicy scent pleasantly caressed
both his nose and his cock.

His hand found her again and she moaned, her sounds a
beautiful array of intoned color, as she quivered at
his gentle probe. He teased the searing flesh he found
there, creating an even more perilous need in her body.
Marietta rocked her lower body shamelessly against the
dark magic of her young wizard’s hand, lost in a world
of beautiful sensation created by his spells alone.

“Use me Nathan my love, anyway you please, I have
waited for this so long now my dear!” her whisper,
broken and urgent with her petition.

Marietta kissed her way down his flat, hard belly, her
hands continually trailing her lips, caressing their
way to some distant union of the two. Her wet mouth
found the head of his cock and whimpering softly the
needy vixen began to consume him. She bobbed up and
down on his hard shaft until it glistened with her
thick saliva, her hands seductively working the warmth
of his thighs and bag, as her mouth continued to lavish
attention on his burgeoning dick.

“Marietta!” a single desperate utterance, that was more
a plea for completion than anything.

“I am your mistress my love, your willing whore, and I
will do whatever is necessary to win your love Nathan,”
her voice, a soft seductive echo in his mind.

She slowly stretched her leg across his mid section the
slick, pink lips, of her mons gaping before his eyes
deliciously. Marietta reached down between her legs,
captured his member, and softly stroked the hot
resilient flesh of his shaft. Her eyes reveled in its
feast of his girth and length; her body hungering for
the heavily veined, wide monster in her hand, the
monster she knew, would end her internal agony.

She held it tenderly in both hands and then raising up
placed the mammoth head at the entrance of her hot
cunt. She slid down a little and the head immediately
stretched her lips to the limit of their endurance. She
backed him out and took small, well metered strokes,
against the unusual length and girth of his beautiful
manhood. Before long Marietta smiled, as she felt at
least half of his cock now at home in her body.

“This is a dream,” he whispered.

“Yes my Prince, it’s all just a very sweet, sexy
dream,” she reassured him.

Nathan felt the slick, tight warmth of her passage,
slide down his impatient shaft sealing it to her, as
her cunt lips contacted his pubic mound. Her long
gentle fingers made love to the skin of his chest,
thrilling him there with a tingling heat. He captured
her nipple between his lips, and nourished his lust,
suckling the smooth flesh of her breasts, pleasant food
his ravenous spirit hungered for.

Marietta moaned deeply above him as he fed the alter of
her body, fortifying that desire for her, now wild
within him. His teeth and tongue were merciless in his
rush to sate his overwhelming greed for her flesh, as
wicked hands cast his spells of lust all about her

Marietta began a tight gyrating motion against Nathan’s
body, flexing the walls of her passage as she moved
with deliberation. Her lover arched beneath her, his
fingers pleasant at her nipples now, coaxing her spirit
passed all her barriers of shyness. Nathan stroked, and
played, squeezing the perfect flawless globes before
him, suckling the eye of her nipples like a helpless
nursing child in need of sustenance.

She closed her eyes and rose upward on his mammoth
cock, her body now accustomed to his presence. Nathan
laced his fingers beneath the shapely buttocks of his
ladies ass, to assist her with her effort. He watched
mesmerized by the sharp quick movement of her inner
thigh muscles, as she rose and fell on his cock in
pursuit of her pleasure.

“Oh God, it feels so good this way,” Marietta breathed.

She was very wet now; her eyes were shut, as her mind
remained locked in with the pleasure she felt between
her legs. Nathan was fast approaching the crisis stage
of his arousal, his mind tormented with the tease of
her scent, and the colorful sounds of her desire.

Marietta screamed when Nathan reached up and squeezed
her hard breast, her heat exploded, as her cunt began
to tightly grip his cock and milk him for the seed of
life he carried. Her body stroked, gulped, and suckled
him, swallowing the fountain of lust his fiery passion
had borne to her heart.

She collapsed when the explosion of her release began
to subside, her consciousness shattered and her body
temporarily exhausted. She rested atop her lover
seeking refuge in the comforting warmth and security of
his presence.

He was still inside her, when she found his lips, her
probing tongue was sweet and confident as she entered
his mouth. There was no rushing urgency this time, only
admiration and gratitude for the glow she now felt. She
knew this instant, with the fires of her passion
abating that she loved this man beneath her.

“You will sleep well my Lord, the dream is now over. I
am yours my heart,” she whispered, before she rose from
his bed.

He watched as Marietta pulled the delicious little
panties back up her legs and finished dressing. She
stood beside his resting place and bent down to kiss
his lips once more and drink from the wine of his soul.
Her loving fingers smoothed one lock of wayward hair as
she smiled down at him…and then she was gone.

Nathan rolled over and drifted to other places in his
mind, and began his rem.

Nathan woke the next morning, remembered the dream with
his new friend Marietta in the starring roll, and
smiled inwardly at the absurd foolishness of it all.

But when he was shaving that morning he noticed
scratches on his chest and what might be teeth marks on
his lower lip. Nathan paused to reflect with furrowed
brow, “It was a only a dream… wasn’t it?”

Unable to garner a ready solution, Nathan dismissed the
entire episode as nonsense.

The rest of his week passed without incident and he was
genuinely looking forward to his excursion to the
little Iowa town. That Friday he cleaned his Ford truck
up inside and out, he amused himself at one point
wondering what it would be like to date an older woman.

Then it occurred to him, would he kiss her good night
at the door, and here he smiled. She wouldn’t be that
difficult to kiss after all she was very attractive and
well built. Then it hit Nathan, as he finished, that
they hadn’t really settled on a time of arrival. He
decided he had better call today and find out what time
would best suit her schedule.

When Nathan finished with the truck he headed indoors
stopping at the refrigerator to pour him self a glass
of lemonade. He then moved to the living room and sat
down by the phone, he was about out of hours on his
cell and needed to save the time for another week.

He fished out the piece of paper she had given him the
day they had met and dialed her number.

“Hello, this is Marietta Sloan.”

“Hello Marietta, this is Nathan Campbell in Des

“Well hello Nathan, I’ve been expecting your call.”

“I was getting ready for the trip up in the morning and
I remembered we never decided on what would be a
convenient time for you.”

“Anytime it pleases you Nathan, actually the earlier
the better, that way I’ll have all day to bore you,”
another girlish giggle here.

“Oh, I doubt that you’ll bore me Miss. Sloan,” he
assured her.

“I was wondering if you would really come, I’m so very
much looking forward to your visit Nathan,” her voice
very soft at this point.

“I really can’t wait to see you again either Marietta,”
he paused, sorry he had said that, and didn’t know why
he had.

“May I ask you something Nathan,” again, her voice very
subdued as she spoke.

“Of course Marietta,” he said.

“Do you think I look to old Nathan?” she asked shyly.

“Well, no Marietta…I think you’re a very attractive
woman, with a killer body,” he was feeling stupid

“Oh my, thank you, I’ll bake you something special for
that Nathan!” she said, giggling again.

“Thank you that’s very considerate of you Miss Sloan.
So, if I arrive around eight a.m. I won’t be an
inconvenience then?” he inquired.

“No, Mr. Campbell, I would welcome you anytime,” her
voice had gone soft again.

“I will see you in the morning Marietta,” he told her.

“Please drive carefully Nathan, goodbye,” she smiled,
as she hung up the phone.

That was odd, he thought, she said, she’d been waiting
for his call… well maybe she had remembered, as he
did, that they hadn’t set a time.

Saturday, six a.m., Nathan grabbed a stout cup of Joe
and a glazed donut after attending his morning hygiene.
He started the truck and let it run a couple of minutes
to get the oil circulating.

Six thirty am, on the road and headed north on
Interstate 35 it wasn’t really a long drive so there
shouldn’t be any problems with fatigue. The old ford V-
8, hungry as always, ate up the white line and beat out
a deep throaty cadence, as she ran with her ears flat
back, pushing the wind and raising hell.

Nathan arrived a little ahead of schedule, which was a
good thing because he still had to locate the house. He
stopped at the edge of town and purchased another very
small cup of coffee at a convenience store, more to
kill a few minutes and get his bearings than anything.

When Nathan had finally found Marietta’s house he was
truly impressed. The house was an old two-story
Victorian style mansion. The grounds and structure were
immaculate and very well decorated. He nosed the old
ford into the red brick drive, turned off the key, and
gave the old gal her ease.

Nathan walked to the front door and used the ornate
brass knocker to announce his arrival to his friend.
The door opened and there stood the handsome, smiling
face, of Miss Sloan.

She ushered him in with genuine glee and then throwing
her arms around his neck stretched up to kiss his
cheek. She was wearing one of those sheer house gowns
with a tie around her waist. She felt warm next to him,
and her breasts were firm at his lower chest, he could
even feel the sharp rise of her pubic bone against his

“I am so glad you’re here now Nathan, I was worried
something might go wrong on the road,” her concern was
genuine, as was her smile.

“Good to see you Marietta and the trip was a good one,”
he told her, hoping she wouldn’t notice his slight
stirring below. He looked closely at Marietta’s face
and thought, “sixty or not, she was a fox.”

Marietta’s heart was full of wonderful music, as her
eyes ravenously devoured the image of her young man.
She was so enrapt with feelings of joy that she
spontaneously stretched up again and kissed him lightly
on the lips.

Without thinking and on physical impulse alone Nathan
drew her body firmly to his and pushed the tip of his
tongue into her mouth. That, opened the fire gates of
Marietta’s passion, as her tongue dueled with Nathan’s,
she ground her warm pelvic region hard into his
inflamed organ, rotating it around his firm cock.

Nathan’s hand found the edge of her gown and slipped
under the sheer fabric searching for her mons. She wore
no panties and when his finger grazed her skin she
moaned into his mouth and shivered. She broke the kiss
then, placed her cheek at his chest, and sighed.

“I’m so sorry… I didn’t me…” he was cut off by her

“Oh please Nathan… please don’t stop. I have thought
of nothing but you since we parted. God how I blush to
think of the unspeakable things I did to myself as I
entertained my memories of you,” she was rocking her
body against his hand again now, unable to hide her
urges for him.

Nathan kissed the side of her neck, as he slipped a
finger into the wet heat of her pulsing passage.
Marietta immediately rolled her hips forward to meet
his thrusting probe of her anatomy, and welcomed his
invasion of her privacy.

“Yes Nathan I’m your slut!!” she whimpered.

Her hand was shaking, as she grasped the outline of his
cock and squeezed. She made rapid short jacking motions
and then paused to slowly rake her nails along the

“Oh Nathan, I swear you’ll make me cum!” she purred.

Marietta kneeled in front of her young lover and
liberated the cock she now longed for. Nathan watched,
as her bright red lips parted to ingest the tip of it,
and then stood in awe, of the salacious sensation of
her highly skilled tongue as she romanced his hot
shaft. Her small warm hand cupped his sac and gently
squeezed repeatedly as she sucked.

“It taste wonderful Nathan!” she moaned out lustfully.

Suddenly Marietta stopped sucking and laid back on the
floor, her well-toned legs were wide open, she was
clean down there with only a small triangular patch of
hair rising from her crevice.

Nathan looked closer at her gaping pink folds, admiring
the high rise, and swollen disposition, of her wet
organ, he smiled as he watched a single, colorful nail
of her small hand, flick the hard mass of her clit and
relished her intoned plea for more.

“Fuck me lover, I need a cock inside of me now!!” she

Nathan dropped to his knees and ran the head of his
dick down Marietta’s weeping slit. He placed the helmet
of his gargantuan monster next to the swollen petals of
Marietta’s pleasure center and shoved.

“Oh God Nathan!!” she cried out, as his large cock
spread her passage uncomfortably.

Nathan backed out, gasping himself with the
overwhelming sensation of her hot, tight cunt.

“I’m going to use you until you beg me to stop whore,
ravish you until you’re cunt is sore,” he witnessed a
strong shudder run through her thin, lithe body, as he
whispered his suggestive phrases.

“Yes my love, abuse it with your lust any you please,”
she hissed against his cheek, as she bit him.

“Nathan was surprised, and very pleased, with her very,
un-lady like behavior!”

Marietta cried out when he buried his hungry tool deep
into her dark passage, whimpering, as the head of
Nathan’s charging cock slammed into her womb. She
arched her ass to meet his thrust in perfect time, her
sharp nails teasing his hard little nipple buds.

“Abuse it love, make it come for me!!!” she hissed,
writhing in ecstasy under his assault.

“You’re very much the out of control small town slut
aren’t you dear,” he commented.

“Oh yes lover, I need to be your whore Nathan,” she
whimpered, pressing herself hard against him.

He buried himself in her again with deep powerful
thrusts, jealous for the beautiful sensation of her
warm body. Her teeth were teasing his nipple; as her
nails raked his back, and she kept whispering in his
ear, “fuck your bitch Nathan, fuck me hard.”

“She came hard, her screams and colored language
pluming forth from between her beautiful red lips.
Screaming it over and over again, “fuck your slut
lover,” she lay beneath his still pounding cock,
totally immersed in a powerful, radiant sea, of
satisfaction. She had marked his body, and memory, with
her beautifully scented spray, which now perfumed, the
ambient nuances, of the sweet air he breathed.

Nathan had felt her contractions around him and was
able to abstain, wishing to get another climax for her
before they stopped.

“Before I leave you today I will use every opening you
have and please you in each!” he boasted.

“Yes… oh god yes.” She whimpered softly, and smiled
inwardly, at his youthful arrogance.

Nathan again buried his face at the side of her neck
lashing her flesh there with his powerful tongue,
sucking and biting while his cock still hammered her
small opening.

The erotically lewd sounds of his fucking were
beginning to recharge his empty lover below; he
discerned a sweet flexing in her passage, and gentle
thrust at her pelvis, and her hands were once again
gentle on his body.

Nathan clamped down On Marietta’s ripe nipple and
suckled savagely, the sweet berry twitched at his
assault. He didn’t cease battering it abusively with
his brutal tongue, until the warm, soft flesh, expanded
to a size near bursting.

Marietta exploded in spasms again beneath her young,
hard lover, as her shameful invocations of lust colored
the air around her handsome lovers head. She was
delirious with her release, as she arched ardently
against his thrusting pelvis, to aid him with the exit
of his seed. He filled her with his hot liquid until it
ran freely down over her shapely cheeks.

She realized as she looked upon his handsome face that
she was irrevocably bound to him by the unseen
restraints of her own feelings and desire… no… even
more, her desperate need for him. She would surrender
everything to him to secure his love for herself and
keep him here safely between her breasts.

She gently stroked his cheek and the warmth of her love
suffused the entire area that her soft fingers now
seduced, until his blush colored skin was a soft
effervescent glow.

“I have many things to tell you before this day is over
Nathan, things that will forever change both our
lives… I hope for the better. You may not believe
what you’ll hear at first, but in the end I will make
you see the truth,” she whispered to him.

“Nathan lay between her legs sated, and knew that he
loved her, he didn’t care about the age difference, or
what people might think of him, he simply had to have
her in his life.”

He looked into the beautiful light in her eyes and
kissed her without urgency, it was a gentle letter sent
to inform her of his feelings for her. She accepted his
message and without delay responded immediately with
her affirmation of acceptance. They necked, with
reckless abandonment, until both were breathless and
consumed with the joy of their love. The warmth of its
flames found softly glowing in their eyes, as they
beheld one another through the portals of their souls.

He kneeled between her legs before he rose, her gown
was still open, her trim shapely body on display. She
was petite, and finely formed with perfect physical
integrity. Her eyes revealed the shyness of her
character, but her love gave her courage, as she smiled
up at him.

“You’re beautiful Marietta, even more so now than you
were in my dream!” he told her.

“I love you Nathan, and it was and wasn’t a dream!” she

“I don’t understand!” he responded.

“You will my love, be patient,” she rose to her knees
not bothering to cover her body and placed her arms
about his neck to kiss him again.

Marietta then took his hand and guided her young love
to the loveseat by the window, where she made him
comfortable with a throw and fluffed pillows. Then she
turned and went to the kitchen to fix some tea.

While she was gone Nathan sat relaxing with a view of
the river rolling lazily by, the sunlight dancing on
its waves shimmered like small diamonds. He turned, as
he heard her approach and found her entry elegant and
exotic, her long legs kicked out from beneath the gown
as she walked toward him. He could glimpse her mons
occasionally and she was provocatively sexy, as her
breasts swayed with the cadence of her stride.

She sat the silver tray down in front of him on the
ornate coffee table and smiled, his heart erupting
inside with joyful love at the sight of it. She bent,
her sheer morning gown fell open, and his young eyes
witnessed heaven again.

Her flat carved belly bloomed into a pair of
beautifully shaped hips that accentuated her tiny
waist. But the crowning jewel of his vision was the
perfectly symmetrical and flawless globes of her
breasts, which hung so enticingly, as she stood bent
over the tea.

Marietta smiled as she felt his eyes adore her, and her
heart leapt inside her chest, forcing a smile on her
face and a shy glance in his direction. She handed him
his tea and started to seat herself beside him but he
stopped her.

Nathan spread his legs and had Marietta seat herself on
a single leg, she timidly protested his action, but he

“But my love I haven’t cleaned up yet and I will surely
soil your leg, your fluids are still inside me mingled
with my own,” she said, her eyes and face gazing at the

With a single finger under her chin he raised her eyes
to meet his own and said, “I know your scent already
madam and have found it to be more alluring than Opium
perfume and more addictive than any drug known to
man…in addition my dear, I strongly approve of it.”

She smiled, adoring his handsome face and stroked his
cheek before sipping her tea. Her hand moved forward
slowly to gently trace the shape of his hard chest, and
then rising, she caressed his neck skirting his jaw
line. Last of all she raised a single finger and traced
the shape of the lips, which she had recently loved so

“You said it was and wasn’t a dream what exactly did
you mean?” he asked her.

“I came to you and we did make love but not like today,
I was a presence and not physical that night, not
entirely anyway,” she told him.

“Are you a witch Marietta?” he asked her.

“Yes Nathan I am, I know but do not use the darker side
of my discipline, does that upset you my love?” she
asked him.

“No, did you put a spell on me Marietta to make me fall
in love with you?”

“No Nathan, I have been watching you and others in your
family line for many years. But your feelings for me
have nothing to do with a spell.”

“Why would you watch me Marietta?” he asked puzzled.

“You look a great deal like your grandfather Johan,
Nathan. I was your grandfather’s lover as a young woman
and I loved him deeply, as I now love you. There was a
terrible accident and your grandfather perished, I have
been alone since then,” she explained.

“I’m sorry Marietta but there must be some kind of
mistake, I never had a grandfather named Johan!” he
told her, confused now.

“But you did my love your seventh great, the one that
sailed from the European continent to the new world. I
was on that ship with him, and his wife as well, and
other members of your family too,” she explained.

“But Marietta that would make you hun…”

“Yes…centuries old, and I am Nathan, I know this is
difficult for you to believe, but none the less, it is
certainly so. After my Johan passed I couldn’t remain
in the valley we shared, his memory there was too
painful for me to deal with. So I loaded the wagon, and
left the pine scented hills of the Carolina’s, and
moved north near a pleasant little settlement known as
Salem. It was here that I acquired my knowledge of the
craft and was given the gift of ageless existence.”

Nathan sat there not knowing what to say, it was like
some kind of ghost story or something. He was
completely without mental bearings, without so much as
an inkling of how to proceed in this conversation.

“I’m very sorry, I can see how difficult this is for
you… but now… if you will let me show you the
truth, you will understand,” she said.

She rose from his thigh and walked to an adjacent room
just off the very expansive sitting room Nathan now sat
in. When she reappeared she wore a midnight blue velvet
robe that flowed to the floor, the sleeves were very
wide and the hood was up. There, embroidered on the hem
and around the sleeves, as well as the hood and down
the front opening at both sides, was a brightly colored
ornate brocade of gold leaf and vine design. The
overall visual effect was nothing less than stunning.

From the matching bag with the long silver string she
carried, she took a small handful of blue powder and
enclosed herself in a circle all around. She sat the
bag outside the circle and smiled at Nathan.

“Please do not take your eyes off me, I want to ensure
that you realize this is not a cheap parlor trick of
some kind.”

She began her incantation and with her very first words
a beautiful peace settled over the place. Nathan
watched as Marietta stretched her arms toward the
heavens her voice increasing in volume as she did.

She began to glow with a faint yellow light about her
entire body and the longer she chanted, the brighter
that light became, until at last she was nearly
obscured from his sight. Marietta’s incantation fell
silent and the light slowly faded, then a light breeze
blew through the room lightly scented by the flowers of

There standing in the circle was a young woman of about
twenty-four, beautiful, radiant, and smiling. She
looked as if she might be Marietta’s granddaughter but
Nathan knew better now. Her stride was all of grace, as
she stepped out of the circle and headed in his

Marietta returned to the seat her lover had given her
and she could clearly see the awe in his face when she
placed herself on his leg, she was careful to let her
gown slide open for her lover’s pleasure.

Without a word Nathan placed both hands on the sides of
her face and pulled her near for a kiss. It was
certainly his Marietta all right, newer, better, and
more beautiful than ever. His hands couldn’t help but
flirt with the firm round breasts now exposed so near
him. She smiled when he broke the kiss and knew that he
was pleased, and that alone made her happy.

“You were lovely before Marietta, but you’re drop dead,
kick my ass stunning, right now lover!” he teased with
a big smile.

She broke out in enthusiastic laughter infectious in
its nature, the beauty of the sound swept Nathan away
as they sat there holding hands and they giggled

“Are you still ageless?” he asked out of curiosity.

“No, when I stop the power of the spell I age at a
normal rate like everyone else, but there is more. Now
that I have found you I have seven days from today to
decide to continue ageless or forsake the spell and
finish my normal life. You will help me make that
decision,” she told him.

“Why would finding me make a difference?” he wanted to

“It isn’t the finding you so much, as it is our open
declaration of love for each other. I only wanted to
remain here until I found someone I could love again, I
have. Now under the rules of the incantation I must
make a choice, are you interested in a lover for life
Nathan?” she asked him plainly.

Looking at her as he sat there, it all seemed like some
strange mythological novel, but he had no choice but to
acknowledge the truth of what he had seen.

“I think I might be Marietta!” taking her hand as he

“I will never forsake you for another my love,” she
told him.

“Are you sure I’m the one your heart yearns to be with
Marietta I have never made a commitment like this
before and this is all happening so fast dear?”

“I love you Nathan, I have loved you now for some time.
Do you remember catching the little girl’s cat in the
parking lot of the grocery store you stopped at some
time ago. He had jumped out of the little girls arms
and ran away. You came upon her as she stood crying and
you asked her what was wrong, she then pointed at the
animal in the distance. Straightaway you went out
alone, captured that dangerous beast, and returned it
to its rightful owner. Remember what the little girl
did when you returned Nathan.”

Before Nathan had a chance to answer Marietta leaned
over and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

“When I brought the cat back and placed it in her arms
the little girl kissed my cheek,” he recited with a
puzzled look on his face. “How did you know that
Marietta?” he asked her.

“I was with you that day Nathan, watching over you. I
have been with you a very long time now my love, you
simply didn’t know it… you weren’t suppose to,” she
told him smiling again, as she looked at him.

“Will we remain here or move on to a new location to
start our lives together?” he asked her.

“We could remain, but it would be difficult, it would
be much easier to start over in a new place where no
one knew either of us.”

“If I can be with you I don’t care what hurtles we
might have to go around, over, or through, we will find
away,” he said.

Marietta smiled at him, “you haven’t seen my bedroom
yet Nathan, you should follow me dear,” she said, as
she took his hand, and led her young love toward the

Nathan followed Marietta up the flight of stairs and
down a very brightly colored hall rich with hand
painted border designs at the ceiling and above the
floor. She paused before a pair of richly ornate,
carved oak doors and slowly opened them in unison.

Her room was very large with high ceilings, there was a
very king size bed on the left with a very high
headboard carved in like manner as the doors. On the
opposite wall set a long low vanity complete with large
mirror. Opposite the wall where you entered was a pair
of sliding glass doors that led at to a railed balcony
that over looked the river.

The room was very beautifully decorated through out and
grand in its own way. She led Nathan out onto the
balcony and stood at the railing with her hands on top
of it.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked him with a sigh.

Looking down at the swelling rise of her cheeks he
said, “Yes ma’am and its hard to keep my hands off of

She giggled as he pressed himself into the soft mounds
of her bottom, and slid his hands around to grasp her
firm breasts. He felt her grind her charms back against
him, as he softly kissed her neck and squeezed the
firmness of her high proud mammary. He felt the lovely
Marietta spread her legs slightly, and then push her
bottom out toward him.

She shivered when his hand crept up the inside of her
leg from behind and fondled her moist treasure There
was deep sigh from her lovely red mouth, as his finger
lightly traced the outline of her warm lips. And he
noted a subtle gyration against his sinful digit.

“My dear child, but you are a promiscuous little thing
aren’t you?” he said.

“Why my Lord, I have already confirmed my desire to be
your whore in the bedroom sir,” she giggled.

“Yes, but will you be my lady in public!” he asked

“Only if you require it sir,” she spoke, as she smiled.

“You must forgive my enticement of you madam, but it
seems I simply cannot behave myself in your radiant
presence,” he claimed, as his cock moved against her.

“Oh sir, I do forgive you, for those sins already past
and for those you’re about to commit!” as she shivered
with anticipation.

“I love you Marietta,” he whispered, as he raised her
gown above the swell of her outrageously beautiful ass.

“I know my love, we’re called to this place for each
other. This is the season of our passion Nathan, a time
when our love will conquer all things negative around
us, and our hearts will be like magic in this world.”

“Such a beautiful sentiment from such a lovely lady,”
he whispered, as he moved forward and took possession
of her body.

She gasped sharply, as he found her entrance and took
her, and then shivered, as she lowered her head to the
day. With warm sunshine on their bodies the two lovers
united in passion above the lazy river and the green of
the season. Their hearts soared in the brightness of
the day, as the heavens above witnessed the
consummation of their love.

She was soft and yielding in front of him, her every
thought on how to enhance her lover’s pleasure with
her, and make him happy. It was a new experience for
both of them and the psychological intensity of it sent
them both spiraling into climax much too soon.

When he flexed for the last time inside her wet, hot
body, she turned with a deep glow on her face and knelt
in front of him. Looking up and holding his eyes with
hers, she slowly slid her mouth over his member and
sucked him clean.

She rose when she finished and stood before her lover,
and she could see in his eyes she had pleased him. His
fingers caressed her face, as he admired her in the
soft sunlight, her robe hanging open, and her presence
beautiful, beyond any words in mans vocabulary.

“We need to get ready for our date at The Princess,”
she said, as her hands deftly arranged his sex in his
trousers, and closed up shop.

“Will you bathe with me Marietta?” he asked her.

“I will bathe you my Lord, if it please you!” she said
as she curtseyed before him giggling.

“Marietta, you are the most charming creature I have
ever met, its no wonder that you swept me off my feet.”

She said nothing, but placed her arms around him again
and kissed his lips, then she led him to her bath to
serve his bodies needs.

After they were finished and before they left, Marietta
stepped into the room she’d used that morning and
reinstated the spell.

They parked the old ford pick-up at a parking meter in
front of the old historic landmark. Marietta led Nathan
into the diner and to a booth, they were the old style
high back seats rarely seen anymore, but once very
popular, and they seated themselves.

In a moment or two they were attended by a striking
young woman with dark hair and a beautiful figure.
Marietta introduced her to Nathan as Minette Simms the
wife of the proprietor; she was a most charming
individual, with a beautiful smile to match her face.

They ordered light of course, chiefs salad and tea when
Minette scurried off with their order Marietta leaned
over and whispered in Nathan’s ear, “Isn’t she just a
delectable little morsel my lord?”

“Madam, are you trying to pick trouble with me here?”
he asked with a big grin.

“Of course not my lord, I just couldn’t help but notice
that twinkle in your eye as she walked off, everything
she has bouncing as it does. She is attractive my love,
you can’t deny the obvious,” she told him as her nails
toyed at the top of his leg attempting to make him

“Yes my love, she is indeed a beautiful woman, but my
heart is owned by another!” he replied, closely
watching his words.

“Sir, its not your heart I’m here concerned with, but
another tool of life, one much more sensitive to the
wiles of beauty!” she giggled, as her hand rose higher
on his leg.

“My god madam, but you are something of a tramp. And it
pleases me greatly my love,” he sighed heavily.

Whispering even lower than before she asked, “What
would you do my love if she led you to a private booth,
pulled the curtain shut, and spread her glory before
your eyes for your personal consumption and then teased
herself, would that please you my lord!” she teased.

“Madam, are you attempting to catch me in confession of
some idle fantasy?” he chuckled.

“No my love, I’m trying to tease your pants off, don’t
be so guarded, I know you love me. I will play with you
this way from time to time Nathan just to keep you
interested,” she giggled.

“You, Marietta, are a very complex woman,” and looking
at her he smiled.

The beautiful Minette stood after placing the food in
front of them and chatted for a few minutes, most of
her conversation being directed to Marietta. There was
a knowing smile that was maintained between them as
they spoke, one that made Nathan just a bit nervous in
view of Marietta’s recent teasing.

It was apparent though, that Minette was a very bright
woman with an extensive vocabulary. At last she shook
hands with the two of them and headed off to other

After they finished their meal the two of them sat and
held hands relaxing in the comfortable atmosphere of
the Cafe�. They made plans, calculated angles, and
discovered similarities in their respective taste in
music, entertainment in general, and a whole array of
other subjects and pursuits.

Finally they got up to leave and Minette rushed up to
bid the two of them farewell hugging both Marietta and
her lover. Nathan couldn’t help but notice how
curvaceous and snug she felt next to him.

Marietta wanted to visit the boat ramp site next to the
river they had benches there and she said that often
she just enjoyed sitting to watch the water. As they
sat and held hands she asked him, “Are going back home
tonight Nathan?”

“Well, yes, I had intended to,” he told her.

“Please stay the night with me lover, if you do, I
promise I’ll be very naughty for you,” placing her head
on his shoulder and giggling as she spoke.

“Well, will you promise to make love to me on your
bedroom balcony under the stars tonight, and cry aloud
to the heavens, when your bliss consumes your heart

“Oh, I so promise my lord, I will be as obscenely
wanton as your taste requires, and I shall spew forth
an array of colorful vulgarities that will make the
stars above blush and the angels watching love us,” she
recited, being silly again and giggling too.

“I find no way to resist your proposal my dear, I shall
remain for your further pleasure… are you going to
abuse me my dear,” he asked, mocking concern at this

“Why of course my love, in every conceivable
way…don’t tease me now I know how you adore it,” she
whispered, as her sharp nails pinched the inside of his


Later that night tied down to her large beautiful bed
the conversation was indeed considerably more colorful.
As Nathan teased her to the verge of release, time and
again, without fulfilling his obligations to her,
wearing the poor damsels patience to a tattered and
somewhat frayed condition.

She was not at that moment the witty, shy, genteel
spirit he had taken lunch with earlier. She was more
like a sweating, writhing, venom spitting she bitch,
consumed by the agony of her own frustration.

“Sir if you do not abuse this thing between my legs I
shall take it to the town square and give it away to
the first stranger I encounter there… bastard!” she
hissed at him.

“But love, this was a game of your choosing,” he
reminded her, as he reached over and lightly traced the
outer ridge of her crevice. He laughed, as her body
rolled up shamelessly begging for penetration.

“I had no idea you would be this cruel sir, or I
wouldn’t have chose it, will you fuck me now you
impotent young bastard.”

“Is that any way for a woman of good breeding to speak
to her soon to be husband,” he asked feigning shock,
and gasping, as he covered his mouth.

“Please Nathan,” there was a pitiful soft quality in
her voice that ended his game. He looked into her eyes
and found an urgent plea for release their, he untied
her wrist and feet, then kissed her, as his firmness
found its way to her swollen entrance.

He pushed his way into her as lay whimpering beneath
him, and before he had completely seated himself in her
soft passage she screamed and quaked beneath him.
Marietta was as shocked and surprised by her immediate
orgasm as her lover was, and it left her weak and
drained inside.

Nathan lay beside her, his hands nursing the glow that
radiated from her body as he caressed her and kissed
her shoulder. Her eyes were closed as the warmth of
young hands seduced her creamy skin, his touch only
making her love him that much more devoutly.

Nathan wrapped his arms about his lover’s body and
rolled to the edge of the bed, carefully he made his
way to the balcony and placed her small bottom on the
rail. I have never loved anything in my life Marietta
the way that I love you tonight. Let the stars record
my words…and the heavens declare the intent of my
heart as I say my love, life without you again, would
be no life at all.

He felt her tears on his shoulder as he held her; they
didn’t make love again but remained in each other’s
arms. Later, as her slight form shivered against the
chill of the night air, they bid the stars above
farewell and he carried her to bed.

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