Tag: bizarre

Samantha and Angela dirty punishment
By: Date: 2023.11.06. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

The man was reclining in his leather chair, puffing away at his cigar as he
studied the two lean dishevelled figures before him. He let the chair drop
forward again as he took the cigar from his mouth and spoke to the pair.

‘Samantha, Angela you both know that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable
and contravenes Flambardo’s company rules. …

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The Sweet Smell of Lust
By: Date: 2022.12.16. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

The smell was almost rancid, and David decided to throw
out his latest lab experiment. He only had a single
beaker with the light-blue concoction, and like the
last half dozen tries, was about to be flushed down the
toilet. His current standing in Chemistry deemed a
successful completion to this experiment. Which was
also his entry into the High …

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An Elf Maiden’s Christmas
By: Date: 2022.12.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his
soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the
universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent
gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and
death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl …

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