In the quaint town of New Orleans, Louisiana, where the air was always thick with humidity and the scent of jambalaya, lived a sprightly 65-year-old woman named Eleanor. She was a mix of French and African descent, with a mahogany complexion, silver hair that cascaded down to her waist, and piercing green eyes that held the wisdom of her years. …
Read More →Category: Just Interracial Stories
“Hello?” I answered my celphone after checking the number, making
sure it wasn’t Rodney. I was kind of avoiding him.
“Kylie? Hi, it’s Brandon,” a soft male voice said and I felt my
tummy tighten. “From the other night?”
“Yeah,” I smiled and looked down as I sat just outside the Student
Union, relaxing between classes on bit of shady …
I couldn’t fucking believe my wife. Here was this proud outspoken
black woman screwing and blowing a bunch of white guys for money. It
was just fucking amazing to see.
Carlota crawled over to another one of my white bosses and dipped her
face down over his crotch, I looked wide eyed as another one of the
naked company executives …
My wife and I have been married for 4 years. Great
marriage, great sex, and great friends. However I have a
thing for watching her get fucked…the harder the better.
For the longest time I’ve been dropping hints about my
Interest, but I never really pushed the issue. I would talk
dirty to her in bed, and she would occasionally …
Li’sar lay under the warm furs in the darkness, her body all scrunched up,
pondering what would happen to her. She was warm and surrounded by others, yet
she felt cold and alone.
Light suddenly entered the chamber, it was Master Balad, one of the slavers.
“Time to get up” he instructed. This would be the third day since she …
Steve called me today to let me know that he had been called out
of town on a business trip and wouldn’t be able to make our
regular Wednesday Night poker game. He was sorry about the
situation but assured me that we could still have the game at his
house since he had the poker table and chips. He …
Wendy woke as a voice called. “Wakie, wakie Wendy, your
body is needed for someone’s sexual gratification.” Wendy blinked
at the bright screen above her and saw Judy’s face smiling at her.
“Turn off the lamp your pussy must be hot enough by now.”
“What time is it Judy how long before I get out of here?”
The screen went …
For a while we just served small talk back and forth. Do you
like your work I asked? It’s okay. I did the same thing at the
last place I worked so I’m use to it.
All during her responses I just watched her. Her almond shaped
dark brown eyes. Her slender straight nose. She had high cheek
bones attached …
The doorbell rings. You open it to find little Angela
standing there in shorts and a t-shirt. She is surprised
to see Tammy’s Daddy answer the door. She was expecting
“Come on in Angela.”
She enters, looking shy and uncomfortable. There are no males
at home in her household and You are most definitely male.
And big.
“Can Tammy …
Read More →This here a follow-up on me and that sweet white Maureen. I have
been seein Maureen several time now, and we continue to have very
hot black/white sex.
She just love my fat, black dick, and I can’t gets enough of her
hot white pussy. Some days we spends more time lickin and suckin
each other than actual fuckin.
Last …
Read More → The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, imparting first an inky twilight
upon the landscape and then a humid darkness. Mosquitoes, which were
particularly heavy this season thanks to a wet winter without many frosts,
made their appearance as well, feasting on the legs and arms of the guests.
The temperature dropped from the low nineties to the low eighties …
Mary came home early and heard noises upstairs in the
family bedroom. Her daughter Jenny was still in school
so she figured Tom her husband must be there working on
something. When she arrived at the bedroom and looked
in, she saw
Tom in the middle of the room with only a pair of her
see-through negligee on.
He was …
Read More →Sandy had just turned 21, but to look at her one would
think she was younger. She was a very pretty girl with a
nice figure and wore her hair in two blonde pigtails.
She had slight freckles on her cheeks with big blue eyes
that captivated the attention of everyone that saw her.
Small in stature at 5′-0″ and …
From the moment Tyrone McNeil laid eyes on the young
wife of his newest employee at the company party, his
mind had gone into overdrive to conjure up a plan to
nail Mike Melton’s beautiful wife. As Tyrone wasn’t the
kind of man that had women lining up to spread their
legs for him, he had to resort to cunning …
“Oh BA-by baby have you SEEN a-MY to-night?
IS she in the BATHroom? Is she SMOKin’ up, outside?”
I sang as I unpacked, my two cabin-mates joining in as we worked.
I loved this song, perhaps because I shared the name of the main
character. I nodded in time to the music, replaying the music
video in my mind as …