Taboo sex story
By: Date: 2024.10.19. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: ,

“Do you really think I’m pretty?” Cindy asked, for Steven had
told her she was just as he opened the door to one of Gwen’s bedrooms.
It was a sumptuous affair, with a big king size bed that was perfect for
three people. Jeffrey’s presence did not bother Steven. In fact,
before Cindy had arrived he had been speaking to the young man, and they
had taken a mutual interest in each other’s cocks, lightly brushing each
other with a feather until the two of them were interrupted by a woman.
Now they were alone, and could explore each other freely. And they had
come upon a little girl to boot, and she, despite their interest in each
other, was certainly worth having a go at, especially her lovely ass.
“Your bottom is especially wonderful,” Jeffrey, who was about
25, said to Cindy.
“It is exemplary,” Steven said.
“What’s ex-larry?” Cindy asked, mangling the word.
“It means it is perfect for punishment. For the whip,” Steven
answered. He opened the bedroom closet. He looked at the women’s
clothes hanging there, which belonged to Gwen, and suddenly he spied
what he had hoped he might find. Dangling over the clothing rail,
inbetween Gwen’s dresses, he spied a belt. He pulled it off the rail.
It was long and thin and he turned and presented it to Cindy’s eyes.
“This will do quite nicely,” he said. Cindy balked.
“You want to–?” she gasped.
“Yes. I want you to mount the bed and get over the pillows and
arch up your bottom,” Steven told the little girl. “I want you to feel
this on your ass.”
“Whoa,” Jeffrey said. “Just like that.” He was impressed with
the older man’s forwardness.
“I don’t want to,” Cindy said. Her hands flew back to her
heinie and she glowered.
“It doesn’t matter what you want. You have, as I’ve said, an
exemplary bottom, and as such it deserves to be punished. It is, shall
we say, built for it, and you are the perfect age for a good spanking.”
“Will it hurt?” Cindy asked, for being an only child of a
single mother she had never been spanked.
“It is not meant to be taken easily,” Steven answered.
“Perhaps Jeffrey will favor us by going first. You can count the
strokes.” This suggestion was quite exciting to Cindy, even as she
clutched her bottom. To her surprise, but to her delight also, she
watched Jeffrey get on the bed. He pulled some pillows down to his
waist and, despite his stiff cock, he laid over them. Steven got on the
bed behind him and, with Cindy watching, the older man’s cock sticking
rigidly out over his victim, he brought the belt flashing down. Cindy
watched red marks appear on Jeffrey’s ass. Eagerly she counted the
blows until she could hardly stand it, and jammed her fingers inbetween
her legs. That was all it took, along with the evening’s earlier
events, to make her explode. Next thing she knew she was rolling on the
floor rubbing her little cunt furiously, as she heard the continued
crack of the belt on the bed above her. Then Jeffrey, who had remained
silent up to this time, not wanting to look like a sissy in front of
little Cindy, suddenly cried out. He had lost himself against the
pillow, upon which he had been involuntarily squirming as the belt
struck his ass. With every blow he had feared for his balls. Now,
though the belt had not touched them, he destroyed their contents,
shooting them out uselessly on the pillow below him. Steven laughed.
His own erection was still intact, and little Cindy sounded well
prepared to take him. He got off the bed. With his cock sticking out
heavily above the girl, he smiled down at her. She gazed up at him,
suddenly broken from blissful reverie, her wet fingers still inbetween
her legs.
“You’re next,” Steven said to Cindy.
“No!” the girl gasped. Steven bent down and lifted her up. He
made her kneel and he put his cock to her lips. Not knowing of her
lessons with school boys, he told her, “You better make me cum in your
mouth if you don’t want me to get my jollies smacking your behind.” At
once Cindy went to work. It was a much bigger cock than she had ever
been previously tasked with, but she set to it with an urgent abandon,
her fingers still between her legs, desperate to protect her hiney if
nothing else. In fact she rather enjoyed the feel of the big prong
being forced into her mouth, and though she gagged a little she did a
good job taking it. She sucked it hard, once she’d managed to get it to
stop trying to go down her throat. Steven, who had seemed so big and
strong and tough, seemed to melt in her hot little orifice. She soon
had him grunting as awkwardly and desperately as the boys at school.
Jeffrey got off the bed and urged her on, wiping his own flaccid cock in
her long golden hair. Suddenly, as she tried to bat Jeffrey away, for
he was sticky and she didn’t like that, Steven rewarded her efforts with
an unexpected surprise. He came, and she got sticky stuff all in her
mouth and down her throat and then splattering all over her face, as she
tried to pull away from him. He sighed when he finally abated, and he
told her she’d been a good girl. She returned to her mother that way,
slightly mortified, sperm-faced and finding her mother down on her knees
going for the same.
“Don’t, mom! He’ll pee on you!” Cindy helpfully warned her
mom, wiping sperm out of her eyes. Sasha lifted her mouth from the cock
she was sucking and said,
“Done already, dear?”
“Yes. Or they are, anyways,” Cindy said of her two suitors,
who stood next to her still, though in a decidedly less vigorous
condition, at least for the moment.
“It’s not pee on your face, dear. It’s sperm. I’ll explain it
later,” Sasha told her daughter. Then she went back to sucking cock,
and Cindy, not sure what to do with herself, watched. It was intriguing
to watch her mother work. She didn’t just suck, she used different
techniques. She would take her mouth from her lover and kiss him with
her lips, very lightly. She would extend her tongue and spend a good
minute tickling just his pee hole. She would apply a butterfly stroke
with her tongue to the underside of him, as if urging him to spurt into
her face with her tender attention. Cindy lifted a hand to her mouth as
she watched. She inserted a finger between her lips. Engrossed in her
mother’s work, she began sucking on her finger. She felt a little
babyish doing it but, at least unlike her mother, she had the comfort of
knowing that her finger wouldn’t piss all over her. Suddenly the man
her mother was working on groaned. Sasha stood up. “Hold it. I want
you in a bedroom,” Sasha said to the man. Cindy thrilled at seeing her
mother take possession of the man, holding him now with her hand as if
he were some horny steed.
“Can I come, mom?” Cindy asked excitedly, pulling her finger
from her mouth.
“If your lovers are through with you,” Sasha said. “Or not,”
she added, seeing the look of disappointment in the two men’s faces.
“My daughter is coming with me now,” Sasha told Stephen and Jeffrey. “I
hope you enjoyed her.”
Cindy tagged along with her mother. They found a bedroom with
fresh sheets and Sasha closed the door behind the three of them so that
they could be alone.
“Do you hurt, dear?” Sasha asked her daughter.
“No,” Cindy said. Seeing her mother’s perplexed look the girl
added, “They were going to spank me but I wouldn’t let them. Instead I
just sucked them.” She lifted up one of her hands and touched her long
hair, which was matted with sperm all down the right side. “One of them
wiped himself in me,” Cindy said, wrinkling her nose.
“You mean you’re still a virgin?” Sasha asked Cindy.
“`Course, mom,” Cindy answered. She seemed utterly unknowing
as to how close she’d come to becoming a woman. Sasha smiled broadly
and bent down and kissed her daughter.
“I knew I could trust you, dear,” Sasha said. She turned and
introduced the man who was with her. He was about the same age as Sasha
and he was lean and handsome, taller than her, with a cock as
hardy-looking as Brad’s had been. Unfortunately Brad had been claimed
by Gwen, leaving Sasha to root about for another lover, a task which,
she had to admit to herself, she had thoroughly enjoyed. Now she was
finally alone and her little daughter was even here, safe behind a
locked door. Cindy put her finger to her lips and then spoke, her words
mangled a little by her digit:
“Mom, wouth you teath me howth to suckth cockth?” Cindy asked,
and then laughed and giggled and took her finger away. “Teach me how to
suck, mom, like you do!” Cindy exclaimed.
“Don’t you think you’ve learned enough for one night,” Sasha
“No!” Cindy cried gleefully. Cindy looked at the young man
she’d brought into the room, whose name was Jason. He was a fine
specimen for her daughter to learn on, if indeed she did have to learn.
Perhaps it would help her keep boys out of her belly, if she made them
spurt in her mouth. “Oh alright,” Sasha said, too aroused to say `no’.
“Bend down and I’ll show you,” Sasha said. Cindy might have knelt but
instead she bent right over, showing her pretty naked behind, and
grabbed hold of Jason. She pressed him to her lips and, despite the
fact that he was wet with her mother’s saliva, she gave him a lick. It
looked rather like a little girl licking an ice cream cone and Cindy’s
mom laughed and said,
“No, dear. That’s a good start but you’ll never test his
strength properly giving him little girl licks like that. You’ve got
to… well… here, let me get down and show you,” Sasha said. She
knelt down beside her daughter, Cindy still bending at the waist as if
to purposely show off her ass. “Here, this is how it is done. Copy
me,” Sasha said. And for the next ten minutes, much to his agonized
delight, Jason was licked by both females, until at last he could stand
it no more and spoiled his chance of taking Cindy’s cherry by spurting
all over the faces of herself and her mother.
“Dwat. Peed on again,” Cindy groused, when Jason had finished
splattering himself on her. She wiped his sperm away with the back of
her hand.
“You could have stood up, dear, if you didn’t really want him,”
Sasha told her daughter.
“Oh yeah,” Cindy said. “But I was trying to STOP him!” she
added. “I squeezed and squeezed with my hands to try to shut him off
but he just kept cumming.”
“Ahhh,” Jason said, remembering the little girl’s squeezing,
her little fingers lingering even now on his cock, about halfway down
his shaft.
“That just made him cum more,” Sasha told her daughter. “Let
go of him next time if you–”
“No, don’t let go!” Jason interrupted. He glared at Sasha.
“Don’t give her bad advice,” he said. “Once a man starts cumming
there’s basically no way to stop it. She should rub as well as squeeze,
and keep sucking too.”
“I can’t suck! You’re peeing!” Cindy protested.
“Teach her a little about male sperm, would you?” Jason said,
pointing to the girl but addressing her mother.
“It’s sperm, dear. Men make it in their balls and shoot it out
to get girls pregnant.” Cindy’s eyes widened in alarm.
“I’m going to get PREGNANT?!” Cindy asked.
“No. You’re on the pill, dear,” Sasha answered.
“Thank God,” Jason said. Cindy patted her belly. “I think I’m
still too little to get pregnant,” she said, feeling her flatness,
remembering the poster of the woman at school who was swollen with
“No, you’re not. So you have to be careful,” Sasha told her
daughter. “But the pill should protect you,” she added.
“Are you really a virgin?” Jason asked, looking down at the
little bare-bottomed girl as she stood straight now, letting go of his
“Yes. Unless sperm in my hair makes me not,” Cindy answered.
She brushed back her long matted hair, still lovely despite all the
sticky sperm in it.
“It doesn’t,” Jason said. He looked at Sasha. “This may seem
an awkward question, but since I’ve got my dick hanging out what the
hell. Could I have your daughter’s cherry?”
“You’re the third person to ask me that tonight,” Sasha said.
She looked lovingly at Cindy. “Since I said `yes’ to the first two, and
she managed nonetheless to come back intact, I guess all I can say is,
when she’s ready. You’ll just have to ask her, and wait for her
answer.” Jason looked hopefully at Cindy.
“Only if you don’t piss in me,” Cindy answered.


Ooops! I shall have to continue my valiant patriotic effort at
a later date. This effort has caused me to become a little too
excited. (Damn!)

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