My wife and the black swinger couple
By: Date: 2023.05.26. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

My wife and I were driving through Minnesota. We hadn’t had sex in two
months. This is one of the reason’s I proposed we take a vacation. I
hoped she would feel a bit more randy staying in nice hotels and eating
in nice restaurants. During our first year and a half together, we
fucked at least once a day. After that our sex lives steadily declined.
Now I got laid once a month whether she wanted to or not. I still loved
here, though. We had become really good friends before we started
dating. We went to the same college, and we were engaged before we
graduated. We got married two years ago right out of college. I still
love her, but I seem to enjoy and want sex a lot more than she does.
We hadn’t set any plans on our vacation. We decided to drive across
the nation, stopping where we wanted and doing what we wanted. Anne
wanted to stop and shop in the little stores we came across, and I
wanted to stop at every miniature golf course we passed. The first
couple days of our vacation had been really pleasant.

Being in the car
so much gave us Anne and I time to talk to each other, which we hadn’t
done a lot of in the recent past. Anne had been spending a small
fortune buying little figurines and other things she thought were cute.
I kept reminding her to save some money for later.
We had just eaten dinner at a lovely little Italian ristorante, and we
were driving past a small strip mall. Anne said, “John, let’s stop
here. I had three Pepsi’s at dinner, and I really have to pee.” The
parking lot was only one fourth full, so I parked close to the door. We
walked into the mall holding hands. Anne immediately spotted the sign
that said, “Restrooms.”
As she walked towards them, I said, “I’ll be in this store,” pointing to
my left. It was probably the largest store in the mall. It was called
“We Have Everything”. As I looked around inside, I saw that it
probably did have everything. It sold cleaning supplies, clothing,
sporting goods, shower curtains, toys, books, and toothpaste. The
prices were really good here. I was looking for a new tape to listen to
in the car when a man said to me, “Hey, John, How ya doin?” I turned
around and saw a large guy I hadn’t seen since college. “Eric! How are
you? What are you doing here?” I say shaking his hand pulling him into
a hug. Eric’s wife and my wife were roommates in college, so we spent a
lot of time together at their house.

“This is my store. I own it”
“How’d you get it. How’d you get to Minnesota?”
“Jamie got a job out here with Symco. She’s the highest safety person
in the whole company. I was hoping to get a job at the university here,
but they didn’t really have anything for me. So when this store became
available I jumped on it.”
“Yeah, what else are you going to do with a degree in political
“A-ha-ha-ha. Very funny, but close to the truth. We moved before I
could finish my Masters at TJU. I’m working on it here, but it’s going
slowly with the store. How are you and Anne. I think the last time we
saw you was at your wedding.”
“We’re good. I’m substitute teaching and working on my MA in English,
and Anne’s the director of the Children’s Center. It’s the largest day
care facility in town where we live. It’s in northeastern Indiana.”
“So what are you doing here?”
“We’re on vacation. We’re probably going to end up on the Pacific in
Washington or Oregon.”
I saw Anne walking toward us. “Hi, Eric,” she called out as she
approached and him. It was funny seeing their contrasting bodies as
they hugged. Eric was well over six feet tall and had to weighed over
two hundred pounds. Anne on the other hand was only 5’5″ and weighed
110 pounds. Her B cups pointed out under the tight t-shirt she wore.
After we caught Anne up on our conversation, Eric invited us to his
house for a small get together he was having that night after work. We
agreed to go, glad to see our old friends. He then told us that he had
to go finish some work, but he would show us the rest of the store. He
lead us back through his small, cramped office to another room. He left
us here telling us to enjoy ourselves shutting the door behind him as he
went back into his office. This room was much larger than his office.
The first thing I saw in here was a small amount of drug paraphernalia
on the wall next to me. I had no idea how most of it would be used,
being a product of the “Just Say No” culture. Anne said, “John, come
look at this. I can’t believe anyone would use this.” She had been
looking at a huge dildo that was at least a foot long and three inches
in diameter. That’s when I realized the rest of the walls were filled
with sex toys. Anne and I weren’t strangers to sex toys. Even before
we were engaged we had ordered some vibrators and videos from a mail
order company. When we were on Spring Break in Myrtle Beach with Eric
and Jamie, the four of us stopped in a sex store. Most of the vibrators
we bought were used only on the day they had arrived, and then they were
left in a box, forgotten. Except one. We had one that was a bullet
about two and a half inches long on the end of a short, barely flexible
stick. Anne liked to use that one to get herself wet before we would
We walked around this room amazed that Eric would have this kind of
merchandise. Anne and I spent about 30 minutes looking around. I knew
Anne was getting turned on because she was standing closer to me. She
let me hold her as we looked. We talked about which vibrators might be
fun to have and which dildos were to big to possibly work. Anne didn’t
complain when I worked my hands up to her breasts and started massaging
them. In fact, she started rubbing her butt against my cock. She
stopped my hand on her belly as I tried to move it to her jeans. She
turned around pulling me into a kiss, and then whispered a single word
to me, “Later.”
We went into Eric’s office to find him sitting at his desk working
which was a first for us since we never saw him do any work in college.
We got directions to his house and assured him he would see us later.
We had a couple hours to kill before anyone would be at Eric’s house, so
we went to see a movie. It was about four teenage boys trying to get
laid. We sat in the back row and made out a lot. Anne let me feel her
breasts, and she rubbed me through my jeans. But she wouldn’t let me
into her pants.

After the movie we went to Eric and Jamie’s house. It was dark out,
and that made it harder to see street signs. We got there having to
backtrack only once because we missed a turn. They lived in a little
house in a quiet residential neighborhood. Anne commented that their
house was really nice as we walked to the front door. Jamie opened the
door for us and our mouths dropped. The Jamie we remembered was fat.
Real fat. The woman standing in front of us couldn’t have been bigger
than a size 7, and her breasts didn’t fade away with her weight. They
were still huge. “Jamie, you look great,” I stammered hugging her after
Anne did. Jamie took our coats and introduced us to the couple sitting
on the couch. “Anne and John, this is Steve and Megan Blackwell. Steve
and Megan, this is John and Anne Simons.” We all shook hands. Anne and
I sat down on the love seat, and we chatted. We found out that Megan
worked with Jamie at Symco, and Steve was a carpenter. He looked like a
carpenter. He was tall and strong with big forearms and not an ounce
of fat on him. His dark brown hair matched his shadow of a beard.
Megan was cute with red hair and green eyes. My eyes traced a line from
her nice smile, down her neck noticing a diamond pendant necklace, to
her v-neck sweater that plunged to her round breasts. My eyes continued
down her slim waist to see her legs appear out of her modest length
skirt. She looked at me knowingly, and I smiled embarrassedly and
looked at Eric entering the room, glad for a diversion. Another woman
followed him into the room. She was introduced to us as Jennifer
Greene. She worked at the same mall as Eric. I thought that she could
have been a model. She was about as tall as I am at 5’8″. She had long
black hair and bright blue eyes. She was fit and trim with large
breasts. She was wearing blue jeans and a button up long sleeve shirt
as this was an informal party. It seemed odd that she was the only
single person here, but no one, including her, seemed to mind.
We all sat around talking for a little while. Eric, Jamie, Anne, and I
relived some of our college memories, thoroughly entertaining the
others. Everyone else had already known each other, and Anne and I got
to know them a little bit. Eric went out to the kitchen and brought us
some pop to drink. They weren’t the cans I expected. They were
bottles. We all talked some more and drank our pop. As he finished it,
Eric announced that Steve was the first winner of the evening, so he
would go first in the next game. “What is the next game, Eric?” Anne
asked suspiciously.
“Spin the bottle, hence the bottles. Will you play? It’s all
innocent, and we’re all adults. We won’t force you to do anything.”
Anne looked at me. She seemed nervous, worried, and excited. “I’d
like to play, if it’s okay with you,” she whispered. I couldn’t believe
it. Anne had never expressed any desire for anyone else to be involved
in any sexual manner with us. She said three people were too many for
sex during threesome scenes we watched on videos. Like every guy, one
of my fantasies was to be with two women, and I thought this game may be
exciting. If watching people kiss turned Anne on, I might get some from
her later. “It’s okay with me,” I told her.
Everyone seemed pleased when we agreed to play. Steve placed his empty
bottle on the coffee table and gave it a spin. “Round and round she
goes, where she stops nobody knows,” Eric bellowed out. It stopped
pointing at Jamie. Everyone gave a cheer. Jamie got up and walked over
to Steve. She planted one on him. It lasted a few seconds. Jamie
picked up the bottle and spun it. It pointed at Eric. “Oh, how sweet,”
Jennifer commented. Eric leaned over and pecked his wife on the lips.
Eric had to kiss Megan, and he gave her more than the peck he gave
Jamie. Megan pointed the bottle at Jennifer. To our surprise, Jennifer
walked over to Megan and gave her a passionate kiss. Megan put on hand
on the back of Jen’s head and head her close. I was amazed. This was
the first time I had ever seen two women kiss in person. Jen spun the
bottle and it pointed at me. This was it then. I looked at Anne. She
looked a little nervous, but nodded at me and smiled. “Go ahead,” she
mouthed. I walked over to Jen and leaned in. I closed my eyes and our
lips met. It was amazing. This was the first woman I had kissed other
than Anne in five years. Her lips were soft and warm. She ran her
left hand through my hair and put her right hand on my waist. I put
both my hands on her lower back, hugging her. I pulled away and opened
my eyes. I looked at her and she smiled. “Thanks,” she whispered. I
sat back down, and Anne put her arm around me. I spun the bottle, it
ended up pointing at Anne.

This elicited another, “How sweet” from
Jennifer. Anne must have been excited because she stuck her tongue in
my mouth as we kissed. She hadn’t initiated a french kiss in years. I
enjoyed it immensely. I squeezed her ass as we kissed. I know she felt
my cock against her body. “Come on guys. The rest of us want to keep
playing,” Megan said making us stop. Anne used the bottle to select
Megan. Megan came over to Anne. And gently embraced her. Anne pressed
her lips to Megan’s. The passion glowed from the entwined bodies. I
watched in amazement. I never thought I’d see Anne kiss another woman.
Not that it didn’t excite me, but Anne used to say she never would.
Never say never, I guess.
After they kissed, Eric announced that the stakes would be raised for
the following rounds. First pants, then bras, then panties, then shirts
would come off. The game continued until everyone was very nearly
naked. At this point, Jen asked if we could play another game. Jamie
went to get another game, and we all watched her cute ass that her shirt
didn’t quite cover as she walked out of the room.
She shortly returned with Twister. Anne whispered to me, “Oh boy.
This ought to be fun. Everyone took off their remaining clothing before
stepping up the Twister mat. Eric explained to me that you get extra
points if you can enter your wife during the course of the game. Jen
became the designated spinner. “Left foot blue,” she announced, making
everyone find a blue circle. “Right hand, yellow” came next. “Great,
making it hard from the get go,” I thought as I bent down to the floor.
“Right foot, red” had me touching Jamie with my leg as I put it on a red

“Right foot, green” made all of us move our right feet again.
I felt Jamie sliding her leg against mine. I couldn’t believe it; I
thought she was trying to rub her slit on my leg. “Right hand, blue”
allowed her to do so. I was surprised at how hot and wet she was. She
kept moving just a little bit. I thought I heard Jamie moan a little
bit. I wondered if the others saw what she was doing to me. “Left
hand, blue” allowed me to turn over and see what everyone else’s
positions were. I was only mildly surprised to see most everyone else
engaged in a similar activity. What surprised me the most was to see
Anne very close to Megan. “She’s just full of surprises tonight,” I
thought. This is when I got another surprise. Someone was squeezing my
balls. I looked down to see that it was Jamie again. I guess she
thought that if she couldn’t have my leg, she would have my balls. On
the next “Right foot, green” Eric clumsily knocked Jamie over. She
yelled at Eric merrily and went over to sit with Jen, putting her arm
around her. Eric and Steve lost it on the next turn, leaving me on the
mat with Anne and Megan who looked very nice together.
I couldn’t believe my luck. Here I was with two beautiful women
playing naked Twister. I made my way over to the women during the next
couple turns. Anne was face down with her butt up in the air on top of
Megan. This amazed me as Anne had never been aggressive in our love
making before. I was close enough to Anne to touch her. I leaned over
and ran my tongue along the entire length of her pussy. She screamed in
surprise and pleasure. Everyone laughed and applauded my actions.
Looking back, Eric was giving me a thumbs up, and Steve was playing with
Jamie’s breasts. Jamie was in turn giving Eric a hand job. Jennifer
was dutifully spinning the spinner. I kept licking her pussy, making
her moan. I alternated long licks along her entire slit and plunging my
tongue as far inside her as I could. She was hot and nearly dripping.
I don’t know if Jen was just calling things out now trying to help me
or not, but I was able to quickly position my body over Anne’s. As I
got over her I saw that Megan had been sucking on Anne’s breasts. I
slid me penis across Anne’s slit a couple times to get it wet. Then I
slowly slid it in. I moved slowly back and forth using long strokes
feeling her pussy grip by cock. By now, Jen had stopped calling out
numbers and was masturbating. Everyone was watching us. I reached down
to feel Anne’s breasts. I pushed Megan’s head out of the gently. She
moved up and started kissing Anne. I moved my right hand from Anne’s
breast to he clit. I started gently rubbing it, making Anne moan
louder. Megan’s mouth reattached it to the breast my hand left empty.
Megan turned her body so it was perpendicular to Anne’s, keeping her
mouth on Anne’s breast.

Steve came over and started sucking on Megan’s
exposed pussy. I could feel that Anne was close to cumming. I also
felt Megan grab my balls with a free hand. She rubbed them for a little
bit, then let them go. She reached the same hand around and asked Anne
to suck on her middle finger. This muffled Anne’s moans a little bit.
Megan took her hand out of Anne’s mouth and returned it to me. She
rubbed my balls with the palm of her hand and massaged my asshole with
her wet finger. This nearly pushed me over the edge. It felt so good
to be receiving so much pleasure. By this time Steve had mounted his
wife and was giving her a good fucking. Anne’s moans announced that she
was very close to cumming. Just as she started, Megan pushed her finger
into my ass. I thrust into Anne as far as I could and emptied my seed
deep into her. Anne and I made our way to the love seat. Eric and
Jamie had moved onto the couch. Steve and Megan were still on the
Twister mat. Jen was watching everyone. She came over and told us that
since I won the game, we won the king size bed for our use later. She
would join us if we wished. Anne said, “I’d like that very much, but
give me a little time to rest,” and Anne gave her a kiss.

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