Tag: cream

Magical Love Skin Cream
By: Date: 2024.01.17. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

No one could have reasonably guessed the truth about CD’s obsessive sex life. To any casual observer’or even a curious one, for that matter’he appeared to
be a perfectly normal man. He was a junior partner at his firm, with a solid future financial in front of
him. Though he didn’t attend regularly, he was a member of the First …

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Acquiring a taste
By: Date: 2022.10.20. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

I got home from work that evening and i was absolutely
shattered. It had been one of them days – nothing goes right for you
and you just feel like hitting the nearest person to you (know the
feeling?). I stripped off my work stuff and put on a comfortable pair
of shorts and went to cook something (i was …

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