Australia Day Long Weekend
By: Date: 2022.03.07. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

What better way to spend Australia Day than meeting up with someone for a real sexy weekend. We post some of our pictures on a photo site and there was a particular guy who always made nice comments and expressed a wish to meet us both.

We met our new friend at a pub in Melbourne during the afternoon of Australia Day. From the first minute we were relaxed and comfortable in each others company, a positive sign for the rest of the evening (which ended up being the rest of that night and part of the next as well!)

Phil was a real gentleman, we had chatted online many times over the preceding weeks, discussing how horny a session with the three of us could be, learning about each others likes / dislikes, etc and all that helped to make the initial meeting work for all of us. After a couple of drinks we had to move our car to avoid a parking ticket so we went to Phil’s place, parked the car and went to freshen up for dinner. A little chatting and Phil asked Andrea if she would like some fun before dinner then come back for more fun after we had eaten. Andrea wasn’t going to knock that offer back, she moved closer so Phil was able to run his hands over her legs, up her dress, over her bum, around to her thighs, up to her knickers and within a couple of minutes she was standing there in bra and knickers. Andrea sat on the couch and started feeling Phil, she can be impatient at times and this was one such occasion, she undid his jeans and pulled them and his Calvin Klein boxers down so his cock sprang out, pointing directly at her mouth, already hard and seeking attention.

Attention is what he got! A few moments to take in the feel of his hard rod, his balls neatly shaven and swinging below, enhanced with his jewellery was all she took before moving forward and reaching out to flick him with her tongue. Phil removed Andrea’s bra while she was exploring him. We had agreed that we would try and video our fun and there was I, still unpacking the camera and they were already underway! By the time I had the camera out Andrea was savouring his hard cock in her mouth taking a fair portion of his length into her mouth, massaging the root of his cock with her hands and releasing the cock from her mouth only long enough to give her a chance to lick its underside and before returning ready for another mouth full of cock. I had set up the video and sat beside Andrea massaging her breasts. Andrea realised I was still dressed and told me to get undressed as she was too busy to undress me. Once naked and seated beside her once again on the couch Andrea reached out for me, grabbing my cock and while sucking Phil’s pole was running her hand the length of mine, rubbing my pre-cum around and sending fantastic feelings to every part of my body.

The couch was cramping everyones style so we moved to the bedroom. Andrea climbed straight onto the bed, rolled on her back and reached her arms out for the two of us. Phil was alongside her facing the opposite direction and very soon had his head buried between Andrea’s legs. I grabbed some video of the two of them and it wasn’t long until Phil moved over Andrea into a 69 position lapping at her pussy while receiving what looked to be great tongue work on his balls. I love it when she is being pleasured by another guy and I was hard as steel. It wasn’t long until Andrea started making those familiar noises that I associate with an impending orgasm As soon as she started to cum she moved Phil from above her as she was catching her breath. Phil was aware that Andrea likes a cock in her after she cums from oral and he immediately moved around, positioned himself and in one thrust was buried in her sweet, dripping wet pussy. I sat beside Andrea and played with her clit for a few moments, massaged her boobs, rubbed and sucked her nipples and kissed her while Phil fucked her with deep and steady thrusts. Andrea came again very quickly and the sight and sound of her enjoying herself so much was keeping me extremely aroused. Phil was great for Andrea, he was very considerate, asked if she liked what he was doing, made sure she was comfortable and kept up a nice steady pace. Phil pulled out of her pussy, held his cock back and teased Andrea’s pussy with his balls for a minute or so, dragging them up the length of her pussy which was separating her lips and stimulating her clit. He than plunged back into her and continued to F–K her with long deep thrusts.

I had to join in. I moved closer and Andrea took my cock in her hand and pulled me to her mouth. I was in heaven, watching her pussy being ravaged by Phil’s hard cock, her pussy lips spread open and gripping his cock each time he withdrew in preparation for the next thrust while my cock was being sucked and licked.

I was getting close to cumming but reached over for the camera and managed to take some video of Phil fucking Andrea before he withdrew his cock and grasping it in his hand shoot eight big bursts of cum over her body. I have never seen so much cum on Andrea and never seen a guy cum so powerfully, so hard or so long.

Phil kissed Andrea, climbed off the bed, grabbed a towel and cleaned her up. Phil went down on Andrea and using his fingers and tongue brought her to another orgasm. The fourth she had been given by him already that night. Now it was my turn! I got between Andrea’s legs, held them up and apart, leant forward and while kissing her eased my swollen cock into her pussy. As soon as I started thrusting Andrea started to cum again and that was the end for me, I fucked her for all I was worth for maybe a minute or so before cumming myself. I also pulled my cock from her and came over her belly. Where Phil was able to cum from her pussy to the top of her boobs I came over her lower belly, filling her belly button and leaving all my cum in one area.

After towelling Andrea off again we all rested for a while, lazing around naked, chatting and enjoying each others company before we all made our way through the shower and got ready for dinner. We had arrived at Phil’s place at 5:30pm, it was now 9pm! Time flies when having fun!

Dinner was great, we walked to a nearby restaurant, nice food and fine wine, good conversation, great company and then we were off back to Phil’s place.

We retrieved some video tapes for the camera from our car and once inside got the cameras ready and Andrea sat between us on the couch, both of us gently rubbing her arms, massaging her neck, legs, back and removing clothes as we went. There was not a lot to remove, a dress and bra before we were moving to her breasts, thighs, and her panty covered pussy. Andrea asked us to stand, undid Phil’s jeans and pulled them and his boxers down to his ankles. Phil was aroused and Andrea held his length in her hands, giving him a quick rub which hardened him up more. Andrea told me to remove my clothes then sunk her lips over Phil’s hard cock while Phil had his video camera capturing the head job that Andrea was giving. I had my clothes off in a flash and Andrea reached out for me, grabbing me by my hard cock and pulling me closer. She alternated her mouth and tongue action between the two of us for a few minutes, both of us encouraging her and telling her how great she was doing.

Andrea did not want to miss out on anything so rather than risk one of us cumming she moved us back to Phil’s bedroom. Similar to before, Andrea climbed onto the bed and Phil moved his head down between her legs, savouring her taste. I moved in beside Andrea to play with her boobs and her wonderfully hard nipples. Andrea reached over and was rubbing my cock, wanking me, with the precum that was flowing from my aroused member providing plenty of lube.

Once Andrea had cum Phil moved off Andrea and we both moved in beside her, I reached down and played with her pussy, massaging the outer lips, gently gripping her inner lips between my fingers and applying a gentle pulling action to them that Andrea seems to enjoy. Andrea in the meantime had both our cocks at her mouth, one hand on each and again sending fantastic feelings into us with her magical touch. Phil was first to F–K her again, same position as earlier which is one Andrea really likes – on her back with him kneeling between her legs. This was a fantastic view for me, I grabbed the camera and managed to get some video of her pussy spread open with his cock pleasuring her.

Andrea gave me all her attention until she started to get distracted with her building orgasm. Although she stopped using her mouth her hand was gripping me, squeezing and releasing my cock and occasionally giving it a few rubs. The situation got too much for me and I came all over her right breast. Phil was working wonders on her and after that orgasm brought her to another shortly after which had my cock stirring again. Phil was now ready to cum and deposited his load on her tummy. I moved around the bed hoping to take his place but Andrea had had enough for a while. We cleaned up and socialised for a while before calling it a night and going to bed in the early hours of the morning.

Night in the city is full of strange noises, we woke at one point, had sex, then went to sleep again. Phil left for work early in the morning, we had sex again with Andrea asking me to cum on, instead of in, her. I obliged!

We spent the morning at Vic markets and walking around the city. At 2pm we checked into out motel for that night. What I had arranged over the previous few weeks and was supposed to be a surprise for Andrea was now falling into place. I had actually told her of the surprise a couple of days earlier but by then everything was organised. Check in was at 2pm, at 2:30 there was a knock on the door, our makeup lady had arrived! Andrea had had her nails done a few days earlier and now was being pampered for an hour or so getting her hair and makeup done. By the time the makeup lady left Andrea looked a million dollars. While the makeup was happening someone else had also arrived. Matt was a photographer who was there to take glamour pics of Andrea. The next few hours were fantastic. Andrea had photos taken in five different outfits and Matt made good use of the suite we had booked. Photos were done in the lounge area, the bedroom, the desk area and the balcony overlooking the city. A fantastic, very professional guy who made Andrea feel at ease and made her laugh. Matt ended up leaving at about 8:45 that evening and the photos turned out better than we ever imagined.

As the photo shoot was coming to an end I rang Phil. Andrea was on a high and I thought what better way to finish the day than with some good company for dinner and who knows what may happen afterwards if Andrea wasn’t too worn out from her posing and modelling session.

None of us were really very hungry, we ordered pizza to be delivered and just relaxed, chatting about the day. The sun was setting so we took advantage of Andrea’s good mood and the fantastic view off the balcony and took some pics of our own. They don’t look too bad but are not as good as the professional ones. Andrea posed on the balcony and I tried to capture her with the sunset and building lights in the back ground. I then asked her to pose with her dress pulled up over her bum while she leant on the balcony rail. What a gorgeous sight. Phil was unable to resist and joined Andrea on the balcony, placing his hand on her bum cheek. This progressed to removing her G string so I could take pics with her pussy showing between her legs. A couple of pics later and I asked Andrea to show a boob, she was a bit coy but Phil moved behind her, reached into her dress and cupped one breast, bring it out where I was able to photograph the two of them with him holding her. That broke the ice and Andrea lowered the top of her dress, I was able to take a few very nice pics of her baring her breasts in front of the city skyline.

We moved back inside, the pizza arrived and after finishing it off I asked Andrea if she may like to pose some more. I reminded her of a picture Phil had sent us and how I wanted to see her sit on his pole and that if Phil was willing I would like to take pics of her doing that. Well Phil was more than willing, in fact he was partially erect already! We moved into the bedroom, removing clothes as we went. Phil’s cock was like a magnet to Andrea, she went for it, lovingly sucking as much as she could into her mouth. I moved in and was rewarded by receiving some of the same treatment. Andrea held our cocks together and tried sucking us both into her lovely mouth at once. Being unable to do so she licked us and teased us with her hands. The sight of her doing that was fantastic, the feelings were sensational. We laid Andrea down on her back, I started lapping her pussy with my tongue and then started seriously arousing her, moving into her depths. Not that she needed it, her pussy was saturated. I knew from experience that she wasn’t far off cumming and a short burst on her clit would get her there but rather than take her over the edge then I asked her if she would now sit on Phil. I was after some pics of her pussy spreading and easing over his cock until she was fully impaled.

Now I knew Andrea was horny, Phil was also as he was rock hard from the oral Andrea had been giving him while I was down between her spread thighs but by the time I picked up the camera and turned around she had moved up, mounted Phil and had his cock in her already. Maybe next time I can get those pics! I was able to get a few pics of her riding him, I then moved in behind and asked if she would like a second cock in her, Phil was a largish guy as far as his equipment was concerned and Andrea said that I would not fit, I said I would wait my turn. Andrea climbed off Phil and I thought great, my turn, but Andrea said no, they were going to do doggy. Bugger I thought, if I have to watch too much longer I will cum from the horniness of the situation. I made the most of it though, picked up the camera again and was able to get some great shots of Phil’s cock entering her pussy and thrusting in and out as they fucked each other. I moved to Andrea’s head and she sucked me into her mouth, she didn’t have to move, Phil’s thrusting moved her mouth back and forth along my shaft. I pulled away as Andrea started to cum. I was close to cumming again and the sound of Andrea orgasming was nearly enough to tip me over the edge. I watched for a minute or so while her orgasm subsided then moved back for more oral delight. Once again I felt myself getting close but I wanted to be in Andrea when I came this time so moved away again.

Phil and Andrea changed positions again, time for more photos! It wasn’t long and Andrea came again and this time so did Phil. I saw his cum run out of Andrea’s pussy while Phil was still shooting the last waves of his orgasm into her. She was so filled with his cock there was no room for all his cum. Phil pulled out and there was cum running everywhere. Phil cupped his hand beneath her pussy, up against her bum, to catch what he could while I spread a towel on the bed under Andrea. I could wait no longer and moved in and rubbed my cock up and down the length of her super slick pussy a few times before thrusting my full length into her and starting a quick pace thrusting in and out. Even with the fucking she had just had and the extra lube of her and Phil’s orgasms her pussy gripped me and felt sensational. Andrea came once again and I buried myself into her and added my cum to the remainders of Phil’s.

What a fantastic night. It topped of a magical day and one of the best weekends we have had for a very long time. After Phil left we went to sleep with the drapes open, watching the city wind down from its daytime bustle. We woke around 5am, made love, went back to sleep, woke a little later, checked out of the motel and then returned home for lunch.

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