Sexy, young, Samantha and her naughty mother go shopping together
By: Date: 2024.01.19. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , , , ,

Sunday morning found the William’s household much more relaxed and content. For Chad and Julie, the sexual tensions surrounding their daughter was now defused, since they both admitted to mentally lusting after their sexy, teenage, daughter. The two shared knowing glances when Samantha came into the kitchen for breakfast wearing only a skimpy t-shirt. When she stood at the counter with her back to her parents, and yawned and stretched, her short shirt rose up, showing off her naked ass.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Julie said suddenly, “Samantha and I are going to the mall today to get her some new underwear, do you need anything, Chad?”

“Uh, no.” Chad replied, his mind elsewhere. Samantha was now on her tip-toes, reaching for a glass on the top shelf, exposing even more of her ass. She looked over her shoulder and caught him looking at her exposed flesh. She glanced over to her mother to see if she had noticed her father’s gaze, to discover her mom was staring at her ass too.

‘Very curious,’ Samantha thought, ‘She knows I’m showing dad my butt. I wonder why she doesn’t tell me to cover up?’

“Hurry up and eat, Sam,” Julie said. “The mall opens at 10, and it’s already past 9. I want to get there before it gets too busy.”

Samantha quickly ate, showered dressed, then when searching for her mother. Hearing voices, she walked down the hall to join her mom and dad in their bedroom. She was excited to get some new underwear to tease her dad, and wanted to make sure her mom was ready. Her mother and father were discussing dinner plans, so Samantha sat on the edge of the bed while she waited.

“I just have to shower and then we can go Sam,” Julie said, finishing her conversation. Then, she surprised Chad by stripping off her clothes with Samantha still in the room! She kicked off her slippers and pulled off her pajama top, displalying her still firm breasts, while saying, “Samantha needs some new, sexier underwear, Chad. After all, she’s a big girl now. I guess she has outgrown her ‘My Little Pony’ panties, haven’t you Sam?” Julie smiled at her near-grown teenage daughter and then dropped her own plain panties. Both father and daughter watched them fall to the floor. Chad noticed his wife must have trimmed her pussy hair last night. Samantha smiled at her mother, admiring her flat stomach, round, full breasts and neatly trimmed pussy.

“Maybe I’ll get some new underwear too,” Julie said, as she turned and walked towards the master bath. She stopped and looked over her shoulder, catching them both staring at her ass. “Would you like that?” she asked. Chad nodded stupidly. Samantha nodded too. Julie knew her ass was tight and firm and could still draw attention.

Before long, both mother and daughter were ready for their shopping trip. “Are you ready to go?” Julie asked her daughter. Samantha nodded.

“Alright, let’s go shopping– Chaaarrrge -it!” Julie said, excited to be spending some quality girl-time with her pretty daughter.

“Wait a second,” Julie stopped, holding up a hand and eyeing Samantha’s short skirt. “Panty check – lift up your skirt.”

Samantha lifted up her skirt, flashing her mother her bare pussy.

“Samantha! Go put on some panties!” Julie admonished.

“But we are going to buy new ones!” Samantha whined.


“Awww!” Samantha replied, stomping off to her room to find some underwear.

At the mall, Julie and Samantha had a very nice time together. They walked the mall, laughed, giggled, and hugged like they used to. Julie noticed more than one lecherous man eying the both of them. In the clothing store, Julie allowed Samantha pick out some ‘more adult’ bras and panties, and she joined her daughter in the changing room, ‘to make sure they fit,’ of course.

Julie surreptitiously watched her daughter strip. The way Samantha wiggled her ass as she pushed down her panties caused her to think her daughter might be putting on a mini strip-show for her. Samantha was certainly not shy about showing off her young, firm body! Julie glanced down at Samantha’s naked slit, only to look up and find her daughter watching her. Julie quickly looked away and soon began to help Samantha try on a bra. She had not seen Samantha’s breasts up close since they had purchased her first training-bra, which seemed like ages ago. Once Samantha had started to develop fuller breasts, she had been too shy to let her mother see her naked. This time was different. Samantha wasn’t shy at all. Julie bit her lip. Her daughter was stunning. She watched Samantha try on a bra. It was silky and lacy. Very sexy.

“Does this look OK, mom?” Samantha asked, turning back and forth. “It feels a little tight.”

“Let me check, honey,” Julie said. She made sure Samantha’s new bra fit perfectly, running her hands under the straps and adjusting the cups by feeling her daughter’s breasts and lifting the bra over her growing soft flesh and settling it back down. Julie lusted after her daughter’s full, cone-shaped, puffy nipples. They reminded her of her youthful girlfriend’s breasts – the ones she used to suck for hours it seemed during their frequent sleepovers. Julie told herself her constant touching and lingering contact were mean to ensure a comfortable fit, not to grope her daughter’s beautiful tits. Samantha didn’t seem to mind at all, even asking her mother to re-check and adjust them a couple times. Julie was thrilled to notice Samantha’s nipples harden and noticed her skin was covered with goose-bumps.

They soon had a pile of pretty, silky underwear and matching bras for Samantha. She was modeling the last set, a lacey pair of black panties and bra, cupping her bra and running a hand over her bottom. “No wonder women like this! They feel so smooth and silky!”

“Turn around, let me see your butt, Sam.” Julie asked, taking another opportunity to ogle at her daughter without being obvious. “Looking good, Sammie,” she said, “Your ass is really getting rounder and full. You’re not a skinny, flat-chested, bean-pole anymore.”

“Thanks, mom, do you think daddy will like it?” Samantha said, looking over her shoulder and admiring her ass in the mirror. She realized what she said and quickly tried to explain herself, “I mean.., if he ever saw me…, dressed like this…, accidently…,” she stammered.

Julie rescued her. “I’m sure if he saw you in your panties and bra, Sammie, he would think you were the prettiest, sexiest, young girl in the world. Yeah, he would love it. Definitely!” Just as Julie was loving it. “I’m sure you’d give your father a full raging boner if he saw you in that outfit.” Julie laughed out loud, picturing Chad’s discomfort.

Samantha was shocked! She giggled and said “Mom!”

“What would you think if you gave daddy an erection wearing these things around the house?” Julie asked her daughter with a smile, already knowing the answer. She wondered if Samantha was brave enough to admit it. She was quickly coming to the conclusion that her daughter was not as innocent as she had once thought.

“You said it was normal, right?” Samantha asked.

“Well, yes I did,” Julie admitted. “Sometimes girls give men boners on accident, but sometimes,” she leaned in to whisper to Samantha, “Sometimes they do it on purpose!”

Shocked and wondering her mother knew what she was trying to do to her father, she cried out again, “Mom!”

“I shouldn’t be telling you this,” Julie whispered, “But I gave my daddy a whole lot of boners when I was your age.”

“You didn’t!” Samantha replied in a hushed tone, “You gave grandpa boners on purpose!”

“Yep. And Uncle John too. It was actually a lot of fun. You just can’t be too obvious about it though,” Julie sad.

“I…, I kinda want to make dad horny sometimes,” Samantha whispered. “I feel sexy, and I can see him looking at me. And, I really want know what his penis looks like too. Is that OK? Is it ‘normal,’ I mean?”

“Curiosity is always ‘normal,’” Julie replied. “I was pretty curious about men’s cocks and balls…, oops! Excuse me, I meant men’s ‘penises and testicles’ – when I was young too. Often, a father’s penis is the first one a girl sees.”

“OK, then, I’d like to see daddy’s penis when it is all hard and stuff, and his balls too.” Samantha said, matter-of-factly. It was the truth anyway. She also wanted to see it, and touch it, and suck it and fuck it! Samantha took off her bra and panties and stood naked before her mother, looking at her expectantly.

“Hmmm,” her mother said, “I’ll have to take that under advisement.” Julie wondered how far she would take this. She looked at her daughter’s pert breast and her suck-able, bald pussy and immediately thought, ‘Maybe a little farther.’

“Hey, do you think I should get some sexy things too?” Julie asked her gorgeous, naked, daughter. She was aching to suck on Samantha’s perfect little titties; they looked so ripe! Julie didn’t want to go home yet, she was having so much fun!

“Yeah!” Samantha said excitedly, as she quickly began getting dressed again. Julie regretfully watched Samantha’s breasts and pussy disappear from her view.

“Let’s pay for these and go across the mall to Victoria’s Secret, they have a lot of sexy things there I just know your daddy would like to see me wear!”

Julie paid for Samantha’s new panties and bras, grabbing a package of ‘normal’ panties on the way to the register as well. They were sensible cotton panties, but brightly colored in solids and stripes; without a ‘My Little Pony’, unicorn, or butterfly to be seen.

The two walked down to Victoria’s Secret holding hands. Samantha was almost skipping with excitement. She had never been inside this store before, but had always loved looking through the window at the mannequins dressed in sexy underwear. She was sure she could convince her mother to buy her some too!

Julie and Samantha walked around the store, looking for some special lingerie. Samantha ran her fingers over the racks of garments, touching and feeling the soft, sensual cloth, while Julie ***********ed a couple sexy bra and panty sets that were both sexy and functional. After all, she needed a new bra or two. Her plain white ones were getting worn and tattered. She felt her spirits lifting. She hadn’t felt this happy and sexy in a long, long time.

“What about this?” Samantha asked, holding up a complete set of bra, panties and garter belt with straps. They were black, sheer, and very sexy.

Julie looked at the flimsy material her daughter was suggesting for her and glanced up at the mannequin. The outfit was certainly designed for sex, not function. It was made of nylon and spandex and would form to her body perfectly. She hadn’t owned something like that since a long past Valentine’s Day many years ago. Her husband would certainly like it.

“Oh, never mind this one is torn!” Samantha said, slipping her fingers through the slit in the panties. “They are all torn!” she exclaimed, checking one pair and then another. She was very puzzled as to why all of these new panties would be ripped down the middle.

Julie giggled. “They are not torn, they are supposed to be that way; those are called crotch-less panties, Sam.”

“They’re supposed to be like this? Why?” Samantha asked, genuinely curious.

“Um, well…, clothes like this are not something you would normally wear to work or to school, they are made for the bedroom, you know?”

Samantha still looked puzzled.

“For sex,” her mother stated.

“Oh!” Samantha finally understood. “So the guy puts his thing…,” she started.

“Yes,” her mother nodded. “And the woman doesn’t have to take her underwear off.”


“Some guys really like sexy underwear.” Julie said. Her husband Chad loved it when she wore things like this.

“Get them, mom!” Samantha encouraged. “Dad will go crazy!”

“OK, if you think I should.” Julie replied, suddenly feeling very naughty. She quickly found a set in her size and found a matching thigh-high stockings. She found another even sexier set in red she just had to get as well. They were on sale, after all, twenty-five percent off!

“Can I get an outfit too?” Samantha asked.

“No, afraid not. You are a little young for this kind of thing.” Julie said, shaking her head ‘No.’ This outfit was made for fucking. Her daughter wasn’t ready for that yet.

“Awww!” Samantha whined. “How about these then, just the panties?” She held up another pair of crotch-less panties.

“Well I don’t know…,” Julie began. She imagined her daughter wearing them under her nightly lounging around clothes while she and Chad watched. She began to waiver.

“This way, I can wear panties like you asked me to, and I can still itch myself whenever I want!” Samantha thought she was brilliant!

“Umm..,” Julie considered briefly. Her wet pussy made the decision for her. “OK. But you can’t wear them to school, only at home. Got it?”

“Got it!” Samantha said. “Uh mom, what’s dad’s favorite color?”

“Blue, why?” Julie said.

“I’m getting a blue pair!” Samantha said excitedly, “And a pink pair for me!”

Julie was stunned. ‘Poor Chad,’ she thought, ‘He is going to be in real trouble.’ She imagined him with a perpetual hard on. Then she smiled, realizing that she would be benefiting as well; both from the view, and the hot sex afterwards!

Mother and daughter headed over to the ‘Petit’ section to find some demure crotch-less panties for Samantha. She picked out a pretty baby blue pair and snuck in a matching bra, then found herself a pink set as well. “Come on mom, let me have these too,” she begged. “It’s my favorite color!?”

Samantha also begged for a couple silky chemises, one in baby blue that tied in the front, and soft pink one that tied behind the neck; they both matched her new sexy underwear. They were silk, low-cut and trimmed with sheer lace. Her mother, in a sexual daze, allowed her to have them, imagining her daughter flashing her pretty butt and new panties every night. Julie couldn’t help but get a new silk, nearly see-thru chemise for herself, as well.

“Let’s go try them on!” Samantha squealed.

With a look of concern from a haughty saleslady, mother and daughter crammed themselves into the small changing room. Samantha immediately stripped naked and put on her pink panties before throwing on the pink chemise over her bare upper torso. She twisted back and forth, watching her pretty, panty-covered ass. Not being able to see what she wanted to see, she bent over in front of the mirror, looking behind her. She smiled seeing her ass framed in pink lace with her bald pussy lips peeking out from behind. Her dad couldn’t refuse her now! Julie stared at the mirror and her daughter’s virgin charms with an open mouth. She felt herself drooling, as if she was starving and had a plate of gourmet food placed before her. Julie suddenly had a panic-attack. ‘What am I doing? I can’t allow this!’

“Samantha, I don’t know about this,” she began. “I think you may be too young for…,”

“Shhhh!” Samantha said, straightening up and facing her mother. “I’m not too young. You said I was growing up, and besides, you already said ‘Yes.’ No changies!” She stuck out her tongue at her mother, daring her to refuse her.

Julie hesitated, so Samantha pressed on. “Let’s see what yours look like mom. Try on the black one first!”

Julie obeyed her daughter robotically. She shimmied out of her jeans and took off her shirt. She was a little self-conscious of her white, worn out bra. She took it off sheepishly, first covering her nipples and breast-flesh, then resignedly putting her arms down, and letting her daughter see her naked breasts. The small changing room seemed even smaller suddenly, with her daughter’s body so close to her.

“Your breasts are pretty, mom.” Samantha said, staring, nearly eye level to her mother’s bosom. “Will mine get that big?” she asked.

Julie cupped her large, yet still-firm breasts. Her nipples hardened in the cool air-conditioned room. “Probably. Your grandmas on both sides of the family had nice-sized breasts. Even if they don’t, I think your breasts are perfect now, even if they don’t get any bigger.” She hefted her own breasts for her daughter, one then the other, before letting them fall.

“Can I…,” Samantha began, “Can I touch them?” she asked.

Julie almost gasped out loud.

Samantha quickly reassured her mother. “I’m not being weird or anything, I just want to know what they feel like…, what I’ll feel like…, when I get big..,” Samantha licked her lips slowly.

Julie froze. Her own daughter groping her breasts? This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? The very thing she had been dreaming about? Samantha feeling her up, learning about sex and enjoying the intimate benefits of being a woman? Her mind raced. ‘Maybe just this once?’ she considered. ‘Yes, just this once and never again!’ she promised to herself. She knew she would masturbate constantly over the events of this day. Only a second or two had passed, though it felt like an eternity.

Not wanting to make her daughter uncomfortable by her long pause, she said happily, “Of course you can! Perfectly normal! Just this once though, OK?” She leaned towards her daughter, her fat breasts and full nipples hanging down heavily, just inches from Samantha’s face. “Give them a good feel!” She said quickly, “Hurry up, I want to get dressed! It’s cold!” Julie always spoke fast when she was nervous.

Samantha reached out her open hands with her pretty, pink, nail-polished fingers. She gripped a large, soft breast in each hand before squeezing them repeatedly.

‘Just like a teenage boy,’ Julie thought, ‘Honking a bicycle horn.’

But, Samantha wasn’t a teenage boy. She was more mature and had sexual knowledge her mother didn’t know about. She cupped her mother’s breasts and fingered them softly. Mesmerized, she traced a finger under the soft flesh and then ran a finger over her mother’s nipple.

“Now I know why boys are fascinated with a girl’s breasts,” Samantha said, staring longingly at her mother’s tits. “They are so soft… and suck-able…”

“Uh, huh,” Julie replied, “Very much so.” She wondered what she would do if Samantha latched on to one or her fat nipples right now. Her pussy was getting so wet, she felt like she could come with just the faintest touch against her clit.

“I wish…,” Samantha began, still kneading her mother’s breasts and flicking a finger back and forth across her taut nipple, pleased with the way they had hardened.

“What honey?” Julie encouraged her daughter. She was almost shaking, anticipating what Samantha would say. She watched Samantha open her mouth slightly, and run her wet tongue over her pretty lips. Julie wanted to reach out and pull her daughter against her breasts, to have her suckle them again like when she was a baby. Julie so loved that feeling, and ached for it to happen again, now that her daughter was older.

“I wish…, I mean, I want to…, that I wish I could..,” Samantha stuttered, then seemed to change her mind about what she was going say. “I mean, I wish could have tits as soft and pretty as yours, mom.” She released her mother’s breasts. “Thanks for letting me touch them. They’re amazing.”

Julie exhaled. She turned to put on her black chemise, hiding her shame and embarrassment from her daughter. ‘OMG, what almost happened!’ she screamed inside her mind. She quickly put on her bra, panties and garter, keeping her ass turned towards her daughter. Samantha watched her mother get dressed, admiring her smooth, round ass and her hairy bush peeking out from below her butt.

Julie slipped on the black lingerie. Her large breasts were accentuated by the tight spandex. Her panties showed a little of her swollen pussy lips, peeking thru the slit. The garter belt sat upon her panties with the straps hanging down. “What do you think?” Julie asked, hurrying to get out of the small changing room. She and Samantha were much too close for comfort. “They will look better with the stockings on,” Julies said, “But I don’t want to open the package yet. See? The stocking attach to the straps like this.” Julie put a foot on the small bench and grabbed a strap, turning her leg to show Samantha. Her cunt lips slipped thru the slit in her panties.

Julie held still and pretended she didn’t notice, as she explained how the straps worked. Samantha was staring at her pussy, not the strap. She saw her mother’s pussy glisten under the bright florescent lights. ‘Mom is just as horny as I am!’ Samantha realized.

Julie stood up, once again embarrassed to be so exposed in front of her daughter.

“You look really sexy in that, mom! Dad will love it!” Then, Samantha said, “Wait!” and reached out to grab her mother’s breasts again, adjusting her large breasts in the tight bra as her mother had done to her. “There, much better!” She smiled brightly before giving her mother’s breasts another firm pat.

Julie wondered if Samantha now felt she could grope her breasts at anytime with impunity. “Uh, we better be going now,” she mumbled. “We can try on the rest of this stuff when we get home.”

“Sure mom, whatever.” Samantha said. “I had a lot of fun with you. I can’t wait to show dad what we bought!”

‘Oh shit, what will Chad say about all of this?’ Julie wondered. ‘He would understand!’ she hoped. She knew shew was really stepping over the line this time, but it felt so good!

The door opened to the familiar screech of Samantha’s voice, “Daddy we’re home!” she yelled.

Chad pushed himself off of the couch and turned down the volume on the TV. He didn’t care that much for it anyway, since his team was losing.

“Look at all the stuff we bought!” Samantha said, struggling with the heavy bags she insisted on carrying in all by herself. She tossed them on the end of the couch and some various colored lingerie spilled out. Chad noticed the Victoria’s Secret bag and looked at Julie with one eyebrow raised quizzically. Julie just shrugged, as if it was no big deal.

Samantha searched for her favorite item, found it, and held up her baby blue chemise to show it to her father. “Look at it daddy! Isn’t it nice? Feel how soft it is! And we bought some new panties and bras too! I can’t wait to try them all on! Come on mom!”

Samantha bounced out of the room, her ass jiggling. Chad looked at his wife. “Really?” he said to her, “You are killing me!” He adjusted his cock. Julie just giggled, gave her husband a sexy wink, and followed her daughter out of the room.

“Look mom!” Samantha said moments later. “Look at how pretty I am!” Samantha showed off in front of her full-length mirror. She was dressed in her new favorite outfit – her baby blue panties, bra, and matching chemise. She bent over to pull her crotch-less panties apart, looking intently down at her pussy. Her fingers tugged a little more, and her pussy spread apart, just a little, showing off the pink wetness usually hidden by her zippered slit.

“You do look beautiful, Sam,” Julie choked. She had been watching her daughter try all of her new underwear, some of them more than once. Samantha was really comfortable being naked in front of her mother, and Julie couldn’t wait to fuck her husband silly tonight.

“Can I do it, what you said at the store?” Samantha asked. “Can I?”

“Can you what?” Julie asked, hoping her daughter had forgotten about it.

“Can I…, you know…, give dad a boner?”

“Uh, I thought we were just kidding around and…,” Julie started.

“Mom!” Samantha said sternly. “You said giving men boners was normal, remember? If you did it to grandpa why can’t I do it daddy?” She was going to drive her father crazy with lust, and her mom was going to help. She would teach him to refuse her advances!

Julie sighed. She knew she would cave eventually. It may as well be now, while she was too horny to think straight. “OK, Sam,” she said, resigned. Besides, it would be fun to watch Chad suffer like she had been suffering all morning. “Let’s wait until this bedtime though, and you can wear your new lingerie.”

Samantha really wanted to do it now, but agreed to wait. She put on a pair of silky red panties and covered them with another short, tight, t-shirt. They barely covered her ass.

Chad spent the rest of the afternoon watching sports, and Samantha of course, as she repeatedly walked in front of the TV. Her tits seemed even larger today, if that was possible. Or maybe the shirt was wearing was tighter. His eyes first gazed on her tits as she bounced into the room, then, he focused on her ass as she walked out, her panty-covered cheeks hanging out so enticingly. He noticed his daughter’s confidence as she strutted around in her new, pretty, silky panties.

There was a lot of whispering between Julie and Samantha soon after dinner. He heard Samantha repeatedly ask, “Now?” and Julie answering, “Not now!” He was sure something was brewing between them. Maybe they had bought him a present while they were out shopping?

Before long, Julie and Samantha disappeared for a while. Julie was in the hallway wearing her long, worn out, bath robe and said, “Uh, Chad?”

“Yeah?” he looked up from his book. “What?”

“Ummm…, I want to show you something.”

“OK, so show me then.” He was confused. Why was his wife acting so strangely? She had even freshened up her make-up too. Just to get ready for bed?

“Promise you won’t be mad at me first.”

“What? Mad? Why?” Chad exclaimed. ‘Did she dent the car?’ he wondered, then sighed. “No, I won’t get mad. I promise, now what is it?”

“This.” Julie said, relieved. She dropped her robe to the ground. She was wearing her new, black chemise, bra and panties. He hadn’t even noticed her black stockings until she stepped into the light of the living room.

He whistled long and slowly. His wife hadn’t worn an outfit like that since Samantha was young.

“Why the hell would I be angry about your outfit? You look smoking hot!”

Julie walked over to her husband. As he started hungrily at her sexy body and outfit, Julie leaned over to whisper into Chad’s ear, as he stared at her deep, bulging, cleavage.

“I let Sammie get one too, honey.”

“Julie?” Chad raised his eyebrow and hissed, “You didn’t!”

“Hi daddy.” Came Samantha voice from the hallway.

“Now Chad,” Julie began her well-rehearsed speech. “Sam’s not a little girl anymore. She deserves pretty things.


“I want her.., us.., to be comfortable in our own home. A girl needs to feel pretty once in a while, doesn’t she Sam?”

“Yeah!” Samantha said, skipping into the living room from the hallway.

Before Chad could turn to look, Julie whispered in his ear softly, “They’re crotch-less…”

Chad’s mouth dropped open. He watched his little Samantha skip into the room. She was dressed like her mother, wearing nothing but an almost see-through blue chemise, a lacy bra and matching panties. He stared at his near naked daughter, then looked up at his wife.

“Doesn’t she look nice, Chad?” Julie said nervously.

“Do you like it, daddy? Am I pretty?” Samantha asked, twirling around to show off her body.

It was then Chad noticed Samantha was also wearing make-up. Not too much, just enough to make her eyes even brighter, her cheeks a little more rosy, and her lips redder. She looked good enough to fuck – No, she looked like she was ready to be fucked! And with make-up on, she looked old enough too.

“Uh…,” Chad began. He remembered his talk with Julie yesterday and knew she wanted him to praise his pretty daughter, and encourage her to have a positive, uninhibited, self-image of herself.

“Yeah! You look great, Samantha. Really great! Sexy even! You are just as pretty and sexy as your momma!” He felt his cock chubbing up in his shorts. He already knew what she looked like underneath her clothing, but now, she was looking even better than he ever thought possible.

“Yea!” Samantha exclaimed in happiness, and jumped into his lap. She put her arms around him, pressed her breasts into his chest and gave him a kiss on the lips. Chad felt her grind on his crotch just a little, amazed she would do it in front of her mother! His cock pulsed and throbbed. She gave him another grind, feeling his burgeoning hardness, as she slipped off his lap.

For Chad, the rest of the pleasure filled, but still torturous, evening was spent staring at both his wife and daughter’s near nakedness. His cock was almost perpetually hard. He could feel the wetness in his underwear where his cock oozed pre-cum. It almost seemed as if the two girls in his life were trying to make him horny! He expected it from Samantha, but not from his wife.. Julie even asked him to go to the kitchen and them all a soda! He couldn’t refuse her, and did his best to hide his obvious erection as he left the room, but hearing soft snickers behind him.

Chad could do little but stare at his teen-age daughter as she flaunted her skimpy attire, enjoying her newfound freedom and sexuality. It was a relief to be able to admire Samantha openly, as did his wife, but for him, the little minx made it a point to taunt him mercilessly. Whenever Julie wasn’t looking, Samantha would flash him a titty or spread her legs to show him her sweet, pink wetness through the baby-blue slit-crotched panties. She discovered she could pull her panties up and make her pussy squeeze through the opening, putting her naked pussy lips on display for him, and then clamping then shut again, before her mother looked her way.

Julie nearly enjoyed watching Chad’s obvious lust towards Samantha as much as she enjoyed looking at her daughter!

Finally, it was time for Samantha to go to bed. As she skipped off, Chad immediately began to scold his wife.

“Julie! I’m going to murder you! What the hell did you think you were doing, buying her that stuff?” Chad was seething. He had been doing his best to control his urges, and now, it would be next to impossible!

“Oh, don’t be a stick-in-the-mud, Chad,” Julie replied. “You would have gave into to her too. What would you have done if you were naked in a changing room with her, watching her get dressed and undressed?”

“Probably want to fuck her silly!” he replied.

“Well, me too!” she replied, “But, look on the bright side,” Julie added, “It gives us that much more to look at!” She kissed her husband passionately.

“You’re going to get it later tonight, Julie,” Chad said menacingly. He then looked into his lap and noticed the large, obvious, wet-spot on his shorts.

“I’m counting on it getting it tonight, Chad, honey.” Julie winked.

When Julie tucked Samantha into bed that night, they giggled like school-kids. Julie felt closer to her daughter than she had in years.

“Did you see the wet spot on his shorts?” Samantha said, sitting on the bed with her mother.

“Yep!” Julie said. “We really got him horny tonight!”

More laughter.

“It looked pretty big,” Samantha ventured, “His ‘thingy,’ I mean.”

“His penis,” Julie corrected her. “Yeah, daddy has a good size-penis. Bigger than average,” Julie admitted.

“I bet you guys are going to have sex tonight,” Samantha stated simply, hiding her jealousy.

“Probably,” Julie said, trying to be honest with her. “Well…, after what we did to him tonight? Definitely!”

“I wish I could see it,” Samantha pined, “His penis, I mean.”

“Huh. I remember the first time I saw my dad’s cock, I mean his ‘penis.’ Julie mused.

“It’s OK, mom. I like cock!” Samantha said, smiling.

Julie looked sideways at her daughter, assuming she was talking about the ‘word’ cock.

“Anyway,” Julie continued, “I went to my mom and dad’s bed room to ask my mom something, and then I thought I’d surprise them; I was just being silly I guess. The door was opened just a crack, and I was going to jump out and scare them. But, my dad was standing up, getting ready to get into bed. His cock was hard and sticking straight out. My mom was naked laying on the bed with her legs spread open. I’ve never forgotten it…” Julie admitted.

“Cool!” Samantha said. “Then what?”

“I watched them make love for a while,” Julie admitted. “Then, I went back to my room.”

“Mom!” Samantha said, “You didn’t!”

“Yep,” Julie said. “I was curious, after all – perfectly normal! Even after that night, I’d sometimes sneak down the hall to listen to them.” Julie told her daughter in confidence.

The two chatted a while, until Julie insist Samantha turn out the light and go to bed. Julie left Samantha in the darkness, not aware of the naughty idea she had just given her daughter. Julie’s pussy was so wet with need and desire, she wasn’t thinking clearly. She could barely control her actions, let alone her words or thoughts.

Chad was waiting for his wife in the bedroom. He was already naked and still aroused when she walked into their room. “Shit Julie, how could get me so turned on earlier. You know what she does to me anyway! It was torture!”

Julie giggled. “You’re lucky, I almost suggested she go sit on your lap for a pony ride!”

“You wouldn’t!”

“I would, and I almost did! So are you ready to give it to me?” Julie teased, cocking her hips, “Like you threatened earlier, or are you all talk?”

“Fuck yes, I’m ready,” Chad said, gesturing to his hard cock.

“Well, you’ll just have to wait a few minutes longer, ‘daddy,’ I’ll be right back.” Julie blew him a kiss, and with a smile, stepped into the master bathroom. Chad had noticed her use of the word ‘daddy’ and expected another round of incestuous make-believe.

After a long wait, she stepped out of the bathroom dressed in another new outfit. A red bra, panties, garter, and stockings. She showed off for her husband. He whistled at her again.

“Look daddy, they’re crotch-less!” she said, imitating Samantha as she showed her husband her slit. “Do you like my new panties daddy?” she asked. Julie began to toy with him, role-playing and imitating her daughter’s voice and mannerisms. Acting both very innocent, and very slutty. She walked to the light switch and turned it off. The room was dark, with the only soft moon-light coming from the opened windows.

“What a big cock you have daddy!” Julie said, plopping on the bed with enthusiasm. “Did your little girl give you a big o’ boner?” she asked, reaching out to grasp it with both hands. “Can I suck it, daddy, can I suck your hard cock?” Julie leaned over and took him into her mouth, feeling his extreme hardness. “Mmmm, I love daddy-sicles.” Julie said, taking her lips off of his cock with a ‘smack’.

Chad was jolted by Julie’s actions and her use of his daughter’s silly name for his cock, but he enthusiastically joined in the role-play. “Suck my cock, Sammie! Suck your daddy’s cock-sicle!” he moaned, “Suck it, you teasing little slut!” After all, Julie started all of this, if she was going to let him pretend his daughter was sucking his cock, he was all for it! Maybe it will help him forget his dirty thoughts about Samantha by having Julie become a daddy-daughter-substitute.

Before he could cum, Julie took her lips off his cock and laid back on the bed, her legs spread wantonly. Chad stared down at his beautiful wife wearing her sexy, slutty outfit. He laid between her legs, cupping her breasts, kissing her neck and rubbing her slick gash through her panties. Feeling her sopping wetness, he knew she was ready. He got up on his knees and slid his cock-head up and down her panty covered slit.

“I can’t wait for this,” Julie said, “I’ve been horny all day! You wouldn’t believe you’re your little Samantha did at the store!”

As Julie relayed the day’s events, Chad began kissing Julie’s neck, then her breasts.

Julie continued, “When she asked me for the crotch-less panties,” Julie said, “I couldn’t help but want to see her wearing it, and I knew you would want to see her too,” she rationalized. “Then, she asked if she could touch my breasts…”

“Really?” Chad asked, playing his hands and fingers over his wife’s bosom.

“Yes, and I let her!”

As Julie recounted how Samantha groped her breasts in the changing room, Chad unfastened her bra. Then, Chad couldn’t help but murmur in a high pitched, Samantha-sounding voice. “I love your titties momma!”

Julie caught her breath as Chad suckled on her nipples. “Oh, baby…” Julie sighed, closing her eyes to enjoy her fantasy. Chad realized how turned on his wife must have been all day, seeing Samantha’s naked body so close, then watching her all evening. After groping his wife’s breasts and cooing like a little girl, He traveled south, and kissed her stomach and the tops of her thighs, before pulling the slit in panties wide apart and began licking at her pussy gently, amazed at how wet she was.

Chad dove into his wife’s cunt and Julie moaned loudly. She described how Samantha played with her breasts and almost appeared if she wanted to suck on them. “I swear, I thought she was going to lean over and latch on!”

Chad had an evil thought, and he immediately acted on it. “Can I play with your titties again, mommy?” he asked in a high, soft voice. He kept his face in her muff, but reached up a hand and grabbed his wife’s breast.

“Guuuuuh!” Julie moaned.

“Can I lick your pussy too mommy?” Chad said, “Then, you can lick mine!” He felt Julie move wantonly on the bed, pushing her steamy cunt into his face, humping against him in small circles.

Julie couldn’t help it; she slipped deeply into her fantasy. “Oh, yes, Sammie, you can play with my titties, you can lick my pussy all you want! Mmmmmm!” Julie moaned, “Then, mommy’s going to suck your sweet pussy until you cream all over me, until your sweet, yummy, pussy juice fills me up and covers my face!”

Julie came, groaning and uttering her daughter’s name. It felt so sinful, but it was so arousing! “Ohhhh-ohhh! Sammie! Sammie! Eat me like I showed you! Oh baby! Oh, Chad! I’m cumming, I’m fucking cumnmmming soooooo haaaaarrrrrrd!” Her body shook and her pussy gushed and quivered. She came over and over again, imaging it was her daughter slurping on her slit. She clamped her legs around Chad’s face and held him tight until her orgasm subsided. He felt her bucking and twitching repeatedly. Then, she slowly released him with a long, drawn out sigh. “Aaaaaaahhhh!” Julie uttered satisfied, “That was a good one!”

Chad smiled as he wiped his drenched face on the sheet and climbed up between his wife’s legs once again. He slid his rock-hard cock up and down his wife’s slit.

Are you going to fuck me, now daddy?” Julie asked, still horny are ready for a good fuck.

“Oh fuck, Julie…, I mean Sammie,” he groaned, “I’m going to fuck that slutty little teenage cunt until you can’t walk straight.”

“Do it! Fuck me, daddy!” Julie cried.

Chad’s cock-head was slick with his wife’s juices. He felt the roughness of the panties rubbing and scratching against it. He pushed against her hole and easily slid in. He began to fuck his wife with long, slow strokes, bumping and rubbing against her crotch. His cock was turgid with the need for release.

As Julie hugged Chad against her, cooing like a little girl, she rolled her eyes up to the ceiling, reveling in the feeling of her husband’s hard cock sliding in and out of her and feeling his weight press against her sensitive clit. “Fuck me, daddy,” she hissed. Then, by habit, she glanced at the door as she did whenever they were having ‘mommy and daddy time’. She caught her breath. It was open a little! Just a crack! She just knew her daughter was standing in the darkness of the hallway, watching them make love, and probably rubbing her tight little cunt. She remembered telling Samantha how she had spied on her mother and father and cursed herself. ‘Damn it! How much did she hear?’ Julie wondered. Did Samantha now know her perverted mother fantasized about having sex with her own daughter?

Not knowing how much Samantha had heard of their incestuous role-play, but hoping she had only just began to spy on them, and too damn horny to care, Julie decided this would be a perfect time to show Samantha what hot, kinky sex could be like. She rationalized that she could explain to her daughter how innocent role-playing could make sex more thrilling and exciting. ‘Perfectly normal, right?’ she tried to convince herself.

“Oooh, daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me harder daddy!” Julie said, knowing Samantha had already heard at least that much of their role-play, and wantonly put on a show for her horny little girl.

The door opened wider, and Julie clearly saw Samantha’s silhouette in the moon-light. She was wearing her chemise and working her hand into her crotch. She watched her daughter rub her pussy from her vantage point up on the pillows. She heard Samantha moan, and afraid that Chad would hear, tried to cover for her by moaning even louder. Knowing her daughter was watching them made it so much more exciting.

“Do you like daddy’s cock, Samantha?” Chad asked, hearing his wife moan, and lifting his ass up and down, pounding Julie’s cunt. “Do you like daddy fucking you, huh?” Chad began slamming into his wife. “Fucking cock-teasing slut!”

Knowing Sam was watching them, and caught up in their mutual fantasy, Julie began to cum again! “Ohh, ohh, fuck me daddy, fuck your little girl!” she yelled. Julie imagined her own daddy fucking her when she was young. What would it have felt like to have his fat cock spread open her tiny hole, she wondered? “I’m cumming, daddy! Eeeiiiieee!”

Chad was driven over the edge too. “I’m cumming too, Sammie; your tight little twat is making me cum!” He began to groan. “Take it, take my cum! Ahhh!” He imagined himself spurting into his little girl’s tight twat, feeling her pussy walls gripping him and sucking on his shaft. He spurted mightily into Julie’s cunt, filling her with his pent-up splooge.

Wave after wave of orgasms washed over them, until exhausted, they finally slowed and caught their breath, sweaty and satisfied. They lay still for moment. Usually, Julie let Chad soften inside of her. But this time she urged him to get off. Chad rolled over, pulled his spend cock out of his wife, and laid back on the bed, sweating. His cock was still thick and covered in wet, sexual juices. Julie watched as Samantha got an eyeful of her daddy’s cock. She knew she had orgasmed while rubbing her little twat. Julie had heard her stifled moans as she came, watching her mother and father fucking.

“Mmmm, you fucked your little Sammie good, daddy!” Julie said, “Your cock is so big!” She reached over and stroked it up and down, giving her daughter a good long look at her father’s still-hard cock, pretending she wasn’t aware of Samantha standing by the door. She leaned over and took it into her mouth, sucking it clean for bother her husband and for Samantha. Impulsively, she turned her pussy towards the door, wondering if Samantha could see her wet, oozing, cream-pie, while she suckled on Chad’s cock. When his penis was cleaned and softened, she turned again, to see Samantha creeping away. Julie smiled to herself, proud of her actions and manipulations; ‘Perfectly normal!’ Julie told herself, ‘Just an innocent, harmless fantasy! Right?’

The next morning, Chad slowly woke from a long sleep and a wonderful dream. In his dream, he was fucking his daughter again. He slowly slid his cock into her from behind, as she looked over at him. His dream felt so real! Then, the cobwebs began to clear from his head, and he was aware of his hard cock, still feeling it sliding into his daughter’s tight little cunt. He almost felt like he could cum! He hadn’t had a wet dream in years! Then, Chad slowly realized his hard cock was actually feeling something warm and wet sliding up and down on his cock. It wasn’t a dream any longer. He sighed pleasantly. Julie, bless her! Nothing better than a morning blowjob! He spread his legs to give her more access to his shaft and balls. Her mouth sucked him deeply and repeatedly and her fingers tickled the special place behind his balls.

He felt his groin tingling and his stomach twitching. He was going to cum! In the back of his mind, he could hear water running. Julie must be taking a shower in the master bathroom he realized. Then who? What?

Chad looked down and saw his pretty little Samantha bobbing her pretty little head up and down, sucking on his dick. His cock thickened, his balls tightened, and he exploded into her mouth!

Samantha swallowed his cum as each blast filled her small mouth. As the last spurt left him, and he watched his daughter lovingly and gently licking the last oozing drips from his cock-head, he heard the water shut off.

Samantha stood up and licked her lips, searching for any escaped sperm. Then, she smiled happily and said, “Good morning, daddy,” and walked out of the bedroom.

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