The private orgy 2.
By: Date: 2022.03.02. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Beth West had never been so confused. The young
housewife tried desperately to sort out all that was
happening. After receiving a strange, anonymous
invitation, she and her husband now found themselves
with three other married couples in the parlor of a
magnificent mansion watching a young “newlywed” couple
make love on stage.

The live scene was intensely erotic and Beth was highly
aroused. But now she had been directed to move from
where she had been seated comfortably with her husband-
to sit with another man she barely knew. Dan, her
husband’s friend, whom she had been further instructed
to refer to only as ‘D’, smiled up at her and made room
on the leather love seat. . .motioning for her to sit
next to him.

As Beth nervously took her seat she looked back at the
couple on the stage. The bride was now laying on the
bed- the pretty satin camisole had been completely
removed and her perfectly shaped breasts, tipped with
bright pink points, bounced slightly as she shifted and
settled. The young groom was gazing down at her-still
grinning with pure lust-as he quickly removed his
tuxedo and other attire. The young woman licked her
lips as she hungrily watched his large erection bob and
wave between his muscular thighs.

“This is pretty damn hot, isn’t it?” Beth heard ‘D’
whisper beside her. She had intentionally avoided
sitting too close to him, but she felt him shifting
next to her as they both stared at the stage. “Have
you ever seen somebody do it right in front of you like
this?” D asked.

Beth cleared her throat and whispered back without
looking at him, “N…no, never, I never imagined…”

After he had removed his clothing, the attractive groom
on stage placed one knee on the bed and reached out to
effortlessly pull the scantily clad bride closer to
him. Taking his time to tease the girl and his
audience, he slowly unhooked and removed her garter and
then peeled each of her white stockings down and off
her shapely legs. The dark-haired beauty smiled and
cooed with pleasure as he hooked his fingers in her
skimpy lace panties and began to pull them off. She
lifted her hips slightly to assist him and soon she was
completely nude and spread wantonly on the bed.

Beth’s heart was pounding inside her chest and she was
having trouble catching her breath. She watched the
young man lift the girl’s delicate foot and then-
starting at her ankle-he began to kiss and lick his way
up her leg until he reached her tender inner thigh.
just inches away from her soft, wet opening. Beth
could feel her own warm juices soaking her tiny
panties, and she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs-
causing the hem of her short black dress to ride up
higher and higher.

Seated next to the increasingly impassioned housewife,
Dan Sullivan, or ‘D’, was no longer watching the
performance on stage. He knew he had limited time
before the chime sounded again and he wanted to make
the most of the opportunity. This is what he had been
waiting for-the reason he had made careful arrangements
to have Bob and Beth West invited to the party. For
quite some time Dan had secretly dreamed of seducing
his friend Bob’s innocent and comely wife. Now was the
time to make his move.

At the same time a few feet away, Beth’s husband, Bob,
was getting his own lessons in the art of seduction.
‘T’, the statuesque and tantalizing redhead, wasted
little time in cuddling up against her attractive new
friend. As they sat together watching the newlywed
couple pleasure each other, Bob felt another man’s wife
softly breathing into his ear as she whispered, “Oh,
this makes me feel so naughty would you mind if I
played… just a little?”

Bob jerked suddenly as he felt her hand grasp his and
place it on her warm, soft thigh. She purred softly
and spread her legs slightly-pushing his hand higher
until it slid under her dress. Instinctively Bob
massaged her smooth tender flesh with his fingers. As
he moved his hand higher, he could feel the warmth
building and she parted her thighs wider to give him
better access. Soon his middle fingertip brushed
against the downy softness of her pubic hair and then
the puffy flesh of her vaginal lips. She was not
wearing panties. ‘T’ moaned quietly next to him-
encouraging him to continue probing.

Somewhere in his foggy brain Bob had a fleeting thought
that what he was doing was wrong. But before he could
process the idea any further, the lovely redhead
unzipped his fly and reached inside to grasp his
throbbing manhood. The touch of her cool skin on his
burning shaft caused him to groan and thrust his hips
forward. All thoughts of turning back quickly

Beth stared trance-like at the erotic sight before her.
The young groom on the stage now had the bride’s legs
spread wide and bent at the knee. Tossing her thick
mane of hair from side to side, she panted and groaned
as her lover lapped and swirled his tongue into the
tight slit of her vagina while her hips pumped
rhythmically against his hungry mouth.

Dan had moved closer to Beth and gazed down at the
lovely sight of her naked thighs squeezing together
tightly and then relaxing repeatedly. Her dress had
ridden up high enough that he could almost see the
hidden juncture between her legs, but she was wringing
her hands together in her lap preventing the dress from
rising any higher. Watching her swelling breasts rise
and fall with each ragged breath, he slowly reached his
arm around her shoulder in a careful, casual manner so
he wouldn’t frighten or alarm her.

When she did not object to his advance, Dan lightly
placed his hand on her knee-again watching her closely
for any resistance. But Beth was dizzy and almost
drunk with desire. She heard the wet slurping sounds
and the constant moans from the couple on the stage and
she couldn’t help imagining-no, wishing-that she was
the one on the bed tangled in the naked, passionate act
with the handsome young groom. She vaguely felt a hand
touching and slowly sliding up her leg, but it didn’t
register in her lust-filled brain until she felt the
hem of her dress being tentatively pushed aside.

Beth instinctively looked down to see a man’s hand
lightly stroking her exposed skin. Then, with wide,
glazed-over eyes, she lazily looked up and tried to
focus on his face smiling back at her. “Let me help
you…” she heard him say. Dan shifted even closer to
her small frame and reached down to gently take her
hands and move them off her lap. While they both
watched his movements, he carefully took hold of the
bottom of her short dress and gradually lifted the
fabric up and folded it back onto her stomach-
completely revealing her wispy black panties.

Dan took a deep breath. She was more captivating than
he had imagined. The scant fabric did little to hide
her feminine charms, and he knew he must have her. .
.if not entirely now, then certainly before the night
was over.

On the other couch Bob leaned back and planted his
hands on the cushion to brace himself. He watched the
two young lovers on stage trying to send each other
over the edge in a frenzied sixty-nine position; but
between his outstretched legs, a gorgeous woman he
hardly knew knelt in front of him greedily deep-
throating his aching cock. Her technique was fantastic
as she swirled and stabbed her tongue around the
sensitive head each time she lifted her lovely head
with the flaming red hair.

Bob was in heaven until he remembered Beth. Whipping
around to look to his left, his eyes opened wide and
his mouth fell open when he saw what was happening.
There was his conservative little wife with her dress
bunched around her waist and her legs spread wide.
Hovering over her was the large form of his friend,
Dan, who had his hand buried in her panties-obviously
fingering her furiously. Beth stared straight ahead
with unblinking eyes as her pretty mouth gasped for
breath. Even several yards away, her husband could hear
her pant and whimper helplessly.

At first Bob was angry at the sight of his wife so
openly engaged in sexual acts with another man. But
soon he realized that he had no cause for resentment.
After all, he had encouraged her to move to the next
chair, and here he was doing the same thing with
someone else’s wife. No, there was nothing he could do
about it now.

Electric shocks jolted through Beth’s small body as the
man above her continued to plunge his fingers in and
out of her drenched pussy. He had been so smooth in
his conquest. Before she even realized what was
happening, Dan had first traced the lips of her opening
through the scant piece of silk between her legs-then
he moved his hand up and slipped it down inside.
Fireworks went off in her head when his fingertip went
straight for her erect little clitoris, which he teased
and stroked until she cried out in pleasure. Then he
moved his big fingers lower and found her steamy, wet

Dan reached under and silently urged her to raise her
tight, round buttocks so he could remove her panties
completely. Cool air rushed over her inflamed sex as
she leaned back again and waited breathlessly for the
thrill of his touch. But it would not happen now…
The chime sounded again.

Bob and Beth West were still struggling to
comprehend all that was happening to them. Not
long ago they were enjoying drinks and an intimate
dinner at a party with a few married couples who
appeared to have much in common with them. Then
everything seemed to spin out of control.

First they witnessed the “entertainment”: a young,
attractive couple on stage indulging their carnal
desires by making love in full view of the
mesmerized guests. Then the four wives in
attendance had been instructed to rotate to
different seats when signaled by a chime, allowing
each aroused woman to sit for a time with each of
the four men. The combination of the wanton
display on the stage and the sexual tension among
the changing partners produced the expected
results. Bob was treated to a lusty blowjob from a
tall, redheaded beauty he had barely met, and his
innocent little wife had been seduced and fingered
to the brink of orgasm by one of his good friends.

Now somewhere deep in her clouded mind, Beth
realized she had been signaled to move to a new
location in this surreal version of musical chairs.
The man beside her reluctantly removed his hands
from her naked skin and helped her rise unsteadily
to her feet. “We’ll finish this later,” he
breathed in her ear while he helped straighten her
dress; then he gently directed her toward the next

On stage the newlywed couple continued their heated
act of passion. The dark-haired bride was
straddling the virile groom. She arched her back
and churned her plump buttocks wildly, plunging
herself up and down with frantic need on his thick,
shiny pole sliding deep inside her with each
thrust. The room was filled with the sounds of
their love cries and the soft methodic slapping of
flesh meeting flesh.

Beth shakily groped her way through the dim light
until she saw a dark figure looming. ‘J’ sat
watching her approach with bright, narrow eyes like
a big cat waiting for its prey. Even slumped in
the chair the tall professional athlete was an
imposing figure, and the startled housewife stopped
short with a shudder. His jacket and shirt were
open and parted wide, revealing sleek, lean-cut
skin and muscle. But what stopped her was the
sight of the long, thick ebony column rising from
his open pants and laying hard against his flat
stomach. She had never seen a black man like this
before. As she gazed at the huge phallus poised
and throbbing slightly in front of her, the strong
arousal she had felt moments earlier was quickly
turning to apprehension.

Sensing her hesitancy, ‘J’ reached his hand out to
her. With a calm, low voice he said, “Come, sit
with me . . .don’t be frightened. Let me please
you.” Tentatively she allowed him to take her
delicate hand and guide her to sit next to him, but
she couldn’t pull her eyes from the coiled steel
monster between his legs.

Directly across, on the other side of the platform,
Bob was also having his first interracial
experience. J’s wife, ‘V’, took her place next to
Beth’s husband. He smiled at her nervously and
noticed that she seemed breathless and slightly
agitated. Remembering that she was new to all this
too, Bob wondered if she and her husband might be
having the same crazy mix of emotions that he was
feeling. Observing that her gauzy dress and her
ornately-styled hair were slightly disheveled, he
inquired discreetly, “Are you all right?”

She looked him in the eye for the first time and
smiled weakly, “Yes . . .I think so. But, Oh my!
I certainly didn’t expect anything like this.

“Neither did we . . .” he agreed, relieved to know
that they shared some common ground. “It’s all
pretty bizarre, isn’t it? But at the same time, I
don’t know when I’ve ever been so turned on . . .”
He almost wished he hadn’t said that, but she
smiled back at him warmly and he couldn’t help
being drawn in by her exotic beauty.

Laughing softly, she whispered, “So am I . . .” She
was also starting to appreciate the pleasing nature
and appealing features of this man she was now
seated with. His soft eyes and easy smile,
together with the strong jaw and handsome build
helped fuel the fire that had been kindled by the
show on stage, then fanned to smoldering intensity
by the suave former football player at her last
seat. Recalling how his hands had danced over the
tingling softness of her large breasts and jutting
nipples, she boldly leaned forward and kissed this
new man softly . . .allowing her tongue to
instantly melt together with his.

Bob groaned in response and his hand instinctively
reached out to cup one of her soft globes swaying
freely beneath the colorful scarf-like material of
her dress. Easily brushing the fabric aside, his
palm came into contact with the warm, moist skin of
her heavy breast and he felt a large, rubbery
nipple slip between his fingers.

“Mmmm . . .Baby, yes!” V broke the kiss and
moaned. She began to kiss and nibble his neck and
ear while her hand looked for and easily found his
swollen meat still peeking out from his open fly.
A sharp jolt went down his spine as she scraped his
shaft gently with her long fingernails; then,
wrapping her smooth fingers around him completely,
she pumped her fist up and down languidly.

Meanwhile, ‘V’s husband, ‘J’, was using all of his
willpower to keep from moving too quickly with
Beth. The tasty little white woman was obviously
nervous being with him, but he could also tell that
her fuse had been lit and she only needed some
artful persuasion to give herself over to his
powerful male allure and to her own need. He knew
that she was fascinated with his erect cock
towering right next to her; although she pretended
to watch intently what the couple was doing on
stage, he could see her looking at him from the
corner of her eye. He finally leaned over and
whispered, “You’ve never seen one this big before,
have you?”

“Never . . .” came the almost choked reply.
Realizing she could no longer avoid him, she
tentatively turned and gazed directly at his
massive tool. “I had no idea that a man could be
that large . . .” Her voice sounded almost like a
little girl’s to him. She looked like a little
girl next to his giant frame.

“It’s OK,” he told her softly. “Go ahead, touch
it . . .I know you want to. I want to feel you
touch me too.”

She did want to touch him . . .desperately. She
had to know what the smooth black skin felt like in
her hand. She was drawn to it like a magnet; so
hard and thick with rigid veins everywhere and the
deep purple helmet looking fierce and menacing.
Yes, she had to touch it she thought, as she
cautiously reached out and lightly ran her
fingertips over the velvety smoothness of it,
feeling the ridges and the swollen tissue; it was
so warm, almost hot to the touch, and it jumped and
twitched slightly in her hand.

“Damn . . .” he moaned. “You’re soft touch feels
like a butterfly on my cock.” She smiled shyly and
grew bolder with his encouragement. Grasping him
more firmly, she tried to encircle his entire
girth, but her tiny fingers could not completely
close around him. As she started to rub and milk
him slowly, he decided it was time to participate
too. Hovering over her, he reached a long arm out
and gently pulled her closer. While she continued
to play with her new toy, he reached around and
took hold of her small jacket, silently encouraging
her to let him remove it. Beth stopped stroking
him long enough to let the big man pull the garment
off her shoulders and then slip it over her arms
and off.

With her jacket gone, ‘J’ had a better view of that
creamy cleavage he had been admiring since he saw
her. Although she was a petite woman, he could
tell she had amazing breasts. He wasted no time in
brushing his large hand up her side, lightly
feeling the ridges of her rib cage, until he found
the plump firmness of her tit flesh straining
against the confines of her dress and flimsy bra.
Her sensitive nipples were erect and poking through
the fabric and he could easily feel the hard little
point scraping against the smooth skin of his palm
as he cupped and kneaded her.

Beth closed her eyes and let a little moan escape
her throat. Sharp, hot electric sensations shot
through her chest and down into her loins as he
teased her breasts. While she continued to stroke
and pull at his throbbing meat with one hand, the
other reached for and found his huge dark testicles
bouncing gently below. She lightly massaged and
squeezed him there, feeling the heat of his molten
seed churning deep inside.

‘J’ found the zipper at the back of her black
evening dress and felt it glide down easily with a
slight tug. He caressed the silky-soft skin of her
exposed back and slid lower until he grazed the
strap of her bra; with practiced skill, he unhooked
it with a flick of his wrist and she felt the
release of pressure against her swollen mounds.
Shrugging her shoulders slightly, she helped him
lower the top of the dress until it dropped down
almost completely – snagging briefly on her rock-
hard nipples. They both looked down as he reached
out and pulled on the fabric. With tantalizing
slowness, he first uncovered her puffy pink
areolas . . .then the twin points of her turgid
buttons – aching for attention.

Not able to stand the teasing any longer, she
quickly pulled her arms through the sleeves and
allowed the dress to fall to her waist while she
reached up and pulled his head down to her breasts.
Not needing a further invitation, ‘J’ slid off the
love seat and kneeled in front of the overheated
young woman. As she lay back and gasped, he took
handfuls of her milky white flesh and rubbed his
rough thumbs over her burning nipples. Beth threw
her head back and bit her lower lip to keep from
crying out as she thrust her chest toward him. She
parted her thighs slightly to allow him access to
her body, and he leaned forward and took advantage
– lowering his mouth and flicking her inflamed
little rosebuds with his long tongue.

“Ohhhh…uhhhh! Yes . . .right there!” She
panted. Her hand dropped automatically to find and
grasp his rigid tool again. In direct response to
the maddening sensations he was giving her with his
mouth, she frantically rubbed his straining cock.
The more he licked and sucked at her sweet breasts,
the faster she pumped her tiny fist – making him
grunt and shudder.

But he had to taste more, so he moved lower and
kissed his way down to the top of her fallen dress.
Tossing the bra aside, he scooted back on his
haunches, reluctantly causing her to loose her grip
on him. She whimpered slightly, but he reached
down and firmly tugged at the rumpled dress until
it slid down her torso and past her stomach. . .
almost to the secret juncture between her legs, but
her grinding hips stopped his progress.

Continuing his teasing game, he leaned down again
and kissed the smooth, heaving surface of her belly
until he could feel little wisps of hair tickling
the tip of his nose. He was close enough that he
could smell the musky scent of her flowing nectar.

Almost delirious with desire, Beth’s hips began to
hump up and off the couch. This was what ‘J’ had
been waiting for. The next time she lifted up with
a jerky spasm, he quickly hooked the dress and slid
it down and off her slim hips – then he leaned back
and pulled it the rest of the way down her writhing
legs and off. Now she was naked and splayed out
before his hungry eyes. He couldn’t believe how
enticing she was – her hard, firm body looked
almost virginal – with flawless caramel-colored
skin glowing with sexual heat. Gazing lower,
there was her flowering sex, obviously moist and
framed by a slight tuft of neatly trimmed dark

No longer able to contain himself, he pressed her
tender thighs apart and lowered his greedy mouth to
her steamy opening. Beth’s eyes flew open when she
felt him taste her there. She fought to
momentarily regain her senses. “No. . . Please,
don’t do that!” she begged. Beth had always
considered oral sex dirty and perverse. Her
husband tried to get her to do it when they first
explored each other sexually, but she had convinced
him that she was not interested. After a time he
had simply given up and she was relieved.

But this was not her husband; it was a tall black
man she did not know, and he did not want to hear
her reasoning or argument. ‘J’ knew he had this
remarkable beauty on the verge of ecstasy, and he
was not going to turn back now. Parting her slick
outer lips with his fingers, he speared his tongue
with skilled accuracy at the center of her most
sensitive spot where he began to flick and lap at
her relentlessly.

“Oh, God..Unnnnggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Beth cried
out helplessly. Her small body bucked and jerked
out of control while the big man held her tight
against his mouth with his strong hands. Her legs
flew out wide – kicking and flailing until they at
last got hooked up around his broad shoulders.
Immediately she felt the first shuddering waves of
climax building; she knew she was lost and gave up
to it.

The groom was huffing and sweating as he took the
bride from behind. Her head was lowered and her
long, dark tresses flipped back and forth each time
he pounded into her. But Bob couldn’t care less
about what was happening on the stage. He was
laying on his back, nude, with the loveliest black
woman he had ever seen kneeling over him,
sensuously dragging her slippery vaginal lips over
and back against his aching-hard penis. She smiled
down at him wickedly, fully aware that her sweet
torture was driving him mad with lust. Her
pendulous breasts swayed and brushed against his
chest with each movement. “You want me, don’t
you?” She teased.

Unable to stand it any longer, he grunted and
thrust his hips up and forward, hitting the mark on
the first attempt. The mushroom-shaped head of his
manhood easily slid inside her well-lubricated
tunnel; the warm, moist walls instantly gripped and
squeezed against his sensitive glans. Above him,
‘J’ moaned out her pleasure and pushed back,
seeking eagerly to complete the joining. First
rising up, then sinking back against him, she could
feel his thick rod gliding up and in. . . farther
with each downward shift until their pubic areas
ground together.

This was ‘V’s first experience with another man
since her marriage too, and she was surprised at
how quickly she’d been carried away by the illicit
urges she felt. Her husband was a great lover, but
now all she could think of was this strange man’s
cock buried to the hilt in her twitching vagina.
She needed friction and release, so she leaned back
and balanced her hands on his chest to steady
herself. She began to rock up and down on him,
picking up speed gradually and reveling in the
delicious feelings spreading like liquid fire
through her feverish body.

Bob met her thrusts and pushed back. His cock felt
like it was coated in warm butter. He vaguely
heard her gasp and pant above him each time he
stabbed up into her. Grasping her flexing thighs
for leverage, he slammed his hips up to meet each
of her quickening down-strokes. He raised his
knees and planted his feet, lifting both of their
bodies high off the leather love seat each time
they crashed together. Soon he could feel the
familiar boiling sensation rising up from somewhere
deep within, signaling his impending eruption.
Wanting her to explode with him, he reached between
them and found her rigid clitoris. Wetting his
fingers with her juices, he started to rub against
her in a way that matched their furious rhythm.
“Come with me!” he hissed. . .urging her to go off.
“I’m almost there . . .”

“Uhgh…yes…yes….I can feel it building up!
she grimaced between hard strokes. “Oh, baby…
yeah…I’m coming! You’re making me come!!!”
The white-hot seed rocketed through his shaft and
sprayed out in forceful spurts, but she could not
feel the warmth of it spreading inside her.

‘V’ was too far lost in the throes of her own
climax to notice. Great shudders of pleasure
racked her body and she held her breath for fear
that the next convulsion between her legs might
cause her to black out. Neither of them had ever
experienced anything before with such raw animal

Beth was recovering from her own mind-shattering
orgasm and climbing rapidly toward another when the
chime sounded again. ‘J’ was still lapping
hungrily between her wide-spread legs, hoping to
beat the clock and plant his giant member in the
willing little housewife, but he knew he had run
out of time now.

All modesty gone, Beth allowed him to help her up
and stood naked except for her high heeled shoes
and her medallion. Something in her woozy brain
triggered and she remembered who was waiting at her
next stop, causing a tremble of anticipation. She
wordlessly thanked the gentle black man she had
been with by reaching down and softly running her
hand along his impressive length one last time.
Then, taking her rumpled dress and dragging it
behind her, she moved off to the rendezvous she had
been secretly looking forward to.

‘S’ stood waiting for her. He too had shed his
clothing and she nearly swooned when she took in
the sight of him. Everything about the huge man
was appealing to her-his warm smile first, then the
incredible eyes that seemed to peer right into her
heart. Built like a granite statue, his massive
shoulders, arms, and chest tapered down to a flat,
hard stomach ripped with solid muscle. And there
was his cock, erect and perfectly shaped.

Notfreakishly big, but large enough to satisfy any
woman; it stood up proudagainst the chiseled
abdomen. Below, his powerful legs looked like tree
trunks supporting his solid frame.

Dropping her dress, Beth rushed to his waiting
arms. Without a word they melded together in a
passionate kiss that made the tiny hairs on the
back of her neck stand up and tingle. She could
feel his hardness pressing insistently against her
belly. . .throbbing gently with his rapid pulse.
Gasping for breath, she broke the kiss and pulled
his ear to her mouth. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for
this,” she whispered. “Please . . .I need you
inside me. Now…please hurry!”

Reaching between her legs, ‘S’ dipped a fingertip
into her swollen lips. His digit was instantly
coated with her warm, sweet honey. “Yes, you are
ready for me,” he smiled. “Well, I’ve learned to
never keep a lady waiting . . .”

He gently turned her aroundt and wrapped his
massive arms around her, pressing himself against
her back. Sliding his hands down, he found and
massaged her quivering breasts as he slowly guided
her to the love seat. Beth allowed him to position
her so that she was kneeling on the leather cushion
with her arms clinging over the back, facing away
from him. His strong hands urged her legs apart
and he moved up behind her. At first she could
feel his body heat against her skin, then she felt
the blunt, rounded shaft of his organ moving and
rubbing between the soft cheeks of her buttocks.
He moved back and forth like that for a few
moments, sending chills through her already
frazzled nerves. “Please . . .don’t tease me,” she

Finally he grasped his cock and aimed down until he
found her soggy opening. He brushed the thick head
around briefly to cover it with her slick juices,
then he pushed forward slightly and felt the tip
catch and move through the snug ring at her
entrance. He was amazed at how tight she was, even
after all this prolonged stimulation. Hearing a
deep sigh of approval, he grasped her hips and
pressed forward again, this time sliding almost
half way inside.

“Oh….yessssss. . .” she hissed. “It feels so
good, put it in . . .”

The big former football player granted her wish.
First he pulled out until just the head of his rod
was poised at the opening, then he jerked his
mighty hips forward in one smooth stroke, impaling
her completely. Beth’s eyes rolled back in her
head and she cried out with unbridled rapture; her
hands gripped the back of the chair tightly, as she
felt him immediately begin to move in and out with
slow, smooth thrusts.

It was better than she could have imagined. Every
muscle and tissue in her small body strained to
accept and meet his powerful, but controlled
movements. She could feel his heavy balls softly
smacking against her backside each time he pushed
against her, and soon they were rocking together.
gradually building the tempo. She discovered
that, if she leaned back and arched her pelvis at
just the right angle, his swollen shaft would rake
against her hypersensitive clitoris occasionally,
causing sharp tremors of pure pleasure.

From his position a few feet away, Bob West watched
his lovely wife being fucked by another man for the
first time. Her head was thrown back and her arms
and hands clutched desperately at the furniture she
was braced against. The large man behind her
pounded in and out relentlessly, causing little
shock waves to ripple through her small body with
each impact. Bob was peering around the bare
bottom of Dan’s wife, Mandy. The pretty blonde
held herself high up against his face, encouraging
him to lick and nibble at her glistening labia
while she gamely worked at reviving his spent male
equipment with her mouth.

The bizarre rotation was now complete; all of the
couples had sampled each other’s spouses. Up on
the platform, Mr. Kensington, the imposing butler,
reappeared completely nude, joining the newlyweds’
erotic performance. The bald man was built like a
bull; his hard buttocks flexed and relaxed as the
bride sucked him hungrily, her blushing cheeks
puffed and hollowed around his girth. Behind her,
the handsome young groom looked like he was about
to explode. Every muscle strained and the cords in
his neck stood out sharply as he jackhammered
against the girl.

Beth was nearly overcome with the sweet sensations
pouring through her every fiber. ‘S’ reached out
to hold and massage her bouncing breasts while he
continued to slam into her, filling and emptying
her completely with each rapid stroke. Suddenly
she was aware of another person standing close in
front of her. Trying to focus her glazed vision,
She realized it was Dan gazing down at them with
lust in his eyes and silently offering his
angry-looking cock to her. She knew instantly
what he wanted, but again her conservative
upbringing made her balk at the thought, and she
closed her eyes tight and turned her head away.

Dan was not to be denied, however. He’d waited too
long for this. Gently he placed his hand on her
silky hair and turned her pretty face back to him.
Beth was gasping and panting for breath and there
was no way on earth she could keep her mouth
closed. Soon she felt the rubbery tip of his hot
tool brushing against her parched lips . . .pushing
in past her teeth and gliding across her tongue.
The taste was not unpleasant, she realized;
slightly salty and almost familiar. Surrendering
to the fact that she could not refuse him in this
position, she allowed her tongue to swirl
tentatively around the spongy hardness. Dan heaved
a great sigh and pushed his hips forward slightly,
basking in the moist warmth. He smiled with
satisfaction when he felt her small, shaking hand
reach up to grasp and accept him while her head
began to bob slowly, sucking him in deeper with
each small thrust.

Beth found herself wedged between two strong males
– both trying to fill her openings with their
swelling erections. Her diminutive body was being
assaulted and buffeted by the eager, forceful
pumping and prodding, but she felt heavenly. Never
before had she felt so sexually alive and in tune
with her womanly desires. Every part of her burned
with intense excitement and raw passion. She could
feel the familiar stirrings of another shattering
orgasm rolling and crashing through the dam in the
deepest part of her soul. Wanting to cry out in
pleasure, she could not because her mouth and
throat were engrossed in greedily slurping and
sucking Dan’s engorged cock as it pistoned in and
out through her tender lips.

Between her legs, Beth sensed that ‘S’ was
nearing his end.

Sweating and growling above her, he pushed himself
with his great strength against her, deeper and
harder . . .faster and faster . . .until she could
feel him touch her very core. Suddenly he slammed
his hips forward and roared. A bright light flashed
in her head and her insides seemed to burst…
followed by soothing warmth that washed throughout
her ravaged body.

Choking and gasping, fighting to breathe, Beth
pulled her mouth off Dan who was watching the
dramatic crescendo between the conjoined lovers;
the vibrations of their release passed through her
mouth – stimulating and triggering the eruption
he’d been fighting to keep in check until now. The
spent, weary housewife instinctively used her hand
to continue pumping his shaft, slippery with her
saliva. Her efforts were soon rewarded as Dan
groaned loudly and sprayed out his hot, milky fluid
– splashing it across her slender neck, shoulder,
and arm.

Beth’s husband vaguely watched the orgiastic frenzy
unfolding around him. The room was filled with the
sound and scent of sex. Everywhere he gazed, naked
bodies were tangled together, writhing and humping.
He’d seen his puritanical little wife take on two
men with astonishing abandon until she lay crumpled
beneath them, bathed in sensual bliss. At this
moment a stunning blonde woman, who happened to be
his friend’s wife, was leaning over Bob’s torso
sucking his cock furiously while a demented, bald
butler named Kensington plowed into her from
behind. On the stage, the tall black man had the
young bride’s legs wrapped over his shoulders; he
pounded into her with his amazingly long penis as
his own wife rocked back on forth on the young
girl’s face.

Time seemed to stand still and Bob closed his eyes
trying to remember how the hell he got here.


Several days later, Beth West found a glossy black
package in her mailbox. Opening it, she discovered
a videotape inside simply labeled ‘The Party’ and a
small hand-written note attached. A smile played
across her lovely red lips as she read:

‘Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Here is a souvenir of our time together for you
to watch and enjoy. Looking forward to the
pleasure your company at our next gathering.

Best regards, Your Host’

Beth felt a sudden little shudder pass through her
as she skipped up the driveway…heading for the

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