Man with a Mission – Office FemDom
By: Date: 2024.11.14. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , , ,

Things went from bad to intolerable when corporate decided to combine
two big offices into one small building. A fucking strip-mall
storefront no less. Could you get any tackier than that?

Diane ran the whole show now. And it was driving her mad. The place
was pure chaos. Her employees hated her and why not? She was the boss
from hell. She had to be. That’s what the situation called for.

She had to make sure they were overworked and underpaid or the entire
business would go under. The suits at corporate made sure of that.

She had about a snowball’s chance in hell of getting her bonus, the
bonus her bosses dangled in front of her nose as an incentive for
riding herd on this office, but she knew for a fact she’d be out of
job if she didn’t keep trying.

There was nothing else out there.

Joe sympathized with her. He studied business culture in school and
suggested to Diane that she try to infuse the office with a team
mission. Just lay it out there: either we suck it up and do a great
job under terrible circumstances or go to ruin bitching about it.

Diane’d read whose books too.

“Joe,” Diane said. “To make that work I’d need an office flunky. A
gung ho fool that doesn’t mind doing all the dirty little jobs nobody
else wants and does it smiling. A kind of office mascot. People see
this guy and think he’s out of his mind. They see him try and run
through walls and bounce off and try again. They think he’s nuts.
Sometimes they start thinking maybe he’s on to something. Like maybe
as long as we’re working here anyway, in this crazy fucked up place,
maybe it’d help if we all went at it like crazy.

“But are YOU willing to be that guy? Are you willing to be that
flunky? MY flunky?” she paused. “Y’see that’s the other part. I’m
gonna need to treat you like shit. Take out all my frustrations out on
you. I can’t afford to fire anyone or piss them off so bad that they
quit. So if someone fucks up I gotta blame you. People see me tearing
you a new asshole after you work your tail off for me and then they
don’t feel so bad. They start thinking maybe I’m not picking on them
as bad as they thought. Maybe they even feel sorry for you and try and
help out a little more around here to keep me off your back.

“It might work… ” She mused.

“Sure.” Joe said. “Sure it’ll work.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” Diane countered. “If the heat gets too
much for you you can just split. I don’t need a ‘fair weather’ flunky.
I gotta know you’ll toe the line and go the distance.

“No offense, Joe, but you never struck me as the kind of guy that can
take the kind of abuse I’m talking about. Harassment rules are out the
window. I’m gonna call you a sissy-bitch ass-licker right in front of
everybody. I’m gonna humiliate you so bad in so many ways it’ll make
everyone’s skin crawl.

“Frankly, I don’t think you’re up to it. You’re more of a garden
variety wuss. Too sensitive.”

“I’m up to it.” Joe protested. “I’m your man— er– flunky.”

“You’re gonna have to prove it to me.” Diane said, unconvinced. “Lick
my asshole.”


“You heard me, Bitch! DO IT!”

Joe knelt down behind her as she kicked her heels off. He helped her
out of her pantyhose.

Diane leaned forward across the desk and pulled her cheeks apart for

“Get in there and lick! If you meant even one word you said then lick
me. If you can’t do that then you don’t have what it takes to be my

Joe touched his tongue inside her ass-crack tentatively.

“You call yourself an ass eating flunky? Get to work in there Bitch!”

Joe stuck his face in it and started licking away. Diane let go of her
cheeks and they closed around Joe’s face. He kept it stuck in the rut
and kept on licking.

“Stick it up my ass. Farther! Suck on it Bitch! Eat it like you MEAN

Joe followed his own philosophy. He was in the middle of a shitty job,
he might as well make the most of it and go gung ho.

“Oh yeah, Bitch. Now you’re showing me something. Now you’re earning
your keep. Ohh, slide it around. Ohh, lick me deep. Ohh, eat that ass,
flunky Bitch.

“(Unh) Feel like a hero yet, Joe? (Ughh) Huh? You want to be the
office savior? Oh yeah, punk. Oh yeah, keep eatin’. How else you gonna
be somebody, huh Joe? (Ohh) You’ll be humiliated beyond recognition.
(Ahhh!) And you’ll love it, won’t you Joe? (Oh OH Ahh!)Won’t you,
Bitch? (OOOOh) Won’t you FLUUNK-EEEEE!?””

Diane collapsed against the desk and fell into her chair.

“Fuck, that was good.” Diane said. “What a way to relax the nervous
system, whew. You can put that on your checklist just before turning
out the lights each night: Eat Diane’s Ass. You are sure one fucking
ass-eating flunky. You got your work cut out for you though. I’m gonna
wear you out.

“Speaking of wore out,” Diane said. “You wore ME out. I’m too pooped
to move. And I gotta pee.”

Nobody moved.

“Joe, did you hear me?”

“Oh, sorry.” Joe came over and got into position.

“Open wide, Flunky.” Said Diane as she guided her amber stream into
the waiting mouth of her office boy.

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