Slutwife Adventures
By: Date: 2021.05.08. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , ,

Well, as I promised last week, I’ll get you up to date
on my Fourth of July camping trip. My husband, Tom,
and I found this great campground with a practically
endless sandy beach, and we were there for the holiday

In my last letter, I described how I’d taken on a
couple of groups of guys on our first day there. Tom
watched me fuck four guys just off the beach, but he
didn’t know about the pair of good-looking guys that
I’d had earlier at our campsite. I can be so naughty!

After I had finished with the group of four guys, I’d
made Tom promise to find me someone with a really big

I have had a few men with what I consider very big
cocks. The biggest I’ve ever had was this guy back
home at a fraternity house. Others have come close,
but he was the biggest.

I figured his cock was 10″ long and really fat; so fat
that I couldn’t get the head in my mouth! I was unable
to take all of him in my pussy either, but I was able
to accommodate him in my ass.

Well, I wanted someone like that again, and that’s what
I told Tom.

I figured the best way to find him would be for us to
go to a nightclub and have Tom keep his eyes open while
he was in the bathroom.

We weren’t familiar with the area, so I decided to ask
our neighbors if they knew a good club. Keep in mind
that these neighbors had seen me go into our tent with
two guys that I’d picked up on the beach. They had to
know that I fucked them; I mean, we were in the tent
only about 30 feet away!

Anyway, I took Tom with me as we went next door to ask
about the nightclub.

I introduced Tom and myself, making sure to let them
know that he was my husband. I felt so wicked! Then
I asked about nightclubs.

My pussy tingled as they told me about a couple of
clubs in the area. I couldn’t help thinking that
these people had to know how much of a slut I was, and
it made me very hot!

They mentioned three clubs; one was a country western
bar, and the other two had rock bands. Well, neither
Tom nor I like country music much, so we decided to try
the other two.

I hadn’t told Tom my plan of having him check guys out
in the bathroom. I thought it would be best to wait
until we got there.

I decided to wear a skirt, so that I could flash a
little. Tom made me wear panties, but I talked him
into letting me wear a pair of white silk thong ones.

My black skirt was made of Lycra and cotton, and was
really clingy and short. Tom said that it looked hot,
the way it clung to my tight ass.

I wore a black a Lycra top, too. The top was very
thin and tight, and the impression of my nipples were
clearly visible as they poked out through the material.

I put on a pair of low heels (I would have rather worn
high heels, but I was going to be dancing, and I didn’t
want to hurt myself), and I was ready to go.

The first club we went to was kind of dead, but it was
early (around 8:00 o’clock), so we had a couple of
drinks and waited for everyone else to show up.

Well, they didn’t. Apparently, this club wasn’t as
popular as we’d been told. So, we drove over to the
other bar, and it was packed.

We weren’t able to get a decent table right away (there
were a couple empty tables, but they were kind of in a
corner), so we sat at the bar. There was a pretty good
band playing and we turned our barstools to face them.

I kept my legs spread a little, so that whoever wanted
to, could see my pantied pussy. I got quite a few
looks, and it was heating me up. I kept looking for
exceptionally large men, tall and well built, not fat.
I knew from experience that large-proportioned men,
usually had large everything!

I guess I’ve heard that all black men have large cocks,
but that seems a little unlikely to me, so I kept look-
ing for tall, large men.

Then I saw them. I had glanced over by the door just
as this group of four really tall guys entered the bar.
I found myself hoping that the stereotype about black
men was true, because three of these guys were black.

I know a lot of you have told me how you’d like me to
take on a very large group of black guys, but to be
honest, I don’t get any special thrill from being with
a guy just because he’s black. On the other hand, I
certainly wouldn’t turn down a guy because of his color
either. It’s just not an issue with me.

Anyway, these guys were big! I knew that I had to meet
them, so I told Tom that I was going over to talk to
them. He wished me luck and said that he’d wait at the
bar for me.

As I slid off my barstool, my skirt slid up my thighs
and exposed my panties.

I smiled to the guys who were looking, and then
smoothed my skirt back down and walked towards my
target. When I got over to them, I started a conver-
sation by exclaiming how tall they were. They were,
too. I would have to say that all four guys were well
over six and a half feet tall.

At 5’1″, I was really craning my neck looking up at
them. One of the guys must have noticed my discomfort
at straining my neck, and he suggested that we find a

Well, I accompanied them to a table, and we all sat
down. The table was kind-of in a corner, and we
couldn’t really see the band, but I didn’t care.

Actually, Tom and I had decided not to sit at that very
table, because of its location away from the action.
The guys introduced themselves and asked if they could
buy me a drink.

I told them my name and took them up on the drink.

It turned out that they were college basketball
players. That explained why four really tall guys
were there together.

I told them about Tom and our vacation, and asked if
they minded if Tom joined us. They said sure, why not,
and I went to get him.

When we got back to the table, I introduced Tom to the
guys, and we talked about all kinds of stuff as we sat
there and drank. After a little while, I couldn’t
refrain from telling a little bit about what I liked
to do the most.

I started by asking how they liked my outfit. Well,
everyone said that it was pretty hot. That’s when I
explained that I enjoyed showing off a little, and that
Tom thought it was pretty sexy, too. Then I told them
that Tom had promised to do something for me that

I had their attention so I went on to say that some-
times I liked to do more than just show off, and that
Tom sometimes liked to watch me do things.

Tom was getting nervous, but I could tell that he was
excited by the way I was talking. I continued by saying
that I had made Tom promise to find me a partner for
later that night, someone that was really well endowed.

One of the guys, Jerry, asked Tom how he had planned
to do that, and Tom said he really hadn’t given it much
thought. He went on to say, “Bobbi has never really
needed my help in that department before, so I figured
that she would take care of it on her own.”

So Jerry asked me how I’d planned to do it.

I told him that this time I had planned to send Tom
into the bathroom to look for guys with bigger than
usual equipment. Tom looked pretty shocked, but Jerry
didn’t give him time to respond.

“Well, why don’t we go and take a leak right now guys?”
Jerry said. “Tom, you can come with us and report back
to Bobbi.”

Tom told them to forget it, that he wasn’t going to go
to the bathroom and check out other guys. He suggested
that they just tell me how big they were. By now, the
guys thought it would be fun to make Tom do the looking
for me, and they were getting a little insistent about

I took Tom aside and quietly asked if he wanted to
watch me fuck a really big cock. I could tell that he
did, and he admitted that it would be really hot, but
he said that I should check out the guys. I just told
him that if he wanted me to fuck them, he would have
to vouch for their size, and that he should just go
and get it over.

Well, Tom reluctantly agreed to go with the other guys
to the bathroom, and they all got up to go. I played
with my pussy while they were gone for what seemed a
very long time.

When they got back to the table about ten minutes
later, Tom said that I was in luck, and that any one
of the guys would suit my purpose.

“I can’t make a decision like that,” I exclaimed!
“Maybe we should all go back to our campsite!” There
was no way I was going to let any of these guys get
away! So, we finished our drinks and left the bar.

The guys followed us back to our campsite in their car.
All the way back, I teased Tom with what I was going
to do to them. Tom told me that they had the biggest
cocks he’d ever seen, and that they ranged from nine
inches to twelve.

I asked him what had taken so long in the bathroom,
and he blushed. He told me that they had insisted on
showing him how big they were hard, and that they had
to play with themselves in order to do it. He told me
how embarrassed he’d been watching as they stroked
their cocks in front of him.

I told him not to worry about it, that I’d make it up
to him by letting him watch all four guys fuck me.

When we got to our tent, we saw that it wasn’t big
enough to accommodate all of us at once. So, I asked
if I could do them one at a time, with Tom watching.

They all said that that would be fine, and I asked if
I could have them in order, from the smallest to the
biggest. I also told them that I’d promised Tom that
he could watch.

Despite the stereotype, it turned out that Larry, one
of the three black guys, had the smallest cock. So,
I took Tom and Larry, and we went into the tent. It
was pretty dark, so I told Tom to turn on the light
so he’d be able to see.

I had an ulterior motive for that. I knew that the
light would silhouette us to whoever happened to be
watching. I had him position the light so that our
neighbors (the couple who’d told us about the night-
club) would have the best view (I really wanted to
shock them for some reasn.)

I was anxious to get started so I told my two guys to
get undressed, and I did the same. As soon as we were
naked, I attacked Larry’s cock! I sucked it into my
mouth and down my throat. I was finally getting what
I wanted!

Tom sat there and watched as I licked and sucked on
Larry’s cock. Tom was right about Larry; his cock was
about eight inches hard, and it was nice and fat. I
loved the feeling as it slid in and out of my mouth,
but all I could think of was getting it inside my
pussy! I told him to get behind me and fuck me hard!

I looked into Tom’s eyes as Larry forced his hard cock
between my pussy lips. “Fuck me Larry! Give me that
big cock!” I said. Larry was eager to grant my wish,
and he pushed all the way in and started fucking me

I wasn’t yet used to his size and he caught me off
guard as he slammed his big cock into me. It hurt a
little at first, but when I became fully lubricated,
it felt delicious!

As Larry fucked me from behind, I asked Tom how he was
enjoying my performance. I couldn’t help but moan and
cry out occasionally, and I knew that our neighbors had
to be listening. That just caused me to make more

Larry continued to hammer away at my wet pussy, as I
looked at Tom and told him how good Larry’s cock felt.
Larry said that he was going to cum, and I begged him
to cum in my mouth.

I love the taste of cum, but mostly I love the idea of
men cumming in my mouth. It’s just so nasty!

Larry pulled out of my pussy and I moved around and
pushed the head of his cock into my mouth. I moaned
as he moved his fist up and down on his gleaming dick.

He cried out as he began to spurt his cum into my
mouth. God I loved it!!

Tom looked on as I gobbled up every bit of Larry’s
load. When he was through cumming, I told him to get
dressed and send in the next guy.

After he left, I crawled over to Tom and asked how I
was doing. Then I kissed him. It was a nice wet long
kiss, and it occurred to me that Tom could probably
taste Larry’s cum in my mouth. After we broke off the
kiss, I asked what I tasted like. He just blushed.

Anyway, about that time, Jerry (the lone white guy)
entered the tent. He didn’t waste any time getting
undressed, and I didn’t waste any time sucking his 9″
hard white cock down my throat.

He wasn’t fully hard or I wouldn’t have been able to
get him all the way down. As he slowly fucked my
throat, he got harder and harder, until I couldn’t fit
him down my throat anymore. In fact, it was hard
enough to just get the head of his thick cock into my

I was consumed with the need to get his lovely huge
cock inside of me. I was on my hands and knees and I
turned my ass towards him. “Fuck me Jerry,” I said!
I dropped my shoulders down as Jerry pushed his huge
dick inside my pussy.

I guess I lost track of Tom about then. I was just so
full of cock!! I wish I could describe how it feels to
be so full for all of you guys. It’s like nothing else
in the world! I feel so primal when I have a huge
penis inside of me! I lose track of everything else.
I don’t even think, I just feel!

Jerry’s cock was having that effect on me. I begged
him to fuck me, and fuck me he did! With every stroke,
Jerry would almost pull his cock all the way out. I
could feel the head start to stretch my pussy even
wider as if it were about to pop free; then he’d shove
it all the way in.

I have never had more than nine inches all the way
inside my pussy. I have fucked one guy with a longer
cock, but he never got it all the way in my pussy. Now
Jerry was bottoming out in me as he buried his cock in
me up to his balls. It’s like I could feel the head
trying to push its way into my womb!

What ever he was doing, it felt great! I think I came
a couple of times while Jerry fucked me; it was all
such a hedonistic blur! I don’t even remember him
telling me that he was cumming, but I felt him convulse
inside of me, and as he pulled out, I felt his hot cum
running down the inside of my legs.

I guess Tom took over for me then. I was kind-of
incoherent, all I wanted to do was fuck! Later, Tom
told me that he’d instructed Jerry to get dressed and
send in the next guy.

I do remember lying on my back as Alan came into the
tent. I remember watching him undress, and I remember
seeing the biggest cock I’d ever seen. It was black
and uncircumcised, and BIG! Ten inches long and as
thick as my wrist! I couldn’t wait to get it in me!

Alan knelt over me and stroked his cock until it was
fully hard. Once the foreskin tightened, it revealed
a beautiful purplish head.

He spit in his hand and rubbed it all over the huge
head of his cock until it glistened. Then he lowered
himself down onto me.

I felt the head of his cock pressing between my pussy
lips. He pushed forward with a steady pressure as my
pussy stretched tight around his cock. And then he was

He continued to push forward until he hit the end of my
pussy tunnel. Still he didn’t stop!

As Alan continued to press forward, I felt the head of
his cock opening me up deep inside. I had never felt
anything like it before. It was painful at first, but
within minutes the pain was replaced by an intense

I don’t know if Alan had found some special spot inside
me, or if it was just the thought that I had ten inches
of the biggest cock I’d ever seen inside of me. What-
ever it was, I was loving it. I wrapped my legs around
him and just gave in as he probed me with that wonder-
ful instrument.

I vaguely remember Tom above me, stroking his cock as
Alan fucked me. I became aware that I was making gut-
tural grunting noises as Alan fucked me with his huge

He told me to get ready, and then he pulled out and
moved over me. I hungrily reached for his spurting
cock and guided the tip of it into my open mouth. I
was so happy to be able to provide a receptacle for
his sperm, and I swallowed all that I could.

After a little while Alan pulled away from me, and I
dreamily watched as he got dressed and left. I heard
him tell Joseph that he’d opened me up for him, and
I hoped our neighbors had heard him too.

I looked up at Tom and said, “Now I’m going to take a
foot of cock. Make him give it all to me, Baby!”

I just lay there as Joseph came in and took his
clothes off. He knelt over me like Alan had, and
stroked his huge cock. It was beautiful!

It was circumcised and fat, even bigger than Alan’s,
and even though it wasn’t completely erect, it was
fully a foot long. It reminded me of a stallion’s
cock, the way it hung down.

I asked Joseph if I could try to get a little of it
into my mouth and he moved up until his cock hung
down over my face. Even with Joseph’s height, his
cock was so long, that it hung down and brushed against
my cheek.

I reached up and used both hands to position it between
my lips. I pictured the couple next door watching the
silhouette on the wall of our tent, as I took the tip
of that huge cock in my mouth.

There was no way I could get it into my mouth, but I
tried anyway. I looked up at Tom and saw the lust in
his eyes as he watched me try to swallow Joseph’s cock.

“Do you want me to fuck you Bobbi?” Joseph asked.

“Oh God yes!!” I begged. I was reluctant to relinquish
my grasp on that magnificent cock, but I knew it would
be worth it, so I let go as Joseph moved down between
my legs. I used my hands to position his enormous dick
at the opening to my pussy. “Fuck me, baby, fuck me!!”
I pleaded.

He slowly moved forward and forced the head of his cock
into me. I thought that I’d split open as the giant
head entered me. I swear it was bigger than my fist,
and the shaft of his glistening tool was definitely
much thicker than my wrist.

As my pussy clamped around the shaft of Joseph’s cock,
it occurred to me that I could accommodate an arm and
fist in my pussy. I made a mental note to explore the
possibility with my girlfriend Mary.

Joseph didn’t give me a second to relax as he pushed
forward, feeding me more and more of his python.

When Joseph reached the point that Alan had opened for
him, there was still a lot of resistance. Maybe it was
because of the size of their cocks, but neither Alan
nor Joseph got totally hard. I suppose that was what
allowed their cocks to conform to the contours of my
insides, and that’s probably why Joseph was now able
to keep pushing until there was a foot of giant cock
inside my pussy.

When he had it all the way in, he just kind of ground
around rubbing my clit with his pelvis.

I came instantly, and I’m afraid I wasn’t very quiet
about it.

Just thinking how I must have looked, lying there with
my legs spread wide, with 12″ of fat cock buried deep
in my pussy, screaming that I was cumming, I can’t help
but rub my clit as I write this.

Tom must have gotten nervous about my screaming,
because he moved up beside me and forced his cock into
my mouth. He held the back of my head as he fucked my

Joseph then started moving in and out of my pussy. I
couldn’t stand it as I let out one muffled scream
after another into Tom’s stomach. Joseph fucked me
for about ten minutes like this and I swear I came five
or six more times! I almost lost conscientiousness a
couple of times, but neither Tom not Joseph seemed to
care. I was sure that they both would have continued
to fuck me even if I had passed out, and that made me
even hotter!

Tom came first and I sucked it all down. Then Joseph
said he as cumming. He pulled out of me and knelt over
my face as he milked stream after stream of gooey,
white cum into my open mouth.

I remember both Tom and Joseph leaving as I curled up
and drifted off to sleep.

I was right about our neighbors. They really looked
me over the next day, and I knew they’d seen me fucking
those guys. I found out for sure when the guys wife
left in the car. Right after she left, I went next
door and asked the guy if he’d enjoyed the show.

To make a long story short, I ended up in their camper
as he fed me his cum.

Tom had gotten Joseph’s phone number and address, and
he’d given him our address and invited him and Alan to
come pay us a visit some time.

I made it with a couple other guys later in the weekend
but nothing compares to that night with Jerry, Larry,
Alan, and Joseph.

So, you see, I have been busy! I hope that you jack
off while you read my letter. It makes me so hot
knowing that you’ll be picturing me lying on my back
with Joseph’s huge python cock buried deep inside of
me. I’d especially like you to picture me lying there
with Joseph kneeling over me, milking his cum into my
open mouth.

I’ve got to go to the bathroom and take care of my
aching pussy right now. I love being your slut.

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