Ben and the Beach House
By: Date: 2024.09.10. Categories: Just Incestuous Stories Tags: , , , , ,

[The set-up: Ben and his friends have rented a beach house on Long
Island for a week. His sister Jessica, whom he had told “should stop
by” surprises him by actually showing up from her home in Philadelphia.
This scene takes place after the first night’s party.]

Ben woke up. There was someone else in bed with him. Someone female,
by the feel of the breast he was cupping in his left hand. In fact,
whoever she was, he was spooning with her, with her nestled to his chest
and–oh. He could feel his early morning hard on pressing between her
butt cheeks. That would explain the dream he’d been having. He cracked
open his eyelids.

He raised his head to see who it was. In the early morning light, his
eyes made out the firm, toned form of his sister, Jessica. His sheet
was covering her lower half, but she was otherwise nude. He cautiously
removed his hand from her breast, and started pulling his arm from
around her.

Jess’s sleepy voice lilted out, “So you’re finally awake, hey little
brother?” She paused. Ben still to stunned at finding his sister in his
bed, was mute in reply. “Humm. Maybe not so little after all.” she
said as she wiggled her ass, and by proxy, his hard on. She laughed, as
Ben backed up and pulled away from her.

She rolled over to face him. “So when did you start sleeping in the
raw, bro?”

“After college… Why are you here?”

“Well, you see, mommy loved daddy very much, and when mommies and
daddies love each other-”

“No, no. Why are you in my bed?”

“Oh. Well, last night I figured of all your circle of friends, you
would be the one it would be safe to crash with. Little did I know that
you are a sleep-seducer and would assault me with a dangerous weapon.”

Color drained from Ben’s face. “Oh god. I didn’t… I mean we
didn’t… Did we?”

Jessica laughed. “You mean you don’t remember? Oh, I am so hurt.” she
said, mock-offended.

“Seriously Jessica. What happened. I remember I went to bed around 2,
and you were still smoking and chatting.”

“Well, around 3 I finally got tired, and that’s when I came in here and
crawled into bed with you.”

“But you said, in my sleep–and I woke up holding your tits–what

“Well, when I got in bed with you, it was dark. Sometime in the night,
you snuggled up to me. I could feel your monster knocking, but he
couldn’t come in.” She tossed back the sheet, revealing a thong
undergarment. “My +2 panties of protection,” she chortled. “Good thing
I hadn’t realize that sleeping in the raw was de rigeur around here, or
I might have been in trouble!”

Ben blushed, in part from his sister’s exposing her body to him, but
more from her teasing him about his still playing roleplaying games at
24. She loved to needle him about that.

He tried to jab back. “Well, thank the gods for small favours. Very
small favours from the looks of that G-string. Did they use two whole
square inches of cloth?”

“Well that’s two more inches of clothing than you’re wearing.” she said,
as she reached over and tweaked his cock through the sheet.

“Jess! Cut that out!”

“Spoilsport.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Jessica, you shouldn’t be doing things like that.”

“Why not?”

“Why not? Because I’m your brother. And I don’t want to have sex with

“Oh, really? That’s not what Mister Dick was saying to my backside this
morning.” She rocked onto her back, lifted her legs in the air, and in a
flash had her panties off as she rocked back down.

“Uh-oh, now I’m all undefended.” she said, and she fired her thong like
a rubber band at him. It landed on his head.

“Seriously Ben. I don’t have a nudity taboo, and I’m not afraid of your
body. But I do have some level of incest taboo. I’m not interested in
fucking you. Or sucking you. Or humping you, or dumping you. Or
spanking you, or wanking you. Or going for a mustache ride on that
pathetic excuse for a mustache you have. But I do love teasing you.”

“Thanks.” grumbled Ben, as he removed her panties from his face.

“I bet when you woke up this morning, you were hoping I was that hot
blonde you couldn’t stay more than 10 feet from all last night.”

“Ouch. Was I that obvious?”

“Yes. Ben, you’ve got to stop being so nice, and be a man for a

“What do you mean?”

“You’re stuck inside your head. You think that ”love” is just an
extreme form of ”like”, and if you make a girl like you, she’ll
eventually love you.”

“Yeah. So?”

“Ben, love isn’t like. Love doesn’t have much if anything to do with
like. Love, at least at the start, is dangerous and unstable. Love is
about the heart. And sex is a third thing all together. When was the
last time you got some?”

Ben looked down at the bed. “Two years ago. Almost two years ago.”

Jessica clucked her tongue. “Ben, Ben, Ben, what are we going to do
with you?” She smiled. “I know. We’re going to make a seducer out of


“You and I are going to seduce Jennifer, the blonde you were eyeing up
last night.”

“*We’re* going to seduce Jennifer?”

“Yup. I was talking to her last night. She’s a lot kinkier than you
think. I know from the signs she was giving off that I could get into
her pants.”


“Hey little brother, don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it. I may have
slept with a woman or two in my time. They don’t call Philadelphia the
City of Sisterly Love for nothing, you know.”

“Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love.”

“You say tomato, I say tomahto. Anyway, I think if we take the right
approach, we could get her into bed.”

“…What approach would that be?”

“I was thinking something along the lines of ”Hey, I bet you’ve never
made it with a brother and sister at the same time.””


“You gotta admit, it’s original.”

“But what if she gets all offended, and storms off in a huff?”

“And a puff, and blows your house down? Then she’s gone, her loss, and
you save yourself all that effort and heartache you’d put in to making
her your friend, who *likes* you _so much_ that she spends hours telling
you about all the jerks she’s dating.”

“Ouch. That hurt.”

“So what do you say?”

“I can’t believe I’m having this conversation, naked, with my naked
sister, talking about seducing a girl.”

“C’mon. Risk it. Everybody’s doing it, you know you want to.”, she said
with a smile.

Ben frowned. “What if she says yes?”

“Then we bring her back here, and fuck her brains out.”


“Hey, that’s the offer, so we need to pay up. Why, don’t think you’re
man enough to do a girl with your sister?”

“I’ve never done a 3-way before.”

“Look, it’s not a 3-way. Don’t think of it as a 3-way. It’s a 2-on-1
way. It’s a fuck with an assist. Wonder Twin powers, activate!”

Laughing, Ben said “You’re not my twin. You’re two years older than I

“Three, until your birthday, but who’s counting?” She flipped over on to
her stomach, and stared him in the face. “So, are you in? Or do I have
to take her all by myself?”

“O.K. I’m in.”

“Good, cause I have to go pee.” She hopped out of bed.

“Like that? Jess, you’re naked.”

“So? Watch.” and she opened the door and strode out.

Ben checked the clock. 7 am. Given the late night party last night, it
was pretty good odds that everyone else was still asleep. He hoped.

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