Tag: bbw

Maureen several time now, and we continue to have very hot black/white sex
By: Date: 2024.05.17. Categories: Just Interracial Stories Tags: , , , , ,

This here a follow-up on me and that sweet white Maureen. I have
been seein Maureen several time now, and we continue to have very
hot black/white sex.

She just love my fat, black dick, and I can’t gets enough of her
hot white pussy. Some days we spends more time lickin and suckin
each other than actual fuckin.

Last …

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Voluptuous aunt and the college student having a great sex
By: Date: 2024.02.21. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , ,

A horny male college student goes to live with his lonely, widowed
and voluptuous aunt. The sexual tension builds slowly.

In the year 196x I was a shy but oversexed 18 year-old college freshman,

and I had just moved into my Aunt Betty’s compact single family house in

Southern California. Actually, she isn’t my aunt exactly, but my fatherÕs

younger …

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My bbw sex slave
By: Date: 2023.08.16. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , ,

This is a true tale of an affair that began over in 1989 & lasted – off & on – until her tragic death last year. It’s written as a memoir & tribute to one of the sexiest women I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. I was also proud to call her my friend.

It was a hot, steamy …

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I witnessed a cuckolded husband
By: Date: 2023.02.09. Categories: Just Interracial Stories Tags: , , , ,

Recently, my wife and I attended a company event which has got me pondering about the experiences I encountered that night. We had a fantastic time at the country club, enjoying drinks, dancing, and mingling with friends and colleagues. During the night, I needed some fresh air and decided to step outside for a cigarette. As I was smoking, I …

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John’s Wife
By: Date: 2022.03.05. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , ,

Seeing my old mate John again was great, we hadn’t seen
each other in years and had just spent the night drinking
and shooting the breeze. His wife Jane had gone for a
drink with her mates and we had arranged to pick her up
at a club in town. When we pulled up outside John said
he’d wait in …

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A Shitty Love
By: Date: 2021.09.30. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

Rain streaked down the windows of Simone’s sedan as she sped through the early morning streets of southern San Francisco, back towards work. She huffed and her caramel face darkened with a scowl, irritated by this odd situation.

“We need you to come back in, tonight.”

2:17 AM. She squinted in disbelief when she saw the time on her phone. …

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