Pregnant! – An Erotic Story
By: Date: 2022.08.13. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

“I feel like a beached whale!” she moaned, struggling to get
comfortable in the bed. The hard lump in her belly decided to
jump around and play, anytime she lay back, interrupting her
rest. “I look like a beached whale, too!”
“Nonsense.” The man reached over and draped his arm across
the disgruntled woman, giving her a sleepy hug. “You’ve never
been more beautiful.”
“Oh, bullshit.” She grabbed his pillow away from him,
stuffing it under her belly as she rolled on her side. For a
moment, that was comfortable. “If I’m so beautiful, how come you
never look at me anymore?”
“Look at you?” He opened a sleepy eye, peering over at her.
“I look at you all the time. You’re face is glowing, your hair
is so luxurious, and your eyes, oh Honey, your eyes SHINE. And,
of course, I love how pretty your breasts are. All big and
swollen.” He waggled his eyebrows lasciviously. “I have never
seen you any lovelier. Being pregnant is a wonderful thing.”
“Hmmph!” He knew right away he’d said something wrong.
“Then how come you’ve not touched me in a month?” she cried.
“You don’t find me attractive anymore!”
“Oh yes I do!” He squirmed closer, nuzzling her neck. “I
was just trying to be considerate. I didn’t think you wanted to
be touched. I mean, you didn’t even want me to rub cocoa butter
on your stomach anymore, so I thought….”
I didn’t want you to rub cocoa butter on my stomach, because
the smell bothered me,” she answered. “I ALWAYS want you to
touch me.”
Smiling, he rolled back the covers, revealing her swollen
body. In one month, their child would be ready to leave, ready
to join them in this world. He watched her stomach move as his
son (He was just sure it was a son, though he wouldn’t love a
daughter any less.) kicked and punched his confining home. None
of her night clothes fit anymore, so she wore an old flannel
shirt of his, buttoned down only three buttons, her belly too big
for the shirt to close around it. He reached up to unbutton the
shirt, kissing the quivering mound that was her stomach.
The shirt fell away, baring her beautiful breasts. Here
again, her pregnancy had only improved on something already
wonderful. The softness he loved so was now swollen heavy with
milk, the nipples dark and extended, extra large. Long ago, he’d
told her he would be the kind of husband who would want to share
their child’s breakfast… and now he fastened his lips over one
of the swollen buds, thrilling at how her body jumped at his
touch. His cock was hard as a rock, throbbing, and the dribble
of milk that came into his mouth only excited him more.
She was moaning now, her nipples hypersensitive, his sucking
nearly sending her over the edge. But then, she had always had
very sensitive nipples, and he had always loved playing with them
like this.
His mouth trailed down her belly; his tongue pressed flat
against her skin. He was rewarded with a punch from the baby;
obviously upset that Dad was interrupting his play time. His
tongue dipped into the deep well that was her navel, already
smelling the delightful muskiness of her sex. He let his fingers
wander ahead of him, finding her pussy already wet and warm, just
waiting for him. Well, he’d waste no time…. Two fingers slid
deep into her, slipping easily in her juices.
His tongue trailed down her belly, sliding down the slope to
find her clit already hard and swollen. Tasting her was sheer
heaven, having denied himself so long. And looking up, he could
see her belly, looming over him. If he wasn’t careful, he’d find
himself shooting his cum across the bed, and not where he wanted
it to go.
“Oh, my little baby, you really where hot, weren’t you?” He
teased, feeling her pussy clutch at his fingers as her body
quivered through an orgasm. If she had been wonderful to watch
before, seeing her orgasm with her belly so full was magnificent!
The way her breasts shook, the nipples blood red. Her stomach so
heavy she couldn’t arch her back, the baby disliking Mom’s sudden
movement, shifting her stomach in the opposite direction. “You
are beautiful. You should be pregnant all the time.”
“No way,” she managed, raising herself to her elbows. “YOU
be pregnant. See how you like it.”
“I wish I could be,” he replied wistfully, rubbing his hands
across her belly. Her foot rubbed against the underside of his
cock, a wicked smile on her face. “You ever gonna get around to
using this, Daddy?” she asked.
“Yes Ma’am.” He folded the blankets up, sliding them under
her hips, raising her off the bed. Now he could kneel on the
bed; sliding his cock into her waiting pussy without pressing
down on her stomach. Which he did, watching the lust in her face
as he entered her.
“This is the best,” he said, his cock buried deep inside
her; his hands free to roam her stomach, her breasts. Each
stroke made her gasp; her breasts heaving, the walls of her pussy
trying to pull his cock deeper inside. Crying out her name, he
sent a load of cum up to her womb, to his son or daughter.
What delightful torture, forcing himself to keep pumping in
and out of her before he lost his erection. The feeling of her
climaxing around his semi-erect cock almost sent him into
Together they lay on the bed, spent. She smiled softly. “I
guess that does prove you love me,” she murmured.
“Good.” He smiled back. Her belly lunged out at him. “And
I love you too, sprout,” he said, rubbing the hard lump.
Laughing, they drifted off into sleep.

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