Breakfast with Asian Kim
By: Date: 2023.03.31. Categories: Just Asian Fantasies Tags: , , ,

Joe knocked on the front door with an eager
anticipation. He hadn’t seen Bill in two years, and was
dying to renew their friendship. That’s the trouble
with switching jobs and relocating: you miss out on
your dearest friend’s lives. And what friends they
were. From junior high through college, they were
nearly inseparable.

The door opened, but instead of finding Bill’s beaming
smile staring back at him, he beheld a beautiful Asian
face instead. It was Kim, Bill’s wife of a year-and-a-

“Hi. Are you Joe?” she asked.

“Yes, and you must be Kim.”

They shook hands, and Kim let him into the house. Joe
realized she must have just woken up, as she was still
dressed in a cream silk robe. He followed his friend’s
wife into the kitchen, expecting to find his old buddy

“I’m sorry; But Bill had to go in early today. He
thought about calling you, but figured you would turn
down a free breakfast.” Kim had moved by the stove,
where Joe saw a pan of sizzling bacon near completion.
A nearby skillet had some great-looking pancakes
browning on top. Joe had to agree with the theory.
Chances were, he wouldn’t have come had he known Bill
wouldn’t be here.

What would have been the point? Though he did want to
meet Bill’s wife, who had turned out to be quite
attractive, it was his long time friendship he wanted
to renew. He was so glad to be back home. So glad to be
living just a few doors down from his best friend and
the rather shapely Kim.

Joe had been looking at the food cooking towards
completion, but now turned his eyes on his friend’s
wife. He started to realize just how lucky Bill was…

“I hope you’re hungry! Have a seat…” Joe pulled out a
chair from the table, and sat down. He was hungry! Kim
turned, a glass of orange juice in her hand, and
stepped to the table.

Bill watched her hand slide the glass to him, then
started to look up and offer a smile of thanks. But
something caught his eye.

Kim’s robe had opened with her lean, and the
unmistakable forms of her breasts pushed against the
silk, producing a rather enticing cleavage. The cream
robe blended perfectly with her creamy Asian flesh, and
the ample curves produced by the two breasts were
separated by the recessed, shadowy area created between
them. She stood up again, unaware that Joe had found
her chest so interesting.

Joe took the juice, and chastised himself for checking
out his friend’s wife. As a still single guy, his
instincts sometimes got the better of him. But no

Kim slid a spatula under a pancake, and slipped it onto
a plate. Bill watched her, not so much form burning
lust but from the fact he really had nothing else to
look at. “You did well for yourself, ol’ buddy…” he
thought as he eyed Kim’s slim form. He looked towards
her chest again, noting the fabric had resealed the
view. “I didn’t think Asian women’s breasts got that
big!” he continued thinking to himself as he glued his
gaze to her upper body.

He hadn’t thought about it when he first walked in the
door, but her breasts were substantial. They dominated
her slim frame. Joe wondered if they were the reason
Bill had courted her. If so, they were two very
convincing reasons. She would have little problem
earning the label of well-endowed.

She brought the pancake to him. Joe wasn’t even aware
of where his gaze was locked until the robe re-opened
and again flashed the light brown flesh of her chest.
His eyes captured the view, from her collarbone down to
the shadow of darkness that filled the area between the
silk and the humps of her breasts. Kim set down the
plate, and laid out the silver ware. Her eyes were
intent on her actions, allowing Joe to freely look down
her chest and enjoy the jiggling cleavage.

“Very nice…” he again thought to himself. “Oh, quit
it! Stop looking at her tits!” he commanded his eyes.
But the gaze didn’t break until she turned around, and
headed back for the stove.

Kim fixed her own plate, and sat down across him. The
two ate quietly, then started to become aquatinted
after their breakfast.

“So how long have you and Bill known each other?” she

“Oh god, years… we go way back.”

“I figured. He’s told me a lot about you. He was very
disappointed you couldn’t come to the wedding.”

“I know, I know… My stupid job… I really would have
liked to have been there…”

“Would you like to see some pictures?”


Kim rose from her chair, and went to a table in the
family room. She picked up a photo album, and brought
it to Joe’s side. Joe cleared his plate out of the way,
and opened the album.

He laughed as he saw his friend, all decked-out in a
tux and wearing a stupid grin. Then he saw Kim. She was
absolutely stunning. With makeup on her face, she could
easily be a model. Her dress was skin tight, revealing
an incredibly shapely body highlighted by the now
familiar cleavage poking out from the cut of her dress.
Bill turned his head, read to offer some safe comment
of his approval. But he quickly jerked his head back.

Kim stood against the table, leaning slightly as she
enjoyed the pictures with him. The slight lean was all
that was necessary to expose a significant portion of
her left breast.

Joe turned to the next page. Exactly as he did so, his
fingers went numb. A wave of heat spread through him.
His eyes pointed to the pictures, but were unable to
focus. They were locked in the distance they wanted to
see – the distance to Kim’s tit.

He snuck a peak, and felt his cock harden as he noticed
the glint of the morning sun reflecting from her upper
breast and into his eye. In actuality, he could only
see about a third of the breast’s total mass. But the
closeness, the proximity of the breast, and it’s
beautiful shape were enough to make him want to grope
right then. Her delicate, brown skin… her perfect,
round curves.

He turned to the next page, moving his head as he did
so he could steal another glance. The breast heaved
slightly with a breath, and he noticed a pair of
freckles near the sternum. The right breast was blocked
by the silk robe, but the left majestically displayed
much of itself thanks to the slack on the left side of
her body.

He continued turning pages. Kim leaned closer, resting
her hand on his shoulder. The touch wasn’t sexual, it
was practical. She needed to see so she could explain
the shots.

But when she outstretched her left arm to point at a
certain detail, Joe couldn’t help but look directly
down her further opened robe. Her exposed chest moved
underneath his eye, allowing him sight of both curves,
and , oh god…, a thin ridge of her rose-colored bra.

Joe wondered if she detected his hot breath on her
exposed flesh. She seemed oblivious to the condition
she was putting him in. Why did they have to be so
big!! Joe felt at once glad for the exciting views the
open robe provided of her cleavage, and yet partly
wished she would put something more concealing over her
body. He liked looking at women’s breasts, but not his
best friend’s wife’s.

If this was any other woman, he would try to fuck her.
Either with words, or with actions, he would try to
feel her smooth body and completely expose those
incredible tits. He loved the femininity of Asian
women, and being an attractive guy, he had slept with
several in the past. But Kim was unbelievable. Those
breasts… those tits! Such a rare sight to his eyes.
He wanted to fuck her, he wanted to fuck such a rare

He neared the end of the book, when he heard crying
from upstairs. That’s right! Bill and Kim had a baby a
few months ago!

“I’ll be right back…” Kim left the table, and headed
for the stairs. Brian gulped down his remaining orange
juice, hoping his erection would settle before he tried
to get up.

Kim didn’t return right away, so Brian got up and
started examining the house. He was glad for Bill. A
good job, a hot wife, a new baby… and he did it
without leaving home. He stayed in their small little
town, whereas Joe had left for what he thought would be
bigger opportunities.

He shouldn’t have put their friendship in jeopardy a
second time. Joe had nearly ruined their relationship
their first year of college. Bill was dating a very
nice blonde, in fact, so nice of a blonde that Joe
decided he needed to fuck her. He was always luckier
with women than Bill, and sure enough, the blonde
eagerly accepted his advances.

But you shouldn’t fuck the girlfriend of your best
friend, especially when you’re roommates. Bill
surprised them by returning early one night. But he was
the more surprised to stumble in on Joe’s cock pumping
into his girlfriend’s eager pussy. And in Bill’s bed,
no less.

What a mistake. They finally patched up their
friendship, and Joe swore he would never touch his
friend’s woman again.

He turned as he heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Kim appeared around the corner.

Joe knew he had to leave once he saw her again. He
immediately made up an excuse, and started for the
door. He knew he might lose control based on what he
just saw. The cleavage was bad enough, but she now wore
the damp stains of her milk across the silk robe. She
had been breast feeding her child.

Joe made it to the door, and turned to say his
farewell. He made sure his eyes didn’t travel down her
body to the area of her wet nipples. They shook hands.

“Why don’t you come tomorrow?” she asked.

Joe noticed her robe was hanging more loosely across
her. Evidently, she hadn’t tied it as tightly as she
had earlier. Oh what the hell… he looked again. Her
cleavage swooped down her chest, past the round tops of
her breasts and the protruding curves. Right down past
the descending curve back to her chest. She had taken
off her bra.

“Ok.” Joe headed out, chastising himself for the urges
that had sprung up inside him. It would be safer
tomorrow, he figured. She would probably be in a more
concealed state of dress…

Bill called that night, apologizing for missing his
friend. He explained they were going through a mini-
crisis at work, and that’s why he had to go in early.

“So what do you think of Kim?” He asked.

Ordinarily, Joe would have told him exactly how he
felt. He would have told him he had an incredibly hot
wife, who had the sexiest cleavage he had ever seen.
But he didn’t want Bill to know how much time he had
spent looking at her breasts. He didn’t want to plant a
seed in his mind that would recall that horrible past.

“She seems great!” He offered. “Very friendly, and a
good cook!”

Bill said he should be there the next morning. Joe
started to feel more comfortable about returning. But
he couldn’t help but flash images of Kim in his mind as
he went to sleep that night. He couldn’t help but rub
his hardened cock against the mattress…

Fuck! What was he thinking?? He had been back in town
two days, and all he could think about was Kim’s
breasts. What it would be like to see them… what it
would be like to have her robe open just a little
further, and expose the full nakedness of her breasts
and nipples. What it would be like to wedge his cock
between those soft curves…

Joe sat up, and beat his cock raw the rest of the night
thinking about Kim and her breasts. He couldn’t shake
the image of their voluptuous shape covered by milk
dampened stains. This is Ok, he told himself. I can
think about her. Then nobody knows, and nobody gets

He finally fell asleep, and dreamt of Kim sleeping
beside him; the wind gently blowing open her robe and
exposing the shadowed line of her Asian cleavage, and
the little curve formed above the sternum where they
met in a soft press. The robe flapped in the breeze,
tantalizing him with large exposed areas, but never
enough to see her nipples. Evidently, his mind knew
where to draw the line.

He arrived at breakfast the next morning. Again, Bill
had to leave before he got there. Joe had thought about
coming earlier, but realized it would be more difficult
to stare at Kim’s breasts with her husband in the room.
He fought the idea in his mind. Yes, he wanted to look
at Kim. He wanted to once again soak up the sight of
that heaving Asian cleavage. And if Bill caught him! He
didn’t want to think about that. He had looked at,
admired, and masturbated to her tits. But he wasn’t
doing anything really wrong.

After Kim opened the door, Joe nearly had a heart
attack. He had barely sized up her extremely short and
delicate robe when she wrapped her arms around him and
gave him a hug. Joe had to arch his hips to keep her
from feeling his hard-on. But he did manage to feel
those magnificently soft breasts mash against him…

Oh, Goood! He thought when she stepped back. She had
applied a full day’s makeup. Her hair was clean and
radiant. And that robe! Joe stole a glance at her bare
thighs and the promising area between them. It went
only a little past her waist, and seemed to be glued to
her perfect breasts, unable to conceal their full shape
in anyway. Of course, her trademark cleavage was
carefully hidden under the silk. But with luck, this
robe would open as easily as the first.

Joe found it impossible to take his eyes off her now.

She moved through the kitchen, stretching and leaning
in ways that seemed to psychically call out, “Fuck me.”
Joe wanted to answer those calls, but worked out his
frustration by chewing his food.

She still seemed perfectly oblivious to her arousing
state of dress. She acted like a caring host, but
didn’t make any comments or innuendoes to suggest she
was trying to seduce Joe. She was a very sexy woman,
and probably dressed like this to please Bill. Since he
was Bill’s best friend, she obviously felt she could
trust him not to have sexual thoughts about her.

But she was wrong. And Joe hated himself for it. He
would have given his right arm to touch and kiss those
breasts for even five minutes.

Kim knelt in front of him, handing him a slice of
grapefruit. “Thank you.” Joe said. Not for the
grapefruit, but the overdue parting of her robe. Her
cleavage crept with the bend, opening to what appeared
to be the top of a lacy white bra. Her Asian flesh
called to him from the shadow across her chest….
“Taste me… lick me… rub me…”

“That looks very nice!” Joe said. Again, he wasn’t
talking about the grapefruit.

Kim moved over to the door and glanced outside.

“Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day!” she
beamed. She turned a bit, and leaned against the
countertop. She lifted her hands to her head, pulling
her shiny hair up with her fingers.

Her body was positioned between Joe and the outside
light. That proved most effective at demonstrating the
sheer quality of her chosen robe. Her slim, toned body
cut a striking silhouette under the garment. Her legs,
her hips, and of course, her breasts, were all outlined
to their exact shape. She moaned lightly as she exhaled
a deep, erotic breath.

Joe stared at her body, feeling safe in his lustful
gaze so long as Kim’s eyes remained closed. He could
practically feel her breasts with his eyes, and taste
the protruding nipples with the same look.

Like the day before, the scene was interrupted by the
sound of the crying infant. Joe managed to break his
admiring stare before Kim could open her own eyes and
notice him. She quickly bounded to the stairs, heading
for her needy child.

Joe thrust his hand into his pants and found his
throbbing cock. He jerked himself right at the
breakfast table, the image of Kim burning in his mind.

“Oh, Kim… oh Kim…” he muttered to himself. He knew
he was going to cum, but where? He didn’t want to
splooge into his pants, announcing his actions to the
young mother. He stood up, stroking himself as he
walked, and made it to the sink. He pictured Kim
opening her robe for the infant child, exposing that
heavenly breast and life-giving nipple. He imagined the
baby’s young lips covering the tit, milking it for its
needed nourishment.

Joe came into the sink. He unloaded onto an unwashed
plate, moaning Kim’s name quietly as he did. He rubbed
himself a few more times, then quickly rinsed the plate
and the small amount of sperm on his hands.

He managed the rest of the breakfast more easily, now
that his monster load of cum had been dumped. But a few
more leans brought a few more glimpses of Kim’s
bursting Asian cleavage, and he found himself hard
again in no time.

Needless to say. Tomorrow’s invitation was accepted
with eagerness. This couldn’t go on forever. Joe would
start his new job the next week, and these little
erotic breakfasts would come to an end. “Might as well
enjoy it while I can…” he reasoned.

Kim wore the same robe the next morning. She wore the
same robe, and once again, Joe was the only one there
to appreciate it. Kim made omelets, and performed the
usual stretching and reaching routines from the
previous days. Joe particularly watched as she
stretched high up for something on an upper shelf. His
mind told him to offer to get it for her, but his body
made him sit, and look to the tight little ass lifting
up with her reach.

Oh, yes… Sure enough, a flash of Kim’s white silk
panties crept out from underneath the robe. Oh, that
precious spot between her legs and under her ass. Joe
started to wonder why he put himself through this. Why
did he continue to come over and be inadvertently
boiled to a sexual frenzy?

“Could you screw this top off?”

Joe thought she meant her bra, or he hoped she meant
her bra. But the jar in her hand quickly ruined that
fantasy. Kim walked to him, rested the jar and the
table, and bent forward.

Joe watched the exposed portion of her chest grow from
the thin line of her cleavage to the complete sight of
her breasts and the lacy pink bra that held them. The
robe dangled well below her bursting bosom. Her breasts
dangled deliciously in the lacy cups.

Joe sat with his mouth hanging open. He could see
nearly every detail of this beautiful Asian woman’s
chest. He could clearly see the line of skin where her
breasts sprouted from her thin frame. He could see the
bra straps loosely hanging from her shoulder and the
breasts shifting slightly inside the cups. Those same
cups indented the skin along the ridge, their firm hold
shaping, and supporting the massive size. He again
noticed several little freckles, and immediately wished
he could kiss them.

“Go ahead, use those strong hands.”

Joe almost reached for her tits, but figured she meant
the jar. He placed his hand on the round lid, staring
at the humps dangling behind it. Kim didn’t rise from
her position. She held her pose, seemingly unaware of
how highly exposed her motherly female parts had
become. Those breasts!! Those over sized, Asian breasts
held so firmly in that lovely pink bra. And they
weren’t just large from her pregnancy. Those babies
were huge in her wedding photos. She was a large-
breasted woman, pure and simple.

As much as he wanted to bathe in the sight of her tits,
Joe realized he had better unscrew the top. He twisted
it hard, and it came off. Kim reached for the lid,
lifting her exposed right breast higher than the left
but inducing a maddening jiggle in both.

She then continued cooking, but was interrupted by the
baby crying. She interrupted her preparation, and
headed for the stairs.

Joe again slid his hand down his pants. He massaged the
aching tip of his penis, trying his best to simulate
the feel of Kim’s smooth, creamy breasts. Then he had
an idea. He sprang to his feet, his pants still
unzipped. He carefully moved up the stairs, hoping he
wouldn’t call attention to himself.

He heard Kim cooing in the background, and noticed a
light streaming through the door at the end of the
hall. He tiptoed towards it, hoping against hope he
could pull off his mission.

His heart pounded as he moved his eye in line with the
opening. He quickly made out Kim’s luxuriant hair, and
her slightly rocking head. She was turned away from
him, allowing him to move closer to the door to
expanding his field of view.

Kim sat on the bed, her arms undoubtedly holding up her
newborn to her milky breast. Joe struggled for a look
at the creamy skin, praying he could see at least one
of her hidden nipples. But her back was directly
towards him.

Damn! Joe grew frustrated as Kim began humming to her
baby. Then he noticed it! Directly opposite Kim’s
lovely exposed front was a full-sized mirror. Joe’s
eyes darted to the reflection, and quickly picked up on
Kim’s open robe, and the breast she bared for her

He couldn’t see the nipple… the infant’s mouth and
head blocked the view. But he could see the full
roundness… the gentle slope beginning at the top of
the breast and ending in a large, curved mass of brown
flesh. His hand went back into his pants, and he began
to massage his cock slowly.

He watched as excess milk spilled down her breast, and
how she mopped it up with her robe. He watched as Kim
closed her eyes. She had stopped humming, and now
heaved her breasts with heavy breath.

She was moaning!

Joe quickened the pace on his cock as he realized she
was enjoying the sucking. She was getting excited! She
moved her hand, as though she was going to touch
herself, but evidently thought better of it. She pulled
the baby closer, and started squeezing her unused
breast with her left hand.

Joe knew he was about to cum. He didn’t want to leave,
but felt unloading his sperm on her bedroom door
wouldn’t be too appropriate. He made it back
downstairs, and released once again into the sink.

Kim came down a few moments later. Joe’s cock returned
to life as the glowing beauty stood in front of him,
her left nipple clearly visible through the milk
dampened robe. Joe ate his breakfast, but wished he had
what the baby got.

Kim moved back to her counter, and took a nearby towel
into her hands. Joe watched her from the side as she
brought the towel against the dampness. He watched the
contour of the breast beneath the robe shift and alter
as she rubbed herself with the towel. She then slipped
the towel inside, palming it against the curved,
moistened breast beneath. Joe watched as she dabbed at
the milk, and the eventually returned to her cooking.

She didn’t bother to reseal her robe. She sat down
opposite Joe, the robe sagging wonderfully towards her
side and exposing that cleavage. About half the
vertical distance of her breasts were visible, and the
smooth, shimmering outlines suggested that she was
braless once again.

“Well,” she said as Joe headed out the door “sorry you
haven’t had a chance to eat with Bill. I hope I have
been good company…”

“The best,” Joe replied.

“We’ll get together over the weekend, I’m sure. I know
he’s going in early again tomorrow, but why don’t you
come over for one last breakfast?”

“I wouldn’t miss it!” Indeed not. Joe knew he couldn’t
refuse looking down her robe one last time. In Bill’s
company, he completely expected those wonderful tits to
be covered.

The last morning began as usual. Kim hugged him as he
arrived, pressing her warm, cushioning body against
him. Joe noticed one thing different: she had a chain
around her neck that disappeared into the closed robe.

Another thing was different. No cooking. The kitchen
was without smell, the stove without heat. Joe was a
little confused, but figured she just hadn’t started

“Have a seat,” she offered Joe. Kim sat down beside
him, not across. She was at the head of the table, at a
ninety degree angle.

She started with small talk, asking about Joe’s life in
town back before he left. Joe answered her questions,
figuring she just wasn’t hungry yet. Or maybe she had
something finished she had in the fridge or something.

“You know, I have a long time child hood friend, too,”
Kim said.


“Yes. I have a picture. Would you like to see it?”


Kim smiled, and pulled open her robe. Joe’s heart
pounded as she willingly exposed her cleavage. The
chain that rested against her bosom ended in a small
locket. Kim folded back her robe, allowing it to remain
open. She grasped the locket, opened it, and held it
towards Joe. The chain wasn’t that long. As Joe leaned
forward to clearly see the picture, he realized he was
only inches from her breasts. His body went numb. His
breath quickened. His cock screamed at him from within
his pants.

In all honesty, he couldn’t have told you what the
picture was. His eyes looked right past it, and down
Kim’s magnificent chest. She wore no bra. Her
beautiful, large, Asian breasts heaved in front of him,
with only enough robe left on them to cover her
nipples. The dark skin merged with the shadows that
formed further down her body. Her light freckles sat
happily beside the glinting light from outside.

Kim closed the locket, but didn’t close the robe. She
sat across from Joe, talking now about how much she
enjoyed having a child. And how she hoped the baby
would be a best friend to her. Joe looked at her,
allowing his eyes to wander down to her exposed chest
as often as possible. He was obsessed, enchanted, and
unbelievably aroused by those incredible breasts. Kim
continued on about her baby, and the bond she already
felt she shared with it.

“Speaking of which…”

Kim cupped her left breast. She squeezed it slightly.

Joe saw the silk above the nipple dampen.

“Excuse me for a minute.” Kim got up, and headed for
the stairs.

The timing was wise. Joe wondered if he could keep from
attacking his friend’s wife. He had enjoyed her
unconscious views, but today… He wanted her. He
wanted to take her, and caress those bouncing breasts
and make them his own. He wanted… Joe continued his
new ritual and slid his hand into his pants. He wrapped
it around his engorged cock, trying to comfort his
lust. Come on boy, he thought… can’t think about
that… He got up, working his cock with a fever. He
walked into the family room, pleading with his body not
to head for the stairs. His pants were past his hips,
making his steps difficult. He jerked himself, fearing
any loss of contact would create a moment of weakness.
And then… who knows…


Oh shit! Joe pulled his hand out as he heard Kim coming
back down the hall. He barely got his pants up before
Kim appeared around the corner.

She carried her infant child in her arms.

“You don’t mind if I breast-feed, do you?”

Joe stammered out, “N-no.” But oh fuck… was she really
going to do it? Oh fuck!

The infant tugged at the silk. Joe watched as the tiny
hand managed to open her robe in uncontrolled jerks,
exposing her dripping nipple in quick flashes. The
infant’s tiny fingers found there way to the tit, and
Joe felt ready to cum his pants as the fragile hand
clamped her brown, tender nip.

Kim sat down, and properly opened her robe. She sat
directly in front of Joe, unashamed of the gorgeous
breast she made naked before him. The baby’s mouth
quickly found its breakfast, and happily sucked the
warm milk from her tit.

Joe watched the tiny mouth purse and suckle the round
nipple. He watched the excess milk run out the baby’s
mouth, down Kim’s bare breast, and onto the white silk
robe beneath.

He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t breathe. His body
tingled from head to toe as he watched this female,
this beautiful Asian female, suckle her infant child to
her naked breast. The motherly instinct over-rode any
self-consciousness of the nudity of her chest, or the
open legs that Joe now realized offered a clear view of
her skimpy white panties.

Maybe she just trusted him. Maybe she felt he was so
close to Bill, that he certainly would be close enough
for this. Joe noticed the locket was gone, and then
remembered his own pants were unzipped and open.

He finally looked at her face. Kim’s eyes pierced
through him as she stared back. She stared back with a
look that at first suggested anger. An anger coming
from the realization Joe was getting sexually aroused
during this perfectly natural female act.

“What have you been doing?’ she said in a motherly

She held the infant in her arms, but mostly with her
left one. Her right arm pulled away, and brought her
hand to her neck. Her fingertips ran against the
smooth, creamy brown flesh. They ran down the middle of
her chest and over the dark, curved line formed by the
pressing of her breasts. She took the robe in hand, and
lifted it from her right, dripping nipple.

“Come here, baby… come get your breakfast.”

Joe lunged for her. He strode quickly to her, then
knelt before her.

“Ohh!” Kim moaned as Joe took the free nipple into his
mouth. The warm, sweet milk flowed across his tongue.
Joe sucked on her breast, letting the fluid pump freely
into his mouth. He gulped it down, sucking her motherly
fluid into him… tasting her body… tasting his
friend’s wife’s breast… He kissed the nipple through
the stream, allowing milk to drip down Kim’s chest and
stomach on her right side.

“Oh, baby…” Kim squeezed the breast, milking it for
Joe who continued to suck. His eyes looked down her
body. Her legs were open, but not all the way. Joe slid
his hand under the robe.

“Oh yes… touch mommy…” Kim arched slightly as Joe
brought his fingertips against her soaking panties. He
was going to fuck her, he knew that. He was going to
fuck his best friend’s wife. His conscience ordered him
to stop, but as his eyes saw the droplets of white milk
spatter against her pussy, his body took control.

Joe felt the infant’s foot brush against his earlobe.
The child continued suckling her left breast, evidently
content that it would be enough. He smiled, knowing he
was enjoying this more.

His fingers pushed against Kim’s sweet, Asian opening.

“Uhhh, ooh yess!” Kim’s body flinched, as though she
had anticipated the touch for years. He rubbed her
slit, feeling the soft silk rub against the ridges of
her cunt. He bit her nipple.

“Ahh, uhhhh!” She thrashed slightly. Joe felt her cunt
twitch, and slid his fingers past her panties and
inside her. Her pussy was warm and moist. He flashed
momentarily on Bill, and the realization his fingers
were now where Bills’ cock had been, where Bill’s cock
had to be in order to make that child. He felt some
milk dripping onto his hand. He rubbed it into her
cunt, imagining the sight must have been similar to
when her cunt dripped the white of her husband’s sperm.

“Oh… my cock…” Joe could barely stand the pain of
his raging penis.

“Aww, poor baby! Let mommy have a look!” Joe’s moth
moved off her breast.

She leaned forward, still clutching her baby, and slid
down Joe’s already opened pants. His swelled penis
popped out and dangled in front of her.

“Look, it’s all swollen… want mommy to kiss it and
make it better?”

Joe didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. Kim rested her
child on the couch, then pressed her warm, sweet lips
against Joe’s shaft.

“Oh…” He moaned with the touch.

Kim kissed it several times. Soft kisses. Motherly
kisses. She began stroking it, like a mother rubs her
child’s elbow after a fall.

“Is this better? Does that feel good?”

“Ohh, yess. That feels so good! So good…”

She took it into her mouth, applying tight sucks with
the gentle bobbing of her head. She sucked him for a
minute or so, cooing reassuring sounds from deep in her
throat. Joe watched her lips glisten his cock, and the
bobbing of her breasts beneath it. Kim pulled her mouth
away, but continued stroking with her hand.

“Why don’t you lie down here, and mommy will tuck you

Kim stood and picked up the baby. She let her robe
dangle open as she rested the child in a nearby

In the meantime, Joe stretched out on the couch. He was
flat on his back, watching Kim as she returned. She
noticed his erect penis poking straight up, and stroked
it some more. Then, she dropped her robe. Joe’s cock
yearned for her touch to return as he beheld Kim’s
naked body. Her flesh glistened in the streams of milk
that ran down her front. She climbed over him. Her
dangling breasts brushed against his chest. Her nipples
jiggled to his mouth. He kissed each one before Kim
moved her own lips to his.

He felt his body humping upwards as Kim pressed against
him. His hard cock rubbed against her panties.

“Mommy needs you to get undressed…”

She helped Joe undo the buttons of his shirt. He
eagerly slid out of it as he let his eyes become
hypnotized by Kim’s jiggling tits.

“Mommy needs help getting undressed…”

Joe moved his hands to her hips, and slid off her
panties. She wriggled her body and moved up on him,
allowing Joe to get them completely off.

“Give mommy a kiss, honey.”

Joe kissed the exposed pussy that sat in his face. Kim
rubbed it up and down, spreading her juice across is
chin and nose.

“Mommy’s going to take care of you now. She’s going to
make your penis feel all better…” She moved back down
on him. Joe let his muscles go limp as Kim massaged his
bare chest. She moved her hands down and steered his
cock into her cunt. She started humping his desperate
penis, moving her hips up and down with increasing

Joe watched her bouncing body as her cunt tightened on
his cock.

“Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Is mommy’s pussy helping?”

“Oh yes, ohh, god yes!”

Her breasts bounced with her fucks. Joe reached his
hands up, caressing those sweet Asian breasts while
those sweet Asian hips drove him into her. He was
fucking his best friend’s wife. And loving it. Her
breasts continued to squirt, Joe caught what could in
his mouth and let the rest splash on him.

“Ohh! You’re such a good boy!” she screamed.

Joe felt the sperm surge from his cock and into Kim.
She squealed as she felt his hot cum lick the insides
of her pussy. She slowed her bounces, savoring the feel
of his cock as it lost its hardness.

She collapsed on him, and kissed his nose. Joe felt the
warm pressure of her cushioning breasts and the poking
of her erect nipples.

“Do you need mommy to sleep with you?” she asked.

“Yes,” Joe answered. She rested her head against him
and closed her eyes. Joe stayed awake for awhile,
enjoying the feel of his friend’s wife against him. He
had to fuck her, he just had to. He felt a small
burning of guilt, but it was overshadowed by a more
powerful feeling: the anticipation of fucking her

He just hoped he was finished before Bill came home.

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