The door to Steve’s shed was unlocked and ajar when I
gently pushed it open. “You’re late,” he said, without looking
up from washing his hands in an oil and paint-stained stainless
steel laundry tub just inside the door. I started to apologize
but he cut me short, telling me to “strip!” He sounded definite
about it and I immediately …
Category: Sex Stories
Mitch was tired. Work had been a long, miserable grind of one emergency
after another. What he really wanted, more than anything, was a quiet night
in front of the fire. A beer, his favorite book, a warm, glowing fire; yes,
that was exactly what he wanted. He knew it was a lost cause. Tonight was
He opened his …
Read More →Rock City was not a really good idea, but I guess all
in all it worked out okay. It was a joint idea that
David and I had, to run a disco in an outlying small
town on the weekends. It worked okay, but we never any
money at it. The perks were good, though.
She was there the very …
Read More →The affair had now had three episodes and I was far from sated with
her. She and my wife worked together and I had met her at a social
function. In fact, my wife had invited her to our house a couple of
times. This made the affair both more dangerous and exciting for me,
but also more emotionally distressing …
His name was Liam and he had a gift.
Think of it as a kind of telepathy, or empathy. It wasn’t;
there was nothing psychic about it–the actual explanation
had to do with pheromones and smell and vomeronasal
cavities and suchlike–but what you need to know is that
he knew when women were horny.
Sometimes he couldn’t resist acting on …
Read More →I saw her as soon as she got out of the elevator. Tall, long
brown hair. Nice legs, nice ass. No tits though. No matter, she
looked pretty hot walking across the hallway in that short skirt
she had on. I told her to be careful because the floor was wet
and she smiled at me and said thanks. Too …
Did you ever have a perfect day?
This episode in my Jeff Zephyr’s Life series is about one day which
seemed perfect to me. It wasn’t the first time we had sex, but it
wasn’t long after that. It wasn’t all about sex either, though that
was part of what made the day perfect.
I was in love, too young …
Read More → Maria was just wearing a halter top and tight shorts while I was in my
usual casual wear of shorts no underwear and a muscle shirt since I was
going to meet the secretaries of the coaches. In my back pocket was that
ring my grandmother gave me to give Maria if I was sure that she was the
woman …
1. Air Conditioner
One more time.
One more time.
“Yeah…yeah, you like that.”
One more time.
She takes another swing.
It’s not really that I like
being fucked up the ass.
Not really.
One more time.
It’s just that that’s all we do.
“Yeah, …
Read More →“Hey there,” the pizza girl said, “David?”
The question mark is part of the flirtatious game we play, this lovely
pizza girl and I. For about six months, at least once a week, I drop
by to pick up a pizza for the family. Usually she gives me a big
pepperoni pizza, although every so often, I manage to sneak …
Daisy locked the door and pulled the blanket round her naked body. It’s
roughness excited her skin and made her nipples tingle as she nestled into
the voluminous folds, rubbing her firm body against the coarse material and
smelling the strange but familiar odours so much part of her life.
It’s earthy scents mixed with the heady aromas surrounding her …
It was one of those cold December nights that made me wonder why I
stuck around at this job. I worked for the campuse police department
at a pretty large midwestern university. As part of my job I had to
stand on top of one of the dorm buildings and keep an eye on the
parking lots surrounding it. Lots …
With her buttocks resting on her calves, she kneels in
the center of the hotel room; alone or not, she doesn’t
know. She can only feel the cool air blowing from the air
conditioner. Plugs stop her ears, and he has glued skin-
toned patches over her eyes. She appears eyeless because
of carefully applied make-up blending the patches into …
The snow was falling gently without a whisper of wind
to affect the lazy path of the snowflakes as they
tumbled in the cool crisp winter night. Below, the
town was spread across the winter landscape everything
in view softened by the continuing snowfall. A quarter
moon barely lit the scene with a pale silver light.
With a swoosh, the …
Read More →“Asshole!”
“Yep. And you love watching it get fucked – don’t
you?” I grinned back at my wife.
“Only fair. You can’t seem to get enough of mine.” She
smiled lazily at me.
“I’d kiss you for that but I seem to be tied up for
the moment…” I jerked a thumb over my shoulder at
the dog. “You’ll have …