I’m ready for some cock
By: Date: 2021.05.08. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

It’s Bobbi. Wow has this been a great week! It’s
getting close to lunch time, and have I got something
exciting planned! I’m sitting at my desk at work, and
I am about to get something to eat. However, the only
thing I’ll be eating today is cock!

Remember the other day when I said I wished I could
fuck the guys in the break room at work? Well, I told
Bob (one of my coworkers who knows the real me) on
Friday, and he suggested a way to make it happen.

It’s so simple, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it
before. I did need someone to help me set it up,
though, and that’s where Bob and Mary (a girlfriend of
mine) come in.

Mary is providing the house where I’m going to get to
perform for the guys. And Bob is spreading the word
about today’s lunch special.

The simple thing that is going to make it all possible,
is that I’m going to wear a costume!

Mary has a French maid’s costume, complete with a black
wig and a mask that will cover the upper half of my
face. I tried it on last night (and let Mary take it
off of me; of course we ended up in bed together!)

The costume is kind of big, especially in front, but I
don’t intend to wear most of it for very long.

I’m going to wear a bustier underneath (you know, the
kind that comes just below my breasts, and just below
my waist), along with a garter and some black fishnet
stockings and high heels.

Bob has already told several of the guys that he knows
of a really horny woman who is going to be in town
today, and that she has asked him to get her a bunch of
men to have sex with.

He told me that he thinks probably five or six of the
guys will accompany him to Mary’s to meet this hot
bitch. Well, this hot bitch will be ready for them!

I should tell you what set all of this in motion. Well,
you remember the other day when I was sitting with
about fifteen of the guys in the break room, and how I
bent over in front of them to get a pop out of the

That was so hot, that on Friday I decided to go a
little further.

When I showed off my legs to them the first time, I
had a black butt plug in my ass. Because of that, I
made sure that I didn’t bend over too far. They all
think that I’m kind-of conservative, and if they’d
seen that I wasn’t wearing panties, and had something
buried in my ass, they would have known that I was a

I love being a slut, but I also love working where I
do, and living in our small town, and going to our
small church.

Basically, I’m your typical married, working woman.
At least that is the image I try to portray. I love
sex, but I’m not ready to be driven out of town because
of it.

That’s why I keep my activities secret from the general

Don’t get me wrong, the guys at work don’t think I’m
a prude, or that I hate sex. I’ve flirted with enough
of them so that they know I enjoy being looked at, as
long as they do it discreetly. I do know some women
who genuinely dislike any kind of comment on their
looks or figure, but most women like to be flattered;
as long as it isn’t crude.

Personally, I enjoy crude remarks, but that’s not
widely known.

Anyway, Friday I decided to show them a little more.
I wore a summer dress to work, and this time I wore
panties. They were white thong panties and they showed
off my nice butt.

I’ve been told that my ass is my best feature, and when
I looked at myself in the mirror before I left for work
I had to agree.

It wasn’t a very warm day, so my braless nipples grew
erect as soon as I left the house.

I couldn’t wait for break time! The morning break
starts at 9:30, but I didn’t go to the break room
until 9:40 because I wanted to make sure there would
be a lot of guys there.

I love the way it gets kind-of quiet when I walk in
that room. I imagine that they probably talk about
girls and stuff, and when I show up they feel they
have to curtail their discussions.

Anyway, I like it when it gets quiet; that means they
are paying attention to me. So, I said “Hi” to every-
body, and then I went to the refrigerator to get a pop.

Like I said, it was cool, and when I opened the re-
frigerator door, it got even cooler. I could feel my
nipples growing very erect, and when I looked down I
could see them sticking through the material of my
dress. I stood there with the door open for about ten
seconds, and then I bent down to get a Pepsi of the
bottom shelf.

I could feel my short dress ride up the back of my
legs, and as it crept up to my thong-pantied ass, the
room went REAL quiet.

I took my time getting my pop, thinking how all of
those guys were watching me, staring at my ass. I
could feel where the hem of my dress rested, and I
knew that a little part of my ass was exposed! It
made me so hot!

From what they could see of my ass, I knew that they
could tell I was wearing thong panties. Then I
straightened up and shut the refrigerator door. When
I turned around, the guys were starting to talk to
each other, pretending that nothing had happened.

I sat down and talked with a few of the guys about the
Olympics, and I loved the way they snuck peeks at my
erect nipples when they thought I wasn’t looking. My
dress had a kind-of scoop neck, and I thought how hot
it would be if I could flash my breasts.

As I stood up to leave, I had an idea! As I was
getting up, I purposely spilled some Pepsi on my dress.
The spill was down by the hem, and I made a big deal
about it. I walked to the sink and wet some paper
towels and started rubbing the spill.

I had to bend down to reach the spot, and I made sure
that I was facing the guys in the room. It worked,

The neckline of my dress gapped and hung away from my
body. The only problem was that all of the guys were
sitting down, and weren’t in position to look down my

I stood there blotting the spill on my dress, wondering
how I could give them a better look, when apparently,
a couple of the guys figured it out.

They stood up and moved forward, offering to help me,
but I knew what they were doing. As they stepped up
close, I bent down again and gave them a clear shot of
my breasts.

I knew they got a good look, because I could see one
guy’s cock start to get hard through his pants! That
got me even hotter, and I decided to get out of there
and go to the bathroom to masturbate!

I thanked them for their offer of help, but told them
that everything was under control, and turned to leave.
I tossed away the paper towels and walked over to the
place we put our empty pop cans.

The recycle box for the empties was sitting on the
floor, just like it was earlier that week (it’s funny,
but I remember when the box used to be on the side
table, someone had moved it to this location a couple
of weeks ago. I wondered if someone had done that just
to see me bending over it like I was right now.

I finished off my pop and I bent forward to put the
Box. Once again it got quiet as the hem of my dress
inched up towards my ass, but this time I didn’t stop
when the hem got to my ass! I continued to bend foward
until I knew that my entire bottom was exposed.

I almost came when I felt the material uncover my be-
hind. I had the mental image of the guys lining up
behind me, pulling their cocks from their pants, with
the first guy sliding my tiny thong to the side and
sliding his hard cock into my pussy.

I don’t think I moaned, but it wouldn’t have surprised
me if I had. It was still quiet as I stood back up. I
wanted to turn to them and smile, but instead, I just
walked out of the lunchroom.

I walked slowly down the hall, and was able to just
make out a couple of their comments about me. From
their tone, I knew they liked my little show!

Anyway, while I was in the bathroom, I decided that I
wanted to fuck them; preferably all of them, but at
least some of them. Later, I told Bob about it, and he
suggested that I wear a costume. That way I could fuck
as many of them as I wanted, but they wouldn’t know it
was me.

I rewarded Bob for his idea by offering him my ass
during our noon run. It was delicious feeling his
big cock in my tight ass. He fucked me for at least
fifteen minutes, until I begged him to cum in my

He was a little shocked that I would suck him right
after I’d had him in my ass, but it was fine with me!

So, in about an hour, I’m going to go over to Mary’s,
put on my costume, and wait for Bob and the guys to
fill me with their cocks. I just have to remember not
to say anything (I definitely won’t be keeping my mouth
shut!), and they won’t know it’s me.

I’m so hot thinking about it, I’m going to go over to
Mary’s right now and have her get me ready for them.
I’ll be sure to write and let you know what happened!

I’m ready for some cock,

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