Busty bbw fucking
By: Date: 2022.07.26. Categories: Sex Stories Tags: , , , ,

The skinny girl, the one with the bony hips and the tits that
looked like they got stuck on afterwards with modeling clay,
just read you a list of your faults – I mean, like a list
written on one of those long sheets of yellow paper with the
blue and red lines for Pete’s sake – and you tell her to go to
hell, as politely as possible.

And as you walk down her stairway and out her front walk and
start up your car, you realize that the big girl you met at
your old friend Fred’s the other night, the one with the
incredible green eyes and the big bouncy boobs and the little
green shoes that looked like slippers, has been walking around
in your brain, and now and then one of those little green shoes
twangs the nerve that runs from your head to your dick. Laurie.
Like a damn fool you didn’t get her phone number.

On the way home you drop by Fred’s place. Fred looks like a
large bear. His house looks like where you’d expect a large
bear to live. Stringy furniture. Not very much light. Books
everywhere. Longnecks empty of home brew. Peanut shells on the
floor (or are they acorn hulls?) Fred must have one of every
computer Apple ever made. He does something with cars and
computers for a living. You and Fred pop a couple of home
brews. They say PHREDZ BIG BEAR BRAU in sort of fake German
leters, done with a computer. You never forget your first
Phredz. If you survive it, anyhow.

“Yeah, Laurie’s something else. Teaches high school. Phone
number.” He does something with a computer and her name and
address and phone number eventually pop up on a screen. While
the computer disks whir, your mind wanders back to Fred’s party
the other night. Fred loves to roll back the peanut shells and
turn on the old time rock and roll. You boogied with Laurie and
watched her feet move in those little green shoes that looked
like slippers. She wore a soft purple sweater and when her huge
boobs bounced to the music her big nipples showed right through
her bra and poked the backs of your hands. The skinny girl

The backs of your hands are still burning. The computer prints
out Laurie’s address and phone number. You gulp down the rest
of the longneck. You go home and call Laurie. You feel like a
high school kid. Even her voice has big boobs. Sure she’d like
to have dinner at your place tomorrow evening. Her voice
bounces “bye” and you put the phone down not quite believing
it. You’ve got a date with Laurie. You fall into bed worn out.
Suddenly your dick’s as hard as the nozzle on a fire hose. You
think about those crazy nipples on the backs of your hands and
you cry out “Laurie, Laurie, Laurie” when you cum. That’s all
you remember.

The next day after work you pick up a couple of steaks and go
home and vacuum a little and throw away the newspapers and take
a shower and do all the other shit you do when you’re having a
girl over to dinner.

Phredz doesn’t seem to quite set the mood you want, so you open
a bottle of red wine to go with the steaks At 6:30 the doorbell
rings and there’s Laurie. Her big smile and those incredible
green eyes seem to light up your whole apartment, but what you
notice most is her cleavage peeking out of a scoop-neck white
blouse. She looks at where you’re looking and you see her
blush a little. Her big ass bulges under her purple skirt. You
stumble out “Hi! C’mon in” and she walks into your apartment,
her big eyes bright. You talk about a lot of things while you
grill the steaks and get dinner on the table, about her school
and how much she cares about the kids. You can’t take your eyes
off her, her big laughing green eyes, her huge boobs riding up
when she lifts her fork. She’s fun to talk to.

As for dinner, you could be eating oatmeal for all you notice.
Maybe she feels the same way. After dinner you put some music
on the stereo and sit down on the couch and talk some more. You
feel her big butt move closer to you on the couch and you know
what to do. You fold your arms around her and kiss those big
luscious lips. Her tongue is soft and just a little bit rough.
She smells like a girl. You touch the bare tops of her breasts
and she gently pushes your hand away. You hold her and kiss her
a little while longer and then tell her you want to make love
with her and gently guide her to your bedroom.

You turn on the lamp by your bed, and she turns it off again.
“I’m just not ready for you to look at me yet. Not tonight.
Maybe sometime.” In the dark, you both slip out of your
clothes. You open several snaps on her bra and her huge boobs
flop out into your hands and both of you fall onto your
waterbed together. You kiss her mouth again and then your lips
move to one of her luscious nipples. It fills your mouth all
warm and nubbiny.

One hand moves down over her back and over the shelf-like top
of her enormous butt. Your other hand glides over the gentle
curve of her tummy, to her big hairy pussy-mound. She presses
even closer to you as you kiss her mouth again. Your finger
gently spreads her fat pussy lips, wet and luscious. Buried
deep inside them you find her clit, hard and nubby in the soft
fat cunt lips. Your fingers gently close around its protruding
tip, then your middle finger slides down to rub it. She moves
her big butt gently in your hand. Her huge boobs press against
you. “You’re so lovely, Laurie. I wish I could see all of you,”
you whisper. “Soon”, she murmurs. “Put your dick in my pussy
now. Don’t cum inside me tonight, I’m not ready.”

Your cock’s hard as a poker. You mount her big body, slipping
one hand under her luscious butt while your other hand guides
your cock tip through the enormous cunt lips, all flooded now
with warm wet pussy juice. Your first fuck thrust gives her all
you’ve got, and she moves that big butt to meet it. Her big
body blends into the water bed mattress, until it feels like
you’re fucking a whole world of big luscious woman. Her
enormous boobs push against your chest. She murmurs “Suck my
titties” and you pick up a fat flopper and take its hard nipple
into your mouth. She mvoes her butt even more and starts making
cumming noises. You keep up the fuck thrusts and she keeps
cumming. Her tight pussy squeezes and sucks at your dick, and
you know that your dick isn’t going to take no for an answer
for very much longer.

“Let me suck you off now,” she says, and you slip out. Somehow
she rearranges herself so your hands can reach her boobs, and
she daintily opens her mouth around your love banana. She knows
right where the tip of her tongue will do the most good, and
you know there’s no more holding back. You cry out “Oh Laurie,
Laurie, Laurie” and pour out your salty fuck juice onto her
teasing tongue. She keeps on teasing as she sucks out every
drop. You embrace her and hold her big body close, totally
exhausted, folding her into your arms, sandwiching your body in
between her soft warm body and the soft warm water bed. You
just want to lie like that and sleep with her forever.

She breaks the spell. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got an awful day
tomorrow. I’ve just gotta get home and get some sleep. You
just sleep. Call me tomorrow.” You hold her and kiss her once
more and then she’s gone. Laurie.

Somehow you get through the next day. Your head’s spinning
around those enormous boobs. As soon as you know she’s home
from school you call her. There’s that incredible warm voice.
“T.G.I.F.,” she chuckles. “Let’s meet at the flea market
tomorrow. I’m looking for a toaster oven. Meet me around 9
where that old Chicano man sells vegetables. You know Isidro.”
The Spanish name rolls off her sweet tongue.

It’s already hot and dusty at the flea market when you get
there. You check out Sam who sells old books and magazines. You
buy a couple of old numbers of one of those magazines about
really BIG girls he’s put aside for you, but this morning Mary
Waters does about as much for you as Meryl Streep. The flea
market is the best place in town to go look at girls,
particularly big girls, but this morning there’s only one girl
you want to look at. You head for the cool north corner where
they sell fruit and vegetables. and that’s where you find
Laurie, chattering away in Spanish with the old vegetable man.

When you see Laurie, you about drop what you’re carrying, and
your teeth as well. All she’s wearing up top is a pale
lavender cotton T-shirt with “Perfection” in a slanting script
across the front. She’s the biggest girl you’ve ever seen go

The T-shirt is almost horizontal above her huge boobs, and then
hangs vertical from her erect nipples, forgetting to go back
and wrap around her waist like you’d think a respectable T-
shirt would want to do. Her dark areolae show through the T-
shirt, even their little nubbiny bumps visible through the thin
fabric. Below, she’s wearing cut-off blue jeans, with a faded
designer label from one of those places that makes blue jeans
that fit women with BIG asses. Laurie’s ass doesn’t quite fit
the cut, but bulges out below the raveled edge of the blue
jeans to reveal its edge next to her big soft thigh. She
chuckles “Hi” and gives you a big hug.

Old Isidro is lucky he isn’t killed by a flying zipper. You
see him chuckle too, his old eyes crinkling. “Isidro’s got the
first Texas canteloupes of the season,” she tells you as you
snuggle into her enormous melons. “I’ve known Isidro for
years. His father and my grandmother went to school together
on el West Side.” You look a little puzzled. “My
grandmother’s an old Canary Islander from San Antonio. That’s
where I get my big green eyes.” You ask her where she gets her
Texas canteloupes and she chuckles “from Isidro” and keeps
laughing until her huge boobs jiggle in the glaring sun. You
think you may just quietly go crazy.

You take her hand and start walking along one of the dusty
paths between the tables and tailgates. You let a fingertip
trace the path between the edge of her butt and the edge of her
thigh and she murmurs “mmmm”.

She sees a high school age kid and yells “Hi, Jimmy!”

“Hey, Miss Laurie, look what I found.” He shows her a worn old
book. She leafs through it and finds a poem.

“They flee from me that sometime did me seek.” The 400 year old
words come to life in her soft dark voice. You can see that
Jimmy’s looking at her nipples. You see his dick bulge in his
shorts. As she reads, first she looks at Jimmy, but now you can
see her looking at you.

“When her loose gown from her shoulders did fall And she me
caught in her arms long and small Therefore all sweetly did me
kiss And softly said, Dear heart, how like you this?” Her big
green eyes meet yours. You like it a lot, is how you like it.

“Jimmy’s one of my real successes. When he started in my
English class,
he could just about read at sixth grade level. Now he’s
reading everything he can get his hands on.”

“I’ll bet he never took his eyes off your big boobs the whole

“He never took his eyes off the book.” She tries to look very
proper, and
almost succeeds. “C’mon, I’ve gotta get this lettuce home.
Follow me in your car. I’m parked back of Isidro’s place.” She
gives your hand a quick squeeze.

You follow her to her little white house. The sun’s bright.
Spring flowers bloom in the flower beds. The lawn needs mowing.

You walk behind her into the house and into the kitchen,
enchanted by her huge butt. She stows the vegetables in the
refrigerator. As she turns around, you gather her into your
arms for a long kiss on her luscious mouth. Then you do what
you were aching to do at the flea market, lift up that T-shirt,
take one of her huge breasts in both hands, and start sucking.
She holds you tight in her cool heavy arms. Her skin is sweaty
and a little bit gritty from the dust of the flea market.
You’re crazy to fuck her. You can tell by the way she moves her
hips against you that she’s crazy to fuck too. You both move
off to the bedroom. Sunlight streams through the windows onto
the floral-print bedspread. You slip the T-shirt over her head,
and she gets out of the cut-off blue jeans and you both land on
the queen-size bed.

You just can’t believe how big her boobs are. They make Texas
canteloupes look like, well, like skinny girls. Your fingertips
graze over pale white stretch marks, smooth and fibrous as some
exotic leather, that begin just below her neck and reach down
almost to her areolae. Her nipples are dark, hard, almost half
an inch tall. You take one of them in your mouth, trying to
suck in the pale brown areola, but your mouth can’t take it all
in, so you let your fingertips caress its smooth, slightly
bumpy edge. With both hands you try to hold the huge udder to
your mouth, but they don’t begin to reach around it. You let go
with one hand to try to hold the other breast, your fingertips
closing around the erect nipple. She makes yumming noises.

After a while your hand slips down her smooth, slightly bulging
tummy to the soft hairy pussy-mound. You caress it until your
finger slips into the soft smooth pussy lips, thicker and
fatter than you ever dreamed pussy lips could be. Your
fingertips meet around the bulging clit, then your middle
finger starts to run along its shaft. You keep sucking the huge
luscious nipple. You’d like to move to the other boob but it’s
all just too big. “Eat me,” she murmurs.

You go down on her and spread her huge soft thighs. Sunlight
streams onto her luscious pussy as you spread it with your
hands. You see her inner pussy lips, like soft fleshy pink rose
petals, as your tongue meets the protruding clit tip between
them and your lips meet around it. Your hands reach up to grasp
her swollen breasts. “Eat me deep,” she gasps, and you plunge
your tongue deep along the shaft of her big clit. “Put your
fingers inside me.” You put two fingers inside her flowing
pussy. She starts to move deep inside, incredibly tight around
your fingers. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” she screams, moving
tighter and faster. “Fuck me now! Fuck me NOW!”

You climb on top of her big body and drive your cock all the
way in with one huge fuck thrust. Her cunt grips your cock so
tight it almost hurts. She moves her enormous butt in time with
your fuck thrusts and screams “fuck me! Oh, fuck me!” Her
nails claw your back as she cums once more, then relaxes.

“I wanna be on top now.” You slip out of her and roll over on
your back, your cock still rock-hard, and she sits down on your
hips and fucks herself down onto your cock. She leans forward
so her long brown hair falls over your face like a curtain that
hides both of you from the whole outside world. Her mammoth
mammaries, swollen still bigger with her crazy lust, hang into
your waiting hands. She starts to move that wonderful butt of
hers up and down. You start sucking one of her big nipples and
she cums again, bucking and pitching. Finally you can’t stand
it any longer.

“I’m gonna turn you over and fuck your fat cunt again and cum
inside you.”

“Oh yeah, I wanna cum when you do.” Once again you get on top
and start to move. You cry out “Oh Laurie, Laurie, Laurie” as
your boiling hot fuck juice pours out inside her. She keeps
moving her big butt and screams. You collapse onto her, and
both of you lie motionless and exhausted for long minutes.
Finally you roll off and take her in your arms and you both

When you wake up, her lovely round face is beside you on the
pillow, her enormous boobs pressing against your chest. All you
feel like saying is “Laurie, you’re so lovely, you’re so big,
you’re so wonderful.”

“You were so good to me with your big loving cock.”

“You’re so lovely. Why wouldn’t you let me look at you naked

“I’m always afraid the first time. Guys have given me so much
aboutIabout how fat I am, what a pretty face I have and how
pretty I’d be if I weren’t so fat. One guy even said I needed a
boob job.” Tears begin to well up in her eyes.

“I can’t believe it. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever
seen.” You aren’t bullshitting her when you say it. “What made
you decide to trust me?”

“At the flea market, when you ran your fingertip along the
bottom of my butt. I figured any guy who’d do that in the flea
market must be turned on by me just like I am.”

You tell her you’ve been hurt too. You tell her about the
skinny girl and the list of your faults. The tears are gone as
she about rolls off the bed laughing. “I know who you’re
talking about. I’ve heard that same story about her from two of
my girl friends. That’s what you get for running around with
skinny girls.” The way she drags out the word skinny, it sounds
like something nice people don’t do.

She slips out of bed and goes to the refrigerator for a couple
of beers. You swallow the insipid supermarket brew and make a
mental note to bring her a six pack of Phredz. She slips on a
terry cloth bathrobe – purple of course – that doesn’t begin to
come to terms with her enormous cleavage. You sit down together
on the couch. On the end table there’s a picture of a young
guy, a Green Beret. He has the same round face and bright green
eyes Laurie does. “My kid brother,” she explains. “He’s off
somewhere in Central America.” She looks thoughtful. “My
brothers and I, we’ve all got minds of our own.”

Two thoughts run through what’s left of your brain.

You’d kick every Communist ass in El Ropo with that guy.

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