Jackie’s mother greeted her with a smile and a
letter when she returned home from high school that
day in late January. It was Jackie’s sophomore year,
and she had applied for a scholarship to study abroad.
All through school, Jackie had studied Portuguese
until it became her life. She hurriedly ripped the
envelope and pulled out the letter. Sure …
Sharon and Meagan lay side by side on the beach,
watching the sun fade over the horizon. The air was
warm despite the darkening sky; it was going to be a
hot night. The sand was deserted as far as they could
see in either direction — the public beaches were a
few miles down the road, and tall fences …
We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, however this one has stuck in my mind, even though I have tried to put it out of my mind. I find myself remembering this eventful time and as I slip back to when it all happened, I wish that I could somehow go back and …
Read More →Don and Nan were engaged and have been dating for over a year. When hanging out one night Don told me that when Nan smokes weed she is a sex fiend. I was soon to find out just what he was talking about.
It happened one day when Don said they wanted to go double dating at the drive inn …
Read More →Several weeks ago, I met a girl online. It was through a paid web-cam site and she was more than just a girl; she was a transsexual; a very attractive and passable girl with a great body, and she went by the name of Nicole. Eventually, we became very attracted to one another; talking online, sharing photos, and watching each …
Read More →At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife)
is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She’s always
been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she
was a kid. With all of the attention that she has given
herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a
hard body, and a deep rich “California …
I first met Bonnie two years ago in a health club to
which we both belonged, and I was immediately struck
by her strength, beauty and femininity. The only thing
I could think of was what it would feel like to use
her. The thought of fucking her silly kept running
through my mind as we exercised together more and …
I saw him at the 7-11. I had walked over from
the dorm to take a break from studying. He was about
17 or so. He was wearing shopworn, used, old jeans
that hugged his tight butt and legs. His basket was
clearly visible, hanging loosely in the denim. The
jeans and his work boots had stains in spots, evidence…
Jennifer never thought it would come to this. The
21-year-old college junior had no idea it could feel
this wonderful. A virgin up until about a month ago,
she had had a couple of relationships with guys, not
quite going “all” the way but getting far enough to
get turned on every now and then.
She had had orgasms in …
Read More →The doorbell rang and Sheila answered it. “Oh, Mandy,”
she said, “I’m so glad you stopped by! Come on back to
the kitchen. What a coincidence. My husband was just
saying that, since I’d mentioned you so often, he’d
like to meet you. And here you are!”
“Yes, here I am,” Mandy laughed. “Are you sure I
haven’t met your …
We met them at poolside at the Halekulani Hotel in
Waikiki. Lydia, my lady, had just finished the
newspaper and was stretched out on the chaise oiling
her body in the sun, I was lying on the float beside
her, when Nicole and Frank came up and asked if they
could borrow the TV listing. We’d seen them around the…
“Of course, your wife doesn’t have to participate, Mr.
Biddle,” said Geoff Stanley. Geoff was the owner of
Stanley Farm Machinery, the small town’s biggest
business. He was a forceful and conservative gentleman
in his 50’s. His wife, Janis smiled loyally as he
continued. “But it would enhance your career and social
position in Beaver Hill a great deal. Everyone …
Amber stood at the top of the stairs, she d done this many times in her twenty year marriage. It had become a part of there fantasy world.
It had started about five years after they were married, Don had asked her to wear sexy outfits for him when they made love. Over the years this had moved on swiftly, …
Read More →On June 22, 2000 a man, armed with a handgun, entered a grocery store in the town of Reed in Desha County and demanded money from the owner, George Barnes sr.
At gunpoint, the man took Barnes s money bag, and then he told Barnes to hand over the keys to his truck. Barnes kept the truck keys, and the …
Read More →It was a May, Sunday afternoon in the 80 s years before x – rated, online material irreparably damaged the Spicy Adventures Adult Bookstore s business and Odyssey Express, a swingers mag, was still in circulation.
However, the submissive, black – haired and 25 – /o Susan wasn t aware that Troy, her dominant, white and 26 – y/o husband, …
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