A Teacher Mom In Trouble
By: Date: 2021.05.11. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , ,

Feel free to express any opinions on this or any other
of my works at the same time as I am actively solicit-
ing e-mail and will correspond with anyone who wishes.

Teacher Wife was a story told through the eyes of a
husband of his wife falling victim to the horny desires
of six of her teenage students. The enable was abso-
lutely an inspired stroke of genius, as a school pro-
ject was combined with a helping of drugs and alcohol
to ensure that the wife gave the kids the experience
they were wanting.

I am going to keep the school project and the use of
drugs almost exactly as originally presented in concept
but really try to expand on them into a major focal
point in my own story as they are what was hilarious
to me in the original. Everything else is an mkarl
original as it is my mom and the guys I grew up with
taking care of the action. The story goes through my
eyes and as usual the story will be open ended with the
baby on the way [oops!]

And now the main event:

I don’t feel sorry. If my dad leaves her… so what.
Mom should not have made me so horny. She deserved it.
She gets all the guys so fucking horny that we had to
do it. Tyrone had the plan but we all knew mom was so
stupid that it would work perfect. They thought I
would not want to fuck her too, but so what if she is
my mom? I am not dead. I know the perfect fuck when I
see her as well as any of those horny bastards so I
took my turn. I mean she is my mom and the family
wrecked was mine so I deserved to have my go at mom
as well as a copy of the videotape to enjoy any time
I like.

I know I am rambling but I want everyone to know I
don’t care if mom is knocked up or not. I realized no
one will know who I am or my mom and actually that is
the only way I am able to rant about our day with mom
as our fuck-toy because dad has no idea it even hap-
pened. Even mom’s recollection of the first time is
almost nil because of the drugs and alcohol but she is
now fully aware that the baby on board is black and it
is too late to convince dad that it was rape so he
will be leaving the picture with the impression that
she was a slut fucking around on him. What a laugh
that will be. I will miss dad of course but mom brought
everything on herself and having her life so totally
fucked-up is worth any dad.

I want everyone to be able to understand why I did it.
I am no monster or freak. I am just your typical all-
americain-thirteen-year-old-next-door type of kid that
has his needs and just also happens to have my own
mother as my English teacher. As luck has it the class
is predominantly comprised of several of the sports
heroes of our community and as is usually the case,
the lads in question are all persons of color. I am
pretty athletic myself and am accepted more or less as
one of the niggers when we hang out so that is how
they got involved in my tale.

Mom is the personification of the liberal, bleeding-
heart, save-the-world, purer-then-snow ultimate do-
gooder. She is very book smart but has no fucking clue
the way she drives the kids insane with her hot body
in those prim and proper teacher dresses. My good
friend Tyrone confided in me at the beginning of
semester that he had wood for my mom. He got all
apologetic if it offended me but I told him I would be
into that. We both had a good laugh and spent the year
trying to figure out how to make it happen. Then Tyrone
got a hold of the Ecstasy.

The stuff is fucking legal. Can you believe it. I mean
on it’s own ecstasy just makes a person a little more
friendly while confusing them and drying them up but
Tyrone explained it to me that if we could feed enough
of it to mom then her taste would get distorted enough
we would be able to get her bombed on alcohol before
she even knew she was being raped. He told me that a
group of the guys wanted in on the fun and they could
do it without me if I would be too embarrassed. Yeah,

The final piece of the pie was the most perfect one of
all. Tyrone had received an assignment from mom herself
to do a consumer testing style interview. It would be
the way to get mom high as long as she was so predic-
table and would fall helplessly into our delicious
little trap. I approached mom with the bait.

“What does he want?”

“He needs us to be his interview subjects mom.”

“He is suppose to interview Sarah.”

“She isn’t available Saturday, mom. Tyrone really needs
a good mark. You know he is in danger of failing the

“I am quiet aware of that but I can’t show favoritism.”

“He doesn’t need it mom. You should see how clever he
is. He even is renting a video-camera to make the
interview real. He bought crackers and everything.”

“Wow. That is a lot more then was assigned. It sounds
like he should get a wonderful mark.”

“He really needs to try the interview just so he won’t
be nervous in class.”

“Why don’t you do it Michael?”

“I am going to help him with the video mom. Come-on.
Dad is away all Saturday. You are not doing anything

“All right Michael. I do want Tyrone to do well. It
would be better if his partner reversed with him but
I guess they can do it during study period on Monday.”

“Thanks mom. You don’t know how happy he is going to

Tyrone was able to get everything we needed. He had
enough ecstasy to drug an elephant. We had the video
camera for the day and Tyrone had handcuffs and a ball-
gag in case things didn’t go as planned. According to
everything on the Internet that we could find, once
the Ecstasy started kicking in then mom would get
dizzy and thirsty. We planned to use her confusion to
get her tied-up if possible. Ideally the combination
of Ecstasy and alcohol would turn her into a slut
ready for anything but we were committed to a full
scale rape if that is what it would take.

Mom was in a school dress when Tyrone came over which
was strange for a Saturday as she was normally more
casual around the house. I guess she wanted to maintain
as much authority as possible. I half wondered if mom
was concerned having a young black stud in the house
with her, without her husband around if things got
out of hand.

I set the camera up on the tripod and waited while
Tyrone joined mom on the couch. He was so excellent
that mom just ate him up as the serious student only
trying to better himself.

“Now Mrs. Knight, as you know I am conducting market
research to determine consumer preference to several
brands of crackers. I will need to have you try several
samples and then honestly evaluate the merits of the
product for taste, texture and visual presentation. I
know the crackers will make you quiet thirsty so I
have lots of water here for you.”

“I don’t need to eat the crackers Tyrone. This is just
pretend interviewing.”

“But I made this spread and everything special for you
Mrs. Knight.”

“Yeah but…”

“Mom he went to a lot of trouble. Doesn’t it look good.
It will just be a few crackers.”

“Well… okay. I guess so but in class, Tyrone all
that Sarah will need to do is make up answers as the
crackers are not important.”

[Crackers. It is funny to me that cracker is the
white equivalent to the term nigger. Aren’t words

We needed to get mom started on the Ecstasy and with
no guarantees as to just how much we would be able to
feed her, Tyrone went right for a specially prepared
cracker as his first choice.

“Is this potato salad? Did you make it yourself or did
your mom help.”

“I made it all myself mam. It would please me if you
ate it all.”

I zoomed the camera onto mom’s face as she took the
first Ecstasy tablet crushed onto the cracker. “So
was it Mrs..Knight.”

“It was quiet unusual. Good though. I never tasted
potato salad with quite that flavor. I guess the
cracker is what is important though. It was quiet
bland. Without the salad I would not have fancied it
at all. The shape was utterly unappealing and the
texture was dry.”

“I will give you a Ritz next. I have one with more
salad I would love you to sample Mrs. Knight.”

“It is a good thing that crackers are not very fatten-
ing. If I am going to be eating them all for your whole
half hour presentation then I could get quite fat.”

“Oh no Mrs.. Knight. You are perfect. A million
crackers couldn’t destroy that body.”

“Why thank you Tyrone.” The blush on mom’s face was
priceless but a look filled her eyes that told me
Tyrone better cool it until the drugs started to take
effect. Tyrone passed mom the Ritz cracker loaded with
the Ecstasy enriched potato salad which she completely
ate. Mom had always been partial to potato salad and
the choice of it enabled us to get large quantities of
Ecstasy into mom’s stomach before she had much food to
slow down the absorption process. Still we were going
to have to prolong things before mom would get more
manageable so we had arranged for Jerome to call the
house with his own project related problem.

We had just fed mom her third cracker when she got
the call. Tyrone and I kept our voices down as we
celebrated how perfect things were going. We had
thought she would want to be eating plain crackers at
first but we figured five or six more and she would
be so overdosed that we would have to back off or
start to risk damaging her. Deaths do to Ecstasy are
rare but I saw at least one report and I knew we had
to be careful.

Jerome kept mom on the phone for twelve minuets. She
tried to break off but Tyrone and me told her to take
her time as we could wait. I saw mom wipe her brow
and saw a trickle of sweat. Jerome finally asked to
talk to me and I told him to start over with the guys.
I saw mom dad herself again and told Jerome she was
already sweating and we would start getting her drunk.

I saw Tyrone signal me and gave him a nod. It was a
little faster then we had anticipated but mom was
almost ready for step two.

Tyrone fed mom a Keebler cracker next and we waited
as she gave her opinion. Mom’s voice actually slurred
a little. Tyrone asked her if she was feeling okay.
She said she was thirsty so Tyrone poured her a glass
of bottle water. Mom mentioned it tasted funny and we
told her it was flavored mineral water. We had mom set
up for everything.

“Mrs. Knight, next we need to perform a blind test. As
you know sight can be a big influence on a person and
all we really want in a taste test. Would it be okay
if I put my tie around your eyes.”

Without the effects of the Ecstasy I can not imagine
mom agreeing to it. I mean maybe she would have but
the request only made sense in the context of a true
test not a mock interview but there was mom nodding
her head and Tyrone putting the tie in place.

“Are you still thirsty Mrs.. Knight?”

“Yes please.”

I quickly mixed her a rye and water. I had studied
that Ecstasy affected the sense of taste but this was
pushing things as Tyrone handed the drink to my mom.

“Is this water?”

“Yeah mom.”

“It tastes funny. I have never tried bottle water
before. It is different then that first one right?”

“Yeah mom. Tyrone only has one bottle of cherry and
more of this one. It is okay isn’t it?”

“Maybe you could get be some tap water.” Mom’s voice
was really getting slurred.

“Okay mom, later. The tape is rolling so we better

“I kind of feel dizzy boys. I don’t know why. Maybe
we should finish.” She almost sounded like she was

“No Mrs.. Knight. Here I will give you another drink.”

Mom finished the rye and water.

“If you are not feeling well maybe we should go to the
final stage of the test. I will put the crackers in
your mouth so you can’t feel them or see them. Then we
will really know the best cracker. Put your arms behind
your back and I can tie them so you will not be tempted
to touch anything.”

Tyrone motioned for the handcuffs. I was fearful he had
gone too fast but to my very pleased eyes I quickly saw
mom submissively comply in her drugged little stupor.
The main effect of Ecstasy is to loosen one’s inhibi-
tions and make them more socially accommodating. Maybe
mom wanted to be our play toy. As Tyrone snapped on the
cuffs it was all irrelevant anyhow because she was long
past the point of being able to escape the fucking she
had coming.

We still had a few minuets before the guys would be at
the party so Tyrone took out the bottle of Ecstasy
tablets and told mom to open her mouth. I focused in
to catch everything as the nigger put the pill on mom’s
lips and told her to eat it.

“What was that?” She chewed and swallowed it but was
still alert enough to worry it was no cracker.

“I have the crackers in the same shape so you will not
be able to tell which is better. Open your mouth

Mom obeyed her new master and Tyrone placed another
pure pill into mom’s mouth letting his black finger
linger in her open mouth for the camera. Mom ate the

“I am so thirsty.”

“I will hold the bottle for you. Drink all you can.”

Tyrone put the mouth of the rye bottle to mom’s mouth
and started to pore it in. The numbness of mom’s mouth
from the effect’s of the Ecstasy had her dribbling out
of both sides of her mouth as Tyrone just seamed intent
on pouring the whole bottle down her throat. Mom
started pulling back and still the nigger tried to
keep the bottle in her mouth.

“No more. Please.”

Mom sounded so helpless. My cock was rock hard. It was
all we could do to wait for the gang but they must have
ran all the way to my house as there was the knock at
the door. Mom asked to be released but Tyrone just told
her I would get it. Deon was practically shouting he
was so excited as he asked me how many pills she had
taken. I told him to calm down. I quickly told them we
had her eating the pills straight as we went to the
living room. Mom knew others were with Tyrone and me.

“Michael. I am not feeling good. Please let me go.”

“Not yet mom. You need another ‘cracker’.”

Toby actually said he wanted to see her eat a pill.
Mom had to hear him. It did not really matter but it
was still careless. I wanted to tell him how stupid he
was but there was no time as Tyrone was already getting
the pill out. Everyone tried to get a good view as he
told her to open her mouth. I guess mom was finally
catching on as she shook her head and kept her mouth
shut. There was no need to delay things since everyone
was in place so Tyrone just pinched her nose. When mom
ran out of breath he stuffed the pill in and covered
her mouth so she could not spit it out. “How did that
one taste Mrs. Knight?”

The combination of Ecstasy and Rye had mom confused but
not totally stupid yet. It was pretty clear even to her
the trouble she was in with a roomful of boys, blind-
folded and bound. She had to have put two and two
together with the way she felt and Toby’s slip of the
tongue along with the show of force by Tyrone to
realize she was drugged and I was in on it. I would
have given my left arm to taste mom’s panic as her
confused little brain got the picture at last.

“Michael, let me go.” She tried to sound so tough but
she was almost crying.

“Your the project now mom. The kids all have a lot to
learn today. You want the kids to learn right mom?”

“Boy’s… please… why are you doing this?”

Poor stupid mom. That is what looking too cute will
get a girl. Maybe sex-education was not her field but
we all knew she would be able to fill the bell far
better then Mr. Hogan ever had. If she really was a
caring teacher she should be grateful to be of such a
valuable assistance in the learning process of human

“Don’t pretend you don’t want it Mrs. Knight. Michael
knows the truth. He sees the way ‘mommy’ makes eyes at
the niggers. I told him how you pressed against me
when I asked you to explain that word last week and
pressed your tits against me.”

“That is not true.”

“You want this. Every white bitch want’s the nigger

“Don’t use ‘that’ word.”

“What word?”

“It is not proper.” Fuck mom was funny. She was about
to get herself raped and she was hung up on ‘nigger.’

Tyrone thought it was funny too. “You thought ‘it’
before. You are too proper too say it. Are you afraid
to hurt my feelings. You stupid cracker. I love being
black. Everyone knows that we are better then you.
Honky rednecks are just scared. Are you scared. Once
you go black you never get back.”

“Michael I am you mom. Please Michael stop this. No
one will know.”

“Lots of people are going to know mom. Everyone is
here. Have you ever had twelve guys before. You are
not getting away so don’t be stupid and we can all
have a lot of fun.”

Leroy has always been a real jerk and he was the first
one to put his hands on my mom. He sat on the couch
opposite of Tyrone and reached for the zipper on mom’s
dress. When mom tried to struggle to her feet, Leroy
took her hair and Tyrone put his arms around her waist.
Mom did not scream. It could have been the drugs or
just her not thinking there was any use.

Leroy and Tyrone pulled mom’s dress forward to expose
her brassiere. It was just a white simple cross your
heart but to me the symbolism of the first act of
sexuality was a Kodak moment and I was as pleased as
punch to have it on camera.

“Standup bitch,” Leroy ordered my mom. I saw the flash
as he pulled out a knife to cut her dress from around
her arms.

Mom whimpered so sexy… so scared. The Ecstasy and
rye had her swaying slightly but she knew she was
being raped and felt it. Leroy wanted her to feel the

“Be careful Mrs.. Knight. We would not want this knife
to slip. It feels cold against your belly. It is time
for us to see those tits. I bet your nipples are hard.
I see them sometimes. You don’t always were a bra to
school do you. The boys want to see your tits now don’t
you all.”

The room filled with cries in the affirmative and Leroy
took the honor of using the knife to slice mom’s bra
off. With her hands securely cuffed behind her back
mom had no choice but to stand in front of us all on
her wobbly knees, baring her breasts in utter humilia-
tion. Tyrone took a squeeze and mom gasped as he
pinched both her nipples between his rough fingers.

‘Make’em hard’ and ‘she likes it’ type chants filled
the room. Mom’s mouth moved as if trying to say some-
thing but no words came out. I looked to her face to
see if the tears had started yet. The sense of betrayal
to her must have been overwhelming to be posed in front
of her students stripped to nothing but panties and
stockings and to have her own videoing it like a cheap
porno. Leroy held her by the hair so she would not fall
over and ran the knife along her body.

“Quit hogging her. I want to kiss.” It was Tank. At two
hundred and fifty pounds of mostly meat no one was
going to deny our star tackle. Tank had a real shot at
the NFL and was kind of a fool to be taking part in the
rape but he had been hot for mom’s ass from day one and
was going to have his satisfaction.

Tyrone and Leroy moved off letting Tank take mom in his
massive arms. He spun her so the camera could catch his
big black hands on her ass. He felt her up trough her
cotton panties and pressed his big lips full onto my
mother’s. He looked like he could crush her with those
huge black hands. It was a beautiful image for the
camera full of implied intimidation and outright
wickedness with the chrome handcuffs, the white
panties and all the black.

Jerome had the next go at my mom. He went right for her
neck to give her a hickey. The loose plan was to try to
keep everything secret from my dad. Hickeys were going
to be hard to explain. Jerome told my mom how he was
going to fuck her cunt with his big black cock. He told
her she wanted it and to kiss him to prove it. Mom
kissed him.

I almost felt disappointed that mom was not crying. I
knew that the Ecstasy would have her as agreeable as
she would ever be but this was rape. She was going to
get black bred not to mention the outrage of being had
my her own son. I could not believe she really wanted
it but her fighting was so week. She was barely pro-
testing at all to be our little nigger play-toy. I was
actually believing she liked it when Deon was the first
to try to force her to her knees.

“Stop. Let me go. Your hurting me.” She probably
thought she was screaming but her senses were so
muddled through the drugs and drink that it sounded
comical and a couple of the guys broke up which had
us all laughing our fool heads off. Deon looked
ridiculous giggling like a school girl while trying
to look menacing with a good pull of mom’s hair and
his nine inch erection about to secure penetration.

“Open wide bitch,” Deon finally managed to spit out
and then the room got serious. Things were past the
point of last return.

Mom was actually as easy as any whore would have been.
In the back of a guy’s mind we always think are mom’s
are special. Even when we want to fuck them a mom is
always larger then life in the boy’s own mind but all
I could think of as I saw that long black cock slide
between her pretty red lips and deep into her wet
willing mouth was that mom was a slut. I mean what
type of bastard does it make me to actually rape my
own mom and then blame her for being raped? It is
something I have to think about but then I am only
writing all this to prove I don’t care anyhow so I am
glad mom got her first nigger cock. She had probably
never had anything so big before and it thrilled me to
hear her gag as Deon secured deeper penetration.

“Give me the camera Michael. I want to do it like that
fucker in the video’s that makes the bitches look like
sluts when they suck. I am taking off the blindfold so
the camera gets her eyes while I choke the bitch.”

Mom was a certainly a sight in her drug induces stupor
trying to accept that thick, long black cock between
her pretty red lips and deep into her wet mouth. She
blinked her eyes as they readjusted to sight. It was
only a wonder what thoughts filled her confused little
brain as she was forced to look into the merciless face
of her once trusted student as he educated her on what
he had really thought of her all along. The realization
must have hit home as we were all rewarded with the
first solitary tear down mom’s cheek.

Excited chatter of ‘suck it bitch’ and ‘choke the cunt’
filled the background as Deon made the big play for
total penetration. Still aiming the camera directly
down onto the obscenely distorted image of my mom’s
violation, Deon pushed it home. “Come on Mrs.. Knight.
You are going to have a lot of cock. If you can’t
handle my nine inches what the fuck are you going to
do with Mustafa? You better learn to take it deep-
throat with me or he will be the last face you ever

The psychological imagery of mom getting choked out
that way was pretty powerful to me and the guys as
well but the effectiveness on my mom was minimal at
best considering her level of clear thinking was
pretty much reduced to just a dim awareness of being
raped and the pathetic little mustering of her totally
inane pleadings for us to release her.

“Please boys no more… please… why? … no,
please… please… michael, please.”

It was more then enough to get on all our fucking
nerves. Every time someone pulled out of her mouth
it was please, please, please. Tyrone finally had
to fucking slap her face and tell her to shut the
hell up. No one cared. We were going to fuck her
all day long. We were going to video tape everything.
She could either have her career ruined or she would
learn to be the slave we all wanted. Tyrone hit her
so hard it was obvious she would be sporting a shiner
the next several days around school.

We had not really established the level of violence
we were going to put to my mother. The goal of course
was the long term enslavement of her to out perverted
desires. My dad was the major complication. Ideally I
would have loved to see my mother beaten black and
blue; whipped until she acknowledged her nigger
masters; tattooed from head to toe in all of the most
appropriate spots with the most suggestive and obscene
labels imaginable; and of course knocked up so fucking
big she would show from a mile away, but reality had
to temper the fantasy. I had made the allowance that
my mom would have her hair pulled until she might
think we were ripping it from her head but the strikes
from our hands would have to be limited to her face
and possibly her stomach if she had got really bitchy.
We needed to allow the excuse that she had took a
stumble down the stairwell like the stupid girl she
is if dad got inquisitive and the bruises we applied
to her pretty white body needed to be consistent with
such an excuse.

Tyrone got off on the first slap of my mother’s face
and hit her again. “Do you understand bitch? We own
your white ass. No one cares. No one is going to let
you go. Michael doesn’t care. He has a hardon. YOUR
OWN SON HAS A HARDON BITCH. How does that make you
feel Mrs.. Knight. Michael wants you knocked-up and
we are going to do that for him. We are going to breed
you bitch. That is what is making your kid hard. He
loves his mommy and knows you will have a proper young
nigger that will color your family good and proper.
You can be a lifetime slave to all your children. That
is what excites Michael. It is time for you to see how
hard you excite your own child.”

Tyrone yanked mom’s hair and pulled her off balance.
Either mom was too stubborn to let herself be led to
me of the Ecstasy inspired dizziness knocked her off
balance. In either event the result was the powerfully
erotical image of my good friend dragging my half-naked
white mother by her hair, face first across the rug
like some primitive cave girl to drop her helplessly
at my feet. I felt like some fantastic animal about
to rip the insides of its still kicking prey as I
reached down and took my own pull of my mother’s long

Words failed me as my mother’s painful whimper of
getting yanked up to her knees by her own son just
sent a jolt through my gut that felt like a lightning
strike had welded me to the floor. My cock had never
been so fully erect which admittedly was a major
blessing in the company of so many who drawfed my size
in comparison. My violation of my mother would never
compete on a size by size comparison but I somehow
feel that size was not what counted most that day. As
I mustered every feeling of hostility and sexual
frustration by mother ad ever inflicted upon me the
obvious became self evident. For my mom who had done
everything for me and had lived her whole life only
for the service of good, the ultimate betrayal upon
her by the one person she loved more then life itself
was the final destruction of all that she had been.

Even the drugs and alcohol could not allow for her
acceptance at the utter degradation of being gagged
on the cock of her own son. The tears flowed freely
as I rubbed salt into the wound finally finding my
voice to tell her what a filthy mommy-cunt and whore
she was. I told her she have loved to nurse me as a
baby and I was going to own her tits again. I boasted
I was better then my father and ordered her to repeat
it but even as I pulled her hair all the responds I
could get was her blubbering. I was the first of us
to toss my load. I wanted the child to be black so
there was no point to save my soldiers for the big
lottery and I just let her have it on the face taking
care to try to get as much into her eyes as I could.

My mother was a first class turn-on as the volume of
my wad was as good as I had ever managed. Saving up
had paid off and everyone made their comments on what
a wet soaking I had put to my mother. I held her up
by the hair like a fisherman with the catch of the
day while Deon documented the evidence. Tyrone was
good enough to take a few stills as he obscenely added
they would make good posters for my bedroom walls.
Leroy got off the best crack with his idea to turn the
image of my mother’s face glazed like some fucking
donut with my wet load of sperm into actual wall paper
and do my whole house.

And I thought I was the sickest puppy I knew.

When our first video tape reached the end, we realized
that it was time for the main event. I took over camera
operations again while we took mom to her bedroom for
the breeding. We had one last game that had always been
a personal favorite to me. I explained it myself to mom
that it would not be right to a child to be brought
into the world as a bastard so before she could be bred
we would first have our own little divorce and ‘white’
-wedding ceremonies.

I told the guys what drawls to fetch the props from and
then played master of ceremonies to my mom’s total
despair. First to go was the video she had arranged to
have transferred from film of her initial ceremony to
my father. We needed a new tape for the camera so
Jerome held mom up for the camera while I put the
precious video into the camera to begin to tape over
it. Jerome told her to smile and gave her a good yank
to open the scene just as I pressed record and called
for action.

My mother’s wedding album was produced for destruction
next. Pictures are the memories of our lives and hold
special significance to a sentimentalist like my mother.
My desire was to burn them all at once but that would
have been highly impractical. I took a couple of her
most cherished shots from the day and had Tyrone
scissor my dad out of the picture. The new supply of
tears told us she got the message and so I just told
her then album would be burned at the trash yard later.

To dispose of mom’s wedding certificate and the ulti-
mate symbolism of the ring, I desired a far more
personal humiliation of my mother. The guys were
admittedly not as into it as I was but she was my mom
that I was allowing them to breed so my wish was
honored by all. The certificate went first, draped
over her face to await its special preparation. Then
as I filmed the ceremony each and every nigger except
Tyrone took his turn at a piss onto my mother’s face.

The certificate took the brunt of the urinal onslaught
but a boy’s aim being what it is, mom looked a sight
when Adam was the last to shake off on her piss-
drenched face. The paper had to almost be peeled from
her as soaked as it was. In a way mom should have been
grateful we softened it so for her because my require-
ment was to have her eat it and I put the camera in
focus for a close up as Adam stuffed it home. He kept
a hold of her chin to force her to chew and prevent
her from spitting it out until she managed to swallow.

The only way to top the scene was for the ultimate
filth of the rings fate. In my fantasies I think the
perfect concept would have been to force mom to return
the ring to my father with the message of what she now
thought of it in her new life as a nigger slave but
with my dad unavailable the recipient of the disgust-
ingly prepared ring was to be my mother herself. I
missed out on who had taken the dump but the toilet
was ready so I followed Adam to the bathroom with
camera in hand. Leroy got into the picture ordering
my mother to give up her ring before he broke her
finger. She cried out loud enough I thought the
aggressive bastard had made good o the threat but then
so what.

Bones heal but the mental cruelty of what was done
next would scar her for life.

“Now be a good girl and put the ring into the shit to
show the camera what you think of your marriage.”

Mom tried to refuse and Leroy got to take a turn on my
mother’s face. “Do it Mrs.. Knight. Put that ring into
the shit with your dainty white hands or I will beat
the fuck out of you.”

As Leroy almost took her head off someone told him to
cool it so as to not damage the merchandise. I did not
have that problem and was thrilled to see the third
commanding slap that finally forced mom’s compliance.
My ultimate idea was for mom to take the shit-filthied
ring and force dad to eat it but the plan was changed
now to just have mom flush the toilet with her own
free will. Having her eat it would have been more
obscene but we still had to fuck the bitch and none of
us were too keen on dirtying her up so much first.

Mom’s hand shook just a tremble as she watched the
former symbol of her life flush down the toilet. It
was so poignant.

I would have died satisfied at that point but the boys
were still building to the rape and before I knew it
we were stuffing mom into her wedding dress. It was
something of a family heirloom serving three generations
of brides but unless the next will be an ultra slut the
line ends at my mother’s ‘white’-wedding. Leroy took
the pleasure himself, but showed surprisingly good
skill at altering the dress with his knife into a piece
suitable for the occasion.

Mom had saved the panties from her wedding day but that
was a pleasure I reserved for myself as mom’s final
treasures took their first display for us all but only
long enough to strip of the white cotton respectability
of her first pair and step her into the sheer naughti-
ness of the silken choice she had made all those years
prior. “Dad must have thought you were a whore huh mom?
You sure look like one dressed so slutty.”

Tyrone had got into my dad’s suit and took his place
with my mother while we took out the family bible for
her to exchange the vows with. Being as religious as
she was the acted sacrilege was a nice touch to my
sensibilities. When Jerome pronounced them master and
slave he informed Tyrone that he could now own his
woman and Tyrone put mom once more to her knees as the
final piece of my fantasy. I guess it shows a little
racism on my part even though my best friends are all
black but the symbolism of animals claiming territory
by pissing just screams at me to have mom’s ownership
as a nigger slave officiated with a piss into her mouth
by her master.

Mom either wrecked the scene or made it depending on
your view when she was unable to hold it down. She
brought up most of the certificate too. Leroy wanted
her to eat it again but was quickly out voted and told
what a sick-fuck he was. We paused as mom was sprayed
clean with the shower hose and then it was baby time.

The new hubby had drawing one to win the lottery.
Tyrone was probably twice again the size of my dad
and despite his prior experience he found mom tight
to enter. Mom made one last beg off for us to spare
her and then the next sound was the best scream she
could muster as Tyrone achieved penetration. We just
let her make her noise as she was slurred enough that
the screams were barely half volume and the house is
built well enough so as to guarantee no interference
by the neighbors. Mom could scream herself hoarse and
she was still going to be raped and bred.

Tyrone’s powerful muscled ass pounded his potent
weapon into mom’s target of love until the bomb was
released. Full saturation of his potent seed into
her fertile unprotected womb was a total success.
The room seemed to enjoy a collective sigh of relief
at the final achievement of victory as though our
last fear of failure was dispersed with Tyrone’s
triumphant orgasm into my defeated mother.

Tyrone barely moved off before the bang began. Jerome,
Leroy, Devon, Adam, Leon, Toby, ect, ect. The names
blended together as much as the bodies in the see of
humanity that swarmed my mother’s bed to take use of
her sex. Everyone wanted a go before Mustafa ruined

I pause now to pay honor to my god. If you ever saw
those faked pictures of the black dude with his cock
down to his knee you would swear it must have been
Mustafa. I mean that is an exaggeration of course but
the truth is we measured the monster at seventeen
inches from base to tip. It was not as wide as my arm
because I am a good sized kid but it was probably
close in thickness to my mom’s own wrist. He had
always been concerned that a bitch would run when she
took her first look but now as mom was held in place
he was to have his first pussy.

Mustafa had not yet enjoyed my mother’s talents and a
dick his size required a lot of blood for full erection
so he began his assault taking straddle of her head and
plopping it down onto her face. It must have felt like
getting hit with a baseball bat. I think mom would have
screamed if she was still able. Her eyes crossed as she
tried to come to comprehension in her drugged daze at
the enormity of the monster she had to battle next.

Mustafa slid back and pushed my mother’s breasts around
his dick while still reaching her mouth with his head.
It awed us all into silent worship. “Suck me bitch,”
the black god commanded his helpless white victim.

To say mom was choked on that cock as the action pro-
gressed is as understated as saying the Titanic his a
little ice cube. It almost became a possibility that
mom was to be expired in her forced efforts to do
deep-throat. I was on the verge of panic and about to
interfere in the kids desires to bury it ball-deep
between mom’s red lips when he thankfully reached the
obvious conclusion himself. Mom sucked the breath in
at the last possible instant as Mustafa slid the snake

Tyrone nudged me in the ribs. “He is going to ruin
your mom for white cock forever now.”

I shot back that he was a pencil himself before the
awesome meat of Mustafa and then we joined in the
silent awe of the mount of mom’s cunt. The scream I
expected had been suffocated from her by the previous
acts but the response of her body still spoke the tale.
From her curled toes to the involuntary spasm arching
her back, it was clear mom knew she was filled to

It was a surreal moment as Mustafa had his go at the
lottery as to who would breed my mother. The rape was
to continue on for several hours with some taking
third and fourth turns upon my mother. The obligatory
multiple penetrations and gymnastic team-ups all
filled us with glee but for my purposes Mustafa’s
climax is as good a point as any to wrap up this tale.

Mustafa’s sheer size ensured pain and for me to cum
into my underwear as he ruined my mother was just so
appropriate. I did not fuck her myself that day but I
did not need too. It is unlikely my sperm would have
did the job but I could not risk it. My satisfaction
was going to my mom as she laid passed out from the
ordeal after the boys had left and just snuggling with
the well fucked slut. I rested my head on her now bred
belly and drifted to sleep myself. She would not wake
for several hours and there would be time enough to
have her understand and accept her new life on the
‘morrow but as I watched the cum puddle between her
legs from her filled cunt, I slept the sleep of the
truly blessed as I had fulfilled the ultimate fantasy
to see my Teacher Mom in Trouble.


I hope the story did not disappoint. I am not sure I
satisfied my own taste for the seduction scene to
really get across the betrayal to my mom but then I
am well satisfied on how I hit my stride with the sex
act. As I mentioned in the prologue please give credit
to New Man for the concept of students using Ecstasy
and alcohol to take advantage of their teacher, as
well as the very cute idea of a mock ‘consumer-testing’
setting. I will be doing this story again in a non-
incest version from the eyes of the husband. If you
wish to see it when it is finished e-mail me for a
copy at mkarl2000@hotmail.com I welcome any cor-
respondence and will reply to all. Criticism is just
as valid as praise as I am trying to improve as a
writer and need to what is working and what is not.

Until then I am mkarl.

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