A Big Catherine Bell Fan
By: Date: 2021.08.04. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Another Saturday spent with my girlfriend partaking in her favorite activity, shopping at the mall. I loathe the mall, and try to avoid it at any cost. We were walking through the department store when I noticed someone in the lingerie section who I thought looked familiar. As she turned around I knew it was Catherine Bell from my favorite show JAG. “This is absolutely amazing” I thought to myself. My girlfriend looked over at me and noticed I couldn’t help but staring. “What are you looking at?” she asked. “Nothing,” I replied. I’m going to go over to the
power tools section, there was this thing I saw in the paper the other day. “Okay” she said, be back in 15 minutes. I walked quickly around mimicking that I was headed to the power tools section, only to bypass and head right back to lingerie. As I reached the department I slowly walked up to Catherine as not to startle her.

“Catherine Bell?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said in a very friendly voice.

“I’m a big fan.”

“Really?” I was speechless.

“My husbands not here,” she began “and I don’t know how this one piece is going to look, would you mind…”

“You’re going to ask a perfect stranger?”

“I am, and you’re going with me to see what this is going to look like.”

I liked her commandeering sense and quickly followed her to the changing room.

Once inside she pushed me against the wall.

“How big of a fan are you?”

“Big enough to watch the show regularly and own the DVDs.”

“Screw JAG, how BIG of a fan are you?”

“I fantasize about you most of the time while I’m fucking my girlfriend.”

“Really? So you probably are attracted to these?” she asked as she motioned to the her globes covered by a sexy green blouse.

“Uh-yeah, they’re the best set in Hollywood.”

“So you’d probably like to see them right?”


Catherine slowly undid her button down blouse revealing her 36D cup breasts held tightly in a black lace bra. She pushed me against the wall and we furiously kissed with our tongues wrestling each other. She reached down the front of my pants and squeezed my throbbing 8 inch cock.

“I guess you are a big fan,” she said as pulled away.

Her blouse fell to floor leaving her clad in nothing but the khaki pants and that bra which was seconds away from joining the blouse that it formerly covered. As she took off her bra, she whispered into my ear, “suck on my nipples, please.”

I quickly obliged taking the right one into mouth, gently nibbling on it and suckling, while my hand caressed her giant left tit. My pants were unzipped and my hard-on was exposed to her gentle hands. She began to tug at it, while I continued to feast on her tits. She backed away and slid down, taking as much of my member into her mouth as possible. She lick the head and caressed my balls. My raging cock became spit coated mess. Catherine was sucking, carefully trying not to make that much noise as to alert anyone’s attention. Pre-cum oozed at the tip as she kiss around the head. She then opened her mouth wide, and took my member deep down her throat. I was in heaven, this large breasted starlet was trying to suck the cum out of me. I couldn’t take it anymore, and decided that I had to fuck her.

I pulled out of her mouth, and whispered, “It’s time.”

She knew what I was talking about and pulled her pants and black thong down around her ankles in one swift motion. Her pussy was gorgeous, nothing but a small strip of hair above two juicy lips. I went down and began to lick around her thighs, making my way to her labia and aiming the point of tongue straight on to her clit. She yelped, forcing me to quickly cover her mouth. We both chuckled briefly and realized that anymore of this and we were going to be caught for sure.

She pulled me close, and asked “will you fuck me in the ass, its been such a long time, and you have such a thick hard cock, that I would love nothing more than to have it stuck right up my butt.”

I nearly fainted, not only had I sucked Catherine Bell’s tits, had my cock sucked by her luscious lips, but I was getting ready to stick my dick in her delicious asshole. She spit on the end of my cock, rubbed it in and turned around holding on to the bench in the room. I licked my finger, already covered in her delicious pussy juice and slowly put it into her ass.

“Oh yeah, that’s good,” she spoke softly.

I worked my finger around her anus for a good 30 seconds until I couldn’t resist.

“Go slow, its been a while,” she requested.

I obliged, grabbing onto to her waist and pulling her close. I slowly and gently pushed the head of my cock into her asshole.

“Oh Jesus,” she said “give me more.”

As I tried to give her as much of the 8 inches I could, I began to grind back and forth. Her breathing increased with every stroke. I watched as she brought one hand straight to her pussy as I continued to fuck her ass.

“This is incredible” I said. “Its so fucking tight and warm.”

My cock was in heaven as I continued to ass fuck this amazing woman. “Fuck my ass harder, tear me apart.” I was seconds from blowing my load in this woman’s ass.

“C’mon, fuck me, I’m an anal slut.”

My grip on her waist tightened, and my I suddenly got dizzy and light-headed.

“Cum in my ass” She commanded. Her hand was frigging her pussy at a furious rate. “Harder, harder” Finally I my I shot my hot load deep inside this woman’s ass. “That’s it, she said, that’s what I want.” She turned around and licked her lips at me. “God that was amazing.” She said. I pulled my exhausted cock out of her ass, and put it back in pants. She turned around and sat on the bench, naked with her heaving breasts facing me. “You better go.” She said. I looked at my watch, and realized that my girlfriend was going to be pissed.

“What should I tell her?” I asked. “I can’t exactly, say, oh yeah, I wasn’t looking at power tools, I fucking Catherine Bell in the ass in the lingerie changing room.

“Just tell her, you had a tool you really wanted to try out,” she replied.

We laughed as she got dressed and I left. I was glowing from ear to ear. Not only did I meet one of the sexiest starlets on television, but I fucked her, and fucked her good. I reached in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. It seems she had slipped me a note, with her address and a message,

“You and I really need to meet more often, I have plenty of friends who would love you. Love, Catherine.” My eyes widened realizing what lay ahead.

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