Jared and Amanda Naked In School – Part 2
By: Date: 2024.08.13. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

I went home Monday night. Had a nice talk with my parents. They’re all for
The Program, as I explained, but they’re worried about me more than they let
on. They let me talk out some of the things that happened. It was good.

And then I went upstairs and jerked off, and I think it took all of seven
seconds. All, and I mean all I could think about was a naked Amanda kissing

It was strange. Look at all that had happened to me today. I walked around
school naked. Girls were grabbing my dick all day. I got my first blowjob
ever, and from a certified expert. And, still, the most shocking thing that
happened was a little kiss from my long-time crush while she was naked.

I think I dreamed about it that night.

Anyhow, Tuesday dawned, and another day of walking around naked was ahead.

“How are you feeling?” Mom asked me as I came down for breakfast.

“OK, I guess.”

“I guess having Amanda to help you is a good thing,” Mom commented. I had
told her all about the Buddy System last night.

“Yes and no.” Since this whole thing was supposed to bring about openness, I
decided to spill the beans. Before I could, though, my sister Tina, a
senior, walked in. I hadn’t seen her last night, she had been out.

“Hi, little brother. Actually, considering what I heard yesterday, I should
be calling you not-so-little brother.”

“Oh, Jesus,” I groaned. “You heard.”

“I heard, I didn’t see. Pity, that.”

“Jesus, Tina, you’re my sister!”

“I’m just wanting a look, that’s all. I have to see if the stories are

“What are you talking about?” my Mom interjected.

“Apparently, your son is packing some serious heat,” Tina smirked. Mom just
looked blankly at her, so she continued. “The scuttlebutt is that what he’s
got between his legs is very impressive. I do believe I heard the words
‘tree trunk’ and ‘telephone pole’ bandied about.”

“Oh, thanks a lot, Tina,” I grumbled.

“Really?” Mom laughed.

“That’s what I’ve been told,” Tina said. “You know, little brother, there is
that whole outreach thing. You know, where you’re encouraged to go nude
other places? Like, here, perhaps?”

“No way!” I blurted.

“That’s enough, Tina, you’re embarrassing him.”

“Ah, it’s all right,” I said. “But I ain’t getting naked around here unless
she does.”

“Hmm. That might just be worth it,” Tina grinned. “Hey, if it’s big enough
to make Maggie Benson drool…”

“Oh, you heard about that, too, huh?” I asked.

“Yep. Also heard about the Hummer.”

“Oh no.”

“All right, what?” Mom was lost again.

“Maggie Benson-who loves sex, by the way-was so impressed by the size of
Jared’s boner that she volunteered to give him relief in Bio class. She
ended up deep-throating him,” Tina told Mom, to my dismay.

“Tina, did you have to tell her that?”

“Well, this is all about openness, right?” Mom asked. “Jared, don’t be
embarrassed. Did you enjoy it?”

“Yeah,” I admitted. “Maggie is something else.”

“Now, back to what I asked you-having Amanda in the program, is it a help.
You said yes and no.”

I took a deep breath. “OK, openness. Fine. I’m going to spill the beans to
you two.” Took another breath. “I’ve had a crush on Amanda Frazier since
seventh grade.”

“Oh,” Mom said.

“Amanda Frazier’s a phony, Jared,” Tina said. “You can do better than that.”

“A phony?” I asked.

“Yeah. She’s plastic, fake,” Tina maintained. “She flits around being Miss
Perfect, and it’s all an act. Look, I know what she’s about. You don’t
become Miss Popularity by being yourself. She’s all things to all people-and
it’s phony.”

“I see what you mean. Look, I’ve never known her-it’s all been worship from
a distance. But we’re stuck together now. And if she’s being phony, I don’t
think she’s going to be able to maintain it through this.”

“Huh?” Tina asked. She hadn’t heard about the buddy system, and so I
explained it-and that Amanda was my buddy. “Waitaminnit-Amanda Frazier is
walking around buck-naked too? I’m shocked she had the guts. Talk about
baring yourself-if you do it physically, doing it metaphorically is sure to

“That’s what I meant,” I told Tina. “Actually, I think she’s struggling with
this-though she’s not admitting it. But I’ve seen a crack or two in her

“Good, she needs it cracked,” Tina said. “There’s a nice, real, person in
there, from what I’ve seen, struggling to get out.”

“Hey, we all have our armor. Shyness is mine,” I admitted. “Losing myself in
hero-worship for a girl that didn’t even know I existed was another.”

“Good point,” Mom interjected. “She knows you exist now, I’ll bet. But now I
know why having her as your buddy might be a bit difficult. The girl of your
dreams, stark-naked and next to you.”

“Yup, three periods a day, and we ate lunch together yesterday. She was even
there when Maggie gave me the blowjob. And Ms. T has promised up some
adventures in anatomy in Biology-and that means both of us.”

“Maybe now’s the time to tell her how you feel?” Mom said.

“Nope. No way, no how. Not, at least, until I have some clothes on!”

After that interesting exchange, I went to school. I didn’t wear a lot-what
was the point? As I got to the entrance where I had to disrobe, I saw the
crowd had already gathered. I also saw Amanda walking towards me.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi yourself,” I replied. “Ready to go get nekkid?” I teased.

“Sure thing.” We walked towards the entrance. The crowd parted, and

“Hey,” someone shouted, “you guys need any help getting undressed?”

“Yeah, I’ll definitely help!” I recognized Maggie’s voice, and just laughed.

“Hey, I’ve got a better idea,” Maggie continued. “You know what I want to
see? I want to see them undress each other.” There were shouts of agreement
and encouragement all around. “That’d be a great show.”

Oh shit. “Well, I don’t know,” I said.

“Come on, Jared, it’s a reasonable request, you know it is,” Maggie

“She’s right,” Amanda whispered. “OK, we’ll do it. It is a reasonable
request,” she told the crowd. I felt a lump in my throat like you wouldn’t

“Look, relax. It’ll be fine,” she whispered again. “Do you want to undress
me first, or should I go first?”

“Umm, you’d better go first,” I told her.

“My pleasure.” She started with my tee shirt. When that was off, she
crouched down. On the way down, she ran her hand down my stomach, which didn
‘t help my nervousness one bit, let me tell you. Then she reached for the
waistband of my shorts, and down they went. Next, the underpants. They were
quickly gone, I stepped out of them, and Amanda stood up. Smiling at me.
And, oy, she gave my dick a quick squeeze on the way up.

Shit. I should’ve gone first.

Anyhow, the crowd applauded, and I grinned and gave a little bow. Then it
was my turn. And, to make things worse, Amanda hadn’t dressed for simplicity
of shedding garments. Her blouse had a gazillion buttons, and my hands were

She noticed. “Relax. It’s OK.” She smiled at me as I finally got through all
the buttons and slipped her blouse off of her. She was so damn gorgeous, I
couldn’t stand it.

“Do the skirt next. There’s a button on my left hip.” I undid the button,
and slid the skirt down her legs. She stepped out of it. Just in her
underwear, she was breathtaking. She was wearing a frilly pink bra, and her
panties were similarly frilly and pink.

“I’m gonna fuck up the clasps on the bra,” I said. She just laughed. I
motioned for her to spin around, but she shook her head no. She was going to
make me reach around, dammit. When I did, she put her hands on my sides.
Damn damn damn. Somehow, and I don’t know how, I managed to get her bra

I slipped it off, took a big gulp, and went for the panties. Like her, I had
to crouch down. When she stepped out of them, her pussy was at eye-level.

I cannot possibly describe how hard I was at that point. I also noticed,
with no small degree of astonishment, that she was wet. Amazing. She was as
turned on by this as I was. She certainly hid it better. Well, maybe not
completely-as I stood up, I noticed she was blushing. I also noticed
something in her eyes-something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. She
smiled at me, and bowed to the cheering crowd.

The bell rang, to our cheering section’s dismay. “Sorry, time to go,” Amanda
said, and we went into the door. To my utter shock, she grabbed my hand.
Then she leaned into me and whispered, “That was the most sensual thing I’ve
ever done. Thank you.” I couldn’t speak.

We walked to English, our first class, and what an adventure that was. At
one point, she was being fondled by some guy, and I had a girl’s hand around
my dick-and we were still holding hands. I don’t know what was more
thrilling, having my dick being fondled, or holding Amanda’s hand.

Damn, I needed relief. But the only person I wanted to do it was her, and I
couldn’t ask. I just couldn’t.

After all that, English was uneventful. Except she kept grinning at me.

After English, I had gym. I hadn’t had it yesterday, as the gym was being
used. So, this was my first time. We had to use the opposite sex’s locker
room. So, I was on full display in a locker room full of naked girls. They
kept pointing and giggling and reaching out for a quick grab. That’s when I
realized something had happened to me-because I didn’t mind. At all. It was
fun. And when the gym teacher asked me if I needed relief, I said, what the
hell. Melissa Thomas, a girl I knew a little bit, offered to help out.
Without Amanda there in the room, I was able to relax, and Melissa jerked me
off very well. I came all over her hand. Showering after gym was really an
adventure. Three girls jerked me off in the shower.

If anything, at least The Program was giving me some semblance of a sex

The rest of the morning went fine, and then it was time for lunch. Followed
by Biology. And Amanda.

She sat with me at lunch again. “How was your morning?”

“Fine,” I told her.

“You take any relief?” she teased.

“Actually, yes. In gym. After undressing you, and then having an entire
locker room of girls grabbing my weenie, I suppose I needed it.”

She giggled. “I wish they’d change the damn rules so I could get some
relief!” I’m an idiot. I should’ve offered. I could’ve moved over to sit
next to her, done her under the table, and no one would have been the wiser.
But, like I said, I’m an idiot.

I probably would’ve cursed myself for being an idiot all day, except for
what happened next. We chatted about nothing much through lunch, and then we
went to Biology.

That’s where it happened.


I still couldn’t believe what had happened that morning. I can’t describe
how undressing him-and having him undress me-made me feel. What I found out
that, even when you’d been running around naked all day, that having someone
actually undress you was really, really intimate. It made me tingle all
over. And having Jake Rogers stick his finger in my..pussy (see, I can say
it) wasn’t nearly as intimate as having Jared hold my hand while it was

I think I learned something. It was going to take some time to process
exactly what, though.

Anyhow, the morning was fine. I got diddled numerous times and had more
hands on my boobs than I can count, so I wasn’t kidding when I told Jared I
needed relief. I wonder if I asked Ms. T, what she would say. She seemed
receptive to it, yesterday.

Anyhow, we walked into Biology, and there were two chairs set up in the
front of the room. Well, I suppose I should have expected that. As I should
have expected it when Ms. T pointed Jared and I into the two chairs. The
rest of the class filed in, laughing and hooting at the two naked dweebs
sitting in front of the class.

“All right. Now that we’re here, we can begin. Jared, normally I’d ask you
if you need relief, but I’m going to hold off. If you need relief later,
there will be an opportunity.”

Damn, there goes my chance. What opportunity, though, I wondered?

“I’m fine,” Jared was saying. “I got attacked in gym.” Everybody laughed at
that. Hmmm. I had gym next. Maybe I could get some of the boys to give me a
going-over in the shower.

Jesus. What was happening to me?!?!?

Anyhow, I figured I’d better concentrate on what Ms. T was saying, because
it obviously involved me. “This, as you may have guessed, is anatomy. More
particularly, sexual anatomy. Jared and Amanda get to be our guinea pigs.” I
grinned and waved. The mask wasn’t gone, after all.

“I’m going to start with Jared. Obviously, we all know what a penis is.”
Everyone laughed at that. “What we’re going to talk about is how it works.
Jared, do you masturbate?”

“I’m an almost-seventeen-year-old boy, what do you think?” he joked.

“I’ll take that as a yes, then,” Ms T laughed. “What I want you to tell the
class is what you know about your penis, and what makes you feel good.”

“The underside,” he said. “Continuous pressure on the underside, that’s what
feels best. What I think girls might not know, judging from some of them
that have grabbed me today, is that the head is actually over sensitive. An
occasional rub is great, but if you pay too much attention to the head, it

“What about your testicles? Does any attention paid to them help?” Ms T

“Yeah, but it has to be a light touch. Don’t squeeze so hard. One girl in
the halls today grabbed ’em and almost turned me into a soprano.” The class
cracked up at that.

I have to admit, I was fascinated. And Jared was actually dealing with all
of this very easily. Something had happened to him, too.

I was determined to be as cool as he was. It wasn’t as easy, though,
because, as Ms. T pointed out, a girl’s anatomy is more complicated than a
boy’s. I had to spread my legs very wide, which was embarrassing enough.
Then I had to point out my labia-inner and outer-my vagina, and my clitoris.
Yes, it was embarrassing. All the boys took a nice good long look. Jared did
too, the fink!

“Now, do you masturbate, Amanda?”

“Sometimes,” I admitted. Last night, for one, furiously, though I didn’t say
that out loud!

“Where are your most pleasurable places?”

“Well, inside my inner labia, in between my vagina and my.er..clit. That’s
more sensitive than you’d realize. Right at the entrance to my vagina, that’
s very sensitive. Oh, and there’s a place inside, towards the front of my

“That’s your G-spot. Now, what about your clitoris?”

“That’s the most sensitive, but it’s kind of like what Jared was saying
about the head of his.er.penis. It’s almost too sensitive, especially at the
beginning. I have to work my way up to that. Once I’m, you know, into it, it
‘s the best place.”

“Great,” Ms T said. Great for her, she didn’t have to describe her
masturbatory technique to a bunch of classmates! “Now that we know what
feels good, the next step is a demonstration.”

A demonstration?!?!?

“First of all, this does not constitute a reasonable request. Both or either
of you are welcome to refuse. Jared, have you ever masturbated a girl?”

“Uh, no,” he stammered out. I got the same question, about a boy, of course.
I also answered no, which was the truth. And I knew what was coming next.
Oh, shit.

I was right. “What I’m going to ask you to do is masturbate each other, to
orgasm. I trust you were both listening to what the other one said.” We both
nodded. “So, you know what pleases the other one-and you can discover more
of that once you get started. Now, as I said, this is not mandatory, you can
refuse, and I don’t want anyone else in the class to say a word. This is up
to you.”

‘Sure, why not?” Damn that façade of mine, it answered before the sane part
of me could shut it up. Well, I suppose I really couldn’t say no. Plus, I
did say I wanted relief, right? I just hope I didn’t screw up doing him.

“You’re really OK with this?” he whispered.

Him, I told the truth. “No, I’m scared to death,” I whispered back, “but I
don’t think we can get out of this. Really. It’ll be OK.”

“OK. Fine. I’ll do it,” he said out loud. Ms T had us maneuver our chairs so
that they were facing one another. My legs were spread, and our knees were
almost touching.

“One thing Amanda didn’t mention, Jared, is that girls are slower to heat
up. Attention to the breasts usually helps with that.”

“Uh, OK,” he stammered and, bless him, he reached out for my boobs, and
started fondling them and rubbing my nipples. It felt great, I have to
admit. “Is this OK?” he asked.

“Yeah, but they don’t break, so you don’t have to be so careful,” I said,
grinning at him. He took the hint and applied a bit more pressure. It felt
even better.

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound-so I reached out underneath his arms
and grabbed his..dick. See, I can say that, too. I grabbed for his dick and
started moving my hand up and down with it. “OK?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he grunted with a grin,” just be careful. That does break.” I
giggled at that. “That wet spot at the head is precum, if you spread that
around, it’s easier.” I did so.

As I did, his right hand moved down. And, the dear boy, he had been paying
attention-his first move was a long swipe with his finger from my entrance
up to my clit. I shuddered, I know I did.

That’s when I looked up-I had been looking down, at what I was doing, but I
looked up then. I realized he was looking at me, and our eyes locked.

It was right then that the class disappeared. I stopped noticing that anyone
else was in the room, except Jared and me. Our eyes were locked on each
other’s. I stared deep into him as he diddled me, and his dick in my hand
just felt right, I don’t know any other way to describe it. And him? Jesus.
He slipped a finger in me, and I jumped. He let it slide in and out slowly,
deliberately, and I started panting. He then spread my wetness all up and
down-and, when he got it spread out nicely, he flicked my clit.

I squealed. He kept it up, and I know I kept squealing. I could not believe
how good this felt. Meanwhile, I was, believe it or not, concentrating on
what I was doing to him, and I could tell he was getting close. His eyes
were black as they stared into mine, and he was breathing as heavily as I
was. His hand dropped off my boob-damn-and the other one stopped moving so
quickly, so I stroked him a little harder. He gave me a little sign, letting
me know he was close, and I nodded. That’s when he came, in a torrent. Since
I had his dick pointing slightly upward when it happened, he came all over
my boobs.

And I thought letting him undress me was intimate!

The look in his eyes when he finished was one of complete adoration. That
scared me, I’ll admit. What really scared me was I think I was giving him
the same look. Especially, after he caught his breath, when he increased his
attention on me. His hand was everywhere. And then he did something I’ll
never forget-he brought his other hand back up to my boob. Which was covered
with his cum. It was sticky, and warm, and intimate beyond all describing.
That, combined to the delicious things he was doing to my pussy, and
combined with the look in his eye-well, I didn’t take much more of that. I
went off like a rocket.

And I shattered. I completely shattered. All the protection I run, all the
walls, all the masks, the grand façade-they just went. I don’t know who
else realized it-but Jared realized it completely, I have no doubt of that.
I was wide open to him, and he knew it. As I came down, I was overwhelmed. I
flopped forward and rested my head on his shoulder-away from the class, so
nobody else could see-and I cried, just a little bit. Everyone else just
thought I was exhausted from cumming, and I was-but Jared knew. He knew
everything. He rubbed my back and whispered “It’s OK,” in my ear as I
desperately tried to stop crying. When I finally did, I straightened up and
put the mask back on, flashing a big grin to the rest of the class. It
worked. They had all been silent, but, when I did that, they all started
cheering and whooping.

“You guys can go back to your seats,” Ms T said, softly. We managed to
stagger back there. Maggie was giving me little cheers-little did she know.
Ms T cleared her throat, looking rather uncomfortable for some reason, and
spoke again. “There’s something you guys need to know. Sex is a lot of
things. If the two people involved are willing, and open-minded, and willing
to trust each other, it’s always fun. However, I have to tell you, very
rarely is it that intense. Just so you know.”

Jared and I looked at each other in complete disbelief. “Now, one thing that
‘s important is communication,” Ms. T was continuing. “You saw some verbal
communication between them, at the beginning. But it doesn’t have to always
be verbal. Some of the best communication during sex is done with the eyes.
Jared and Amanda did that, all the way through.”

She was right, I realized. Was that why it was so intense? She went on for
the rest of the class period-thankfully, in generalities, not about the
floor show-but, when the bell rang, she asked us to stay a minute.

“I need to apologize,” she started, clearly uncomfortable. “I didn’t mean to
put the two of you through that. I’ve done this for years-my old school has
been running The Program for almost as long as Central High-and I’ve never
seen anything that intense. That should have been private. I am sorry.”

“It’s OK, really,” I tried to reassure her.

“Yeah, I didn’t mind,” Jared agreed. “But, Ms T, you’re the sex expert here.
Why was it that intense? Am I that good?” he asked with a laugh.

“Yes,” I giggled.

“You may very well be that good,” Ms T smiled, “but, in my experience, the
intensity of a sexual experience isn’t dependent on the how, or the what. It
‘s the who.”

The who. It was intense because of who I was with, that’s what she was
saying. Oh jeez.

I was not prepared to deal with that. I looked at Ms T in horror, then
looked at Jared, equally in horror. And then I did something I’m not very
proud of.

I ran out of the room, full-speed.

I sleepwalked through my next two classes, including my first taste of the
boys’ locker room in gym. I had more hands on my body that I thought could
fit, and I barely noticed. By the time I got out of my second-to-last class
and headed to History-and Jared-I was ashamed of myself. I was afraid he was
going to think the problem was him. It wasn’t. The problem was me. So, when
I sat myself down next to him in history, and he shot me a questioning look,
I made sure I gave him a big smile. And not an Amanda’s Mask smile, either.
This one was genuine. He smiled back. Thank goodness.

But I was still ashamed of myself. So, when we headed out to the
entrance-him to get dressed, me to get my clothes-I asked him a favor.

“Jared, don’t get dressed here, OK?”


“Walk me to the football field, the way you are. Then you can get dressed.
Please?” He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his clothes, and we walked.
There’s a bit of woods between the school and the field-that’s what we were
walking through. It was the long way around to the field, but it led to the
road in back of campus that Jared took to get home. Plus, it afforded us a
degree of privacy-all the rest of the cheerleaders and the football players
took the direct route.

He spoke first. “What Ms. T said after class bothered you.”

Fuck the masks, I told myself. Be honest. For once in your miserable life.
“No, Jared, it didn’t bother me, per se. What it did, is, it scared the shit
out of me. I need time to deal with this, OK?”

“Of course,” he said. “You’re not the only one. And you’re not the only one
who’s scared shitless, if that helps any.”

“It does.” I stopped walking, and turned to face him. “I wanted you out
here, like this, because I want-no, I need-to do this for you.” And then I
kissed him. Not like yesterday. Not a little light kiss. I wrapped my arms
around his neck, and leaned into this one. After he got over his shock, his
arms wrapped around my waist. God, it felt good.

When I broke the kiss-and I was a good long one-I looked up at him and said,
“Thank you. For today. It was.amazing.” He was in shock! I gave him another
little kiss and said, “I have to go. See you tomorrow.” And I took off.

Thank goodness for cheerleading. Despite the Bouncing Boobies problem, at
least I didn’t have to think about sex for an hour!


If you’ve ever heard of anyone walking in a complete daze-well, that was me,
walking home.

Hell, I almost forgot to put my clothes on.


After I remembered that, I did walk home in a daze. I’m surprised I knew the
way. I had a lot to think about.

Look, I know Ms T’s talking about “the who” applied to me. This was my
crush, right? The first girl I ever masturbate to orgasm is Amanda. Yes, I
know it meant more to me because it was her. Didn’t surprise me at all. What
surprised me is how she reacted. Cool, calm, unflappable Amanda cried on my
shoulder. I was stunned.

It made me think of what Tina had said that morning-about Amanda being a
phony. I knew, deep in my heart, that there was nothing phony in that little
crying jag, that there was nothing phony in what I saw in her eyes while I
was doing here. For that matter, there was nothing phony in that kiss I had
just gotten. And, man, what a kiss!

So, what I guessed was, that Amanda was confused. She felt it, I know she
did. So, she was confused. The big question to me was how she was going to
resolve that confusion. It had me on pins and needles. The other question
was, what should I do? Was it time for True Confessions? I didn’t know if
that would help or hurt.

This was all running through my mind as I stumbled in the door. Tina was
already there. She drove back and forth to school. I was welcome to join
her-in fact, we had shared the car since I got my license at the beginning
of the summer-but I liked walking. But, since she drove, she always beat me

“Hiya, little brother!” She was in the kitchen. She offered me a coke, which
I gratefully accepted. “Damn, you’re dressed! I keep trying to get a glimpse
of The Legendary Penis, but we don’t have any classes close by.”

“Tina, you’re shameless,” I laughed.

“How’d your day go?”

“Very complicated,” I told her, “but I’ll save that story for when Mom and
Dad get home. Don’t want to go through it twice.”

“Sure. Are you getting more comfortable with it?”

“The nudity? Yeah, actually, I am. It’s some of the peripherals that are
giving me a problem.”

“I see you’re still not comfortable enough to shed the duds at home,

She was teasing. I knew it. Look, I like my sister, a lot. We’ve managed to
escape a lot of the sibling rivalry bullshit. We’re closer than most
siblings I know, especially considering we’re only a year apart in age. So,
I thought, what the fuck. I stripped off my shirt and dropped my drawers.
“There. Happy now?” I stuck my tongue out at her. Because of that naked kiss
with Amanda, I was still hard, so she got an eyeful.

“Oh my Christ!” she gasped. “The stories were not an exaggeration. Little
brother, that is a monster! Shit, why do we have to be related???”

“Tina, you’re something else.”

” I am something else? Look at you! I’m completely flabbergasted.” I just
grinned, walked around her, and grabbed some cookies. “You gonna stay like

“Why not? You’ll enjoy yourself, I’m sure.”

“I don’t know about that. I might have to excuse myself and go up with my
favorite dildo if I stare at that long enough.” I almost choked on the
cookie. “You’re surprised, little brother? Heck, there’s only one virgin in
this room, and it ain’t me. Assuming, of course, you still are.”

“Yeah,” I confirmed.

“That’s a pity.” She giggled, then got serious. “You know, I haven’t said
this, but I think what you’re doing is really brave. And doing it here, even
with all my teasing is particularly brave.” She stared at me. “And, you
know, one good turn deserves another.” Then she shocked me. Before I could
blink, she was as naked as I am.

“So, what do you think?” she smirked.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” I gulped. “And you are one hot
customer, Sis.” I looked between her legs. “And look at that, you are a
natural blonde!”


“How long are we keeping this up?” I asked.

“I think we should stay this way until Mom and Dad get home. Freak ’em out.”

“That would be cool, but, damn, the temptation,” I laughed. “Tina, you’re a
complete babe.”

“And you’re a complete stud,” she laughed.

“Thanks, Tina.” She smirked, and reached out and squeezed my dick! “Tina!
You’re shameless!”

“That I am, big little brother. Don’t worry, though. I ain’t gonna besmirch
your honor, or anything.” She started upstairs. “I got some things to do in
my room, I’ll be back down in a while, we have to cook dinner.”

“OK.” She was going upstairs to play with herself, I just knew it. OK, that
was flattering. I knew there were rumors about Tina, that basically she was
the Maggie Benson of the senior class. I didn’t pay much attention to
them-she is my sister-but I know that her friends call her E.T., which she
once told me stood for “Easy Tina”. And she took one look at me and had to
go diddle herself. Yikes.

Not that I was any better after seeing her nude, mind you. I went down to my
room-which was in the basement-and I wasn’t watching TV down there, I can
tell you that.

We met in the kitchen after a while, and started in on supper. Nude. She
kept goosing me. I tried to keep a bit of decorum, but did grab her boob
once. We were like this when Mom and Dad came home.

“What have we here?” Mom asked. “A little outreach?”

“Yeah, I talked him into it,” Tina told them. “So I felt honor bound to join

“That’s fine,” Mom said. She looked at me. “Tina heard right, didn’t she?
You are a big boy.” Then she winked at me-I was blushing furiously-and she
and Dad went upstairs to change out of their work duds.

When they came back down, I was stunned-they were as naked as Tina and I!

“All in the family, right?” Dad said.

“Yeah, we decided it would be fun.” Mom added. “A little loosening up would
do us all some good.”

We sat down to supper that way.

“So, is the program going any easier?” Mom asked.

“Some,” I told her. “Today was an interesting day.”

“Couldn’t have been that interesting,” Tina interjected. “I mean, he told me
earlier he was still a virgin. I would’ve thought somebody would have
pounced on that big boy by now.” She grinned at me. “In fact, I’ve got a
couple friends who I know would love to partake.”

“Sorry. My first time is reserved for Amanda.”

“Oh, jeez,” Tina said.

“Especially after what happened today.” Tina looked up with interest at
that, and Mom asked, “What happened today, Jared?” So I told them, the whole

When I was done, Tina looked up at me, wide-eyed. “You got to her. You
absolutely got to her, little brother.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “but it also scared the shit out of her. How she’s going
to deal with this is the big honkin’ variable.”

“You’re sure this wasn’t an act,” Tina said.

“Shit, Sis, how many times have you ever completely broke down and cried on
a guy’s shoulder after getting fingered by him?”

“Never. Good point,” she agreed. Then she looked at me. “Little brother, it’
s time to tell her how you feel.”

“Oh, I dunno about that.”

“I think she’s right,” Dad piped up. “She might think it’s just her.”

“That’s a point I hadn’t thought of,” I admitted. “I’ll have to think about

“Well, I’m amazed you’re even thinking about it,” Mom said. “I’m also amazed
you did what you did today. With Amanda, and walking around here nude in
front of us. You’re opening up, Jared. It’s only been two days, and you’re
opening up in ways I didn’t even dream of.” She smiled at me. “I worry about
you, honey. We’re living in an open, sexual world now, and you seemed so

“I was. But I was more lovesick than repressed.”

“What if she rebuffs you?” Tina asked. “What will you do?”

“Get over it. It’ll hurt, but I’ll get over it. I don’t plan to be repressed
any more.”

“Good for you!” Dad said enthusiastically.

We finished supper, and I did my homework-in the nude. Tina came downstairs
and gave me a squeeze goodnight, which just made me laugh. When I went to
bed that night, I felt very strange-but I felt good, too. Better than I had
in a long time.

But I didn’t know what was going to happen tomorrow, and that worried me.


I got done with cheerleading, got dressed, and made my way home. And all the
doubts and the questions and the agonizing creeped back in.

I got home and went upstairs. I’ll admit it, I locked the door to my room
and masturbated. For quite a long time. Mom, thank goodness, stayed
downstairs, until she called me down to supper.

I ate, not saying much. After supper, I made a decision. I needed to talk to
somebody, and there was really only one choice. I went to Daddy’s office,
knocked on the door, and asked if I could talk to him.

“Of course, Punkin, what’s on your mind?”

“I need to tell you what happened to me today, because I need your advice.
This might shock you some, though.”

“I can take it,” he grinned. “Lay it on me.” So, I did. The whole day, from
beginning to end.

To his credit, he was only mildly shocked. “I’m a bit worried about you
having your first real sexual experience in front of an entire class,

“That’s not what bothered me. What bothered me was how I felt.” I took a
deep breath. “Daddy, how do you tell the difference between lust
and.something more?”

“That is not an easy question, Punkin,” he said. “You can’t figure out if
you’re just in lust with Jared, or if it’s something more than that.”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “It’s so confusing. Besides what happened in Biology,
do you know what was the most exhilarating thing that happened to me today?
Him undressing me before school. And next would be the kiss I gave him after
school. I’ve had more guys than I can count all over me today-and I get more
of a thrill from a kiss. A naked kiss, granted, but a kiss nonetheless. I’d
rather have him kiss me than have any other guy fooling around with my..you
know.” Yeah, I could say it, but not to my Daddy! “But having him fool
around with my.you know.was almost more than I could bear.”

“You’re still a virgin, right?” Daddy asked me. I confirmed it. “Could you
picture losing your virginity to Jared?”

“Just about constantly.” I admitted with a giggle.

“Fine. Could you picture losing your virginity to anybody else?”

I thought about it, and then gave him an honest answer. “No.”

“That’s part of your answer, then. These two days have awoken you sexually,
I realize that-and, quite honestly, I’m glad.”

“I’m glad you’re glad. Because Mom’s going to freak.”

“Don’t worry about your mother, this conversation is between you and I and
these four walls,” he assured me. “Anyhow, was I was saying, you’ve been
awakened. I expected that. However, if it was just general lust, I wouldn’t
expect you to care who you were with.”

“Hmm. Good point,” I agreed.

“And didn’t you tell me that you’ve enjoyed Jared’s company this week, at
lunch and stuff? Just talking, even though both of you were naked?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I have. He’s easy to talk to, he’s kind, he’s smart, funny.”

“Right. Here’s my guess. My guess is you really like this guy. Now, my guess
is that you also have the hots for him, and the two things are
intertwined-but that doesn’t mean they’re the same.” He smiled at me. “Trust
me on this one, baby-sex with someone you have feelings for is the best sex
there is. And there’s no shame in admitting that. Love between a boy and a
girl doesn’t have to be pure, innocent, romance. Sex creeps in. That’s
perfectly natural. Especially in the position you and Jared are in right
now-if you like him, I would expect sex to creep in.”

“Thanks, Daddy. You’re the best.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, how does Jared feel about you?”

“I don’t know.” I frowned. “He mentioned, at one point, a crush-a long-time
crush, but nothing’s ever come of it. I don’t know how he feels about it
now. I know one thing, though-I wasn’t the only one feeling something
intense in Bio class.”

“That’s good, but you need to know.”

“You’re right. I do.” I stood up, walked over to him, and kissed him on the
cheek. “Thanks so much, Daddy. It helped, a lot.”

“Good. Anything for my Punkin.”

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