Month: May 2023

Hidden Camera (mf-teens, oral, voy)
By: Date: 2023.05.31. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

My sister Kristy was almost 18 when this incident
happened. She was very popular at school and was always
the leader in her group of friends. She was a big
success in class and even the extra curricular things
she did like cheerleader squad leader, and even
president of her class made her reputation even better.

I on the other …

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Story of a Couple Sex Therapy
By: Date: 2023.05.30. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , ,

Our guest where to arrive that evening and we hurried to get things set up.
Lisa had known that she was to be a special guest for tonight’s festivities,
though she was unsure of how she would participate. Very quickly it became
evident. The main dungeon space had been cleared, many chairs set up around the
center of the room. …

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My Wife Bailed me Out
By: Date: 2023.05.30. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I’m a 30 year old executive happily married to my wife Kate. She is 27
years old, a brunette with hair just which reaches her shoulders, 5″7
tall, very slim and sexy. Her bra size is C. She’s a pre-school teacher
and we have been married for nearly 6 years. We are very happily married.

My boss, who is about …

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Mrs Harrison Requires
By: Date: 2023.05.29. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

My husband, Edward and I have been married for almost three years. At our
engagement, our friends all said we were absolutely made for each other. He
is tall, dark and ruggedly handsome and I am, I’m often told, not
unattractive. Both from good schools and good families with a few vague
remnants of old money, it was obvious we …

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Non-Strangers On A Train
By: Date: 2023.05.27. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular
sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows
lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few
and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some
looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be…

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My wife and the black swinger couple
By: Date: 2023.05.26. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

My wife and I were driving through Minnesota. We hadn’t had sex in two
months. This is one of the reason’s I proposed we take a vacation. I
hoped she would feel a bit more randy staying in nice hotels and eating
in nice restaurants. During our first year and a half together, we
fucked at least once a day. …

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We have tried a few FMF threesomes
By: Date: 2023.05.24. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

To Joan,

It was good to “meet” you on the Internet. There are not a lot of
opportunities for those of us who enjoy the unique pleasures of MFM threesomes
to talk with others about our lifestyle… particularly others who regularly
share our lifestyle.

As you have requested, I am going to attempt to put into writing how I started…

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Helping Jennifer Snap
By: Date: 2023.05.24. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

June Allison sat her eighteen-year-old daughter down for a most
difficult talk. June needed a sexy young girl as a sexual aid to get a
very special man up. June finally found a good Mr. Right with one
little problem, which wasn’t little and was no problem once it got up.
Getting it up was the problem. Henry thought seeing …

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Betty’s sex House
By: Date: 2023.05.23. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

We were having an early cocktail. It was a Friday in
late summer, still sunny and warm at 6:30, and it was
our traditional “Thank God it’s Friday, only two more
working days until Monday,” celebration.

“Hans made an email pass at me today,” Betty said.

“Hans, the guy in from Denmark?” I asked, Betty had
mentioned him before.

“Yeah, …

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Pay For Play Cheerleaders 3.
By: Date: 2023.05.23. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

“Ohhhh!” Nancy sighed, slumping down on the toilet seat. “Wow!”
Mr. Towson leaned back against the stall door, huffing, puffing,
his cock drooling.
“Jeez, sir! Look, you drenched me with that thick stuff!”
He paused, his hand still clutching his cream-slick prick, the big
sausage-like stalk.
“All over my belly, my titties, and my skirt. Lucky it’s on the
inside …

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Pay For Play Cheerleaders 2.
By: Date: 2023.05.23. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

Nancy started to pull her white vest together. “I guess I better go
“Oh, please! Not yet!” Mr. Milton begged.
“Well, my friend Chrissie is waiting for me in the cab.”
“But just a few more minutes,” he said.
“No, I better –”
“I’ll give you some more money.”
“Well, how much have I made so far, sir?”
“Over …

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