The lesbian high school history Teacher
By: Date: 2023.05.16. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , ,

Susan Ann Clancy sat quietly in her six
year old Ford Escort in the parking lot for Krazy
Kate’s Video Store. For the third time in the last
half-hour, the forty-six year old high school
history Teacher checked her watch. Then the
short haired redhead looked out the window to
the small sign on the store’s door that listed the
hours of operation. The store closed at eight
o’clock, her watch had read seven fifty.
The short woman, only five three, got out
of her dark blue coupe and quickly entered the
small establishment. The store itself was rather
unpretentious, a far cry from the mega franchises
that dominated the video market these days. In
fact, Krazy Kate’s carried less than a third of the
selection of most stores. What it did have, was a
very loyal clientele and an owner who not only
carried the latest popular hits, but many little
known films that couldn’t be found anywhere else.
Susan walked over to the row of the latest
new releases and picked up the newest of
romantic comedies. She pretended to be reading
the back of the box. Actually, she was waiting for
the girl behind the counter to finish with the thirty
something man ahead of her.
The man paid for his rentals and bid the
girl a good night. No sooner had he exited the
door, Susan moved up to where he had been
‘Hi,’ the young girl who Susan guessed
wasn’t more than nineteen smiled. ‘What can I do
for you this evening?’
‘I’m looking for Katherine Harrison,’ she
answered. ‘Is she in?’
‘Oh, you mean Kate,’ the girl who said
her name was Elisa replied. ‘I’m afraid she
wasn’t feeling to well and went home a little early.
Can I help you with anything?’
The history Teacher took a long good
look at the young woman. She was about her
height, with long shoulder length hair tied back in
a ponytail. What was unusual about that was that
her hair was a vivid purple. Additionally, Elisa had
six small earrings along the edge of her left ear
and five in her right. Susan supposed that the
sixth earring was the one on the right side of her
The teenager wore a cut off version of a
Krazy Kate’s T-shirt. One that looked to be at
least a size too small from the way it pressed
against her braless breasts, the nipples of which
were clearly visible. In the middle of her stomach,
an area exposed by the cut off, was a small golden
ring attached to her belly button. A pair of faded
jeans, cut way too short completed her ensemble.
Susan was all too aware of the current
rages among young people. There were at least
three girls in the senior class who wore jewelry
much like Elisa’s. For all the conservatively
dressed woman knew, Elisa might have been one
of her students a year or so ago.

‘No, thank you,’ Susan said somewhat
apologetically. ‘I … er … had some personal
business with Katherine. I’ll come back another
The blue dressed woman had turned to
leave and had actually gone a few steps when
Elisa called after her.
‘Are you Susan Walsh?’ she asked.
‘Excuse me?’ the redhead said as she
turned back around.
‘Kate left a package for a Susan Walsh, is
that you?’
‘Actually, yes.’ she said a bit hesitantly.
‘It’s in the back room, wait here a minute
and I’ll get it for you.’
Elisa turned and disappeared into the store
room for a few moments. When she reemerged,
she was carrying a small paper bag with ‘Sue’
written across it in red marker. From the size and
shape of the bag, it was obvious that it contained a
few video tapes. Previously, the bag had been
used to carry Kate’s lunch back and forth to work.
‘Here we go.’ Elisa said as she handed
the bag over the counter.
At that moment, it became obvious that
the makeshift lunch container had been used one
times too many as the bottom of the bag ripped
open. From the large tear, three videos tumbled
to the hard tile floor.
Susan watched in horror as they landed at
her feet. A look of total embarrassment filled her
‘I’m so sorry,’ Elisa said as she rushed
around the counter. ‘Let me pick them up for
‘No!’ Susan called out in panic. ‘I mean,
I can do it.’
It was too late. Elisa was already by her
side, looking down at the tapes.
Picking them up, the nineteen year old
read off the titles.
‘Teenage Lesbian Slumber Party, Lesbian
High and Lesbian Loving Teacher.’ she read
silently as she put them on the counter.
The school Teacher was mortified. That
she was a lesbian was a secret she had guarded for
years. As bad as it would’ve been for her career
for that to come out , it was nothing compared to
the firestorm that would’ve erupted if the school
board discovered her constant fantasies about the
young girls she taught history to.
Susan had never, ever acted on any of
those fantasies. In fact, she had gone out of her
way over the years, to never be put in a position
where desire, opportunity and the weakness of the
flesh might combine to allow a dangerous
A little over a month ago, Susan had met
Katherine at a lesbian bar outside of town. They
were pretty close in age and had formed a quick
friendship. A friendship that had quickly led to
the bedroom. They knew they weren’t in love and
that their sex had been recreational. But for the
moment it had been enough.
When Katherine had learned that Susan
was a high school Teacher, she said that it must be
like being a kid working in a candy store. Susan
had replied that it was almost exactly the opposite.
She had a weakness for young girls she admitted,
and because of it had to always be on her guard.
In fact, she wouldn’t even take a turn at gym duty,
worrying that she might get caught spending all
too much time staring at all those lovely young
bodies on display in the showers and locker room.
What they also discovered upon talking
about their lives, was that Katherine had a nephew
at Susan’s school. He wasn’t in any of her
classes, but Katherine mentioned that he was
interested in the summer intern program but that
all his teachers had already nominated other
students. Susan had said that since she hadn’t yet
promised anyone, she would be glad to sponsor
Katherine’s nephew. All he had to do was bring
her his application.
Katherine was overjoyed. In appreciation,
she had offered, since she owned a video store, to
get her new friend any lesbian tapes she might like
to help her enjoy her secret fantasies. An offer
Susan had readily accepted. She was supposed to
pick up the tapes tonight.

Elisa acted as if having a middle age
woman picking up tapes of teen lesbians was the
most natural thing in the world. She got a new
bag from around the counter and dropped the first
two tapes in the bag. Then she took another look
at the copy of Lesbian High.
‘This is a pretty awesome movie,’ she
said as if she was discussing Gone With The
Wind. ‘I’ve seen it twice.’
‘You’ve seen it?’ Susan asked
‘Sure, I’ve seen just about all the girl films
Kate has in the back. That’s one of the perks of
working here.’
She dropped the tape into the bag and
handed it to Susan.
‘No need to be embarrassed,’ Elisa said
with a smile. ‘Women have needs too, just like
‘I guess I never looked at it like that.’
Susan said as she clutched the paper bag.
She started for the door, then stopped.
‘Can I ask you something?’ she said.
‘Hey, I’m an open book,’ Elisa smiled.
‘Ask away.’
‘What was it about that film that you liked
so much?’
‘Well you might think it a little kinky, but
watching the students get it on with the teachers,’
Elisa said. ‘I used to fantasize about that all the
time. In fact there was this one Teacher I had,
God she made me wet just sitting in her class
watching her.’
Susan had to take a big breath just to
reassure herself that her heart was still beating.
‘You didn’t happen to go to RFK, did
you?’ Susan asked with trepidation.
‘No, I went to Jefferson High across
town,’ the girl answered. ‘Why?’
Susan couldn’t believe the next words out
of her mouth.
‘I teach history at RFK.’

‘You’re joking, right?’ Elisa asked.
‘No, I’m not,’ Susan said, finding it
easier to say it the second time. ‘I can show you
my ID to prove it.’
‘No, I believe you,’ Elisa said as she ran
her hand through her purple hair. ‘Damn, I knew
I went to the wrong school.’ she laughed.
Even Susan had to smile at her comment.
‘Do you and your girlfriend like to watch
those video’s together?’ Elisa asked, taking a few
steps closer.
‘I … I don’t have a girlfriend.’ Susan
admitted, wondering why she was still here and
not on her way home.
‘You just watch them alone?’ Elisa went
Susan’s silence answered the question.
‘That’s sad,’ Elisa said. ‘So you watch
those films alone and think about your students.
And then you …’
Susan’s silence was now joined by a bright
red embarrassment.
‘Hey, Teach, there’s no need to turn red
on me,’ Elisa said with a smile. ‘I’m sure most
of the people I know would think me pretty
strange, getting wet over forty year old women.
But then again most of them think I’m pretty
strange to begin with.’
‘I don’t think you’re strange,’ Susan
said. ‘I think it’s that you’re more of a free spirit.
I can remember what that was like. Back in the
Stone Age.’
‘Cute and a sense of humor too,’ Elisa
quipped. ‘This has to be my lucky night.’
‘Lucky night for what?’ Susan asked,
almost afraid to hear the answer.
‘For what?’ Elisa repeated. ‘Can’t you
feel it? The magic in the night. Call it fate, or
kismet, or God having a sense of humor. But it
can’t be just a cosmic accident the two of us being
here right now.’
‘I think I’d better get going.’ Susan said
as she started to turn.
‘Don’t you think there are better ways to
spend tonight than frigging to a lez flick?’
Susan was frozen in place as Elisa moved
‘Don’t you think it might be a lot more
fun, seeing what it might really be like to be with
one of your students? Or at least a reasonable
Susan opened her mouth to say something,
but what words she wanted to say were cut off as
Elisa kissed her.
Susan’s mind went blank as Elisa’s lips
pressed against her own. She dropped the bag
with the tapes when she felt the young girl’s
tongue invade her mouth. As first she wanted to
scream, to run way and hide. Then as seconds
passed, she found herself returning the kiss.
Elisa had wrapped her arms around
Susan’s neck as she planted soft caresses against
the Teacher’s lips. She pressed her tongue as
deep as it would go, sharing the excitement when
she felt Susan return her touch.
‘That wasn’t bad,’ Elisa said as she finally
broke the kiss and released her hold around the
woman’s neck. ‘Not bad at all.’
Susan didn’t say a work, but every part of
her mind wanted to scream that yes, it had been
‘So what’s it going be Teach,’ the purple
haired nineteen year old asked. ‘Home to watch
some video, or would you rather hang out here
and maybe play with these instead.’
Susan’s mouth fell open in disbelief as
Elisa grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it
up and over her head. She hadn’t wore a bra
underneath and her medium sized breasts bounced
free. The older woman’s eyes were immediately
drawn to the half dollar sized dark nipples that
dominated each rounded orb.
Elisa stepped to just a half foot from Susan
and lifted her hand up to one of her now exposed
‘Do you really want to walk away and
leave these?’ the young woman asked as she
pressed Susan’s hand against her warm chest.
‘No.’ Susan finally said softly.

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