Trophy Wife xxx
By: Date: 2023.11.20. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , ,

I had been thinking of redoing their dungeon for quite some time now.
As a criminal I had been more successful than I had ever imagined I could
be. It was quite remarkable that I had not been exposed thus far. My
success was surprising to myself, I had two luscious women penned up and
ready to flop and fuck me in any perverse way that I could imagine and
anytime of the day or night. All I had to do was snap my fingers and one
or indeed both of them would begin performing for me at a moments notice.
Supposedly everyman’s fantasy. Well not mine, anymore. It was no longer
my fantasy, it was my reality. Before I took these sluts I had only read
about such things. Now I was living them.

My life had completely changed. I no longer was solely concerned with
work, or my social life. in fact these aspects of my life did continue,
albeit at a reduce level. For example I still attended weekly meetings
with my office team, and dealt with the odd crisis when it arose. But
fortunately these intrusion were minor. I still socialized with my friends
and acquaintances, even having friends out to the farm to enjoy the country
with me, and for dinner. In fact these friends and I played pool in the
basement, mere feet from the dungeon. If they only knew, I wonder what
they would think. The entire experience was really too good. If you’ve
never had a woman who is afraid of you, you really are missing out, I
highly recommend the experience. It really is too yummy!

Anyway my success had me thinking, actually doing more than just
thinking, about revamping their quarters. Now that there were two of them
to house and care for I really had to build them a proper dungeon. I set
about doing this. I drew up some rough floor plans, it is amazing what a
novice can create with some pretty cheap software. Then I had an architect
friend look them over to make some minor revisions. I was slightly
concerned that he wold view the drawings with suspicion. But when I
explained the line of work I was in and that I was looking for a very
secure place, such concerns faded and he was very enthusiastic. A starving
architect friend is helpful when you flash a few greenbacks at him. As for
the iron fittings collars, and steel door and such I could always fabricate
them or order them from survivalist outlets. despite Reagan fading into
history, if nothing else he sure spawned the survivalist industry.

I was planning a new building entirely. Designed to look like a small
guesthouse, from the outside, that would complement the farmhouse. In fact
the guesthouse would actually be used as a pool house. I was going to
locate the pool in between the farmhouse and the guesthouse. My drawing
called for it to be landscaped so that the pool area was in an defilade
position, concealed by elevation till you were nearly upon it. The climate
allowed it so I would plant lots of palm trees around the building.

The real purpose was to provide a more humane, though not by much,
setting for the sluts. After all it looked as though I would be able to
keep them for considerably longer than I first imagined. I figured that I
could get some contractor to throw it up in about a month. Maybe three
weeks, if the bonus structure were convincing. But I still wanted to do it
right, so I was prepared for it to take longer. Some contractors tend to
drag their feet. The basement dungeon portion was to be formed as much as
possible out of pre-poured concrete slabs so it should take a few days at
most to put together.

Construction started today, I had to maneuver the heavy digging
equipment around the location of the existing underground dungeon. If I
let even a heavy pickup truck drive over the location then there might be a
collapse. If it did not cave-in completely it was still quite fragile and
could be damaged by the mere passing of a pickup truck over the location.

I had made all the arrangements needed to begin construction on this
newest dungeon of mine and could now return to my newest hobby. That being
turning every waking moment the two women would spend into a living hell.
Quite a tax on my imagination, as I had to devise new and increasingly
horrible things to do to them.

The women of course did not know whether it was day or night, or even
what day or month it was anymore, not for certain anyway. It was late
afternoon when I released them for more play this time. They were still
clad in their stained lingerie from the previous escapade. I would have to
devise a way that they could launder their own clothing, as I was tired of
doing it for them. Stacy looked like shit, and she smelled like she had
vomited during the night. No doubt the taste of her friends snatch was
doing little for her. I removed the collars and handcuffs from them, and
directed Vicky to return her clothes to their respective bins and then head
for the shower. I intended to use her further today. I had incredible
desire for her. she was new and fresh and everything I did to her brought
horror to her eyes still. Stacy of course was beyond all that, she would
flop down on the floor and fuck for me anytime I asked, almost without
hesitation. The terror that once filled her eyes was long since removed by
my repeated rapes and abuse.

Stacy was still kneeling before me, she was rubbing her hands together
trying to get some feeling back into them, from her previous long night
bondage. Her eyes were tired from lack of sleep. She looked at me and
spoke softly. “Can I have something to eat Darling?” I didn’t answer her,
I walked to the tiny fridge and removed a hot dog that was laying there.
It had some surface mould developing on it, but I didn’t mind. She
wouldn’t either. She was still rubbing her hands when I handed the cuffs
back to her. She placed her hands behind her back and refastened them
together. With this done I rubbed the hot dog across her face, teasing her
with the prospect of food. I soon had her head tilted back her mouth
clutching at the dog, trying to suck it into her mouth. Her pleading mouth
was quite erotic. I let her take a small bite from the tip of the hot dog.
It was a very small bite. I took the hot dog and balanced it on her nose.
“I’m gonna have some fun with whore first. If you’re a good little bitch
and you manage to keep it balanced on your nose while I’m using her, then I
may let you eat it. How does that sound cunt?” “That’s wonderful Darling.”
She was careful not to move her head too much in answering the question,
lest she topple her reward so soon in the test.

By this time Vicky was just stepping into the shower to clear herself
up. I watched as she began to clean herself with the penis shaped dildo.
It was still quite humiliating for her. Even the instrument that she
craved that would clean her up was shaped like my cock, and was a constant
reminder of the torments to come. I watched her for a few moments more
before I left the women alone. I went to the bedroom chamber to begin
preparing for the session with Vicky.

This session would require minimal equipment. I arranged about a dozen
candles and lit them and laid out a mat for her to perform on. I had
covered the walls with some mirrored panels. This way when I had her
performing she would be staring at herself being humiliated and used. She
couldn’t keep her eyes closed throughout her entire performance. This way
I could see her heart breaking reflected in her own eyes. The lights were
switched out and I waited for her, still dressed and waiting for her to
enter sitting on a comfortable easy chair.

This time she entered on cue, she had prepared herself exactly as I had
specified. Her hair was pinned up exposing her neck and her delicate
throat. I could see her catching her breath as she entered. The tendons
in her throat were prominent and holding up the faux pearl necklace that I
had left for her to wear for me. It had several strands of artificial
pearls that were acting in effect as a choker on her. She had matching
earrings and a matching bracelet. Aside from these items she was
completely nude. Her feet were not bare, she was wearing very high heels
that were fastened to her feet by delicate ankle straps that were locked on
her ankles by tiny functional padlocks. She no doubt could have torn these
off with some effort. The tiny padlocks were more of a mental reminder
that anything. Her hair was of course still platinum blonde and would
remain that way for the remainder of her days. A constant reminder of her
status, or rather her lack of status. My eyes trailed down her flawless
body till I reached her pelvis, which was still nude of hair like the rest
of her. Her right hand was demurely shielded behind her thigh, and was
holding the single item that I would allow her to wear for this session.

After I finished my visual inspection of her I flicked on the ghetto
blaster. The music I had chosen would more closely be described as Musak.
It was soft drippy stuff that you hear on bad videos, designed to relax
you. It was nevertheless well suited to the scene that I had constructed.
She smiled at me, a terrible false smile that prom queens and beauty
pageant contestants force on their faces, and began to slowly sway to the
music. She soon was in a trance with her eyes closed, no doubt grateful to
no longer view her surroundings, or me her tormentor. She moved her body
over to the mat and slowly curled herself to the ground. The item she held
in her hand, the item that I was allowing her to wear, that I was insisting
she wear was a flask of scented oil. She removed the glass stopper and
began by pouring a generous amount of the oil over her chest, which then
flowed down her body over her breasts slowly downward across her belly and
curled in amongst her hairless crotch. Her skin began to shimmer in the
reflected light offered by the candlelight. She gently placed the glass
flask down on the floor and began to spread the oil across her body. My
eyes drank in her beauty. I watched as she caressed her breasts and then
stared dumbly at her as her hands began to travel down her body to her
shapely thighs. Watching closely I could see the flesh pressed between her
fingers as her hands became more insistent. “Pinch your nipples for me, I
want to see them getting hard.” She complied. “Pinch them harder.” She
winced but she did it, soon her nipples were as hard as I was. “I haven’t
decided where I am going to fuck you this time whore.” By this time she had
turned her back toward me and was spreading oil across her back and across
her ass. Her fingers were delving between her cheeks exploring her body
for me just as I wanted. “Yeah I might fuck you in the ass, you certainly
seemed to like it yesterday.” She continued to spread the oil across her
self. By now she had complied with my monologue and had assumed the knee
chest position, in preparation for my inevitable assault. “I certainly am
not going to fuck your face whore….your such a lousy cock-sucker. I
really don’t know how I am going to do turn you into a cock-sucking slut.
There must be something I can do to motivate you.”

She remained in this position as I glided up behind her. I replaced her
hands on her ass with my own. Quickly I was exploring her ass with my
fingers. I inserted a single finger into her ass, it was tight but the oil
she had spread across her body eased the way. She reacted predictably to
this intrusion. She began to purr and coo, to try and please me. A few
weeks earlier her reaction at a man’s touch would have made her react with
repulsion. No doubt her reaction was an act intended to please me, and
reduce her torment. I decided to push her limits and began to insert more
fingers into her ass. I quickly inserted a second finger then a third, and
began to twist the digits in her ass. I could feel her resisting the urge
to move away from me, I jammed my fingers deeper into her and coiled my
three fingers into a ball. A smaller preamble of the fisting that I was
soon to be giving her. She grunted then screamed at the pain, she was
however afraid to pull away from the pain. Afraid it would hurt further.
She was right to be afraid I would hurt her further. She bent her face
around her shoulder looked at me, tears were filling her eyes. “Darling I
do the best I can. Please don’t hurt me I’m trying. I’ll do whatever you
want, just give me a chance.” I straightened my fingers into her rectum,
and tried to add on more finger to the party. My pinky finger. It was
incredibly tight but I managed to make it inside her ass. “Now what were
you going to do for me?” Through her pain filled clenched teeth she managed
to gasp that she would do anything for me. I made her repeat it again.
“I’ll do anything you want Darling.” With my right arm I added barehanded
smacks to her tortured ass, jabbing all four fingers of my left hand hard
into her. She began to elaborate on her pledge. “I’ll do anything, as
long as you want it, wherever you want it, over and over.” I kept my
fingers buried deep within her. “You’re such a useless fuck I don’t know
why I even bother. Taking you in your mouth is a waste of time whore. You
don’t seem to be to adept at taking it up the ass.” I punctuated this
remark with a brutal thrust of my fingers, this tore a grunt from deep
within her. Her hands flew to my forearm and took hold of my wrist to try
and stop me from forcing my whole hand into her. And them she said it, but
it was only a whisper at first. “Fuck me, please fuck me.” I could hardly
believe my ears, so I made her repeat them. “Fuck me Darling, p-lease..”
And keep repeating them louder and louder till she was screaming it out,
and I was certain that Stacey could here her friend begging to be raped by
me. “If I keep fucking you in your cunt whore, you’re gonna get fucking
pregnant.” How useful do you think you are going to be to me then, you
stupid whore.” “I don’t care Darling, please use me.”

I shoved her over on her back, she tumbled gracefully spreading her legs
wide and invitingly, she raised her arms above her head and arched her
back, she kept her eyes closed displaying her heavily made up eyes lids,
her long false lashes brushed her cheeks. The heels that I had mandated
she wear helped prop up her hairless oily vagina, providing me with a
tempting target to take. She was trying to make herself tempting for me.
Tempting enough to avoid punishment, which was surely to be worse than yet
another fuck. I would fuck her hundreds of times. Each time would be less
significant than the time preceding it. In short she would get used to it.
Pain however, intense pain you can never get used to, not entirely.
Assholes working for, torturing victims, for right-wing regimes in Central
and South America knew this, from their experience during the Eighties and
Nineties. I knew that too, and I would make sure that she knew that also.
That she knew that in her soul. That would help to keep her in line,
behaving like the slut that I demanded she be.

I eased myself on top of her. I moved slowly, gently even as I
insinuated myself into her physical space. I was upon her, I pressed my
body into hers driving the air from her lungs, as I settled into the
saddle. I made reach down and undo my pants and open her eyes so we could
look into each other as I took her, yet again. Her eyes were cold and hate
filled. They were also moist with tears that I had put there.

I felt her trembling hands as she cradled my dick in her hands and aimed
it at her center. I pushed myself into her, the oils she had spread upon
her body during the performance portion of her ordeal eased the way into
her. Soon I was buried into completely and was thrusting merrily in and
out of her. With each time that I rammed myself into her she released a
grunt. As I raped her I took her hands and placed them on her breasts.
“Grope yourself whore…pinch those nipples and make them hard. You don’t
want me to think that you aren’t having any fun do you?” She shook her head
no as she began to knead her breasts between her fingers. I pressed my
face close to hers and began to kiss and lick at her face. A trickle of my
saliva ran down her cheek, a preamble to the cum that would soon be running
down her ass cheeks and filling her vagina. Her private place that was
supposed to be reserved for the one she loved. She was laying more or less
still. Aside from involuntary movements she was not moving her pelvis all
that much. To encourage her I slapped her face hard. That got her hips
moving, up into me, her rapist. It also got her eyes open and fixed in
their hatred on my own. I wanted to laugh out loud at the look on her
face. But I couldn’t, I had some fucking to do. I continued to slam into
her, I was delighted that each thrust was matched by a grunt from her.
“Your not much of a fuck whore, you better get better you don’t want to
drive me out of your bed and use the other cunt do you whore?” Her eyes
were still fixed on my own, thought they softened somewhat in their hatred.
She forced her mouth into a partial smile and cooed her response back to
me. “Please Darling, use me.” She let out another grunt, and repeated “Use
me.” Each thrust into was accompanied by her as the words became a chant of
“Use me” I smelled her make up and cheap perfume mingling with our
perspiration. Her faux pearls were rattling as if they were chains binding
her tightly to me. All the while she kept up her chant of use me. She
must have sensed that she was getting to me, she kept it up. Kept
whispering the words into, and licking my ear. I reared up within her one
more time. I had to be quick or I would cum. I pulled out of her and
pinched my disk at the base. I crawled up her oily body till I was sitting
just below her chest. I clutched at her hair with my left hand, the
remaining pins in her hair were torn out. I angling her face till it was
just so. “Say it again whore.” She was staring at the head of my dick as
it pointed squarely at her face. I saw her mouth begin the form the words
before she actually spoke them. I relaxed my grip on the base of my dick,
As the phrase ‘use me’ passed from her lips one final time. My cum leapt
from the end of me as though it, my cum, had a mind of its own. As though
my cum was using me as a delivery vehicle. My hips were moving wildly as
my cum struggled to escape me and complete its trip to her face and lips.
Most of it did just that, some landed on her chest and the floor, but most
landed on her face. As I began to come back to my senses, I looked down at
her. She had fallen backward and was laying flat on her back. I took one
of her hands in mine and made her point her finger. I guided her hand
across her face scooping up the cum, and fed it to her. She got the idea
and was doing it on her own. She licked her lips sensuously and made quite
a show of the act. I lay down beside her and began caressing her body,
from her neck to her knees. I let my hand play freely across her body, I
was sometimes rough, and sometimes gentle. But I made a point to never be

“I think I have a way to help you to become a better cocksucker. Would
you like that?” She moved her body closer to mine to mimic attraction, and
replied to me. “I’d like anything that you’d like me to like Darling.” I
went to the night table to retrieve from its drawer my latest horror for
her. She remained on the mat kneeling as I returned to her. I presented
to her a tray that was covered with a silk scarf. I sat on the chair and
prepared to enjoy her reaction. She drew back the scarf and found three
items waiting for her on the tray. The first was a cork from an ordinary
bottle of wine. The second was a long needle that had been hollowed out,
and the last was a silver stud the purpose of which she grasped
immediately. “Your going to pierce my tongue for this stud aren’t you
Darling?” Her voice was filled with fear and trepidation. “You almost got
it right whore. All except for whose going to do it.” I paused to reach
for the video camera and pointed it toward her, flicking it on again. “I’m
going to watch while you pierce your own tongue. You’d better do it right,
and get it in the proper place the first time. I wouldn’t want you to have
to do it twice.” I focused the camera on her terrified figure. “Stick your
tongue out whore..” She did, it was long and pink. The addition of the
stud to her tongue would serve two purposes. It would of course help to
improve her cocksucking, as well as serve as a constant reminder of her
plight. As if she needed any reminders.

She was at a loss as to how to proceed, so I offered her some
suggestions. “Place the cork on the top of your tongue, and use the needle
to penetrate your tongue from below.” She followed my direction and with
her trembling hands she began to press the needle up through her tongue.
Almost immediately she began to bleat and emit near screams as the needle
made its way into her tongue. She could not continue pressing the needle
into herself. It was too painful for her to continue. Her hands fell to
her legs in defeat. “Please Darling, would you please do it to me….I
can’t do it…I’m sorry…it hurts to much….sorry Darling..”

“You’re not trying hard enough. Why don’t you try again whore.” She
moved her hands back to her mouth and stuck out her tongue to try again,
but she failed. “I try so hard for you Darling….I can’t do this …I
won’t do this.” She was letting her frustration at the task turn into anger
and furthermore she was making a further mistake in transferring this anger
to me. I switched of the camera and placed it on the floor beside the
chair. I rose and walked over to her. While I approached her, she recoiled
in fear.. “Sorry Darling…please let me do something else for you
anything….anything.” BY this time I was near enough to touch her. The
wrath she expected from me was not forthcoming. I merely caressed her
tear-streaked face and hair. She was grateful to me. “Thank you
Darling…I’ll make it up to you…just let me know what you want me to do
and I’ll do it.”

“Oh that’s easy I want you to follow me.” With that I gave a vicious
yank to her hair and began to drag her by her hair back into the dressing
room through the curtain back to the room that she prepared herself for me
in. She never learns, I thought as I heard her screaming in pain as her
hair was tugging on her scalp. She had dropped the needle and cork on the
floor as her hands flew to her head to soften the pain from my hand. I did
not lessen the grip on her hair. Instead I walked over to a closet and
opened it to show her what was inside. She looked into the closet through
her tear filled eyes to see an upright cage sitting in the closet.
Compared with the cage the closet was spacious. I released my grip on her
hair to unlock the cage. She stood there shaking in fear. I swung the
cage door open it emitted an impressive rot iron squeak as it opened wide.
I held out my hand for her, her eyes darted from my hand to my face to the
cage all the while her head was shaking back and forth transmitting a no.
She was about to give me her hand when she must have remembered the needle
and cork. She ran from me back to the bedroom chamber to fetch them.
“I’ll do it Darling, I’m sorry …I’m sorry.” I chased after her and found
her on her knees crawling about the room looking for the piercing tools.
Her obedience was of course too late. I dragged her screaming back to the
dressing room and fling her into the cage. She was actually fighting
me…and pleading with me at the same time. I found it necessary to subdue
her. I held her by her throat choking her into a standing position in the
cage. Her hands were clutching at my hand. This left her belly exposed to
my other hand. I caressed her belly wondering if even now she was pregnant
or not. I kneed her just once in her stomach. She coiled up into a ball I
was still holding her by her throat as her knees drew up off the floor in
pain. She was gasping for air. I backed away from her still holding her
by her throat. I closed the door as far as I could before I released her
and slammed the door shut trapping her in the cage. She was still wearing
her heels. They were still locked in place about her feet. She was
standing up in the case holding onto the bars for balance. She only had a
few inches on each side she had room enough to bend slightly but not enough
room to sit down without touching the bars. There was certainly not enough
room to lay down.

I stood back and enjoyed my handiwork. A beautiful woman in a cage.
All mine to enjoy. She was caged but not subdued. She was furious. “You
animal!” She even tried to spit on me. “You fucking animal…you’re never
going to touch me again.” She was shaking the cage in frustration. She
would have toppled it had I not bolted it securely to the floor. “I’m
going to make you kill me. YOU PIG!! …YOU’RE a fucking PIG.” Her words
trailed off as she was so out of control she was only able to scream
unrecognizable words at me. I walked away from her laughing. I found the
needle, cork and stud in the bedroom chamber and returned to her. I threw
them at her. The items bounced around the cage and landed at her feet in
the cage. She looked at them, recognized them and looked back at me.
waited for her anger to run down. It took several minutes before I could
speak without being interrupted. “You are my whore. You will remain as my
whore…doing what I want whenever I want it, for as long as I want it
wherever I want you to do it, until I no longer want you. You will learn
that over time. I don’t know how long it will take with you. Cunt was a
quicker learner. You must be a lot more stupid than she is.” She did not
respond to my speech. “You will pierce you tongue for me NOW cunt! Don’t
waste my time.” She looked at me now. “NO I won’t you’ll have to kill me.
I will never cooperate with you. EVER AGAIN.” She spat at me again. This
time she managed to hit me. Her spit landed on my chest.

“I think that I will soon have you begging me to let you serve me again
whore. Oh well it doesn’t matter to me much. If you don’t loosing you
will not matter much to me. I always have Cunt to play with. She’s a lot
better than you are anyway.” She spat on me again, this one landed on my
face. She began to laugh delighted by her feelings of freedom and
exhilaration at doing what she wanted for the first time in weeks. I
laughed too. I knew that she would soon be my whore again. “Here’s the
clever part Whore.” I reached into the closet and swung open a circuit
breaker panel. Inside the panel there was a breaker labeled CAGE. I
snapped it on before she had a chance to react. She jumped away from the
bars screaming again. I stood back to watch the bewilderment and fear
return to her. She shouted, “NO” She nearly touched the bars, but
remembered in time to fold her arms about her body instead. I picked up a
broom handle that was resting in the corner of the closet and menaced her
with it through the bars in the cage door. She tried to defend herself
from the broom-handle with her own hands. I kept pressing against her
trying to force her into the bars. “Please Darling.” Soon afterward I
pressed her against the charged bars, and had her screaming in pain. I
pulled the broom-handle away from her. “It’s the oil Whore. It conducts
electricity and will enhance the pain for you.” She looked at me her eye
burning with pain. “As soon as you want to be good again. Just bend over,
if you think you can make it, and pick up the stud. As soon as you finish
piercing your tongue, you can press the button in the ceiling. Then I’ll
come and let you out. I’ll leave the light on so you can still see. But I
am going to close the door.” I took one more look at her naked fantastic
body. She was still shiny and covered with oil. “Aren’t you going to
thank me Whore?” She turned away from me and faced the rear of the closet.
“You can thank me with your tongue later.” I closed the door, and locked
her inside. Sooner or later she would fall asleep. Sooner or later she
would fall into the bars. Sooner or later she would realize she had no
choice but to comply. Sooner or later she would realize that she would
have to obey me for as long as I would want to keep her around. I was
betting it would be later rather than sooner. But I had no doubt that she
would comply and press the button to summon me.

The last time I saw Cunt she was dressed in her soiled lingerie,
handcuffed, kneeling with a moldy hot dog balanced on her nose as her
reward. When I walked in and checked on her now the poor dear had fallen
over on her side. Obviously the hot dog had fallen off her nose, and she
had collapsed on her side. There being no reason for her to remain
kneeling, having lost the hot dog. I imagined that the scream of Whore had
startled her enough that she lost the hot dog. Her face was mere inches
away from the wiener. I stepped on the wiener crushing it flat beneath my
shoe and picked her up by her arms till she was standing on her heel-clad
feet. I removed the cuffs. She began to rub the feeling back into her
hands and revive them. I drew her head to me with my hands and kissed her
deeply. In her heels she was tall enough to kiss her without having to
bend over too deeply. I could feel her force her body to relax into
contact with mine. I guided her face over my body and forced her to lick
her friends spit off my face and chest. As she licked up the spit I gave
her some orders. “Go put your clothes away, bring you iron collar back
here with you and get yourself cleaned up in the shower.” She mumbled her
‘Yes Darling’ and complied with the orders. I swatted her ass as she left
the room, it was lovely framed as it was by her garter belt. I had not
planned on using her today, but the really great thing about this game was
how flexible my plans could be. I stepped toward the shower and adjusted
the temperature of the water to my liking and stepped in to the shower. A
few moments later I looked up to see Cunt standing there watching me. She
was completely naked. I gestured for her to join me. Without being
prompted I felt her hands on my body soaping me up and cleaning me off. I
turned to give her access to all sides of my body. When she was done I
stepped out and dressed again while she continued to clean the days of
grime from her body. She finished quickly and stood before me waiting for
instructions. I took the collar snapped it around her neck and watched as
she got down on her knees and crawled into the wall cell without a murmur
of dissent.

Upon arrival upstairs and back in the real world I checked my messages.
The only message of interest was one from a Mr. Haig. He was a lawyer who
represented Mr. Potter. He has left a number. I returned the call,
mostly out of courtesy but I admit I was also curios as to what they
wanted. Mr. Haig explained that Mr. Potter wished to meet with me
personally. As I listened to the pitch I flicked on the monitor to Cunt’s
wall cell. In another time, a few months ago this cunt was a woman. A
woman in an unattainable social position. Now she would obey any perverse
demand I could dream up. If her husband wanted to meet with me I suppose
that I could make some time. After all I wanted to meet the man whose life
I had saved. Mr. Haig was delighted, after all he was used to getting his
way. Another thing we had in common.

I had just enough time to dress suitably when the car and driver arrived
to take me to the meeting. It took about two hours to reach the Potter
mansion. It was on the opposite side of town and the traffic was murder.
The Potter mansion was a lovely Tudor house build overlooking the ocean. I
was familiar with its layout, despite having never entered the house
before, from my abbreviated surveillance of the former Mrs. Potter. I was
whisked into the house and into the study of Mr. Potter. I was left alone
for several minutes. The room was what you would expect. The walls were
lined with books, there was a massive oak desk that dominated the room.
Every chair was leather and thickly padded. There was even a globe and a
telescope that looked out over the ocean. In short it reeked of old money.
It was also an act. The books could never have been read in a single
lifetime. Potter spent most of his time in a wheelchair now, and I doubted
his eyesight was up to using the telescope. As I mulled these thoughts
over in my mind I was interrupted my Potter and his driver who was pushing
his chair. A few moments later I was left alone with the tycoon. He
thanked me for coming on such short notice. “I wonder” he began “Have you
been keeping up with current events?” He gestured over to ward a stack of
newspapers that had been piling up on a table. On top was one of the
tackier tabloid rags with the details of his wife and her friend the
attorney on the exposed page. I told him that I had. “That paper has
started referring to them as ‘Thelma and Louise”. He snorted at the
reference. “What do you think of that? Eh?” I thought for a moment before
responding. “I think they have to sell a lot of papers to make their
investors happy.” He nodded in agreement with my answer. He was a man of
few words and quickly got down to the topic of the meeting. “About a week
ago in Mexico on the gulf coast side, in a little town known as Antón
Lizardo a body washed up on shore.” He paused to look up at me through his
reading glasses. “She was a white woman, pale, a redhead.” He now had my
interest I sat up in my chair and began to take notice. “I’m told you know
how to be discrete. I’m told you know how to keep things like this out of
the papers.” Again he gestured to the pile of papers. I nodded my
response, which seemed to irritate him. “I want you to go there and find
out if it is my Stacey that’s down there.” “And I want you to keep it out
of the goddamn papers. Can you do that? Will you do that for me?” I
looked at him carefully, the old fool still loved his wife, despite what
she had tried to do to him. It was certainly her that had put him into the
wheelchair that her now addressed me from. But still he had feeling for
her. “I can do that for you Mr. Potter. But I think it is only fair to
tell you that if it is her I will have to inform the Police.”

He nodded that he understood. “Then it is agreed. There is a plane
waiting for you at the airport. It belongs to a good friend of mine. It
has a crew and is waiting for you. I will want you to leave as soon as
possible. I though about his wife caged up in my dungeon, and about Vicky
caged up struggling with the demand to pierce herself for me. I could not
leave Vicky like that while I was away for a few days. Even being here
meeting with Mr., Potter was dangerous. “Mr. Potter I expect that I can
leave within 24 hours will that do?” He looked disappointed with my answer
but her nodded anyway. The meeting dissolved and he saw me to the door.
We were met at the door by his driver and the newest addition to the Potter
household, namely his new physical therapist. The nurse that I had seen
him with on TV. She was sporting a large engagement ring on her finger.
It was certainly from Mr. Potter. The stone was too big to be from anyone
else. She must be an excellent nurse. Not only was she helping him
recover from his physical trauma. But she was helping him forget about her
predecessor. He could not marry this woman till his first wife was out of
the picture. He was eager to have Stacey declared dead. Looking over the
nurse I could not blame him she was quite lovely.

All the while home I debated the decision I had to make. Could I really
go off to Mexico for a few days and leave Vicki in the cage all that time?
She certainly would be obedient after the ordeal, if she survived. Ideally
I would stay here and send one of my flunkies off to Mexico. But I
couldn’t could on anyone but myself to make the right decisions on this
trip. By the time I reached home I decided that I must go. But that I
would wait the day that I told Mr. Potter I would. When I checked on the
women I found that my decision had been made for me. There was a light on
indicating that Vicki had already pressed the button. She had submitted
already. I entered the dungeon and opened the door. She was standing
there, her shoulders had slumped down, and her makeup was a mess. She had
obviously shed a few more tears. “Hello Darling, I’m sorry for the way I
behaved.” I nodded, eager to see were she was going to go with this. “I’m
ready to obey you…li like you want Darling.” I looked down at the floor.
The stud and piercing equipment was no where to be seen. Under closer
inspection her hands were curled into little fists that were pressed
against her flesh. She was rubbing them against herself nervously. “Open
your mouth whore.” She did, there was no stud placed there. “Please
Darling … I’ll do what..” “Don’t waste my time further whore.” I cut her
pleading off. “The next time I come down here, you know what I want to
see.” With that I closed the door to the cell. As I did this she cried out
“Please…I’m Sor…I’m so sorry Darling….” And I knew she was too.

I ignored her and busied myself with preparations for the trip. I
packed a small suitcase, large enough for a three-day trip. I couldn’t see
how it could last any longer than that. I packed some cameras, and a
fingerprint kit. If I was going to determine whether or not this body was
Mrs. Potter I would at least have to have some of the tools of the trade
for the job. It was only a few more hours later when I was interrupted in
my preparation, by the light, and buzzer. She had pressed the button
again. I knew she was close to breaking. Her bargaining attempt had
indicated this much. I finished up what I was doing, poured myself a cold
ice filled drink, and made my way slowly down into the dungeon again. I
reached the door to the cell all too soon and opened it to reveal her to me
again. I rattled the ice in my drink and sipped at it. “Well what have
you got to show me whore.” She rose her head to face me and opened her
mouth to show off her latest body modification. She had done a good job of
piercing her tongue. The stud was in just the right place. I would not
have to make her repeat it to place it right. There was a fair amount of
blood, which she had to keep swallowing. But it was less than I expected.
With any luck by the time I was back she would be ready to fuck and suck
again. I nodded my approval, and began to fumble with the keys. I
switched of the juice, immediately she took hold of the bars to steady
herself. I opened the door to the cage. She made a move to exit it into
my body. But I blocked her way. She looked at me confused. I smiled at
her. The smile of a man who knew what was coming. I held up two tiny
rings in my hands. Her blurry eyes struggled to focus on the item I held,
After she figured out what I was holding up for her, she struggled to
comprehend what it meant. I placed them in her hand. “Please put these in
your nipples whore. You do still have the needle and cork don’t you
whore.” She nodded her head, and whispered her “Yes Darling.” I took
another sip from the drink. She looked at the ice filled glass with near
amazement, it had been a long time since she had seen ice. I took a cube
from the glass and offered it to her. “You can rub this on your nipples,
it should numb it.” She nodded again and began to spread it across her
nipples. They became instantly hard and erect. They stuck out at though
she was genuinely aroused. Not even when I made her pinch and twist them
did they get this pointy. She placed the cork on one side and pressed into
the aroused flesh and into the cork. She did it quickly, she made only the
smallest of squeals. She moved quickly feeding the gold ring into the
newly formed hole, and sealing in onto forever. The second nipple was
harder for her the ice had numbed her but the effect had worm off by them
time she began to press into the nipple. It was painful and she cried out
a few times. She had to stop, several times as well. But she persevered
and soon she had finished. I made her stand at attention so I could survey
the rings. I pulled on them slightly. They were indeed on for good. They
were on straight too. I complemented her on her efforts, let her go to the
toilet and freshen up a bit. After that I placed the iron collar about her
neck and sealed her into the wall cell with her friend for the night. She
crawled in the cell and lay down with her back facing her slave friend.
Stacey saw the rings dangling from her tits as she crawled in, she
comforted her friend for the few minutes before she fell asleep from
exhaustion. I turned out the lights and left them for the night. Actually
I was leaving them for a few days, but they didn’t know that. I slept a
few hours myself, checked on the sluts and secured the house. I had
arranged through my company to post a guard at the house 24 hours a day
until I returned. I waved to him as I entered the second car that I had
arranged from my company to take me to the airport.

The plane was slightly more than I expected. It was a Gulfstream II
that I had all to myself for the brief flight to Mexico. The flight itself
was uneventful. It was nice to avoid the chaos and clutter of the regular
boarding procedures of commercial air travel. Customs on both ends was a
breeze, and there was little security to slow me down. I was not
accustomed to this jet set style of travel. Despite the ease of this class
of travel I did not arrive in time to meet with the coroner. That would
have to wait till tomorrow. I had arranged a room in the best hotel in
town. It was quite nice, it overlooked the beach where this unfortunate
woman had drowned. As I tucked myself in for the night I let my thoughts
drift back to my captives and wondered how they were doing, cooped up in
the cramped wall cell in the dark. I had left them with enough water for a
few days. When they had to relieve themselves they would have to share a
single bedpan. If they went hungry, well then they would loose a bit more
weight. They certainly would not require much in the way of calories to
sustain them. Thoughts like these danced in my head as I drifted off to

The next day I learned a little bit about how to tell time in Antón
Lizardo. The appointment that I thought that I had scheduled turned out to
be an appointment that I had merely suggested. To be truthful when you are
the mortician in a small community and a bus full of pilgrims manages to
pitch itself off a cliff three hours into the mountains, well I could
hardly blame him for canceling our meeting. I tried my hardest to be a
tourist for the two days that it took him to return to his office, but I
was no good at it. I had never been able to take much of a vacation. This
combined with the tension of being away from my pets made it hard for me to
relax. The following day I did in fact get my meeting with the mortician
Mr. Valdez. He was a warm man with a quick smile despite his exhaustion
from the long hours that he had put in due to the bus crash of the previous
day. I explained the purpose of my trip, he nodded his understanding.
When I asked to see the body to try and identify her he explained that that
would not be possible. “I am afraid that the body has already been
disposed of. It has been cremated.” I gave him a puzzled look. He
continued. “Antón Lizardo is a small town with a small budget. We simply
cannot afford to keep remains for very long. Proper storage is quite
expensive.” I thought on this for a moment. “Surely you must have kept
some form of records, some pictures, some tissue samples?” Before I could
finish he was nodding yes “Yes we have all that.” He muttered something to
the receptionist. I do not know how to speak Spanish. Then he turned back
to me. “I have much to do still Rosa will show you all that we have.” I
was shown into a small storage area. On one wall there were files in some
cabinets and on the other side were some shelves with all manner of horrors
catalogued on them in preservative fluids in jars. Rosa was not too
helpful, but I eventually found the proper file. here was a single
Polaroid that was affixed to the record with a paper clip. It was a
one-page report. The picture could have been a picture of anyone. If I
squinted enough it could have been a picture of me. The body was bloated
like she had been in the water for a couple of days. Her hair was red, but
it was plastered to her scalp, and could just have easily been brown. I
found the section on the report that deals with distinguishing marks, there
was a mention of a tattoo but no picture or description of it. There was a
case number on the file folder that corresponded with an envelope on the
shelf. In the envelope was a vile of blood and a hair sample. It was a
simple matter to place these meager items in my briefcase. I thanked Rosa
and told her I had taken the items with me and that I would courier them
back after I had tested them. She nodded vacantly at me and said OK and
bye bye, a couple of times. The coroner was nowhere to be found. In a few
more hours I was checked out of the hotel and returning home, again on the
same plane. All in all it was a pleasant weekend trip to Mexico. By the
time I returned home it was late I would meet with Mr. Potter the next

The first thing that I did was to check on the women. I did this
through the camera that I had focused on the wall cell. I needed have
worried they were fine. Though it looked as thought they had had a fight.
Stacey had a cut on her chin and a bit of a black eye. No doubt Vicki had
taken out some of her fury on her equally helpless friend. I had the rest
of the evening to make my plan come together. I went into the dungeon to
release the sluts. They both were actually relieved to see me. They had
never gone for so many days with out contact from me. Their eyes adjusted
slowly to the light, I let them both stretch and get something to eat.
“Okay whore get in the shower.” She did that left me and cunt together.
“Follow me” I walked out into the bedroom chamber and into the basement of
the house. She hesitated at the doorway to the basement. “Come on cunt,
I’m not going to hurt you, much.” She breached the doorway and followed me
along obediently upstairs into the kitchen. She was amazed to see the
house again. The last time she made it this far was when she had made her
escape attempt. I was pretty sure she would not try that again. I took
her by her arm and led her into my bathroom. I sat her on the toilet and
began to fill the tub. She was watching my every move fearfully. Soon
enough the tub was empty. I removed my clothes and straddled the edge of
the tub with one leg in the water and the other on the bath mat. I
gestured for her to kneel on the bathmat. I held a pair of handcuffs up to
her face and ran them back and forth across her face a few times. When I
stopped she reached for them and soon she had her wrists secured behind her
back again. I took her head in my hand and began to force her head into
the water. I held her head in the water, till she began to struggled for
air. After a few more seconds and a few more scrams and their bubbles rose
to the surface I pulled her head, gasping for air out of the water. Before
she could mumble a few pleases I shoved her head in the water again and
repeated the process. This time I left her in the water longer before I
pulled her out. As she gasped for air.. she managed to get out “Sorry
…sorr Darling.” I pulled her into the bedroom and removed the cuffs.
There was a plain white sheet on the bed. The lighting in the room was a
harsh bare bulb in the ceiling. “Lay on your back on the bed.” She quickly
hurried to comply. I took a Polaroid camera in my hand, pointed it at her
face, and checked appearance in the frame. She was looking back at me with
wide fearful eyes. I positioned her head as the mystery woman’s head in
the mortician’s picture was in. “Play dead cunt.” She nodded her eyes
closed and her jaw hung slack. I took the entire packet of pictures. They
fell onto her nude body as I kept snapping away. Her passivity, her
submissiveness was intensely arousing to me. I had to resist the erection
that was pointing at her as she lay there. She noticed my erection and she
spread her legs invitingly. She reached up with her hand, slowly not
wanting to offend me and took my erection in her soft hand. She slowly
began to masturbate me. I watched her face transform itself from the
fearful woman into the seductive playful slut that I wanted to create. It
was difficult to tell who was more eager, so convincing was her
performance. We joined into one, there was no baby oil slathered on her
cunt this time but it did not matter. I entered her easily, and
completely. Her artificial groans joined in my genuine ones and filled the
air in my bedroom. I let my hands roam across her body. I started at her
knee, and let my hand coil around to the back of her leg. I puled her leg
hard into my body. The touch of her skin was hot. I let my hand travel up
the back of her leg till it reached her left cheek. I squeezed her rear in
my hand trying hard to crush the globe between my fingers. It had the
desired effect. Like whipping a horse to further exertions, my hand
spurred her on to further efforts. Her hips were pumping up into me,
matching each thrust into her. I let my hand wander to her asshole. I fed
my fingers into her ass penetrating her deeply. As I fucked her I pressed
my finger upward, so I too could feel it on the bottom of my cock. She had
wrapped her hands around my body and was pressing me into her breasts. The
enhanced tits were being squished flat between our sweat soaked bodies.
She smelled musky this time, it was a natural smell without the artificial
contribution of cosmetics or perfumes. I pressed deeply into her one final
time and held myself still and unmoving as deeply inside of her as I could
get. I was close to coming but I held myself still inside her. I let her
do all the work from this point onward. I made her buck and grind herself
up into me till I went over the edge. Soon I could hold still no longer,
and I jammed myself around inside her till the climax ended. I fell to the
bed laying beside her, my body half covering hers till I drifted off to
sleep. It wasn’t a sound sleep by any means but she didn’t know that.
After a few minutes of my slumber I could feel he squirming out from
beneath me. I let her slip from beneath my body, letting he think I was
still asleep. Soon she was free of me, and I let her slip from the room.
She turned the corner and was gone. I quickly rose and threw on a pair of
sweat pants. She didn’t get far I didn’t let her. “Goin some place cunt?”
She whirled around startled, and quickly turned her gaze to the floor.
“Yes..yes Darling.. I wanted no I needed to go to the bathroom please.
Please Darling will you tell me where the bathroom is?” It was a lie by I
didn’t care. I made her follow me to the washroom. I watched her sit on
the toilet and try to pee. She did manage to squeeze out a few drops of
urine. She stood up, she had been living without toilet paper for a while
now. I had to remind her to wipe herself off with the roll of paper.
Normally she would have just had a shower following going to the toilet. I
went back to my bedroom to wait for he to return to me. When she came in I
was sitting on the end of the bed. She stopped in the doorway. I pointed
to my disk. “You didn’t clean me up afterward.” She fell to her knees and
crawled forward between my legs. She ran her hands up and down my thighs a
few times, rubbing the skin softly, as she tossed her head about, flipping
her hair from side to side On one of her hands trips up my leg she took
told of my semi hard cock and began to bring it back to life with her
practiced touch. She started kissing, and licking her way from my knees
upward slowly. She reached her goal and took me into her mouth with a
playful suck of air. She retreated soon after to merely holding the head
of my cock in her mouth, whilst whirling her tongue freely around the end.
She used both of her hands to hold onto the remaining shaft and balls while
she purred with content around the tip. It promised to be the best she had
ever done to me. She was bobbing up and down on me freely now. “You want
to be my favorite, don’t you cunt?” She grunted her assent and kept moving
this time faster and faster on my erection till her head wasw nothing more
than a blur. Soon I was coming into her mouth. She let it fill her mouth
but did not swallow. She withdrew herself frmo my cock, holding it up
waving it in the air like a flagpole. She let the mess drool out of her
mouth and back down on my cock so she could impale her mouth on me again
and slurp it up yet again. She tried har dto coax another erection from me
but was unable to do so. My cum was the only thing she had had to eat in
days. I took her to the kitchen, sat at the table. She shifted nervusly
on her bare feet. “You feel like some breakfast cunt?” Her eyes brightened
considerably. “Go ahead make it for us.” She went ahead and made a
traditional heart attack on a plate breakfast for us. Bacon eggs, toast
with lots of butter. She made mine first, and I started to eat will her
naked body padded around the kitchen. She was sitting on my left side
while she ate. She was ravenous, the use of food as a control was turning
out to be a great motivator, at least for her. Her shiner and cut of her
chin got me thinking again. I took hold of her face to examine her slight
shiner and this cut. “Did whore give you those.” She nodded her chin still
held by my hand. “How come.” She finished chewing and swallowing her
latest mouthful of food before answering. “The wall cell, well it’s really
small Darling. We kept bumping into each other.” She paused then continued
fearfully. “Her nipples are really sore, you know from the rings you made
her put there.” I interupted. “So she put you in your place.” She nodded
then responded. “Yes Darling. I didn’t hurt her on purpose. Its just so
tight in the wall cell. There’s not enough room in there for two Darling.
Can I please stay up here…with you.” I shook my head no. “Clean up the
dishes, then do the floor cunt.” She rose and did just that. After the
dishes were drying in the rack she quickly found the bucket and was soon
down on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. I sat there drinking a
hot cup of tea. The picture before me was delightful. This big titted
whore, was naked and on her knees scrubbing the floor. Her large tits were
swaying back and forth as she performed this task. It was the picture of
domestic bliss. All that was missing was the newspaper to read. I could
not allow that however, she might learn of the survival of her husband, the
death of her lover and of her cross country flight from arrest with her
lesbian lover. I wanted her to learn these things, just not now. I
watched as her finished the last corner, her ass wiggling around
invitingly. Her ass caused an idea to pop into my head, that I would act
put the next time that it needed cleaning. I would dress her in her finest
lingerie and sodomize her in the filthy suds on the floor. More nice
symbolism there. Mind mind was reeling with thoughts like these and others
while she finished and kneeled in the corner, catching her breath. I
walked over to a desk in the corner and approached her with some scirrors.
She was fearful at first but her fear converted to curiosity as I took a
lock of her hair. It was a six in long piece that I then placed in a
envelope. The last thing I would need from her I took from her in the
master bathroom. I vial of her blood. After I had her secured in the wall
cell in the dungeon, and made sure that whore was healing alright and had
been fed. I could finish my preparation.

I cleaned and sterilized with boiling and bleach the vial that I had
recovered from Mexico. I placed her blood and hair samples with the Senior
Valdez report. Of the ten pictures I took a few were suitable for the
replacement of the picture with the report.

The next day I presented my report to Mr. P{otter. Despite hearing
what he wanted to hear he was clearly devastated. He really was a silly
old fool. Here he was mourning the loss of a woman who had tried to kill
him and take everything from him. A woman who had been likely scheming
this since she had agreed to marry him. A woman who was unfaithful to him.
A woman who’s pussy juices were even now smeared all over my crotch. A
woman who I now owned, and would own for as long as I wanted. “Mr. Potter
I have forwarded a coroners report to a lab who can do some DMA testing to
rule out all doubt. If she has had any recent surgery I expect that the
hospital may have a tissue sample that the hair and blood samplea can be
compared to.” He nodded through his tears. “She has had some cosmetic
surgery in the years that we where together. I’ll arrange the release of
any materiels that are available.”

I let the news sinks in before I continued. I was genuinely shocked at
the reaction of this man. “Mr. Potter I also have a coroners picture of
the body.” I reached into my pocket and withdrew the photo. I offered it
to him. Before I could ask if it was her, he blurted out that yes indeed
it was his wifes body. I smiled to myself and though that no it was my
cunts body. I finished up my report with the news that if indeed the lab
could confirm that it was his wife that I would have to report it to the
police. “They would need to be informed, so that they can call off the
search, at least for Stacey.” He looked shocked. “But the papers…
they’ll parade her across the pages and disgrace her even further.” This
wimp of a man was really starting to get to sicken me. “I have a contact
in the department, I will arrange it so he gets all the credit. He will
not object, indeed he may even get a gold shield out of the notariety.”
Good ol’ Harv. He would be retireing soon. And this plumb of a discovery
would certainly help his pension. Afterward I would offer him a job with
my security firm. It would certainly enhance my firm to have such a noted
detective on the payroll. “My friend will do all he can to keep the
details from the media. You had confidence in my discretion. This is how
I can ensure that discresion. I rely on friends who can be discreet.” Mr.
Potter understood and nodded his ascent. I had to go it was time for him
to spend another session with his therapist. I had no doubt that she would
soon have him up…and walking again that is.

It would take the lab a week to confirm the result that I alone aalready
knew. Around that time I expected to have the guest house portion
completed and the girls moved into their newer more spaceiosm. permanent
home. The fee that Mr. Potter paid me went along way toward funding their
new dungeon.

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