Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular
sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows
lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few
and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some
looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be…
Elisa released Susan’s hand and moved to
the door. A loud click filled the air as she turned
the deadbolt and locked the door. She also pulled
down the shades, blocking the view from outside.
‘Now we don’t have to worry about
anyone making a late night return.’ Elisa smiled
as she walked back to Susan.
The young girl placed …
I met Kelly, in of all places, an overgrown
churchyard. I had been roped into helping out with a ground-
clearance scheme, to get this neglected churchyard back into
some sort of reasonable condition. There were quite a number
of helpers, including several whom I knew.
I noticed this girl in her twenties, attractive,
slim but by no means skinny, …
I knew it was a dream as soon as Zoe opened the door of
her dorm building. She was dressed in calf-high yellow
rain boots and a pink cocktail dress with white polka
dots. Zoe never dresses like that. It really did make
sense, I reasoned. You don’t end up at your best
friend’s dorm forty miles away when last …
The following is an actual true to life experience
brought to you in a layman’s writing style.
My wife Elaine and I would like to share our sexual
experiences with your readers. This is a second
marriage for both us and when Elaine and I began dating
we were also dating others as well.
Elaine and I began sleeping together …
Read More →I am a bisexual woman, in my early thirties, with a
predilection for straight women. To me, the most
exciting sex is with an attractive woman who thinks
lesbian love is wrong, but whose sexual desires drive
her to it.
Three months ago a naval officer and his wife moved next
door. He promptly left on what I came to …
Peter groaned. His buttocks contracted and he arched his back, lifting
his pelvis off the bed in a futile attempt to reach Susana’s mouth,
hanging teasingly just a centimetre or so above the tip of his straining
cock. Her left hand circled the base of his tool, squeezing lightly in a
rhythm that matched the slow passage of her tongue …
Every sensual muscle in her sleek body in motion, Katt
MacNeil swung out of the Cessna and padded across the sand in the
blazing noonday heat.
The tall, leggy blonde was used to ignoring the scorching
desert sun a well as the admiring stares from a few local males.
There were not many fair-haired women to be found among the …
We were horny young guys just past the cusp of puberty. It was summer
holidays and we were allowed to stay out far past the falling of darkness.
It was the late forties and kids were safe in the streets, even in a
working class neighborhood like ours.
Women on our street all stayed home keeping house and raising their…
Rain patters against the evening window, and my mind drifts off
again. I try to focus, to bring myself back to the real world, but the
of the past months flashed through my brain uncalled for.
Expressing to my wife that I wanted her to occasionally take the
lead was probably not the hardest thing I had ever done …
“Scream all you want, Bonnie.” Bob whispered into her ear, as he attempted to
mount her from behind, both on hands and knees in the doggie style position.
Bob had applied a tiny drop of KY on the outside of her rectum. Just enough
lube to work the head of his shaft just inside the anal ring. Not really enough…
Over the next few days, Suzi was a busy woman. She found
an attractive guy at a singles’ bar and charmed him, before
they both headed to a hotel room for some privacy – and sex.
She also went back to the highway diner and seduced another
trucker, her third thus far. The insatiable slut added to
her ever-growing list …
Joe caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass door, the faint
grey ghost of a figure reaching forward to grasp the brass handle. Joe
grinned and felt a quick self-conscious laugh as the faded vision
reminded him he didn’t look half bad. “I should get a haircut,” he
murmured, pushing the curly mop of hair back from his …
When I wake up it’s already dark outside. I get up from my cot on the floor, crawling on my hands and knees. My only clothing is the collar on my neck, its bell tinkling softly as I approach the dark figure sitting on the couch.
It’s the Young Lady
She’s looking distractedly at her phone, a boring expression on …
Read More →We had been out at the pool all day, enjoying the sun and margaritas. I
loved to visit him, he always had something new planned for me. I never
knew what was going to happen when I went over to AJ’s house.
He was on the phone with someone, who I couldn’t tell you. He was
turned away from me …