Trapped in Stone 1. – Bdsm story
By: Date: 2024.04.11. Categories: Just Bondage Stories Tags: , , , , ,

After the movie, the clutch of girlfriends decided to get a
late-night snack at a local diner. After the main course, they
sat chatting over coffee and desert.

“Guess who I saw today, Surrey?” Janice asked, looking like a
tease. Janice was Surrain’s closest friend. They had been
roomates when they were undergrads. Janice was from New York,
tall, thin, small sharp features, with short black hair.


“Why, Jim in the physics lab!” Janice showed a grin a mile

“So?” Surrey tried to affect an air of indifference.

“Well, he says you have an Egyptian fertility statue, which you
carry with you. Is that true?” The other girls all looked at
Surrey with naughty delight.

“That good-for-nothing gossip,” Surrey grumbled, “I swear I’ll
kill him!”

“So, is it true?” April asked. April was Janice’s current
roomate. Her body was more fleshy and voluptuous, with larger
bosoms and long brown hair.

“Yes, it is.” Surrain sighed in resignation.

Meanwhile, John, hidden in Surrey’s shirt, was listening to
this conversation with trepidation. “Don’t tell them!” He
prayed to himself. He did not want to be exposed in front of
these strangers in such a blatantly sexual and naked pose.

“Well, let’s see it!” Cory was a former lab partner of
Surrey’s, who lived close by. Cory was athletic and tall. All
of the girls joined in to the chorus. “Yes! Lets!”
bdsm girl
Surrey realized that she could not ignore her friend’s pleas,
and she knew they would be offended if she became upset. So,
Surrain reached in and pulled out the statue.

“Noooooo!” Thought John, in horror. He felt very, very small as
he was placed on the table for all to see. Cold, shivering, and
exposed. If only he didn’t have such a lewd grin on his face!
John nearly fainted from shame.

The girls spontaneously burst out in gales of laughter. The
statue was so perverted, and the cock was so oversized, and the
expression was so dirty, that they just couldn’t help
themselves. They all leaned closer to take a close look. John
felt their eyes boring into them. He felt as if he were on
display to the entire restaurant!

“Where’d you get it? Why are you wearing it? What’s it for?”
They were full of questions. Surrey tried to answer them all,
explaining that it was a very rare and very old Egyptian
artifact from her father, that it was a fertility statue
intended to entertain Egyptian princesses, and that she carried
it with her because of it’s sentimental value. This didn’t
quite ring true to her friends, of course, but they let it go,
imagining that Surrey kept it with her because she delighted in
being depraved and rebellious.

April reached out to touch the penis. As she stroked it, she
gasped when it turned a bright red. “Look at that!” she
exclaimed. The other girls’ eyes widened in amazement.

“Ummm,” Surrey faltered, “Jim says that parts of it are heat
sensitive, and so it change color when it gets warm.” Surrey
knew different, of course. Would her friends figure out the

John’s brain had frazzled completely. A recurring nightmare of
his was now being realized: naked, exposed, in the middle of a
restaurant, unable to cover himself, trapped, with four
beautiful women staring at him closely, and watching as his
cock became bright red. He was mortified.

Delighted, all three of Surrey’s friends reached over to stroke
the statue. John felt three sets of fingers stroking all over
his body, around the tip of his head (which was, unaccountably,
very sensitive), over his back and ass, over his exposed and
sensitive nipples, and (of course) up and down his cock, which
quickly became dark purple, and then peaked as he quickly
climaxed. “I am sick!” he screamed to himself, “I am getting
off on being trapped and humiliated in public!”

“Why is it getting lighter?” Cory, the chemistry major, was

“Jim thought that it might have two competing chemicals, so
that after a point it would get lighter rather than darker.”
Surrey had quickly made that up, hoping Cory would buy it.
“It’s still something of a mystery…” she trailed off, hoping no
one would notice.

“You know what it looks like,” Cory continued, “it looks like
it just climaxed!” Now, that was hilarious! John shrank in
shame as they attracted the attention of the rest of the
restaurant who looked over at the rambunctious girls.

“Let’s try an experiment!” Cory exclaimed, reaching for the
statue. Before Surrey could stop her, Cory had dunked it, head
first, into her ice water!

The water hit John’s body and chilled him to the bone. All
color from the statue dissappeared completely, and it turned a
natural ivory color with no pink what-so-ever.

“Goodness!” April interjected. “It looks like the entire statue
*is* heat sensitive, not just the… [she wispered aware of other
tables nearby], the… [the other girls looked at her,
snickering, knowing what she was going to say] …the penis!”
This brought on more giggles.

Both Surrey and John groaned. This was getting out of hand.

“Let’s try this!” Janice reached out and plucked the statue
away from Cory. Then she proceeded to dip the figurine into her
tall, double amaretto cappucino.

It was hot, but not scalding. The cappucino had cooled to the
point where it was drinkable. Still, the statue came out
flushed and bright pink. Somehow, the penis was darker than the

“Well, that proves it!” Janice said, “it is definitely heat-

Janice looked at the statue, now dripping with coffee and
amaretto, getting lighter as it cooled off. Not wanting to
waste any of the cappucino, and not thinking about what she was
doing, she put the statue in her mouth, and then noisily licked
and sucked off all of the coffee.

Janice paused, the penis-shaped statue still half in her mouth,
and looked at the other girls, wondering why they were staring
at her with such stunned expressions. Then she realized what
she was doing: sucking an ancient Egyptian dildoe in public!

“Oh Jesus,” she gasped, then quickly pulled the statue out of
her mouth and hid it in her lap. The other girls started
smiling, then burst out laughing. Janice looked around to see
if anyone else in the statue had seen her display.

John, meanwhile, trapped in the statue, had just undergone a
variety of experiences. First, fondled by three curious
females, then dipped in ice-cold water, then dipped in hot
scalding coffee, and then plunged whole-body into a warm mouth,
which slurped and washed his whole body and all of his exposed
and (formerly) private parts. “This must be what a spoon feels
like,” he mused, dipping with saliva from head to toe, and with
a bright-red cock.

“Oh Janice, that was priceless!” April cried out, laughing so
hard that tears were pouring down her eyes. “Let’s see some
more of that technique! I think I could learn something!”

Janice stuck her tongue out at them and put the statue back
onto the table top. Her face was stop-sign red with acute
embarrassment (“Serves her right!” thought John, himself also
embarrased and exposed). “I was just licking off the coffee,”
Janice tried to explain, sputtering. The rest of the girls just
disolved into more laughter.

“Here! It’s my turn!” Cory reached out and grabbed the statue,
her laughes subsiding. She turned slightly away towards the
wall, so that no one else in the restaurant could see, and then
started to tongue the tip of the ivory statue, on the head.
Cory smiled and the other girls broke into more giggles at the

“Oooh baby,” Cory joked, mocking sexual excitement, “I love it
when you taste like decaf!” Her tongue swirled further around
the figurine, as she gradually, but surely, sucked the entire
body into her mouth, and then bobbed it in an out like giving a
blow job to real penis.

John was unable to hear Cory’s sarcastic comments, as her
tongue wetly circled and washed around his head, over his eyes,
nose, mouth, and ears. When Cory drew him completely into her
mouth, he came right away, his whole body alive with deep
humiliation and wet saliva stimulation.

“OK, Girls, girls!” Surrey reached over and snatched the
statue from Cory. “I think that that’s enough. This is a rare
artifact, after all. Please treat this penis with a little

“Why should I?” countered Janice, “I certainly don’t treat any
other penis with respect!”

The evening had sunk to a new low.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Later that night Surrey appologized to John. “It really got out
of hand, I’m sorry. I’ll have to avoid that sort of display in
the future. Were you hurt in any way?”

She watched the statue carefully, but the carved ivory cock
stayed the same light shade of pink.

Surrey settled down in bed and carefully examined the sculpture
for damage. “It looks like you’re OK.” She paused for a second.
“It must have been humiliating, to be exposed and naked like
that in the middle of a crowded public restaurant… especially
with three loud and giggling girls playing with you. I’m really
sorry that you had to live through it.”

John looked at Surrey staring down. His mind flashed to his
experience in the restaurant, and, against his will, his penis
reddened. John groaned inside, apparently just the thought of
his degradation was enough to cause him to get excited.

Surry looked closer. “What’s this?” she asked. John tried to
think un-sexy thoughts, but failed. “Do you like being given a
full-body blow-job?” She asked him, point blank. John gave up
any attempts at control. The carved ivory cock turned a deap
shade of red.

“Well, we can certainly help you there!” Surrey kissed the tip
of the penis-shaped figure, then kissed it all over – over
John’s nipples, face, back, buns, toes, and cock. Her kisses
were warm and carressing.

Next, her tongue poked out, and started licking lightly over
all parts of the statue’s body. Over the head, down the side of
the face, in and out of each eye, over the nose and lips,
around the neck, playing lightly (but wetly) over the nipples,
around the stomache, over each bun, wiggling into the ass crack
as deeply as possible, and then up and down the penis shaft,
and over the balls. John climaxed for the first time under the
delicate stimulation as his every nook and cranny was expored.

Finally, Surrey drew the entire figure into her mouth, feeling
each bump and curve on her tongue and cheeks. John felt his
entire body being engulfed, completely surrounded by flesh, and
tongue, and drenched with saliva. The stimulation was
incredible, her whole mouth was alive, massaging, undulating.
He quickly came a second time.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The next morning Surrey joined Janice on her way to Aerobics.
They both did Monday morning Aerobics at the College Gym,
before concentrating on their grad-student studies for the rest
of the week.

“My god,” Janice exclaimed, “last night was a blast. I hope the
statue was OK.”

“It’s fine,” Surrey answered. “I couldn’t believe you guys!”

As they changed into tights and leotards, Janice noticed that
Surrey was still carrying the statue. “Are you still carrying
that with you?”

Surrey looked up. “Yeah. It’s sort of a good-luck charm.”

“You lech!”

Surrey stuck out her tongue at Janice. “It’s suppose to be a
secret, you know.”

They finished up and walked into the gym for the aerobics
session. As the instructor started on the warm-ups, Surrey felt
a little tug at the back of her neck. She turned around and saw
Janice grinning at her. “What?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing!” Janice replied. They started their warm-ups.

When they got to the jumping jacks, Surrain took two jumps and
felt the statue begin to slither down the front of her leotard.
“That horrible sneak!” Surry thought. Apparently, Janice had
untied the string holding John around her neck.

The instructor called out, “What’s wrong Surrey? Let’s keep up!
Jump higher!”

Surrey sighed, it was obvious that she couldn’t stop to fix the
string. She’d just have to grin and bear it. She continued her
jumping jacks, and felt the statue work it’s way lower and
lower, everytime she hit the ground.

John had felt the loosening of the string as soon as Janice had
untied the knot. The statue didn’t move initially, trapped as
it was between Surrey’s breasts and leotard. But it only took
two bounces during the jumping jacks, and John broke free of
the bosoms, and slid down her chest, deeper into the leotard,
which felt like a tent to John, except that the floor was
Surrey’s hot and sweaty abdomen.

Surrey hoped no one would notice the little bulge working it’s
way down her stomache. It seemed to have reached the wasteband
of the the tights and then stopped. Fortunately, everyone
(except Janice, of course!) appeared to be concentrating on
their exercise.

After jumping jacks there came a series of energetic stretching
and working of various muscle groups.

“Oh!” Surrey exclaimed. During their left-right body twists,
the statue had gradually worked it’s way underneath the
wasteband of her tights. She dreaded what was coming next.

“OK! Running in place!” the instructor called out. The entire
room started to jog energetically.

John felt the head of the statue work it’s way into the
wasteband of the tights. When Surrey started to jog, each step
seemed to drill the figurine deeper and deeper into the tights.

“What’s that?” John wondered, feeling a little tickling around
his face. “Oh my god! It’s her pubic hair!” John came almost
instantly (it was his 2nd time since the aerobics started).

Each step of Surrey caused the statue to edge its way further
and further in, working insistantly into the crotch of her
tights. His face was now buried in her pubic hair, like rolling
in tall grass. As he worked further down, the tights and
leotard became tighter and tighter, pressing his face and body
harder and deeper into her crotch.

“More jumping jacks!” the instructor commanded. To Surrey, it
seemed that the entire class was designed to move the statue
into the most intimate and embarrassing position possible.
“Higher Surrey!” The instructor scolded.

That was enough. Two high jumping jacks and the face of the
statue dropped to the top of Surrain’s pussy, where it was
mashed into her clitoris by her tights and leotard.

“Oh gosh!” Surrey stumbled, dropping to her knee. The
stimulating touch of the statue was far more powerful than she
expected! She gasped, breathing deeply, and then weakly got
back to her feet. “My god,” she thought, “I almost came!”
Surrey had never experienced nerve stimulation so strong, “is
there something special about the statue which causes this?”
she wondered, “or is it just that I’ve been horny for so long?”

The instructor and Janice both rushed up to Surrey. “Are you
all right?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” Surrey responded, trying to hide the suspicuous
bulge in her crotch. “Here, I can continue.” She took a few
test jumps, and then got back into the rhythm. The instructor
and Janice both went back to their places.

Each jumping jack stretched the fabric of her crotch extremely
tight, mashing the statue hard onto her clit, causing Surrey to
gasp. After two more jumps: she came. Hard.

“Ohhh!” a groan spontaneously burst from her lips. She
faltered, shuddered, but regained her ballance and continued.

Seeing that something was definitely not right with Surrey, the
instructor decided to slow down the pace. “OK, on your hands
and knees. Now, stretch out your left leg behind you, 1, 2, 3,
now your right leg. All the way, Surrey!”

Surrey was grateful for the slower pace, and now the bluge in
her crotch would be less noticeable. Unfortunately, as she got
onto her hands and knees and stretched out her leg, she
realized that the stretching caused the statue to slide about
an inch up and down her pussy slit, rubbing her clit

John felt his head now engulfed by Surrain’s pussy, with his
entire head wrapped and enclosed with wet female sex. Surrey
was extremely horny and her vagina was flowing copiously, and
John was drenched with pussy juice, it had worked its way into
every crevice of the statue. John’s penis was rubbing up
against the top of Surrey’s slit, back and forth, over her
clit. He orgasmed again.

Two more leg stretches and Surrey came for a second time, this
time even more powerfully. Her arms became rubbery the orgasm
washed over her and she collapsed on the floor.

Surrey finally realized that trying to continue was ridiculous.
She got up and quickly walked out of the room, red-faced. As
she turned the corner out of sight from the class, she
collapsed on the floor with a third orgasm.

The instructor walked over to Janice. “Do you think she’ll be

“Oh, ah… sure!” Janice replied. She saw several faces of the
class looking at her for an explanation. “Ummmm,” Janice
improvised, “She’s just recovering from a stomache infection.
Nothing to worry about!”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

That night, Surrey crawled into bed with her purse. She opened
it up, unwrapped the ivory figurine, and examined it. Surrey
started to get wet just from holding it. “My god,” she said
out-loud, “what have you done to me… I’ve become a

After the embarrasment in the aerobics studio, Surrey had
undressed and wrapped John tightly into her (very wet and
soiled) used pair of panties, and then put the statue in her
purse. John had stayed there, tightly wrapped with the smells
of sex, perfume, sweat, and urine assaulting his sense of smell
all day.

Surrey, for her part, could not get the statue out of her mind.
She spent the day at the library chasing down reference
material for her dissertation, mindless and tedious work. She
was generally a disciplined worker, however, and with the use
of check-lists she made it through the day and was mostly

Occaisionally, however, when her mind wandered to the
sensations in the aerobics studio, she would freeze, and
something approaching a mini-climax should shudder through her
body. She would feel goose bumps rise, and her fingers might
absent-mindedly reach into her purse to stroke the statue a few
times before she came to her senses and quickly snapped it

Sitting in bed that night, Surrey tried to figure out what to
do. The first option was to have cold showers and try to put
the statue aside. The second option was to use it as much as
possible and perhaps the stimulation would wear off, or she
would become tired of it. But what if she became truly addicted
to it? Was it possible to become completely addicted to orgasms
achieved from a dildo? Judging from the power of her orgasms
this morning, it certainly seemed possible.

Her brain seemed to be locked up and totally frozen with
indecision. She was in the process of trying to decide just how
to make a decision when she noticed that her fingers, taking
the initiative, were lightly stroking the statue. She watched
her hand with amusement, operating independently of her brain,
as it stroked and toyed with the shaft of the statue. As this
continued, she realized that an electric sensation was passing
down her arm and suffusing throughout her body, causing her
nerve endings to tingle. It was a sensation of excitement, for
sure, but more than that, she had a sense of urgency. A
compelling sense of an urgent need, which seemed to be
radiating from the statue.

Her left hand lightly worked it’s way to her pussy and began to
stroke her slit through the panties, lightly with her
fingernails at first.

“What’s happening to me?” She asked, out-loud. “Is this what
an addiction feels like?”

Surrey watched her hands, which operated like robot arms under
some outside remote control. Somehow, she couldn’t control
them, or she couldn’t bring herself to control them, the
sensations were too strong. Her right hand was now rubbing the
statue lightly over her nipples which thrust out, exposed. Her
left hand had made now a deep furrow into her panties as it
stroked ever more urgently over her sex.

Surrey felt her self control slipping away, gradually, as the
statue and it’s control over her body became absolute in its
desire to excite and stimulate her. Being a fiercely
independent and self confident individual, she held back,
struggling internally to hold onto the hope that she could
gather her wits and put the statue aside. But as the
stimulation continued, she realized that it was a lost cause,
and the statue began to control her in earnest.

Her fingers slipped under the wasteband of her panties and
slipped them off. She tightly squeezed her legs together,
stimulating her clit by the pressure. The statue worked its way
from her nipples up to her mouth, where it lightly rubbed
against her lips, before she started to kiss and lick it.

Meanwhile, John, trapped in the statue, felt sexual energy
flowing everywhere Surrain touched. He had been increasingly
frustrated all day long, feeling his energy gradually building,
wondering why it didn’t cause the statue to explode. As Surrey
stroked him, he felt a rush of excitement, and came right away.

Then, as she started to kiss and lick the statue, John felt her
lips surrounding his head, rubbing over his face. Her tongue
was two feet wide as it trailed over his body, working it’s way
into every nook and cranny, washing his penis in saliva.

John knew what was coming next. Surrey gradually traced the
statue down her body, between her bosoms, and, gently,
tentatively, into the bush which was her pussy hair. John felt
his face thrust wetly into her sopping pussy as the first jolt
of energy passed between them. Surrey was so struck by the jolt
that her body arched up at least a foot in the air.

“Arrg!” Surrey screamed! She had never felt a sensation like
that before! It was like pure orgasm had surged between the
statue and her clitoris. She pressed it urgently into her slit
and stroked another quick orgasm to life. “Oh god!” she said,
as a third hummed its way through her body.

John felt Surrey spasming around him, and he climaxed as well,
feeling his pent-up sexual energy flowing into Surrain.
“There’s plenty left” he thought. It had been a long and
frustrating day.

Surrain gave up all pretenses, and thrust the statue deep into
her pussy.

John was plunged head-first into the sopping wet pussy. He slid
in easily, and her pussy walls surrounded his entire body,
rubbing pussy juice and hot flesh over every millimiter of his
body. He had been swallowed whole by a woman’s vagina, with
membranes pulsing, pressing, and oozing around him, with his
head and face wedged into the deepest, darkest, wettest space
of all.

Surrey frantically rubbed her clit while thrusting the statue
into her vagina as deep as possible, so that John’s head was
bumping hard against her cervix. She climaxed a fourth time,
this time the hardest of all. John felt the muscles around him
clamp down hard, and then rhythmically grasp around him, pussy
juices squishing around him, crushing him with its violent

Surrey relaxed against the bed, letting the orgasm wash over
her and gradually ebb away, shivering with goosebumps. She
reached down and pulled the statue out, which came out with a
gush of juices that dribbled down, over her anus, and onto the

Surrey was exhausted, and so was John. Her breath came out in
gasps as she gulped air to try and recover. The statue lay
against her thigh.

Somehow, the hand holding the statue began to move on its own
again. Lightly rubbing the statue up and down her thigh, then
over her pubic hair, then rubbing lightly against her clit.

“What am I doing?” she wondered widly, somehow too wiped out to
stop her own hand! “I am possesed! This could kill me!” But
then she felt, deep inside, she did have another orgasm
growing. A warm spot, deep inside her soul, was beginning to
throb with pleasure.

This time, too exhausted to resist, Surrey gave up almost at
once. She thrust the statue back into her wet pussy, where it
slid in easily. Automatically her legs propped up to give her
better access, with her ass raised slightly.

Then, without thinking, she did what she always did next with a
dildoe. She reached a hand down, underneath her leg and
buttocks, and grasped hold of the statue from behind. Then she
pulled it out, spread her buttocks, and pushed the head of the
statue to the opening of her puckered anus.

“NOOOOOO!!!” John screamed. But of course, Surrey couldn’t
hear. He felt Surrey press his head against her anus, this time
with more urgency.

Surrey’s anus was tingling. She liked being penetrated anally,
and she felt a need. It was a deep itch which could only be
scratched by being filled with a hard dildoe as deep as
possible in her anus.

The head of the statue, lubricated with pussy juice, was slowly
worked past the sphincter muscle. John felt the incredibly
tight muscle wrap around his head, wrapped so tightly there was
no room for movement or wiggling, except to go deeper.

Surrey applied more pressure and the statue went deeper. The
Sphincter was now tightly wrapped around John’s upper body, and
his head was completely engulfed. As he smelled and tasted his
surroundings, he came…. HARD.

Surrey somehow felt his orgasm as a tingling electric pulse in
her anus. She started rubbing her clit with her free hand and
thrust the statue in deeper. Exhausted from her previous
orgasms, this one took longer to build. One hand rubbing her
clit with more urgency and pressure, and the other insistently
pressing the statue deeper into her ass.

John was now three-quarters of the way in. Surrey’s tight anus
was desperately clutching around his legs, with her intestinal
walls were wrapped fully around his body. She groaned, pushed
harder, and the entire statue was thrust up her ass. John
climaxed a second time as he felt his entire body degraded and
engulfed by Surrey’s most intimate orifice.

That was enough. Surrey pressed hard on her clit one last time,
and climaxed. This time the climaxed hummed through her body,
causing convulsions of all her muscles, as she violently rocked
back and forth. John was squeezed, rubbed, and brutally
manipulated by the powerful contractions. He came again.

As Surrey gradually settled down, she began to shake and
shiver. As she weakly pulled the covers tightly around her, she
wondered at how exhausted she was… and in a few seconds she was

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