Tag: Wife

A Man, His Wife, and Her Friend
By: Date: 2021.05.05. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

The doorbell rang and Sheila answered it. “Oh, Mandy,”
she said, “I’m so glad you stopped by! Come on back to
the kitchen. What a coincidence. My husband was just
saying that, since I’d mentioned you so often, he’d
like to meet you. And here you are!”

“Yes, here I am,” Mandy laughed. “Are you sure I
haven’t met your …

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The All-Canadian Hockey Mom’s Gangbang League
By: Date: 2021.05.05. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

“Of course, your wife doesn’t have to participate, Mr.
Biddle,” said Geoff Stanley. Geoff was the owner of
Stanley Farm Machinery, the small town’s biggest
business. He was a forceful and conservative gentleman
in his 50’s. His wife, Janis smiled loyally as he
continued. “But it would enhance your career and social
position in Beaver Hill a great deal. Everyone …

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