The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.
The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man, who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who surreptitiously join the neighborhood mateswappers.
And then there are people like Ginny McRae and Rhea Evans, just two of the college girls who play a part in this novel.
These coeds belong to that rare group of individuals who are completely devoid of ambitions where sex is concerned. Indeed, they so fully believe in the principles of free love and physical gratification, that they have even organized themselves into a club they call the Sorority for Sex. Yet despite the fact that their behavior is considered shocking and disgusting by many of those around them, these girls are kind and loving persons, girls who simply savor life to its fullest and who would never dream of hurting other human beings.
So who is to say their actions are immoral or perverted? How can people with only love in their souls be called bad? Timely questions.
“I wish that disgusting old creep would just fuck off!” Virginia McRae sputtered as she checked her reflection in the dorm mirror. Even with her nose crinkled up in disgust, she still looked good enough to eat. Sure, she knew that the creamy mounds of her rosy-tipped jugs jiggled and bounced provocatively when she walked, but that didn’t give old Professor Harris license to pinch her nipples every time he caught her behind the stacks in the library where she worked part-time.
“Oh, YUCK!” Ginny exclaimed. The very thought of that old lecher was enough to make her positively sick to her stomach! If he’d only quit hanging around the rare-book section, working at the library might be fun. Professor Harris was the perfect stereotype of a dirty old man. If he hadn’t have been so persistent about trying to pinch her tits or grab her ass, Ginny might have even thought he was funny. He was so repulsive that he looked like a cartoon character straight out of somebody’s nightmare!
When Professor Harris had first come into the library, Ginny had thought that he was the janitor. He was absolutely ancient and he wore rumpled clothes that looked like he had slept in them. His teeth were all yellowed and his shin was pasty white. He looked like he had been locked up in a cubicle somewhere for years, without ever seeing the light of day, and Ginny pictured him working in a boiler room in the basement of one of the old college buildings, feeding the incinerator. You can’t imagine her shock when she found that he was a respected member of the physics department!
Professor Harris had taken one look at Ginny and leered in a totally disgusting way. Then he had asked for a book kept in the stacks and had followed her as she went to retrieve it for him. As soon as they were out of sight of the head librarian’s desk, Professor Harris had reached out and grabbed Ginny’s firm ass.
Ginny couldn’t believe it when she felt his hands grab her quivering butt-cheeks and squeeze! She had let out a little yelp of shock and had whirled around, only to find him grinning lewdly. He cackled loudly as he saw her shocked and outraged expression.
“What’s the matter girlie?” he had asked as she moved quickly away from his clutching fingers. “Don’t tell me no one’s ever pinched your little ass before! You’ve got cheeks that just beg to be squeezed!”
Then he had lurched forward and grabbed both of the startled girl’s bouncing tits in his hands.
“You just come and see me, toots, when you get tired of all the little boys on campus!” he had said. “Ask anyone! Old Harris knows how to prong the girlies!”
Ginny had practically thrown the book in his face and had run back to Miriam Simms, the head librarian, intending to report the whole incident.
Miriam took one look at Ginny’s outraged expression and threw back her head in laughter. “I see old Professor Harris is up to his usual tricks!” she had giggled, breaking out in a fresh burst of laughter as Ginny’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Professor Harris?” Ginny sputtered. “Oh, my God! I thought he was the janitor!”
“Don’t feel alone,” Miriam had commented, trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably. “He pulls that trick on every new girl I get I usually try to warn them, but I didn’t expect to see him so soon. He always shows up the second week of the quarter as soon as I post our work schedule. Then he picks a time when a new girl is working alone and he asks for something in the stacks. Oh, don’t worry,” she continued as she saw an expression of alarm cross Ginny’s pretty face. “He won’t really do anything — just a few pinches and some obscene comments. You can always run faster than he can, you know!”
Ginny had laughed along with Miriam, but she had done her best to avoid Professor Harris in the weeks that followed. He hadn’t managed to pinch her again until this afternoon, and she vowed she would never be caught again.
“Disgusting!” she muttered, so intent on her memory of Professor Harris’ pinch that she didn’t even notice her roommate come through the door.
“What’s disgusting?” Rhea Evans asked, throwing her notebook on the chair and flopping on one madras-covered bed. “Did old Gimpy Harris get you back in the stacks again?” She giggled at Ginny’s sour expression.
“Well, don’t stand there sputtering!” Rhea giggled. “I told you what to do, didn’t I? Just pull off all your clothes and flop down on the floor with your legs spread! That old pervert couldn’t get it up, anyway! He’d probably be so shocked that he’d have a heart attack and keel over dead!”
Ginny couldn’t help but laugh at her roommate’s fantasy. Old Gimpy Harris had probably spent years chasing the young college girls. No doubt Rhea was right. He probably would die of shock if he ever caught one!
“Just think of the millions of girls that would love you forever, Ginny,” Rhea continued. “They’d probably erect a monument to you in the main square! They could cast a figure of you in bronze, standing over Professor Harris’ body. The plague would read, ‘In Honor of Virginia McRae, Campus Lecher Slayer!’.”
Ginny had been trying to pull off her sweater as Rhea talked and she had stopped several times to giggle. She finally pulled the heavy sweater over her head and threw it on her bed, reaching for a pair of cut-off Levi’s and a sweatshirt.
“Hold it!” Rhea commanded. “Turn around a second!”
Ginny obligingly turned to face her roommate.
“God! You have great boobs!” Rhea exclaimed in admiration. “No wonder old Harris can’t keep his hands off. Anybody would love to squeeze boobs like yours. It makes me just green with envy, Ginny. No shit! I’d give the world for titties like yours. They’re all soft and fluffy, and they just make you want to bury your head right between them and squeeze and suck and lick!”
Ginny began blushing in acute embarrassment. “Oh, come on Rhea. Stop kidding. You have nice boobs, too, and your nipples are always hard and poking out! Besides, big boobs aren’t everything. It’s like the boys say — anything over a mouthful is wasted, anyway!”
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Rhea answered, looking down at her tiny boobs. “I’m almost as flat as a boy! Really, Ginny, I’ve always dreamed of having big, luscious titties like yours. And look at what I’m stuck with! I swear if I take my shirt off at the beach, everyone will think I’m a boy.”
“Now you’re being ridiculous!” Ginny retorted, walking over to the bed where her roommate was lying. “Just look at this!” She cupped both tits in her palms, holding up the heavy, shimmering globes. “Big boobs aren’t all that great. They’re heavy. See the grooves I get on my shoulders from my bra straps? At the end of the day my shoulders positive ache!”
Ginny began massaging the deep red marks on both of her shoulders, making her enormous tithes shiver and jiggle with her motions.
“If I ever went without a bra, my boobs would drop clear down to my waist!”
Rhea’s gaze was fastened on Ginny’s bouncing tits and she had a slightly glazed look in her deep blue eyes.
“I wonder if they feel as good as they look,” she mused. “Do the boys rub and suck them a lot, Ginny?” She began to look wistful. “I’ve never had anyone suck my titties, Ginny. Does it feel good?”
Ginny felt a blush spread over her creamy face. She felt sorry for her roommate and thoughts of the many boys who had pinched and teased her sensitive boobs made her uncomfortable. Poor Rhea! Ginny found it hard to imagine anyone being deprived of that sensuous pleasure. She felt herself blush even more as she thought of Bill, her high-school steady, and the delightful hours they had spent in the backseat of his father’s station wagon.
“Well… well, sure, it feels good,” Ginny answered, stammering in embarrassment. “It makes you feel all warm, you know, and it makes you tingle and get all excited and everything.”
Her voice trailed off unhappily. There was no way to describe how it felt if Rhea had never had her titties sucked. She couldn’t possibly put that delightful experience into words!
Rhea squirmed a little on her narrow bed, watching her sexy roommate’s expression of delight. Suddenly she just couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to know what it felt like to have her hard, little titties sucked.
“Show me, Ginny!” she pleaded huskily. “Please show me what the boys do when they suck your boobs!”
Ginny blushed to the roots of her fluffy blonde hair. She certainly couldn’t actually show Rhea, could she? Ginny hadn’t even considered the thought of sucking on another girl’s boobs before. Still, every girl deserved the delightful pleasure of having her titties touched and sucked.
Ginny was really in a quandary. She liked her pert little roommate immensely, and she certainly wanted to see her happy, but sucking her boobs was a bit much, wasn’t it?
She was still undecided when she caught a glimpse of her roommate’s pleading face. Good heavens! What was wrong with just showing her how it felt?
Before she could change her mind, Ginny reached out and tentatively touched her friend’s hard little nipple poking up through the thin fabric of her sweater.
A low groan escaped Rhea’s throat at Ginny’s light touch. “Show me, Ginny! Please show me!” she begged, and pulled off her shirt to expose her perfectly formed little titties, rock-hard with excitement.
A convulsive shudder rippled through Ginny’s body. Rhea’s titties were pretty, and a striking contrast to her own large jugs. Rhea’s nipples were brown and hard like little marbles while her own were soft and rosy, like ripe cherries. Her mind reeled in amazement as she realized that she was aching to touch her roommate’s sweet little nipples. An anguished cry escaped her trembling lips and she quickly touched out and cupped Rhea’s titties with both hands.
Ginny could feel the hardness of Rhea’s nipples between her fingers and she pulled and tugged at them, extending them out to their fullest length and then releasing them and watching the hard little nubs snap back in place.
“Oh, God! It feels so GOOD!” Rhea cried as Ginny pinched her hard, pointed nipples between her fingers and rolled them back and forth, pinching and twisting in abandon.
“Ginny! Suck them for me! Suck them just like a boy!” Rhea cried, her head thrown back in delight. And as Ginny’s mouth came into contact with one little brown marble, she reached out to firmly grasp Ginny’s own quivering knockers.
Ginny ran her tongue around Rhea’s hard nipple, marveling at the sweet taste of her roommate’s skin. Her wet, probing tongue ran around and around, feeling the rubbery nipple brush against her teeth, scraping and bouncing. Rhea’s hands were all over Ginny’s boobs, caressing, teasing, pinching and pulling in awe at the soft, firm pillows of flesh. In vain, Rhea tried to surround Ginny’s enormous jug with one hand and found she had to settle, quite happily, for rubbing only the large, rosy nipple against her palm.
Ginny groaned deep in her throat as Rhea’s touch became more and more demanding. Her hands were like feathers, at first, brushing across the expanse of her massive boobs and then darting to pinch her large nipple sharply. Ginny lowered her head to Rhea’s tit again and sucked the whole nipple into her hot, wet mouth.
“AAAGH!” Rhea screamed as Ginny bit down sharply on her nipple. She renewed her assault on Ginny’s bobbing titties, stretching her fingers out fully and bringing them together on both trembling jugs, catching the rosy bud of Ginny’s nipples in her palms and twisting her hands in opposite directions, stretching the soft, warm flesh in ways Ginny had never felt before.
Ginny felt a familiar heat rise in her crotch and she ached for a man, any man, who would bury his big prick in her steaming cunt, made hot by Rhea’s delightful fingers.
A loud clamor rang through the dorm. Both Rhea and Ginny jumped apart and looked at each other, dazed. The bell sounded again and both girls laughed nervously. It was only the dinner bell!
Rhea was the first to recover from their spell of passion. “Don’t say anything!” she whispered. “We’ll talk after dinner, okay?” and without waiting for Ginny’s answering nod, she started pulling on a sweatshirt to dress for dinner.
Ginny and Rhea were both quiet during dinner. If anyone noticed their preoccupation, no comment was made, and somehow the girls made it through dinner, picking at their food listlessly, lost in their own thoughts and oblivious to the conversation going on around them.
Finally, dinner was over and the girls began to scatter and reform into little groups, discussing the evening’s plans. The usual cries of, “You have a date with who?” and “How can I lend you a dollar if I’ve only got ten cents to my name?” were heard.
“Hey, do you two want to go to a movie?” Paula, the big-titted redhead from across the hall called out, as Ginny and Rhea started up the stairs to their room.
“Oh… no thanks. Not tonight. Gotta study for a test,” Ginny replied breathlessly, hardly pausing in her sprint up the stairs. “Yeah… me, too,” Rhea added. “Maybe tomorrow night, though,” and she headed up the stairs, following Ginny closely.
“Boy! That must be some test!” Paula commented to another group of girls. “I’ve never seen those two prefer studying to a movie before. Any of you want to go?” With shouts of laughter, several of the girls hurried to collect money and sweaters from their rooms.
Rhea entered the room on the heels of her roommate and shut the door quietly behind her. She turned to look at Ginny, who was studiously avoiding her eyes.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you?” she asked, taking a hold of her roommate’s chin and forcing Ginny to look at her. “You headed up those stairs like the very devil was chasing you!”
“You know what’s the matter,” Ginny replied, starting to blush again.
Rhea shrugged and let her hand fall from Ginny’s chin. “You’re all freaked out over nothing, you know,” she said convincingly. “So you showed me how it felt to have my titties sucked — big deal! Now you’re feeling all guilty about the whole thing, aren’t you?”
Ginny could feel the blush spread across her face. She nodded slightly and tried to look away from Rhea’s piercing gaze. “Come on, Ginny!” Rhea commanded, forcing the girl’s gaze back to hers. “We were just playing around, for Christ sake. You don’t have to feel all funny about it, do you?”
Ginny was silent for a moment and then she let out her breath in a long shudder. “I can’t help it!” she moaned in despair. “I just feel so strange about the whole thing. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t liked it. But, Rhea, I liked sucking on your hard, little titties! And I liked it when you played with mine! It got me all excited! What’s the matter with me, anyway? I thought I liked men, and now I’m getting all turned on by YOU!”
Rhea began to laugh, and she hugged her friend reassuringly. “So that’s what’s got you all freaked out!” she exclaimed. “Hey, you silly goose, you! Getting turned on is nothing to be ashamed of. Don’t you get turned on when you touch your own titties?”
“Well, sure,” Ginny answered, tossing her head in embarrassment. “Of course I do. But that’s different!”
“What’s different about it?” Rhea demanded, sinking to the bed beside her worried roommate. “You’re just the kind of girl who gets turned on easily, that’s all. That doesn’t mean that you’re a kind of freak or anything. You think I didn’t get turned on, too? Jesus, Ginny! You had me so hot and bothered, I could hardly keep my hands off myself all through dinner!”
Suddenly Ginny laughed. “Me, too!” she giggled. “All I could think about was screwing all through the meal! And then I had to get a drumstick!”
Both girls cracked up in laughter. The thought of a drumstick was just too hilarious for words!
“I just stared at that piece of chicken,” Ginny continued between bursts of giggles, “and I was afraid to even look at anyone because I thought they’d know exactly what I was thinking! We’d better call ourselves the two love-starved freshmen, right?”
Rhea rolled back on the bed with laughter. “I think if there had been a man within sight I would have raped him on the spot!” she commented. “That would be some trick for a virgin — right, Ginny?”
Ginny giggled at the very thought of her roommate attacking some passing male and wrestling him to the floor. Then her laughter abruptly stopped. “You mean you’ve never made it with a guy?” she asked in shock.
“Shit, no!” Rhea exclaimed. “Ginny, I wasn’t even allowed to date in high school, and then my parents packed me off to be a counselor in one of those expensive girls’ camps for the summer. The closest I’ve ever been to cock was when I walked in on my six-year-old brother taking a bath. Why do you think I asked you to suck my titties? I’ve never even kissed a boy, much less screwed one!”
Ginny shook her pretty blonde head in disbelief. It certainly seemed strange that her friend had missed all the joys of necking and petting in back seats, but if her parents had been really strict with her, Ginny supposed it could happen that way.
“God, Rhea!” she gasped in wonder. “You poor baby, you! We’ve got to arrange to get you fucked!”
Rhea’s laughter bubbled up. “Hey! Take it easy, huh? I think you’d better lead me up to the whole thing slowly. Remember, I never even had my boobs sucked until this afternoon. You’d better give me a little time to get used to the idea!”
“There’s really not much to get used to,” Ginny told her sagely. “It’s no different than playing with yourself except that it’s more fun!” She turned suddenly to look at her roommate. “You do play with yourself don’t you?”
“Of course, dummy!” Rhea laughed. “I know all about screwing. I just haven’t done it, you know? I’ve got one of those vibrators. You know, the kind that looks like a cock. You want to see it?”
Without waiting for an answer, she hurried over to the dresser and removed a pink plastic vibrator from underneath a pile of scarves. “See? This is as close to a cock as I’ve ever been, but it’s a lot of fun, all the same! You can use it sometimes, if you want to,” she offered generously, holding the bright pink plastic cock up for Ginny’s inspection. “It runs on batteries and it doesn’t make very much noise. See?” She switched on the instrument and it jiggled in her hand, making a very low hum, indeed.
“Let me see!” Ginny demanded, still giggling, and Rhea brought the vibrator over to her. “I’ve never seen one of these before except in pictures,” she said, reaching out for the jiggling object. “Where did you get it anyway?”
“Oh, I sent away for it,” Rhea explained. “I saw an ad in one of those women’s magazines and I just sent in the money and they sent it out by return mail. I used it so many times the first week I had it, I wore out the batteries! Now I keep extras, just in case.”
The bright-pink dildo was still jiggling and jumping in Ginny’s hand and she switched it off.
“No sense wasting the batteries,” she said and both girls started giggling again.
“Yeah!” Rhea laughed. “We were just talking about conservation of energy today in class. Maybe we both ought to use it at once, and really conserve!”
Ginny almost fell off the bed she was laughing so hard. “Why not?” she giggled. “We could just climb on top of each other and put the vibrator between us. Then, if we both learned to get off at the same time, we’d really save a lot of battery power!”
“God!” Rhea exclaimed, watching Ginny twist the vibrator this way and that, examining it minutely. “You know, the very sight of that darn thing makes me horny. I’m beginning to think that I’ve fallen in love with my vibrator! All I have to do is to name it George, and I can pretend I’m in love with a real person. One thing about George is that lie’s always available when you need him!”
Rhea squirmed uncomfortably on the bed, her eyes glued to the vibrator. “You know, if you weren’t here, I’d use good old George, right now.”
“Don’t let me stop you!” Ginny giggled. “Just go ahead and let me watch. I’ve never seen one of those things before. I might learn something.”
“OH!” Rhea exclaimed. “God, I’d love to! But that’s kind of weird, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve never done it with someone watching and…” Her voice trailed off and a dreamy expression crossed her face. “Of course, it might really be a kick with you watching, and you did suck my titties for me, so I guess the least I could do in return, is to show you my George in action…”
She sat for a moment, as if she were trying to make up her mind. She remembered all those times she had stretched out on her bed, alone, and wished she had someone to share things with. This was her chance. Ginny really wanted to watch her, and it certainly would be exciting.
She jumped up suddenly and snatched the vibrator out of Ginny’s hand. “Alright, George. Let’s show Ginny how you and I get it on!” she giggled, quickly pulling her sweatshirt off and throwing it across a chair. “Are you sure?” she asked, whirling around and facing her friend.
Ginny was sitting on the bed with a strange, excited expression on her face. She nodded quickly, and watched her roommate with hungry eyes.
Rhea turned her back and removed her blue jeans and then the tiny panties beneath them. She stood for a moment, took a deep breath and turned around to face Ginny.
Ginny gasped as she saw Rhea’s nude body. Her roommate was indeed lovely, with long shapely legs and hips as slim and narrow as a boy. Ginny’s eyes were drawn to Rhea’s lovely little tits, and she shivered in excitement as she remembered that she had eagerly kissed them only hours before. Then her gaze darted to Rhea’s tiny waist, and then lower to the splendid bush of silky black cunt-hair surrounding her pussy.
“Why… you’re beautiful,” Ginny whispered, letting her eyes travel up and down Rhea’s little body. “You have a body like a dancer — strong and little and graceful.”
Ginny swallowed hard, trying to stop the words that poured from her throat unbidden. “And your skin is so beautiful. It looks like burnished copper! And so soft.”
Rhea blushed, grateful for Ginny’s compliments. She had never shown her body to anyone before, and it was wonderful being admired by someone as pretty as her own roommate! Rhea had been watching her friend undress for weeks now, and she had secretly admired the full curves of Ginny’s mature figure. She couldn’t quite believe that Ginny really admired her small, compact body, and she looked quickly at her roommate for reassurance.
Ginny was staring at Rhea, captivated, and anyone could tell that her admiration was genuine. Their eyes locked and Rhea felt a thrill of excitement run through her whole body. She ached to feel Ginny’s beautiful soft titties in her hands again, and she wanted to bury her head between their perfumed warmth. She didn’t dare speak, though. She just stood there, trembling, letting her eyes say all those things and more.
Then, very slowly, she walked to her own bed and picked up the plastic cock. She stretched out on the bed and turned on the vibrator, feeling her roommate’s eyes upon her. Then she ran the tip of the vibrating prick over the nipple of one tit, just barely touching it. She heard Ginny gasp and knew that she was intensely watching her every movement.
Then she was lost in a world of her own making, running the vibrating cock up and down her body, touching her titties and the soft flesh of her inner thighs and finally touching the spot right at the entrance to her silky black bush. She reached down with one hand to hold open her crimson cunt-lips and moved lower and lower with the plastic dick. In the back of her consciousness she could hear Ginny’s harsh breathing and it only served to excite her all the more. She could feel her hard, little clit straining upward towards the vibrator, I aching to be touched by its slick, plastic surface…
Ginny was indeed breathing heavily, and she leaned forward to see more clearly. Rhea’s pussy was beautiful! Small and deep red, with drops of pearly cunt-juice emerging from its depths.
She brought her face even closer and she delighted in the smell of her roommate’s musky cunt. She could see the little shaft of Rhea’s clitty poking up towards the huge pink dildo and her own body rippled sympathetically with excitement. Without realizing it, she was squeezing and pulling at her large boobs, massaging them in excitement as she watched the pink vibrator make its slow journey into the steaming gash of Rhea’s cunt.
Suddenly Rhea’s body convulsed uncontrollably and Ginny could see her pussy muscles throbbing as the huge pink cock met its mark.
“AAAGH!” Rhea screamed and began rubbing the vibrator over her clitty with purpose, straining her hips upward and tossing her head back and forth in a frenzy.
Then Ginny could stand it no longer. She wanted to touch Rhea’s little, virgin pussy! She wanted to be the one to make her come!
She reached out and her hand closed around one of Rhea’s hard little titties. Rhea’s eyes fluttered open and she looked into her roommate’s burning eyes. Ginny’s eyes bore into her and a message passed between them, so intense and so demanding that they both remained frozen, motionless for a moment.
Then Ginny stood up slowly and began pulling off her clothes. Rhea sat up, watching her friend undress, delighting in the lush curves of her alabaster body. Only when Ginny was completely nude did she take the necessary steps to cross over, back to Rhea, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to lie on the narrow bed.
The vibrating cock dropped to the floor, unnoticed, as the two girls began touching and holding each other in delight.
“Show me what makes you hot!” Rhea whispered, and Ginny placed Rhea’s small hand on her hard, extended clitty and pressed her fingers back and forth, rubbing and stroking the little rosebud until it grew longer and longer with each touch.
Ginny’s full jugs pressed lightly to Rhea’s hard little titties, rubbing and touching, soft flesh against soft flesh. They rolled over on the bed and Ginny’s lips found Rhea’s, her tongue seeking her friend’s, probing its wet, hot way into Rhea’s willing mouth.
Rhea’s eyes fluttered closed again, caught up in the passion that was inflaming her body. Their kisses were long and deep, and Rhea cried out as she felt Ginny’s hands on her tiny titties.
Rhea pulled away suddenly, catching a glimpse of her roommate’s passion-filled eyes, and then lowered her head to nuzzle Ginny’s bountiful knockers. She rubbed her face in the valley between her soft mounds, and licked the smooth flesh hungrily. Finally, Ginny’s quivering nipple was directly in front of her and she sucked it into her burning mouth without hesitation, sucking and licking like a baby in the act of taking nourishment from its mother.
“OOOOhh!” Ginny sighed as Rhea teased and pulled her nipple with her sharp little teeth, tugging and worrying it like a dog worries a bone. Ginny could hardly stand it, Rhea’s mouth felt so delightful on her pebble-stiff nipple.
She rolled the smaller girl quickly over on her back, and moved down to kiss her thighs, licking the smooth skin and smelling the warm, rich scent of her arousal. Then she reached out with both hands and spread Rhea’s virgin pussy completely open, exposing the dark-red, slick meat of her gash.
Rhea’s pussy was small, matching the rest of her body, and just knowing that no one else had ever touched the girl’s cunt made Ginny so hot her actions were almost uncontrollable. She twined her fingers in Rhea’s smooth black cunt-hairs and tugged gently, moving the girl closer to her hot mouth. Then she darted forward and buried her head in Rhea’s steaming, slick pussy, licking the smooth walls and savoring the rich taste of her cunt-juice. Finally, when the length of Rhea’s small gash was licked dry of her delicious juices, she moved her attentions higher, until she came to the hard mound of her throbbing clitty, sticking straight out and almost begging to be treated to the same delightful touch.
“OOH, GOD!” Rhea screamed as Ginny’s tongue darted across her inflamed clitty. “OOOH, GOD! DON’T STOP! PLEEEEASE!!”
Rhea moved her hips convulsively, jamming her cunt up, up into Ginny’s willing face. Her legs trembled like grasses in a high wind, and she muttered little unintelligible sounds as Ginny sucked and licked her throbbing clit and swollen gash. She could feel her pussy-juice flowing, sopping her entire cunt-mound with creamy, white fluid, and she strained her cunt upward even farther, seeking more of Ginny’s delicious mouth.
Ginny brushed Rhea’s nearly exploding clit with her teeth and sucked it into her mouth, rubbing with her tongue and squeezing with her wet, hot lips. She felt the girl beneath her shudder and then Rhea’s hands were in her hair, pulling her down, down into her steaming pussy.
Rhea cried out, one final scream, and lunged her cunt upward into Ginny’s mouth, feeling her whole body shudder and shake with exquisite pleasure as she surrendered herself to a massive orgasm, the first orgasm she had ever experienced at someone else’s hands.
Ginny’s tongue kept working, milking every drop of pussy-juice from Rhea’s contracting cunt, until her friend lay exhausted, eyelids twitching slightly, and a wide satisfied smile on her face. Then she stretched out beside her friend, and cuddled her smooth body gently.
“Was that better than George?” she asked teasingly, already knowing what Rhea’s answer would be. Rhea opened her eyes and gave Ginny a long, meaningful glance. Then she broke into a sexy little giggle.
“The hell with George!” she cried emphatically, sending both of them into gales and gales of laughter.
When Rhea finally stopped laughing and stretched, she heard a small sound. Her face broke into a fresh grin as she reached down and picked up George, who had been buzzing around on the floor all this time.
“Poor George!” she said mockingly, kissing the tip of his hard, pink cock-head. “I think you’ve been replaced, lover!”
Then she turned to look at Ginny, who was lying quietly on the bed. She raised her eyebrows and smiled at the lovely blonde lying beside her. “Well, George, maybe there are one or two little favors you could do for my friend, here,” she said, smiling, switching on the vibrator again and running its head lightly over Ginny’s massive boobs. “Ginny’s never met you intimately, so let’s make an introduction, alright?”
She trailed the pink vibrator lightly down Ginny’s body, ending at the edge of her shining, blonde beaver. “Would you like to get in there, huh, George?” she teased, noticing that Ginny was tensing her body as George neared her gaping, pink pussy-lips.
She spread Ginny’s willing cunt with her fingers and dove forward with George, running him down the length of Ginny’s wet pussy until his head was at the entrance to her cunt-hole. Then she pushed the whirring dildo down, down into Ginny’s eagerly receptive pussy, until it was almost out of sight in the slick hot depths, its sound muffled by the cunt-flesh now surrounding it.
Ginny screamed as the cold, jiggling, plastic prick entered her hot, throbbing pussy. She had never experienced anything like this in her whole life! The little, plastic cock seemed to have a life of its own as it lunged and whirled inside her quivering pussy, seeking out little crevices and creases and rubbing against each and every one.
Rhea could see her friend’s pleasure, and creamy pussy-juice was seeping from Ginny’s cunt and running down Rhea’s fingers. Rhea lifted one sticky finger to her lips and sucked curiously.
“God! You taste good!” she commented as Ginny writhed and tossed in passion.
Rhea slowly lowered her head to examine Ginny’s beautiful pussy and found the clitoral bud with her fingertips. It would have been impossible to miss it! Ginny’s clitty was extended a full inch from her smoldering gash, and, as she watched, Rhea could see it buck and throb in her fingers. It looked like a miniature prick, and Rhea quickly lowered her head and flicked her hot tongue up from the base to the head of the huge love-button.
“AAGH! AAGH! AAGH!!” Ginny sputtered, jamming her cunt even more strongly against the vibrator in Rhea’s hand. “EAT ME!!” she demanded. “EAT ME AND FUCK ME WITH GEORGE AT THE SAME TIME!!”
Rhea was only too happy to oblige. She jammed George into Ginny’s cunt to the hilt, and sucked her hard, long clitty all the way into her hot, little mouth, biting and sucking like a baby with a pacifier. She chewed and rubbed the sensitive clit until Ginny thought she would faint with pleasure.
“Yes!” Ginny cried. “OH, YESSSS!!” and she felt the twin sensations of George and Rhea’s hungry mouth, taking her higher and higher until she fell into a blaze of joy, weeping and crying with happiness.
Half an hour later, the two roommates were studying busily at their respective desks, George tucked safely away beneath the pile of scarves again. They looked like two hard-working college girls, intent on nothing more pleasurable then getting on the Dean’s List for the quarter.
Every so often Rhea’s eyes would meet Ginny’s and they would smile at each other in a knowing way, secure in their knowledge that the two of them were the sole owners of a wonderful secret.
As it so happened, neither Ginny nor Rhea would have believed her ears if they had overheard the conversation going on in room A-12 on the first floor.
“Yes, I’m positive that they’re ready!” Paula explained emphatically to her dubious roommate. “I went past their room not more than an hour ago, and I heard some pretty interesting things. If they were studying for a test, they both should get A’s in Basic Sex! Talk about muffled groans and screams! They were really getting it on in there.”
Paula faced her roommate’s questioningly look squarely. “Come on, Susie. Have I ever been wrong before?”
Susie, a tall, extremely heavy brunette, holding the dubious honor of being known as the biggest pussy on campus, nodded her head slowly. She was still a bit hesitant, but one more look at Paula’s convincing gaze reassured her.
“You’re probably right, Paula,” she conceded. “But you know we really have to be careful about these things. All we need is to try to convert the wrong type of girl and we’re up shit creek without a paddle!”
She smiled suddenly and blew her roommate a noisy kiss. “Good work, Paula,” she complimented the pretty redhead. “I’m sure glad you went back up there to ask about the movie again. The boys will love a little two-pussy addition to our Sorority for Sex!”
Susie and Paula arrived at the frat house.
Immediately the door was opened by a tall, good-looking man and the two were ushered quickly inside.
“Hey, Susie and Paula. Good to see you. What brings you two little pussies out on a cold windy night like this?” the tall man questioned, his voice booming out cheerfully.
Susie giggled and reached out to pinch the man’s arm teasingly. “Something you’ll really dig,” she answered, tossing back her heavy mane of brown hair. “Paula just copped two new pussycats for out little private club!”
“Hey!” Linc yelled, a grin threatening to split his lean, rugged face. Then his voice rang out over the din of several stereos in the background. “Come on down, you horny guys! We’ve got new pussy in the making!”
There was a commotion from upstairs and five guys of various sizes and shapes came clumping down the stairs. “New pussy, you say?” the short, stocky, sandy-haired boy in the lead asked, licking his lips obscenely and winking at Paula. “Shit, that isn’t new stuff, Linc. Old Paula here’s a regular member. And Fat Susie’s screwed everything in pants from one side of the campus to the other!”
Susie giggled again, pleased with the boy’s teasing. “Come on, Herbie. I don’t mean us. Paula just recruited two new babes for you. And one’s a blonde!”
Herbie grinned from ear to ear. Everyone knew his preference for slurping and sucking on golden-haired pussy.
“What’s the other chick like?” the tall, mustached man behind him asked, leaning precariously over the banister.
“Oh, the other one’s for you, Wolf,” Paula told him, her dark eyes admiring his lean and powerfully built body. “She’s a little dark-haired pixie and I hear that she’s a virgin. She moves just like a dancer, and I’ll bet you ten fucks that you can teach her to get into some of those weird yoga positions you always want to try.”
The other three guys laughed at Paula’s comment. “Ten fucks, huh?” a studious-looking red-headed boy asked, winking at Paula engagingly. “Those are pretty high stakes, my red-headed beauty! You want them all in one night, or can Wolf space them out over a week’s lime?”
“Oh, I might settle for two a night, Gordie, as long as I can have you on the side!” she retorted coyly, running both hands through her long auburn hair.
“Hey, how about pussy for us?” an Oriental boy asked, gesturing towards himself and the remaining two boys. “Are you trying to tell us that this isn’t our night?”
“It’s always your night, Ching,” Susie retorted, chuckling. “You’re a pretty good fuck once you get over the shock of seeing a pussy that isn’t slanted sideways!”
“Don’t forget us Bobbsey twins,” one of the remaining golden-haired boys spoke up, nudging his look-alike twin brother. “We’re two for the price of one, plus a penny, this week only.” His twin laughed loudly. “Barry and Harry’s one-cent sale, right here!” the other twin added, his voice an exact echo of his brother’s.
“Goddamn! I never can tell you two apart!” Susie commented, ginning up at the twins. “The only way I can tell for sure is to have both of you buck naked, standing in front of me. Barry’s cock bends a little to the left!” she hissed in a stage whisper to Paula, causing the rest of the boys to howl in laugher.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Linc said. “How are we going to get these two little chicks over here for the initiation?”
“I’ve got it!” Wolf shouted, leering suggestively. “We’ll invite them to dinner tomorrow night. Of course, we’ll, neglect to mention that they’re the main course!”
“Not bad. Not bad at all,” Paula commented, ignoring the shouts of laughter. “We’ll just invite them to a dinner party at the frat house. Susie and I’ll get them over here, and you guys can take care of the rest.”
“Get Bobbie and Trish, too,” Linc commanded. “We might as well get the whole gang together and break in the new girls right.” He smiled and started thinking about two new little pussies, very much aware of the throbbing in his huge, stiff prick. “Oh, by the way,” he continued casually, “you two girls want to stay for a drink or a fuck or anything?”
Paula and Susie looked at each other eagerly. Then Susie spoke up. “Have you ever heard me turn down an invitation like that?” she asked, reaching out and pinching the front of Linc’s bulging jeans. “Come on and give me that big popsicle for a starter!” Then she turned and grabbed Linc’s arm, pulling him up the stairs behind her bouncing ass.
“God, she can really move that fat ass when her pussy gets hot,” Herbie commented, making a lunge for Paula’s left titty. “Guess we five get to share you, sweets,” he said, “at least until Susie wears old Linc out and howls for more!”
Paula followed Herbie up the stairs and gave the twins a pinch on the ass as she passed them. She began to get excited as she thought about fucking both the twins at once. She’d take Barry’s cock in her mouth and Harry’s prick in her pussy. Then she’d switch! That ought to be a real blast, especially after good old Herbie finished eating her hot pussy! She wiggled her ass-cheeks suggestively for the benefit of the other boys who were following her closely. She could hardly wait to find out if Barry’s cock really hung to the left like Susie said!
Ginny pulled the red wool dress over her head and gave a final pat to her shining hair. Then she surveyed her reflection in the mirror with satisfaction.
“I guess I look alright for a frat dinner party,” she commented to Rhea, who was just putting the finishing touches on her makeup.
Rhea turned to look at her pretty roommate and gave a soft wolf whistle. “You look good enough to eat!” she commented and then burst into laughter.
Ginny hugged Rhea and then patted her on the shoulder. “I think we’d better get you a boy friend soon,” she teased. “Right now I’m stuck with the horniest virgin roommate in the whole dorm!”
Rhea pulled on a bright-yellow dress that clung to her perfect little body and set off the olive tint of her smooth skin. She ran a comb through her already perfect hair and stood up, finished.
“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” she called out gaily to Ginny, who was picking up her sweater and purse, preparing to leave the room. “Let’s go on over to Fat Susie and Paula’s room and see what we can find out about Phi Delta. One of the girls in my chemistry class told me that Phi Delta has the highest academic rating of any fraternity on campus, so they’re probably a bunch of eggheads.”
“Miriam Simms says their house is a regular mansion,” Ginny remarked. “She says it used to belong to some old eccentric millionaire and it was practically a historical landmark when it was newly built. The owner used the second floor for a ballroom and the third floor was servants’ quarters.”
“I wonder why Paula and Susie invited us,” Rhea mused, a puzzled look on her face. “I should think that they’d have invited some little rich chicks or at least someone on the Dean’s List. I don’t even know what to say to a boy genius, especially one with money.”
Ginny laughed, making a face at her pretty roommate. “Don’t worry about it,” she advised. “I’ve gone out with a lot of boys and they’re really not interested in talking about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. About the only thing they’re really interested in is sex, and I’m sure you’ll do just fine in that department!”
Bobbie was quiet on the way to the frat house. She couldn’t help but think of the last party they had been to, and Trish’s body pressing close to her in Susie’s backseat did nothing to chase away those delicious memories.
Trish had been fucking Ching, her beautiful full ass-cheeks quivering and glimmering in the candlelight on the second-floor party room. Bobbie had unconsciously slipped her hand down to her moist, creamy pussy as she watched, their obvious delight making her so horny she could scarcely stand it. She remembered the feeling and the scene actually began happening all over again in her mind.
Bobbie had pushed her slim fingers inside her little panties and grasped the hard nub of her throbbing clitty, rubbing the tip lightly, bringing forth another flood of hot creamy cunt-juice. She had never been so horny!
She could see Ching’s big balls flopping against Trish’s ass, slapping and bouncing in the firelight. “God!” Bobbie had exclaimed, pulling and gasping at her pulsing clitty, sensations running rampant through her slim body. Suddenly she could stand it no longer. She had to get it on this delightful scene herself.
She crawled over to the couple entwined on the floor and pushed them over so that Ching was on his back.
“Me, too!” she screamed, and tore off her clothes quickly.
Trish sat squarely on Ching’s big bucking cock and grinned at her friend. “There’s always room for one more!” she giggled, pointing suggestively at Ching’s face.
Bobbie quivered and trembled in excitement as she squatted squarely over Ching’s face, slowly lowering her creamy pink pussy to his lips. Just as Ching’s long hot tongue dove into her open pussy, Trish grabbed both of her titties and squeezed, forcing Bobbie’s tiny, protruding nipples to stand straight out and wink at her. Not missing a stroke on Ching’s hard, long cock, Trish rubbed and squeezed Bobbie’s titties, flicking her fingernails over the rubbery nipples, sending a sharp sensation of exciting pain through Bobbie’s trembling body.
“BITE THEM!” Bobbie screamed, and Trish lowered her head slightly to chew and worry Bobbie’s nipples like a dog worries a bone.
Just then Ching sucked Bobbie’s throbbing clitty all the way into his mouth, biting down with his teeth, sharply.
“AAAAGH!” Bobbie screamed, not believing that she could be experiencing such joy. “DO IT!” she screamed, reaching out for Trish’s warm tit.
Ching rolled Bobbie’s stiff clitty around with his tongue, sucking and biting in glee. “Feel good, baby?” he cried, feeling flood after flood of her thick creamy cunt-fluid fill his mouth and dribble down his chin. The exciting salty woman taste of her twat-cream was driving him wild with passion, and Trish’s fucking motion on his pulsing cock was giving him double pleasure. He could feel Trish’s pussy grab his prick like millions of tiny fingers, squeezing and grasping his rock-hard cock, driving him out of his mind with lust. He licked Bobbie’s hot cunt desperately, feeling her shudder and shake with passion. She made little groaning noises of pleasure that excited him even further. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. This was the most exciting fuck he had ever had!
Trish gasped as Bobbie’s fingers pulled at her nipples, twisting and turning them, almost as if she were trying to pull them off her boobs. Bobbie was plucking and pinching almost like she were picking cherries from a tree, sending shivers of delicious sensations through Trish’s already overexcited body. Trish humped away even faster, plunging her creamy pussy down on Ching’s erect cock with force, and bouncing up with the same effort, creating sucking sensations and noises that came directly from her hot, frothy pussy.
Bobbie felt like Ching was trying to pull her clitty right out of her hot pussy with the suction of his mouth. “OOOOOOH!” she screamed as Ching clamped down tightly on her hard clitty with his lips, imprisoning her little bud with his hot firm lips. Her cunt was welded to his face, firmly caught by his tightly clamped lips, at the mercy of his probing, prodding tongue.
Ching flicked Bobbie’s hard little clitty with his tongue, flickering back and forth like a snake, feeling her clitty throb and swell in his mouth. Her pulsing clitty grew even longer at the assault of his hot, rough tongue, extending out at least an inch, quivering and pulsing in passion.
Bobbie squealed as Trish ran her tongue around her nipple, nipping sharply at the tip, teasing and probing with her tongue in the way she knew Bobbie loved.
“AAAAAGH!” Bobbie screamed again, feeling Ching suddenly release her burning clitty. She ground her flooding cunt into his face, pleading for more. “DON’T STOP!” she screamed in agony. “I’M ALMOST READY TO COME! DON’T STOP!”
Ching had no intention of stopping. He merely wanted to give the rest of Bobbie’s delightfully open pussy the same attention he had given to her long, throbbing clitty. Slowly, he ran his smooth tongue over the walls of Bobbie’s creamy cunt, feeling the excited girl tremble above him. He could hear Trish groaning and he tried not to get carried away by the clenching and slamming of her hot little pussy on his hard, throbbing cock. He had to hold out until Bobbie came! He had to!
Ching made a muffled little sound as he licked the walls of Bobbie’s hot pussy dry, cleaning and tasting her frothy cunt-cream. He felt her shudder again as he neared the entrance to her pussy-hole with his long tongue, brushing around it lightly, flickering over the whole expanse of her cunt with his hot tongue.
Bobbie felt as if her cunt were on fire! Ching’s tongue sent little darting bursts of pleasure through her, making her shudder and cry out in pleasure and torment. His long tongue was at the entrance to her pussy-hole now, and Bobbie let out a scream of incredible delight as the very tip of his tongue pushed inside and then started to enter her hole slowly, twisting and turning inside of her cunt like a corkscrew. With a fierce lunge, he poked his long hot raspy tongue completely inside her fuck-hole, wiggling it back and forth as much as her tight pussy would allow, touching parts of her twat that no one else had before. She could feel the walls of her inner pussy clamp around his hot, long tongue, trying to keep it there forever.
Suddenly Trish bit down hard on her nipple, sucking and biting at the same time, and Bobbie began to come, riding wave after wave of intense pleasure, taking her higher and higher until she reached the pinnacle of passion. With a cry of incredible delight she was flying off the edge and floating gently down, sending burst after burst of frothy white cunt-cream down Ching’s ecstatic throat.
She felt Ching’s body tense and she heard Trish gasp in pleasure as his cock exploded into her pulsing cunt, his whole body shaking beneath her in the convulsions of pleasure, as he growled and screamed against Bobbie’s still throbbing pussy.
Bobbie gazed at Trish with eager eyes. She loved to watch her friend get off. Trish squealed and screamed when she came and Bobbie watched her lovely friend’s body shake with the tremors of orgasm. She felt like she was sitting on the top of an earthquake, feeling both Ching and Trish shudder with passion as burst after burst of pleasure took over their bodies.
They were quiet for a moment, lost in their remembrances, when suddenly Bobbie felt a strange urge take over her body. “I didn’t get any nice hot cock-cream!” she wailed, gazing at Trish with lidded eyes. “I want my share of that good cock-juice!”
Trish laughed, winking at her lustily. “It’s all right here in my hot, throbbing pussy!” she said. “All you have to do is to come and get it!”
She spread her crimson cunt-lips apart widely with her fingers, showing Bobbie the white, thick cock-cream captured by the folds of her red pussy-lips.
“I don’t mind sharing with a friend!” she squealed, rolling over on her back and opening her gash wide with her fingers.
Bobbie lunged at her box with a groan, all her pent-up emotions raging. She wanted to eat that good thick cock-cream right out of Trish’s plump little pussy. She poked out her tongue and licked her way down to Trish’s belly, cleaning and sucking the cock-juice out of the fluffy beaver hairs around Trish’s cunt, saving the best for last. Finally, she worked her way down to the entrance to Trish’s burning cunt-hole, and dipped her smooth, warm tongue inside, licking and tasting the heady male cream with relish. God! She loved the taste of cock-cream! She could eat cock-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every day of the week! The combination of Trish’s strong woman smell and Ching’s male odor was driving Bobbie out of her head with lust. She was ready for anything and everything, all at once!
Bobbie could feel Trish tremble and toss with each stroke of her eagerly lapping, hot tongue and she knew that she had the aroused girl completely in her power. She licked off the cock-cream on her quivering red pussy-lips and dove forward to at last touch her cunt-hole, where the cock-cream had collected in a shimmering pool, creamy and thick, just waiting for her eager, lapping tongue and her sucking, rapacious mouth!
She felt the girl under her shudder and wrap her fingers in her thick black hair, winding around the thin strands with desperation and pulling her head down, down into the steamy depths of her aching, pulsing cunt.
If Bobbie had been able to raise her head to see Ching, she would have given a mighty chuckle, for the poor man was out of his mind with fascination. A drop of spittle ran down his lip, so engrossed was he in watching Bobbie lick and suck Trish’s quivering cunt. He had never seen anything like this before! Even in his wildest dream, he had never thought that this very episode would happen right before his delighted eyes. He felt a mighty surge in his limp cock, and it sprang to life again, standing up straight and proud, begging to be allowed to get into the action he saw taking place within an arm’s reach. Ching’s cock surged upward, sending a shudder of desire through his thin body, ruling his mind with its desires. He wanted to fuck again! His mind screamed at him to stop, to watch for a while, to let nature take its course, but his cock overruled the curiosity in his mind. Ching reached out and grabbed the nearest warm hole he could find.
Bobbie let out a squeal of fear as she felt Ching’s hard, slippery cock touch the ring of her puckered asshole! She tried to tear her head away from Trish’s pussy for an instant to tell Ching to stop, but Trish held her firmly prisoner, her hands and fingers so entwined in her hair that Bobbie could not get free. She let out another muffled scream as she felt Ching’s warm wet tongue nudge her little puckered shitter, lubricating her virgin asshole thoroughly. Despite her fear, Ching’s tongue felt delicious! Sensations she had never felt before coursed through her body, and she could feel a flood of pussy-cream soaking her already dripping gash.
Suddenly the tip of Ching’s probing tongue slipped inside her ass, reaming the hole wider, forcing her tight ass muscles to relax. She couldn’t believe the sensations she was feeling. At every probe of his long, thick tongue, her clitty bucked and throbbed, sending floods of white cunt-cream running down her legs in rivulets, dropping unnoticed to the rug below.
Then Ching’s tongue was gone and a second later she felt something incredibly hard nudging and poking at her tiny asshole, demanding entrance. She let out a muffled scream and resigned herself to her fate, raising her ass high in the air and relaxing as best she could. Suddenly Ching gave a mighty shove and buried his hard, pulsing cock all the way in her tiny asshole, banging his balls against her smooth ass-cheeks with the force of his lunge.
Bobbie screamed once, her head reeling with the sensations coursing through her body. It felt as if Ching would surely split her open, his prick was so large. She felt nothing but pain at first, and struggled desperately to get free of Trish’s grasping fingers. It was impossible. Trish pushed her down again, down into her steaming pussy.
“PLEASE! DON’T STOP!” Trish screamed and Bobbie couldn’t bear to disappoint her. With a cry of anguish she licked and lapped her friend’s sweet pussy with renewed vigor.
Bobbie felt Ching lunge again and again into her sweet asshole, and as she finally relaxed, she found the sensations were beginning to get enjoyable after all. It felt good! Even GREAT! It certainly was a totally different kind of feeling, the difference between night and day, and she discovered to her surprise that SHE LOVED GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS!!
Ching reached down and rubbed her hard, throbbing clitty while his mighty cock kept plunging and pumping away at her asshole. She could hear his frenzied breathing and knew that he loved this strange way of fucking as much as she was coming to love it. She wiggled a bit, driving his fingers completely into her hot, wet cunt, and heard him gasp as he discovered he could feel his own cock through the thin wall separating her cunt and asshole!
Trish’s whole body was trembling now, and she lifted her body higher, pushing her dripping gash right into Bobbie’s face, as Bobbie gobbled and sucked eagerly, tasting Ching’s cock-cream mingled with Trish’s own fresh cunt-cream.
Suddenly the girl beneath her shook violently and screamed unintelligibly as tremor after tremor overtook her, driving her wild with the intensity of her crashing climax.
“Aaaaagh! Aaaaaaagh! AAAAAAAGH!!” Trish screamed and her voice inflamed Ching even more.
He gave a mighty lunge and then Bobbie could feel his huge cock buck and pulse, releasing flood after flood of cock-cream into her hot little asshole. She felt every spurt of his gigantic cock as the hot juice splattered into her asshole, soaking the tortured flesh with a soothing balm, igniting her own smashing orgasm as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her.
The trio heard a loud groan, and they came out of their delightful state of satisfaction to see Fat Susie and Linc watching them with engrossed expressions. Fat Susie’s hand was firmly clamped between her massive thighs and she was frigging her cunt frantically with one hand, and rubbing Linc’s long, hard cock with the other.
“God damn!” she cried. “That was the most beautiful fuck I’ve ever seen! I’m so horny I could die!”
Linc leaped to his feet and unzipped his pants, pulling out his long, stiff cock. He flopped down on his broad back on the rug and grabbed his cock in his hand. “Come on and get it!” he yelled.
Fat Susie opened her eyes quickly and laughed. Then she crawled laboriously over to him and straddled him frantically, pushing her moist pink cunt right down on the tip of his hard, pulsing cock.
“AAAAEEEEEIII!” she screamed in gee as she quickly lowered her throbbing pussy down on his almost bursting cock. Her slick, wide pussy felt like it was burning up! She lunged down on his thick cock until it was firmly buried in her wide-open cunt.
“GAWWWD!” Linc cried, feeling the incredibly hot pussy envelop his prick in a burning blaze of sweet hot cunt-flesh. It felt like Fat Susie was going to slide down so far she would push even his hard, throbbing nuts inside her burning snatch. Her cunt was so wide, so open, and so HOT! He could feel his hard, aching cock being sucked into that blazing, burning hot inferno of a cunt, just like a moth into a flame.
“AAAAGH!” Linc screamed again and again as she started pumping, plunging and bucking up and down on his stiff rod and the pressure in his aching hard nuts was almost unbearable. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out before he’d have to shoot all his stored-up jizz into her wet, burning pussy.
Fat Susie seemed to know just exactly the limit of his endurance. She lunged once more and then sat perfectly still, like a statue on his gigantic pulsing cock, the only movement being the unconscious squeezing of her pussy muscles around his huge, aching prick. She glanced round the room, proud of her ability to arouse Linc to such an extent, and her eyes met those of her dog, King Rex, sitting quietly in the corner.
King Rex, her huge, gentle German shepherd, looked interested, but not too concerned. He sat there with his tongue hanging out, watching the whole scene. Fat Susie was his favorite, and he wanted to make sure no one was hurting her. His little doggy brain has assimilated the moans and groans she had made, with puzzlement. He had decided that she certainly didn’t act hurt, but still the noises were different than those she usually made and he wanted to make sure he had his eyes on her!
Fat Susie smiled at her pet and he wagged his tail with a loud thumping noise, but his gaze was not completely reassured. She licked her lips and watched her pet as she began to move her hips in a slow circular motion on Linc’s hard prick-shaft.
Eat Susie rubbed her hard, long clitty right on Linc’s pelvic bone and the pressure created even hornier feelings in her already super-excited cunt. Her massive tits quivered and stuck straight out, she was so excited, and her butt gleamed in the candlelight as she squirmed and swirled on Linc’s hard, long tool. She felt the first contractions of orgasm shake her body and a little moan of passion escape her moist lips.
King Rex perked up his pointed ears and got up from his place on the rug, trotting closer for a more detailed look. His mistress certainly looked all right, but the sounds she was making were mighty peculiar! He was a very loyal dog. No one was going to hurt his mistress!
Fat Susie groaned again and flung her head back with passion. She was almost ready to explode and she knew that if she pumped up and down just one more time, Linc would surely flood her pussy with his burst of thick cock-cream.
King Rex came closer and stuck his pointed nose in Fat Susie’s face, surprising her. She let out a little gasp and then another moan as Linc’s hard, long cock twitched mightily in her wet, hot pussy.
“Where are Herbie and Wolf?” Trish asked as the boys began passing various dishes around the table. “I thought everyone was going to be here.”
“They had to spend a couple of hours over at the physics lab,” Linc explained as he poured the wine. “Old Gimpy Harris decided to spring a special assignment and they had lab work to catch up on.”
“Professor Harris?” Rhea asked, trying not to giggle. “Just ask Ginny about Professor Harris if you want to hear something good!”
Linc paused by Ginny’s chair. He noticed that her hand was shaking as she held her wine glass out to be filled. “What’s the matter, Ginny? Do you have old Gimpy Harris for a class, too?”
Ginny blushed bright red. “No!” she replied emphatically. “But I do run into him at the library every now and then!”
Rhea couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. She burst into laughter. “I didn’t think you ran into him, Ginny!” she sputtered. “I thought you ran away from him!!”
Linc snapped his fingers with a loud click. “Hah!” he said. “So you’re the blonde Harris is after this quarter!” he exclaimed. “Wolf says he always talks about some beautiful blonde chick that works in the library. Well, Ginny, what an honor. Harris goes bananas only once every quarter and it’s always over the prettiest new girl on campus. Got your track shoes on?”
“Oh, I manage,” Ginny said, trying to stop blushing. “It doesn’t take too much speed to outrun Gimpy Harris!”
Ginny found that she was enjoying the light-hearted banter and the fine wine. The boys seemed really nice and her earlier fears and apprehensions were firmly laid to rest. She sipped at her wine frequently and felt a warm glow spread through her body. The boys were amusing and attentive and the wine was doing very nice things to her head, relaxing her and making her talk freely. She was just telling about her encounter with Gimpy Harris in the rare-book section, when she felt a pressure on her thigh.
She thought, at first, that Harry was pressing his leg against hers, but when she looked up at him, she found that he was completely engaged in conversation with Trish. How odd! she thought to herself and finished the story quickly, turning to look at Barry, the only other possible candidate.
Barry was explaining something about English literature to Bobbie, and he didn’t appear to even be interested in her. Ginny decided that someone had accidentally brushed against her and not even noticed he had done so. She began talking with Gordie and was caught up in a long description of his favorite football plays, when she felt the same pressure on her thigh, only higher up this time. She shifted a little in her chair and continued to listen to Gordie. If someone wanted to play footsie under the table with her, that was alright, too!
She stopped in the middle of a sentence when she felt a warm breath on her leg. “Do you have a dog?” she asked Gordie, about to raise the tablecloth and look under the table herself.
“No,” Gordie replied, smiling in a strange sort of way. “The grounds aren’t fenced and we decided that we didn’t want any animals in the house. Why do you ask, Ginny?”
“Oh, I was just wondering,” Ginny replied, deciding that her mind was playing tricks on her. She had consumed over four glasses of wine and perhaps she had imagined the whole thing. She took another sip of her wine and tried to appear interested in Gordie’s conversation again.
A moment later she definitely felt hands on her thighs. This time she knew she hadn’t imagined it. She sat perfectly still as the hands moved higher and higher, headed straight towards her golden beaver. She was too shocked to do anything. She just sat there, feeling the hands advance, and not knowing what to do about it.
The hands reached their goal and rubbed gently. God, it felt good! Ginny wasn’t about to say anything now. Those hands certainly knew what they were doing and she felt delightful thrills course through her whole body. If the hands were just her imagination from drinking too much wine she wanted to lay in a whole case of that wine!
A dreamy expression swept over her face and she shifted her position slightly, making it easier for the hands to play with her hot, hungry pussy. She tried to listen to the conversation going on around her, but it was hard to respond to normal dinner conversation when the hands were caressing her wet gash and tingling clit. Oh, God! Now they had moved higher and were loosening her panties, rolling them down around her hips.
Ginny managed to respond to one of Gordie’s questions with a nod, and she lifted her ass-cheeks slightly so the hands could remove her lacy little panties.
She glanced around her quickly, hoping that no one had noticed the sudden blush of passion that had spread across her face. Everyone seemed oblivious to what was happening to her, though. It was just another dinner party to them, but Ginny could feel the hands spreading her thighs wide, and she gasped as she felt hot breath on her dripping pussy!
She gasped again as a hot tongue scraped across her hard, throbbing clitty, and glided away again. She was poised on the edge of her chair, waiting for a another probe of that delicious tongue, when she heard Harry asking her another question.
“What’s the matter, Ginny? Am I boring you with all this talk about history?” Harry asked. He had been talking about a test he had aced the previous week.
“Oh, no. Not at all, Harry!” Ginny responded quickly, and then sucked in her breath as the hidden tongue found its target again. It seemed like everyone was asking her questions and waiting for her replies while the flickering tongue wound its way in and out of the crevices of her swelling, pink cunt, making it impossible for her to think of any intelligent answers.
She glanced quickly at Rhea, and noticed that her pretty roommate was blushing bright red and shifting uncomfortably in her chair. Suddenly Ginny laughed, catching Rhea’s eyes. From the look on Rhea’s face, someone was under the table on her side, too, and Rhea was as puzzled and as delighted as Ginny!
For a split second Ginny wondered if the tongue was male or female, but then she decided that it didn’t matter whether it was man or woman. The tongue was obviously educated in the ways of licking a cunt, and that was all that counted. Ginny intended to enjoy every minute of it!
Rhea had been as shocked as Ginny when she had first felt the hands under the table. She had thought, at first, that it was either Linc or Ching, but they were busily eating, with both hands visible above the tablecloth. She had heard Ginny ask about clogs and had come to the conclusion that the touch under the table was definitely human!
She gasped as the tongue darted out to flick her little clit, and she almost upset her wine glass in shock. Then she grinned and decided to enjoy this delightful part of a frat dinner party. She had noticed that no one else except Ginny seemed to be having any problems talking, and she had guessed that they were the only two to be treated to this during-dinner entertainment!
“What’s the matter, Rhea?” Linc asked, smiling at her knowingly and grasping her hands as she was about to reach under the table to try to discover the identity of her unseen lover. He held her hands firmly in his, commenting to the group at large. “Rhea’s got cold hands. Guess I’ll have to hold them and warm them up for her.”
Then he had grinned at her in perfect understanding. Looking into his eyes, she knew that Linc was well aware of the probing tongue under the table. She found that she could not drop her eyes from his and she was caught, lost in his gaze as the flickering tongue sent waves of passion through her cunt.
Ginny was in seventh heaven! Now the unknown lover under the table was sucking her clitty into his mouth and chewing her hard shaft with his sharp teeth. She tried to look like nothing unusual was happening, but she couldn’t pretend any longer. She had to know who those beautiful lips and tongue belonged to. She started to reach under the table as Rhea had done, and found her hands firmly imprisoned by Barry, who had missed none of the expressions that had crossed her beautiful face.
“Let me tell your fortune,” he said, holding both of her hands in his, palms outstretched. “I can tell that you are in store for a big surprise, very pleasant! You will meet an unseen admirer in a very short time, who will live up to your fondest dreams. As a matter of fact, I believe he will appear right now, and carry you off to his castle!”
As Barry finished speaking, Ginny felt her chair push slowly from the table, and the head and shoulders of her unknown admirer appeared. Ginny tried vainly to cover her luscious pink pussy with her hands, but the man under the table wouldn’t let her hide herself. He spread out her cunt-lips widely, and Barry recaptured her hands again.
“Herbie! You old beaver-eater!” Susie yelled, laughing with glee. “I might have known you’d have something special planned for Ginny! Lot’s see an after-dinner muff-dive, Herbie! You’ve had her all to yourself all during the meal. Now we get to watch, too!”
Ginny was so flabbergasted, she couldn’t even protest. Herbie’s head buried itself between her legs again, and she squealed as his tongue connected once more with her quivering pussy. She half-heartedly tried to stop him, but his darting tongue and sucking mouth soon overcame her weak protests. She threw her head back and surrendered to the delightful action of his mouth and hands in full view of everyone at the table.
Herbie began scraping his tongue flatly across her long, hard clitty, battering it and making smacking sounds with his lips. Her cunt was on fire with his lunging tongue and squeezing lips and her pussy-juice flowed freely, gushing forth in response to his flickering tongue.
The whole group was silent, listening to Ginny’s low groans of pleasure and Herbie’s eagerly licking and smacking lips. Finally Ginny could stand it no longer. Her whole body shook with every lash of Herbie’s punishing tongue. She twisted back and forth, affording him every opportunity to lick the whole expanse of her blushing cunt, sliding forward farther and farther towards his delightful tongue. Ginny’s eyes were closed in ecstasy as Herbie scraped his teeth against her clit again and again, pulling and pushing at it, attempting to devour the whole gash of her sweetly creaming pussy in his mouth in one gulp.
Suddenly Ginny screamed, “AAAGH! I’m COMMMING!!” and her face contorted in an expression of incredible delight. White frothy cunt-cream dripped down, shimmering in little pearly drops on Herbie’s chin, and Ginny collapsed in her chair as the most intense orgasm of her life ripped through her.
When she was able to think again, she was aware of clapping and whistling, and she opened her eyes to see her sweet roommate spread out in her chair with a tall, dark-haired man kneeling on the floor in front of her wet, rosy-lipped pussy. Rhea looked as if she were about to pass out with pleasure, as the young man licked and sucked her tiny rosebud into his mouth and tickled it with his tongue.
“Ooohh!” Rhea breathed, and Ginny could tell that her lovely roommate was about to come to the same kind of crashing climax she herself had just experienced. “AAAGH! AAAGH! AAAGH!” Rhea sputtered, and would have fallen off her chair with the intensity of the pleasure that swept through her, if Linc hadn’t leaped up to support her.
Rhea opened her eyes slowly and a grin spread over her flushed face. All traces of her earlier shyness were gone and she didn’t even bother to pull down the skirt of her bright-yellow dress. “Some dinner party!” she breathed, and the assembled group almost fell off their chairs in laughter.
“Hey! We got left out!” Fat Susie complained mournfully. “Don’t tell me we don’t get any of the same treatment tonight.”
“I thought you had your fill of cock last night,” Linc protested, and reached over to grab two enormous handfuls of her quivering titties. “I swear, Susie, if you had the whole campus lined up outside your door, you’d still holler for more!”
“I can’t help it!” Susie wailed. “No matter how much I get, I never have enough cock!”
“What do you say we all line up to see what we can do for poor Susie?” Linc suggested. “I bet we can give her so much sucking and fucking that she finally admits she’d had enough. Who’s game to try?” he asked the group. “It’s certainly a challenge!”
“Why not?” Wolf said, leering at Susie. “I’ll bet between the twelve of us, we can think up enough kinky things to keep even Susie Super Pussy happy!”
“Hey, Susie! We’re going to fuck your brains out!” Harry yelled as he began to pull off his pants.
“Yeah! We’re going to get you six ways to the center!” Barry added, tossing his clothes on the pile that was rapidly forming in the center of the room.
“You twins get her first,” Wolf suggested, his hard cock standing erect and pointing straight at the ceiling. “Then the rest of us will sort of join in wherever we’re needed.”
“Come on, Susie. You’re the only one with all your clothes on,” Trish called, tossing a pair of red panties on the top of the pile. “With such a generous offer, I figured you’d be the first one to get rid of your clothes!”
Susie just sat at the table with an expression of amazement on her face. For once, horny Susie couldn’t think of anything to say. She was now surrounded by her naked friends, and she didn’t seem to be able to move. She just sat there quietly until Linc reached over and began unbuttoning her blouse. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her back as he leaned over and released one enormous, quivering boob. Then, suddenly, she came to life.
“Wow,” she breathed. “What a blast! What the hell am I sitting here for, when I could be stretched out on the floor with cock inside my pussy!”
She stood up quickly and tore off her clothes, tossing them high into the air. “God! It’s the dream of a lifetime!” she yelled, her enormous titties bobbling like huge melons. “Here I am — all wet and hungry for a big stiff cock! Who’s first?”
As soon as Susie had lowered her huge body to the rug, Barry was on top of her. His hard, pulsing cock found her wet pussy quickly and he let out a groan as he buried his prick in her steamy cunt-hole.
“Ooooh, baby, you got one hot cunt!” Barry said, sinking his teeth into Susie’s huge white tit.
She pushed her quivering globe tightly against his face, almost smothering him, but Barry didn’t seem to mind. He just licked and sucked for all he was worth and the air was filled with slurping and smacking sounds as he tried to capture her long, hard nipple with his teeth. Every time Susie would feel his teeth getting close to her jutting nipple she would move just a little and the elusive nipple would bounce out of Barry’s reach. It was like an old-fashioned game of hide-and-seek as Barry tried in vain to capture Susie’s nipple.
“Come on, Barry, you’ve got a big target!” Linc yelled. “Come on, you can get it! Grab it with both hands and chomp down! Don’t let her get away from you!”
Everyone was watching Barry and Susie’s little game with interest by now. The girls were urging Susie on and the boys were all rooting for Barry.
“Move, Susie! Hurry! He’s almost got it! Jiggle that boob, Susie!”
Harry eyed Susie’s puckered little asshole with delight. He licked his lips and moved in closer, pushing his stiff prick right up against the entrance to her shitter.
“Ooooh!” Susie moaned, feeling his hard rod against her asshole. “Put it in, Harry! Quick! Shove your cock up my ass!”
Harry didn’t need a second invitation. He moved in closer and tensed his butt for a mighty push forward. Everyone could see the swollen purple tip of his hard prick buck against Susie’s massive ass-cheeks and find its way between them. There he was, his prick stuck halfway into Susie’s asshole with the very first stroke!
“AAAGH!” Susie yelled as she felt his hot cock enter her asshole. “Shove it in all the way, Harry! Fuck my ass!”
Harry struggled for a moment, trying to push his bucking tool in farther, but he couldn’t push hard enough to shove his prick all the way in Susie’s tight bung. “Hey, somebody help me!” he cried out, and Bobbie jumped to the rescue.
“Hold on, Harry, I’m coming!” she shouted, and she pushed against his ass-cheeks with both of her hands in a mighty shove forward.
“AAAAGH!” Susie screamed again as she felt Harry’s long cock ram all the way up inside her tiny shit-chute. She twisted her cunt back and forth on Barry’s throbbing cock, and Bobbie pushed Harry in and out with perfect rhythm.
Linc moved quickly to the head of the threesome to jam his cock into Susie’s hot, wet mouth. He groaned as he felt his cock sucked all the way into Susie’s burning mouth like a feather into a vacuum cleaner. His eyes closed in bliss as Susie sucked and smacked her big lips around his huge cock.
“Eat my meat, cunt!” he growled and shoved his pulsing cock all the way down Susie’s gulping throat.
“God!” Rhea breathed, watching the whole scene with relish. “Oh! I want to be fucked, too!”
She reached down to part the crimson lips of her hungry pussy, rubbing her fingers desperately against her clitty. Her whole body started trembling in excitement and she would have fallen if Wolf hadn’t grabbed her and lowered her to the floor, her fingers still moving frantically in and out of her wet, dripping cunt-lips.
“Tell me what you want, Rhea,” Wolf insisted, holding her fingers still against her throbbing gash. “What do you want me to do to you?”
“Ball me!” Rhea groaned, trying to free her fingers so that she could touch the hot slippery, wetness of her cunt again. “Screw me, Wolf! FUCK MEEEE!”
Wolf freed her hands and she spread her rosy cunt-lips wide in invitation, never taking her eyes from his hard, pulsing cock.
“Put your cock in me!” she demanded, spreading her cunt-lips even wider. “I’m burning up!”
Ginny gave a low chuckle as she watched her pretty roommate spread out on the rug, waiting for her first cock. She reached down and grabbed Wolf by his stiff prick.
“She’s never had cock before,” Ginny cautioned him. “Make sure she’s good and ready for you. Get her really dripping before you try to put that big cock inside her tiny little cunt!”
Wolf slipped his finger in Rhea’s hot, little pussy. “She’s steaming!” he grinned up at Ginny. “You suck on her titties and I’ll take care of the rest of her!”
Rhea tossed her head back and forth on the rug. “Oooooh!” she moaned, completely out of her mind with passion. “Fuck me, Wolf! Pop my cherry! NOW!!”
Ginny ran her tongue around Rhea’s hard little nipple and bit down sharply, just as Wolf placed his prick at the entrance to her tight little virgin cunt-hole. Her eyes fluttered open as she felt another hand on her nipple and saw Trish’s wide mouth approaching her other titty.
“Aaagh!” she gasped as her other nipple was sucked into Trish’s hot, wide mouth. She could see Fat Susie on one side of her, with Bobbie pushing Harry in and out of Susie’s bung. Bobbie shoved Harry in and reached down to lick his balls, holding him firmly in place. Then she would pull him back and bite his neck before the next push. Susie was spread out on top of Barry, almost smothering him with her massive titties. Her huge ass-cheeks were quivering and bouncing with a delight. Her screams were muffled by Linc’s cock, which was buried in her throat, and Rhea could hear the smacking and slurping sounds of Susie’s mouth on Linc’s long, hard cock. Rhea felt the pussy-juice flow even more in her hot cunt, just listening to the sounds that Susie’s mouth was making.
When she turned her head the other way, she could see Gordie and Herbie fucking Paula. Gordie’s cock was clamped tightly in Paula’s mouth, and Herbie was humping her with a pounding rhythm. Every so often Gordie would groan in delight as Paula bit down on his stiff prick. Ching, the only member of the group not involved in some kind of action, stood by Rhea’s head, gazing down at her with his cock in his hand. “Oh,” Rhea breathed, “let me suck your pretty cock, Ching. Please?”
Ching let out a huge laugh. “Oh, Jesus, Rhea!” he giggled. “What do you think I’ve been standing her playing with myself for? I thought you’d never ask!” and he quickly buried his pulsing cock in her eager mouth.
Ching’s cock tasted salty and good, and Rhea smacked her lips around the wide prick-shaft eagerly, running her tongue over the tip, flicking off the drop of juice that hung suspended there.
“You taste good!” she said and took all of his wide, stiff prick into her mouth again.
Rhea gave a muffled little cry as Wolf tried to push his cock into her virgin pussy. Wolf almost stopped because Rhea’s little cunt was so tight, but she pushed Ching’s prick out of her mouth and looked at Wolf with burning eyes.
“NOW!! POP MY CHERRY! HARD!” she screamed at him and sucked Ching’s cock all the way into her smooth throat.
Wolf gave a huge thrust at her incredibly tight little pussy-hole and managed to bury his long cock in her dripping cunt. Rhea’s face turned white with pain and Wolf started to withdraw, afraid that he might be hurting her too much, but slowly color returned to her cheeks and she gave him a sweet smile.
“Now you can really fuck me!” she said happily and pulled Ching’s cock back into her mouth, lifting her legs to give Wolf full access to her throbbing little pussy.
Wolf pumped his cock into her cunt with a gentle, smooth motion, back and forth, until she thought she would die with the pleasure of his hard cock filling her pussy like it had never been filled before. She threw her legs around his back and held on, not willing to let even a tiny bit of his cock escape the lips of her hot, sopping cunt. She could feel Ching’s long cock filling her throat, pushing its way past her rubbing tongue, all the way into her pink, hot throat. She swallowed convulsively and she heard him groan with pleasure.
“Can I come this way?” he gasped, diving forward even farther into her burning throat. She grabbed his ass-cheeks in her hands in answer, and pulled him even closer, rubbing his hard balls in her hand and instinctively poking one little finger in his asshole.
She could feel Rhea and Trish tonguing and biting her rock-hard nipples and suddenly she knew that she was about to come right along with Ching. For a fleeting second she wondered what it would taste like when Ching shot in her mouth and she bit down slightly on his pulsing cock with her lips, sucking his rod even harder.
Wolf was fucking with a vengeance now, pushing in and out of her steaming cunt. She could feel her muscles tense as her pussy gripped his dick like millions of tiny little fingers, pulling his rod deeper and deeper inside her aching box. Suddenly she felt Ching tense and he shoved his cock all the way into her throat, almost choking her. She grabbed his ass even tighter and swallowed desperately, not willing to let even a drop of his jizz go to waste. Ching gave one final shudder and collapsed on the floor.
“OOOOOH!” he screamed, a happy smile spreading over his face. “You sure know how to suck cock!”
Rhea ran her tongue over her lips, tasting the exciting male taste of Ching’s cock still on her lips. “I like it!” she exclaimed. “I love to suck cock!”
Ginny started giggling against Rhea’s nipple. She raised her head from its delightful work and kissed Rhea’s lips, still wet from Ching’s cum. “Give me a little bit of that good cum!” she pleaded and pushed her hot tongue into Rhea’s mouth, sucking and tasting.
The sight of Rhea and Ginny with their mouths pushed together, tasting Ching’s jizz was too much for Wolf.
“OH, GAAWD!!” he yelled, and began pumping desperately into Rhea’s hot, creaming cunt. The sight of Ginny and Rhea kissing had excited him more than anything he had ever seen before. He could hear Rhea’s excited breathing as she and Ginny wound their tongues in and out of each other’s mouths and he knew he would have to explode soon. He grabbed Trish’s hair and pulled her lips away from Rhea’s titty.
“Kiss me, baby!” he commanded and he pulled her face to his burning lips.
Rhea groaned as Wolf thrust into her dripping pussy. “OOOOH!” she squealed as she felt the length and width of Wolf’s mammoth cock filling her tight little pussy completely, stretching it until she thought she would burst with excitement.
Wolf’s passions were almost uncontrollable now, and he grabbed Rhea’s ass tightly and thrust his hot cock deeply into her steamy cunt. He heard her moans from a distance and gave himself up to exquisite pleasure as his pulsing cock jammed its delicious way to the very end of her cunt. Just knowing that no one had ever fucked her before made his cock ache and buck, thinking about being the first to fill her dripping virgin pussy with his hot cock-juice.
Rhea’s cunt was slick and unbelievably hot. She threw her arms around his back and dug her nails into his hard flesh. He felt Trish’s lips leave his and he opened his eyes to see her long slim body stretched out beside Ginny, caressing and stroking the blonde girl in uncontrolled passion. He watched as her mouth moved closer and closer to Ginny’s pretty, pink cunt until finally her tongue darted out, accompanied by a scream of delight from Ginny as Trish’s tongue found its goal. The two girls were entwined now in a sixty-nine position, lapping and sucking at each other’s pussies, their wet, slippery cunt-lips muffling their sounds of passion.
Rhea locked her legs around Wolf’s back and he found it was impossible to move. Her pussy was holding his cock too tightly. He could feel the delicious pussy muscles, so tight and new, rippling and grinding his hard shaft, holding his dick prisoner in her warm, wet twat. Her eyes fluttered closed and her face was a mask of pure lust.
Wolf gazed at the trembling, writhing girl beneath him and drove his prick all the way in, battering against the end of her soft, hot cunt. She gasped as he pushed her legs up even farther and banged away at her, battering her cunt with his long hard cock. He felt the sharpness of her nails on his back and the slight stinging of the scratches made him even hornier. He sank his teeth into the warm, soft flesh of her neck and she shrieked in ecstasy.
Wolf began thrusting with a steady rhythm now, slamming into her cunt with increasing speed, lunging forcefully and hearing her little gasps of pleasure as his balls slapped against her round, soft ass with a spanking sound. Wolf was so engrossed in fucking Rhea, feeling the thick, foamy cream of her cunt and hearing the smacking and squishing sound of their screwing, that he was oblivious of everything else in the room. He didn’t even notice when all of the others stopped and froze in position, watching him and flea as he lunged again and again into her throbbing, pulsing cunt.
Rhea arched her back suddenly, stiffening her body and stretching her neck back in pleasure. She lunged forward tightly against him and froze rigid for a second. He felt her cunt pulsing and throbbing around his thick shaft and he felt a scalding flood of her cunt-cream as the powerful climax ripped through her body. Her teeth sank into the flesh of his chest and her legs clamped so tightly around him, she almost left him breathless.
He felt her have one climax after another, moaning and screaming incoherently as he pumped away at her flooding pussy.
Just at the point when he knew he would have to explode with the cum building up in his aching balls, she screamed, “COME NOW, WOLF! COME WITH ME! QUICK!!” and Wolf could feel her body tense for one last searing orgasm.
Wolf gasped the soft, pillowing flesh of her ass forcefully, and thrust again and again into her open cunt. It took only a few full thrusts and he felt his cock jerk spasmodically. He lunged forward once more and he was coming, jetting out burst after burst of jizz, soaking her swollen, burning pussy with his fuck-juice and feeling the shudder of her final gigantic orgasm draining the last drop from his throbbing prick.
He rolled Rhea over on top of him and held her tightly, his body shuddering from the effect of his massive climax.
“Did you like your first fuck?” he asked, breathing in little gasps from his marathon screwing. “Was it good, Rhea?” He brushed the hair back from her face with his fingers, turning her face so that he could see her eyes.
“Oh, yes!” she answered, smiling down at him. “I love it. Can we do it again?”
Rhea and Wolf were suddenly aware of the laughter surrounding them. “Hey, Wolf!” Linc called out. “Looks like little Rhea is going to wear you out tonight!”
“Yeah!” Ching added, his hand buried in Trish’s pussy. “Tell the little lady to give you a breather and then ball her again. This lime have her suck your cock, though. She’s got a hot throat that won’t quit!” He reached down and patted his still dripping cock, flopping limply against his thigh.
“Well, roommate,” Ginny said, laughing at the satisfied smile on Rhea’s pretty face. “How did you like your first fuck?”
“You were right, Ginny,” Rhea breathed, reaching down to pat Wolf’s cock, which was still jerking slightly with the memory of her sweet pussy. “I didn’t know what I was missing. I can hardly wait to make up for lost time!”
The next morning, six girls slept right through the breakfast bell. The rest of the dorm pattered down the stairs at the first clanging of the bell but Rhea, Ginny, Paula, Susie, Bobbie and Trish were missing at their places at the long table.
“Must have been a rough night,” one of the girls commented, noticing their collective absence.
“I’ll bet they weren’t studying!” another coed added, giggling slightly. “I saw Susie come in at five this morning and she looked pretty rough when she passed by my door!”
Susie must have felt her ears burn, way upstairs in her narrow little bed. She groaned slightly and turned over, opening one eye a bit and peeking out at Paula.
“Want to go out and get some nice, hot cock?”
Paula teased her exhausted roommate.
“Oooooh,” Susie groaned, reaching down and patting her sore, swollen cunt. “That’s the first time I’ve almost had enough cock in my pussy!” Then she rolled over on her stomach and slipped back into sleep, giggling slightly.
“Maybe tomorrow, if I can walk by then,” she mumbled sleepily and sank back into a pleasant dream of big, thick cocks, waiting in line, standing up straight and hard for her.
Fat Susie was in a hurry. She was already late for her economics class. She glanced at her watch anxiously and let out a loud groan. “Ooooh, shit!” she exclaimed, realizing that she would have to walk into class a full ten minutes late.
Susie was having a terrible morning. Nothing seemed to go right. When she was dressing, she had caught the zipper of her skirt and it had stuck halfway up. She had yanked it as hard as she could, hoping it would unstick. She pulled a little too hard in her haste, though, and the zipper had torn right out of the material. “Ooooh, shit!” she muttered again when she pulled open the dresser to find another skirt. The only clean things she had were a pair of old, beat-up blue jeans and an old college sweatshirt, faded and bleached from many washings. Susie shrugged her shoulders in resignation. Professor Ellison would probably make some comment about her outfit. His pet peeve was sloppily dressed college kids. Susie knew she’d hear about her blue jeans and sweatshirt but there was nothing else to wear, and she didn’t dare cut class again. She had cut last Friday and twice the week before, and if she didn’t make it to class today, Professor Ellison would probably lower her grade for the quarter.
Susie threw on the jeans and spent another five minutes trying to stretch the material so that the zipper would zip.
“God damn!” she had cursed loudly. “I’m gaining weight!” She finally managed to zip the skin-tight jeans, and surveyed her reflection in the full-length mirror next to her dresser. “That’s all I need! Late to class again, and my jeans will probably split out the whole ass-end when I sit down!”
Susie had started for class at a run, taking the narrow tunnel from the dorm to the economics building to try to save time. She was almost through the dimly lit tunnel when she dropped her notebook and bent over to pick it up.
There was a loud, tearing noise and Susie’s worst fears were realized. She could feel the cool air on her enormous ass as her jeans passed the stress point and split all the way from her ass end to her crotch!
“Son of a bitch!” Susie yelled, and then looked quickly around her to see if anyone else was in the tunnel. She was in luck. Everyone else was already in class. She appeared to be the only person in the tunnel.
“Well, I’ll just have to turn around and go back to the dorm to change clothes,” she sighed resignedly. “I might as well cut class today, too. I’ll be so late it’ll be ridiculous to go!”
She held her notebook over her ass, trying to cover her pink, silk-clad buns in case someone came upon her from the rear, then turned around and reversed her direction. She was waddling along as fast as she possibly could, hurrying to get back to her room, when she heard footsteps approaching.
“Oh, God! Here I am with my pants split from my asshole to my beaver!” she exclaimed, and backed up against the wall, pretending to be looking through her notebook for some missing assignment. Perhaps whoever was coming wouldn’t notice her strange position against the wall. She tried to look casual about the whole thing and kept her eyes on her notebook, paging desperately through it, waiting for the other person to pass. She heard the footsteps come nearer and nearer and she cringed up against the wall in the dimmest part of the tunnel, terribly embarrassed by the whole situation. The footsteps started to pass her huddled figure and she began to breathe a sigh of relief when they suddenly stopped.
“Susie! What are you doing up there against the wall?” a familiar voice inquired, and Susie looked up to see old Gus, the school janitor, peering at her curiously.
“Oh, Gus! Thank God it’s you!” Susie exclaimed gratefully. “I’ve got to get back to the dorm in a hurry. I just split open the seam in my jeans and I didn’t know who was coming so I backed up to the wall here, hoping they wouldn’t notice.”
Gus started laughing, amused at the whole picture.
“I’ll tell you what, Susie,” Gus suggested, leaning his broom against the wall, grinning at her. “I’ll walk right in back of you, all the way to the dorm. That way, if someone comes along from the back, they won’t see anything except me and my trusty broom. How’s that?”
“Oh, thanks, Gus,” Susie said, smiling at him warmly. She moved away from the wall, still covering her ass with her notebook.
Gus moved in right behind her, and they started walking towards the dorm. Suddenly Gus let out a huge belly laugh.
“What’s the matter?” Susie asked, turning around to face him, notebook still clutched tightly behind her huge ass.
“You’d better carry your notebook in front of you,” Gus suggested, still chuckling. “You look pretty funny holding your notebook like that. Anyone can see that you’re trying to cover your ass, and they’re going to turn right around and try to see why you’re doing it. Don’t worry about me. I’ve seen plenty of asses in my day, and I’m a little too old to try anything funny, so relax. Just walk normal. Then no one will know.”
Susie slowly lowered her notebook to her side, giving Gus a full view of her nylon-clad ass, quivering and bouncing as she walked.
“God! It’s really split out, isn’t it?” Gus exclaimed, gulping at the sight of Susie’s pink panties stretching tightly to contain her quivering ass-cheeks. He felt a slight twinge in his prick and suddenly he wanted to touch those smooth buns and run his palm over their broad warm expanse.
“Come on, Susie. Let’s go before someone comes along,” he said gruffly, thoroughly ashamed of his lewd thoughts toward a college girl young enough to be his granddaughter.
Susie noticed the gruffness in his voice, and gave a slight smile. Maybe Gus was old, but he sure wasn’t dead yet! She wondered if she could stir his long-unused cock to action. She walked slowly along in front of him, making no effort to hide the shaking and wiggling of her bountiful ass-cheeks. She heard Gus gasp and she knew that the sight of her almost bare ass was having an effect. She giggled a little and made up her mind to play a little game with Gus. Gus was a nice old man and he could use a little fun. Susie decided that she was just the girl to give it to him! Maybe he couldn’t get it up any more but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t play around a little. Then again, maybe Gus could get it up. If anyone could excite Gus, Susie knew she was the gal. She knew more tricks than any other girl on campus.
Susie had been fucking since she was thirteen years old, and the eight years between her first fuck and now hadn’t been wasted in thinking about it! Susie had done everything she had ever heard of, or read of, or been told about, and she was game for anything and everything. Just thinking about giving old Gus a nice little sex trip made her pussy drip with excitement. She giggled softly as she thought of a plan of action. She was going to see old Gus’ cock stand straight up or die in the attempt!
Susie let her notebook drop from her hand and it fell to the cement floor with a loud plop, scattering papers all over the corridor. Then she stopped suddenly, almost making Gus bump into her quivering ass-cheeks.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, trying to sound dismayed. “Oh, dear! Now I’ll have to pick up all those papers!”
When Gus bent over to help her, she noticed a slightly glazed look in his eyes. He was breathing a little harder than usual, too. She certainly was having an effect on him!
“Just stand behind me, Gus,” she ordered. “I’ll pick it up. You just keep behind me in case someone comes through the tunnel.”
Then, with old Gus standing close to her smooth pink ass, she leaned over from the waist and started picking up her papers. She could feel her jeans gaping open in the back and she knew that her cheeks were moving suggestively under the thin pink nylon of her scant little panties.
“Ooooh!” Gus groaned, and Susie turned to look at him. His eyes were almost popping out of his head in excitement as he stared at her round, full ass, bouncing and wiggling as she gathered up her papers.
“What’s the matter, Gus?” she asked, making sure her shirt hung loose at the front, affording him a full peek at her quivering titties.
“Nothing!” Gus answered quickly, still breathing heavily.
“Nothing!” Gus answered quickly, still breathing heavily. “What are you panting for, Gus?” Susie continued teasing him. “Are we walking too fast for you? I can slow down a little if I’m going too fast.”
“Oh, no!” Gus protested, trying to keep his breath even, but not succeeding very well. He leaned on his broom, still staring at her enormous boobs bouncing and moving under her sweatshirt. Susie felt her nipples stiffen and poke out under Gus’ intense gaze and her pussy began to flood with juices.
“You’re staring at my titties, Gus,” Susie commented in a teasing voice. “Do you like my big boobs, Gus?”
“You’re some girl, Susie,” Gus breathed, swallowing hard. “Your nipples are so big and hard.” Then he clamped his hand to his mouth in amazement at what he had said. “I’m sorry, girl!” he apologized. “I don’t know what got into me!”
“Tha’s alright, Gus,” Susie soothed him. “I don’t mind. As a matter of fact, I like it. It always makes a girl feel good if a man appreciates her titties. Would you like a feel, Gus? I’d like it if you squeezed my nipples between your fingers.”
Gus’ face was becoming flushed. He looked like he was ready to jump on her right there on the floor. Tentatively, he reached out one hand and touched her nipple through her sweatshirt.
“God!” he exclaimed. “You can feel those hard nipples right through all that cloth!” He was panting by now and gripping one nipple between his fingers and rolling it back and forth.
“Ooooh,” Susie groaned with pleasure. “That feels good, Gus! Why don’t you stick your hand inside and really feel my boobies?”
Gus’ eyes were almost popping out of his head by this time. He lunged towards the neck of Susie’s big sweatshirt and reached down inside with both hands, grabbing two handfuls of her bouncing tits.
“Aaaaah,” he groaned. “Feels so good! Ain’t felt a woman’s tits in years, girl!”
“Feel my ass, too,” Susie suggested, feeling herself get so horny she could hardly keep from jumping on Gus right there in the tunnel. Gus reached out and smoothed her ass-cheeks with one hand, keeping the other moving and squeezing on her full, quivering titty.
“You’ve got the smoothest ass I’ve ever felt,” he muttered, running his palm over the quivering buns. He started grasping and pinching and rubbing uncontrollably now, completely lost in the wonder of Susie’s ass and boobs.
“Want to suck a little titty, Gus?” Susie asked, dying to feel his lips on her aching boobs.
Gus didn’t need to answer. He pulled up her sweatshirt and grabbed one hot boob with both hands, bringing it up to his mouth.
Susie gasped as she felt his hot breath on her jug. “Hurry! Suck it!” she groaned, as Gus approached her pebble-stiff nipple slowly.
“Aaaagh!” she yelled as he flicked his rough, hot tongue across the hard, long nipple, flattening it out and then letting it snap back and quiver on the top of her tit, waiting for more. “Aaaaagh!” Susie groaned again as Gus poked her aching hard nipple with his tongue, trying to poke it right back inside her massive boob.
“Please! Bite it! Bite my hard nipple!” Susie screamed, pulling his head fiercely to her, sticking her nipple right into his open mouth. She felt his teeth close around her hot rubbery bud and she thought she would surely come right in her pants as he started to bite down harder and harder, squeezing and sucking at the same time. She could feel his teeth cut into her sensitive rosebud and another flood of searing cunt-cream soaked her already dripping pussy.
“Fuck me!” she demanded, reaching down to feel for his cock.
“JESUS!” she screamed as her fingers found their prize. “JESUS CHRIST! YOU’RE HUNG LIKE A STALLION!”
Susie’s mouth started watering and another flood of burning cunt-cream filled her wide, swollen pussy as she realized that old Gus had at least thirteen inches of hard, thick cock for her burning pussy.
“Oooooh, Gus!” Susie cried as his enormous cock bucked and pulsed in her hand. “Give it to me! Fill me up! I’ve got to have your cock in my hot, wet pussy!”
Gus clamped his hand over Susie’s mouth, cutting off her squeal of delight at his mammoth prick. “Be still!” he hissed, unzipping his pants to let his huge, purple-tipped cock loose.
Susie gasped at the length of his beautiful cock. It stood straight up, pointing at the ceiling, and a drip of juice hung, clear and pearly, at the tip.
Susie couldn’t help herself. She reached up and grabbed Gus’ huge tool with both hands and eagerly licked off the drop of fluid with her wet, hot tongue. Then she reached down and grabbed her panties by the crotch, ripping them off with one mighty pull.
Gus rolled her over on her back with one shove of his powerful arms. Then he lunged fiercely at her hot, steaming, dripping pussy, burying his huge, hard cock all the way to his balls in her hot, hungry fuck-hole.
“EEEEEEEIII!!” Susie squealed as she felt his huge cock slam all the way into her hot, open pussy, jamming against her soft womb. “FUCK ME HARD!” she screeched. “GIVE ME ALL YOU’VE GOT! SPLIT MY CUNT OPEN WITH YOUR LONG, HARD COCK!!”
Suddenly Gus pulled out of her aching pussy and grabbed for his broom.
“What are you doing?” Susie gasped as Gus brought the long, thick broomstick right up to touch her puckered, little asshole. “GUS! Don’t put that big thing inside me! NO! You’ll hurt me!”
Gus centered the end of the broomstick and nudged Susie’s little shitter with quick little pokes. Susie couldn’t help feeling a little scared as she eyed the long, thick broomstick making hard little lunges at her tiny asshole. Despite her fear, she squirmed a little, making it easier for Gus to jab her bung with the hard, long stick.
“Ooooh, Jesus!” she gasped as the stick moved into her asshole deeper and deeper. She felt the muscles of her tiny shitter grip around the broomstick pulling it deeper and deeper into her butt. Then suddenly Gus was on her again, sinking it his prick in her dripping cunt to the hilt. She was filled completely, with the broom in her asshole and Gus in her cunt! She didn’t known how much more she could take! She had never felt so full! Between Gus’ massive cock and the thick, hard broom, she was out of her head with pleasure!
“OOOOH!! FUCK MEEE!!” she shouted in abandon, feeling the waves of orgasm build up in her body, taking her higher and higher toward that peak, that pinnacle of exquisite pleasure she craved.
Gus gave a mighty shove, butting his cock-head up against her hot womb, and she felt her muscles ripple and contract, holding his rod in her steamy cunt, massaging his cock with pussy muscles that felt like sucking little mouths. Her dripping hot cunt contacted again and again, as Gus lunged and humped at her, starting a giant orgasm that went on and on until finally she could stand no more and her head slipped back in happy exhaustion.
Then she felt Gus’ enormous cock grow even longer and stiffer in her open, dripping cunt, and she threw her legs around his body as he started to come, jetting and pumping deep into her pussy, feeling the hot searing cum spurt out against her womb, flooding her cunt with hot jism.
“AAAAAAGH!” Gus yelled, and grabbed her ass with one hand, holding the broomstick firmly in place with the other. Suddenly Susie was coming again, her head reeling and swimming as the most intense orgasm of her whole life ripped and tore trough her quivering body.
Slowly Gus and Susie became aware of footsteps approaching. They scrambled stiffly to their feet and hastily rearranged their clothing as the footsteps became louder and louder. When the shadowy forms of three persons became visible in the narrow tunnel, Susie and Gus were leaning, backs up against the wall, idly conversing. Susie looked like just another student on her way to class, stopping to chat for a moment with her friend, the janitor.
A group of three girls passed them, chattering about the class they had just left, unaware of anything at all out of the ordinary. Susie gave a chuckle as soon as the girls rounded the bend in the tunnel.
“God!” she breathed. “That was close!” Then she reached up and patted the front of Gus’ trousers. “Next lime we’d better pick a more private place,” she cautioned. “I want some more of that fantastic cock of yours, Gus!”
“Well go to my rooming house next lime,” Gus decided happily. “You’re sure some hell of a woman, Susie. I haven’t ever been able to find a woman to take all of my cock before. You’re great!”
“They call me the biggest pussy on campus,” Susie giggled. “And they ought to call you the biggest cock! You’ve got the biggest dong I’ve ever felt in my whole life!”
“Tomorrow night at my place?” Gus asked eagerly.
“And how!” Susie answered, giggling again with the memory of their fantastic fuck. “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from that gigantic piece of hot meat!”
Gus pulled Susie close and gave her a whiskery kiss. “Here, take my work shirt,” he offered, puffing it around her shoulders. “It’ll just cover your ass and you can get back to the dorm to change clothes. You can bring it back when you come over tomorrow night.”
“Why didn’t you give me your shirt in the first place, Gus?” Susie asked, gratefully putting her arms into the long sleeves and pulling the shirt down around her exposed butt.
“And miss that good view?” Gus teased, laughing at the startled expression on Susie’s round face. “Now get back to your room and dress, girl, before someone else comes along with the same idea!”
Susie chuckled all the way back to the dorm. “What an old lecher,” she giggled to herself. “And I thought I was the one with all the sexy ideas. Jesus Christ! What a fuck!”
“Go get ’em, tiger,” Herbie encouraged as he stopped his car in front of the physics lab promptly at seven o’clock. “I’ll wait in the coffee shop for you and take you back to the house to get your reward, the minute you’re through.” He licked his lips suggestively and patted Ginny’s round, quivering ass as she climbed out of the car.
“You’ll probably be through before my coffee gets cold,” he called out, pulling away from the curb and driving towards the campus snack bar.
Ginny took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves. She really felt funny about the whole thing, but it was exciting, too. She imagined herself as a call girl sent out on an assignment and it really wasn’t a bad feeling at all. Maybe Professor Harris wouldn’t be a bad fuck after all. She might even enjoy it. And she knew for sure that she’d enjoy Herbie’s promise to eat her fluffy golden cunt later. Balling Gimpy Harris was certainly worth it, if Herbie licked her hot pussy afterwards. That Herbie sure knew how to muff-dive.
Ginny let herself into the deserted building and went straight to the physics lab on the second floor. As she walked down the corridor, she saw light coming from under the door. Professor Harris was probably sitting there creaming his pants, waiting for her. She giggled softly as she hurried towards the door. “If he creams his pants before I get there, I won’t have to do anything!” she giggled to herself.
“Yes?” Professor Harris’ voice questioned as she knocked softly on the door. “Who is it?”
“Ginny!” she answered, almost laughing out loud. Who in the hell did he think it was, the Easter Bunny?
Ginny saw the light go off and the door opened quietly. Professor Harris stood there in the shadows and pulled her quickly into the room. “Quickly, come in!” he hissed in a whisper. “I don’t want anybody to see you out here in the hall!”
“Don’t worry, Professor Harris,” Ginny reassured him as he closed and locked the door behind her. “No one saw me. I’m sure of it.”
“Good!” he replied, grabbing her titties and squeezing them roughly. “We don’t want anyone to know about this, do we?”
Ginny laughed out loud. This was beginning to feel just like a spy story she had read once. “Relax, Professor Harris,” she chuckled. “No one is going to find out. I’m not the type to talk.”
“Sorry,” Professor Harris said, abruptly releasing Ginny’s boobs. “I’m a little nervous about this, you know. It doesn’t look good for a girl to come up here at night when I’m working alone. People will think all sorts of things.” He gave a little chuckle. “They’d be right, too!”
Ginny started laughing. Professor Harris wasn’t that bad, after all. He even had a sense of humor. “What do you want to do, Professor?” Ginny asked, a little bit unsure of whether she should take off her clothes or wait for him to take the lead. Her eyes were adjusting to the dim light coming in from the streetlight through the window, and she could barely make out the expression on his face. Professor Harris moaned and sank into a chair, hiding his face in his hands.
“I don’t know,” he said sadly. “I don’t even know if I can do anything now I’ve got you up here. That always happens to me, girlie. I chase the good-looking girls all over the campus, but then I can’t do anything when I catch them! Maybe you’d just better get out of here and go home.”
Professor Harris sounded so sad and depressed that kind-hearted Ginny began to feel sorry for him. “It’s alright, Professor Harris,” she said soothingly. “Just let me play with you for a while. Then we can fuck if you want to.”
Ginny dropped to her knees before him and quickly unzipped his pants, pulling out his limp, little pecker. “Let’s see if I can get him all nice and hard!” she whispered and brought her lips closer and closer to the tip of his cock.
“What are you doing?” Professor Harris asked in a strangled voice.
“I’m going to lick and suck your cock until it stands right up and salutes!” Ginny promised in a determined voice, and lowered her mouth to brush lightly against the very tip of his limp cock.
Professor Harris felt Ginny’s lips brush his cock and a sensation almost like an electrical charge went through his body. “Aaaah!” he sighed as she took all of his stirring cock into her warm, wet mouth. “Your mouth is so hot and wet,” he muttered, feeling his cock stir to life.
Ginny chuckled again. “Just wait, if you think that’s good,” she promised. “I know some tricks that will make your cock so hard, it won’t go down for a week!”
As she ran her tongue around and around the shaft of his warm, little cock, she felt it begin to grow. She sucked his whole cock all the way down her throat and moved her tongue and lips on his rapidly hardening prick, feeling the shaft get so big and hard that she was afraid it was going to choke her.
“Look at that!” she squealed proudly, holding his stiff, long cock in her hand. “And you thought you couldn’t do anything. You’re ready to fuck all night, now!”
She dove down again with her mouth, sucking and biting and scraping her teeth up and down on his rigid, pulsing cock.
“AAAAagh!” Professor Harris screamed. “Don’t stop! It feels so good! You’re the best cock-sucker in the whole world!”
He could feel his balls throb and ache as her hot tongue sent little tongues of flame up and down his hard, thick cock.
“Take all my cock in your mouth!” he screamed and rammed his almost bursting shaft halfway down her throat. Ginny opened her mouth wide and swallowed convulsively, sucking his big, wide cock all the way into her throat. She could feel his body tense and he moaned in pleasure, grabbing her titties in both hands and thrusting his pulsing cock as far as it would go into her eager throat. Ginny felt his hard balls rubbing against her chin, and the moaning sounds he made excited her even more.
“You like to suck cocks, don’t you, Ginny?” he asked in a strangled voice. “You really like it, I can tell. It feels like you’re eating me alive! God!”
Ginny clamped her lips tightly around his throbbing cock. She was so excited she could scarcely stand it! Just knowing that she was the first girl to suck his prick hard made her cunt ache and twitch. She reached down and slipped the zipper down on her jeans, finding her dripping pussy with one hand, and parting the swollen pink labes with her fingers. Her hand rubbed and pulled on her hard little clitty while she sucked and lapped with her tongue on his thick, pulsing cock.
“Frig yourself good, girlie!” he shouted. “I want you to come, too! Play with your sweet pink pussy and eat me! Eat me alive!”
Both Ginny and Professor Harris were so excited and horny neither one of them heard the soft knock at the door and the long silence that followed.
“AAAAAGH! I’M COMING’ GIRLIE! GET YOURSELF OFF TOO! I CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER!” Professor Harris screamed, and Ginny felt her hot pussy start to explode just as burst after burst of hot, steaming jizz jetted out from Professor Harris’ big cock.
Both Ginny and Professor Harris looked up, startled and dazed as all the lights in the physics lab snapped on.
“What the HELL?” a shocked voice said, jolting them out of their pleasant mood.
“JESUS CHRIST!!” another voice boomed out, and they looked up to see two campus policemen staring at them.
It was hard to tell who was more surprised, the campus police or Ginny and Professor Harris. No one moved for a long time. Ginny was frozen in position, Professor Harris’ rapidly shrinking cock still in her mouth.
“God damn!” the younger policeman said, recovering first. “Shall we call the dean?” he asked his senior partner.
“Yeah. Call him from here,” his partner replied, gesturing towards the phone on the wall. “You two get dressed. I have a feeling the dean is going to be down here pronto, and I don’t think you two want to be seen like this.”
“Oh, no!” Ginny wailed, turning white with fright. “I’m sorry, Professor Harris!”
Professor Harris zipped up his pants and helped Ginny to her feet. “Don’t worry about a thing, girlie,” he said, a quick grin appearing on his face. “Even if I get fired for this, it still was the best blow-job I’ve gotten in years!”
“She did what?” Miriam Simms asked, holding the phone tightly to her ear. “Oh, no! What’s the dean going to do to her?”
She listened for a moment and an expression of indignation spread over her pretty face. “Why that uptight son of a bitch!” she exploded. “Well! We’ll just see about that!”
It was eleven o’clock before Miriam Simms’ little red station wagon pulled up front of the frat house. All the lights were on and Linc met her at the door.
“The girls are all here,” he said, leading her upstairs. “Sorry to disturb you like this, but we figured you’d want to know. Ginny and Professor Harris should be here in a couple of minutes. They called right after the dean left, and he’s bringing her out here for a council of war!”
Everyone was assembled on the second floor. It was a glum-looking group. Even Fat Susie looked depressed. When Miriam came in the door, everyone started talking at once. Linc held up his hands for silence.
“Look, kids,” he said. “There’s really nothing we can do until Ginny and Professor Harris get here and we find out exactly what the dean is going to do. Meanwhile, Herbie, why don’t you explain to Miriam what’s going on? I just told her that Ginny and Professor Harris were caught by the campus police in the physics lab. You fill her in on the rest.”
As Herbie told her about the boys’ part in the whole incident, Miriam Simms sat silently, with an angry expression on her face. “We’ll have to do something,” she commented angrily as he finished speaking. “You realize that none of this is Ginny’s fault. The dean is a two-faced bastard anyway. He’ll probably suspend Ginny and fire Professor Harris if we don’t figure out a way to stop him.”
Suddenly a grin spread across her face. “I wish I’d taken him up on one of those veiled little propositions he made to me last year. Maybe he would have mellowed down a little if he’d gotten a good fuck.”
Fat Susie gasped in astonishment. “What?” she asked, gazing at Miriam Simms with an incredulous expression on her face. “You mean Dean Jones actually propositioned you, Miriam?”
“Don’t look so surprised, Susie!” Miriam exclaimed, flushing slightly. “I’m not exactly a saint, you know. Dean Jones has been panting around after me for a whole year. He even offered me a promotion if I made regular little visits to his apartment.”
“Oh, God! That’s rich!” Susie sputtered, giggling wildly. “That son of a bitch wanted you to do the same thing Ginny got caught doing with Gimpy Harris, but he’s probably going to suspend Ginny for it. And he was going to promote you. What a bastard!”
Just then the doorbell rang and Linc hurried off to answer it. Within a few seconds, Linc appeared in the doorway escorting a pale and shaking Ginny, followed by Professor Harris, who didn’t look too well himself.
Everyone fell silent at the couple’s appearance. No one knew just what to say. Finally Miriam broke the heavy silence.
“Come on and sit down,” she said firmly, leading Ginny over to a pillow on the floor. “You, too, Harold,” she said, gesturing towards Professor Harris. “We’re going to have a little council of war. First, tell us what the dean said.”
Professor Harris sank down to the floor. “Jesus Christ, Miriam,” he said weakly, “you hire the best librarians in the whole world!”
The whole room was silent for a second until Professor Harris’ comment sank in. Then there was a loud burst of laughter.
“Harold!” Miriam laughed. “I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor! What is old Fuddy Duddy Jones going to do?”
“Well, he was a little upset,” Professor Harris answered, grinning weakly. “Seems he didn’t think my conduct was fitting for a full professor. He’s decided that I should have my resignation on his desk by five o’clock tomorrow afternoon. If I turn in my resignation, he won’t call Ginny’s parents. If I don’t voluntarily resign, he’s going to suspend Ginny and call her parents and tell them exactly why she’s suspended. As it is, he put Ginny on probation.”
“Don’t worry, Miriam,” he said, looking around at the rest of the group as well. “I’m going to turn in my resignation. Guess I’ll be dead as far as the academic world is concerned, but it certainly was worth it, wasn’t it, girlie?”
Ginny just sat there and looked at him with tears rolling down her face. “You can’t just quit,” she said tearfully. “You’ll never get another teaching job if you have to use the dean as a recommendation. Besides, you’re a good teacher and it just isn’t fair.”
“Hold it,” Miriam said, firmly. “Calm down, Ginny. No one is going to quit, and Dean Jones isn’t going to call your parents, either. I’ve got a plan that could turn the tables on Dean Jones, and it might be a hell of a lot of fun, too!” She gazed around at her rapt audience and chuckled softly. “Now listen, everybody. This is what we’ll do!”
There was a stunned silence as Miriam finished outlining her plan. Then Fat Susie stood up and started laughing and applauding. “Wow!” she shouted. “What a great idea! It just might work. What do you think, gang?”
“Why not?”
“It’s worth a try!”
“Let’s do it!”
“I think it’ll work!”
The favorable comments filled the air.
Professor Harris was the only one who didn’t say anything. He just say there on his pillow, looking around. “But what if it doesn’t work?” he asked, shaking his head in amazement. “If your plans fail, Miriam, all of you will be in big trouble. I can’t let you take the risk. It would be easier if I just went along with the dean and handed in my resignation.”
“Come on, Harold.” Miriam put her arm around his shoulder. “Think about it for a while. We have thirteen people involved. Maybe more. The dean can’t suspend all of us. Just think of what would happen if the newspapers picked up on it. He’d lose his job. The only thing we have to figure out is how to get him so rattled that he’ll fall right into our hands.”
“Hold it!” Linc said loudly. “Let’s see if I have all this right. We’re going to create disturbances all over campus tomorrow. Get the dean rattled, right? Then we’re all going to make a run for the library and hole up in there. Miriam is going to call the dean and tell him the troublemakers are all in the library and they want to talk to him. He’ll come to the library and Miriam is going to trick him into fucking her. Then we’re going to videotape the whole thing and threaten to show it to the Board of Regents if he doesn’t drop all the charges against Ginny and Professor Harris. Is that right?”
“That’s it!” Miriam grinned. “I can hardly wait to get that stiff-necked bastard right where I want him! The only thing we have to figure out is what to do to get the dean rattled enough to fall for it. I thought of having a student strike or something like that, but we couldn’t get organized in time. It’ll have to be something really upsetting that all of us can do without outside help. Any ideas?”
“Too bad Professor Harris and I can’t fuck in the main square in front of the administration building,” Ginny commented sarcastically. “That sure shook him up tonight. If we could do that tomorrow, it would really freak him out. You should have seen him tonight. He was so uptight, he was shaking all over.”
“That’s it!” Fat Susie squealed excitedly. “You’ve got it, Ginny! That’s what we’ll do! We’ll have a ball-in all over campus tomorrow! We’ll pick a certain time and fuck wherever we are. Sort of a ‘Come as you are’ party!” She held up her hands to stop the groans filling the room from her unintended pun.
“Okay, okay, I didn’t mean it that way! Anyway, we’ll all fuck at exactly two o’clock and quit in exactly ten minutes. Everyone will be so shocked that they won’t have time to call the campus police. Then we’ll hightail it over to the library and let Miriam make her call. The dean will be so rattled, hearing about the ball-in, that he’ll believe anything Miriam tells him. Then we’ll videotape Miriam and the dean in some lewd little poses and hit him with the tape. How can we lose?”
“Whew!” Linc said as Susie sat down again. “That’s some idea. I vote yes. How about the rest of you?”
After all the details were worked out and watches synchronized, a much happier-looking crowd of girls left in time for the one-o’clock curfew at the dorm.
“See you tomorrow,” Susie whispered as she left Rhea and Ginny at their door. “Don’t forget. We’re going to have a BALL!”
“I’m sure glad we’ve got swimming class in fifteen minutes,” Susie said, walking next to Linc as they headed towards the campus pool. “It ought to be lots of fun in the water.”
“Yeah,” Linc answered, squeezing her hand excitedly. “Too bad it’s only for ten minutes, though!”
Susie laughed loudly and then leaned close to his ear. “We can do a hell of a lot of balling in ten minutes,” she whispered. “I think we ought to fuck on the diving board. Better bring a pair of jeans to the pool so we can run to the library. I’ve got a dress in my purse to throw on.”
“You must have been a Girl Scout, Susie,” Linc said as they reached the locker rooms. “You’re always prepared!”
“Wait till I get to the pool,” Susie called out.
“Then you’ll see how much of a fucking Girl Scout I am!” and she hurried to change to her swimming suit.
At five minutes until two, Susie and Linc stood with the rest of the class, listening to Miss Davis, their middle-aged swimming instructor, demonstrate the Australian Crawl. “Alright!” Miss Evans called out. “Everyone into the pool!” She blew her whistle sharply.
Susie swain the length of the pool with ease, one eye on the large clock on the wall. It was one minute until two o’clock. “One minute till ‘F’ Hour!” she called out to Linc as she swam up next to him.
“Yeah!” he called back, grinning from ear to ear. “And I’m getting a hard-on just thinking about it,” he said softly, one hand on his crotch. “Let’s race down to the shallow end so we can get out of these suits.”
Susie and Linc raced down to the shallow end of the pool and touched bottom just as the hands of the huge clock read two o’clock.
“Let’s go!” Susie yelled, and scrambled out of her suit, tossing it up in the air and clambering out of the pool.
“Wait for me!” Linc yelled, throwing his own suit through the basketball hoop extending over the side of the water.
Susie was almost to the diving board by now, her huge wet ass gleaming and wiggling and joggling provocatively. She was halfway up the ladder when Linc caught her around the legs, forcing her down on top of him on the grass beside the pool.
“Let’s start in the grass so everyone notices!” he hissed, rolling her over on her back. “Scream a little, will you? Miss Evans is looking the other way!”
No sooner had he uttered the words than a shrill whistle blasted out. “What are you doing?” Miss Evans screamed, standing by the side of the pool, her whistle dangling foolishly from her lips. “Get your suits back on! For God’s sake, what’s the matter with you two? This is disgraceful!”
“Easy, teach!” Linc yelled back. “We’re just fucking, that’s all! I’m going to fuck this pretty chick until her eyes bug out!”
With a mighty lunge Linc buried his stiff wet cock in Susie’s big pink pussy.
Susie giggled loudly. This was a real blast! She wondered what Miss Evans was going to do.
“She’s just standing there with her eyes popping out!” she whispered to Linc, squeezing his hard prick with her hot, gripping cunt. “Poke me a couple of times and let’s get up on the diving board where we can watch what’s going on.”
“Oooh, you feel good, Susie!” Linc yelled, banging into her steaming pussy noisily. “Fucking in public is really a blast!”
Susie felt his big, hard cock slide right up to the end of her cunt. He was really excited, alright!
“Let’s go!” she shouted, scrambling out from underneath his big body and running for the diving board again. “I’ll suck your cock on the diving board, Linc,” she teased in a voice that carried all the way to the shocked Miss Evans, who was still staring at her horny students with her mouth agape. “Come on! I can’t wait for you!”
Susie was off like a streak. Her heavy boobs jiggled and bounced as she climbed the ladder once more, managing to get to the top before the startled Linc had gotten to his feet.
“Hey, Miss Evans!” Susie shouted, aware of the rest of the class’ astonished stares. “Better close your mouth or Big Bad Linc will decide to stuff that horny cock of his down your throat instead of mine!”
Suddenly the rest of the class started laughing uproariously. “Go get her, Linc!” one of the boys shouted out. “Old Lady Evans can never beat Susie at sucking cock!”
“Get one for me!” another boy yelled and grabbed a hold of the girl standing next to him, who laughed and pointed at Linc scrambling up the ladder.
“God,” she breathed. “Is she really going to do it?”
“I’ll lay ten to one she does,” her classmate answered, stuffing his hand down the front of her bathing suit and grabbing one bountiful boob in his hand. “Shall we join them?” he asked, starting to slip down her bathing suit.
“Why not?” she replied, excited by the spectacle about to unfold before her.
Linc had cleared the top of the diving board by now and was sitting on the top with Susie kneeling on the end.
“Suck my cock good, baby!” he yelled and shoved his hard, blistering dick in her eager mouth. The whole board quivered with the force of his lunge, and for a moment it looked as if Susie was going to slip off the edge into the water. She managed to hang onto Linc somehow, and moved closer so he could stuff his long, hard prick right into her throat.
“AAAAGH!” Linc yelled, beaming down at the crowd gathered below him. “OOOOOOH! This lady sure knows how to suck cock! Get it on, everybody! Get it on!”
That was all the invitation the boys needed. A shocked Miss Evans watched as the excited students tossed away their suits and grabbed the first piece of ass that they saw.
“Eat me!” Susie heard Carol, a prim little freshman, yell as she threw her legs around the nearest boy. Couples were entwined all over the grass and one boy was sitting on the edge of the pool, his female partner bobbing up and down in the water with his cock stuffed down her throat. Every time she bobbed up in the water, he let out a yell of pleasure. “Oooooh, honey! Keep it up! I’m coming! Oh, for God’s sake, don’t drown!” he shouted.
Linc gave a shudder as he watched the clock on the wall. “One minute to go!” he shouted at Susie. “Finish me off, baby! We’ve got to run!”
Susie gobbled his prick eagerly and felt Linc’s hard, long cock fill the back of her throat. She sucked and slurped like a hungry baby, working frantically with her lips and tongue like she just couldn’t get enough of his long, plunging cock, until Linc gave a mighty shove and she felt his hot cum pound halfway down her throat.
“AAAAAAAGHHHH!” Linc screamed as his massive cock jerked and bucked uncontrollably. Susie clamped her lips firmly around his jetting cock and sucked out every bit of his hot jizz.
“Just in the nick of time!” she shouted, a few pearly drops rolling down her chin. She licked her gleaming lips, savoring the male jism, and stood precariously on the diving board. “Let’s go!” she shouted, and leaped off the board to land in the pool with a mighty splash.
Linc stood up and shook his head. Then he dove off the board a second later, executing a perfect dive and coming up at the shallow end of the pool. Susie was already slipping her dress over her head, and she held out his jeans to him.
“Hurry!” she told him.
“Just a minute,” Linc said, and ran up to the still-speechless Miss Evans. “Want some?” he asked, waving his still partially stiff cock directly in her face.
Miss Evans screamed shrilly, staring at his cock with an expression of fright. “OOOOOH!” she wailed again, and collapsed on the grass at his feet in a dead faint.
“Now we’ve got a little time to make it to the library,” Linc said to Susie, jumping into his jeans. “She’ll probably be out cold for an hour, and none of these kids is going to call for help or blow the whistle on us. Look!”
Susie let out a booming laugh as she surveyed the pool area. Everyone was fucking! The air was filled with moans and groans and smacking and slurping sounds as everybody engaged in the delicious past time of getting their rocks off.
Paula glanced at her watch excitedly. Then she reached over and grabbed Herbie’s already stiff cock under the table. “It’s almost time,” she said quietly. “Only five minutes more and we can start a small riot in here.”
“The campus coffee shop will never be the same after this,” Herbie answered, grinning. “By the way, Paula, is there any special reason you ordered strawberry shortcake with extra whipped cream?”
Paula grinned and patted his thick cock. “I’ll let you figure that out, you horny boy, you,” she answered. “I’ve got enough whipped cream to drown an army of cocks or feed two people, take your pick!”
Herbie squirmed in his seat. “How many minutes to go?” he asked, licking his lips suggestively.
“Five,” Paula answered sternly. “You just keep that nice, big cock of yours in your pants until it’s time.”
She picked up his hand and guided it under the table to her sopping pussy. “See? No pants,” she giggled. “I’m making it nice and easy for you!”
“Ooooh!” Herbie moaned, glancing at his watch. “This is the longest five minutes I’ve ever spent. I wonder how the rest of the crew’s doing?”
“Susie and Linc had swimming class,” Paula answered, increasing the pressure of his hand on her wet, throbbing clitty. “I can hardly wait to hear about it. You know that old Miss Evans is the instructor.”
“Shit!” Herbie said, a grin spreading over his face. “I’ll bet Miss Evans will never be the same after this afternoon!”
Herbie glanced around the coffee shop, noticing the number of students in the booths surrounding them. “God,” he said softly. “This place is packed. I wonder what they’ll do when we start balling?”
Paula gave a throaty little laugh. “Well,” she answered, patting Herbie’s thrusting cock reassuringly, “we’ll find out in just three minutes!”
“Maybe they’ll call the campus police,” Herbie speculated, looking a little worried about the possibility.
“Are you kidding?” Paula answered, squeezing his hard cock comfortingly. “Think about it. Do you know any college kid that would miss the chance to watch a little fucking? They’ll probably all join in and we’ll have a mass orgy at the coffee shop!”
Herbie clutched Paula’s hot little pussy a little tighter and grinned. “I think you’re right,” he agreed. “It’ll be better than a floor show at Vegas!”
“Hey, there’s Betsy Skinner,” Paula remarked, nudging Herbie with her elbow. “Isn’t she the little virgin you were trying to pop all last quarter?”
“Yeah,” Herbie answered, turning to look at the booth in the corner. “There she is with her watchdog roommate. Every time I tried to put the make on Betsy, her roommate was always around, saving Betsy’s virtue. God! I’d still like to get inside that sweet, little pussy!”
“Well, don’t just sit there, silly,” Paula urged, shoving Herbie over with her arm. “Get on over there and invite them to join us for a snack. I’ll take care of her roommate and you can see if sweet, little Betsy likes to have her virgin pussy lapped!”
“You know, Paula,” Herbie grinned, sliding over to the edge of the booth, “sometimes you’re awfully smart. It sure won’t hurt to try. Maybe the shock of the whole thing will carry little Betsy right into my hot mouth, right?”
One minute later Betsy and Donna, her straight roommate, were seated across from Herbie and Paula.
“Gee, Herbie,” Betsy said, smiling sweetly at him, “I’m glad you invited us over. We were just sitting there talking about psychology class. I didn’t know you had two o’clock free. I thought you had history class.”
“Well, I usually do,” Herbie said, glancing at his watch. “Today, though, I have something else that’s more important at two.”
“Oh?” Betsy replied, looking puzzled. “It’s almost two right now. Do you have a meeting?”
“No,” Herbie answered, winking at Paula. “It’s even more important than that. You see, I’ve been having these terrible hunger pangs lately and I decided I needed something to calm my stomach.”
Betsy looked even more puzzled. “Well, if you’re hungry, why don’t you have something to eat?” she asked, gazing at him earnestly.
“Thank you, Betsy,” Herbie replied, grinning. “I’d really like to, but they don’t serve what I need here.”
“What’s that?” Betsy asked, looking really puzzled by this time.
“I need some nice, hot virgin pussy!” Herbie said in a perfectly normal tone of voice, reaching out over the table and grabbing both of Betsy’s hands in his. “You see, I’ve got this rare blood condition, and the doctor says the only way I can stay alive is to eat out sweet little virgins and so I’m going to eat you, Betsy!”
Betsy’s mouth dropped open. She stared at Herbie with wide eyes. She made a little gasping sound with her mouth, but no words came out. Paula let out a burst of laughter and turned to Betsy’s roommate who looked like she was ready to faint.
“Me, too!” she said, nodding at Herbie. “It’s two o’clock right now, and I believe I’ll join you for lunch, Herbie. Betsy’s roommate looks about right for my condition, too. Let’s go!”
Before either of the startled girls could, say a word, Herbie had pulled Betsy out of the booth and had lowered her to the floor. He flipped her dress up and pulled her panties off so quickly she didn’t have time to scream. Then, before she could protest, he spread her legs and dove for her pretty, pink pussy with his long, wet tongue. Betsy was so shocked she couldn’t move. She shuddered at the first touch of Herbie’s hot rough tongue and squealed as he licked her little gash with one long smooth flick of his educated tongue.
“OOOOOH!” she squealed again as he reached up and got a gob of whipped cream, spreading it all over her hot cunt.
“Ooooh! Oooooh! OOOOHHHH!” was the only sound the startled girl could make as Herbie’s long tongue dipped to and fro in her hot, little cunt, smacking and licking hungrily.
“Hungry, honey?” Paula asked, smiling at Donna’s totally freaked-out expression. “Doesn’t that look good? Watch Betsy! She looks like she’s enjoying it, doesn’t she?”
Donna couldn’t take her eyes from Herbie and Betsy. Betsy was tossing her head side to side by now, not making the slightest effort to escape Herbie’s probing tongue. As they watched, a huge grin spread over Betsy’s little face.
“Ooooooh, Herbie!” she screamed. “Eat my pussy, Herbie! Eat it all up! It feels so good! Bite my clitty, Herbie! EAT MY CUNT!!”
Herbie was in seventh heaven, smacking and slurping the whipped cream out of Betsy’s steaming pussy. The cream was melting and ran in little rivulets down the crack of her ass, and Herbie licked that up, too, in obvious delight. The whole coffee shop was reduced to stunned silence, broken only by the noisy sounds of Herbie’s mouth and tongue as he ate every drop of cream from Betsy’s hot pussy.
“Oh, my God!” Betsy’s roommate whispered, reaching down and unconsciously rubbing her own steaming pussy in the excitement of the moment. She squirmed back and forth against her own fingers, totally unaware of Paula. Suddenly she felt her hand snatched away from her throbbing cunt Paula pulled her from the booth and onto the floor next to Herbie and Betsy.
“Look good, honey?” Paula asked, grinning at her. “Bet you’d like to order the same, wouldn’t you?” Before the startled girl could protest, Paula had pulled off her panties and found her clitty with her slim fingers.
“Oh, no! Don’t!” the excited girl protested, turning her head from side to side. “Oooooh!”
“Let me have a little of that nice, cold chocolate malt,” Paula ordered, motioning towards the booth in back of her, where a bearded college student sat, ignoring his food and staring at her. “Come on. Bring it down here! I’m hungry for pussy-flavored malt!”
With a sudden leap, the frozen student came to life. He carried the malt to Paula and stood over her. “It’s my malt,” he grinned down at her. “So I get to pour it out for you!”
“AAAAAEEEIIIII!” Donna shrieked as the cold malt flooded down on her bare, pink pussy. “AAAAAAGH!” she gasped as Paula’s hot tongue lashed out and hit the sensitive bud of her hard, little clit, flicking and rubbing against it with a circular motion.
With a booming laugh, the bearded student began unbuttoning Donna’s blouse and lifted out one creamy boob.
“Wow!” he gasped, licking his ups. “You take care of her pussy, honey. I’m gonna have me some chocolate-covered boob!”
Before she knew what was happening, Donna was covered from head to toe with chocolate malt. Students in the surrounding booths came to life and rushed to lick and suck her body in every spot available.
“OOOOOOH! God!” she screamed as she felt hands and tongues all over her body. “DON’T STOP! PLEASE DON’T STOP! LICK ME ALL OVER! FUCK ME! SUCK ME!”
Paula shoved the nearest boy into her place and glanced at her watch. It was time to go. She turned to Herbie, who was busily poking his tongue up Betsy’s little asshole, causing the sweet girl to shudder and sigh with bliss.
“Come on, Herbie! Time to go!” she yelled, pulling Herbie from his prize.
“Come on, you jokers! One of you finish this poor horny girl off! We’ve got to run!”
As Herbie and Paula made their way to the door, they turned to look back at their handiwork. The coffee shop looked like a disaster area. Food was being eaten in ways no one had even thought of before. One student had gotten a huge dill pickle from the jar on the counter, and was ramming it in and out of his horny girl friend’s pussy, to her loud cries of delight. Everyone was eating something or someone noisily.
“God! What a great advertisement for a snack-food bar!” Herbie breathed, and rushed to catch up to Paula, who was already running down the sidewalk towards the library.
“We did it, didn’t we?” he said breathlessly as he caught up with her.
“Sure did!” she panted. “Even the short order cook was in on it. Did you see him eating French fries out of the little waitress’ cunt? It’ll take them a week to clean up that place!”
The twins hurried to the school gymnasium as they had planned earlier. Ordinarily, they had a free period at two o’clock, but they knew Herbie and Paula were going to the campus coffee shop, where they usually spent their free time.
“Let’s go to the gym,” Barry had suggested that morning when the boys had discussed their plans of action. “They’re having the girls’ gymnastic tryouts and they’ll be plenty of pussy swinging around on those bars. It’s a perfect place to fuck at two o’clock. Just think if all that action. Pussy on the high bars, pussy on the low bars, pussy on the mats and pussy on the balance beams. Sound good, Harry?”
“You bet!” Harry had answered promptly. “The way those athletic girls bend around every which way, you might even find a girl with a pussy that leans to the left, Barry!”
“God!” Barry had muttered, half-amused. “You’re never going to let me forget that smart crack of Susie’s, are you?” He shook his head, grinning. “Meet you at one-thirty outside the gym. That’ll give me a chance to make some plans and we can stake out the pussy and decide which ones we want.” He licked his lips, hornily. “Jesus Christ! I’m getting a hard-on just thinking about it! Give me a pussy with muscles anytime. I’ll bet those chicks can really grab a cock and squeeze.”
Harry and Barry hurried into the deserted gymnasium and took two seats in the front of the gym.
“What are we going to do if the gym teacher kicks us out?” Harry asked, a note of worry creeping into his voice.
“Oh, she won’t,” Barry answered confidently. “Shirley Adams is the girls’ coach for gymnastics this year. She’s the chick that used to come over to the house last year and make so much noise, remember?”
“Oh, shit!” Harry chuckled. “No wonder you wanted to come to the gym. Does she know what’s going on?”
“No, not exactly,” Barry answered, grinning back at his brother. “But I did call her this morning and promise her I’d provide an audience for the event if she’d give me a little bit of her time later. She was only to happy to cooperate. She said she wanted her girls to get used to working in front of an audience!”
“Jesus, you’re a sly devil, Barry,” Harry laughed. “Are we the audience, or did you line up something there, too?”
“Well,” Barry answered, straight-faced, “I did mention something about it to a few guys in geology class this morning. Of course I didn’t tell them what was going to happen. I just told them I thought it might be interesting to watch, and they promised to show up at one forty-five.” He glanced at his watch. “I’d guess there would be about twenty horny guys here in about three minutes. I happened to mention that I knew a girl who didn’t wear panties for the workouts, and suggested they get seats in the front row with us!”
“Oh, God, Barry!” Harry moaned. “Do you realize that the whole school will probably show up? What are we going to do if five hundred horny guys come in?”
“Oh, there won’t be that many,” Barry said confidently. “I sold tickets in advance and told them that if anyone unauthorized showed up, I’d tell my girl friend the gym teacher to kick everybody out. Made about fifty dollars for the good old frat slush fund, though.”
Harry let out a whoop of laughter as the gym started to fill up with spectators. Each boy came up to Barry and presented an orange ticket with a number stamped on it. Barry took the tickets and tore off half, giving the other half back. Then he got up casually and, locked the gym door with a key he took from his pocket.
“For Christ sakes, how did you get that key?” Harry whispered loudly.
“Shirley gave it to me,” Barry answered. “She said no more than twenty guys, and guess who’s not wearing panties?”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Harry said, hitting his head with his hand. “Shirley — right?”
“Right!” Barry replied, grinning widely. “Oh, by the way, she’s holding a drawing right after the tryouts. The winner gets to keep her panties and gets to spend the night at her apartment. How’s that for a door prize?”
“What the hell are you doing majoring in history?” Harry grumbled. “You ought to be a business major with an emphasis in advertising!”
Then he patted Barry on the shoulder. “It’s a damn good thing you’re my brother,” he said warmly. “It’s going to be good to have a millionaire in the family in case I ever need to borrow money.”
Barry glanced at his watch. It was ten minutes until two. “Shirley said she’d start the girls at ten till,” he said. “I hope she’s not late. I want to watch a little bit of this before all hell breaks loose.”
Just then the door to the dressing rooms opened and Shirley Adams walked out, following by a group of nervous-looking girls in their gym suits. “Shirley’s going to go first,” Barry whispered. “Watch the expressions on those guys’ faces when she swings upon the bars!”
Shirley ran over to the bars and swung up effortlessly, her shirt flipping up provocatively, exposing a perfectly rounded, gleaming ass, with just a peek of soft, fuzzy beaver beneath it.
Harry chuckled appreciatively as he turned to look at the audience. “They’ve all got their tongues hanging out,” he whispered to Barry. “That little Shirley had got to be the greatest gymnast in the whole world!”
Shirley executed a swinging leap to the lower bar, flashing another beaver shot at the assembled group. Harry noticed that she was careful to flip her skirt up only when her ass was towards the audience, the girls in back of her being kept completely unaware of their instructor’s missing piece of apparel.
“Here comes the grand finish!” Barry whispered excitedly as Shirley went into her dismount, ending up facing the audience in a front split, exposing the whole expanse of her pretty crimson cunt-lips for the boys’ delighted inspection.
“Wow!” breathed Harry as Shirley trotted back to the girls. “That lady ought to be a stripper. She got me so hot just looking at her, I’m ready to come in my jeans!”
Barry glanced at his watch again. “Five minutes to go,” he remarked, nudging Harry sharply. “If you can hold it for five minutes, I think you can find a better place to shoot than that old worn-out pair of jeans.”
One by one the girls mounted the balance beams, trying for perfect style and grace. Several girls were very good, doing routines that were complicated. The audience was getting restless, though, and Barry glanced at his watch again.
“Okay, let’s go!” he whispered and stood up, applauding.
“You girls are really good!” he said loudly, grinning from ear to ear. “In fact, you’re so good, we decided to have a little judging of our own and award a little prize to the best two gymnasts!”
Shirley Adams let out a soft laugh as Barry continued. “Right on, Barry!” she called out. “Now tell my girls who won and how they can collect their prizes.”
“Marilu Kirby and Ellen Fitzgerald are the winners today, girls. It was a hard decision and we’ve given it a lot of careful consideration. I think the rest of you girls will appreciate seeing Marilu and Ellen receive their prizes, however. Marilu and Ellen? Will you step right up to the front please?”
He jumped up on the stage and motioned Harry to follow. “Now close your eyes, girls, and don’t peek!” He grinned at the audience and the rest of the girls putting his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. “Now hold out your right hands, and we’ll give you the prizes!”
With a swift motion, Barry unzipped his jeans and pulled out his hard, swollen cock while Harry, grinning with glee, did the same.
“Keep those eyes closed, girls. Here it comes!” he yelled and stuck his hard, thick cock right in Marilu’s outstretched hand. “Keep those eyes closed now, and try to figure out what it is!”
“OOOOOOH!” Marilu squealed as she felt his long, hot cock pressing against the palm of her hand.
With a sudden roar, laughter swept through the audience. Marilu and Ellen opened their eyes quickly and saw what they were holding. Ellen lust stared at Harry’s cock with her mouth open and a blush spread across her face. Marilu though, started giggling.
“Do I get to take it home with me and put it in my trophy case, or do I have to use it up here?” she quipped, squeezing Barry’s cock tightly in her fist.
“Got to use it up here, baby!” Barry replied and gasped as she stepped out of her panties and swung up, grasping his waist with her long legs, impaling her hot little pussy on his stiff cock.
“OOOOHH!” Marilu screamed, hanging on for dear life. “Put your hands under my hot hot ass, honey, and fuck me!”
“Come here, prize,” Ellen demanded, her shyness suddenly gone. “Bet you’ve never fucked like this before!”
With a quick spring she dropped her panties and did a headstand, spreading her legs wide, her creamy pussy spread wide and wet for Harry’s thrusting cock.
“Poke it right in there, sweetie,” she instructed the astonished Harry.
“I can’t reach you!” he complained, standing on tiptoes. “Eat me then!” she demanded. “Kneel down and I’ll suck your cock while you lap up my creamy, hot pussy!”
“Hey!” Shirley called out loudly. “This just isn’t fair, you know. All my girls did a good job today and they deserve something for competing, don’t you think? How about it, guys? Any of you want to offer consolation prizes?”
“You BET!!”
“I’m ready!” came the cries from the audience and the boys leaped over the seats in their rush to get to the stage.
The head of the Phys Ed Department would have been amazed if he had happened to come into the gym that minute. He would have been pretty surprised at what horny boys and athletic girls can find to do with lots of pieces of gym equipment. The manufacturer would have found a whole new sales campaign if he had seen the orgy that Harry and Barry started in the gym.
“Whoops!” Harry muttered, his words muffled against Ellen’s steaming cunt. “Time to split, Barry. We’ve got some studying to do at the library, remember?”
“Jesus!” Barry yowled, diving his cock once more into the warm, juicy depths of Marilu’s dripping pussy. “Okay, okay, I’m COMMMMIIIINNNNNNNG!” and with one final thrust he did come, pumping wildly into Marilu’s wet, gripping pussy, filling her full of hot cock-juice.
Barry and Harry ran quickly down the path from the gym, almost colliding with a crowd of shouting students, heading towards the gymnasium door.
“Just in time!” Barry whistled. “I almost forgot about the second crew I sold tickets to. That ought to cause quite a party. I bet it’s not five minutes before Dean Jones hears about the gymnastic tryouts!”
“God damn!” Harry muttered, racing to keep up with his brother. “I’m glad you didn’t tell me about this ahead of time. I probably would have had a heart attack!”
“You mean you’re the teacher in yoga class today?” Rhea questioned as she hurried along, trying to keep up with Wolf’s swift strides.
“That’s right,” Wolf replied, squeezing her hand and pulling her along. “Dr. Cairns is gone all this week and he asked me to take over the class. Oh, baby! Are we ever going to have fun in yoga today!”
“What are you planning?” Rhea questioned, her eyes sparkling. “It’s a surprise,” Wolf answered, “but I can tell you it involves a little teacher demonstration with a pretty long-legged new student.”
Rhea giggled, excitement bringing color to her cheeks. “Is this particular demonstration going to start at two o’clock?” she asked, grinning at him.
“Right on the nose,” he replied, grabbing her by the elbow and breaking into a loping trot. “Move it, baby. I want to get there early and set up things before the rest of the class comes in.”
Rhea and Wolf hurried up the wide staircase to the second floor and unlocked the door of the yoga classroom. It was not an ordinary classroom. There were no desks or tables. Instead the room was bare except for wall to wall carpeting and tumbling mats stacked against the wall. A picture chart of the most commonly used yoga positions hung on the wall opposite the blackboard.
“Flip the picture chart for me, will you, Rhea?” Wolf instructed her, grinning.
“Sure,” Rhea answered cheerfully and flipped to the top page, exposing the picture underneath.
She gave a gasp and her hand flew to her mouth in surprise. Then she giggled explosively. “I knew you’d have something weird planned, Wolf!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck in glee. “Bet this’ll make their eyes pop out of their heads!” She turned to look at the chart once more, her eyes sparkling merrily.
The picture showed two nudes, male and female, in a double lotus position. The man was siting on the bottom with the woman on top of him, his erect cock buried snugly in her pussy. They were gazing impassively into space, as if in deep meditation.
“It’s a very difficult position,” Wolf chuckled. “It should take the class a full period to learn how to complete it well.”
“And I suppose you’re going to demonstrate the position for them before they try it,” Rhea chuckled, gazing at the drawing with admiration. “Smart girl,” Wolf answered, grabbing her by the ass and grinding his thick hard cock against the bouncing firmness of her sweetly rounded ass-cheeks. “I’ll bet you’ll never guess who’s going to help me with the demonstration!”
“There won’t be any demonstration if you don’t stop that,” Rhea giggled, pressing back with her cheeks and feeling the hardness of his beautiful cock right through the thin material of her light dress. “You’ll shoot your rocks right here and you won’t be able to get it up again in time for class.”
“Want to bet on that?” Wolf chuckled, feeling his pulsing cock slip into the crack of her full ass-cheeks and rub up against her hot pussy below.
“I’m not taking any chances,” Rhea teased, slipping away from his and starting to lay out the mats. “That position looks like a lot of fun, and I’m not missing out on it. Cool it, Wolf!”
By the time class rolled around, Rhea and Wolf were sitting on mats on the floor, looking very professional. One by one the class members trooped in and picked a mat to sit on. When the bell rang at ten until two, Wolf took roll and told the class about Dr. Cairns’ absence.
“We’ve got our work cut out for us, class,” he told them gravely. “Dr. Cairns has asked me to demonstrate a double lotus position and to make sure that each and every one of you knows how to complete it. It’s a very difficult position, and I want you to pay very close attention while I demonstrate it for you. First, let me introduce Rhea, my assistant. Rhea has thoroughly mastered this position and she will help me show it to you. Because this position is so demanding, any tight clothing must be loosened before the position is attempted. As a matter of fact, it would be helpful if you would all join me by removing any clothing of yours that is too tight. Rhea, are you ready?”
Wolf stood up and calmly and deliberately took off his shirt. Next he unbuckled his pants and stepped out of them. Finally he loosened his shorts and pulled them off, too.
There were several gasps from the girls in class. Mary Wilson, a shy little first-quarter freshman, covered her eyes with her hands. Wolf brazenly walked over to her and pulled her hands from her face.
“How can you watch the demonstration if you cover your eyes, Mary?” he asked in a normal tone of voice. “The human body is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m really surprised at you! Dr. Cairns wants all of you to learn this position before he comes back on Friday, and you certainly can’t do it if you don’t watch.”
Rhea stood up and took off her dress. She had nothing on beneath it. She stood in the center of the circle with Wolf, trying to keep a straight face as he continued the lecture.
“Look at the wall chart, class, and observe the position we are all going to learn today. The man is in the lotus, like this.”
Wolf sat down on the floor and crossed his legs in the familiar position. “Now notice, when the man in sitting in this position, the penis slicks up, like so.”
Wolf held his hand over his protruding cock, pointing at it objectively.
“Now all the woman has to do is to sit down on the penis and cross her legs in the same position. Rhea will demonstrate.”
Rhea came over to Wolf, biting her lips to keep from laughing, and sat down squarely on his big, thick cock, trying to keep from groaning at the pleasure his big cock gave her. She crossed her legs in the lotus position and sat quietly, almost dying from the effort to keep herself still. She wanted to bounce up and down and screw herself silly on Wolf’s beautiful cock, but she knew he wasn’t ready yet. She had to look proper and impassive!
“Thank you, Rhea,” Wolf continued, nudging upward just a bit, almost driving her out of her mind with lust. “Now, class, I want all of you to try this position. Team up and try.”
The class looked back and forth, catching each other’s startled expressions. Suddenly a boy to the side of Rhea started laughing.
“What do you do after you get into the position?” he asked, grinning lustily.
“Let’s all get this far and then I’ll give you further instructions,” Wolf answered solemnly.
Slowly and uncertainly the class began to take off their clothes. They looked like they thought it was a little weird, but then a lot of yoga positions were pretty strange, and it certainly didn’t look like it was hurting Rhea and Wolf a bit. In about three minutes everyone in the class was seated in the position, including little Mary, who had experienced some difficulty at first but was aided by the boy who had asked the question.
“And now what do we do?” the same boy asked, not bothering to hide his grin this time.
“Well,” Wolf answered, glancing at his watch and noticing that it was exactly two o’clock. “Some people say that the proper procedure is to do deep meditation, but I tend to disagree.”
“What do you prefer?” the same boy continued, becoming a little bolder.
“Well, I prefer to FUCK!” Wolf shouted out, and began moving Rhea up and down on his hard, pulsing cock.
There was a dead silence in the room as everyone realized that they had been put on royally.
“Jesus Christ!” one boy muttered and then gave a roaring laugh. “Hell yes, let’s FUCK!” he shouted, grabbing his partner’s willing ass and pumping away at her wide-open pussy.
“EEEEEEEEKK!” Mary squealed as her partner surged upward into her tight little pussy.
Rhea swiveled her hips as Wolf pumped upward into her cunt. “AAAAAAH!” he yelled. “Try this, girls! Do what Rhea’s doing! It’s enough to drive you out of your mind!”
“Now, guys,” Wolf continued, glancing at his watch again and fighting mightily the impulse to fuck the hell out of the lovely open-pussied Rhea on his lap, “don’t come yet! If you feel about ready to cut loose, just hold your girl down tight on your legs and let yourself cool off for a while. The whole object of this demonstration is to see how long you can fuck before you come and how many times you can get your partner off before you lose control. Let’s see how many of you can hold off until the bell rings for the next class. Anyone think you can make it that long!”
“I can!”
“I’ll try it!”
All the boys were sure they could hold out.
“Okay, we’ll see,” Wolf said, rising to his feet. “Rhea and I will go on over to the office so we don’t distract you, and you see how long you can make it. Good luck, men!”
Wolf strode out of the room to the office next door, with Rhea’s legs firmly clamped around his waist, still riding his stiff cock. He closed the door behind him and let out a soft, long laugh.
“Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed, wiping his brow. “They’ll probably still be sitting there when the next class comes in! Let’s hope so. That way the dean is bound to hear about this.”
Wolf grinned at Rhea and grabbed an extra pair of jeans hanging behind the door. “I brought a pair for you, too,” he said, lowering her legs and kneeling down so she could hop off his still-hard cock. “Well finish our fuck later. Right now it’s time to run to the library.”
“Boy, I’m sure glad you’re in my history class,” Bobbie whispered to Gordie, who was sitting across from her. “I don’t know if I’d have the nerve to go through with this all by myself.”
Gordie gave a low chuckle. “It ought to be fun,” he whispered back. “If you chicken out, I’ll rape you and if I chicken out, you rape me!”
“What if we both chicken out at the same time?” Bobbie asked, grinning lustily at him.
“I’m not going to think about that,” he answered, winking. “Just reach over and grab my hard cock and I won’t be able to think about anything except hot steaming pussy, anyway.”
“Remember, we do it right on the professor’s desk,” Bobbie whispered, just as the bell rang and the rest of the class started to fill up the vacant seats around them.
“Hope he’s not late. We’ll have to start without him,” Gordie retorted, glancing at the open door for Professor Dwyer’s familiar face.
“Here he comes,” Bobbie whispered back just as Professor Dwyer made his entrance.
“Good afternoon, class,” he said and walked straight to the blackboard. “Today I’m going to continue my lecture on prehistoric man.”
Gordie glanced around him as Professor Dwyer began his usual dry, boring lecture. The whole class looked half-asleep. Well, what he and Bobbie were going to do in just three minutes ought to add a little spice to Professor Dwyer’s lecture. He could hardly wait!
Both Gordie and Bobbie sat there fidgeting, watching the slow hands of the clock crawl towards two. Finally, with only a few seconds to spare, Professor Dwyer turned to the class.
“Does anyone remember what Cro-Magnon man contributed to civilization today?” he questioned. “There was one particular feat in which this caveman excelled, and we still use his knowledge on the subject today. Can anyone tell me what skill this is?”
Bobbie reached over and grabbed Herbie’s stiff cock in her firm little hand while she raised the other high in the air.
“Yes?” Professor Dwyer said, pausing to recognize her.
“I know what activity you’re talking about, Professor Dwyer,” Bobbie volunteered, “and Gordie and I can demonstrate it for you!”
She jumped up and threw off her sweatshirt, and raced to the front of the room, her bare titties jiggling like ripe coconuts in a high wind. “It’s FUCKING! And Gordie and I will show you just how they did it!”
By the time Bobbie had finished speaking, she had her jeans off and she also had the attention of every student in the class. No one was sleepy now. She swept her arms across Professor Dwyer’s desk, scattering papers and books to the floor.
“I need this desk for my demonstration!” she cried wildly, and hopped up to stand on it, tall and warm and beautiful. “The cavemen had cocks and pussies just like we all have and they knew what to do with them, just like you all do, and if Gordie would hurry up and get out of those pants, we could show you how they did it!”
Gordie threw his jeans to the floor and hopped up on the desk to join Bobbie who was dancing up and down in excitement.
“See this? It’s a pussy. All girls have them — right, girls?”
The girls in the class came suddenly to life. “Yeah! We’ve all got ’em!” they chorused. “You bet we’ve got pussies!”
Bobbie grabbed a hold of Gordie’s stiff cock and held it up. “This is a cock, otherwise known as a pecker, a prick, a dick or a peter! And what do you do with a nice hard cock and a hot, wet pussy, class?”
The whole class burst into laughter. “You FUCK!” a girl in the back of the room answered.
“Right on!” Bobbie called out. “And that’s just what we’re going to do right on Professor Dwyer’s desk. Gordie and I are going to fuck! If you don’t know how, watch. If you do know how, why don’t you all join us?”
With that invitation, she sat down on the desk and waited for Gordie to join her. She leaned back and spread out her legs wide so that everyone could see her beautiful creamy pussy.
“See? Your lectures get me all enthused, Professor Dwyer. I don’t know when I’ve been so stimulated,” she teased. “Ever seen a nice hot, steamy pussy before, Prof? You ought to try it sometime!”
Gordie couldn’t hold it any longer. Her brashness was really turning him on, making his balls ache and his cock twitch to bury itself in her steamy, pink pussy. He threw himself down and covered her body, poking his hot stiff cock right up to the hilt in her creamy, throbbing cunt.
“AAAAAGH! Bobbie!” he cried out. “You’re so hot! You feel like you’ve got a fire inside your cunt!”
“Put it out, baby! Let that big cock of yours pump nice cum all over my pussy to put out the fire!” she screamed, biting his shoulder in her excitement.
She could feel his lunging cock battering mercilessly against the end of her cunt and she screamed, “HARDER! FUCK ME HARDER! FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME!”
For a long time, the rest of the class watched, spellbound. They saw Gordie’s balls slap against Bobbie’s ass as they fucked their heads off, in full view of the astonished Professor Dwyer, who stood there, leaning against the blackboard weakly.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” one of the boys in the back of the room called out. “She invited us to join in if we knew how, and I sure do know how!”
“Well, get your sweet prick over here then!” a girl called out. “I’ll fuck you right here on the floor if you can get to me first!”
The air was suddenly filled with flying clothes and moans and groans and invitations. “Over here!” one horny girl begged. “I’ll take on all of you if you’ve got big cocks to fill up my hungry cunt!”
Bobbie felt Gordie’s body tense on top of her. “I’m going to come!” he screamed and sucked her nipple into his mouth with sheer force, biting and chewing in ecstasy.
That was enough to set Bobbie off right there. It felt like her nipple was directly connected to her throbbing little clitty. Her clitty bucked and jerked spasmodically against Gordie and her cunt muscles contracted, gripping his dick like little vises, squeezing and pushing the cock-juice right out of tern.
Both he and Bobbie felt the first jerk of his powerful climax. He began spurting hot cum all over her already dripping pussy, sending bursts of the scalding liquid up against her womb, and she felt the waves wash over her, carrying her away with a burst of incredible pleasure.
“AAAAAAAAGH!” she screamed again and again, as her body trembled like a willow in the wind.
When she came back to earth, she looked around her. Everything was exactly the same. Professor Dwyer was still leaning weakly against the blackboard and there were pounding and thrusting bodies all over the chairs and the floor, sucking and biting and fucking. Suddenly she looked at the clock.
“Gordie!” she shouted, pushing him up and shaking his shoulders. “It’s time! Hurry!”
With Bobbie to urge him on, Gordie got into his clothes in short order and they rushed from the building at a dead run, heading towards the library at full speed.
“Hurry, there’s Wolf and Rhea!” Bobbie shouted. “Let’s catch them! I can hardly wait to tell them what happened to us!”
“God, what a blast! Are you sure you can swing it, Ching?” Trish chattered excitedly as she and Ching walked towards the Audio-visual Room.
“I’ve already set up everything,” Ching replied, checking his watch. “Eleven instructors have requested a special run of the film, Today’s College and Community Relations, and they’re going to see it alright! I can hardly, wait. Even Dean Jones will be watching on the monitor. He requested the film be piped directly to his set in the office.”
“I’m going to be a closed-circuit TV star!” Trish shouted excitedly. “Are you sure we can get in to do the filming?”
Ching patted his pocket lovingly. “I’ve got the key right here, and three technicians are waiting at the studio for us. They’re all good buddies. They think it’s a great joke!”
“And it’s all set to be shown at two o’clock?” Trish asked eagerly.
“Everything’s all set up,” Ching replied, chuckling at Trish’s nervousness. “Just relax, Trish. Nothing will go wrong. You and I are going to fuck on closed-circuit TV and we’ll be sitting in Miriam Simms’ office, watching the run at the exact same time eleven classrooms and Dean Jones will be tuning in. All we have to do is the filming. And that’s a snap. We’ve got two hours to put together a TV blue-movie special, exclusively for the dean!”
“I wonder if I’ll look good on television?” Trish mused, patting her hair in place. “Maybe I should have worn something special.”
“Take it easy, Super-Star,” Ching laughed. “No one will be looking at your hair or your clothes. They’ll just be looking at your nice hot cunt being stuffed with my big hard cock!”
“That’s right!” Trish laughed. “And I almost went out and bought a new dress! Guess I’m going to have to become a big star in my old skin!”
Ching led Trish down the long corridor and into the television studio. “Here we are,” he said, pointing down the hall to a doorway where three boys were waiting.
“Trish, I’d like you to meet Bob, Roy and Calvin. Boys, this is our fabulous skin-flick artist, Trish!”
Ching unlocked the door to the room and locked it again as soon as they were all inside. “Got the film?” he asked Bob.
“You bet! Everything’s loaded and ready for action!” Bob replied eagerly, giving Trish a long level look. “She ought to photograph well. Nice body, too!”
Trish blushed and then giggled. “Let’s do it!” she squealed. “I can hardly wait to see how it turns out!”
“Sure you don’t want more than ten minutes?” Calvin questioned. “We could make it run for thirty minutes if you want.”
“No,” Ching replied, winning at him and winking. “You’ll get your chance to make a full-length porno flick someday, Calvin, but this time we have to get exactly ten minutes. It’s very important that we don’t run over schedule.”
“Okay. You’re the boss,” Calvin replied. “I’m going to run the first few frames of the film they’re expecting and then cut in to the special one. It’ll have more shock value that way, don’t you think?”
“Good idea,” Ching commented. “Make sure all the sets are on and everything before you switch to our little skin-flick special.”
“Did you set up the portable unit in the librarian’s office?” Ching asked.
“All done,” Roy replied. “I just finished checking it out this morning. Everything over there is ready to roll. We’ve got one camera in the ceiling, and four others in each of the walls. There’s nothing that can happen in that room that we don’t get on film. Then all we have to do is run all the cameras at once and pick the best shots. I sure want to edit that one, Ching. Dean Jones is a real prick and I’d like to really get a good one on him.”
“You’re my main man, Roy,” Ching promised. “I can hardly wait to see how that one turns out.” He clapped his hands. “Now, let’s get to work!”
Trish walked to the small stage and sat down. “What do I have to do?” she asked, licking her lips nervously.
“Just forget about the cameras,” Bob replied. “Just act natural and we’ll pick up everything.”
“Take off your clothes, Trish,” Ching called out. “Just do it as sexy as possible and we’ll film while you’re undressing. Okay! Go ahead!”
Trish began to sweat under the focused glare of the big lights. She licked her lips and began to unbutton her dress slowly. Then suddenly she forgot about the cameras and lights. All she could think about was Ching’s big cock and how good it would feel in her hot, tight pussy.
“MMMmmmm!” she groaned as she pulled her dress over her head, slipping her hand immediately to her burning cunt. “MMMmmmm… Hurry, Ching. Hurry!”
She held out her arms and licked her lips again. She was so hot she couldn’t possibly wait another second. “Hurry, darling,” she called. “I’m so hot I’m burning up. My pussy needs you, Ching! Give me some hard, big cock!”
Her slim hand dropped to her pussy, parting the petal-soft cunt-lips with the fingers of one hand. “Look!” she urged, completely oblivious to the cameras and their whirring. “See how wet and creamy my pussy is when I want you. Sink that lovely hard cock of yours in my burning cunt. Please?”
Her other hand dropped to her dripping pussy and she slid one finger in and out of her hot, steamy cunt-hole. “Hurry, damn you!” she cried. Her fingers rubbed over her big, extending pink clitty and the cameras zeroed in on her steaming cunt, throbbing and pulsing for cock.
Quickly, Ching entered the stage, his hard, long cock in his hand. “Tell me what you want,” he growled as Trish’s arms reached out to him.
“I want your hard cock in my hot cunt!” Trish cried and dropped to her knees before his long, hard cock. She reached out with her hands and pulled on his ass-cheeks, bringing his prick closer, an expression of delight on her beautiful face.
“Can I suck and lick it a little bit?” she asked pleadingly.
“Knock yourself out, baby!” Ching growled and shoved his pulsing cock forward, directly into her open lips. As her hot red lips closed around the throbbing prick, Ching threw his head back in delight.
“Suck it good, baby!” he shouted. “Lick my balls! Suck my ass! Get my cock big and hard for your hot, little pussy.”
Trish’s lips slid up and down on his hot cock, while her tongue played with the tip, flicking and scraping across the sensitive swollen purple head. Suddenly he thrust her head away from his cock and held her an arm’s length away, like a rag doll.
“Do you want my hard, long cock in your cunt now?” he asked, sinking his teeth into her shoulders and biting his way down to her quivering hard nipple.
“FUCK ME NOW!” Trish screamed, flinging herself down to the floor and opening her legs wide to him. “RAM YOUR HOT COCK IN MY CUNT! FUCK MEEEE!!”
Ching lunged for her open cunt and buried his hard cock in her steamy pussy. She threw her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper and deeper into her throbbing hot cunt, moaning and screaming with delight.
“FUCK ME HARD!!” she screamed. “COME WITH ME!! GIVE ME EVERY BIT OF YOUR HARD COCK!!” She reached under his legs and scratched her fingernails against his rock-hard balls.
“AAAAGH!!” Ching shouted, plunging ever deeper into her burning cunt. “LET IT GO, BABY!! GET IT OFF!! TAKE IT ALL, BABY!!”
And with a scream of absolute ecstasy he felt his rock-hard cock explode with bursts of scalding cum, filling her hot pussy with his gushing cock-fluid.
“AAAAAGII! AAAAAGH! AGH! AGH! AGH!! AAAAAGGGGHHHH!” Trish cried as tremors shook her little body like earthquakes. She could feel her pussy gripping his cock tightly, draining his balls dry and then exploding in shooting stars and flaming rockets as she reached her own screaming climax.
“CUT!” Roy called, holding the front of his pants with one hand. “Jesus Christ! How am I supposed to film something like that? I just creamed all over my jeans just watching you! God damn!”
Bob and Calvin came out from behind the cameras, grinning sheepishly. “Don’t feel like the lone ranger!” Bob said, winking at Calvin, “We all have the same problem. You didn’t tell us to bring an extra pair of jeans, Ching. Now, sweetheart, you qualify for my porno queen right now! I haven’t shot off in my jeans like that since I was in junior high. You’re dynamite!”
“Sorry about that, boys,” Trish grinned impishly. “If we had time, I’d take care of all three of you, but we have to get over to the library to meet Miriam. Want a rain check?”
“Yeah!” all three guys yelled.
“We can always pray for a storm!” Roy added as they trooped away to prepare for the afternoon’s production.
Miriam Simms was waiting when Trish and Ching walked into the library. “Come on back to my office,” she said, quickly leading the way past the assistant librarians and the quietly studying students. “You should see what they did in there this morning. They hid cameras all over the place. I can’t even get any work done in there. I feel like the whole room is bugged!”
She opened the door to her office and Trish and Ching looked around eagerly. “They did one hell of a good job!” Ching exclaimed after carefully examining the walls and ceiling. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that there was nothing out of the ordinary in here.”
He walked over to the TV monitor and switched it on. “Trish and I have a little program we want you to watch at two o’clock,” he said, grinning at Miriam and winking at Trish.
“I thought you two were supposed to be out protesting at two,” Miriam said, an expression of surprise crossing her face.
“Oh, we already took care of that,” Trish replied, laughing. “Just wait until two and you’ll see how!”
Miriam seated herself in the chair behind the desk. “Alright. I won’t ask any questions,” she said, grinning at them. “Knowing you two, you won’t tell me anyway.”
Miriam fiddled nervously with the rings on her fingers, looking a little anxious. “I certainly hope this works!” she exclaimed vehemently. “It seemed like such a good idea last night. I just hope that I can carry out my end of it.”
“You’ll do fine,” Ching replied convincingly. He eyed her tight cotton dress appreciatively, his gaze lingering on the deep neckline, exposing the swell of her creamy white boobs. “I don’t see how Dean Jones can resist after he sees you in that dress. I’m getting a hard-on just looking at you.” He patted the front of his jeans and grinned reassuringly. “He’d have to be half-dead not to notice your titties jutting out like that. No man in his right mind would turn you down, Miriam.”
Miriam gave a low, husky laugh. “Thanks, Ching,” she answered. “Guess I needed that. I feel more confident already.”
There was a low knock on the door, and Trish jumped up to answer it. “Hi, you guys!” she exclaimed, letting Ginny and Professor Harris into the room.
Both Ginny and Professor Harris looked nervous. They sank down into chairs gratefully, and Ginny gave a low little laugh. “Oh, shit!” she exclaimed, pushing back her hair with her hand. “I sure hope this whole scene works. I’m a nervous wreck and so is Harold.”
Professor Harris nodded, perspiring heavily. “I’ve written out my resignation, just in case,” he said, patting the white envelope sticking out of his shirt pocket. “At least Ginny won’t be suspended that way.”
“What do you mean, ‘just in case’?” Miriam said, her eyes flashing at the dejected professor. “There’s no ‘just in case’ involved here. It’s going to work. There’s no doubt in my mind.”
Ching and Trish grinned widely at each other, remembering Miriam’s earlier doubts. She certainly sounded a lot more confident now, and she’d certainly be even more enthused after she saw their little TV presentation!
Ching glanced at his watch and reached up to turn on the TV monitor in the corner. “It’s time for our surprise,” he called out. “You can relax, Professor Harris. After you see the little program Trish and I have planned, you won’t be nervous any more.”
The television screen showed a test pattern, quickly replaced by the words “Today’s College and Community Relations,” as they flashed across the screen.
“What the hell?” Professor Harris questioned, reading the title aloud, his voice puzzled. “What are we doing watching an educational film?”
“Shhhh,” Trish hissed. “Just wait and see.”
“Today’s colleges are playing an ever increasing part in community awareness,” a dry voice intoned while a picture of a modern college building appeared. “In order to keep abreast with the times, colleges today must reflect the attitudes and principles of the community surrounding them. This program will show you some innovative steps today’s colleges are taking in setting the stage for greater community involvement. Let’s take a look at the typical college in today’s America.”
The screen blackened out for an instant, and Ching squeezed Trish’s hand. Suddenly Trish was staring at a shot of herself, standing in the direct center of the monitor.
“Wow!” she exclaimed excitedly, gazing critically at the shot and grinning proudly. “I don’t look half-bad, do I?”
Miriam, Ginny and Professor Harris sat in stunned silence as they watched Trish lick her lips hungrily. Slowly she turned to the camera, full-faced, and began wiggling out of her dress.
“Shit!” Professor Harris exclaimed in hushed tones.
“Mmmmm!” they could hear her groan, watching her pull the dress over her head, exposing her lush charms to the camera.
Miriam gasped as Trish slipped her hand immediately to her burning cunt.
“MMMMMM… Hurry, Ching. Hurry!” they heard her say as she held out her arms and licked her already glistening lips.
“Jesus Christ!” Ginny laughed, watching her friend on the monitor. “Who else is seeing this?”
“Tell you later,” Ching answered quickly, a rapt expression on his face as he watched Trish on the monitor.
The film ran for ten full minutes and by the time the screen went black again, Ching and Professor Harris’ cocks were bulging and bucking fiercely in their crotches. Miriam squirmed uncomfortably in her chair and Trish and Ginny had trouble keeping their hands away from their throbbing pussies.
“What a show,” Miriam breathed, shuddering slightly. “I’m so horny right now, I could take on an elephant!”
“We wouldn’t want you to do that,” Ching joked, his voice still shaking slightly. “The only person you have to take on is Dean Jones! Ready?”
“I could seduce the Pope right now,” Miriam commented picking up the phone. “Jonesy baby, I’m ready for you. After that, I’ll even fuck a two-faced bastard like you!”
“Dean Jones, please,” Miriam spoke into the receiver. “Yes. This is Miriam Simms calling from the library. Tell him it’s urgent!” She grinned and took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing,” she said to the others, covering the receiver with her hand.
“Dean Jones?” she asked. “This is Miriam at the library. I have to talk to you. Are you alone?” She waited for a moment. “Good! I don’t want anyone to overhear our conversation.” She paused again.
“I’m afraid we have a little problem here. Just a few moments ago a group of students ran in and herded everyone else out of the large study room. One of the assistants came to get me and I went in to see what the trouble was. They said something about creating incidents on the campus and they told me to call you and tell you that they want to talk to you. They’re in there right now and they’ve got the door locked from the inside. They say they’ll stay right there until you come to talk to them in person and alone.”
There was a long silence while Miriam listened to the dean’s voice. She held the phone a little bit away from her ear and everyone could hear the dean’s excited voice.
“What do they want, Miriam? Did they say anything else? I’d better alert the campus police and come right over!”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that yet, Dean!” Miriam answered quickly. “I think that the less people involved, the better. After all we certainly don’t want this to get to the newspapers! I gathered that this was some sort of protest, but I couldn’t find out any more. I’m really worried, Dean. I think you’d better hurry fight over to my office and perhaps we can calm them down together.”
She held out the phone again and the dean’s nervous voice was heard. “Go back and tell them that I’ll be right there, Miriam!” he said. “And try to get any more information you can from them. I’ll come directly to your office!”
“Alright, Dean Jones,” Miriam said, breaking into a smile. “I’ll do everything I can until you get here!” She lowered the phone back into place with a firm click.
“He fell for it!” she laughed excitedly. “Now comes the fun part. You’d better clear out of here and I’ll wait for him. Don’t worry, gang. It’s going to work. If I have to rape him on the spot, it’s going to work!”
Ten minutes later Miriam heard an authoritative knock on her door. “Just a moment!” she called out and ruffled up her hair, assuming a worried expression as she crossed to the door. “Who is it?” she called out in a nervous voice.
“Dean Jones,” came the answer, and Miriam opened the door to Dean Jones, who was wearing a worried expression to match her own.
“Come in,” she said quickly, closing the door firmly behind him and slipping the lock on. Then she burst into tears and threw her arms around his neck. “I’m so glad you’re here!” she wailed, looking up at him gratefully. “I’ve been so worried! I finally managed to get them to go home. They’re going to come back here at six o’clock and I promised we’d meet with them. I thought maybe they’d calm down by then and we could reason with them. I hope I did the right thing!”
Dean Jones smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Miriam,” he said, looking a little uncomfortable with her arms still around his neck. “It’s always a good idea to have a cooling-off period before trying to talk. Did you find out what all this is about?”
Miriam kept her arms firmly around the dean’s neck. “They wouldn’t tell me!” she wailed. “I tried to find out but they just kept saying that you’d know. I just don’t understand it, Dean. This is a terrible thing to have happen in my library. I hope you don’t think any of it’s my fault. I handled it the best that I could. I hope you’re not disappointed in me!”
“Of course not, Miriam,” Dean Jones answered, patting her shoulder awkwardly. “You did exactly the right thing.”
“Thank God!” Miriam exclaimed. “I just couldn’t bear it if you were disappointed in me. I’d just die!”
Dean Jones’ arms tightened around her body. He could feel the heat rising from her breasts in waves and her quivering titties were pressed right up against his chest. “Why, Miriam!” he exclaimed, looking surprised. “I didn’t think my opinion was so important to you.” He hugged her tightly, pressing her even closer to him. “After last spring, I thought that you didn’t really care about how I felt toward you at all.”
Miriam promptly burst into fresh tears. “Oh, no!” she wailed. “I was afraid that’s what you’d think. And I was too embarrassed to even talk to you about it. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about it and how many regrets I’ve had. You just took me by surprise, that’s all. And then when I got over being shocked at your proposition, I was afraid to tell you that I felt the same way about you. I thought you’d be angry with me, forever.”
Dean Jones tipped Miriam’s face up towards him. “There there, Miriam,” he said soothingly. “I haven’t changed my mind, you know. I still want you, just the same as I did then.”
“Oh,” Miriam breathed, in a soft, shy voice. “You mean it took a crisis like this to bring us together? It makes me almost glad this whole thing happened.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed Dean Jones full on the lips in a warm, grateful kiss, pressing her body tightly against him.
“Ooooooh!” Dean Jones groaned, thinking of nothing except the incredible soft warmness of Miriam’s full lips and the way her body was pressed to his. He felt a mighty stirring in his cock and it jumped to life, poking out of her with a hard, thrusting motion.
Before he had time to think about what was happening, his body took over and he was kissing Miriam passionately. Her lush titties rubbed against his chest and flattened up against him and he thrust his stiff, pulsing cock suggestively against her crotch. She moaned as she felt the harshness of his stiff cock and her wet, hungry mouth sought his tongue again and again, pulling it into her own hot mouth like a vacuum and sucking it deep into her throat.
“Oh, John,” she breathed, taking her mouth away from him for an instant. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of his moment. I used to lie in bed, all by myself and imagine how it would feel to have your hands on my body, playing with my nipples and how I would reach out and touch your hard cock and put it inside my wet, hot pussy. Oh, you can’t know how much I’ve wanted you, and now my dream is coming true. Fuck me, John! I can’t wait any longer! Please fuck me!”
Miriam wrenched herself free from the dean’s embrace and tore her dress from her beautiful, full-breasted figure. “Touch me, John!” she screamed. “I want to feel your hands on my nipples, squeezing and pinching me!” She stepped close to him, lifting both of her heavy boobs in her hands, offering him the quivering mounds of delicious flesh.
“Oh, God!” Dean Jones moaned, grasping the soft knockers as a drowning man clutches a lifesaver. “Your titties are so big and the nipples are like little marbles!”
He squeezed her rock-hard nipples between his fingers, pulling them as far as they would go and then letting them snap back into place. Miriam threw her head back in desire, completely forgetting about the cameras whirring away, filming her passion.
“Suck them, John,” she demanded. “Bite my nipples!” and as his head lowered to her throbbing and quivering jugs, she reached out and grasped his hard cock right through the fabric of his pants.
John let out a muffled shout as he felt Miriam’s fingers touch his hot, hard cock, and he bit down hard on her nipple, chewing and licking in ecstasy. He had never felt so horny! She was beautiful and her nipples were two hard little pebbles twitching and pulsing between his lips and teeth.
Miriam gassed in real pleasure as she felt her titty being sucked into his hot wet mouth. “Aaaaagh!” she screamed, pressing her fingers even more tightly against his hard cock, straining to get free.
“Fuck me!” she screamed, almost fainting with the pleasure his tongue and lips were giving her. “Put your hard cock in my cunt and fuck me!”
John tore his mouth from her luscious tit and fumbled with his zipper, managing to set his throbbing cock free at last. “Oh, my God!” Miriam screamed in genuine admiration as his powerfully stiffened cock burst free. “You’re huge! I’ve got to have you in my hot pussy! I’ll die if you don’t fuck me!”
She quickly stepped out of her filmy little panties as the dean speedily removed the rest of his clothing. Then she walked slowly towards him, delighting in the desire in his eyes at her bouncing tits and ass. His powerful cock was standing straight up and a drop of pearly liquid was suspended at its purple cock-head. She dropped to her knees and licked her lips, savoring the male scent of his cock and balls, feeling her hot cunt flow with creamy pussy juice. She drew her head closer and thrust out her tongue, flicking the suspended drop of juice onto her tongue and delighting in the taste.
Dean Jones couldn’t believe it! His balls tingled and ached with desire for her. “Oh, God, Miriam! Don’t! I want to come in your hot, wet cunt! I can’t hold out much longer! I want to ram my hot cock all the way up your steaming cunt!”
Miriam shuddered and fell back to the floor, spreading her legs wider and wider, giving him free access to her creaming hot pussy. “Please, John!” she screamed, completely wild with desire. “I can’t wait any more! Put it in me! Put your hot cock in me NOW!!”
John quickly dropped to his knees in front of her, his cock almost at the bursting point. She opened her legs very wide and looked urgently at him, her eyes blazing with lust and need.
John gasped his long, hard cock in his hand, rubbing it over her steaming pussy, enjoying the sight of her glistening, pink pussy, throbbing and clutching in futile attempts to try to capture his hard, swollen cock.
“Please!” Miriam pleaded. “Put your hard cock in me NOW!!”
The dean’s cock was beginning to buck and lurch against her hot cunt. He could feel the waves emitting from her steaming cunt and suddenly he could stand it no longer. He had to sink his long cock in her incredibly hot pussy! He grabbed her quivering ass tightly and began to guide his hot cock slowly into her steamy cunt.
Her pussy was smooth and unbelievably hot. She threw her legs around his body as his long hard cock inched its way home. Her long legs held him to her tightly, and her pussy held him even more tightly, her clutching cunt muscles massaging his hard cock like millions of fingers, tightening and grasping around his almost bursting prick, pulling him deeper and deeper into her hot pussy.
John looked down at the writhing, trembling woman beneath him and drove his long cock all the way in, rubbing up against her soft, hot womb. Her eyes fluttered closed as he drove his pulsing cock into her hot cunt, harder and harder with a fierce urgency. She dug her nails into his back, feeling his cock lurch and batter against her womb, filling her swollen pussy completely.
“Oooooooh, God!” she squealed. “It’s so good! Fuck me hard, John! HARD!!”
John battered her with brutal force, lunging forcefully and hearing her moans and cries of abandon as his balls slapped hard against her quivering ass-cheeks. She arched her back suddenly, stiffening her body and stretching back her head in ecstasy. She gripped his body tightly and hung on to him for dear life, feeling the intensity of her orgasm building up inside her hot pussy, making her wild with lust. He felt a scalding flood of her cunt-cream as the beginning of her orgasm rippled through her, driving her crazy with passion.
“AAAAGH!!” she screamed. “I’M COMING!! Shoot me full of your cock-juice, John! COME WITH MEEEE!”
John grasped her slick ass-cheeks and thrust again and again into her pulsing cunt. His cock began to jerk uncontrollably and he felt the fluid build up, tingling in his balls, ready to jet into her hot, waiting cunt.
He thrust once more and then he was coming right along with her, jetting out burst after burst of jizz, soaking her swollen pussy with his spasms and feeling the shudder of her final climax draining the last drop from his throbbing prick. He heard her screams from a distance as he collapsed against her soft, hot body, the breath coming from his tortured lungs in gasps, knowing in his throbbing balls that she was the best fuck he had ever had.
After a few moments, Dean Jones shook his head and sat up, “I never knew it could be like this,” he gasped, looking down as Miriam smiled up at him in lazy satisfaction. “I’ve never felt so good in my whole life.”
“Do you understand Professor Harris and Ginny a little better now?” Miriam asked, her voice soft but her message coming through to him all the same.
“Oh, God!” John moaned as the truth of her words struck him with a flash of insight. “Oh, Miriam, I almost made a terrible mistake. I almost fired Harold Harris for the very same thing I just enjoyed. I’ve really been a stuffed-shirted fool. God! I hope it’s not too late.” He twisted his hands nervously and looked ready to jump out of his skin. “I’ve got to find Harold right away and tell him that I’ve finally seen the light. Fucking isn’t bad.” He grinned down at her. “As a matter of fact, with you, it’s damn good!”
Miriam pushed him up gently, freeing herself from his body and picking up the phone. “I think you should tell Harold what you’ve just discovered,” she suggested gently. “I’m sure hell understand.”
She spoke softly into the receiver and then turned to Dean Jones, noting the surprised expression on his face. “You’d better get dressed, John, if you want to look like the dean of a progressive college! Harold will be here in just a moment and you’ll have the opportunity to tell him yourself.”
“Miriam!” John exclaimed, a grin spreading over his face as he realized that he had been duped. “I really should be upset at the way you fooled me, but I’m not.” He reached out and grasped Miriam’s quivering tit, squeezing it playfully in his hand. “You’re a fox, Miriam Simms!” he laughed, rising to put on his clothes.
Five minutes later, the whole group was gathered in Miriam’s small office. Dean Jones looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and a foolish grin spread over his face as he looked around at the group surrounding him.
“I’ve really been a prize fool,” he remarked, grinning at the assembled group. “I’m really glad it happened, though. If you kids hadn’t shocked some sense into my head, I might never have balled Miriam. And Harold would have been out looking for another job and our physics department would never have been the same. I guess I owe all of you an apology and a big thank you.”
After the whole scene had been explained to Dean Jones, he sat behind Miriam’s desk, laughing. “That’s great!” he shouted, his huge laugh booming out. “Then you were going to take the videotape and threaten to show it if I didn’t reinstate Harold, right? I’ve got to hand it to you. You really had a good plan going.”
“You mean you’re not mad at us?” Ginny asked timidly, her voice quavering.
“Mad at you? Why, my dear girl. I’m grateful! Just think of what I would have missed if you hadn’t planned all this!” Dean Jones laughed, winking at Miriam, who stood by his side looking flushed and pleased.
“We’ll turn the videotape over to you, sir,” Ching offered. “That was a last resort, just in case Miriam couldn’t change your mind about Ginny and Professor Harris.”
“Great!” Dean Jones exclaimed. “You don’t suppose you could edit it for me, do you? I think Miriam and I would like to watch it. It might be a real kick. I’m getting horny just thinking about it!”
Everyone broke out into laughter at the horny expression on Dean Jones’ face. “We could set up the portable monitor and screen it at the frat house,” Linc offered. “Then we could party afterwards,” he suggested, winking at Dean Jones.
“Great idea!” Dean Jones exclaimed. “It’s about time I did a little more partying and a little less work. How about it, Miriam? Sound like a good idea? I might even find out what Ginny was doing that had Harold so excited!”
Miriam nodded, her smile lighting up the whole room. “It sounds like a real ball!” she exclaimed, sending Fat Susie into a spasm of giggling.
“Let’s all meet at the frat house tomorrow night for a sneak preview. I’ve got a little surprise up my sleeve,” Susie said.
The next evening when the group pulled up in front of the frat house, they noticed a flagpole on the front lawn. At the very top, waving gaily in the breeze, was a pair of Fat Susie’s mammoth panties with a legend in red letters, inscribed across the ass.
“Best Fucking Campus in the West!” the panties proclaimed, and even Dean Jones had to agree that the flag was very appropriate!