Mom and son fucked together through a misunderstanding
By: Date: 2022.11.01. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , , , ,

It took a whole week of carefully planned arguments and pleading to
finally convince his parents to let him have Halloween party at their
house. John Carlson was desperately trying to get into the Delta Tau
fraternity at his college so that he could finally move out of his parents’

As a freshman it was a longshot but he knew that this was his only
chance to move out, because while his parents were paying for his college
tuition they decided not to pay for the dorm housing. They only lived 20
minutes away from campus and so his parents didn’t see the point in paying
the extra money for housing. John had gotten a part-time job during his
first semester but it was clear that wouldn’t be nearly enough to pay for
housing, on- or off-campus.Â

John had learned that new pledges to Delta Tau were often required to
live in the frat house for their first year, and through a bit of
determined detective work John discovered that there were currently 4
vacant rooms and the Delta Tau’s would only be accepting 3 new pledges out
of the rush class of 12. All of this meant that John had found a loop-hole
to finally break free from his parents but that he also had to do whatever
it would take to make the short-list.Â

John’s first mission was to convince his parents that joining a frat and
moving into the frat house was a good idea. John initially argued that his
parents would be able to enjoy the empty house and not have to hear him
coming and going at all hours of the night. Unfortunately for John his
father, Mark, was a heavy sleeper and his mother, Vicky, wanted to keep him
close to home. He then pivoted to the argument that this would be an
important step in him becoming an independent individual and would help him
prepare for the real world post-college. He hadn’t quite won them over
with this approach, but he noticed that they seemed to actually think that
this was a reasonably valid point. John continued to press hard on this
point and finally won them over by promising to be home every Sunday night
for family dinner.

Once he got the green light from his parents he needed to devise a plan
to actually set himself apart from the other pledges and ensure his spot in
the frat. He volunteered for every activity no matter how demeaning and
made sure that he sucked up to the most influential brothers. He had
learned by paying close attention that four of the brothers would be the
ultimate decision makers. He did everything he could to make himself look
good in their eyes.

His big break came when the school, under pressure from the local
community, decided to ban any organized parties on Halloween. Halloween
fell on a Friday that year and the Delta Tau’s were infamous for having the
best parties. This ban came as a big blow to the frat and John guessed
that if he could figure out a way for the party to go on that he would lock
in his place as a top pledge candidate.Â

The Carlson family lives in a large home in a relatively rural area.
John knew that between his parent’s basement and backyard that there would
be more than enough room for a party. He also knew that his parents went
out to a Halloween party every year. He campaigned relentlessly for his
parents to allow him to host a party. He assured them that he would limit
everyone to the basement and backyard and that they wouldn’t do anything to
bother the neighbors. He knew that the neighbors wouldn’t be much of a
problem given how far apart the houses were in their neighborhood.Â

His parents were skeptical of allowing the party but finally agreed to
allow John to proceed after he suggested that his parents could make a
night out of it and stay at a hotel in town. He also offered to hire a
cleaning company to come the next day to make sure that everything was back
in order before his parents even got home. Of course, John offered to pay
for his parents’ hotel room as a sign of good faith. He didn’t have the
money but had no difficulty in convincing the Delta Tau Treasurer to pick
up the added expenses in order to make the party happen.

John spent the afternoon getting ready for the party after his last
class on Friday. He had already gotten the ingredients for the Delta’s
signature punch, which consisted of a liberal amount of Everclear grain
alcohol combined with a variety of fruit juices, which he mixed up in a
garbage can that the frat had dedicated for this purpose.Â

The next step was his costume, which was pretty easy. John was going to
dress up as a 70’s basketball player, meaning that his costume consisted of
a jersey, tight satin basketball shorts, an elastic headband and a pair of
sneakers. His party was scheduled to start at midnight and his parents
were planning on leaving much earlier because their party started at 9pm.

John’s plan was to have everything ready in time for his brothers to
come over at 10pm for a little pre-party drinking.

John was sitting in the living room when his parents came down to go to
their party. Both of his parents were wearing off-the-shelf costumes they
picked up at the last minute. Mark Carlson was dressed as a cowboy in full
regalia complete with a set of plastic spurs attached to his heels. Vicky
Carlson wore a french maid costume, or much to John’s astonishment she wore
a slutty french maid costume.Â

John’s mother looked stunning. At 42 years old she looked at least 10
years younger. Her costume was fairly simple but also very revealing. It
was a small black dress, made out of the same cheap nylon material you
would expect from Halloween costumes. The thin, black dress clung to every
curve of her body. The neckline was trimmed with white lace which
converged into a small white satin bow right in the center of her chest.
The top had a built in underwire for support so she didn’t bother wearing a
bra with it. A dainty white lace apron was tied around her waist with a
white satin ribbon and rested on the front of the skirt of the dress. The
skirt hung loosely around her hips and was also trimmed with white lace.
The short skirt barely covered her legs, on which she wore a pair of white
thigh high stockings held up by a white lace garter belt. The clasps of
the garter belt just poked out from beneath her skirt. The outfit was
completed with a black silk ribbon choker and a pair of impossibly tall
black high heels, which immediately reminded John of stripper shoes.
Vicky’s dirty blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and instead of
covering up her cleavage simply drew attention to her two soft mounds
straining against the thin material.

“So, how do we look?”

John looked up at his mother as she asked the question. He was used to
his parents being fairly conservative in their costumes and was taken aback
at how revealing his mother’s outfit was.Â

“I, uh, you guys look great.”

“Don’t play coy with me young man, I can tell you don’t like it. What’s

“It’s not that, mom, it’s just that… Well, don’t you think that
outfit is a little revealing?”

“What, you think I’m too old for it?” She teased as she turned to show
off the costume.

“No, mom. You look great. I guess I’m just not used to seeing you
dress like that. Don’t worry about it mom, you guys look great.”

“Thanks, and don’t worry these parties never get too wild. And besides,
I have your dad here to protect me in case anyone gets fresh.”Â

Vicky slipped her arm around her husband and winked at her son, letting
him know that she was only playing around with him.Â

“Let’s go honey, we don’t want to be late.” John watched as his father
led his mother through the house to the garage.

“Goodnight honey, and remember our deal. This place had better be
cleaned up before we get home tomorrow. And no cops!”

“Bye mom, don’t worry I have everything under control.”

John killed time until the party by watching ESPN. A few of the frat
brothers trickled in each bringing a six-pack in tow. Eric was the last to
arrive and was expected to bring the keg. He showed up empty handed
complaining that the guy at the beer distributor rejected his ID. John saw
this as a perfect opportunity to prove how valuable he could be and
volunteered to pick up the keg knowing that he had a foolproof ID. He left
the frat brothers in his basement watching TV and drinking beer while he
left to get the keg.

It was almost 11pm when Vicky tip-toed through the back door. She knew
that John would be devastated if he caught her at the house but she also
knew that his party wasn’t supposed to start for another hour. Her husband
had forgotten the charger for his phone and she offered to run home and
pick it up for him. Vicky carefully crept through the back door and once
she realized that the house was empty she went upstairs and stuffed the
charger in her purse. On her way back out she heard the TV from the
basement and decided to say goodnight to her son one last time.Â

As she turned into the basement at the bottom of the stairs she saw a
group of college guys watching TV and noticed that her son was not among

They saw her standing there and all four of them turned towards her
before she could sneak back out.Â

“Oh, hi. I’m sorry to interrupt. I was looking for John.”

“Oh, he went out for a little while and should be back any minute.”

“I don’t know. We agreed that I wouldn’t come until later. I don’t
want him to get upset.”

Eric, who failed on the beer mission, was the first to speak up. He
quickly put two and two together and realized that John must have hired a
stripper for them as a surprise.

“Don’t worry about it. We don’t mind that you came over early. Why
don’t you come over here and sit with us while you wait for him. Here let
me get you a drink.”

Eric wasted no time waiting for a response and poured Vicky a full cup
of the special punch.Â

Realizing that she was already going to embarrass him she decided to
stay until he got back so that she could at least explain why she was
there. She was also pretty bored at the other party and so was in no rush
to get back.Â

“Well, I guess I can join you for one drink.” Vicky walked over to the
couch as Eric handed her the drink.Â

The signature punch was specially formulated to be a deadly combination
of incredibly easy to drink while also having a very high alcohol content.
Vicky fell right into the trap and eagerly sucked down the first half of
her drink without realizing how strong it was. She had already had a few
drinks at the other party and so this new drink quickly pushed her from
being slightly buzzed to mildly drunk.

The frat brothers had been drinking beer while John went to get the keg
so they too were already buzzed and eager to enjoy the entertainment. They
picked up on her desire to wait for John and so they refrained from being
too overt until he arrived.Â

Eric took the lead in the conversation and complimented Mrs. Carlson on
her outfit.Â

Having finished her 16oz cup of punch, Vicky was feeling a little warm
and her guard was lowered. She was enjoying the attention from the young
men in front of her, but she didn’t think anything of it.

“Really? Are you sure it’s not too revealing?” She asked playfully.

“Why don’t you let us get a better look at it?”Â

Eric took her empty cup and encouraged her to stand up. Without even
asking for it, a replacement was placed on the table next to Eric and the
empty was taken away.

Vicky was now standing in front of the four college frat brothers. She
was a little unsteady as she got up but she managed to not fall back

“Turn around so we can see the rest of it.” Eric encouraged her.

Vicky was feeling loose and a little frisky for some reason and decided
to give them what they wanted. Her costume was, as her son noticed
earlier, more revealing that she would normally wear and though she
initially had second thoughts about it she found that she enjoyed the
attention she was getting.

Vicky slowly turned around, trying hard not to trip on her own heels.
She paused briefly while her back was to them before she proceeded to
complete her turn.Â

“Well?” She asked with a crooked smile. “What do you think guys?”

The room filled with catcalls and comments about how hot she looked.
She and her husband had a healthy sex life for a couple that has been
together for over twenty years, but she couldn’t recall the last time he
told her that she look hot or looked at her the way these guys were. Vicky
felt flushed and happily took another drink when it was handed to her. The
cold punch helped settle her nerves as she stood before the teens.

“I don’t know. I feel naked without a bra on.” She said as she
absentmindedly looked down at her chest and pulled the dress away from her
body slightly.

“You look great, and I don’t think you need to worry about a bra.” Eric
wanted to keep the ball rolling until John got back.Â

“I’m jealous; you guys look like you’re going to have a great party
tonight. I was at another party that really boring. I was the only one

“You’re welcome to stay all night!”

“No, I don’t think John would want to me stay any longer than

“So, you like to dance?”

One of the brothers walked over to the stereo and flipped it on, filling
the room with a generic pop dance song as Eric got up.

“Let’s dance then. Here, why don’t you finish your drink first?” Eric
helped tip back her cup while she brought it to her mouth and held it there
until she finished it. Eric took the empty cup and handed it off to be

Eric began dancing with Vicky but was careful not to be too touchy at
first. While dancing, Eric mentioned that he didn’t know her name.

“It’s Vicky.”

Eric placed his hands on her hips as he leaned in to whisper in her

“Vicky… that’s a very sexy name.”

Vicky was surprised at how forward this young man was being but she
couldn’t help but blush. She felt somewhat vulnerable but also felt safe
knowing that she was in her own house and these were her son’s friends so
she didn’t immediately object.

Before long, Vicky felt one of the other frat brothers inching his way
up behind her and found herself being sandwiched between the two young men.

While his mom was getting used to having two men pressing against her,
John came home. Upstairs in the kitchen, John ran into one of the brothers
while bringing the keg tap in.

“Hey John!”
“I got the

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