I saw him at the 7-11. I had walked over from
the dorm to take a break from studying. He was about
17 or so. He was wearing shopworn, used, old jeans
that hugged his tight butt and legs. His basket was
clearly visible, hanging loosely in the denim. The
jeans and his work boots had stains in spots, evidence…
Tag: kirsten
On June 22, 2000 a man, armed with a handgun, entered a grocery store in the town of Reed in Desha County and demanded money from the owner, George Barnes sr.
At gunpoint, the man took Barnes s money bag, and then he told Barnes to hand over the keys to his truck. Barnes kept the truck keys, and the …
Read More →I never would have taken the art appreciation class if
my friends hadn’t convinced me that it was a snap. “Hey,
it’s Art in the Dark, man. All you do is watch a bunch
of bogus slides in the dark.” Cool, I thought.
I picked a seat in the last row. It was dark, farthest
from the prof and closest …