Bitch in the Bedroom
By: Date: 2024.06.06. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,


“Yep. And you love watching it get fucked – don’t
you?” I grinned back at my wife.

“Only fair. You can’t seem to get enough of mine.” She
smiled lazily at me.

“I’d kiss you for that but I seem to be tied up for
the moment…” I jerked a thumb over my shoulder at
the dog. “You’ll have to wait until he’s through
trying to drive my prostate out my throat.”

She nodded and rolled over to lean on one arm and
watch us.

Pretty typical night really. After I fucked Julie,
Storm, our husky was nosing us everywhere and trying
to slam himself home in whatever hole he could find.
Since I was on top this time, I was the one who got to
my knees and let him relieve his anxiety attack by
sheathing his dick in my ass.

To tell the truth, Julie and I don’t really care who
he fucks as long as he fucks one of us. He’s been good
about that. We don’t have to worry about him knocking
off some strange piece of ass and bringing home
something nasty.

“Hell with it.” I feel a mouth cover my dick as Julie,
frustrated, slides her head under me and starts
sucking. Every once in a while, her tongue slides over
my balls as she laps up the juices flowing from my

“Uh. Uh. Yeah! I love that. Suck me good you bitch!”
Julie’s mouth on my pulsating member and Storm’s
grossly swollen bulbs in my ass combine to quickly get
me off again.

Once she has vacuumed the last of my cum, she slides
up to my mouth and lets me lick my white, sticky, man
juice from the inside of her mouth. Damn, I taste
good. Only thing better tasting is when I suck Storm’s
dog spunk from her spasming quim.

That takes a lot of work. He leaves so much in her
that unless I hold her closed as he withdraws, their
liquid flows out and I wind up sleeping on a huge wet
spot instead of filling my lust filled mouth with
their pungent juices.

I feel Storm’s front toenails as they clench and
unclench on my shoulders. Every once in a while, he
tugs to see if he can free himself. Eventually, I
relent and allow his softening penis to slide out. I
feel warmth as his cum trickles down my ass-crack.
Coolness is replaced by a warm tongue as he cleans me
up. Sometimes I think he likes licking my ass more
than he does fucking it.

Julie and I sleep in the nude and it’s not unusual for
us to wake up with his nose between our legs.

Once he finishes me, I feel the bed shake as he goes
over and forces Julie’s legs apart so he can clean her
up for later. She and I kiss for a bit and then she
pulls away and softly tells Storm – “Enough.” I feel
her use one hand to gently reinforce her command.

Satisfied for now, the three of us settle into a
tangled pile of weary bodies as we recharge for the
next day.

* * *


“Yes, dear?”

“I’ve been thinking. Something has been missing from
our sex lives.”

“Oh? That’s news to me.” We’re having breakfast before
leaving for work.

“Yep. Been meaning to bring it up but I keep
forgetting. I’ve had my eyes on this real cute bitch.
Papered, thrown a couple litters already so she knows
what sex is about.” I grin. “Storm wasn’t her first
fuck. The folks who own her are moving and they know
she was happy here when we had her over for him to
breed her. They offered us first chance at getting

She looks at me thoughtfully. Something other than her
usual lightness is there in her eyes. “And you’ve
wanted to try a bitch – haven’t you?”

I blush. “Yeah.”

“If she refuses your advances? What then?”

“Hell. I already have you. To tell the truth, I’d be
upset for a while but I’d get over it. Wouldn’t get
rid of her though.”

She nodded slowly. “I’ll pick her up on the way home.”

What can I say? I wasn’t expecting such ready
agreement. “Thanks.” I get up and walk around the
table to kiss her.

* * *

I look down at the jaws clamped firmly around my
wrist. “OK. You’ve made your point.” Sarah didn’t
waste any time. I was worried about her refusing any
sexual attention from me. Instead, she rebuffed Storm
and made it clear that she only wanted to play with

When she slowed down enough to ask for attention, she
jumped on the bed and settled next to me. When I
started rubbing her belly gently, she snorted and
grabbed my wrist and placed my hand on her vulva.

The message was clear. She expected me to take care of

Julie had frozen in shock and then burst out laughing.
“I was worried about her refusing *you*. Looks like
she has her own plans anyway.”

“Looks like I’ll be busy once I figure out what she
likes best.” I nod my head to one side. “At least you
have Storm to keep you occupied.”

I look down and into brown eyes. “As for you, young
Lady, I don’t think you and I are going to be bored
tonight.” I move my hand lightly across her vulva and
she lets out a sigh and closes her eyes.

Carefully, since this is all new to me, I gently probe
her with a finger. Her outer lips are dry but inside I
can feel that she is extremely wet. Fine with me.

I keep rubbing her and shift myself so I can taste her
and lubricate her with my saliva. She’s not in season
so I’m not surprised when I don’t really smell
anything or taste nothing except a very slight
saltiness that I’m guessing is part urine and part
vaginal fluids. In other words, she tastes female.
Different than Julie tastes but unmistakably female.

Eventually, she is wet enough so that I can easily
slip three fingers inside her. Since that’s about my
own diameter, I figure she’s ready.

I slide so our pubes are touching. I use the tip of
one finger to guide myself into her lips.

Warmth surrounds the tip of my penis as I hit her
pubes with my tip. My earlier exploration told me I
would have to work in at an angle so I shift and feel
her passage before me.

I push gently and with short and gentle strokes, I
work myself home in her heat. Once I am fully
sheathed, I pause and wrap her in a hug. Her nose
searches for my lips and to my amazement, her tongue
demands entrance to my mouth. Automatically, I open it
and she aggressively probes and tastes every cranny
she can reach.

Bemused, I start working my hips so I slide in and out
of her. Each time I bottom out, her breath gusts into
me. When I feel our pubes meet, I also feel something
inside her make contact with the tip of my penis.

The new sensation is electrifying. It’s as if she was
designed to give a male nothing but pleasure. Too
quickly, I find myself increasing the power behind my
thrusts. Each time I bottom out, I drive out bodies
together and seek that pressure on the tip of my dick.

Soon, the familiar tingling begins at the base of my
balls and slowly works its way along my shaft. I
become penis. I want to empty myself in her.

I go rigid and as my fluids begin to flow, I feel a
painful constriction that makes me feel every pulse as
my semen is forced along the now constricted length of
my throbbing manhood.

Soon, I’m finished filling her willing receptacle. I
want to just lie there and cuddle. Instead, I feel her
curl her legs in-between us and she forces me to let
go. She rolls to her feet and slurps at herself

Before I can do more than grunt in surprise, her nose
dives at my crotch and she is lapping at me with so
much enthusiasm I am worried she will bite me by

All I feel is tongue and I managed to force myself to
relax and see what she does. I get a momentary fright
when she growls at Storm when he wants to help but
other than that, it is clear she is intent on making
sure she misses nothing.

Finally, I feel her jump off the bed and I listen as
her toenails click on the floor. I hear a few noisy
laps at the water bowl and then the unmistakable sound
of her going out the dog door.

“How was it?” Julie’s voice is gentle.

“Awesome,” is my weary and contented reply. “It’s a
good thing I knew you and Storm before I did her.”

I open my eyes and see a question in hers. “I don’t
know.” I hug her. “I love you and enjoy everything we
have together. Sarah isn’t going to take me away from
that. All we have to do is find a new balance. I
learned something about myself this evening. I’m not
sure what it is and when I know for sure, I’ll let you
know. About all I can say for now is that Sarah
awakened a part of me that I wasn’t aware was there.
So, you haven’t lost any of me that you already had.”

She nodded slowly and then smiled wryly. “Doesn’t
matter anyway. If anything, now maybe you can
understand about me and Storm better. He fills a need
that no man can ever fill.”

I nod slowly. “Yeah. Something like that. Completes
me. I don’t know. I think it will lead to something
better for all of us.”

“Night hon.” I wrap my arms around Julie and as I fall
asleep, I barely notice Sarah joining the three of us
on the bed.

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