Pervert couples having fun
By: Date: 2023.12.01. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Steve stared intently at the dials on the monitoring board.
Although he knew every inch of the control panel, having been the
projects primary designer, The readouts made no sense. “Terry,
come here once, will you?” he asked.
Terry walked over to the control board. His wife of 15
years, she was also the co-developer on the project. They had
both worked on the design for the reactor since before they were
married. They knew the machine as well as they knew each other.
Or so they thought. “What’s up?” she asked.
“Look at these readouts,” he said. “Have you ever seen
anything like it before?”
“No,” she murmured, recognizing the sound of concern in his
voice. “What do you make of it?”
Steve continued to stare at the board. Although he was
concerned, he was also just a little bit scared. He wasn’t used
to his creation doing the unexpected. “The radiation levels
worry me a bit. Their not all that high, just not what I’d like
to see. It’s almost like there is some unknown element causing
nternal changes to the core. Better tell the night shift to
keep an eye on it,” he said.
“OK, I’ll log it in,” Terry replied. “Whats say we knock
off for the day. I could use a shower.”
Steve, still unsure of just what to make of the situation,
resigned himself to solving the problem the next day. “Fine,” he
said, “I’ll meet you at the car.”
Leaving the control room, Steve marveled at how far they’ve
come in the past few years of research. Once the final testing
stages were completed they would be ready for a full scale test.
God, he thought, the possibilities then were endless. That was
the point of all this after all. The design for this new fast
breeder reactor was so simple and appeared so safe that it would
finally provide the world with a supply of cheap, clean power.
Any country in the world would be able to afford one and upgrade
the quality of life for all its citizens. Creating more fuel
than it used would allow the country to build more reactors, even
more cheaply, as the need arose. What’s more, the fuel was a new
type of isotope which could never be used to build weapons.
Arriving at the car first, Steve stood, enjoying the feel of
the warm sun on his face. He thought to himself, “I would like
to thank the Nobel committee for this great honor…” But he
also wondered about the threats he had recently received. Terry
didn’t know anything about them and he wasn’t about to needlessly
worry her.
Hearing footsteps, Steve turned and watched Terry approach.
Even after 15 years of marriage he still found her attractive.
Oh, she was no raving beauty, but then neither was he. But they
had much in common, both loved the theatre, fine food, working
together and each others company.
“God, I’m beat!” she moaned. “I could go home and sleep all
“Now, it’s not all that bad is it?” Steve asked. He felt
his whole body start to tighten up. This was friday, the one
night, three times a month that they had sex. The project was
taking more and more of their time and it had already been two
weeks since they had last made love. The thought of going
another week was not a pleasant one.
She looked at him, knowing that he was probably thinking
about sex. “I’ll be alright I guess,” she said.
As he drove Steve started to think about their sex life. It
was never as active as he would have liked but, lately it seemed
to be getting worse. But he remembered. God, how he
He was a virgin when they met. But he was oh, so curious.
Terry, who was 7 years older than he, had also had a fairly
active sex life. Far from intimidating him, it made him wonder
even more what sex would be like. After a year of friendship he
was beginning to think that he would never find out. Then one
evening, while out with a married female friend of his, he and
his friend had way too much to drink. She drove him back to his
apartment and decided to come up. He wasn’t sure why as she had
always just dropped him off in the past.
The one room efficiency was small by anyones standards. But
as a student it was all that he could afford. He was grateful
that he had decided to clean up that morning. Like many
bachelors, his place was usually a sty. They both sat down on
the edge of the bed, the most comfortable spot in the room.
There was a bit of small talk, and then, suddenly, they were
locked in a tight embrace. To this day he can’t remember who had
made the first move or for that matter if it was mutual, just
like in the movies. But at that moment in time all that he was
aware of was her. Her upper body was pressed firmly against his
and he felt her wonderful breasts straining for release. The
passion that was welling up inside of him was the strongest force
that he had ever felt. They kissed. Not a soft, gentle kiss but
a powerful, demanding kiss. He felt her tongue against his lips
and parted them. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth,
searching for his. They explored each others mouths then, each
second of discovery driving him to greater heights of passion.
His hands were shaking as they started to move. He caressed her
shoulders and back, expecting at any moment for to find out that
it was all a dream. He slowly lowered his hands to her waist and
started to pull her blouse free from her skirt. His hands then
moved inside, feeling naked female flesh for the first time in
his life. Slowly, slowly his hands moved up as he waited for her
to stop him. But she did not. With trembling hands he touched
her breasts through her bra. He started to caress them as his
heart threatened to explode from his chest. Not knowing what to
expect, he was still non the less surprised by their firmness and
weight. He had always admired the look of breasts but that was
nothing compared to their feel. “The bra, the bra” his mind was
screaming to him. “Take off the bra.” But having never put one
on he was a little confused on how to take one off. Gently, he
pushed the cups up, sliding his sensitive fingers over the
exposed flesh as he went. He reached her nipples and dared not
breath. They were hard and he gently rolled them between his
fingers. Her breathing, too, was now ragged and he hoped that
she was as excited as he was. Her entire breasts were now free
and he encased them completely with his hands. Never had he felt
anything so wonderful in his life. His eyes were shut tight. He
dared not open them for fear that it would all somehow end. And
just as he thought this he felt her push him away. God! What
had he done, he screamed to himself. But as he opened his eyes
he saw her staring intently at him. He also saw her stand and
watched as her hands slowly rose and began to unbutton her
blouse. His face felt hot with the rush of blood in his body.
There, in front of him were the first breasts that he had ever
seen in real life. And he thought that they were perfect. They
moved up and down as she breathed and seemed to have a life of
their own.
Tossing her blouse and bra on the floor, she looked at him
and said “now it’s your turn.”
He removed his shirt and dropped it on top of her clothes on
the floor. Then they moved together again. They kissed with
even more passion, tongues searching each others mouth as if
looking for the soul of life itself. He felt her breasts, naked,
against his flesh, her hard nipples pressing into his chest. He
slid his hands into the top of her skirt and caressed the full
globes of her ass. He was feeling more confident of his
movements now even though he had no idea what he was doing.
She slowly started to grind her hips, pressing her pussy
against his cock. He couldn’t believe the sensation. His cock
was harder than it had ever been before. Reaching down, she
began to unbuckle his belt. She undid his pants and gently
reached inside to grasp his cock. He thought he would scream.
Never in his life had he thought that the feeling of someone else
touching his dick would feel so different from when he touched it
himself. Gently she started to move her hand, slowly pumping his
cock inside his pants. Then she pushed his pants down and began
to open her own. He stepped out of his jeans and reached out to
grab her panties which he slowly began to remove. She sat back
down on the edge of the bed and raised her legs to help.
Both now gloriously naked, she stood and they once again
embraced. That first feeling of hot flesh upon flesh was one he
would never forget, nor would he ever tire of. They ground
against each other, each with a need that they could not deny.
She lay back on the bed and slowly parted her legs watching
him intently. This was still all too new to him and he climbed
onto the bed next to her missing her obvious invitation. She
turned to face him, their lips gently touching. He lowered his
head, kissing gently as he went until he reached her breasts. He
parted his lips and took her firm nipple between them. Caressing
it with his tongue her nipple got even larger. He used his hand
to fondle her other tit. He felt as well as heard a deep moan
emanate from her throat as he felt her hands on his head, urging
him to sample her other breast with his mouth.
Suddenly, she sat up and in one swift motion lowered her
face to his cock and engulfed the first few inches in the velvety
wet warmth of her mouth. The action was so sudden, the move so
unexpected and the feeling so powerful that he gave a small cry.
Worried that she had somehow hurt him she lifted her mouth from
his cock and moved back up his body. He held her face in his
hands and kissed her deeply, tasting himself in her mouth. After
the kiss, he gently pushed her face down lower, forcing himself
to utter the only word that he could. “Please…” he pleaded.
She then realized that she had not hurt him and went back to her
task with a passion. She sucked hard and she sucked deep. She
nibbled around the crown, and gently tongued the shaft. She took
one of his balls into her mouth and rolled it around, then
switched and did the same with the other. Then she moved back up
to the top of the shaft, and with lips tightly pursed pressed her
mouth down over his cock. Slowly she moved up and down, fucking
his dick with her mouth. She always enjoyed giving head and
knowing that this was his first time, wanted to make it
memorable. She marveled at his stamina, then decided that all
the wine they has consumed at the bar was allowing him to last.
That was fine with her. She then decided that it was time for
his first fuck.
Removing his hot cock from her mouth, she again moved up his
body. He had been fondling her tits and ass all the while that
she was sucking him and she was as hot to fuck as he was. She
lay back and once again spread her legs. He reached out and
touched his first cunt. The hair was soft and covered with her
sweet juiced that had started to flow the moment they first
kissed. He stroked her softly, and then summoning up all his
courage, slowly slid a finger up her cunt. She was wet and felt
wonderful. He realized that this meant that she wanted him as
much as he wanted her. He worked his finger in and out, then
added a second one, opening her up even more and covering his
hand with her sweet juices. He had read about a woman’s clit and
began his search. He never was sure if he found it, but she was.
When he touched her clit she arched her back and had one of the
strongest orgasms of her life. It shattered through her and left
her limp and gasping for air.
Not even sure what he had just done, he slowly removed his
fingers from her cunt and gently rubbed around on her pussy. His
thoughts were on other things he had read, wondering what he was
supposed to do next. There was one thing that he thought she
might like, that he dearly wanted to do for her, but had no idea
at all how to start. “Just try, I guess,” he thought and he
slowly lowered his face to her pussy. It took her a few moments
to realize what he was going to do, being totally unprepared for
it since she knew that he had never been with a woman before.
The fragrance of her cunt was overwhelming and he knew that
he just had to taste her. He caressed her cunt lips with the tip
of his tongue, driving her mad with desire. Pushing his tongue
into her cunt, he tried again to find her clit. Just as with his
hand earlier, he didn’t know whether he did or not. She knew.
He did. She went off again, pushing her cunt up against his face
as he tongue fucked her for all he was worth. God, he hoped he
was doing this right!
As she settled back, reveling in the afterglow she decided
that now was the time to fuck his brains out! She reached down
and pulled his face from her cunt and up to her face. She kissed
him deeply sucking the tongue that was just deep in her cunt into
her mouth. She sucked her own juices off of him, enjoying her
own flavor as she gently prodded him into position between her
wide spread thighs. Reaching between them, she grabbed his rock
hard cock, placing the head at the entrance to her sweet cunt.
She reached further back, and grabbing his balls slowly pulled
him inside her hot, wet cunt. They both realized the importance
of this moment in time. A man fucking his first pussy. She
wanted to make sure he would always remember it and started to
use all the tricks that she knew to ensure that.
She raised her legs up and clamped her ankles around his
back. She tightened her pussy muscles to give him a snug home,
wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly started to pump.
As he slid into her, he marveled at the indescribable
pleasure this simple action could bring. At that moment in time
he wanted nothing more than to be lost inside of her forever. He
felt her start to pump her cunt up and down his cock and he
started to do likewise. Thrusting against each other in a mad
race for release he marveled at the feel of her body. He reached
down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on the
hard little nub and driving her mad. He reached down with his
hands and cupped her ass, helping her pump herself on his cock.
All too soon, he felt the unmistakable feeling of his rising
orgasm. Gritting his teeth he increased the speed of his pumping
and started to come. She recognized the signs and began to use
her pussy muscles to milk the come from his body.
And with one final, mighty thrust he forced himself deep
into her cunt and came. He felt like his whole body had
exploded, as he clasped her body tightly against his, daring not
to move. Feeling his cum shooting into her clasping cunt, she
too came and began to cry at the beauty of the act. The love
that they felt for each other, the lust they felt for each other,
the passion they felt for each other at that moment in time could
never be repeated and they both seemed to know that.
Slowly they relaxed, she dropped her arms to his back and
her legs to his sides. His cock softened and popped out of her
cunt as he moved to lay beside her. Ever so gently he kissed
her, licking her lips and enjoying one final taste. His hand
moved down and he gently caressed her cunt, feeling their
combined juices slowly seep out of her reminding them both of the
beauty of what had just happened.
Steve slowed the car, signalled and turned into the driveway
of his and Terry’s house. And as the automatic garage door
closed after him he could not help but sigh, and wonder why it
couldn’t always be like that first time.
Hearing him sigh, Terry asked “whats wrong?”
“Oh, nothing,” he said. “Just worn out I guess.”

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