Month: July 2021

I love having sex with an audience
By: Date: 2021.07.30. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

In a recent story WATCH AND ENJOY I described how my man and I had Janet and her man for dinner with the intention of seducing both of them – which we did.

On the way out Janet whispered to me, “Next Thursday afternoon, just you and I if you are free. We could have magic lesbian sex.”

“Why not, …

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Ten inches for my whore
By: Date: 2021.07.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

I quickly learnt just how much she enjoyed being licked and teased and thrived on the challenge of pleasuring her with my tongue and lips.

She appeared to have more erogenous zones than three other women combined.

Licking and kissing her nipples her rock hard nipples would have her moaning with pleasure instantly.

When driving in the motor car she …

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Woody and the Tranny
By: Date: 2021.07.28. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

When Woody entered the lounge he had to wait a few
seconds for his eyes to adjust then scanned the room.

As his eyes roamed the people inside they locked on one
person at the end of the piano bar, she was a vision of
beauty. She smiled back as their eyes met and he slowly
approached the vacant stool …

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Buddy Fuck
By: Date: 2021.07.19. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Andrea worked for an economic development company that
traveled with business leaders to different cities to
entice companies to move to our city. On one of these
trips she was with two fellows who we actually knew
pretty well.

Andrea and these guys had done these trips before and
always had a great time. They were very friendly, but
had …

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Brad’s Birthday Surprise
By: Date: 2021.07.15. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: ,

Brad’s boss told him to take off an hour early, since it
was his 30th birthday. Looking forward to dinner with his
wife Donna, he headed directly home.

Perhaps, he mused, there would even be enough time before
dinner to demonstrate to his wife that he was NOT “over
the hill”.

Not that he had ever been accused of it. …

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Dirty story
By: Date: 2021.07.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

It’s a rainy night, you are out getting some new lingerie, and the entrance to the store crashes open. You jump and turn around, seeing a tall dark man standing in the doorway. Lightning strikes as he walks out of the rain. You turn around to continue you’re shopping, taking your mind off of the man. Wondering what you will …

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My First Time
By: Date: 2021.07.10. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

I remember my first times each and every one of them. My first kiss, my first blow job given and the first time I was taken to bed.

My first kiss was with Larry. Larry lived next door to me and we played with each other everyday when he lived there. We’d play hide and seek, we’d play tag, we’d …

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