Steve’s superheroine wife keeps having “addicents.”
By: Date: 2022.12.25. Categories: Just Wife Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

I just cannot understand why Diana has so many
“accidents” since she has become my wife. Before, she
never … I guess that’s confusing, so let me start

My name is Steve and I’m a retired military officer.
For copyright reasons, I can’t tell you my last name
or Diana’s maiden name. I had been in love with Diana
for many years before she finally and suddenly
accepted my long-standing proposal of marriage.
Besides the length of our courtship, starting back
during WWII, there is nothing too unusual about that.
What’s unusual is that Diana, although I didn’t know
that was her name at the time, is a superheroine. I
can’t be too explicit, except to say she’s a woman who
is wonderfully stacked, wears a skimpy star-spangled
costume, and goes around saving the world.

Well, I actually do a good bit of the saving, but she
always gets the credit. I think the TV crews just
love to zoom in on those DD boobs as she hands the mad
scientist, alien monster, or political terrorist over
to the authorities. Take the caper just before we

Something, a meteorite supposedly, had crashed into a
remote ranching area out west. Soon reports began
arriving of women in the area being molested by some
sort of creature. International Defense Intelligence
Agency sent me and the superheroine I loved to
investigate. I interviewed the women while she
scoured the area for the spaceship, for that’s what
IDIA now thought it was.

The stories I got from the women were all similarly
vague. A creature, described always as large, dark,
and humanoid, attacked women when they were alone.
The descriptions of the creature were all pretty
disgusting – snouts, multiple limbs – but the women
didn’t seen upset about the attack. None could
remember much, but they got a kind of happy, dreamy
look on their faces when they tried. Stranger still,
several of the husbands pulled me aside later to tell
me that since the “attack” their wives had been acting
quite odd, not that they were complaining. Let me
transcribe my notes of one typical statement:

“It’s great, buddy! Suddenly Mary Jane wants to do it
all the f_ _ _ ing time, I mean like EVERY DAY. And I
used to have to threaten to let my mother move in with
us to get a BJ; now she’s turned into an addict. She
loves to kneel there in front of me and suck on my
rod. I swear, I think she orgasms just from having it
in her mouth. She doesn’t get tired, but she does get
so worked up that she just has to get f _ _ _ed. She
begs me for it. And before she would never let me eat
her; now she can’t get enough of that, either, except
she gets so worked up and wants me to … like I

“Hell, she wants sex so bad all the time I’ve been
able to get her to act more like a woman, like
ditching all those goddamned pantyhose and ordering a
bunch of sexy stockings and bras from the mail-order
catalogue. And I’ve got her actually wearing the sexy
pajamas I’ve been buying her for Valentine’s day and
anniversary since we married. When we go out square
dancin’ she wears skirts short enough to make my
buddies envious, and around home, she just runs around
in scanties.”

“But the best thing, and this was her idea, she says
she’s going let me knock her up again, like I’ve been
wantin’ to ever since our youngest went off to school.
From the first time we f_ _ _ ed after the attack,
she didn’t make me wear a condom. She’s promised to
quit her job at the bank and stay home raisin’ me a
whole second family.”

I just hoped the maternity ward in the little
community hospital could handle the business!

I finished the interviews in less than a day but Diana
hadn’t come back to the Hotel, (separate rooms
), so I went looking for her. I had a device
that homed in on her invisible plane and found it near
the mouth of a cave. Nearby I saw the remains of the
crashed alien spacecraft, cleverly disguised to look
like the remains of a weather balloon. As I
approached, I though I heard the sounds of a struggle.
Entering the cave I saw Diana in combat with a large
dark humanoid opponent. I smiled to see she had the
best of him. He was on his back and Diana was banging
her self up and down on his abdomen, crying out “Yes!
Yes, you monster. Like that.” She was apparently
trying to knock the wind out of him and was pleased
with the way things were going. I noticed that in the
struggle, her top had come off and I got my first peek
at those twin mountains I’d been dreaming about.

Unfortunately just at that moment, the creature gained
the upper hand, somehow being able to flip Diana over
so that he was now on top. I was now able to see his
advantage. Besides two strong arms he had two
tentacles growing from his chest and he was using them
to torment poor Diana’s breasts. Worse, I hadn’t
noticed when he did it but he had gotten yet another
tentacle in her, er, feminine parts. The pain must
have been terrible for Diana was incoherent,
screaming, “Oh, no, not my tits! Uuuuuh! Great Hera
you’re big. You’re splitting me in two. AHHHH!”

I saw my poor Diana suffering terribly, but I could do
nothing. She was flailing her head from side to side
and moaning so that I couldn’t get off a clear shot.
Then the creature went rigid shuddered and threw
himself down onto Diana, letting out an ear-splitting
roar. Whatever he did must have hurt Diana, too, for
she screamed too and passed out. The creature
remained on her for a few minutes and then crawled
off, a huge satisfied smile on his disgusting face. I
incinerated him instantly with a blast from my
IADI-issue laser pistol.

Diana was still only half conscious when I got her
back to the hotel and cleaned off gob and gobs of a
sticky blue goo that the monster had leaked all over
her. There even seemed to be some in her er, feminine
parts, because after cleaning her up, more kept oozing
out and running down her leg. Strangely while she was
unconscious, she had a little smile on her face, maybe
because she realized she was safe with me. Stranger
still was her reaction when she regained consciousness
and I told her about killing the monster. She must
have still been in some kind of shock, because she
broke down, sobbing, “But he was so good, so big. He
was the best!” It was almost as if she had lost a

She soon came to her senses, however, and several
weeks later Diana, my secretary, who had always been
IDIA’s contact with its resident superheroine, had a
message from her for me. “She has surprise for you,
if you’d like to meet her at my house for a drink
after work.” Since I knew Diana was a respectable
woman and nothing untoward would happen, I accepted.
When we arrived and closed the door, Diana gave a
little twirl and suddenly, there was the woman, the
superheroine I loved. Giggling like a schoolgirl,
Diana explained that she and my superheroine
heartthrob were one and the same woman. “I’m the
surprise.” That was when she told me that after that
last rescue, she had thought it over and had decided
to marry me, “And let you take care of me all the
time, darling.”

I was so happy that I got a little carried away
drinking wine and, I’m ashamed to admit, we wound up
having sex that night even though we were not married
yet. At least I guess that’s what happened. The last
I remember Diana and I were in bed and she pulled down
her star spangled tights and let me worship her, er,
feminine parts. The next morning she told me I had
been wonderful, but that we mustn’t do it again until
the honeymoon. I agreed that was the proper thing,
but I did wish I had been able to remember doing the
improper thing for the first time.

I’d barely moved in with her, a surprisingly large
house for her salary as a secretary, and started
planning the wedding, when Diana had another surprise
for me. “Darling, we’re going to he hearing the
pitter-patter-putter of little feet around here!” she
told me. I was a little confused, wondering if it was
possible to make Diana pregnant on just one night when
I couldn’t even remember “doing it.” But Diana was so
happy, I had to be happy for her too. I remembered
the night we made love the first time (I guess) she
had told me she wanted to have lots of little ones and
that I’d better like being married to a pregnant
woman, because that’s how she was going to stay. I
liked the idea, I just never expected it to start so

Diana still insisted that she should “save herself”
(at least what was left) for me until the wedding so
we couldn’t have sex, but that oral sex, at least me
licking her, er, feminine parts didn’t count. I
pointed out that a US President had said that blowjobs
don’t count as sex either, but Diana was adamant that
good girls didn’t do that until after they were
married. (Unfortunately, I later discovered she
believes that decent wives don’t do it either, at
least not with their husbands.)

I think this was about the time things really started
to get weird. My fiancée was still very much the
superheroine, flying off thither and yon, leaving me
to take care of the house and wedding arrangements.
But whereas before she was always successful in her
exploits, now she came staggering home defeated time
and again. She admitted that when she faced a
criminal, or terrorist, or alien life form, more often
than not, she wound up with some sort of male organ in
her. She said that my being there to soothe her poor
battered, er, feminine parts with my tongue showed how
much I loved her and made her love me all the more.

Eventually, I began to suspect that the sexual abuse
by her opponents wasn’t exactly involuntary. “OK,
it’s the pregnancy, darling. Just thinking about
having an offspring inside me makes me horny all the
time. As soon as some villain pats my toosh or
squeezes a tit or slides a finger or tentacle into my,
er, feminine parts, I just get so aroused, I have to
let him have his way with me. For example the
Octothorian I tried to capture last week. I struggled
as hard as I could. It was so terrible darling! It
has its disgusting tentacles all over me, and I do
mean all over me….”

It came out that her defeat at the hands, or assorted
extremities, of these foes even included giving the
BJ’s she denied me. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but when
I have a big drooling organ in my face I just have to
suck it. Seems I’m just so weak when I’m around a
powerful male of any species.”

That did not make me feel too good, as Diana was not
too weak around ME to keep telling me to wait until
after the wedding. She did relent, however, and agree
to get me off with a hand job after I’d cleaned up her
spawn, or seed, or ichor-filled, er, feminine parts
especially well.

Once she started to show, she did slow down and
stopped accepting off-Earth assignments to battle
sic-fi monsters. The constant defeats were doing
nothing for her reputation, anyway. “Slowing down,”
on the other hand may not be quite the right word.
She did get involved in an undercover operation that
she couldn’t tell even me anything about. It
consisted of her dressing in mufti, spikey heels, tiny
little miniskirts, and garish makeup, and going out to
bars and clubs several nights a week. I told her she
looked like a slut, but she just kissed me. “Do you
really think so, darling? Thank you!”

Worse than the whorish clothing she had to wear on
these assignments, was the way she came home after
them. Her make-up would be runny, her skirt and
blouse torn and soiled, runs in her stockings and her
hair disheveled. She never came home with panties, if
she left with any. Diana looked like she’d been f_ _
_ ed six ways from Sunday, which I guessed she had.
When I asked her if she wasn’t just going out to f_ _
_ guys for fun, she became really hurt. “How can you
say that darling? It’s true I have a weakness for big
macho types because of the pregnancy, and I do
sometimes get carried away and let several guys do me
one after the other, but YOU are the only man I love.
YOU are the man who is going to marry me and who will
be the daddy of all our children,” she pouted. That
did make me feel a little better, but I was still
frustrated that so many other men were getting to f_ _
_ her pretty, er, feminine parts and I wasn’t.

The only good thing was that at least the f_ _ _-sauce
I lapped out of her, er, feminine parts tasted better
now. (Some of those aliens had REALLY foul-tasting
goo!) Well, another good thing was that I had gotten
so good at eating her, er feminine parts, that she was
letting me do it even when she wasn’t full of some
villain’s come. Then, too, she was giving me hand
jobs more regularly now and seemed to be growing
attached to my “cute little thingie.”

As Diana’s belly swelled, her “undercover” activities
became more extreme; sometimes she didn’t come in for
days, especially when she had to work Shriner
conventions and frat parties. I asked her how it was
she was able to f_ _ _ up a storm with out loosing her
superpowers but she explained that since she was being
overpowered by lust caused by the pregnancy, she
wasn’t really “giving herself” to a man. “They just
take me,” she giggled.

Still, I was concerned enough by her activities to
insist on accompanying her to one of her visits to her
gynecologist. The large bald head and leering eyes of
Dr Lexlu Thor (if I got his name right) didn’t inspire
confidence in me, but Diana certainly liked him. As
soon as we got into his office she fairly flew into
his arms and got a very un-professional looking
smooch. He wasted no time beginning his examination,
grabbing her ass and beginning to palpate it even as
they kissed.

“So how’s my big preggy girl?” he chuckled. “Let’s
have a look at you.” I had always thought that the
patient undressed herself privately and slipped on
some kind of gown, but Dr. Thor was helping Diana
shuck her clothes as quickly as possible, as if he
were eager to f _ _ _ her. “Man o man, Diana,” he
marveled and he ran a tape measure around her bare
belly, “Another two inches since last Tuesday. I
think you’d better be prepared for a multiple. And
these jobbies!” I though he was feeling of her
breasts in a rather too-friendly way as he shook his
head in admiration. “What are you up to now, honey,
EEE? I guess you’re ready for however many little
mouths you have to feed.”

Laying her down on the examination table and putting
her feet up in those stirrups, he began an intense
examination of her breasts. She didn’t seem to mind,
for whenever he asked how it felt, she just moaned,
“Oh, good, soooo gooood!” Proclaiming himself
satisfied with the development of her breasts, Dr.
Thor moved on to inspect “your business end.” I was
rather alarmed at the size of the instrument he began
slowly to insert into Diana’s, er, feminine parts. At
first I thought she found it uncomfortable, for she
was grunting and moaning, but once it was all the way
in, and the doctor began rhythmically moving it in and
out until she became used to it, she seemed to find it
almost pleasant. “Oh yes, speculum me, speculum me!”
she gasped.

I was even more surprised to see what came next. Dr.
Thor was asking how well and how often she was
orgasming when he seemed to take seriously Diana’s
jocular reply, “Why don’t you come see.” Apparently
this optional part of the examination consisted in the
doctor inserting his fingers and then his tongue into
her, er, feminine parts, just as if he were giving her
oral sex. Her reaction, repeated, spasming climaxes
were similar, too. I was a little hurt; I though she
could only come that hard with me, but I supposed that
he was a women’s doctor and had the practice of doing
this with several women every day. I’d never seen a
gynecological examination before.

Eventually I was able to get in my questions whether
it was wise for Diana to continue going out at night,
letting all kinds of strange men f_ _ _ her. “It
certainly is NOT,” he replied and looked down at Diana
frowning. My heart skipped with joy. “You know what
I’ve told you, my dear, you MUST confine yourself to
the really big, well hung ones. They’re the ones who
can give you the massive orgasms that are so good for
what’s in here.” He gave her naked tummy an
affectionate pat. Diana said she was trying, but
sometimes the best she could do was a seven or eight
incher, although she admitted they didn’t do much for

Lexlu Thor looked pensively at her for a moment and
wrote out a prescription. “I’m afraid, my dear that
you’ve reached the stage where you need more reliable
stimulation than picking up guys hit or miss in bars
and clubs, even inner city ones. The Stanley
Orgasmatic is just what the doctor ordered, fifteen
inches and 750 watts of pure pleasure for your, er,
feminine parts!”

Then he asked her if she was ready for her weekly
lubrication. “Oh baby, am I!” she responded. As well
as I can make out, Dr. Thor believed that the, er,
feminine parts of a pregnant woman needed to be
“lubricated” frequently with male semen. I’d never
heard of that, but medical science is creating new
wonders every day, so I didn’t object. Diana’ legs
were still obscenely splayed on the table and to my
surprise, the doctor merely dropped his pants, walked
up, and thrust his male member directly into Diana’s
rather moist, er, feminine parts. Apparently she was
eager to get the procedure over with rapidly because
she was imploring him, “Faster you b _ _ _ _ _ d,
faster! Lubricate me, lubricate me! Oh, s _ _ t yes,
oil my gears!”

After the doctor delivered a rather astonishing volume
of lubricant into Diana’s, er, feminine parts, I
expected the procedure to be complete, but such was
not the case. Lowering the table and releasing
Diana’s feet from the stirrups, he had her turn onto
her stomach and raise her ass so he could apply
lubricant from a different angle. I had to admire the
doctor’s thoroughness and wondered how many years of
medical school were required to develop his technique.
As he vigorously lubricated her again, it looked
remarkably like what some of my friends had called a
“doggy f _ _ _.” I knew this was deeply humiliating
to Diana, notwithstanding her moans and grunts that
might be taken for enjoyment, and I realized just what
sacrifices a mother was willing to make for the good
of her child. When she came again, I cried for joy
and pride, thinking, “You’re a wonder, woman.”

Diana was almost comatose when we left the clinic. I
had to leave her unattended as I received the
astonishing bill:

Gluteal Examination $ 35.00
Disrobing $ 45.00
Table prep $ 25.00
Abdominal cadaster $ 75.00
Breast examination
($15.00/cup size
9 x 2 x 15 $270.00
Observation by SO $100.00
Standard lubrication $100.00
Underbody lubrication $150,00
Total $800.00

It certainly was a detailed bill, if on the high side,
but I didn’t argue, being in a hurry to get Diana
home. I knew that after a session like this
afternoon, I would have a big job of soothing on my
hands, or rather, all over my face.

I have to say that Stanley Orgasmatic is a godsend!
The undercover assignments practically disappeared as
Diana became too busy with her new friend. She still
liked me to wake her up with a tongue in her, er
feminine parts, but right after breakfast, I notice
the lights dim when Diana powered up that monster for
the first session of the day. I’ve had to install
three-phase wiring for our bedroom as a safety

The rest of the pregnancy proceeded tranquilly. Diana
ate — Lord how she ate — and came and slept. God
she looked beautiful in that over-stretched lycra
costume, the panties soaked with her, er, feminine
parts-juice, peacefully zonked after a multi-orgasmic
encounter with Stanley. She must have put on 50-60
lbs. and I was hoping that she would keep most of the
gain in bust and hips.

Diana was about seven months gone when we finally got
the wedding arranged. Dr. Thor gave the bride away.
Diana looked so gorgeous as she waddled down the aisle
on Lexlu’s arm. They say all brides are beautiful and
that all pregnant women glow. Diana’s beauty was

The honeymoon, on the other hand, left a lot to be
desired, from my point of view. Diana was very sorry,
but at that late stage in her pregnancy she just
didn’t feel like doing it with me. I could have
understood that, but she did feel like doing it with
the resort’s bell boys, lifeguards, and assorted beach
bums. The only saving grace was that she didn’t let
them see her in costume. They never dreamed that the
horny pregnant bride they were f _ _ _ ing was the
superheroine they’d been masturbating over for years.

Diana went into labor only days after we returned.
She seemed happy enough when they brought in a pink,
very healthy looking boy, but kept looking at him
strangely, as if searching for something. She had no
sooner plugged one of those amazing breasts into the
infant’s mouth than she let out a whoop of joy. “Oh,
Steve, darling, look. Look!” At first I didn’t see
what she was talking about. Them I did and my heart
sank. From the middle of his chest had sprung two
small, but active tentacles that were wrapped around
Diana’s breast. “Isn’t that wonderful, Steve? He can
morph! He can morph just like his fa … Oh,
darling, aren’t those the cutest little suckers you’ve
ever SEEN? Our boy is going to be sooo popular in
High School with the cheerleaders. You have no IDEA
what it’s like being kissed while having your titties
tickled, your clit licked, your, er, feminine parts
filled, and your bum hole rogered simultaneously!”

Admittedly I did not. Still I was miffed.

“OK, Steve, I can understand you are unhappy not to be
the father, darling, but you’ll be his DADDY. You’ll
teach little Stevie to hunt and fish and play
baseball. And I’ll teach him to feel up the little
girls on the school bus and get into his teachers’
panties.” I was not really mollified, wondering how
I’d feel about him fielding an infield fly with gloves
on each of four upper tentacles. I guess my
unhappiness showed.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, Steve Jr. was just an
accident. It happens to lots of couples, the wife
gets pregnant a little sooner than they were
expecting. We’ll just have to be more careful in the
future.” I could have pointed out that it was SHE who
needed to be more careful, but I said nothing.

“I don’t believe it! He’s so little!” Diana
exclaimed. “Look, already a little drop!” I looked
to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, at
the tip of Stevie’s little third leg, a drop of green
goo had formed. Even as Stevie continued to nurse
from Diana’s bloated tits like there was no tomorrow,
Diana reached down and took the drop and brought it to
her lips. “Oh, it’s so good! Just like his fa… Oh,
oh,ohhhhhh!” she suddenly exclaimed. I had heard that
women sometimes became excited when nursing, but this
wasn’t excitement, it was a f _ _ _ ing come! The air
reeked of sex and I immediately knew my duty. Even as
the aftershocks were dying away, I had my mouth onto
Diana’s, er, feminine parts, sucking as vigorously as
Stevie was upstairs.

Once Diana was home from the hospital she promised to
be faithful from then on and to let me make her
pregnant next time, but before I got the chance she
was off on another superheroine adventure. I was left
to give little Stevie his formula every three hours
(God how that kid could bawl!), change his diapers
(God how that kid could s _ _ _!), and take care of
the house.

When Diana got back – battered but beautiful – I was
eager to at last f _ _ _ my sexy wife, but it was not
to be. “Not, yet, darling, I’m still sore from that
mean old android. Who’d have thought that a machine
could f _ _ _ so well!”

Certainly not I. His metallic phallic goo tasted
worse than Thugurian swillseed!

By the time she was fully recovered from her
adventure, she had another surprise. “Looks like I’ve
had another little ‘accident,’ darling,” she tittered.

“How can you call this an ‘accident,'” I demanded

“Well, I’m sorry, but how was I to know that yummy
thick goo it squirted in my twat was Joker’s GM


“Well, of course I had to taste it before I could let
some out-of-control machine fill my, er, feminine
parts with who knows what. What kind of and easy lay
do you think I am?”

I didn’t know what to say, then or since. All I know
is that except for that first time (?), I’ve not
managed to get my prick into Diana’s well-used twat.
Nevertheless, she had made me the daddy to quite a
menagerie of offspring, human and otherwise, one
accident after another.

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