Sexuality is so much a part of the human condition that it is almost the same as saying to be human is to be sexual. Animals are regulated by seasons and physiological changes which apparently act as stimulus triggers. A bitch in heat, for example, will accept almost any male dog that seeks to confer his favors on her. But let her be out of heat, and that same male dog will get a nip or even a vicious bite for his efforts.
The male dog, too, seems governed by the seasons and the stimulus the female gives him in the form of odors. He forgets about sex once he’s mature unless there is a female filling the air with, to him, the delicious aroma of sexual readiness.
Not so with the human animal.
For centuries, through religious tenant and civil law, men and women have been urged to restrain their sexual urges. It has been taught that sex isn’t nice, that it is only nice sometimes, that it is nice only with a certain person or that it is only nice at certain times of the day or night or year.
All this teaching has had no apparent affect on the love making of homo sapiens. Centuries, even eons, after this kind of nonsense started man has finally discovered the ultimate outcome; the creation of a super-profession to make things right.
For the last seventy or so years, ever since Freud and Adler and lung started discussing their theories in public, psychology has become more and more centered around the sexual problems in the human male and female caused by irrational, society dictated sexual behavior.
Not only psychologists specialize in sexual counseling, but large segments of the society of obstetricians and gynecologists. Even general practitioners find they are more and more involved in their patients’ sexual problems.
The reason for this is that as the psychologists and psychiatrist generally suggest, the sexual drive is basic to all of man’s functions. Suppression causes other kinds of aberrations, both mental and physical.
This novel deals with a certain kind of reality. It is not the reality of every family in America today. It is not the reality of a majority of Americans or even of a large minority. But it is a reality of a few tens of thousands of families, a drama which they live with and suffer with and face endless tragedy with.
While it is not the practice for a brother to traumatize his sister by forcing sex on her, it is not uncommon. Fathers frequently find sexual comfort with their daughters. Stepfathers are particularly guilty of this practice — both with a voluntary and involuntary partner. And sex between mothers and sons is a common element in society clear back to ancient Rome and the legend of Oedipus. Sophocles, who turned the story into an ageless drama, was dealing with more than a quirk.
Oedipus represented the son who, no matter what, would find his mother the most desirable woman in his life. Not knowing her, they were yet attracted and united sexually despite the opposition of the most overwhelming odds. Oedipus was a man of strength and force and, this strength, which enabled him to win his mother’s love, was his own downfall.
Even then, the proclivity for a boy to find his mother’s womb again with his penis was recognized.
People have changed little in the past two or three thousand years. The same drives and feelings control their lives. The same sexual “misconduct” is part of their beings.
For most, sexual hysteria, the incessant desire to have sex occurs in the teenage years. But there are exceptions. And women are particularly vulnerable as the exceptions.
Teenage girls fall in love with love. Romance, hand-holding and vows of eternal togetherness mean almost as much as the ultimate physical act. For many women, their full sexual awakening doesn’t begin until they have matured, blossomed like flowers whose full beauty can only be revealed by time.
This particular book is an expression of what happens, what can go wrong when such a woman after years of sexual frustration and deprivation is thrown into the wrong circumstances.
A woman discovering the full joy of sex can be a beautiful moment in life. But when that discovery is perverted and distorted the result is also something beyond the normal ken.
Perhaps there is joy and beauty to be found even when relationships transcend the bounds of social acceptability. The author of this book certainly thinks so, and we hope so. Not everyone can experience a perfect life and perfect sex relationships. So if joy is to be found, however it may be captured, it should be encouraged, not condemned.
But this is a warning, too. Each of us should tread warily least we hurt not only ourselves but others too vulnerable to be imagined.
“Stick it up my box. Oh, Jesus God, Ralph, I love that, what you’re doing to me. Ohhhhhhhh!”
Sally opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling and bit down on the wadded piece of sheet in her mouth. While her head was still as a statue, her hips writhed like a hula dancer’s. She couldn’t stop them. Ralph’s head kept bobbing up and down hard between her smooth, ivory thighs and his red tongue stabbed out and darted into her love box.
Sally was naked on the bed. Her golden skin looked out of place on the white sheets. Her lush breasts were two hillocks topped by cherry nipples that were usually soft blobs of putty, but now were pointed peaks. She was sweating a little. The soft sheen of dewy moisture covered her body in response to the urgent probing of Ralph’s tongue in her crotch. And when she arched her back and pushed her cunt in Ralph’s sex moistened face she sweated some more. With passion! And with dread.
Ralph’s tongue was like a soft cotton ball jazzing in and out of her slot. The result was a constant hot feeling, the sparking of electricity shooting up and down her body. She wanted more and more by the minute. Her face screwed up ecstatically and her fingers wound tight in the bed sheet. She was thankful that Ralph couldn’t look at her and see how helpless she was. If he did, she knew he’d find some way to make her pay for what she was getting.
“Lick it, baby,” she moaned. “Lick my clitoris. Suck that little lollipop, baby. Bite it. Suck it and fuck it.”
The words tumbled out of her, tinkling like ice cubes in a gin fizz glass. But what it meant was that she was getting head — for the first time. She was thirty-one years old and she was getting her cunt sucked and dying with each pulse beat of pleasure.
If my husband saw me now… The words seared her brain like a hot brand. She whimpered at the sudden fear of discovery that crowded her brain. Crowded, because the thoughts were already sandwiched in by pleasure. Ralph’s tongue was reaming her sex slot. Around and around it went. The hot probe sought out the velvet lining of her box and touched every part with authority.
“Tongue fuck me, Ralph. Honey! Don’t stop. Not now.”
Her golden thighs opened and slowly engulfed Ralph’s head. Then they clamped down trapping his face in her crotch and she thrilled with the sudden realization of new power. He had to breathe her scent. His lips couldn’t move without touching her pussy lips or rustling her pubic hair. Each moment was filled with dreadful anticipation full of pleasure waiting for the new assault on her crack to begin.
She lay on her back on the bed and stared at the ceiling and breathed hard. And slowly she raised her hands to her soft breasts and trapped her own nipples with her fingers and rolled and tweaked them until they were rigid pebbles, harder than cut glass.
The panicked movements, the frantic pleasure, both had slowed down and Sally’s hips began fucking Ralph’s face as if they had done it all her natural life. Up and down, and she felt his tongue respond. Up and down her slit. The hot, wet, wiggly flesh forced her labia apart and exposed the soft, inner lining of her twat.
Then the rubbing of his hot skin on hers intensified. Tremors of pleasure sprang out of her hole. Tendrils ran through her body under her skin like hot wires. More and more she was being swallowed up by the fantastic tempo of Ralph’s educated tongue.
“Stick it in deeper,” she moaned. “Deeper. Plug me deeper!”
Ralph strained to do as she asked. His cheeks rubbed enticingly against the soft, inner skin of her hot thighs. His nose dove and dug at her erect clitoris when he sank his tongue to the hilt in her hot well. And all the while Sally writhed in obscene pleasure thinking, If only Hal would do this. If only Hal wasn’t such a prude. We could still be happy if he’d get off his soap box. His holier than thou trip…
“Oooooooh, God,” Sally grunted. Ralph had lanced his tongue deeper into her sex hole than anything had been before. She almost fainted as the new waves of pleasure shot through her vibrating body.
And then, nothing…
“You’re ready,” Ralph said. The almost-boy had raised his head and was staring in to Sally’s lust filled eyes and she was having trouble staring back without thinking about how close his beautiful soft lips were to the puffy swollen cunt that felt like a basketball hoop between her legs.
“Ready for what?” Sally asked tremulously. She knew she didn’t want to hear the answer. It would be something rank and vile and disgusting as she had noticed all of Ralph’s suggestions were when examined in the light of day. Of course, she didn’t examine many of his suggestions at all, much less in daylight.
“I want to tie your legs down?” Ralph told her.
“Tie my legs down?” Sally stared down at him crouched between her spread apart knees. “What for?”
“You’ll see,” the boy said. Before she could offer an objection, he was tying her ankles to the corners of the bed, spreading her sex hole wide open to further observation.
Sally closed her eyes and tried not to think about how she looked, her red lined cunt gaping open, the halves fringed by soft, downy reddish-brown hair that made the raw meat somehow obscene.
A sudden tingle invaded her crack. She squeezed her eyes tighter shut and tried not to think about it. She knew it was her juice, come boiling out of her to now in a small flood in her slot.
Shameless hussy. Whore she thought, berating her weakness.
But heat flooded her skin. She was hot with the knowledge that Ralph could see her now in a way that she’d never been seen before. It was that excitement with the knowledge that at any moment Ralph was going to be dipping his tongue in her crack that kept her clitoris and nipples diamond hard and needle sharp.
And then she cried out. Ralph’s head had disappeared between her felt-soft thighs and she experienced his tongue licking at her cunt. “More, more, more… eat me more.”
She couldn’t tell him, but something strange had happened to Sally. She couldn’t close her legs and Ralph’s tongue squirreling around inside her box seemed twice as big and twice as good.
“Oh, uh, uh, uh…” She heaved and strained, throwing her crotch up in the air. She wanted to be tongue-fucked.
“Do you want to be fucked with a prick, Mrs. Dexter?” Ralph asked pleasantly. He had moved on the bed on his knees and was controlling her uncertain hips with his fingers buried knuckle deep in her soggy snatch. Her cunt was putty around his probing fingers. Her sex tunnel responded by frantically twitching and clasping greedily at the flesh between her cunt lips.
“Oh, Lord!” Sally sighed. She felt the cords on her ankles holding her legs wide open. It was kinky of Ralph, his wanting to tie her down. She wasn’t going to go anywhere. But she was so helpless this way.
“Uhuhuhuhuh!” she breathed suddenly, the breath exploding from her lungs at the sudden touch of his slick, wet tongue playing with the entrance to her sex. Her cunt lips hardened and tried to clasp the teasing intruder. The muscles in the soft inner flesh of her thighs jerked spasmodically as she tried to shut her legs and trap his head, forcing that wonderful tongue to lance even deeper into her cunt.
And then he was lapping at her slash and she laid her head back and closed her eyes. She was floating on a wonderful cloud of feeling. She wanted it to go on and on forever.
“Now I’m going to fuck you, Mrs. Dexter!”
Sally’s eyes snapped open. Ralph stood over her stripping his T-shirt off. His muscles rippled in the dim light of the motel room. His pants were already gone and his penis stuck out in front of his groin like a flesh spear.
Sally stared at it with dreadful fascination. She hoped he wouldn’t want her to suck it, she told herself. That would have been too gross. But she couldn’t completely quell the shiver of excitement that shot through her body just thinking about taking that throbbing flesh joint in her mouth and touching it with her tongue.
Ralph smiled and reached down with his hand and caught it.
“You like it, Mrs. Dexter?”
Sally closed her eyes and nodded her head. She was breathing hard, and she knew it wasn’t from lying.
“Good. Good, Mrs. Dexter.” The youngster stroked his penis and it got fatter and longer and the tip was redder. And then he was on his knees between her legs and his fingers stroked up and down his sex stick while he looked into her eyes. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, Mrs. Dexter,” he said very politely.
Stifling a scream, Sally heaved her hips in the air and opened her cunt to his fierce attack, allowing his hot, hard cock to stroke through the fringe of hair that guarded her cunt entrance.
In and out. In and out. The boy established a rhythm and his flesh slid on hers ill a regular pattern that twisted her nerves in knots. And Sally lay there, being fucked, trying to tell herself that it was all right. Hal, her husband, wouldn’t know what was being taken from him. It wasn’t like stealing. She had so much to give and he took so little himself, she couldn’t see how she was hurting him.
She groaned as the boy’s fingers gathered the soft mound of her breast into his hand and squashed it. Lightening seared through her body. Her cunt tightened around his jabbing cock.
“That’s it. Oh, that’s the way, baby.”
Ralph buried his face between her lush tits and began humping his hips in earnest, Sally wanted to wrap her legs around his flailing hips and drag him down even harder into her gaping cunt. She couldn’t and had to settle for holding his head tight against her tits while she shoved back hot and hard with her pelvis, jamming his pecker as deep into her slot as it would go.
His teeth were nibbling at her tit. Sparks seemed to lance through her chest. “That’s right, Ralph,” she sobbed. “Honey, bite me. Bite my tit. Fuck. Do it!”
Sally could feel her orgasm coming, lifting her to new heights. It wasn’t that way with Hal, ever. She felt her cunt sliding like a tight condom over Ralph’s cock. It was stretching and expanding to take it all. She was tearing herself in half to take it, and she loved every moment…
“Fuck! Fuck me, Ralph,” she whispered fiercely into his ear.
And then she was exploding in a gorgeous burst of fireworks. The insides of her thighs ached deliciously as she bucked up to drive that wonderful penis full depth between her hot lips.
Ralph bore down as hard as he could. His pecker tried to jab holes clear through her. But Sally swallowed each stroke into her delighted hole. It was like he was thrusting into quicksand.
Finally he came. He plowed her open until it hurt it felt so good. His seed shot out of his penis, flooding her womb with liquid fire.
The heat seeped all through Sally’s body and she cried with joy.
Ralph finally rolled off her soft body and Sally asked him what he was doing. His prick was soft, but still thick and rubbery and there was a certain thrill at the feeling of it being pulled out of her hole.
At first he didn’t answer her. His fingers worked around her ankles and Sally assumed he was turning her loose. She didn’t want to raise her head. She was still floating on a cloud of well-being that she didn’t want to disrupt. She yawned and picked her wristwatch off the nightstand and held it up over her head. The hands were just hitting 2 o’clock.
“I guess it is time to go home,” she yawned. “It’s been really fun, Ralphie…”
“Go where?” Ralph asked. The big, tanned kid leaned over her and hiked her legs up over her head and bent her double. “We’re just getting started, baby.”
Incredulous, Sally stared up between her naked legs at the muscular boy who was grinning at her as if whatever she said or did didn’t matter at all. At the same time, she fully realized her own vulnerability. “What… what do you mean?”
“I mean,” and Ralph’s face lit up in a mean grin, “that I’m going to fuck you in your sweet, little asshole, baby. That’s what I mean. And I’ll bet it’s a virgin hole.”
“You… you can’t!” Sally gasped breathlessly. “You just can’t!”
Ralph chuckled. His voice was coarse and Sally wondered how she could have been so naive as to pick him up. But he’d seemed so innocent then that she thought he’d be perfect for a little lay in the hay. It was her pet phrase for her innocent pastime, a lay in the hay!
He had jerked her legs further over and Sally knew there was no getting away. She was almost bent double. Her ass was exposed to his rigid prick and there was no chance that she could break free.
Tears collected at the corners of Sally’s eyes. This, she knew, was her punishment. Her tender asshole puckered and tightened as it prepared a futile resistance against the suddenly vicious boy whose cock had stroked her to such sexual pleasure.
“Please,” she begged, “fuck my cunt. I’ll… I’ll even suck your dick for you if you will, Ralph. Please…”
The boy looked thoughtful for a moment. Then he shook his head and grinned. “Shit no. You’ve got to be a virgin butt hole or you wouldn’t be so shook up.”
“You’re vile! Rotten!” Sally sobbed.
“Not all that bad,” Ralph chuckled. “I could have let you suck my joint and then jabbed you in the butt anyway. I…”
He was interrupted by the crunch of gravel outside the motel room window.
“My husband!” The cry escaped Sally’s mouth. It was all she could think as her heart thumped against her breastbone. The thought of her husband finding her naked, in bed with a strange youth plunging his cock into her asshole was too horrid to contemplate. She stiffened and threw Ralph off the bed as her legs snapped up straight and tight together. The car door slammed outside.
Ralph caught a little of her panic. He jumped off the bed and pulled the shade on the window back a fraction of an inch. “It’s some little dude with a bushy mustache,” he said.
“It’s my brother,” Sally said in a choked voice.
“I’ll take care of him!” Ralph said. There was a sneer in his tone and he strode confidently toward the motel door, his half-soft cock dangling arrogantly in front of him.
There was a terrible fluttery feeling in the pit of Sally’s stomach. She didn’t know why she didn’t warn Ralph. Maybe it was because of the way he was going to rape her asshole. Maybe it was just because he was so arrogant and self-important.
She watched as he went to the door. She even felt attracted to him, remembering the warm flow of his muscles against her skin, the vibrant thrust of his hot, slippery soft cock up her twat. She clutched the sheet to her breast and tried to cool her cunt by rubbing it with the folds of cool, white cloth. It just made her hotter.
An imperious knock shook the door and Ralph opened it and started to say, “Scram, we don’t need…”
And then he came catapulting into the room while the door slammed open all the way and Jason walked in.
Jason Arenson was a compact five foot eight inches tall. Wearing his nondescript business suit, the dark blue with the three button coat that hinted at a paunch, he looked like a pushover.
Ralph thought so, anyway.
While Jason stood, letting his eyes roam the bedroom until they lighted on Sally, Ralph got off the floor and stalked toward Jason.
“Son of a bitch,” Ralph said. “Rotten mother fucker.”
He was going to swing only Jason pivoted and swung a surprisingly long arm surprisingly fast from the floor and tagged Ralph on the chin with a dull thudding sound. The boy’s eyes glazed and his muscles got soft in that instant that he was still rising with the punch. He fell like a sack of organic manure.
Jason blew out his breath through his bushy mustache. His eyes were veiled as he stared at Sally and seemed to take an over-long time to run his gaze up and down her naked body.
Sally shivered and clutched the sheets tighter against herself. The sheer fabric pressed close over her soft, round breast and her hard nipple poked through like a beckoning little finger. “I couldn’t help it, Jason,” she whimpered.
“Tell it to Hal!” His voice was humorless. “Tell it to your kids. But don’t tell it to me.” Angrily he reached out and snatched the sheet out of her hands leaving her standing in front of him naked.
Jason hadn’t meant to do that. Sally could see the both of them in the mirror. He was like the coiled spring he’d always been as she remembered him, small but powerful and constantly on edge. And she, Sally stared at herself as if seeing a stranger. She wasn’t as young as she’d been. Her creamy skin was still smooth and her small but adequate breasts rose from a flat, firm stomach like two luscious mounds of whipped cream topped by fat, sweet cherries.
Her eyes slid down that hard stomach to the neat patch of chestnut hair that formed a triangle between her thighs. At least the slit was hidden. If she didn’t think of it as being naked in front of her own brother, Sally could pretend she was wearing a bikini. He saw about as little as if she was wearing one.
Defiantly she jerked her head up and let her thick curls that matched the same chestnut hue of her cunt hair flounce to the back of her head. So what if she was naked? “What are you going to do… about this?”
Jason’s eyes inventoried her body again. And then Sally saw the sudden hunger in them and she realized she’d made a mistake. Defying Jason that way was like playing grab ass with him when they were kids. He’d always lurked around the bathroom door when she took showers, trying to peek in, and snatching at her robe in an attempt to get a good look or a quick feel. He’d been a horny punk and she also remembered the furtive feelings she had as she had teased him then.
Only now, Sally knew she wasn’t in any position to tease her grown up brother. Not in the least bit.
“Get over there and get your clothes on.” Jason pushed at her and accidentally his hand pressed against her soft, sensuous breast.
A burst of electricity passed between the two of them as Sally stumbled away and turned to the vanity against the wall. Her fingers were trembling so that she had to lean forward and steady her elbows on the vanity top in order to stick her false eyelashes on without poking her eye out.
This is silly she told herself. I don’t need eyelashes to get out of here! But she knew why she was doing it. She was shaking so hard she knew she had to get control of herself or she’d never manage to get dressed. And then Jason would dress her himself. She had to avoid that awful embarrassment. She had to show him she was in control.
She steadied her hand and leaned forward to fasten the eyelash in place and noticed that Jason was practically leaning against her from behind.
“What are you doing?” She tried to turn and felt his hand on her back, holding her where she was.
“Take it easy, sis,” Jason said thickly. His hands slid warmly over her back and around her sides under her arms and then he was cupping her breasts.
Sally could see it all in the mirror. His fingers were thick around her tits and her nipples stuck out between them like a tiny, red pair of penises. The sudden feeling was devastating. He’s my brother. Sally told herself angrily. It was lewd, what was happening. She knew that she couldn’t cooperate, couldn’t let it happen. There was something wrong about what he wanted her to do.
“D-d-d-don’t,” she stuttered. But she didn’t move.
“Don’t do what?” Jason asked innocently. His fingers moved on her breasts and Sally watched in dismay as her nipples hardened and elongated under the gentle caress. Even her boobs seemed bigger and softer.
“That!” Sally tried to move away. She couldn’t. Jason was pressed up tight against her from the rear. He was leaning on her back so she couldn’t straighten up and his mustache tickled against the back of her neck. She wanted to tell him her elbows hurt from supporting his weight, that she didn’t want him to touch her like that. But she was too much afraid or proud or confused — she didn’t know what — and she said nothing.
After a while, Jason took one of his hands away and her fat, white tit bobbed into view, swaying hypnotically. Sally breathed easier. She had liked the feel of his hand there, but he had to let her go now. That was the most important part. He had to.
And then she felt his hand against her buttocks. It was moving down and she realized her brother was opening his fly!
“You can’t…” she cried and tried to pull away.
But it was too late to struggle. Jason’s fat prick was out of its hiding place and pressing against her silky buttock skin. She felt it touching her bottom and sliding greasily between her slightly spread thighs. His hand guided it and within moments the end was pressing and rooting around in her fleshy chasm. It struck her suddenly erect clitoris and Sally was made weak by the feeling that flowed through her.
“I can’t what, little sister?”
“You can’t do this. It’s rape. You’re raping your own sister!”
“That’s all right. I don’t think you’re going to tell anyone about it. No one at all, are you, sis?”
As the full impact of what he meant sank in, Sally was struck dumb by the dual shock of what he said and the physical sensation of his free hand guiding his cock into her sperm slick channel.
“I can’t…” she gasped hopelessly. She’d never fucked more than once at a time before. And now her brother was sliding into the same hole Ralph had left only minutes earlier and she cringed inside. She remembered how stiff and sore she always was after her infrequent sex bouts. And somehow she knew Jason was big enough to really stretch her cunt. “Oooooohhhhhh,” she groaned as he started to cram his cock in her.
Staring in to the mirror, Sally watched the whole slow process as her brother fucked her against her will. She was fascinated by the play of light on his greasy cock as it heaved into her taut twat. The skin was loose and whitish, but it pulled back in sloppy folds as he bored into her cunt.
His other hand wrapped around her body and engulfed her bobbing tit. His fingers milked her engorged nipple making it swell even more, turning it darker red. Inside her sex hole she was on fire. Her muscles were being strained in all directions as Jason’s cock reamed her hole out. She couldn’t take her eyes off what was happening.
When he had driven his pecker into her slot as far as it would go, Jason slowly began to draw his cock out. It felt wild leaving her cunt and his cock gleamed with the coating of cunt juke that covered it.
Sally moaned and moved her hips. She couldn’t stop herself. It was an automatic pleasure reflex that made the movement of his prick in her hot, eager body even more unbearable. She was volcanic inside.
“Don’t… fuck… me!” she ordered deliberately.
Jason’s fingers tightened on her boobs leaving red marks and she gasped and jerked back and impaled her crack on Jason’s rigid pecker. “Ohhhhhoohh,” she sirened. It felt so goooood she couldn’t deny it.
Sally bit her lower lip in her teeth and watched as if she was a stranger while Jason heaved against her. His cock flashed in and out of her cunt like a sewing machine making buttonholes. His cock went around and straight in and out and left to right and then right to left.
In and out, in and out the greasy cock flesh drove in her weeping hale tying her sex organs in knots of pleasure. Sally was cresting on the wonderful pleasure, of being fucked by her brother. The sharp pangs of feeling radiating out from her nipples slammed into her raging cunt and her sex juice seemed to pour out of her cunt in response.
“Harder!” she moaned. The order was tarn out of her by the savage pounding of Jason’s cock in and out of her womb. The tip of his pecker speared clear up to the beginnings of her sex channel and each time he hit her womb with a particularly hard fuck, Sally thought she’d die of pleasure. She heaved her ass back and flung her cunt on Jason’s cock. She couldn’t stop. She was going to fuck and fuck harder and harder until she burst. She was floating, she was higher and higher than she’d been with Ralph and she’d thought that with the bay there was nothing greater. But her brother’s nonstop fucking was pushing her aver the edge of sanity into a questionable darkness.
“Cum, cum, cum!” Jason chanted. His eyes were bright from the effort of shaving his cock full force into his sister’s heaving cunt. He was breathing heavily and he stood back so that he could swing his hips with sledge hammer farce. His every movement was another turn-on. His sister’s tight pussy fitted his dick like a rubber glove. Jason was dizzy every time he sheathed his cock to the hilt, his balls swaying wildly and pounding feather hard against her swollen clitoris.
“Now!” he groaned. His balls felt ready to burst and he couldn’t keep it up too much longer. He corkscrewed his hips and twisted his cock up her twat and the sensation was almost too much.
Heat and pleasure filled his sex tube. Jason knew he was getting ready to explode and he twisted his sister’s breasts in his hands, desperately pinching her hard, rubbery nipples that seemed to grow thicker and softer and more elastic as he fucked into her.
“Yes!” Sally screamed. “Yes, yes, YES!!!”
She placed her forehead against the cool glass of the mirror and stared at the pattern of fog her breath made on it. Jason’s cock still flashed hypnotically in and out of her hole.
And then she knew it was very close it was coming.
Sally clutched at the face of the vanity with her hands and heaved back with her butt. She felt Jason’s soft belly fold up against her rear, and then the searing pressure as he drove his penis a final time up her tunnel. She is exploding inside. His cock was a swollen weapon filling her, his sperm poured out in a boiling river that filled her womb and uterus and backed up and lubricated her sex tube and dribbled out and ran in hot streams down the insides of her thighs.
She moaned and stared blank-eyed in the mirror. She’d been fucked good and there was no denying it. Her pussy ached. But Sally didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything except how wonderful it had been to be fucked like that!
Jason opened the door and Sally was blinded by a flood of afternoon sun that poured into the dim motel room. Ralph was groaning and moving around on the floor as they left. Sally didn’t look back. He deserved to lay there since he’d been about to treat her as some sort of animal, fucking her in a perverted way. And she’d thought he was such a nice, clean-cut American boy until that happened.
They got into Jason’s car and he scattered gravel getting away from the motel.
“That was Goddamned stupid,” he said as soon as they were on the street. “The motel manager recognized you and called me. You’re damn lucky it was me instead of Hal that he knew. If he’d called your husband it would have been all over for you. You know that?”
Sally huddled on her side of the car near the door and felt the steady throb of her cunt reliving the eager rape Jason had performed on her. “You too!” she said. It was dirty to say it, but she felt dirty.
“Yes, me too!” Jason’s voice was a snarl. “If Hal caught you playing house with that punk he’d have a clean divorce out of it in minutes. And I’d be out of a job. I’m only vice-president of his real estate company because he doesn’t think it looks right for him to have impoverished relatives. So we both have our own self-interests to serve!”
“I could tell him about your raping me…”
“Same thing,” Jason said matter-of-factly. “Jesus. Maybe if I’d gotten your ass when you were younger you wouldn’t be doing these things.”
“Aren’t you even sorry?” Sally was indignant.
“What for?” Surprise edged Jason’s voice. “I thought it was a pretty good fuck. Shit, we should be able to get it on more often.”
“You’re… detestable!”
“You think it over, sis. I could tell you loved it despite all the complaints. If Hal isn’t taking care of your ass for you, I’ll make the sacrifice. It’s better than you going around picking up parking lot attendants for an afternoon quickie. I might even enjoy it.”
“You’re the last man on earth…” Sally said. She didn’t have to finish it for her brother. He knew what she meant.
Jason laughed harshly and put his hand on her knee. Roughly his fingers caressed the firm flesh of her thigh, kneading the muscle and skin and sliding down toward the juncture of her thighs.
“Stop that!” she ordered sharply. The touch of his hand was unsettling. She tried to brush it away but it started the hot chill of desire in her crotch again. The leather seat caressed the back of her legs where her short dress didn’t cover her thighs and she knew the wet cloth of her panty crotch was staining the seat. Desperately she clamped her knees together. Jason persisted, running his hand down the groove formed by her pressed-together thighs all the way under her skirt. His fingers found the soft, warm bulge of her pudenda and began to stroke it.
A fever was started in Sally’s pelvis. Her cunt was on fire. Her twat lips seemed to writhe and twist against each other, struggling desperately to satisfy her incredibly sudden, God-awful craving to have a man’s dick stuffed up her cunt.
“Someone… might see us,” she gasped at Jason.
Reluctantly, her brother withdrew his hand from under her skirt.
At the house she desperately jumped out of the car before he could do anything else. Then she ran up to the front door painfully aware of her brother’s interest in the soft sliding-bobbing of her round, lush ass as she ran. Her swollen breasts bounced in the painful strictures of her bra cups. Her swollen and distended nipples rubbed against the fabric at each step and it just served to turn her on even more.
What’s wrong with me? Sally asked herself tearfully. Am I some sort of sex pervert?
She fitted the key in the door and got it open. Then she turned in time to look at Jason as he pulled away from the house. He smiled at her and playfully gave her the finger.
For a dreadful moment, Sally imagined her brother cramming that finger up her twat, twisting it around inside, and then finger-fucking her furiously. She felt all weak inside so she hurried up and opened the door and escaped inside her house.
The house was a Tudor, one of the better housing tract styles that Hal was selling. They had moved in because he’d picked it up in a swap deal and he was of the opinion that the particular lot was due for a fancy jump in price in a few years. He wasn’t often wrong about real estate even if he didn’t know much about women, Sally thought ruefully. The one thing that she really liked about the house was that the bedrooms were upstairs and provided a refuge away from the kids.
She started up the curving staircase and then stopped and stared at her hand. It was resting on the gnarled end of the gracefully sweeping banister and for the first time she realized that the banister was almost exactly crotch height.
The gnarled end was rough and lumpy with hand-carved projections. It was one of the features of the house which had originally been spruced up as a model home. Stuff like that, Hal had said, raised the value of the property eventually by thousands of dollars.
Fuck Hal’s property values! Sally told herself drunkenly.
She wasn’t drunk. But it didn’t matter. That was how she felt. Cautiously she raised her leg and swung it over the banister and then she lowered her crotch to the polished wood rail. Her toes couldn’t quite touch the raisers and without intending it, before she knew what was happening, she was sliding down the rail backwards. But only for a few feet. And then her crotch was solid on the gnarled wood end and she wasn’t sliding any more. Her clitoris rubbed against the projecting knob of the banister through the silken material of her panties. It was like a man’s hard finger playing with her. Desperately she clawed at the wood rail with her hands and slid up and down a few precious inches. Each movement, however minute, sent fresh thrills coursing through her body.
“Uhuhuhuhuhuh,” she grunted. The harder she worked, the further away the promised orgasm was. In a frenzy, Sally tore at her black panties with her fingernails, ripping the crotch out of them. She welcomed the feel of the cool, smooth wood directly on her wet sex organs.
Her hips twisted and swiveled as she made love to the banister. Sweat beaded her face and poured down her thighs. But it wasn’t enough.
Exhausted, Sally got off the banister and unsteadily mounted the stairs. Her feet were like lead. Her cunt was an unbearable burden between her wobbly legs. Secretly she regretted letting Jason leave.
The bath had seemed like a good idea. When Sally had lowered herself in, to the foamy water and felt the subtle warmth creep up her legs and engulf her crotch and then surround the soft mounds of her breasts she had thought everything would be okay. The fire would be put out. She would be back to normal.
At first it had seemed to work that way. She was soothed by the hot water and foamy soap. The scent of rose bath salts filled the room. And then, like some sort of compulsion, she had to start playing with herself again. She thought about Jason and all the times he had snuck around trying to catch her in the bath. And that reminded her of his penis and that led, naturally, to the steady beat of his cock in and out of her clasping cunt. And that started it.
Gingerly she slid one finger in her turgid slot. It was enough to get the yearning going stronger than before. Her cunt sucked at her probing finger trying to pull it in.
She opened her thighs and lay back in the water and felt it running into her heated cunt around her probing finger. She mewed at the compulsive pleasure the feeling brought her.
Slowly she added another finger to the one already in her snatch. She twisted her wrist and felt the wonderful stretching that made her feel so good. She was like a woman released. But to no good purpose. She was sexual and yet insatiable. Laying in the tub of water, Sally knew Hal — or any man — couldn’t really satisfy her now.
Jason’s cock might do it, she knew. But she couldn’t forget what was on the end of that cock: a demanding, perverted male. A man!
Recalling how close she’d come to getting cornholed by Ralph, Sally shivered even in the tub of steaming water. While one hand played with her snatch, she slipped her other one under her buttocks and pressed a finger up against the rosy opening to her rectum. It was so tiny she wondered how Ralph had planned on getting inside her butt without killing her. The thought sent strange feelings surging through her body and she couldn’t stop wondering about it.
Tenderly, she pressed against her asshole opening with a finger greased by soapy water.
She twisted her hips and enjoyed the feel of her fingers twisting in her cunt. And then, suddenly, the pressure on her asshole was gone and her finger had slid up her rear hole.
“Ohmigod!” Sally cried out. Her mouth was open in wonder. The sensation was unbelievable. It was as if her finger up her butt had found another way in her sex hole and was almost touching the two fingers twisting desperately in her snatch.
The water lapped around the pink-tipped bits of her breasts that were still exposed. But down around her hips there was a steady swirl of movement that threatened to swamp her.
Sally focused on the ceiling in wonder as the feelings raced through her from cunt to asshole to cunt. This is dirty, she told herself. It’s evil and I can’t do this. I mustn’t!
Her fingers lanced in and out of her sex hole and she almost cried out loud, it was such a good feeling. Her asshole was stinging, but it was a good sting and her finger slipped out and she stroked her breast with it. Her hand started on the soft underside of her tit and slipped up the flesh in a milking motion which ended when she pinched her nipple. The hard feel of her own fingers on her swollen and abused nipples was driving her into a frenzy. She stared up at the baby blue bathroom ceiling and breathed hard as she played with herself and tried to imagine what kind of man could entertain her.
“Mommy, what were you doing downstairs?”
Sally almost swallowed a mouthful of soapy water. She sat up in one sudden motion, slopping water on the red carpeted floor and stared at Tommy, her eleven year old son.
The boy was standing in the entrance to the bathroom and he was staring at her as if shocked by her hand on her own tit. He was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts and the shorts were poked way out in front. A long way out.
In her confusion, Sally almost asked if it was his first hard-on.
“What… what did you say, Tommy?”
She tried to sink into the water, but her damn tits kept bobbing up and she could tell from the way her son’s eyes moved that he was entranced by them.
“I wanted to know what you were doing downstairs, Mom. You know, when you were up on the banister.”
“I was…” Sally looked at the boy and realized her fingers were still jabbed in her cunt and she was as excited as crazy. “Come closer, Tommy,” she said. “And Mommy will explain.”
Tommy reminded Sally of herself. His thick, chestnut hair with its dark red tones was tousled and curly. He had big, innocent eyes and a creamy skin. Before, Sally had always wished he’d been a girl. But not any more. The thirty-one year old housewife didn’t know what had taken possession of her, but she knew her only interest at the moment was the bulge in the front of her son’s shorts.
Dutifully Tommy walked all the way into the bathroom and stopped only when he was right at the tub. “Yes, Mom?” he said. His eyes kept flitting to the tips of her nipples.
Knowing he was looking at her tits, the son who had suckled on them when he was born, gave Sally a roiled feeling. She was reminded she was a mother, but she didn’t feel like one. Her own eyes kept dropping to the spiked prick in the boy’s pants and her mind was confused with wondering what it looked like. It had been years since she’d seen any of her sons naked. And now…?
Don’t do it, her conscience screamed at her. It’s incest. It’s wicked to touch your own son’s sex THAT WAY!
It’s wicked to be raped by my own brother. Sally reminded herself. That’s incest too. That big cock of her brother’s sliding easily in and out of her weeping vagina, that she knew was incest and terrible and it had felt so damned good she could cry right there in the bathtub.
She needed something so bad just then… And if her brother had been good, what would her son be like? She knew he’d be gentle and tender and she could show him all about sex and…
It was too late for Sally’s conscience to do anything constructive. Tommy stood right next to the tub and was looking down into the soapy water with an obvious, terrible feeling of concentration. The bulge in his pants was even bigger than it had been moments before.
“What are you looking at, Tommy?” Sally asked gently.
Suddenly the boy’s face was confused and he looked away. A flood of red ran up his neck and across his face and into his hairline.
“Tell Mommy, Tommy!”
“Aw, gee, Mom. Nothing. I was looking at nothing.”
“That’s not true, Tommy.” Sally smiled up at her young son from the warmth of the bathtub. “Were you looking at this?” She ran a hand up her firm, flat stomach and cupped her breast and held it up as a bulge of firm but soft flesh. She squeezed and the nipple got visibly thicker.
Tommy gulped and tried to look away, but he couldn’t. The desire to see his mother holding and fondling her own breast was too much for him to control. He turned his head to stare directly at it.
“Well, Tommy?” Sally’s voice was musical not threatening. She experienced a wild pounding within her. The excited frenzy of her heart had grown faster and faster and her own hand on her tit was hot and frantic feeling. She squeezed and was rewarded with a thrill of joy.
The boy gulped and nodded his head. He was only eleven after all and hadn’t learned to lie to his mother with any conviction yet.
“Is that all you were looking at, Tommy?”
Tommy tried to evade his mother’s eyes. But he couldn’t. He turned his head away and got redder and finally shook his head.
The frenzy inside of Sally was a carnival now. She could barely keep her emotions in control.
“What were you looking at?”
“Your… your…” Tommy looked at his mother, helpless to go on.
“Tell me, Tommy. You can say it to your own mother baby.”
“Your pussy,” the boy finally gushed out. He looked as if he expected the sky to fall in on him at any minute. “The boys at school always talk about pussy and I’ve never seen any, Mother, and then I couldn’t help wondering what yours looked like and, I, well, I’m sorry Mommy and I won’t ever do it again. I promise.” Tommy looked at her and tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes.
“That’s okay. Tommy. Come closer and Mommy will let you look at her pussy all you want and tell you all about it!”
The boy looked like lightning had struck. “Will you, Mommy? Really?”
He moved closer and Sally turned the lever in the tub that controlled the drain as she put her arms up and around her young son’s waist. Tommy watched, glued to the spot, as some of the water swirled away. Slowly Sally’s lush, mature body came into view.
First the soapy water pulled back from her firm breasts, leaving traces of soap suds on her creamy skin. Then it dropped further. The front of her smooth, sexy thighs broke the top of the bath water like glistening rocks being revealed by the falling tide. Then her legs were obvious and a trough of foamy water was trapped between her soft thighs while the water puddled around her beautiful, contoured buttocks.
Tommy was breathing hard. His little cock jumped in his pants as Sally opened her legs and let the trapped water splash into the rapidly emptying tub. She was breathing hard too. The sudden gush of water down her thighs and the weird sensation of it trickling over her aching vagina made her crotch ache with a fierce, inner heat.
With the last of the water swirling down the drain in the tub, Sally knew she had finally committed herself to committing incest with her own, pre-teenaged son!
Compulsively, she wrapped her arms around his waist and started to drag his pants down over his buttocks.
Tommy stood stock still. He may not even have known his mother was stripping him naked. He was staring at the reddish thatch of hair between his mother’s legs and licking his dry lips. The hair was covered with a froth of bubbles that burst one by one but at a tremendous rate. His mother’s twat was being unveiled for him as surely as if she were stripping especially for him.
The bubbles burst and the dark, chestnut hair became visible.
As Sally stirred uneasily, the hair seemed to ripple and almost part and underneath Tommy could see the hot movement of her cleft. It was almost like a strip show in which the boy thought he could see everything, but wasn’t sure he was seeing anything at all.
But whatever Tommy saw, it didn’t really matter because Sally could see all she wanted to, and that was everything.
Once his pants had dropped down his legs to puddle around his ankles, Tommy was completely naked from the waist down. His cock stuck straight out in front of him, like a spear. Underneath, his balls, still not large with the loose skin of a man, huddled close to his immature penis. His skin was pink and white and he didn’t have a single pubic hair.
For a long moment, Sally stared at the boy’s cock. It was beautiful even though it was small in comparison to her husband’s or her brother’s. But that made it all the dearer to Sally.
The head was baby pink. Folds of white skin surrounded it and to Sally it seemed super virginal. Clean. Fresh. There weren’t words to describe the sensations that raced through her like a chill when she saw her son’s sex organs.
Gently, so as not to scare him, Sally breathed on his hard little penis. It stiffened slightly under the unexpected stimulus.
Then, trying to quiet the pounding of her own heart, Sally lowered her lips until they were engulfing the boy’s tender cockhead.
Tommy stopped looking with wonder at her crotch, then. He looked down and saw what she was doing. “Mother!” he exclaimed. He was speechless and couldn’t say more, he was so enveloped in the hot, wet mouth that sucked at his throbbing cock.
Damning herself, but gently, Sally slurped her son’s penis between her soft, pillowy lips. The minute she did, she thought irrationally that she was getting lipstick on his prick, but she didn’t really care.
Once Tommy’s cock was in her mouth, Sally felt herself falling into a bottomless pit of passion. His penis rolling around in her mouth, stiff as it was, sent thrills racing to her brain that almost made her faint. It seemed to Sally that her mouth had become a second, more sensitive vagina.
Tommy’s response was just as immediate. He wrapped his arms around his mother’s head and clung to it white her mouth masticated his little joy stick. The boy had just recently started beating himself off, but what was happening to him was so much better that he almost couldn’t stand it. “Don’t stop, Mommy,” he pleaded with her.
Sally had no intention of stopping. The boy’s penis in her mouth was like a stick of dynamite… Each touch, each bit of movement was an avalanche of pleasure. She bathed it in her saliva and wondered at the clean, smooth feel and flavor. She sucked on the rosy head and was elated to discover she loved the taste of his semen as it flowed to the tip of his cock and filled her mouth.
Gently Sally’s soapy hands cupped her son’s naked balls. She stroked them and pulled on them, making the boy even more excited. His cock grew harder and longer. It throbbed and pulsed.
Tommy writhed in a fit of sexual madness. His hands tore at his mother’s hair as he encouraged the incessant sucking of his sex organ. “Oh, Mommy,” he cried. “Don’t stop doing that to meeee!”
Sally couldn’t stop. She began to mouth fuck his little sucker with a sturdy beat, her head pumping back and forth, her lips softening and compressing in regular rhythm. Her breath was hot on his tool and even those steady strokes of hot air turned Tommy on.
Forgetting that she was in the bathtub, that the water was gone, Sally lowered one hand to finger her crotch. Her long, slender finger played first at the top of her sex cleft, rubbing her clitoris until it was ready to stand up hard and straight. Then her finger divided the chestnut pubic hair and found the long slot of her cunt. Delicately she began stroking up and down the elongated lips, starting electrical fires in her cunt. Her hips writhed in response to her own self-manipulation.
Tommy watched in fascination. He couldn’t take his eyes away. He could only look as his mother brought herself to a furious climax by finger fucking herself. Even as she slid an index finger into her quivering sex hole and began sawing it in and out, Tommy was falling over the edge from virginity to manhood. He felt the hot rise of moisture in his prick. His muscles convulsed in knots as he felt his groin beginning to erupt into a fountain of molten lava.
Sally sensed his sexual heat. Her mouth slid faster, more eagerly, more greedily up and down his immature stem. She couldn’t stop. Where before she had been turned off completely by the idea of tasting or even touching a man’s pecker with her mouth, now she was in a frenzy to be rewarded for her efforts. She wanted it to happen!
Suddenly Tommy cried out and wrapped his arms tight around her head. His penis was pulsing furiously. It beat a tattoo inside her mouth that went straight to her crotch.
Her own hand was slick wet with her sex fluid. Her hips writhed and twisted as Tommy suddenly began jetting spurt after spurt of sweet sex cream in her avaricious mouth.
Sally gulped his liquid down and at the same time her body trembled in the throes of its own orgasm. She sucked until there was no more to suck and Tommy was crying, “Please, Mommy. No more.”
Then she lay back in the tub, satiated for the first time in her life.
“That was… fun, Mom,” Tommy finally breathed.
Sally couldn’t help but agree with him. She got out of the tub and let Tommy help dry her off, encouraging his giggles when his hand slipped “accidentally” to squeeze her breast. “Do my back, Tommy,” she said finally. She turned her back to the boy and relaxed, enjoying the feel of the yellow terry cloth on her skin.
He started at her neck and worked down. The towel scrubbed at her shoulders and slid around her chest where the boy gently massaged her tits. They weren’t sore any more. She sighed. “Yes,” she said, “that’s the way to do it.”
Then he had the towel around her hips. His small hands cupped her rotund ass cheeks and squeezed and pinched and fondled as much as he dried. Sally couldn’t believe it, but she realized the boy was getting her hot again.
“Tommy…” she started to protest, but it was too late.
The towel had fallen out of the youngster’s hands and his fingers were freely caressing her naked buttocks. She groaned and leaned forward slightly, but in an instant his warm, agile hands were caressing between her thighs and she couldn’t stand it.
Sally wiggled her butt and Tommy’s hands moved with her hips. His fingertips were like hot coals on the tender flesh of her snatch. Even though they were buried in her, pubic hair, the boy hadn’t worked up nerve enough to actually put a finger in her box.
“Please, Tommy,” Sally whispered. “Stick it in. All the way in.”
She wondered if her son knew what she meant by that. He was so young! But an instant later Sally sighed with pleasure as she felt the boy’s finger invade her sex slit. She clamped her legs together and trapped his hand as she mewed, “Oh, oh, oh yessss, Tommy.”
His hand touched her clitoris and she went rigid.
“Tommy,” she said. “We’d better — we’d better go in my bedroom.”
“Okay, Mom.” The boy withdrew his finger from his mother’s snatch, but it was obvious to both of them that he wished he didn’t have to do that. They were both enjoying it too much.
Sally led the way into the bedroom. She let her butt wiggle as lasciviously as she could manage. The boy had gone after her ass like a natural butt man and she couldn’t begin to explain how much she had enjoyed the way he played with her ass cheeks before he slid his finger in her snatch. Sometimes she wished Hal would play with her that way. But his idea of a good fuck was to hop in the saddle and pump away for thirty seconds and then go to sleep.
In the bedroom, she pulled back the flowered lavender bedspread and got into bed on the clean, white sheet and sprawled out on her back.
“Let’s play a game, Tommy,” she said brightly.
“Okay, Mom,” the boy said. His voice sounded a note between joyous optimism and mournful speculation.
“You liked putting your hand… on my snatch, didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” the boy admitted. “I sure did. It was really something.”
“Well, how would you like to play with me and do anything you want to do? Anything at all?” Sally smiled at him to show she meant it.
“Boy oh boy. Wouldn’t I.” Tommy’s enthusiasm extended all the way to his cock and Sally was mortified to see how straight and hard it was barely a few minutes after she would have sworn she sucked it dry.
“Well, I’m going to lay down on the beet and you can do anything you like if you really want to. All right?”
Tommy nodded brightly and there was no question of his assent.
Sally seemed calm and cool as she stretched out on the bed. But inside she was frothing with heated emotions she couldn’t sort out. It was wrong, what she was going to do. There was no doubt about that. But she wanted it so much, so hard that nothing would stop her.
She ran her hands down her body, feeling the youthful vibrance of her skin and the taut response of her breasts and nipples. She was glad she wasn’t saggy and used looking. She wanted Tommy to like her body. Her thighs were hot and sweaty where they came together. Moving her hand across her crotch ruffled her pubic hair and let a cool wave of air invade her heated snatch.
Staring up at the ceiling she tried to force her heart to pump slower. But she was excited. Tense. Not knowing what her impetuous son might think of doing was terrifying in away. What did an eleven year-old know about sex anyway?
If he’d had the chance to tell her. Tommy could have surprised his mother more than a little. Staring at her naked body, he was reminded of all the things that the kids at school were always talking about, the older kids, anyway. He stared at his mother’s prone body with the sweet, lush curves and knew that she was what the boys called a sweet piece.
Slowly he took his t-shirt off. It didn’t seem quite right to be wearing it, and then he climbed on the bed and stood up.
Sally was startled by Tommy standing on the bed. She’d never expected anything like that to happen. She stared up and he seemed gigantic. His cock projected out over her head like a giant crane. His balls were shadowed orbs. His face looked so far away it was unreal.
“Mommy,” Tommy said. “I’ve got to pee!”
Sally was speechless. She watched the jerkings of her son’s cock as he stood over her and then the unbelieving stream of yellow urine arching out from that hairless penis to come splattering down in a hot stream to strike her body. The hot piss trailed from her frantic crotch up her body and over her breasts to splatter against her lips. Everywhere the piss struck her it was like she was doused in molten steel.
Her cunt was frantic at the sudden heat. She wanted to stuff it with cock the way she’d stuff a cabbage for dinner.
“Oh, Tommy!” she moaned. Realizing her son was degrading her and feeling that she deserved it for being a slut. “Piss on me, Tommy! Don’t stop, darling. Do it to me!”
The hot yellow stuff splattered in her mouth, bitter and acrid, but she swallowed it as her punishment. She licked it off her lips with her tongue and she writhed in frenzied heat as the stream of urine stopped and she was denied her atonement. She was being punished by her son.
Suddenly Tommy slumped by her side on the bed. “Oh, Mommy, I didn’t mean to do that,” he cried. “Really. I didn’t. I just had to go then. I couldn’t stop it no matter how hard I tried, really.”
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy understands.” Sally was shaking with the released emotions that his act had unveiled and she didn’t pay him much attention at that particular moment. But Tommy knew what to do.
Appalled by what he had done to his mother, he knew he could pay her back, make her feel good about him. She had sucked his little wiener and he could do the same thing for her. He’d never done it before, but the boys at school were all the time talking about giving girls head with lewd descriptions and graphic gestures, and Tommy knew he could make it all right that way.
The boy knelt between his mother’s legs and leaned forward. He smelled the heavy, sexual odor of her cunt and close up he was surprised at the thick, rubbery looking lips that surrounded her pussy. But he was determined to fix everything for his mother. And this was the only way he knew how to do it.
He held his breath and dove face first into the soft, tangled patch of hair that guarded her vaginal opening…
Sally squealed. The sudden shove of Tommy’s inexperienced tongue into her tight vagina had taken her by surprise. It took her a moment to realize what the boy was doing.
At first she could hardly tell what was happening. The boy’s small tongue slipping into the tight hole was lost in the vast, roaring sensation that had started in her sex cavern when he pissed on her. But it only took brief seconds for her to finally sort out the sensations.
It wasn’t as good as Ralph’s practiced motions and bigger tongue slurping at her hole, but it was twice as good. Knowing it was her son drilling into her cunt was qualitatively a lot better than mere size.
“Ooooooh, that’s fine, Tommy,” she said, encouraging the boy to probe more. She didn’t want him to quit. Not now. “Twist it around in there, honey. That’s the way. Now, suck my clitoris. That little button at the top. Please. For Mommy, baby.” She talked to him, guiding him and occasionally squealing at the results.
Tommy followed his mother’s directions explicitly. He moved from sex slot to the red-lined, beautiful lips of her cunt. His tongue shot into her hole dragging out the musky liquid that welled up from her depths, then he nibbled at the tender pubes until she screamed for mercy. Faster and faster his tongue licked, darting in and out like hummingbirds’ wings.
Sally lifted her legs toward the ceiling and howled as her son sucked eagerly at the tiny knob of her clitoris, elongating it and drawing it out of her little hiding place.
Finally, when she could stand it no more, Sally grabbed the boy by his arms and dragged him away from her ravaged crotch. He licked and kissed her breasts and, suddenly, in a fit of inspiration, fastened on to her cherry-red nipple sticking up from her breast like a penis out of a snow hill.
“Oh, migod,” Sally moaned. She swiveled her hips and caught her son’s slender waist between her legs. She pressed him tight to her and without willing it to happen, felt his small cock slip into her soft, warm cock sheath.
“Fuck me!” Sally demanded frantically. “Fuck me! Fuck me!”
Tommy was as startled by what happened as Sally. One minute he was hunched over his mother sucking on her breast like a little baby enjoying every moment of it, and then his virgin cock had slid into something soft and gushy that seemed to clutch at it and hold it.
“I’m trying, Mommy,” the boy almost cried as he concentrated.
His penis slipped wetly into his mother’s love hole and his hips automatically began banging up and down in a cadence he’d never even dreamed he’d known.
Sally responded with frantic up and down motions. Her hips lifted the boy clear of the bed and he was forced to clutch desperately with his mouth at her succulent breast and cling with his hands to keep from being bucked off.
In and out, the smooth slide of Tommy’s boy’s cock drilled his mother’s eager twat. It slid in to the balls until the boy thought they would also be swallowed by her ravenous sex hole. He bit on her tit until it was bright red and swollen from the constant irritation and his fingers grasped and squeezed her other breast sending startling waves of sexual delight soaring through Sally.
“Oh, ride me, darling. Ride-fuck Mommy. Do it, honey!”
Sally crooned to Tommy as she pitched him up and down, helping him to sink his balls deep in her twat time and again.
“God, oh God, oh God,” she moaned. She screamed at the ecstatic feeling as her son stabbed his dick down into her and then she wrapped her legs tight around his body and tried to tug him down into her deeper and deeper until her never-ending climax would finally still.
She finally felt the wonderful flow of Tommy’s hot fuck juice pouring into her vagina and she almost fainted with pleasure.
The bedroom soared and reeled around her. Tommy’s weight on her body was a feather that seemed to float away and descend again with each deep, gasping breath.
She could still feel his little peter in her cunt and she had an almost insane urge to keep it there, to hold it in place until she never again had a use for it. It felt so good and comforting that she didn’t want the boy to ever get out of the saddle and she fantasized going through life with her son pressed against her belly and his penis crammed up her crotch.
She wanted to walk, joined with him that way. She was sure that if she did she’d feel the wonderful shape of his pecker in her quim with each delicious step. It would be better than dancing.
“Oh, Tommy, darling! I love you, baby!”
“I love you, too, Mommy.”
Sally lifted his head away from her breast and kissed him.
Tommy stared at his mother with sleepy eyes. “Boy,” he added, “I’m really tired. But I feel good. A whole lot good.”
“So do I, darling!” Sally didn’t know how to tell Tommy how well she really felt. She just wanted him to know that everything was wonderful, that it was all right. Now, she knew, no matter what she had to put up with from Hal, as long as she had Tommy she knew she could manage to survive. He was the answer to her dreams.
As she cradled the half-sleeping boy an her breasts she thought about how nice it would be, to teach Tommy all about sex and keeping him happy and sleepy whenever he — they — needed it.
“I’m going to tell Dad!”
The words were explosive in the lilac-scented bedroom. And Sally sat up like she’d been shot dumping Tommy on the bed beside her.
The dreams that had started in her heart were a sour taste in her stomach. Standing in the bedroom doorway was Tommy’s older brother, twelve year old John.
Sally hadn’t known what else she could do. John had kicked and screamed and shouted, “I’m not going!” But he went anyway.
Tommy was easy. He was sleepy and she packed him into the back of the station wagon. But when it came to. John, after she left a note for Hal she could barely pack the kicking, resisting youngster into the front with her. And then she took off.
It was getting dark outside and the rows of white-painted, two-story houses that dominated the neighborhood were just blurs in the darkness as Sally and her two kids sped past.
The inside of the station wagon was quiet and warm. John subsided into a twelve-year-old pout and Sally was thankful. It gave her a chance to think. And she needed that.
The letter she had left behind far Hal, telling him she was taking the kids to the mountain cabin for the weekend had been abrupt, at the least. She’d blamed him for not being interested in, the kids. But she wondered if he’d see through it, if the sins she’d just committed with young Tommy would show in her handwriting or on the paper?
Am I a marked woman? She laughed nervously as she drove. She didn’t believe in superstition. Yet, there must be some stigma resulting from fucking her own son. She was worse than an adulteress, leading her own children into sexual sin.
She glanced into the rearview mirror and her heart almost stopped. She had it tilted so she could watch the kids. And she could see Tommy clearly, his hands bright in the dark shadows of the station wagon as he played with his cock.
Quickly, Sally looked at John to see if he had noticed anything. He was sitting squeezed into the corner by the door. His knees were drawn up to his chest and his hands were cupped over his crotch. She’d seen him sulk in that position before and knew he could stay like that for hours without paying any attention to the rest of the world.
Almost casually she was about to dismiss the boy from her mind when it struck her that his fingers were moving very slowly and casually.
Sally peeked out of the corner of her eye to confirm what she thought she saw. Her heart thumped in her breast as she realized her oldest son was playing with himself! There could be no doubt. His hands were lifted from his crotch in a way that suggested that he had a massive hard-on under his pants and his fingers were stroking it into steely rigidity. He was masturbating while she thought he was sulking.
Suddenly Sally felt the heat in the car and she cracked the window slightly. The sudden rush of cool wind on her cheek reduced her feverishness somewhat, but not completely.
She had been in such a hurry to leave the house that she hadn’t put any underwear on and the furry seat under her naked butt was starting to itch like mad. Her hips wiggled back and forth on the seat, but that helped hardly at all. It just shifted the location of the itchy feeling from the bottom of her slit to her clitoris, irritated by her nervous motions. Her crotch was sweaty and she had an irrepressible desire to pull her short skirt all the way up and let the wind cool it.
“Can I lay down, Mom?”
John was looking at her and his hands between his thighs were still. But he seemed to have gotten over his tantrum.
Sally was overjoyed. “Yes, dear,” she said. “It will be good for you to take a nap.” She smiled at him and hoped he could see she wasn’t mad at him or upset. She had to convince him not to tell Hal when they went home. She just had to.
“Can I put my head on your leg? You forgot to bring any pillows.”
“Of course, darling. You know mother will always let you do that.”
John smiled at her and stretched out on the seat as much as he could. He rolled around until his forehead pressed against her stomach and his ear rested on her thigh.
It felt comforting to have him resting peacefully against her. “Go to sleep, darling,” Sally said. “I’ll wake you at the cabin.”
“Yes, Mother,” the boy answered. He yawned and his hot breath warmed Sally’s slim, girlish stomach.
She glanced in the mirror and Tommy’s hands had stopped moving. At least he’s asleep, Sally thought. But he shouldn’t be masturbating all the time like this. I’ll have to take him to the doctor when.
Suddenly Sally realized some things would never be the same again. A visit to the doctor might reveal what she had done with her son. Perhaps his masturbation could be blamed on her.
She was rigid with fear. She didn’t see any way out of her dilemma.
John stirred in his sleep and groaned. He moved and his mouth brushed against her stomach. Absently, Sally stroked his face with her hand. The boy moved again and she realized too late that he was turning, that he was pushing across her legs.
When he was still, his face was buried in her lap. Oh, dear! she thought. He’ll smell my cunt! She was so embarrassed by the sudden consideration that she almost ran off the road.
And then Sally had something else to think about. The twelve-year-old’s heavy breathing went right through the thin fabric of her skirt. Not only could he smell her twat, but her cunt could feel the steady, hot strokes of his breath.
It was like a feather being brushed up and down her slippery slot. Each movement was a sudden thrill and she felt her twat responding. In seconds it was brimming wet with sex juice.
She shifted her ass back and forth on the seat. But that didn’t help. The furry seat just teased the backs of her legs and buttocks even more. Her twat lips were twisting frantically and despite herself, Sally felt her cunt being invaded again by sexual feeling.
What am I going to do? Sally felt like breaking down and crying. Her son hated her, she knew. He’d tell his father and that would be the end of everything. The night rushing past wasn’t as dark as Sally’s thoughts. The beam of the headlights turned everything gray in the cold shaft of light. Dismal. Discouraging.
John moved his head and nestled his face harder in her lap. His mouth and nose were closer to her cunt. His hot breath was like a blow-torch scorching the moist, red labia that guarded her hole.
Sally squirmed again. She knew she had to keep from being turned on. If she couldn’t keep her son’s innocent touch from heating her up how could she ever trust herself again.
But the truth was, Sally couldn’t trust herself. John moaned in his sleep and arched his body. His face pressed against her sex slot through the thin material of her skirt. It paralyzed Sally.
Then he moved again and her skirt gathered up toward her waist. His cheek was on her bare thigh, his nose was practically buried in her fevered crotch.
There was nothing Sally could do. She couldn’t let go of the steering wheel to move his head. And if she did, she risked waking him to stare straight down her skirt at the moist red cavern of her sex.
She held herself rigid, staring down the road. And when it came, it was no surprise. At least, not the surprise it might have been.
Sally instantly recognized the warm, fevered touch of a hot tongue brushing her swollen sex lips. Her son’s hot, fevered tongue.
“Don’t, John,” she said. “Please don’t.”
The twelve-year-old son wasn’t listening, though. His tongue continued, to stroke her hapless hole. The movements were swift and sure and suggested practice at cunt lapping. Each touch was a little different. Sally even moaned as the boy twirled his tongue in the entrance of her snatch. Without taking her foot off the gas, she spread her legs.
The ride down the highway was unmatched by anything in Sally’s experience. Sally was in a haze of sexual excitement most of the time. Holding on to the wheel and steering from habit rather than experience, Sally whimpered and cried almost constantly because John’s attention was constant.
The boy was an accomplished cunt-lapper. Sally twisted and raised herself. Anything was possible for her as she felt her son’s tongue stroking mercilessly in and out of her gaping twat.
“Yes, John,” she moaned. “Tongue fuck Mommy.” Her butt bounced on the car seat and the automobile lurched uncertainly under her moving foot. She screamed when he put his hand under her blouse and began playing with her tits. His fingers were a thousand times more practiced than his brother’s as he played with her soft breasts. Her nipples stood out like rosettes begging to be manipulated.
Finally John raised his head under her blouse and his hot mouth clamped on her suckable breast and he laved it with his tongue. His sharp little teeth nipped at the tips until Sally thought he was going to draw blood.
“Please don’t do that any more,” Sally whimpered.
But his hand crept between her thighs, then. His fingers were small but clever. They slid along the seat and played with Sally’s erect clitoris until she raised her ass and let him slid his hand deeper under her and when she settled down it, was to impale her own hole on a waggling, playful finger.
That finger filled her. It was like a small cock. Even her breathing caused it to react with her hyped-up nervous system. Her crotch convulsed and convulsed and convulsed, sucking and pulling at John’s finger like it was the last one in the world.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God!!!!” Sally’s moans were frantic. She rose to a peak and fell and rose again. She never escaped from the fantastic sexual excitement that had her in its clasp. Her orgasm eluded her by millimeters. And it was fortunate it did. Otherwise she would have been swallowed by her own ecstasy and have let the car careen down the highway guided only by its own whims.
“Fuck me,” she cried desperately. “Oh, John, please fuck me!”
But being fucked while she drove the car was impossible. John responded to her frantic cries with frantic movements, but Sally had to be content with his tongue and his hands playing with her boobs and twat, rotating and doing it again.
She didn’t even notice when Tommy came to the front of the car and hung his head over the back of the front seat and watched his brother eat out his mother’s cunt and finger fuck her like crazy.
When she pulled up in front of the cabin it must have been close to ten o’clock. Sally scrambled out of the car and was embarrassed to discover her skirt was crumpled around her waist and she was standing, even in the dark, naked from the waist down.
Frantically she smoothed her skirt over her hips and then tried to take a step. Her legs wouldn’t hold her and she almost fell when her knees half buckled. She was dizzy from the constant sexual excitement she had experienced and her cunt was swollen and aching. Her tits were equally sensitive, swollen from being chewed and sucked mercilessly for half the night.
“Oh, my poor pussy,” she whimpered and put her hand under her skirt to hold it. Her fingers were cool and non-sexual and they gave her the energy she needed to open the cabin door and go inside. The boys followed along behind her.
Hal had bought the cabin a few years earlier and had it fixed up for the four of them. The fireplace was free standing in the middle of the cabin and the cabin was divided into three parts. The main room which also had Hal and Sally’s bed took up half of the cabin and the front of the massive stone fireplace. The back half of the cabin was half bedroom and half kitchen with a tiny enclosed bathroom dividing the front and the back. The fireplace was backed with a huge piece of steel plate and although the fire couldn’t be seen from that side, the heat could be felt.
Sally helped the kids haul the stuff in from the station wagon. She was in a stupor even when she locked the vehicle and when she was inside again it was an effort to ignite the logs in the fireplace with a butane fireplace lighter before she fell into bed.
Tommy and John seemed disappointed by her resolution to go to sleep so soon. “Can we stay in here with you, Mommy?” Tommy asked.
Staring into the flickering flames and feeling the comforting heat of the fireplace, Sally said, “All right,” without thinking about her decision at all.
She pulled the sheets up to her chin and struggled out of her skirt and blouse and threw them on the floor beside the bed. And then she slipped into a troubled sleep in which she saw a multitude of naked imps cavorting in front of the fires of hell playing with each other’s erect penises.
Sally woke minutes or hours later. She didn’t know which. The fire had burned down to embers and the cabin was still toasty with warm air. She was surprised when she opened her eyes. She was still sleepy. And then she discovered the reason she was awake.
A small hand was creeping across her naked stomach to stroke her poor, battered pussy. Suddenly she knew why little boys were likened to satyrs. They never quit playing their little sex games!
“Stop that,” she whispered.
Sally didn’t want whoever was doing it to stop. But she was really embarrassed to feel that hand fondling her cozy mons. On each side of her in the bed warm bodies cuddled up against hers. She wanted the fondling to continue, but if she encouraged the fondler she knew the other boy would see her degeneration — and she couldn’t bear that.
Even as she thought about it, though, her dilemma was solved for her. A second hand joined the first, and it came from the other side of the bed!
Sally moaned and stopped trying to fight back. The two hands dabbled in her vagina stroking and caressing until she was writhing with unrestrained pleasure.
This is wrong! She told herself. I didn’t come up here to make lope to my own children. That would be pile. I just… I just wanted time to convince them what I did wasn’t wrong…
But her thoughts didn’t help cool the ardor both of her sons were showing. There was a stirring under the sheet and she felt a small body slip over her thigh and nestle between her legs. Oh, God! He’s going to slick my twat, Sally realized. She stared in horror as the lump got longer in the half dark room. The boy’s head was positioned over her crotch and Sally felt a violent flutter in her groin. Every moment was an eternity of waiting.
“Please, please, please, please,” she moaned monotonously.
The sheet shifted. She knew he was down there. She could feel his small hands impatiently pushing her legs wider apart and she moved her thighs, opening her crotch up for him.
She thought it was funny. She didn’t know which of the boys was crouched ready to eat her twat. The younger one or the older one? Which one knew more, which would give her a better tongue job?
The sheet dropped and Sally sighed.
A small mouth had fastened itself to her hairy pussy and a small tongue swabbed eagerly up and down her slit, hyper-sensitizing her to each additional stroke it made on her quivering quim lips. The hands on her thighs were demanding, spreading her open more and more.
“Oooohhhhoooo!” Her ecstatic groan was wrenched out of her by the slip of the eager tongue between her legs. It had slipped too far and stroked up and touched her asshole. The tongue tip had seemed to be independently alive as it probed her rear and touched the electrically charged membrane of her asshole.
She was so surprised she almost peed. And then that same rasping tongue was back again, joggling her swollen pussy to hot, steamy life.
At the same time, the other boy had, slid across his mother’s stomach and onto her chest. His lips had found the tasty buds of her breasts and he was pulling and sucking at them as if he were going to drain them of sweet milk.
Clasping the head under the sheet, Sally pulled it down hard and tried to make him take more breast, more nipple, to suck her inside out and then blow her up again.
“Suck me, suck me, you sweet darlings. Suck momma’s twat,” she screamed in her ecstasy. “Eat me up, babies…”
All thought of restraint was gone. The terrible feelings of being eaten alive were full of pleasure. Sally didn’t care any more about anything except fulfilling herself. Her thoughts were focused in her cunt and her tits, nowhere else.
“That’s the way, darling,” she crooned. Her hand slid down to guide the head under the sheet. “Suck Mommy’s sweet clitoris for awhile.”
The throbbing through her body was like drums. Her hips heaved and dropped, weaving a sexual dance that thrust her soppy pussy up at the mouth that sucked and licked at her cunt.
“You little cunt suckers,” she whispered happily, “don’t quit on Mommy now. Keep going. Suck, suck, suck. That’s better than cock. Give me more tongue. Bite my clit. Jam your tongue up my cunny, darlings. Don’t stop whatever you do. Don’t stop…”
Suddenly John’s head popped out from under the covers. His mouth was gone from her breast and the boy kissed her on the lips.
Under the covers, Tommy still burrowed into her crotch, nipping at her cunt like a minnow chasing bait. Ripples of fantastic joy shot through her. John’s tongue popped into her mouth and she sucked eagerly on his small tongue. The boy’s hands roved under the sheets and squeezed her inflated and tender breasts. Her own hands found his body and slid up his legs to his thighs and then to the rigid cock flesh sticking out from his groin.
Even without seeing what she was doing, Sally was able to peel the boy’s foreskin back from his heated glans. Gently but deliberately she began rubbing it, swirling her finger around and around the bullet-shaped head.
The boy’s prick responded to her manipulations. It grew harder and longer. Still Sally rubbed at it as she sucked on his tongue. Then she stuck her tongue in his mouth and he sucked and the feeling was delightful. Between her thighs, Tommy was holding her cunny open with his fingers and eating her out, switching his attack to the hyper-sensitized clitoris and then back to her sex hole where he jammed his tongue in as far as it would go. And then he wiggled the tip.
Sally jerked her head free and cried, “Jesus, Jesus. Fuck me!”
She felt her orgasm flowing up her body, rushing into her like a flood into a cavern. Her mouth was boiling and she sucked at John’s mouth only he jerked away.
“Mommy,” he cried. “Fuck me, too, Mommy.”
“Yes, baby. Yes, darling! God, yes, I’ll fuck you.”
Sally was rising on the surge of feeling. Her thighs closed and locked around Tommy’s head and urged him to poke his tongue into her slot. Her juice was flowing in a river and she knew her youngest son was lapping it up as fast as it came out.
Her hand continued to rub and stroke the bald, round head of John’s penis. She felt the first flow of slick semen. Her fingers smeared it on his cock tip and her hand could move faster with less friction.
John was moaning and twisting against her. His fingers clutched her pointed tits and twisted, making her feel the sharp pleasure/pain of her breasts being abused over the dull level of almost constant pleasure that engulfed her.
John’s hips heaved and pushed and strained against her hand. His tongue pushed back into her mouth, frantically. He wrapped his immature arms around her neck and held on with all his strength.
“Now!” Sally moaned around the thick gag of his tongue pushing into her mouth.
She arched her back and shoved her lips down toward Tommy’s mouth. She impaled her liquidly vagina on her son’s straining tongue and at long last her orgasm began to roll over her in unabating waves of pleasure and ecstasy. Now! she cried in her mind. Nowwwww!
As if hearing her, John cried out into her mouth as his hips convulsed and his cock shot its wad of sticky juice into her rubbing hand. The cum splattered and poured over her stomach and breasts.
The hot drops of semen completed Sally’s sexual throes and she felt her mind soaring out of her body, borne on the combined pricks of a host of baby satyrs, and she wondered why she had ever left home to find her sexual satisfaction. Why indeed?
Sally woke in the morning as the center of a ball of soft, warm bodies. Tommy and John were cuddled up against her and as she looked at their naked bodies with their darling little penises she could only think, how cute!
Sally was surprised at how her attitude had changed overnight. She felt somehow contented and more relaxed than she had before, or even at any time in her life. Her sons had brought her contentment.
Despite that knowledge, though, there were still the problems of her everyday life to cope with. The question of what would happen to her and the children when they returned home from the mountains was still very much a question. It had not disappeared.
Gingerly she sneaked out of the mass of warm bodies. The children mumbled and moved around in their sleep at the sudden breath of chill air that passed over them, but they didn’t waken. Sally, though, shivered from the soles of her feet to the red tips of her nipples. The fire had gone out in the night and all she was wearing were goose bumps.
Clasping her hands around her and squeezing her tits in her arms, she scurried to the fireplace and threw some small logs and old newspapers in. Then she got the fire going again with the butane lighter.
The exercise had warmed her somewhat and she stood and turned in front of the fire, toasting herself. She was sore all over, from her tits to her much abused pussy, and the heat soaking into her skin seemed the right cure. She edged up on the fire until the heat threatened to singe her chestnut pubic hair, then she turned around and presented her butt to the fire.
It felt good. The heat soaked into her buttocks and then between her legs. She spread her feet a little and her soft cunny got warm and cozy too. The tired muscles of her thighs seemed to be rejuvenated.
“Gee, Mom, you look good standing in front of the fire and everything.” John was sitting up in bed, a self-satisfied smirk on his twelve-year-old face. The sheet had dropped off of him and Sally was surprised by the rigid hard-on peeking up from the sheets.
Something twisted inside of her. His white-skinned cock tipped with the pulsing red cap was a beacon calling to her, beckoning to her to come and be fulfilled. His cock was so pure that she couldn’t reject it. The veins were faint and looked like line tracings.
She licked her dry lips. He wanted something. And she knew what it was. He wanted her hot, humid pussy to be wrapped around his soft-hard cock, smothering it with caresses.
Tommy was still sleeping, lying quietly beside his brother. His face was set in a little grill that she suspected was caused by his dreaming about his sexual activity of a few hours earlier.
Sally felt putty soft. She felt toasted warm and indolent. Her thighs were aching to be opened and have something shoved between them. She walked toward her son, conscious of the bobbing of her tits and the tingle between her legs. He could see everything. In fact his eyes looked at everything. She knew that as she walked her cunt lips slipped and slid against each other and she wondered if he could see her pussy opening and closing, exposing the red, velvety lining of her vagina.
John lay back on the bed. He smiled. His cock stood straight up and dominated him even though, compared to a full grown man’s, it was small and not particularly significant.
“Mom,” he said, “I want to fuck you. It’s not fair. You fucked Tommy, and he’s younger than I am. You’ve never fucked me. Never! And I want to feel my prick all warm and soft in your pussy. I know it will feel so good. And I’ll love you for it, Mom. Honest. I’ll love to put it in and I know you’ve got a great ass, Mom!”
The boy’s voice rambled on and he stared big-eyed at his mother’s crotch.
“That’s all right, John,” Sally said soothingly. “I’m coming baby. I’ll let you put that prick in me. I want it, honey. Honest. I know you’ll make Mommy feel real good!”
She knew as she moved toward her son what had been wrong with him. He’d seen his brother screwing her and he was jealous. But Sally knew how to fix that — make him un-jealous. She had always treated them exactly equal. What one got, the other also had if she could manage it.
Well, Tommy had fucked her pussy and she told herself as she walked toward the bed, her hips swaying, that that was the reason John had to do it too. It wasn’t enough that he had finger fucked her. She told herself that it was going to have to be done absolutely right.
Her cunt was tingly with anticipation and when she got to the bed John still lay on his back, staring up. He looked almost frightened.
Sally knelt over him. Her tits were like creamy, inverted scoops of vanilla ice cream topped by cherries as she spread her knees to either side of his hips. “Play with me, John. Touch my titties.”
At her command, the boy’s hands came up and clasped her breasts. Waves of feeling spread through Sally. Excitement quickened her breathing.
Slowly she began lowering her hips, weaving her crotch from side to side blindly looking for his joy stick.
“Ooooh, I love your titties, Mommy. I really do.”
“That’s good, son. I love you to play with them. Mommy wants you to have anything you want. Anything, darling, ummmmm, that’s the way. Suck them. Pull them. Make them feel good, baby.”
“I will, Mommy. I will!” John was sucking them like a baby.
Sally’s breasts throbbed as she looked down and watched her creamy tit skin sliding in and out of her son’s mouth. The nipple showed and stretched and then it was gone back in his mouth and she ached all over. Her hips thrust vainly down looking for his short sword.
His cock was jabbing between her legs at the soft, sensitive skin. She twisted and felt the joyful connection as it pushed at her swollen labia. She was tight and excited. The joy juice was leaking out of her twat onto his pecker and it felt wonderful.
“Hold still, Mommy,” John cried plaintively, “I can’t get it in if you keep moving around like that.”
With an effort of will, Sally stilled her gyrating hips and held them in place, like a bulls-eye that was set in a field for an archer. John grasped her breasts with his hands. She wanted to collapse into a quivering heap of sexual desire on him, but she, didn’t. Her knees were next to collapse and it took an effort of will to brace herself above her son and wait for his move.
The boy was suddenly still. Sally felt his cock poking at her pocket. It felt damn good. The fire was casting heat on her butt and she was warmly ready. She wanted it. She wasn’t just giving her ass, her cunt, a fuck to her san. She really wanted him.
“Now, John! Now. Fuck me now. Don’t just tease Mommy like this!”
The boy heard the plea in her voice and he was ready to answer it. His hips surged upward and Sally gasped in shocked surprise.
“Uhhhhhuuuuuhhhh!!!” His cock felt a million times bigger than it looked. It was pushed up into her hot vagina forcing her open and she was going crazy on it. Her cunt lips spread around it, clasping in and sucking hard, filling itself with his hard sex stick.
“Harder,” Sally groaned. She plunged down with her hips and screamed with ecstasy at the feeling his hot cock made forcing its way up her almost dry hole. It went in and in. It turned her cunt inside out and still it went in. She couldn’t think how she had ever decided it was a short pecker. Not John’s. It filled her better than Jason’s or Hal’s cock ever had. More and better. She loved it plunging in her.
“Oh, Mother,” the boy cried in a sudden moment of revelation, “I’m fucking you and it feels super wonderful. It does, honest…”
Sally didn’t try to stop that feeling. Her hips ground and twisted. She felt his cock turning and slithering inside her hot box. The boy bucked up, filling her with fat dick, pounding her cunt to raw jay as he slipped in and out.
Sally looked down between her breasts and was captivated by the sight. His sweet, darling little white stick was jabbing in and out of her hairy bush. She could see her cunny, like a toothless mouth, sucking at it. Even her sex hole had a mind of its own and didn’t want to let it get away. Not even for a moment. Harder and harder, Sally stabbed down. She cried out as his cock pushed and struck into her marshmallow cunt. She was all soft goo and silk inside and she couldn’t hurt him. God, but it felt good!
John was cooperating too. He pounded up into her hole with vigor and enthusiasm. His fingers clawed at the front of her cunt and separated the top of her twat lips and found her clitoris. Wet with her moisture, his fingers managed to grasp it and hang on even though her hips jack hammered up and down in steady cadence. His hand pressed hard and sexually at her soft, exterior mons.
“OhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOh!!!!” Sally’s voice rose in a fevered howl.
What her son was doing to her was more than just turning her on. He was making a woman out of her. Causing her to come to full sexual feeling. Drawing her to a climax like she had never experienced before and tearing her apart doing it. She was nothing more than a bundle of sexual nerve endings and dangling pleasures and she couldn’t get away.
“More, John,” she gasped desperately. “Give me more cock. More!”
The boy strained to do that. He ground his pecker in her soft, sweet hole. His hands pinched her breasts making her whole body quiver.
“Fuck me, Mother! Please cum, Mommy. Please!”
“Yes, darling. Mommy’s going to do it. Yes, yes, yessssssss!”
Sally was dizzy. Her senses were failing. All but one. That cock spreading her twat open. It was like the sea pounding up into her. She felt it sliding over every inch of her hot box. Every inch.
She groaned and twisted. She clamped down with her straining cunt lips and sucked the boy deeper into her. And then she felt him exploding inside her vagina like a liquid hand grenade. It was all heat and moisture pounding far back hard where his prick couldn’t reach. And Sally collapsed on him in a spasm of joy that almost made her pass out.
Sally lay on John, exhausted. The boy under her was sweaty and pink, but his cock in her quivering vagina was still hard. It still lanced up and threatened her womb. She could feel it like a rock struck there. One that would never go away. And as such it was an irritant. Everything as a result was sexual. She was bound up in her own sexual feelings and her son’s cock up her quim kept her there.
“Mommy! John!”
Sally was practically in a stupor. She barely reacted when Tommy sat up beside them and stared in wonder at his mother and brother joined together by his brother’s hard cock. But she did respond at the sight of Tommy’s own cock–it seemed as if the young boy’s dong had grown during the night. While still a boy’s hairless tool, it was stiffer and harder than it should have been. The fruit on the end was bigger and redder, too, as if exercise had grown almost instant muscle.
Wondrously the boy kneeled and looked and Sally didn’t have the energy to move off of John. Besides, the cock still planted in her quivering vagina kept her nailed literally in place. To move would destroy the wonderful sensations that radiated out from it.
Tommy moved back between her legs and Sally was so totally relaxed it didn’t bother her in the slightest to feel him move them.
“You’ve got your cock in Mommy’s hole,” Tommy suddenly said in a surprised voice.
Sally wished she could see the boy’s face. But it was too much trouble. She’d have to lift her head and look back.
“Lick it,” John said. “Lick Mommy’s snatch, too!”
“Aw, I’m not going to do that,” Tommy said in his young voice.
“I dare you. I double dare you,” John said. He was excited.
“Well…” There was a hesitation. “I’ll lick Mommy’s twat, but that’s all,” Tommy said finally, “And I get a double dare on you!”
Sally didn’t believe what was happening was real. It floated by like a dream world around her.
But suddenly all that changed. A hot tongue was poking and scraping and licking feverishly at her cunt lips even where they wrapped around her oldest son’s penis. And it felt fantastic. The heat from that tongue traveled through her body. It lighted her cunt again like it was a fireplace stuffed with paper and sprayed with kerosene.
“Aaaahhhhh!” she screamed hoarsely.
Tommy’s tongue stopped and his hands gripped his mother’s round ass cheeks tightly. “Am I hurting you, Mommy? Am I?”
His anxious voice got through to her and Sally shook her head. “No, darling. That was just… wonderful. I loved it. I really did!”
“Good, Mommy,” Tommy said from between her legs. “I don’t want to hurt you, honestly. It was John’s idea. He double dared me.”
“It’s okay, darling. If… you… want… to, you… can… do… it!”
“Okay, Mom!” The boy’s voice was cheerful and a moment later his tongue was swabbing again around the fevered lips of her sex hole.
It felt damn good to Sally. More and more she became aware of the boy’s cock planted in her vagina as her younger son tongued the fringes of her sex.
“Lick Mommy’s ass, too,” John suddenly ordered. He was reviving and his cock was twitching in Sally’s hot box with new, life as his brother’s tongue played around her cunt entrance.
“I don’t know,” Tommy said slowly. He was used to being led by his brother, but the new suggestion was too daring. He was doubtful.
Sally felt a new convulsion in her vagina. She remembered how John’s innocent tongue had accidentally struck her back there and how excited she’d been and it didn’t seem possible. She knew, she just knew for sure that Tommy wouldn’t do it. That, she told herself, was why she didn’t say anything to him. He’d take care of it.
“Well…?” John said. “Don’t you want Mommy to feel good?”
“Of course I do!” Tommy said indignantly. “I love Mommy!”
“Then do it. Show her you love her enough to suck her ass!”
Tommy must have made up his mind then, because in an instant his hot, wet tongue was sliding up the crack of Sally’s and going up the crevice getting closer and closer to her rectum without any movement necessary on her part at all. Sally just lay on John’s cock and shivered at the wild thrills that coursed up her body from the sudden movement of her youngest son’s tongue. It was like a heavy weight had been placed on her body that was pressing her down on the prick jabbed so ruthlessly up her slippery wet cunt. She wanted to scream but clenched her teeth shut tight. Any moment, any moment, any moment, she thought.
And then the moment came and she did scream.
“Ououououououououououou!!!” She couldn’t stop herself. She had anticipated it happening, that tongue getting there, and when it did it was like lightning striking painlessly between her buttocks.
Tommy kissed the tiny, rose bud opening of her rectum and the feeling lanced down through her clear to the cock of her cunt was impaled on. And the feeling went on and on. Then the boy was licking and his rough tongue strokes ignited sexual fires she didn’t know she had. Her ass bucked and fought against his tongue and at the same time her cunt plunged ruthlessly up and down on John’s poking cock.
The boy underneath smiled and tensed to meet the wicked thrusts of his mother’s gyrating cunny. His hands groped for her tits.
“Stick your tongue in and wiggle it around,” John said. “Make Mom really wiggle. She loves it. You can tell she does…”
Sally felt a bright red blush start on her body and run all over her. What she was doing was disgraceful and degenerate. It wasn’t the sort of thing a mother should teach her children, and yet she wanted it so bad she couldn’t stop or even pretend that she didn’t want to do it. There was no way that she could do that. No way at all.
“That’s dirty,” Tommy protested. He had to take his tongue away from his mother’s asshole to say that and it gave Sally a breathing space.
Good for you, Tommy, Sally thought with approval. Her young son was smart enough to face up to his older brother. She was glad.
“No it isn’t,” John said. “All the girls at school just love it, Tommy. And when you get into junior high school like me you’re going to want to know how to do it to make them happy too…”
“Girls!” Tommy said in disgust. But his voice weakened.
“The guys won’t let you in a gang unless you can tongue fuck a girl in the ass real good,” John said slyly.
Girls, Sally thought. What kind of girls would do that…?
And then Sally was distracted younger son’s mouth slid down again as her one creamy buttock to land over her cute puckered asshole and start to suck and Sally thought she was being turned inside out.
Then the boy’s tongue slid down to that opening and the clever, sharp little tip wormed its way between her sphincter muscle and Sally groaned with unrepressed excitement and pleasure.
She was being fucked in the ass by her son’s tongue. And it felt fantastic. It opened her asshole up and swished around inside and she was aching beautifully. At the same time, John had started to move his hips up and down, pounding his own spike in Sally’s gaping cunt.
She felt like live nails were being driven pleasurably into her from both ends at the same time. She gave herself up to the non-stop joy that flowed through her. Completely. She surrendered and let it happen.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh Mother,” John grunted as he drove his cock up his mother’s grasping twat. “I love to fuck you, Mom. Your cunt is so hot. Ohhhhhhh. I love the way it holds on. It’s better than a hand job. Oh, you really move your ass, Mom. You really shake it!”
The boy was wild with pleasure. Each time he drove his cock into her cavern to the balls, he said something else.
Sally was almost numb from the multiple shocks of his penis driving into her slot. Her rear was on fire from Tommy’s tongue.
“Aw, John,” Tommy finally said tearfully. “My tongue is getting tired. I’ve got to stop eating Mommy’s ass…”
“Then fuck it,” John groaned. “Put your pecker in it…”
Sally was instantly horrified. She tried to pull back from her son. She wasn’t going to let her little eleven year old put his penis in her rectum. She wouldn’t let anybody do that. It would hurt too much. It was indecent. The mere thought of something like that was so awful that she knew she couldn’t bear for it to happen.
“Children!” she said. It was a plea. She couldn’t say the awful words, that she didn’t want to have Tommy fuck her butt. Not now. Not ever. Waves of pleasure flowed over her, but she was still afraid.
And then the bed sagged as Tommy got on his knees.
“Nononononononono!!!” she moaned out loud and fast.
“Mommy,” Tommy said, “please! I’ve got to fuck something. My dick hurts sooo bad. I’ve got to put it in there and stop it hurting, Mommy. You’re fucking John. Why not me, Mom? Don’t you like me anymore?”
Sally bit her tongue. She couldn’t tell Tommy “No”. She had to let him do it. She was riding his brother’s cock and he’d never understand if she denied him now. “All right, Tommy,” she said softly. “It’s okay if you put your little pecker in Mommy’s asshole. You just go ahead and do it and everything will be all right.”
“Really, Mommy?”
“Really,” Sally lied. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.
She felt her son floundering around on her soft butt. His belly sank on her pillowy buttocks and then he pulled forward until his cock was in the long crevice of her rear. She didn’t want to admit it, but the touch of his skin on hers was exciting. And his penis was wet on the tip and it skidded almost as pleasantly along her ass crack as his tongue had done only a few moments before.
Concentrate on the pleasure the other thing. Sally ordered herself. She forced herself to open her eyes and stare between her tits and John’s eager fingers manipulating her nipples at his penis sliding effortlessly in and out of her hairy quim. Watching made it even better. She could prepare herself to feel when he rammed his cock up her cunt.
She tried to ignore the weight resting on her buttocks. Think about Tommy’s tongue. Remember how good it was. How smooth and nice. She could feel her asshole loosening up at the sudden memory.
And then she couldn’t ignore what was happening anymore. The hard knob on the end of Tommy’s dick was pressing at the tight muscle in her ass and she was fighting it, trying to hold it back.
Tommy was desperate. His cock was directing his body. He was just a youthful bundle of hot eagerness, frantic to sink his cock in his relief hole. His hips pounded up and down and his weight forced Sally’s hips to descend and immobilize with John’s pecker jammed up her sex crack, keeping her from moving a single inch while he squirmed on her back.
Then the moment she’d been dreading came. His cock shoved hard and painfully against her butt hole and her muscles gave way and he was drilling into her ass. Her son’s cock in her virgin asshole! The picture in her mind was so lewd and lascivious that she tried to expunge it by ignoring it entirely.
Sally couldn’t ignore it, though. There was a vast, unremitting ache in her rear. Tommy’s cock crammed into her butt hole made waves of feeling radiate out and she wasn’t sure just what that feeling was: pain or pleasure. The two were mingled and the shock was terrible.
Sally had to gasp for breath. It was the same sort of pain as the time she’d given birth to Tommy. Pleasurable to have, but excruciating. She was stretched open and almost hurting. She was on the verge of hurting, but the good sensations always hovered right there.
“More,” she moaned between clenched teeth. She could feel that Tommy’s cock was just inside her ass. He had stopped, as if waiting to see what she was going to do or if he was hurting her too much.
When Sally stopped moaning and told him more, Tommy was ready and delighted to oblige. He heaved forward pushing his cock ahead of him like a divining rod. And it already knew where to go.
Looking down, the eleven year old boy was able to watch his pale cock glide effortlessly into his mother’s greedy rectum. It disappeared like a white submarine into a brown puddle. The puddle stretched and stretched and swallowed inch after inch of his toy projectile.
Even Sally’s ass seemed to cooperate. Her buttocks quivered as the cock sank into her butt hole and the movement helped its descent.
“I’m inside. I’m inside Mommy’s asshole,” Tommy said ecstatically.
The boy looked down and was delighted to see the way his prick was totally disappeared into his mother’s rectum. His balls were hard against her ass crack and he couldn’t get in another half inch.
“Shit,” the boy said, using an unaccustomed swear word he was so surprised, “it really feels groovy. It’s all nice and squishy inside and warm. And it’s really warm around my cock. I really like it!”
John, who was getting tired of being pinned on the bottom with his own ready to burst cock sitting idle in his mother’s twat, looked up at Tommy. “Grab a handful of tit and get moving,” he ordered.
Sally barely heard the boy’s order. She was lost in a dream world of her own which was focused somewhere between the two cocks. It was like electricity flowed out of one to the other and back again. Her body literally crackled between the two penises fucking her from the front and the back. She barely noticed when Tommy’s inexperienced hands went around her body and grabbed onto her soft titties.
And then the three of them were working back and forth, literally rocking as a huge pile of burning flesh. It was the only way they could get the movement that satisfied their combined burning twats and assholes and penises. The movement was enough.
Each back and forth motion was a complete cycle for Tommy. His cock slid out of his mother’s twitching asshole until it was almost free and clear. And then when they went the other way he plunged back in driving his cock in to the balls. The friction on the sides of his penis was devastating. It was better than his mother’s mouth blowing his cock or her wavering hand jacking him off or even her steamy cunt.
The same was true for John. Except in reverse. When Tommy’s pecker was pushing into Sally’s asshole and she was grunting from the effort, their motion was pulling his prick out of her snatch. And as Tommy came out, John’s cock crammed back into her sex hole with a vengeance.
Sally could feel both motions simultaneously and after a while she couldn’t tell one from the other. They were just both ecstatic.
She felt like two plungers of pleasure were entering and leaving her from the front and the back and she was trapped between them. She had no strength left. It had all been drained out of her. All that was left was the vibrant energy of her pleasure filled cunt and asshole.
This is wrong, she told herself. At the same time she prayed: don’t stop. Go on. Go on and on and on forever. Fuck my asshole and my cunt and eat my tunes but don’t stop ever and ever and ever!!
“Faster,” John urged his little brother. “Fuck Mother’s asshole faster. Give it to her. Pound her asshole!”
Tommy seemed mesmerized by his brother’s demanding voice. His hips speeded up, sling shooting against her rear with rapid-fire force that threatened to tear her asshole. But the new pain-pleasure was welcome to Sally. She was ready for something bigger and better. She needed the new sensation and she felt herself soaring on the dual pounding of two boyish peckers.
“Uhuhuhuhuh! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moaned in encouragement.
The two boys heard her words and pounded into her cunt and butt harder and harder. She was breaking up. She could barely feel them as individuals. She was just one great big fuck vessel and the pounding filled her with wild pleasure.
She thrust her cunt down and took John’s cock deeper than ever before and her sudden movement threw Tommy’s rhythm off and his penis sank into the squishy depths of her asshole at the same time.
Sally screamed with pleasure. It was as if the two cocks had touched and short circuited and sent a violent flash of electricity through her throbbing body. She felt like a flash fire.
And then the two boys were jerking and twisting on and under her. Their little penises were spurting load after load of hot, white jism into her waiting, willing snatch and rectum.
It was like molten lead filling her sore sex holes. To Sally she knew that in the future she could think of them both as sex holes. And the wonderful load of cock juice that filled her from both ends was ambrosia. Her cunt and asshole sucked greedily at the children’s peckers, draining them until there was no more left.
Sally was practically asleep as the boys squirmed free.
“We’re going out to play. Mom,” one of them said.
“All right, children,” she thought she answered. And she was even less sure of what she thought she heard!
“Listen next time I get to fuck Mom’s ass, all right?”
“Yeah. I guess, John. If Mom says so…”
“If I say so!”
“I told you what to do, didn’t I? You wouldn’t hope know…”
“Yes I would have.”
“No you wouldn’t hope known anything. You wouldn’t know an ass from a twat if I hadn’t told you about them…”
“Well… I fucked Mom first.”
“So it’s my turn to be first next time…”
“Doing what?” Tommy asked curiously. His belligerence had changed to curiosity.
“You’ll see. You just wait and see!”
Doing what? Sally asked herself. What else is there to do?
She shivered and wondered what her little son could know that she didn’t know.
She was older.
She was stronger.
She was more experienced.
Wasn’t she? Of course she was. So what could John know about sex that she didn’t know? She’d have to get to the bottom of that bragging and see what he had in mind. That was the only way.
Having decided what she was going to do, Sally was able to slip into her own little world of contentment and fall asleep, one hand tightly clutching her crotch and the other caressing her pleasantly sore rectum.
During the day the sun was hot on the mountainside. The cold air of the night was whisked away and it was almost too hot for Tommy to sit in the elderberry bush over the stream fed pond. But he wasn’t going to move for anything.
The things he and John had done with their mother had changed the boy’s whole outlook. Nothing would ever be the same again particularly in the way he looked at girls.
And that was what Tommy was doing. Sitting in the bush he had an unobstructed view of the pond twenty-five feet below him — and of the two little blonde haired girls playing in the chill water. Normally Tommy wouldn’t have bothered to look at a couple of girls. But these two were different. They were naked.
What had happened between Tommy and his brother and his mother had given the eleven year old an entirely new perspective on girls. And at the moment, perched in the bush, he was exercising his new perspective.
The two girls were as unlike his mother as anything could be. His mother was lush with soft swelling tits and bright red nipples and a hairy crotch. But the two girls were lithe and young. Their bodies were straight and slender. Only the hint of breasts showed on their smooth young chests. Even the nipples were more like boys’ breasts than girls’ breasts.
But they were different between their legs. And that, Tommy had learned, was what really counted.
Where he had a prick that dangled in front, their smooth, hairless bellies dipped and dipped until they slid under their crotches and opened a long, smooth crack that seemed to split them open. At the top, the crack was dimpled and Tommy knew from tonguing his mother’s slit that the girls probably hid their clitorises there.
But what most intrigued Tommy was the chance of getting his penis into the clever little holes between the girls’ slender young legs. He wondered if their holes were smaller or tighter. He didn’t know if he could get into a smaller one than his mother’s. The last time he had had to struggle to get into that. He didn’t know what he’d do if it was too tight.
Another thing that kept Tommy where he was was the way the two girls were acting.
They giggled a lot and held onto each other. Girl stuff, Tommy would have said before. But he noticed that they were all the time touching each other’s budding breasts or sliding a hand between the other’s thighs. And he knew what that meant.
Finally, the boy could stand it no more. The two girls were standing ankle deep in the water belly to belly and holding each other and giggling something fierce when he stood up in the bush and slithered down the hillside.
The girls hadn’t noticed him and he was standing on the edge of the pond studying them with an intensity small boys reserve for the alien and different. From between their spread thighs, two streams of yellow liquid tinkled down into the pond water. They had their lower bellies pressed tight together and the streams almost mingled.
“See,” the taller girl said, “I can pee harder than you can.”
“No you can’t,” the shorter girl replied petulantly. “You can’t tell anything from that. We should see how far we can pee…”
The little girl had stopped talking and turned her blue eyes on Tommy as she stared and stared.
The bigger girl also turned to look.
“Hi,” Tommy said. They didn’t answer. They just stared at him with their big, blue eyes.
“I’ll bet I can pee further than you,” he said.
“You’re just a little boy,” the older girl said disdainfully. “You probably can’t do anything at all…”
Tommy figured he hadn’t been doing so good when the girls wouldn’t talk to him. But now that they were, he wasn’t sure he was making progress. “Well, you’re just little girls,” he said, “and I bet I can pee twice as far as you.”
“Bet you can’t!” The bigger girl charged out of the pond with water frothing around her legs. “Smart mouth. All little boys have smart mouths,” she said in an uppity voice that grated en Tommy.
“I can pee clear out there,” Tommy said. He threw a pebble that went embarrassingly far before it plopped into the pond with a quiet splash.
“Let’s see you pee that far, smarty pants.”
“Well, if it’s a contest,” Tommy said, “you have to pee too.”
“All right,” the tall girl said. She ran a hand through her blonde hair and shook it out. “Brenda can be the judge.”
Tommy grinned and opened his pants. His penis shot out practically into his hand. He knew the girls didn’t have anything to aim. His bet was a lot safer than if it was against his brother.
Then he gaped as the taller girl squatted down on her haunches and then thrust her arms out behind her and leaned back and opened her thighs.
Right between her stretched thigh muscles was the cutest little vulva imaginable. The lips were thin and shaded with translucent pink skin. The slot at the top was clean and as sharp as a knife cut.
“Ready?” Brenda said.
Tommy looked at the little girl.
He stared back at the bigger girl and was amazed to see a bright yellow stream of urine arcing out from the compressed cuntlips of Brenda’s sister and glittering boldly in the sunlight before splashing in the pond.
Tommy clutched his cock with both hands and strained. But nothing came. His penis was round and hard as a cannon. But it was a dud. It wouldn’t fire even one little tinkle.
“Yaaaaaahhhh,” Brenda said. “You can’t do anything. Gloria beat you by a mile and a half.”
The little girl smiled gleefully at him and put her hand over her little girl’s cunny.
“See, smarty ass. You lost. Now you’ve got to payoff.”
“Payoff what?” Tommy looked at the bigger girl bewildered. He noted ruefully that she was bigger than he was and probably could run faster too. She looked tough. She could even have been thirteen.
“For losing. We made a bet, you know. When you bet there’s always a winner and a loser. The winner wins and the loser pays.” Gloria stood arms akimbo on her almost hipless hips and glared at him.
Tommy focused his return glare on her belly button and snuck looks at her neat hairless pussy and wondered what he’d got himself into. “What do I have to pay?” he mumbled.
“You got any money?”
He shook his head and stared at her pussy some more.
“Okay,” Gloria said, “then you’ve got to eat my pussy for me.”
Tommy brightened. “That’s all right,” he said. “I’ve ate Mommy’s pussy a lot. That’s easy.”
“Okay,” Gloria said. “Now I’m going to come over here and sit down on this tree limb and you come up in front of me and kneel like I was a queen or something.” Gloria swung lithely on to a low tree limb and sat down spreading her legs. Only the back of her butt was on the branch.
Hesitantly, Tommy stepped forward until he was in front of her and then he sank to his knees. “Do I hafta?” he asked. “With your sister watching?”
“Yes!” Gloria snapped. “Now you ask, ‘May I eat your royal snatch, your royal highness?'”
Looking distastefully at the little girl who’d given him the rasberry, Tommy said what Gloria told him to say.
“Yes, commoner,” Gloria said. She spread her legs a little further, “you can eat my snatch. But mind if you don’t do it right, it’s off with your head.”
Tommy didn’t want to lose his head. And he figured the two girls were crazy enough to try to get it from him, so he resolved to eat her snatch out good.
With his hands, he spread Gloria’s long, slender thighs and opened her crotch so he was looking right at her tender, young cunt. Then he licked up it the way he had with his mother.
“That’s all right, slave,” Gloria said. Her voice was breathless.
Tommy liked the taste. There was a trace of urine flavor to her dewy skin flavor. But that was soon gone.
Quickly he ran his tongue up and down her quim, using the tip like a can opener to break his way in. Within seconds her cunt was all swollen and puffy. The red-lined insides were showing brightly and he drilled his tongue tip all the way down to touch that tight little hole she peed out of.
Tommy wouldn’t have admitted it for anything, but he was getting excited. His peter was all stiff and he was beginning to think about her little fuck hole as being not too bad. It would do to stuff his cock in, anyway, until something better came along.
“Stop daydreaming slave. Suck my royal twat!”
Tommy made a sneering face at Gloria and she slapped the side of his head. She was stronger than she looked.
Rubbing the bruise, Tommy dropped his lips to her twat and worked up to the end where he found her clitoris hiding. He remembered how excited his mother had been when he sucked hers, so he wrapped his lips around Gloria’s sex stick and practically sucked it out of her.
“Wheeeeeeeeee!” Gloria shrilled.
The sudden attack had taken the girl by surprise. She hadn’t expected a boy as young as Tommy to know about clitorises and things.
As she sat on the tree limb, feeling his lips rove over her crotch and tease at her sex: she also became more and more excited.
The little boy was moving his head between her thighs and Gloria experienced the end result in his tongue probing and poking at her cunt. Finally his tongue slid into the entrance of her vagina and it felt super good. Gloria was gasping for breath. “Stick it in,” she ordered harshly.
Tommy obeyed her immediately. His fat little tongue lanced out and burrowed in the young girl’s musky sex hole. He split her lips apart and began flicking his tongue in and out in a wild cadence.
Gloria was weak after a while. He was really sucking her out. She finally had to put her hands in his hair and hold his mouth back while she soared and looped in the trees. What he was doing to her was incredible. He was tongue fucking her so good she was going to have a climax and it surprised Gloria that a little boy like Tommy could do that to her.
“Enough, commoner,” Gloria said weakly. She patted him on the shoulder. “You can get up now.”
For a long moment, Gloria sat on the tree branch pulling herself together. Her tiny little nipples were diamond hard and distended and she could barely catch her breath. “I guess you paid off, all right.”
“About time,” Tommy complained. “My tongue was getting tired.”
“Well, it served you right, bragging like that.” Gloria gave him her superior glare even though she didn’t feel quite that superior. Her knees were weak and she had to sit down again.
“You cheated,” Tommy said. “I wasn’t ready.”
“Oh,” Gloria responded. “You think you can beat me now?”
“In a snap,” Tommy said. He looked at her cunningly.
“All right,” she said. “It’s a bet.”
The two contestants took their places at the edge of the pond, Gloria squatting down as she had before. Tommy felt some small anxiety. Sid did it like she had lots of practice. And she sure knew how to make a fellow lap cunt. But, then, she had squirted twice already and he hadn’t peed at all. And he was just as sure that a full bladder shot further than an empty one. And he had an ulterior motive for betting. He had to go whether she did or not. Tommy was ready to win.
Brenda practically sneered at Tommy as she asked, “Ready?”
Tommy sneered back at her. He would have liked to, tell her that he couldn’t eat her cunt if it was the last one in the world. But he didn’t know how her older sister might take that, so he said nothing.
On instant cue, Gloria let fly with a stream of pee that arced out almost as far as it had gone the first time. And that was a long way out. But Tommy was ready this time.
His little penis pulsed in his hand and he raised the tip of his nozzle. Instantly there was a feeling of relief. He had really had to go. The urine squirted from the slot in the red tip of his dick and shot up in the air, sparkling like yellow diamonds, and then descended in a tinkling stream at least two feet past Gloria’s effort.
“I won. I won!” Tommy yelled as he continued to piss the pressure away. His fingers fondly stroked his little stalk.
Gloria looked sour. She gently patted the droplets of pee from her cunt with a big, dry leaf. She shivered. “It’s cold,” she said. “We’ll have to go home.”
“You lost,” Tommy said. “You’ve got to pay up.”
“We’re going home,” Gloria said imperiously. “And I’m bigger then you and if you try to stop me, I’m going to bang you in the nose.”
“Yeah,” Brenda said nastily. She turned her round little butt toward Tommy and made an indecent gesture.
Tommy felt like crying. He was always getting screwed over by older boys. But this was the first time it had happened with a girl. He was beginning to believe there was no justice in life when a slithering sound on the hill restored his faith in coincidence.
John practically skated down the steep hill on a wave of dried grass and leaves. Tommy had never been happier in his whole life to see his big brother.
“I heard that,” John said before he even stopped moving. “You’re trying to cheat my little brother…”
Some of the bravado went out of Gloria’s face as she stared at John. He was as tall as she, and a lot more muscular than Tommy. “We were just joking,” she said sullenly.
“Yeah,” Brenda said, even more sullenly.
John stared at the two girls and felt his cock harden in his pants. They were both naked and he realized looking at them that they would be real tight pieces of ass. He knew, looking at their hairless little slots, that they’d be a lot of fun to eat, too.
“Well, if you were just joking,” John said, “give Tommy what you bet and you can go home.”
Gloria and John both looked at Tommy expectantly.
The boy licked his lips and tried to think.
“Well,” Gloria said in the pause, “I’m not going to suck your old cock, and that’s that.”
“No, your royal highness,” Tommy said, mimicking her earlier airs, “you’re not going to get to do that.”
Making up his mind, Tommy told her to lean over the branch she had been sitting on when she made him lick her cunt.
Reluctant, with a hateful look at John, the tall, blonde girl did as he said.
John whistled. From behind. Gloria wasn’t as immature as she looked from the front. Her buttocks were distinctly round, though not wide. Her legs were pretty and tapering, but firm columns that made a join at her crotch. And the fine line of her cunt was like chiseled flesh. Every muscle stood out in clean relief.
Besides that, the ivory and pink color of her skin was flawless and not a single hair grew around her sweet little box.
Tommy was still holding his pecker in his hand when he approached her from behind. “Are you ready, your royal highness?”
“If you spank me,” Gloria snarled, “I’ll scream.”
Tommy hadn’t even thought of spanking her. He knew what would bring her to her knees — or his. Tenderly he rubbed the hard, swollen head of his little stalk in her neat, little girl’s gash.
Gloria was convulsed by the sudden touch. Her twat twitched and grabbed like a hand and before Tommy knew it his peter was being sucked into that innocent little slot without any effort on his part.
The boy almost sobbed it felt so good. Gloria’s cunt walls were warm and soft and firm. His penis felt like it was getting a super, all-in-one massage. It felt like a mouth and a pussy together had his tool and suddenly Tommy felt a lot nicer toward Gloria.
The boy rotated his hips and sighed. The feeling of his penis sliding up her hot, slick channel made his toes tingle. And then, when he was in to his balls, he loved the touch of her crotch and legs against them. It was what Tommy would have called a great feeling.
John was getting excited just standing by watching Tommy jazz the bigger girl. Idly his hand played with the front of his fly while he watched his little brother’s hips slipping back and forth and the flash of his pecker in and out of the girl’s puckered pussy.
Then his cock was in his hand and his fingers were playing up and down on it. First he rolled the foreskin back and revealed the red, sensitive head. It was swollen and tender and pangs of pleasure seemed to burst from it when he touched it.
Tommy was panting as he heaved his hips back and forth. He wasn’t subtle, but he was strong for a boy his age and his cock slammed up Gloria’s greased chute with mature authority.
Gloria leaned over the tree limb and almost cried. “More,” she murmured. “Fuck me more, you little cunt lapper.”
She writhed backward, pushing her butt at Tommy’s pistoning penis. She loved the rapid, staccato feel of his penis pumping in her cunt. She wouldn’t have thought he was worth a shit as a fuck, but he was really getting it on, pumping into her.
She grimaced and clutched at a nearby tree limb and then rubbed her hand across the tiny nubbins that were her underdeveloped nipples. She had only recently discovered that touching them during sex produced electric sensations in her body that made her whole being twang.
“Harder!” she moaned at Tommy. “Fuck me harder!” She knew it was coming. She was rising up toward the boy’s eager thrusts and she wondered if he would have enough hot spunk in his cock for her to feel it.
She hoped so. She certainly hoped so because she knew she was going to find out in just another minute or so and she was ready for a lot! “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she said to no one in particular.
John was rubbing his hand up and down his throbbing dong with frantic speed. He was trying to ignite it, to start the fire, so he could shoot his stuff. He’d already decided that he wanted to shoot on Gloria. She was a stuck up bitch and deserved it.
As inconspicuously as he could, John started edging around Gloria, watching the fevered in and out thrust of Tommy’s pecker in her cunt while pumping his own hand up and down with frantic effort.
Brenda stood silently in the background, her eyes growing bigger and bigger. She had long since taken her wet finger out of her mouth and inserted it in her naked cunt. What was happening in front of her was a real turn on. She loved to see the little boy jazzing her sister, driving his little sex stick in and out of her that way. Although she wouldn’t have said it out loud, she thought Gloria was stuck up too.
Her index finger twisted around in her cunny and Brenda started feeling better. She rubber her clitoris and enjoyed the inner heat that sprang from it to light her nerve ends with fire. She didn’t think there was anything incongruous about standing naked in the woods watching as her sister got her just deserts. In fact, Brenda thought it was kind of fun.
The only thing the little girl wasn’t sure of was John. She watched the tall boy with the reddish hair pull his cock out of his pants and she was excited when she saw how big it was. It was bigger than Tommy’s and Tommy was fucking her sister good with that.
And Brenda and Gloria had compared their cunnies often enough that Brenda knew hers was smaller than Gloria’s. Gloria always told her that she wouldn’t be any good for fucking because her hole was too small.
But anyway, that was part of the reason she watched John. She wished he wouldn’t waste things by jacking off when he could stick his cock in her cunt. She was all ready and steamed up, waiting for it.
Besides, she didn’t understand why he was edging around like that, going away from her. Big boys, she decided, were just strange and she concentrated on finger fucking herself in time to Tommy’s beating into Gloria’s gaping hole. That was a more useful project and she could pretend the boy was fucking her.
Tommy was moving at a frantic pace. His cock was hotter than a match and he didn’t think it would be much longer. He heard Gloria mumbling for him to fuck her harder, but he ignored her. He was already fucking as hard as he could. She would just have to take what she was getting.
His hips pounded back and forth and the lancing of his prick into her cunt was accompanied by a sucking, slurping sound as her vagina filled with fluid and sucked at him. Tommy moaned and groaned. His cock buried itself all the way into her swollen snatch and he knew he couldn’t pump one more shot into her. Desperately he clutched her hips and ground his pecker into her hot hole.
Gloria cried out at the same time. She felt his snub-nosed prick burrowing into her snatch and she knew what it meant. She was ready. More than ready. Before the first drop of hot cum sprayed her cunt she felt her insides turning to liquid, melting and collapsing. Her vagina desperately squeezed down and held on to his prick.
Tommy’s cum poured out of him in hard, jerky spurts. It filled Gloria’s tunnel and swelled her sex tube and satiated her with feelings of ecstatic pleasure.
Gloria raised her head, smiling with pleasure, when she saw John standing in front of her, his hand sawing desperately on his cock.
A crystal drop of semen hung on the tip of his pecker, bright against the angry red of his skin, and then there was a flash of liquid and she felt the hot drops of cum hitting her face and breasts and burning with fantastic delight.
Gloria did the only thing she could do. She grabbed John’s waist with her hands and pulled him to her and closed her pink lips on his jerking cock and sucked and sucked and sucked, filling herself with the outpouring of little boy’s cum that filled her cheeks and trickled sweetly down her throat. Her lips wrapped around his penis were thrilled by the feeling of power as they monitored each fervent pulse of cum into her avid mouth. And when he was done, she licked his cock tip, making him writhe helplessly. And at the same time, she felt Tommy’s tired body lay on her back as the boy regained his spent strength.
To Gloria, it was a great moment. She had made the two boys spend all their strength on her. She had exhausted them both simultaneously and was as strong as ever. Her cunt ached a little, but that was a good ache and she knew she was as ready to screw again as when she had started her game with little Tommy.
“Boy’s aren’t so tough,” she said disdainfully.
She moved her hips and Tommy’s prick fell out of her snatch.
“Don’t move,” John said huskily.
Gloria had let his cock fall out of her mouth and now she stared at it disdainfully. “Why?” she asked.
“I’m going to fuck you until you crawl.”
“Hah! You couldn’t fuck a pillow. Your thing is all soft.”
“I can fuck as long as you can,” John said.
“Bet you can’t.”
“Bet I can make you beg me to stop,” John said emphatically.
Gloria looked at his cock and was surprised to see it was hard again already. That wasn’t what she was used to when her daddy fucked her and Brenda. It took a lot of time for him to get hard again, and that was why Brenda was always being neglected. Gloria always had to get his cock first or she didn’t get anything at all.
“Well,” she said. “Go ahead and try, if you think you can!”
John laughed and looked at her. He figured she was stupid because that was all the invitation he needed and he wasn’t going to mess up on his chance. Not if he could help it.
Dispirited, Brenda sat in the grass and felt the dried leaves tickling her cunt. She hadn’t been able to cum and she wanted to cry. Why did Gloria have all the luck? she wanted to ask. But nobody was paying any attention and there wasn’t any point in talking to herself.
Ronald Thatcher leaned against a maple tree trunk panting with the heat of sheer lust running in his veins. Watching that little red-haired boy plugging his oldest daughter’s rubbery cunt was the best turn on he’d had in a long time. He had to admit to himself, at least, that he was getting jaded. Hard-ons were harder and harder to come by. And a good, stiff ejaculation made his prick soft for what seemed like an incredible length of time.
He’d fucked Gloria silly only last night, and now his penis was harder than an icicle. It was aching to be plunged between a pair of warm, young thighs. He was tempted to run down the hill and grab little Brenda and work his hard-on off in her hot little twat. She was still so young and tight that he got an extra thrill from rotating his pecker in her baby cunt. Sometimes he was glad his old lady had left him with the two daughters to raise. If it wasn’t for them, sometimes it seemed to him he’d never get his rocks off.
But he didn’t do anything right away. Watching John shoot his cum in Gloria’s face had been great. Already Ron was figuring how and when he’d do it to the girl too. That would be something. Even, and the temptation was great despite the great danger, get her to suck him off while somebody else fucked her hot little ass.
Ron reached down and fingered himself. His hot touch stirred the juices in his own cock and he was literally panting again.
He looked down the hill and decided against breaking things up yet. The boys seemed to be up to something, and if it was half as good as what they’d been doing, Ron figured it was worth a week’s supply of good fucks just to stand up there and watch!
John had slid around behind Gloria and before she could say anything, he bent over and stuck his tongue in her pert asshole.
Gloria half leaped off the branch at the unexpected probe up her butt. Shivers of strange sensation ran through her body! As she realized what John had done, that it was his hot, wet tongue jabbing in her asshole and caressing her there, her astonishment changed to anger at being taken unawares to pleasure. She didn’t want it to stop. She knew she’d never get her father to tongue her ass, and it was tremendously enjoyable. Besides, she was confidant it couldn’t affect her ability to fuck, and the pleasure wasn’t all that she was interested in — winning her bet with that smart-ass kid also counted.
Making up her mind, she relaxed and let it happen. She enjoyed the quick strokes up and down her ass crack and the frequent prying of John’s tongue in her shit hole. She wiggled her ass and it went in deeper and she mewed with pleasure.
Absently, Gloria started rubbing her half-formed breasts, helping him turn her on.
Brenda stared from where she was sitting on the grass. It was crazy, but it looked to her like the boy was licking Gloria’s ass. She got up and walked over to the younger boy. “What’s he doing?”
“Eating her ass out,” Tommy answered absently.
“Is it good?”
“My mom sure thinks so!” Tommy looked down at Brenda and noticed she was naked. “Aren’t you cold?”
Brenda ignored his question. “Would you like to eat my ass out?”
“Well,” Tommy said. He paused and stared at John and the other girl who was bent over the free limb. He knew John wouldn’t be satisfied. Besides, there was the bed… “If you let me do everything that John does, sure, I’ll do it to you. Better even!”
“All right,” Brenda said. Her eleven-year-old mentality was just as direct as Tommy’s. “We don’t have a tree to bend over. What do we need to do to get started?”
“Just get on your knees and bend over,” Tommy said. “I’ll do the rest!”
“Okay!” Brenda nodded her head and got down on her hands and knees facing Gloria and John and was ready for whatever would happen.
Tommy didn’t need a second invitation. In a second he was down behind Brenda sucking and slurping at her asshole which was much more tender than her older sister’s. His tongue slithered and wiggled into the girl’s virgin butt while he looked across her hunched back to keep an eye on his brother and what would come next.
Brenda sighed. She loved what was happening. She was glad she had asked the little boy to do it to her. Sneakily she slipped one of her hands down to her crotch and began stirring up the mushy entrance to her cunt. This time, she told herself, she was going to have a cum!
John didn’t wait too long. Only until Gloria was moving her ass back and forth on the tree trying to capture more and more of his tongue in her twitching asshole. Then he abruptly straightened up and caught her hips in his hands.
Gloria thought he was just trying to hold her gyrating hips still so he could plunge his cock into her twat. She wanted it. She was as hot as a hot coffeepot, but she was perverse enough to keep slinging her naked buttocks back and forth so he couldn’t aim.
In a fury, John clutched her rotund ass in his hands and held it still. Then he held his breath as he lunged, guiding his pecker with his hand straight toward the target opened up to him so invitingly.
His, cock struck between her buns and then continued boring straight in to her wide open asshole.
Gloria howled like she’d been stabbed. She hadn’t expected anything like the sudden shock of cock pushing up her butt. It felt so enormous that she couldn’t help whimpering for sympathy.
But John had no intention of giving Gloria any mercy or sympathy. She was getting what she asked for, according to his lights. And there was nothing she could say or do about it that would change his plan.
His penis bulged her butt, spreading her asshole open until she thought she would split. Gloria gritted her teeth. She resolved that he wouldn’t make her plead for him to stop. He couldn’t win his bet even by cheating. She’d see to that.
But the next instant John drove his pecker like a nail down the length of her asshole and it burned. Gloria felt all torn up inside. She was in turmoil and seemed incapable of moving even her hands and feet. Draped over that branch she was nothing more or less than a target. Each moment was a dragged out misery as she waited for John’s cock to plug her squishy asshole to the hilt.
He did! Again and again and again. She finally couldn’t take the pounding in her rectum and screamed at him to stop. To quit!
“You lost,” he said. He practically shouted it.
He wasn’t about to stop. He was too excited. His penis was a blaze of feeling. He continued his rape of her butt and Gloria began to see things in a different light.
The sudden excitement in her virgin rectum, once the initial fright was over, welled up in her and filled her whole body. She was wrapped in layers of wild feeling that overwhelmed her. Her asshole seemed split around his probing cock, but the initial pain had given away to pleasure and warmth. Her butt was gyrating in automatic response to his attack even though she was still objecting vocally.
John hadn’t given Gloria a chance to get away and when he felt her starting to thrust back in an effort to force his intruding pecker all the was to the core of her body he was able to slide his hands around under her chest and feel her baby nipples. To his questing fingers, they didn’t seem the least bit too small.
Tommy followed John’s lead as fast as he could. He bumped Brenda, shoving his cock up her asshole with a spiteful vengeance. Only, in the younger girl’s case, haste wasn’t necessary.
Brenda had watched John’s cock shove in her sister’s puckered asshole and thought, how neat! She automatically wanted one in her own tight, brown rectum. She was so excited back there from being licked and eaten by Tommy that she didn’t even consider the problem so, when Tommy climbed on, Brenda was so cooperative she reached back and lined his penis up with her shit hole just in case he tried to put it in her cunt. Brenda was a little girl who always knew what she wanted.
Surprise flooded Tommy. He couldn’t believe the sudden way things were going. Brenda’s little asshole was so tight he almost couldn’t get his cock in. He strained and grunted and felt his pecker bending and hurting and he decided he’d settle for her cunt. He was hot and bothered and he knew Brenda’s sweet little twat would cool him off quick enough.
When he tried to move, though, he was amazed to hear her say, “No, that’s the wrong hole,” and feel her hand guide his dong back to her asshole. Then she clutched his balls as if making sure he got the point.
Tommy had once whacked his balls on a bicycle seat and the firm pressure of her fingers on them convinced him. Realistically, he grunted harder and poked his cock strenuously at the little girl’s behind.
When he was rewarded by the faint feel of her sphincter muscle giving way, Tommy was also surprised to hear Brenda sigh, “Aaaahhhh!”
It was all the encouragement Tommy needed. In a moment, the boy was pounding back and forth in the little girl’s butt. She whimpered, but with pleasure. They were together and when he felt his cock hardening inside her asshole he whispered, “I’m going to cum.”
Brenda nodded her head encouragingly. “Okay,” she said.
Tommy was so surprised at the nod of her blonde head he missed a beat, but his youthful thighs and hips caught it up and he poked his cock rapidly in and out of her tight asshole, feeling it grab and slip around his penis. And then he was boiling over and his sex liquid was boiling out of him. It seared and burned and shot up Brenda’s ass like steam and she loved it. Her hand twisted in her drooling runt and she cried out as the heat shot through her body and released her orgasm, held in her like a giant spring under tension.
“Ohhhoooohhhaaaahhhaaagh!” she moaned in fitful pleasure.
And then Tommy was cramming his hips against her, filling her ass. She twisted and writhed as the two of them, joined cock and asshole together, slumped on the grassy slope.
Ron had seen enough. He leaped from behind the tree and ran down the hill. “What the fuck are you doing to my daughters?” he raged.
He caught both Tommy and John by complete surprise, complicated by the fact their pricks were caught in his daughters’ assholes.
He caught his daughters by surprise, too. The only difference was that Brenda felt so good from the ass fucking she had received that she wished she could do it again. Gloria was just starting to feel good.
Damn, she thought, I wish Dad would go fuck himself for awhile!
If Tommy and John had known that, they would agree with her. Tommy, though, knew John was figuring out a way to blame him. And he was wondering just how good a story his older brother would come up with. And if he could throw the blame back!
All the way into the clearing, Ronald Thatcher kept up his roaring. No one had moved by the time he was standing among them and he was mouthing words like, “Disgraceful, perverts and home-wreckers.”
John and Tommy pulled their cocks out of the tight ass sheaths they’d been in and looked properly ashamed. But as Ron roared at his two girls in mock fury, Gloria had eagerly jumped in with the news that the boys had learned cunt lapping at their mother’s crotch.
Thatcher was stunned by the unexpected news.
“Is that true?” he asked of nobody in particular.
Tommy nodded eagerly. At least, he figured, he couldn’t be blamed for something all bad if his mother had taught it to him.
Thatcher was struck silent for just a moment. Then he snarled, “Come on!” and gathered all the kids and headed into the woods.
Sally woke staring into what looked like the snarling face of an absolute stranger. “What… how… did you get into my cabin?” She couldn’t even sit up. She was naked under the sheet and she was frightened that the view or even the hint of her naked flesh would turn the man into one of those perverted sex fiends she read about.
“Madam,” Thatcher growled, “I caught your two boys raping my daughters in the asshole. Raping!”
Without thinking about it, Sally sat bolt upright in the bed and gasped. The sheet fell off her chest revealing her small, but full, red-budded breasts. Her hands went to her crotch and clutched at the sudden feeling of emptiness that whistled coldly in her cunt.
Sally was in shock and Thatcher intended to take as much advantage of it as he could. She was in no position to complain and he was delighted that she was a good-looking broad.
In his pants, he felt his cock grow another inch when it was already painfully long and rigid. The situation excited him.
“You… you… must be mistaken,” Sally stuttered at him.
Thatcher shook his head and motioned Tommy and John forward. The two boys stood at the edge of the bed, their heads downcast, their little white penises white and dangling as they tacitly admitted that what he said was true — they had done what he said they did.
Sally was frozen with fear. If he reported it the children could be treated as common criminals. Even if she wasn’t implicated in their sexual corruption, they would be treated horribly. Her babies…
“The… children… were just… being playful,” she alibied lamely.
Ron Thatcher just shook his head mournfully. “Threatening to hit my girl in the mouth if she didn’t submit? That’s being playful?”
“Well…” Sally didn’t know what to say, then she noticed the way the strange man was looking at her boobs. “Mr… uh… what’s your name? Mine’s Sally Dexter. Mrs. Dexter!” She held out her hand.
Ron stared at Mrs. Dexter and almost laughed. She was so cool that he almost couldn’t believe it. When she held out her hand and he took it and shook it, her tit bobbled enticingly. He wanted to fuck her then more than he’d ever wanted to fuck anybody.
“Suck my dick,” he said. His hand squeezed hers as he said it.
Sally looked at him incredulously but his face didn’t change.
“Suck my dick,” he repeated, “or I’m going to file a complaint with the police. It’s that simple. It’s up to you, what you’re going to do.”
Sally was wordless as she watched his hand open the front of his fly and let his cock pop out. It was long and thick and hard, dark colored with blue veins under the antique ivory color of the skin. The head was purplish red almost a bruised color. And it looked hyper-sensitive, as if it was ready to fuck anything anywhere.
“Well,” he said. “Make up your mind. This or the cops.” His fingers wrapped around his cock and pointed it accusingly at her.
What choice did Sally have? None! She’d known what her answer would be the moment she heard his fantastic offer of a deal. She had to give in. There was no other way, and if that meant sucking his repulsive cock, then suck it she would and be damned.
Nervously Sally leaned forward in the bed and Ron reacted by grabbing her hair and pulling her over on her back. She wound up lying on her back staring up at his cock as he guided it down toward her sensuous full lips. Her heart was beating fast as it happened.
When the warm cock head touched her mouth, Sally gave up the struggle. She wasn’t waiting any longer for a miracle to save her. She knew what had to be done. She had to do as she said she would.
Her mouth opened and his cock slid in inch by inch, thrilling him as her lips caressed it with joyful feeling. She was sucking as he pushed and the combination of forces made him giddy with sexual feeling.
Sally almost choked as it went in. She hadn’t thought her mouth was deep enough to swallow it. She knew she’d gag and choke and throw up. But she didn’t do any of those things. Man’s pecker was just like her little sons’, only a lot bigger.
Seeing that her mouth was full, Ron smiled and said, “I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Ron Thatcher.” Then he leaned forward and buried his face in the beautiful red chestnut bush between Sally’s creamy thighs. His tongue lanced out and stroked her cunt and made it quiver.
Sally gasped at the sudden feel of a man’s tongue invading her crotch. It was a sensation she liked, but not when it was accompanied by his cock shoved down her throat. Distastefully she sucked and stroked his cock with her tongue, making him enjoy it even if she didn’t.
That, she told herself, was what has to be done to get out of this.
Ron’s tongue had slid down between the thick lips of her cunt, bunching them up on either side so that he could switch his mouth from left to right and suck on one and then the other. At the same time he ground his hips down, dipping his cock in the hot well of her mouth. Slowly his hips started their regular cadence, fucking her sucking mouth with short, regular strokes.
Sally moaned around his cock. She had just felt Ron’s tongue slipping into her cunt and filling her and overflowing her. His chin rubbed against her sensitive clitoris and despite herself she began to enjoy being tongue fucked while sucking in the man’s dick.
It’s all right, with a stranger, she admitted grudgingly to herself. But suppose Hal wanted to do it. I couldn’t. It’s degrading and… and I couldn’t bear to touch his filthy thing. Sally shivered, imagining Hal forcing his pee cock in her mouth, forcing her to suck on it until he came and filled her lips with his seed. It was unendurable.
But at the same time she was eagerly sucking at this Ron Thatcher’s cock. She had to because she faced something worse if she didn’t. So she knew she might as well enjoy it as much as possible. He wanted her to enjoy it, she told herself, or he wouldn’t have been doing such a good job of sucking her cunt.
Fortunately for Sally, she couldn’t read Ron’s mind. He sucked her cunt because it got him off, it excited him. The most exciting thing to him at the moment was that he was forcing her to do something she didn’t want to, and expression of distaste or repulsion would have meant only that he would have enjoyed his pseudo-rape even more than he was, if that were possible.
Ron’s face lifted and dove as his tongue wove around the sides of Sally’s sensitive twat. He loved the smell of her pussy, musky and heavy like a too-strong perfume.
The sounds of his cock plunging in and out of Sally’s mouth turned Ron on too. She sucked and slurped at his dick. Her lips wrapped wetly around it and when he heaved in and out she fought it, gasping for breath or moaning her own response to the things his mouth was doing to her twat.
She was heaving up and saying, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” around the sausage of his prick driven into her mouth.
She was tingling like a tuning fork despite her revulsion against Ron’s penis. Darkly she suspected that she would have enjoyed any man’s, but she fought accepting such a thought as being foul.
I’m not a fucking whore, she protested in her mind as she sucked heavily on Ron Thatcher’s pistoning cock. I can’t do these dirty things that men expect me to do. They’re unnatural, perverted. She moaned as his tongue darted into her innermost crack and opened her up to his oral love making.
She was jerking like a guitar string. She wished she could get him to play with her breasts. That’s what she wanted, she told herself, because it would turn him on and make him cum faster so they could get it over with.
For the first time, she thought of what would happen when he finally came. There would be the explosion of white cum in her mouth, flooding her throat. She’d have to swallow as fast as she could, drinking it down in unseeming haste.
Sally’s mouth started salivating and she thought nothing of it while she continued to tell herself again and again how awful it was going to be to swallow Ron’s icky cum.
Ron was feeling a warm glow all over. It was a danger signal that he was getting ready to cum. One that he had learned to heed because if he ignored it there was liable to be a long wait before he had another good hard-on and any more nooky.
Suddenly he scrambled backwards and pulled his hot cock out of Sally’s pert mouth and left her cunt gasping for the slippery tongue that had been drilling it.
“Hey, cunt,” he said, “your kids were telling me you do neat tricks, like fucking them both at the same time.”
Sally’s heart stopped beating. For an awful moment, lying on her back staring up at his rigid cock still wet with her saliva, Sally thought she was going to die. How could the boys tell this awful man such things about me? Don’t they understand that it was… our secret?
And then she realized that he had scared them. They were too young to withstand the sort of pressure he would exert. He was an awful man!
She decided she would live. She stared back at him and wouldn’t answer.
“Well,” he said, “I’ve got a cute little trick I want you to do for me. Something right up your line…”
“No!” Sally burst out. “I’m not going to give in to your filthy perversions, you filthy, perverted man!”
Sally was mulling over stronger language when he growled at her, “Yes you are, cunt, or you can explain this to your husband as well as the sheriffs office. I think we can make a case that you perverted your own kids so they couldn’t help raping my girls…”
Sally suspected he was right.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked wearily.
“That’s better,” Ron said. “That’s much better.”
He even smiled at her as he sat next to her on the bed and felt her tits with his hands, his fingers squeezing her already hard nipples. Then he put an arm around her and pulled her naked body against him and kissed her on the mouth, his tongue squeezing in between her lips.
At first Sally resisted. But his mouth was hot and she couldn’t fight it. Her jaw muscles relaxed and she surrendered, feeling the hot tide of sexual excitement flow through her leaving her helpless. She sucked on the thick, greasy tongue he stuck in her mouth and was disappointed when he pulled it out of her mouth and broke off their kiss. She was breathless and her heart was thumping out of control.
Ron smiled at her. His thick, black eyebrows seemed to fold together as he explained, “I just wanted you to taste what your cunt tastes like,” he said. “How did you like it?”
“You’re rotten. Really rotten,” she said between clenched teeth.
“I know.” Ron smiled again and seemed almost pleasant.
“What do you want me to do?” Sally looked down at her naked crotch and wondered at how much trouble sex was leading her into. She swore if she got out of what was happening she’d never have sex with anyone but Hal again. Faithfully. Of course the oath was too little and too late, but that was the nature of most oaths.
“Get up,” Ron said.
Sally did and turned toward him feeling embarrassed at her nakedness, but also proud of her handsome body and pretty face.
“Turn around,” Ron ordered. He made a twirling motion with his hand.
“Turn around?” Sally shrugged and watched her own breasts dance. When he nodded that’s what he really meant, she turned to face the cabin door.
Ron licked his lips. He was nervous staring at Sally’s beautiful butt. He was going to do something he had never done before, something he had thought of watching the boys with his daughters.
For a long time, he inspected Sally’s lush behind. Her buttocks were full and curvy. Her hips curved out like ski slopes and her ass was magnificent, round and full like two cantaloupe halves.
They were divided down the middle by a crack that seemed to run up into the tanned skin of her back and become a delicate dimple that continued up as her backbone. Below, her legs were slender and graceful, perfectly proportioned for her beautiful ass. She had a slot between her thighs and the faintest hint of pubic hair curled in it.
Delicately, Ron inserted a finger between her legs and felt her soft, muscular cunt and thought about how good it would feel to stick his rod in it and shoot off.
Sally twitched and bit her lip. She wanted to moan with wanton pleasure. The sudden finger in her twat had taken her unawares and released a lot of feverish tension that seemed to build in her.
And then, just as suddenly, the finger was gone and Sally remembered how good it had been when Jason fucked her from the rear. She had loved it then, and now she knew she’d love it even more. She was freed of many of her former sexual restraints.
But Ron’s hands had found her waist and he was pulling her backwards and she felt herself falling slowly, carried by the strength of his hands, and she let it happen without fighting.
It wasn’t until she felt his cockhead actually pressing against her asshole that she said anything. “You’ve got the wrong hole, darling,” she whispered so low that she wasn’t sure that he heard her.
“No I don’t,” Ron said. “That’s the one I’m after.”
And then, he pulled her down and impaled her asshole on the full, standing length of his throbbing, inflamed cock.
“Aaaaaggghhhhhhaaa!!!!” Sally screamed hoarsely.
It had happened so fast it was all the way in before she could scream. Ron’s prick had spread her asscheeks and slipped unerringly toward that hot, fist-like target of her asshole. And then when he pulled her down his thick shaft had pushed inside and rammed all the way up her rear in a single motion.
After her first, violent scream, Sally sat on his lap stunned by what had happened. Her rectum was stuffed up to the top. It was like she was sitting on a ramrod. She didn’t dare bend or move for fear that she would break.
The cabin door had banged open and John and Tommy rushed in followed by two cute little blonde girls. They stopped, gaping at the sight of Sally sitting on Ron’s lap naked her legs spread apart in obvious unconscious display of her soft, sweet cunt lips.
“I told you Daddy would fuck her,” Gloria said haughtily. “Daddy’s a good fucker. He fucks me all the time.”
“All right,” Ron rasped. “I’m going to let one of your boys get on top and fuck your cunt while you take mine in the ass.”
Sally couldn’t talk. She couldn’t organize her thoughts. All she could do was nod that she understood as her whole being concentrated on that cock jammed up her soft butthole.
Ron grabbed her titties in his hands and squeezed them as he lay back and pulled her back with him.
Sally didn’t fight. She couldn’t. She went back on the bed and felt her knees spread helplessly over Ron’s spread legs. His feet were still on the floor supporting their weight. Only his butt was on the bed.
“You,” Ron said, motioning to Tommy.
“Me?” Tommy looked scared.
“Yes. Come here!”
Tommy looked doubtful but Brenda nudged him. “Don’t be scared, silly. Daddy isn’t going to hurt you.”
Not wanting to look scared in front of Brenda, whom he had decided he liked, Tommy walked up to the bed.
“Take your pants off,” Ron told the boy.
The pants dropped to the floor and then Ron had Tommy stand between his legs and line his peter up.
Tommy almost said, “With what?” But once in the indicated position he found he was staring right at his mother’s beautiful, hairy cunt. The boy didn’t need any directions for that.
Moving deliberately, he stepped forward and fitted his cock right into the soft, silky twat already leaking love juice. As always, Tommy felt instantly good at feeling his pecker in his mother’s hole.
“Now fuck her!” Ron ordered the boy. “Fuck hard!”
Sally gasped. She’d felt good when Tommy’s prick had entered her hot box. But it was just a little feeling. Her whole body was filled with the hot ache of Ron’s stiff column up her ass.
And then Tommy drove his cock in hard, the way he always did, and Sally went out of her mind.
Her cunt was a wonderland of feeling. His pecker seemed to rise up her twat and strike the inside of her ass just right to ring Ron’s dong like a chime. Her body resounded to the sudden feeling.
At the same time, the force of fucking her was enough to move her butt on Ron’s hard stomach, sliding the impaling prick out an inch and Sally was so filled with pain/pleasure that she was breathless.
The boy rocked backward and forward, pounding his cock in her wildly sexual hole and rocking Sally on Ron’s huge stick. And the faster he went the greater it felt until she thought she was nothing more than a disembodied asshole and twat joined by a tunnel in between that filled and flowed with sensation.
“Harder, harder, more, harder,” Sally gasped after less than a dozen beautiful strokes. In and out, in and out. She slid back and forth on that wonderful cock in her butt and loved the pistoning of her son’s littler penis in her twat, and she couldn’t tell if it was day or night or an hour or a month.
Sally was flying on sex. She was higher than a heroin addict. She arched her back and helped that wonderful flesh stick jab up her asshole. When Tommy bent forward and sucked her nipple she orgasmed and then orgasmed again and again.
She was full of sex. She was stuffed to bursting and when finally Ron and Tommy came, the two floods of hot sex cream running in from both holes seemed to meet in the middle and create a vortex that snatched her into oblivion.
Later Sally remembered waking and seeing her boys doing things with the little girls, and seeing that man doing things to his daughters. It was like a scene out of hell, the logs in the fireplace roaring with elongated flames that appeared to be snapping and lashing out at her.
Then she went to sleep again and the second time she woke, it was night and dark and there were only embers in the fireplace and the boys slept huddled up against her and she imagined it was only a dream. Only her cunt and asshole protested terribly when she moved.
After she went back to bed from the bathroom, she had to get up again and make sure the door was securely locked and bolted before she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
By mid-morning, Hal was up at the cabin. He ran around looking things over and, after finding out that everything had gone fine since they got there (Sally lied to him about what had happened) he happily began checking the place out. One of his favorite expressions was: “Once a real estate salesman, always a real estate salesman!”
When he came in after a couple of hours of scrambling over the building checking for termites and leaks and loose boards of roofing, Sally looked at him and realized that he wore his toneless skin with its loose layer of fat like a baggy suit.
“Guess what, hon?” he asked cheerily when he came in for lunch.
“What?” Sally asked automatically.
“The place is sound as a dollar. Sounder. Listen, I’ve got this guy who wants a place like this and I think I can turn a quick five grand profit, maybe five and a half. What do you say?”
“If you want to, Hal. This place is getting awfully crowded. There are always people around.” Sally tried to disguise her lack of enthusiasm with a lack of real estate knowledge. She knew she’d never come up to the cabin again. Not now, after Ron Thatcher knew about it.
Sally didn’t delude herself that she loved Hal. But there were worse things that a girl her age could be doing than staying married to an eager, successful real estate man. Ron Thatcher might have been spectacular in bed, but there was no love lost between them.
At first, Sally had tried to delude herself into thinking that there was something, a spark of some sort glowing between them. But there was no way. Thatcher had been after her ass and fun and games. After he got them, that was the end. He might be back, sniffing, but not for any of those girlish, romantic reasons she often dreamed up.
She ached all over and was glad Hal wasn’t romantic. At least he was considerate and that counted for a lot under certain circumstances.
One of the times Hal breezed in, Sally couldn’t resist saying, “I feel like fucking, Hal!”
“Later, baby. The kids are all running underfoot. Later.”
Later they packed up the kids and got everything into their two cars that was personal. “I’ll have it sold by next weekend,” Hal boasted to John and Tommy while he supervised the loading.
“Aw, Dad,” Tommy said, wrinkling his face in disgust.
“We like it here,” John said hastily, before his father could ask Tommy any questions about his face or tone of voice.
“I know,” Hal said, “But I’ll have another place in a month. I promise you, even better than this one.”
“Well, Dad, this place is like special personal to us.”
Hal gave John a conspiratorial wink. “Listen, son. It’s about time that you were old enough to know that no place is special without a little special pussy. Houses come and go, and you can’t hang onto them. They’re just a way to make money. The only thing that counts is a good cunt for dipping your wick.” Hal had his arm around his son’s shoulders. “That’s something to hang onto.”
“Isn’t Mom a good cunt, Dad? Isn’t she worth hanging onto?”
Hal laughed nervously. “Sure she is, son. But your old dad is a stud. He’s got to get around and spread his wild oats. I was hoping by now you’d understand. I love your mother and want to keep her forever, and by God I will, but she just doesn’t have it. I mean,” and Hal seemed to stumble a little, “a hot ass she just isn’t.”
“How do you know?”
“How do I know?” Hal laughed and tightened his grip around his son’s shoulders. “John, I can see there’s a lot I’d better get down to teaching you, the sooner the better. Jesus, son, don’t you know any girls to fuck with?”
“I suppose I do, Dad.” And John smiled at Hal…
At home that night, Hal turned over in his mind what John had said to him and he realized that he was neglecting Sally a bit. If she weren’t so cold, he figured, she’d probably be hurting for a little cock.
Sliding into bed behind her, he rubbed his penis against her nice, soft butt and hinted at what he meant by squeezing her breast. Sally had been half-asleep and she moaned and rolled over quickly, wakening with the thought in mind that it was Ron or Jason or even one of the kids. Seeing her husband was sort of a disappointment.
“What do you want?” she asked coldly. Lately she was always cold to Hal in bed — and he didn’t seem to mind so it worked out all right.
“Hey, baby, this is your husband.” He smiled. “How about a little ass to put me to sleep. You know, rock me to sleep.” He laughed hoarsely.
Sally sighed and pulled her nightgown up to her waist and shoved her panties off into the bed. “Okay, lover?” she asked.
“O-Kay,” Hal answered. He grinned and got into the saddle, enjoying the way her thighs gripped his waist so firmly and the fine fit of his cock sliding into her moist, warm cunt. It went so smooth it seemed to Hal like Sally had greased her slot.
“I’m sorry about selling the cabin,” Hal said as he pushed his pecker in to the balls. “I guess this means you won’t have any place to go for any more lost weekends — at least for a while.”
“Shut up and fuck,” Sally responded. Her arms dragged at his neck and pulled her husband’s lips down on hers. Eagerly her tongue went in his mouth and darted around.
Hal was so surprised, he didn’t even suck his wife’s tongue while it was there. But he did allow her to suck his tongue into her mouth. And then he was banging his cock in and out of her sex hole and he didn’t pay much attention to anything she did.
In and out, in and out, Hal gritted his teeth as his climax rose in him with overpowering swiftness. He didn’t try to hold it back. It was going to be great. He knew it. Particularly when Sally whispered in his ear, “Darling, would you like me to suck your cock afterward?”
His ejaculation came seconds later and he blasted his seed in her quivery cunt. He noticed that she didn’t seem to respond overly much. But that was usual. He understood her frigidity. She wasn’t like his secretaries who broke into nerveless blobs of flesh, crying and whining whenever he shot his juice into them.
Sally clung desperately to her husband, trying to fill up with his seed, anything to chase the terrible yearning to be fucked that still obsessed her. His fucking was just an appetizer.
Almost before he was off, Sally had twisted around in the bed and was breathing hard on his semen coated cock. Her hot breath made it a little harder, but not much.
Forcing herself, Sally stuck out her tongue and licked her husband’s penis from base to tip and, ignoring the semen that smeared on her face, she caressed it with her cheek.
Hal’s cock hardened and he suddenly was very interested in his wife’s new antics. It was something he’d never had done before.
Slowly she ringed his cockhead with her tongue, sipping the cream off while her slender fingers played happily with his thick stick. Then her mouth slipped over the end and she sucked his blunt cockhead in her mouth and sucked it with a hot pulse beat.
Something happened to Hal that hadn’t happened to him in fifteen years. His pecker was getting hard enough to fuck again. It tingled all over and he wanted to put it in her fuck hole and blast off a second time in one night.
Pulling his penis out of her mouth, Hal rolled Sally on her back and mounted her again, spreading her pink thighs and centering his cock on her pretty little cunny, already looking a little used by the neat hair unevenly matted with patches of wet semen.
His prick slid in and it seemed to Hal as if he was sliding it into a volcano. Sally’s twat was so hot she seemed to have a fever. In a single moment she was twisting and writhing desperately under him, coaxing his cock to bang in and out faster and faster.
Hal was excited too. He could hardly hold back. His semen welled up toward the tip of his pecker and though he’d thought about making it last a few seconds he knew it was going to feel so good he didn’t want to wait even a few seconds.
Roaring happily, he poured his cum into Sally’s twitching twat. He even pumped until it was dry.
He was disappointed when she didn’t go down on him again. He had sort of hoped that that first experience of hers, eating his semen, would get to be a habit. Something he could cultivate. As before, there was no excitement on her part when he shot his cream into her cunt.
She’s just cold, Hal told himself while he was in the bathroom taking a leak. Somehow it didn’t ring true, even to him. But he set the objections aside just as if he were convincing a couple to buy a house that they shouldn’t have. It was his talent.
He got back into bed and said. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Sally answered.
Hal was glad she didn’t demand a goodnight kiss after sucking his dick. Then, pure of heart and mind, he slipped into a sound sleep.
“Go on, give it a good morning suck,” Hal said.
“Well, if you insist, Hal.” Sally glared at him and then, realizing it was helpless, went down on her husband’s shriveled cock. It was slow getting up and Sally experienced a plentitude of sexual feelings sucking on it. She quitted her initial pace and sucked it slow, enjoying the slow rise as it hardened.
Hal watched her mouth pulling at his penis and when he was almost hard enough, he pulled away.
Sally was disappointed. She’d hoped that he’d stick it in her cunt, even if only for one of his quickies. She was horny all over after being left hanging last night and she wished she could tell him. But after being married to Hal for twelve years, she knew it was pointless telling him anything about anybody else. The sudden rejection seemed even more pointed when she realized they would have their thirteenth wedding anniversary in just a couple of days.
Regretfully watching Hal put his hard-on in his pants — and wondering why he wanted to take it with him, Sally rolled over on the bed so her breasts spread out under her weight like soft cushions.
“You know what happens this week, Hal, don’t you?”
“Mmmmm-mmmm, of course I do.”
“What?” Sally stared at him, willing him to remember.
“Of course, it’s your birthday, darling. I wouldn’t forget.”
He was completely dressed but Sally got up and pressed her naked body against him. “Don’t you remember, it’s our wedding anniversary!”
“That’s nice, Sal.” Hal hunted around for his keys and things even with Sally leaning on him.
“Wouldn’t you like to stay home with me, darling?”
“Of course I would. But I’ll have to do that on our anniversary on…” He looked at her.
“Friday,” Sally said helpfully.
“On Friday.” Hal smiled at himself in the mirror and knotted his tie.
“I wish you could stay…”
“I’ve got work at the office today. I can’t let it go,” Hal said soothingly. It was the same tone he used closing a real estate deal.
“Oh, Hal!”
Claretta stood back from the desk in Hal’s private inner office admiring her employer’s big hard-on. She was a frizzly-curl blonde and her face was mostly hidden in the cavern under her hair, but she managed to flash white teeth enough so that Hal could see her smile.
“Come here, baby,” Hal rumbled. “It’s just something that I thought you might like to have me bring from home for you.”
“It sure is, baby,” Claretta said.
Grabbing hold of it, the secretary laughed and backed up against the desk and towed Hal after her. She let him fumble with her skirt and pull it up around her waist and make the usual sounds of pleasure that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She wished Hal Dexter would play with her twat a little, first though. It was all dewy from thinking about the new salesman he’d hired, a pretty boy who must have been hung like an ox from the way the other girls clung to him.
Automatically, she leaned her ass on the desk and wrapped both legs around Hal’s waist as his cock flowed into her sombulent twat.
“Oh, baby, I love it when you do that to me.”
She hugged him and stuck her tongue in his ear and Hal began eagerly plugging his secretary’s slot the same way he had shagged the cheerleader when he’d been a high school football star.
Banging her ass against the desk, feeling his cock swelling up inside her cunt, he smiled to himself. He’d been a real cockhound back then. A different girl every night, a good, quick bang. No masturbating crap for him. For some reason, they just seemed to know he would only fuck them once and leave them because they didn’t bother him too much when he went on to new conquests. Hal knew it was because he controlled them. They did what he told them to. And when he told a broad to get lost, she got lost.
His cock was swelling in Claretta’s hole and he was on the verge of cumming. And then she stuck her tongue in his ear and he was blowing his jism up her twat hard enough to blow her brains out.
“Damn, Claretta, you’re a good fuck any time of the day or night.”
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Dexter,” she said. She controlled her cunt muscles and squeezed down, milking Hal’s rapidly softening penis.
They exchanged kisses and then Claretta went out front to the lady’s john so she could wash out his semen before getting back to her desk.
Hal was in a good mood when she left. It sure was funny, he thought to himself, a stud like him getting married to the prettiest virgin in the whole school. Of course, now he knew why she was a virgin. She was sexually cold. She didn’t get heated up enough to break her cherry until old Hal junior got working on it. Hal patted his cock with satisfaction. It didn’t matter, he had to admit to himself. In all other ways, Sally was a good wife. In fact, maybe she was trying to change…
He considered the way she sucked his cock and smiled. She’d do anything for him, anything to make him happy — even if it killed her.
In an expansive mood, Hal called a jeweler friend and ordered a fancy watch with an inscription on the back be sent to her on Friday. Then he called his competitor down the street and suggested a few rounds of golf before lunch.
He sighed with satisfaction. It was going to be a hell of a busy day.
Sally could hardly move. Her longing for sex was so strong she was tempted to call Hal at the office as soon as he left and ask him to come home again. She really wanted to try. If they worked at it, maybe they could have a sex life yet…
Then she dismissed the idea.
She heard the door down the hall open and close. Resolutely Sally got out of bed and walked out in the hall, still naked. She went down the hall to the boys’ room, the one they still shared, and walked in.
“Willikers, Mom,” Tommy said. He was popeyed staring at her. Somehow he thought everything would be different after they came home from the cabin.
John didn’t say anything. He had been beating his meat wearing only his pajama tops. He looked up, embarrassed at being caught at it by his mother. The fact that his mother was naked made him want to beat off all the more, though.
“Do you want to stay home today, kids?”
“Wow,” they both said.
“Sure, Mom,” John added. “But there’s school today and…”
“And we’ll call you in sick later, won’t we?”
“Gee, Mom, if you say so. Yeah!” John nodded his head vigorously. It had just occurred to the twelve-year-old that if his mother was naked, maybe he wouldn’t have to beat off after all.
“Come into my room,” Sally said. “And we can playa couple of games to wake up this morning.” She looked fondly at her children and realized that Hal was going to supply her with all the pleasure that he had left her out of for the past thirteen years.
Sally was in her favorite position when the boys came into her room. She was on her hands and knees on the furry rug in the center of the cleared space in front of the vanity. When the boys came in, she playfully tugged the bottoms of Tommy’s pajamas right off his legs. Then she smiled.
“We’re going to playa game, children,” she said, smiling.
“What, Mommy?” Tommy was the most eager. He’d just had his pants yanked off and he knew what kind of game she was interested in.
“Musical holes,” Sally said. “When I buck loose, you have to run around me three times and then turn and stick your penises in my cunt or mouth or ass or you don’t get to play anymore.”
To start the boys, she grabbed their cocks and tugged them and then let go. Both boys were as hard as rocks.
Like wild Apaches, they circled around her and suddenly John was stopped in front of her face thrusting his penis between her lips. Greedily, Sally sucked it in.
An instant later, Tommy’s cock slid just as eagerly into her cunt and she pressed back and sighed through her caressing lips. It felt wonderful being fucked from both ends. Suddenly she jerked away from both boys and they were running around her again. Only this time she had Tommy’s cock in her mouth when he stopped and she could taste the salty flavor of her own cunt on his dick. John practically leaped on her back and she mewled with pleasure as his hard cock sank into her trembling asshole. Harder and harder she shoved back, taking his long, slender dick up her rectum so she could really feel it.
The next time she chased them, it was John’s dick, musty with the flavor of her own asshole, that was stuck in her mouth and Tommy was back to pounding into her eager cunt.
This happened a dozen times until Sally was so hot she couldn’t contain it. Then she stopped them and let Tommy fuck eagerly and expertly into her uplifted rear, sliding his cock in and out of her well-lubricated cunt hole as she sucked John to a boiling explosion.
John went off first. Her lips and hands had laved his balls as well as his sex pole. He couldn’t hold back finally and he caught his mother’s head in his hands and howled as she pulled his juice out of his pole with her mouth.
Tommy’s cock was grinding merrily in Sally’s cunt and the boy was happily squeezing her asscheeks and ramming desperately into her trying to straighten her out with his staff when he exploded. Sally was ready for it to happen. She squeezed down with her spongy cunt lips and she held back the heated explosion that had been building in her own twat until the last minute.
Her back humped up and down convulsively and her silky cunt sawed and tore at Tommy’s beautiful prick and the boy cried and moaned as he stuffed it into his mother’s hairy twat.
“Oh, give it to Mommy,” she groaned after letting go of John’s penis with her mother.
Inside she was an atomic explosion and the heat was blowing out her cunt and she knew she loved the two boys more than anything.
They were sprawled out on the bed together where Sally had licked Tommy’s cock clean and then sucked both boys back to their usual rigidity when Jason walked in the bedroom door.
“My, my,” he said, mildly surprised. “What did you do with your lost weekend, sister of mine?”
“What do you want, brother?” Sally asked sarcastically.
Jason’s eyes opened wide. “Apparently nothing that you aren’t already giving the kids.”
“Well, if you want something,” Sally said, getting off the bed, “you’re going to have to play the game for it.”
Jason looked startled at the tone of steel in his sister’s voice. He didn’t even object when she told him to take off his clothes and sit on the edge of the bed.
It made him nervous to have the kids watch while Sally got down on her knees and sucked at the thick, gnarled staff on his cock. It was so big she had to strain her mouth to get it inside. But when he looked at the kids, he saw they were just slightly interested.
His cock was pounding like a broken clock. The blood throbbed up into it and turned the head an angry red. The veins were swollen and he could hardly contain the heat in it. He wondered briefly what Hal’s endless procession of overpaid secretaries was giving him that he wasn’t getting better at home. And then his sister turned around and presented her really sweet looking ass to him before sitting down right on his prick.
The feeling tore through him. And then the intensity was doubled as he realized that Sally had slid her asshole all the way down his huge cock and that was why she was tight and hot around it. Then she was laying back, trembling and shivering with erotic sensations, and John was standing between her spread legs fitting his little cock into her gaping slit.
“Play with my boobs,” Sally ordered. And Jason could only obey.
The feelings were so strong when the boy started pounding into his sister’s gash, Jason thought he was going to faint. His cock was filled with ecstatic feelings from the very base to the very tip.
He felt like it was being exquisitely torn off and he did his best to help in every way.
Jason was gone and Sally was in a warm, rosy fog.
“I know what you’ve never done, Mom!” John said in answer to an idle statement she’d made while sixty-nining with her eldest son. John was happy that Uncle Jason had turned out to be a softy, leaving before the fucking really got going good.
“What, darling?”
“You’ve never tongue fucked a girl…”
“That’s right,” Sally said in wonder. “I wonder…”
“It’s great, Mom,” Tommy said. He was trying to roll them over so he could fuck his mother in the asshole. He was turning into a real, nonstop asshole bandit.
Sally giggled, thinking of her sons and their nonstop sexuality.
“I don’t know any girls,” she said.
“But we do…” John smiled into her cunt.
“Who?” Sally asked. “Who do you know?”
“Gloria and Brenda,” Tommy chimed in. He had finally got them rolled over far enough to work his cock into Sally’s unresisting asshole.
His cock in her butt felt good. It was the perfect counterpoint to John’s tongue in her twat. But Sally couldn’t help thinking about tonguing a girlish cunt, and it really turned her on. “We’ve got their phone number. And, guess what?” Tommy sounded really smug and Sally couldn’t resist.
“They’ve got the same exchange as us.”
And Sally exploded into a volcano of hot, liquid action as she remembered Ron Thatcher and his pretty little girls.
Even as the boys pumped their jism into her hot, breathless body, Sally couldn’t help asking, “What is their number, dears?”
She told herself she wasn’t going to call. She was just curious. And then she thought of how inventive Ron was. And what she and two girls could do with him and two boys.
If she’d had a prick it would have punched a hole through the bed.
The next day turned out differently than Sally could ever have imagined, however.
Hal had decided to exercise his prerogative as a husband that night. And all the while he was undressing, he kept showing off his body as if deliberately trying to entice her.
She had lain in bed, naked, her legs slightly spread so that he could look at her full-lipped, mature pussy.
And Hal had looked. He couldn’t take his eyes off it. As he peeled his own clothes off, more and more his fingers strayed to play with his own cock.
Sally didn’t know what to make of it. She watched his erection blossom. It swelled and filled his hand and she had to admit to herself that he was adequately built. His penis was a thick, white shaft that pulsed and throbbed. Heavy blue veins wrapped around it and made its sides as uneven as a French tickler. The head was large, red and succulent.
Which, at the moment, meant nothing to Sally. She knew that he was good for one fast shot… and then nothing. His full balls weren’t likely to give her satisfaction — not after thirteen years of failure.
“Come on, Sally,” Hal said, “Suck on it!” He was holding his penis in his hand scant inches from her face. His fingers were tight around his cock, too tight, as if he were pointing a gun.
Sally sighed and moved to comply. She’d had a totally satisfying day of sex with the boys and she didn’t really want to be bothered. But Hal was her husband. And she did have to keep him happy.
Slowly she bowed her head over his cock and sucked it in her mouth. Her lips tightened on the crown and then her fingers wrapped around his long, hot shaft. Gently she squeezed. Hal responded by moving slightly.
His cock felt comfortable in her mouth and Sally knew if she let him fuck her, it would only get her excited for nothing.
Saying nothing to Hal, she began to caress his penis with her fingers. Her tongue wrapped around the end of his prick and slid back and forth like sandpaper, heating it up. Her other hand fondled his balls.
Hal was heaving his hips back and forth. He was sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, fucking her red lips.
Sally hurried to help. Gently at first, but then harder and harder she began to masturbate his throbbing pecker. Her fingers wrapped tightly around his loose cock skin as she jacked it back and forth. Her lips slid in eager cadence up and down on the sensitive end, her teeth nipping at it to stir his juices.
Without any warning, Hal grabbed two handfuls of chestnut curls and began to ram his cock brutally in and out of her saliva filled mouth. His belly battered against Sally’s nose. She had to let go with her hands as he jabbed his cock down her throat.
“Cunt, cunt, cunt!” Hal chanted as he raped her face.
Sally didn’t want to admit it to her husband, but the sudden violence in his sucking was turning her on. Each stroke of his hard stick in her mouth was like a penis plunging into her cunt from the wrong end.
“Cunt!” Hal growled. He thrust hard and suddenly he was erupting in her fevered mouth. Semen sprayed against the back of Sally’s throat and she gulped desperately to keep it from leaking out and dribbling down her chin.
Hal’s penis started to get soft and slipped out of her mouth.
Sally sighed and lay back on the bed. She was hot again. Her cunt was quivering with longing. Her tits were hot mounds on her chest. And there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.
Sally tried to burrow into the cool pillows. They seemed to ease the fever that was raging in her body.
“God damn cunt, is that all you think you’re going to have to do?” Hal’s voice was nasty. His face was angry and his cock, instead of getting soft was getting hard again.
“What’s wrong, Hal?”
“That’s a good question, cunt!” Hal eyed her and his gaze was vicious. “Get your good-for-nothing, cock-sucking ass out of that bed! Now!”
Panic seized Sally. It was like a vice around her heart and lungs. Her blood stopped pounding and she couldn’t catch her breath. She had never seriously considered Hal finding out about any of it. Why should he? It was a big world and even if she’d thought of Thatcher telling, he hadn’t even known where they lived. She hadn’t told him.
“Look what I’ve brought, darling.” Hal groped under his clothes lying on the chair and showed her a couple of pieces of soft, white cotton rope. “Guess what we’re going to do with these?”
Sally wordlessly shook her head. Panic wouldn’t let her think or talk.
“We’re going to punish you, darling. For being naughty.” Hal took her hand and led her to a high night table with a lamp on it. He set the lamp on the floor and then forced Sally to lean over the table. He hummed happily as he tied her wrists to the legs. Taking another piece of rope, he tied her ankles to the table legs on the other side.
Sally was desperately afraid. Stretched naked over the stand she felt completely helpless, vulnerable. It was just high enough that her belly pressed against the table top and she could ease her weight off her legs and arms. But that was all she could do.
Hal walked around her, smiling. And that scared Sally more than anything else. His cock stuck out in front of him rigid and rejuvenated. She struggled with the ropes, but they wouldn’t budge.
“That’s all right, darling! I’m right here.”
Sally looked up and stared straight at her husband’s cock. It was pointed at her face at eye level.
“Go on, lick it. You want to. You want to beg forgiveness, don’t you?”
Wordlessly, Sally nodded. She did want Hal to forgive her.
Hal moved closer and his pecker brushed against her lips and she opened her mouth and sucked him in. His hot joint filled her dry mouth and probed against her throat and she desperately began sucking and licking at it. As she did, she felt her own sexual juices begin flowing again. Her cunt, puffy between her hot thighs, seemed to stick out behind her far enough to be stimulated by the mildest of breezes.
In and out, Hal plunged his cock in and out of her mouth and her lips squeezed and pulled and played with it. His seminal juice leaked into her mouth, filling her with the taste of his sex, but he didn’t really come or get soft. It seemed he was hard with rage and that his cock would never go down.
I’ve been wicked. Sally told herself as she sucked on her husband’s plunging pecker. I deserve to be treated this way. I should be punished. She sucked harder and felt Hal’s pecker respond.
But then he pulled it out of her mouth and stood looking at it with a strange expression on his face. “Well,” he said, “look how hard that son of a bitch it. Do you think it’s hard enough?”
He paused, as if waiting for an answer.
“It’s beautiful, Hal,” Sally croaked. “It’s hard enough to stick up my hot little cunt and ream it out until I can’t stand.”
“Should I try to do that, darling? Is that what you want?”
Sally nodded her head, her chestnut curls bobbing wildly up and down. “Yes, darling. Please! Please punish me with it.”
Hal smiled and walked around her bent over body until he was out of sight. All Sally had to look at was the gold carpet on the bedroom floor. But she knew what her rear would look like to Hal. Her cunt lips were all puffy under her thick thatch of reddish hair and he should be able to see her crack thrust back between her thighs.
There was a sudden groping, Hal’s hand, and Sally groaned when his fingers collided with her weeping cunt. It was like an electric shock, mild but stimulating. She wanted more!
“I can’t see anything back here, darling. It’s all hairy,” Hal complained. His hand again brushed over her cunt and Sally wiggled her outthrust ass like a bitch in heat.
“Cut if off. Shave my cunt, Hal. Please…”
Sally felt like crying. She was so helpless. And she had to tell her husband everything. Even how to punish her.
For what seemed a long time she hung over the end table. It was only moments while Hal went in the bedroom, but to Sally it seemed like hours were passing. Staring at the floor, she remembered in intimate detail each time she had been unfaithful to her husband. Her cunt quivered and moved with each memory of a strange cock in it.
And then Hal was back and the shrill buzz of an electric razor disturbed her thoughts.
She almost screamed when Hal pressed the cold steel of the razor head against her quivering crotch. It tingled, and the twin shock of the cold metal and the vibrating razor head and blades made her come with practically insane force. She felt her juice flowing like a river down the inside of her thigh.
“God damn, you’re getting everything back here wet,” Hal complained.
“I’m… I’m sorry, darling. I’ll try to control myself.”
“You’d better,” Hal grumbled.
The razor toured the hairy insides of Sally’s thighs, first. Then the maddeningly vibrating head brushed up against the soft, pink edges of her cunt lips. Sally moaned. She was keyed up. Tense. The sudden touch left her unexpectedly weak as her sexual heeling seemed to concentrate on the rim of her slot.
She shivered. The buzz of the razor was like a swarm of insects attacking her twat. Her whole cunt prickled with the sensation of being touched and felt in a dozen places at once.
And then the metal glided on and centered itself over her clitoris, which was still hidden under its slick mantle of skin. The vibration worked down through the skin and attacked the little, hidden joy button. Sally thought she would shake apart.
“Oh, Haaaaaaal!!!” she moaned. She tried to spread her legs further as her husband ran the razor over her sleek twat.
When he turned it off, Sally imagined she was still feeling the razor all over her crotch. Her vagina and even her womb still quivered to the unslaked and unabated touch that lighted her insides.
And then she moaned in eager anticipation.
Hal’s fingers felt especially lustful on her naked twat. It was a strange sensation, having her cunt completely exposed and without a hair on it. She had forgotten what it was like not to have that dairy bush between her and life. She’d grown pubic hair when she was about thirteen and somehow the fact that it was gone made her feel younger again, more insecure than she’d been in a long time.
Hal had to grow accustomed to the change, too. Staring at his wife’s naked buttocks and seeing the long, hairless gash curving up between her legs literally took his breath away. Blindly, he confirmed the new look with his fingers.
Never before had his finger sliding into his wife’s cunt seemed so sexy to him. There was something almost obscene about the contrast between his dark finger and her cream and pink cunt lips. His finger went into that hot, wet vat between her legs. It almost scalded him. And then he had another finger inside her naked slot and Sally groaned and his fingers were moving around, stretching her cunt, and her juice was deluging his hand.
“Fuck me. Fuck me now!” Sally said. She demanded it. She was as ready as she could ever be. Her only regret was that Hal had tied her so that she couldn’t see his cock enter her gaping, hairless cunt.
“You want me to punish you, don’t you, Sally?”
“YES!” she said. She almost screamed it out at him.
“All right! I will! I’m going to punish you for being bad!”
Sally was in a frenzy. Her butt quivered. She wanted, needed, her husband’s big cock shoved up her cunt. It was the kind of punishment she had to have. She was glad she was getting it…
Sally howled. Her husband’s hand had landed across her buttocks and partly across her gaping cunt. The sting was like a sexual shock. It radiated up through her body and made her tingly all over.
“Please don’t spank me, Hal,” she sobbed to her husband.
He pretended not to hear her and his hand descended again and again. Each time it slapped against her rear it also struck her cunt lips. In moments they were swollen and bright pink. They seemed to radiate heat like slices of the sun.
Sally jerked and twitched, pounding her stomach against the top of the night table. Suddenly all that mattered was the heat. His hand wasn’t hurting her and each stroke was like a cock shoving up her snatch. Only the impact went deeper than any penis could.
“Harder. Ohooo, harder. Spank me harder, darling. Spank my naughty twat. Give it to me. Slap my gash…”
Hal’s arm gained strength and he flailed away, reddening Sally’s butt with his hand.
Suddenly he stopped and pressed up against her rear. He centered his cock on her throbbing slit and pushed.
Sally yeowled. Her hot cunt lips almost felt like they were tearing as they were pressed apart to make room for his pecker. She felt super tight and small. Each movement was ecstasy. She felt her twat open and let his cock enter her vagina. Then it seemed like endless inches of penis were rushing into her huge void.
“Ohohohohohoh,” she gasped as successive shocks of feeling inundated her. Each movement of Hal’s cock in her slot provided such feeling and she couldn’t seem to contain them.
She shoved back with her hips and sighed with joy. Her hot, swollen cunt lips finally hit bottom. His hairy groin was pressed against her rear, his cock completely buried in her pussy.
“Oh, that’s good. Sooo good,” she murmured as she ground her butt back against her husband’s waist and she felt his pecker filling her sex hole. “Please punish me some more, Hal. Please…”
Her husband didn’t need further urging. In a moment he was rocking back and forth against her rear driving his lance all the way up her twat. In and out. In and out. His cock burrowed blindly in her soft, pink hole and then pulled back until the head glowed redly between the lips of her twat before he reversed direction and plunged back into her snatch as hard as he could.
He was excited, too. His balls were swollen and hard and they drummed against the backs of Sally’s legs.
Sally’s cunt convulsed. It gripped like a fist and squeezed desperately at Hal’s cock. She cried out as her orgasm filled her. It was like she was being impaled pleasurably on a sharp stake. It hurt and it felt wonderful at the same time.
Hal waited until she was well into the throes of her climax and then he stepped back and left her cunt wildly sucking air.
“Please put it back in,” Sally begged her husband.
“All right,” Hal said. Then he stepped up behind her and centered his cock and lunged…
Sally squealed. She had tried to hold still, no matter how frantic her cunt had felt. But Hal had missed anyway. His cock had lanced into her soft, clenching butt. And now she was full of cock up to her ass cheeks.
“Ohhh God,” Sally moaned. His belly had collided with her spanked-tender butt and her whole rear was on fire. Her rectum was stretched enormously and her husband’s cock felt like a ramrod stuck up her ass. And then his fingers were toying with her cunt. He shoved a finger up her gaping twat while he rode his cock in and out of her gyrating butt.
It was a slice of heaven and hell for Sally. Her insides were rolling like mad. Her ass was being torn apart, but she loved that part of it, the steady pistoning of her husband’s cock in and out of her rectum. The sharp snap of his stomach hitting her tender asscheeks hurt a little at first, but it complimented the mind-shattering feeling of his cock driving in and out of her pulsating asshole.
And then his fingers plunged into her cunt. She was gasping for air. The excitement in her body was so intense she couldn’t stand it. His cock would grind tight against the slippery channel as if stretching to meet his fingers from the other end. His fingers in her cunt opened and closed, stretching her cunt with the most paralyzing pleasure.
“More… more… more…” Sally groaned. Tears leaked from her eyes, but she wanted even more than she was getting. She wanted to be punished to the fullest extent possible. She wanted to atone for cheating on Hal and fucking her own children…
As if understanding her mood, Hal jerked his cock out of her ass. It left a gaping void and when his fingers left her twat, Sally thought she was going to faint.
Hal went away for a few minutes and then he was back. He was shoving something hard and round in her cunt and Sally whimpered as she moved her hips trying to help him get it in her. Finally it was in and sliding inch by inch up her greasy vagina. It filled her so much she could hardly move.
“What are you doing, Hal?” she asked in a whimper.
Hal walked around and he held his hard cock out for her and she sucked on it and cleaned it until it was shiny. Idly, Hal pumped his pecker in and out of her mouth. “It’s a surprise,” he said. “Just be patient and we’ll get to it…”
Sally’s cunt ached pleasurably around the thing in her hole. “Yes, darling,” she said when he took his cock out of her mouth and walked around behind her again.
She groaned as she felt his thick cock force its way into her asshole. The thing in her twat was so big it threatened to squeeze Hal’s prick out of her other hole. But it didn’t and Sally felt filled to bursting.
“Are you ready, darling?” Hal asked pleasantly.
Sally was so tired and fatigued she just nodded.
And then she heard the sudden whiff of the vacuum cleaner and felt the plastic end in her snatch try to suck her inside out while Hal humped her asshole and she was crying out in the ultimate of ecstasy. She couldn’t move and fire ran through her veins. Hal’s rod pumping in and out of her asshole seemed to fill the void that the vacuum cleaner made in her twat.
Her head dropped and she must have fainted because she came to consciousness again and this time Hal’s pecker was jammed up her twat while he vacuumed her nipples and she whimpered and cried as she felt them drawn to sharp points that ached to be bitten.
And then Hal was fucking her cunt and his fingers were rolling her fully distended clitoris and she was screaming and twitching as she came in one continuous deluge that seemed to have no ending…
When she woke, Sally was in her own bed staring at the ceiling. She was naked but she felt clean, like she had just bathed.
She looked around and everything, was normal. The lamp was on the end table, the vacuum cleaner was nowhere in sight. Her clothes were neatly in the closet as were Hal’s. She wondered if she had dreamed what had happened.
“Well, darling… How are you?”
Hal was wearing his bathrobe when he came into the room. He was smiling and somehow it dashed with the checked red and black material.
“I feel so strange,” Sally said. She tried to move and discovered she was sore all over. Her cunt ached, her asshole felt like it was split in two, her tits were raw. She could hardly move.
“Well, you just stay in bed and get well… for awhile anyway.”
There was something in the way that Hal said that made Sally look at him sharply. “What do you mean, for awhile?”
Hal grinned and opened his bathrobe. He looked down and Sally followed his gaze. His cock was only half hard. It rose half way and then slumped over and pointed at the floor. It was tired.
“I realized I was depriving you, darling,” he said. “You weren’t getting enough cock, so now I’m going to give you as much as you want. I’m going to give you every bit of it.”
Sally moved and groaned. She smiled at Hal. “I’m so glad you understand, darling. I never meant for… for anything to happen. I was just so frustrated. And I… I promise to be a good wife from now on…”
“Oh, look,” Hal said. He stared down at his pecker. “It’s getting hard, isn’t it. At this rate we can fuck again in another hour…”
Sally’s hands roamed under the sheets and touched her body and she almost cried out. She couldn’t do it. If she did, the pain would kill her. She would be torn apart by it.
“I can’t, Hal,” she said. “I’m still too sore to do that…”
“Nonsense!” Hal grinned cheerfully at her. “A girl like you can never get enough, no matter what.” He wiggled his pecker with his fingers and the silky red head nodded agreement.
Sally watched in sick fascination. She couldn’t be sure, but it seemed to her that his cock had gotten longer and harder.
“Well, I’ll see you in a little while, darling.” Hal grinned and covered his cock with his bathrobe and walked out of the bedroom.
Sally was left cowering with fear and anticipation. She couldn’t take it. Her husband’s revenge could kill her, and…
She stopped to think. There had to be a way out of her dilemma. And then she picked up the telephone and dialed…
Hal was in the bedroom taking his bathrobe off when the door chimes sounded downstairs. He looked startled and then pretended not to hear them.
“You’d better put your robe on and answer the door, darling.”
“Hell no,” Hal growled. “They’ll go away, whoever it is. Just let the bell ring…”
Sally smiled sweetly. “I’m afraid not, darling. I told them to ring and ring and ring because I’m upstairs and I can’t hear the bell all the way up here.”
“Them?” Hal stared at her and scowled. “You called the cops?”
“No, darling. I wouldn’t do that. You have the right to punish me all you want.” Sally pulled the sheet off her naked body and let him see that she was still his… Her cunt throbbed excruciatingly and her asshole was so sore it hurt to sit on it. But she smiled at her husband to reassure him of what she was saying.
Hal looked at his wife, then at the bedroom door. Torn by indecision he finally made up his mind and jerked on his bathrobe.
“Take some money for the cab driver,” Sally said. “I promised…”
Hal stared into his wife’s face for a long, puzzled moment. Then he jammed the money into his robe pocket and went downstairs.
Sally lay on the bed and stared up at the ceiling and smiled.
“What the fuck…?” Hal said when he came into the bedroom.
He was trailed by two young blonde girls.
Sally smiled at Brenda and her sister and waved them into the bedroom. Hal was still ranting, but Sally ignored him and winked at the two girls.
They did as she had asked on the telephone. It only took them a moment to shed their clothes and strip down to their sleek, young skins.
Hal’s mouth dropped open and his bathrobe tented up in front as he stared at the two little girls. His eyes roved from the creamy young thighs to the budding breasts. His lips were dry and he licked them nervously.
“Come over here, darling,” Sally said. She beckoned and Brenda sat down on the bed and giggled and then lay back and spread her knees.
“Would you like a taste, Hal?”
Like a man in a dream, Hal bent over the bed and lowered his face to the girl’s sweet, fresh, hairless pussy and began lapping at it with his tongue.
Brenda squealed and wrapped her legs around his head. And then Hal felt the other little girl under his bathrobe, her mouth trapping and holding the end of his widly excited penis.
“Don’t be in a hurry, darling,” Sally seemed to say from a great distance. “I told them that you had enough to fuck both their tight little pussies until they had to walk bow-legged. And you can, can’t you, darling?”
Hal couldn’t even mumble as he felt his tongue slid in that delicate little hole that he knew would take his prick in just a moment. And he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop fucking these sweet little hairless holes until he was spent and his cock was limp as licorice.
He didn’t have to see Sally’s face to know she was smiling…