Generally speaking, Danny was a dumbshit. I guess it wasn’t really his
fault, but damn, he sure could be dense. I guess it was mostly a function
of his age and lack of worldly experience, after all, he was only
seventeen, and had lived his entire life thusfar in a small, backwards,
redneck town. Sometimes the shit he pulled was …
Tag: archives
I was flipping through the alternative paper, and I ran across a
coupon for a new place had opened in town, the “VIP Lounge”. No cover
charge and only $21 an hour before 10pm. I had heard something of
these places on the net but I was interested to see how they worked in
practice. It was that rarity in …
Steve smiled as he opened the UPS package. He had ordered it online just a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised at the quick delivery. Ordering it was easy enough. Now he had to work it in such a way that Angie would agree to do what he wanted in order for his plan to really work!
It was …
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