Month: April 2023

Kelly the cocksucker and our intermixed love juices
By: Date: 2023.04.30. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

I met Kelly, in of all places, an overgrown
churchyard. I had been roped into helping out with a ground-
clearance scheme, to get this neglected churchyard back into
some sort of reasonable condition. There were quite a number
of helpers, including several whom I knew.

I noticed this girl in her twenties, attractive,
slim but by no means skinny, …

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Executive By Day, Slut By Night
By: Date: 2023.04.27. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

Over the years I’ve worked really hard to get to the top,
sacrificing everything to become what I am today, but it’s paid off.
I’m one of only three female vice-presidents in our company, and I’m
making a ton of money. Unfortunately, that’s all I have to show for my
hard work. Money, and the by-products of money. Nothing else. …

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Returning the favor
By: Date: 2023.04.25. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

This is not exactly about lightning striking in the same place twice, but
it’s close.
In the middle of November of the year after he met Mary Nelson, George
Chitwood went past the Greyhound station after work on Friday. No, you haven’t
been here before, not exactly. He did this a couple of times a month for some
years, especially …

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Shemale Fashions
By: Date: 2023.04.21. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

Hmmmm Yes. I am stepping out of the taxi-cab in front of your hotel. It
could be Milan or New York or Beverly Hills. No matter. Its the
presentation, the gestalt thats important. I stretch my four inch high
heeled legs encased in sheer black back seamed stockings out of the cab as
my leopard print soft supple leather skirt …

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Anne, the Speed Skater
By: Date: 2023.04.21. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

John sat quietly eating the last of his sandwiches in the corner cafe as

he watched and listened to his friend Bill whinge and complain about not

being able to get the best out of his athletes whenever they performed.

Bill was the head coach at the local university, in charge of all of the

athletes and responsible to the …

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Another Happy Ending
By: Date: 2023.04.21. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

John Smith was a forty-two year old flight instructor with a small, but

popular flight training centre-popular because most of the students at the

busy little school were his. He worked for the school on a contract basis,

taking an initial trial introductory prospective for their first interview,

aptitude test, and short airborne coordination flight to ascertain whether

or not …

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The Study Cubicle
By: Date: 2023.04.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

The following story is more-or-less true. It takes place at a
Long Island-based university whose main campus is on a main road named
after a compass reference and whose admission policies are generally
concerned with confirming your pulse and checkbook balance. Not that
the place does not provide a good education, it simply isn’t known as
inexpensive or picky. The …

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Stuff the Stocking
By: Date: 2023.04.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

It was Christmas Eve and I was working over the break from
college at a Gap in the mall. Earlier that morning, my co-workers and
I had had a little X-mas party. Nothing special, eggnog, nuts, and
poundcake. After most of the crew had left, it was just me Drew, the
new guy, and Chrissy, the Manager Trainee. I was …

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Two women and the sex machine
By: Date: 2023.04.12. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Barbara is tall, about 5′ 7″, slender and light-boned, so that her 127 pounds
are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for
business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories.
Although she appears to be in her early thirties, she will celebrate her
forty-second birthday this coming November.…

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