Pervert picnic on the labor day
By: Date: 2024.09.27. Categories: Just Swinger Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

The summer was ending and Ken hadn’t been to a _DiSH_ social event since
the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most
memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy’s risqué games
and had ended up with Jenna, the group’s sexpot (every college class, company
department, and social group seemed to have one for some inexplicable reason),
sitting on his face while catching and throwing water balloons. Afterward,
Jenna had dragged him into the woods and had her steamy way with him. Then she
coldly brushed him off as they were parting ways at the end of the day.

This time, Amy had invented a new pool game called _Key Grab_ where one
person had to hide a key somewhere on their body while the others had to
extract the key any way they could and then hide it on _their_ body. It was
understood that no external body part or organ was off limits either for hiding
the key or for grabbing it. The game fizzled when all the men, but only a
couple of the women joined in.

Ken grabbed a burger and found an empty chair to just sit in and watch the
clouds roll past.

A little later, Amy called everyone together for another game of balloon
toss. That was the game that put Jenna sitting on his face last time.

Like last time, Amy had lain a bunch of beach towels in a circle on the
ground and had started describing the next game as people walked up, “For the
balloon toss, I want all the men to lay on the towels on their backs in a
circle with their feet facing the middle.”

_What the hell,_ Ken thought to himself and, again, lay on a towel.

“Guys,” Amy continued, “most of you remember the rules from last time. You
must keep your hands behind your back at all times.” She handed each man one
of those Chinese finger traps. “You don’t have to use these, but you can use
these to make sure that you don’t accidentally lose by moving your hands out
from under your backs.”

Ken put the tube onto one thumb, then the other behind his back, and then
lay back down. He knew from last time that the trap was inescapable.

“Now for the fun part,” Amy continued. “Women, pick a man and sit on his
face facing the center. Put your legs on his body, your feet can’t touch the
ground. Go ahead, take your seats!” she urged.

Also, like last time, only about ten women chose to play, and none took a
seat on his face. Jenna had even returned to the game, sitting on another
guy’s face this time. Ken wondered how many used rubbers she would leave
behind in the woods _this_ day. The unused guys started getting up to leave
and he was about to walk away too. Ken leaned up on his elbows when a shadow
fell across his eyes.

“Brenda!” Ken muttered.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked. Last picnic, Brenda had asked him to be
her partner in this event, but Jenna had beaten Brenda to him while Brenda was
refreshing her soda.

“Nope, have a seat,” he offered and lay back down.

Brenda, in not-too-tight and not-too-loose jeans, and in a conservative
billowy top, lowered her ass onto his face. As she settled on him, his skull
suddenly felt like a padded anvil was crushing it.

He heard Amy say, “Put your legs up on him.” Then he felt her rest her
legs on his chest placing her heels in his crotch. Unlike Jenna, Brenda didn’t
milk his cock with her heels while she sat on him. Still, he got a huge
erection from the sensation.

Also, unlike Jenna, Brenda was leaning back to let him breathe without
pause. The sensation wasn’t as erotic as with Jenna, but it was far more

Amy announced, “The contest is simple. I’m going to throw this water
balloon at someone. You have to catch it without it breaking and throw it at
someone else. If you get wet, you’re out and I’ll throw another balloon into
the ring. This time, the winners get a free dinner for two at _Le Buse Et

“Ohhh!” all the women crooned in unison, “That one’s even more expensive
than that other French restaurant!”

“And even more exclusive!”

“You have to wait _months_ for a reservation!”

“Okay everyone,” Amy declared, “Get ready! Catch!”

Ken heard Amy throw the balloon and heard someone catch it and toss it to
someone else. After a few rounds, Brenda bounced on him as she caught the
balloon and then she squirmed as she tossed it to someone else. The balloon
was caught a few more times before he heard a _sploosh!_

“You’re out, Kathy!” Amy announced.

“Here’s another!” Amy called out and heard the balloon being tossed around
again. Ken felt Brenda bounce on his face again as she caught it and tossed
it. The balloon remained in play for a while and Brenda bounced in his face a
few times before he heard a _sploosh_ and Amy announce, “You’re out, Jenna!”

Ken wanted to yell, “Whoohoo!” into Brenda’s crotch, but didn’t know what
her reaction would be.

The game went on and on. Brenda bounced on his face countless times as
more and more women lost.

As was becoming routine, he heard a _sploosh_ as Amy called out, “You’re
out, Sandy! And we have a winner!”

_How could there be a winner?_ Ken wondered. _Brenda is still sitting on
my face!_

“Brenda and Ken, here’s your gift certificate for a dinner for two at _Le
Buse Et Crachat.”_

Brenda stood off Ken’s face and took the gift certificate from Amy. Ken
stood next and Brenda gave him a bear hug, saying, “We won!”

“Yeah, we won! Oh, and can you remove this thing from my thumbs?”

Brenda walked behind him and removed the Chinese finger trap from his
thumbs. Then they walked over to the grill together and grabbed a couple of
hamburgers and sat and talked for about an hour.

Ken was sitting by himself for a moment while Brenda had to go to the
ladies room, and Jenna walked over. She knelt next to his chair and whispered,
“Hey, lover, feel like taking another walk into the woods and tearing off
another piece?”

“Fuck off!” he answered.

Jenna stormed off in a huff, and Ken was glad that she was long gone when
Brenda returned from the ladies room.

Ken and Brenda sat and talked together the rest of the afternoon. When the
day was winding down and people were starting to leave, Brenda said, “I guess
it’s time to call it a day.”

They walked together to the dirt lot where their cars were parked as people
were pulling out.

“Well?” she asked.

“Well, what?” he asked.

“Aren’t you going to ask for my number?”

“I… uhm… I’m not sure. The last time I asked for someone’s number, she
turned and walked away from me.”

Brenda grimaced and pulled a pen and notepad out of her purse. She wrote
something down and handed a slip of paper to Ken. “I didn’t spend an hour
sitting on your face winning us a free dinner at the most expensive restaurant
in town for nothing. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Then she gave him a quick kiss on the lips and strode off to her car.

Ken didn’t even remember getting in his car and driving home that day.

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