Soft Swing – couples, wife swapping
By: Date: 2023.03.08. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Before I start you have to understand that neither my
husband nor I had any intention or even conversation
about swinging before this vacation. We are married now
for 10 years and have two kids. As most couples with kids
after a family vacation there wasn’t much time or money
left over for just a couple’s retreat, so we hadn’t
planned on any good one on one time for us. Our neighbors
of 5 years Peter and Tina were in the same situation as
we were with two kids and a somewhat limited budget.

Peter, Tina, Manny and I has gotten pretty close over the
years, with kids same age and living next door we had
enjoyed each other’s company for barbeques, dinners out,
movies etc. They are a great couple and have similar
tastes to ours. They were always a little bit more
adventurous then we were, Tina had told me a couple of
stories of visits to nudes beaches before they had kids.
Nothing sexual had ever happened between us other then a
little kidding around on occasion.

Well, one day last month I got a call from Tina telling
me that Peter had been given the use of a huge beach
house in Virginia that belonged to a client of his
companies that apparently had a few bucks. She asked if
we would like to join them, as the trip would cost very
little and they knew that we were dying to go away
without the kids this summer. I felt kind of awkward but
she kept insisting saying that we would split the car
expenses and buy groceries and take turns cooking so we
wouldn’t have to eat out ever night. I said I would ask
Manny and let her know.

Manny’s reaction was hell yeah why not! The more I
thought about it I came to the conclusion that it was a
no brainier. I called Tina and told her we would love
too. I had a few second thoughts the next day because
Peter & Tina were a bit wilder then we were with both
drinking and being adventurous but I figured it never was
a problem before.

Well the day came and we drove off in the morning. We
drove for about 8 hours and arrived to find a very nice
little house. It wasn’t anything special from the front
but was on the beach and had a great patio with barbeque,
Jacuzzi, outdoor shower and lots of chairs to lie in. It
was already late afternoon so Tina and I said we would
put sheets on beds and clean bathroom a bit while the
guys found a local market and bought some food.

By the time they got back and we put everything away we
were hungry and tired. We went out for some fast food and
stopped in a pub as the guys had to have a beer. Once
back at the house we all turned in and hit the sack.

We woke up to find Peter had been up for a while making
coffee and exploring the surroundings. He was quick to
tell us about the great beach and view and the privacy.
He ended by telling Tina that this was a great place for
nude bathing something they hadn’t done in years.

Well I didn’t say anything and wasn’t exactly crazy about
the idea. My body is still petite and in good shape and I
did kind of wondered what it would be like to go nude and
seeing Peter I was sure wouldn’t be bad for the eyes as
he was a rougher version of my husband sharing similar
physical traits but I was nervous about it. We finished
having coffee and a little breakfast and Peter said he
was going out to the beach. He went into there room and
came out wrapped in a towel.

At that point I realized that he was probably not wearing
trunks underneath. He walked out to the beach and Tina
walked over to me and asked if the nude thing bothered me
she would remain in a suit, I didn’t want to seem like a
prude and was kind of curious so I said don’t be silly it
will be fun. Well Manny looked at me with a pretty
shocked look but didn’t complain.

Manny and I went out to the beach and joined them; I
remember the rush I got from both seeing Peter nude on
his back while I slipped off my towel exposing myself.
Well the next few hours were interesting, on one hand we
laid out chatted and read no different then if we had
bathing suits on, but we didn’t I for one felt very sexy
and turned on. As the day went on we stayed nude even as
we went back and forth to the house to get drinks and
snacks. We made some lunch and continued nude as we read
or laid out, it was as if we had been nudist all our

We decided that we would have dinner out as we all hung
out on the patio, so Peter said he would shower first. He
left for a while but then to my surprise came back out
with a towel and soap and stuff, I then realized he was
going to use the outdoor shower. Well that was hot, I
tried not to look but I would glance at his wet body all
soaped up. When he soaped up and washed his semi erect
cock I couldn’t even pretend not to watch. When he was
done Tina did the same and my husband couldn’t keep his
eyes off her. I felt a bit awkward showering in front of
them so when Tina went in the house to get dressed and
Peter hadn’t come back I quickly showered before they got

Well we all got dressed went out for dinner and drinks,
by the time we came back it was late and both couples
were horny so we retired to our rooms. Well Manny and I
couldn’t wait to fuck, he entered me almost right away
and didn’t last very long but to my surprise neither did
I. We both came and then laid there talking about the
events of the day, as we did he got hard again and we
started to fuck again. This time he was in control and
fucked me like he had not in a long time. We fucked for
what seemed like hours and countless orgasms for me
finally collapsing when he exploded inside me and we fell

We were awakened by Peter who had come in our rooms to
wake us, I was embarrassed a bit, I mean he had seen me
naked all day, but at this point I looked like shit and
had that been fucked all night look! Anyway we had
breakfast and hit the beach once again naked. Something
different happened this time however that would change
the course of the day. Manny stayed behind to go to the
bathroom and Tina and I lay on our stomachs. She asked
Peter to do her back with sun Block and he did her back
her sides, then slowly her ass.

When he was done Manny had not yet come out and he
started to do my back. As he did to Tina he did my back
but seemed to do the sides of my breasts quite a bit and
then started my ass. Again he did my ass quite slowly
enjoying my cheeks; it was then that Manny came out
saying hey I will have to get even for this laughing. I
was kind of surprised he took it in such good sprits.
Peter then said don’t worry I will let you do Tina’s back
in the outdoor shower later. They laughed and Tina said
don’t you just love the way men just treat us like
property! I thought she was a little annoyed at the
comment but wasn’t sure.

The rest of the morning went as the day before, we stayed
nude sunned ourselves, read, chatted, took swims etc.
Then at about 2pm we decided to hang in the patio and
make a few hot dogs. As before we stayed totally nude,
Tina and I jumped in the Jacuzzi while the guys cooked.
We eat lunch and continued to drink, by now I was feeling
no pain.

Then Tina said she was going to shower off as her skin
felt awful from the sand and the salt water and take a
little nap. I didn’t think much of it as she left and
came back as Peter had yesterday with her things to
shower. She got the water temp ready and then looked over
to Manny who was sitting in a chair and said well come on
its your payback time.

Manny got up but very timidly, unlike Peter who was
aggressive Manny seemed afraid to join her. I didn’t mind
thinking that she was going to let him do her back and I
was turned on and feeling no pain. Manny walked to her
but was still not making a move, she must have sensed
this and took matters into her own hands saying “you
First” as she pulled him under the shower to wet him.

She then pulled him out a little and to my surprise
starts with both hands (one with bar of soap in it) to
wash his shoulders. My eyes were glued to what I was
watching. She slowly did his arms then his chest openly
playing with his nipples and then bent down and washed
his legs. I was in shock and then she stood back up
lathered up both hands and gave his cock a quick but
playful wash. He was harder then I have ever seen him as
she did this. She then said okay my turn picked up the
soap and handed it to him.

Well at this point he wasn’t shy any more, he proceeded
to wash her as she had him. Starting with her arms,
shoulders and then her breasts. Although he washed her
breasts he still didn’t look comfortable as he washed
them quickly. As he did neither Peter nor I said a word.
He worked his way down her stomach then her ass and bent
down to do her legs.

After finishing her legs he stood like he was thinking if
he should go further, then as she had before, he lathered
his hand up and put the palm of his hand right on her
pubic area. He quickly rubbed soap on her taking 4 or 5
passes and stopping. Tina then went under the water to
get soap off her. At that point Peter made cracks about
he and I getting even as they had gone to far. I laughed
and stayed in my chair.

Well Tina now clean came and sat next to me, we chatted a
while by ourselves. She started to say she was sorry if
she had gone to far with the tease in the shower but she
assured me that it was all in fun and wasn’t looking to
swap or cheat and didn’t think a little touching like
that was so bad. She also commented on how great her sex
with Peter had been the night before because of the
nudity and hoped the shower would do the same. I told her
I was cool with it also as long as nothing got out of
hand. Well it was then that Peter came over and said come
on lets show them how to shower. I got up smiled at Manny
and went under the water.

I started washing him first as I truly couldn’t wait to
touch his cock which was quite hard already. Despite
being built much like my husband his cock seemed a couple
of inches bigger and also thicker. This coupled with his
more roughed look was quite a turn on for me. I washed
him just as Tina had done to Manny slowly down starting
at his shoulders and working my way to his chest where I
stayed for a few seconds on his nipples.

I then bent down to do his legs slowly enjoying the view
of his body. I then stood and lathered up my hands and
gave his cock a soft but quick wash with both hands. I
didn’t want to do it any longer then Tina had and she had
been quite quick with Manny giving it just a few strokes
so I did the same. But I can’t explain how erotic it was
to touch another mans cock.

It was Peter’s turn to do me and he started with my back.
He did one thing different that I would later realize
why. Previously the person washing had kind of walked
around the other person who was facing the patio. So we
couldn’t see washing of the backside but saw all in
front. Peter started partially turning me as he washed.
He did my back and ass at full display of my husband as
he slowly soaped up my ass, unlike Manny’s shy washing of
Tina, Peter soaped my whole ass sliding his hand in my
crack down almost to the other side.

Then he turned me a bit and did my breasts and one leg
with hubby having a kind of side view. Again unlike my
husband when doing Tina’s breasts, Peter enjoyed them
spending quite a bit of time openly teasing my nipples.
When he finished he turned me a bit again, now I had my
back to my husband. Well I don’t have words to describe
how hot I was then after doing my leg he stood and
lathered up his one hand and started to wash my pubic.
Unlike Manny who did this to Tina with quick strokes,
Peter took very slow passes.

The first was slow with his open palm and sent
electricity thru me, the second one he surprised me by
slightly raising his middle finger up my slit and over my
clit. It was then I realized why I had been positioned
that way. His third pass with his hand again had his
finger raised but this time his soapy fingertip entered
me a bit. I guess he sensed that along with my arousal I
was getting nervous because he ended after that but not
before one more pass which included a quick stop right on
my clit. Well it was a good thing he stopped cause I had
all I could do not to moan.

It was obvious that we were all turned on, so we all said
naptime and retired to our bedrooms were I fucked my
husband like an animal. I got on top of him and road him
to 2 incredible orgasms while he also came. But that
wasn’t enough and I couldn’t wait for his recovery so I
shifted from his cock to his face mounting it with my wet
cum filled vagina and told him to eat me. Again I came it
was wonderful. I got off him and gave him a big kiss as
he lay there with his face covered in both our juices. I
collapsed and drifted off to sleep, as did he after that.

We woke up and started to make a little dinner as we did
our conversation shifted to what had happened as I think
we all felt a little awkward despite how much we enjoyed
it. Tina and Peter both said they thought it was great
fun and they had great sex after. We all admitted to that
fact and agreed that no one had intercourse or oral sex
or even an orgasm with anyone other then their own spouse
so it was just high school stuff really.

We had a great dinner lots of wine and started to think
of other sexy things that could have happened. We also
somehow got on the subject of movie love scenes and how
they seem so real and if actor’s husbands and wives get
jealous. Some how, I can’t even say exactly how it
evolved, but we decided to video a love scene contest. We
would change partners and direct a short love scene that
would only have touching but with camera angles would
make it appear like we were having real sex. This all
sounds pretty wacky but at the time seemed like great
fun, amazing what being horny and a little drunk can do
for you.

Well Peter wanted to direct first so Manny & Tina would
kick off the movie. We went in the bedroom and both Tina
and Manny got naked.

The first pose had them lying next to each other kissing
and touching each other. Like in the movies Peter didn’t
do close-ups of Tina’s pubic area and didn’t film Manny’s
erect penis. He then instructed a Manny to slowly work
his way down to suck her breasts and then her stomach and
then thighs. He had Manny simulate giving her oral sex
with his face right their. He also would tell Tina to
moan and move her body like it was really happening.

Then he changed them around with Manny lying down and
Tina working her way down slowly. Peter then with the
right angle and Tina’s long hair films them as if Tina
was giving him a blowjob. This was all pretty hot. Then
he placed Tina on top as if she was riding him. Tina
would moan probably not totally acting as her clit had to
be at least rubbing his penis in that position.

Then the grand finally as Tina laid down legs open with
Manny on top. A sheet covering their waist down Manny
simulated intercourse while they both faked orgasms.
Manny would later admit that if that part had gone on
much longer he might have cum all over her from the
rubbing of his penis on the top of her pubic hair.

Well we all went out to the living room and viewed it. I
was pretty impressed actually; as Peter had done a great
job it looked pretty good for a home movie.

Now it was our turn, part of me couldn’t wait while part
of me was concerned with Peter’s aggressiveness that he
had demonstrated in the shower earlier.

Manny told us to strip and get ready and we did. He first
wanted us to kiss and touch lightly while laying side by
side. We did this and I enjoyed my first kiss with Peter,
Manny asked we show lots of tongue for the camera and we
did. Kissing was very wet and sloppy.

Then he had Peter slide his hand to my breasts and play
with my nipples then he told him to slide his hand down
and palm my vagina. Peter did this and kept his hand
right their, but as Manny shifted the camera to the other
side to get a different angle of our bodies, Peter took
his finger and started rubbing my clit softly.

This was what I was afraid of but didn’t worry much about
it. Then he had us do what he and Tina had done working
their way down the body. Peter worked his way down
driving my nipples crazy and then my belly button. He got
down to my pubic area and kissed and nibbled all around
my thighs. Again he waited for the chance and gave me a
quick lick when Manny was stopping camera for next part.
I was on fire now, it was my turn to work my way down
Peter and I didn’t need a lot of instruction.

I enjoyed every inch of his chest and waist as I settle
down to simulate oral sex. My naughty side got the best
of me and with my back to Manny and Tina pretending to go
up and down on Peters cock I returned the favor and gave
his head a quick lick. Then Manny had me get on top and
simulate intercourse, again I needed no instruction as I
got on top of him rocking my self in a way that my clit
grinded against his shaft driving me crazy.

Then it was time for the grand finally, as Peter had done
Manny positioned me with legs open and Peter in between
on top. Peter started to simulate intercourse rubbing
himself on my clit. With the sheets covering our waists
down. Then Peter looked in my eyes, as if I had ESP.

I knew what he was asking, his eyes were saying I want to
feel what your like even for a second, my eyes must have
told him I was wondering the same thing. He slide his
long cock inside me and gave me exactly 3 strokes before
pulling it out and continuing to simulate intercourse for
a few seconds before Manny stopped the movie. We got up
to watch it and Peter gave me the naughty smile and I
returned it.

We watched the movie and as it finished Manny was rubbing
himself on my leg, we looked over and Peter and Tina were
making out. Well for the next two hours we fucked in
front of each other and watched and heard each other cum.
It was a perfect cap to a very erotic day. We all laughed
after and went to bed.

We left for home the next day and talked about how great
it was and we should do it again. That was in July and we
haven’t planned anything but I have a feeling we will at
some point.

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